Read the Vedas online. Revival of the Slavic-Aryan Vedic Culture

Slavic-Aryan Vedas

Santi Vedas of Perun


Circle First

Santia 1

Santia 2

Santia 3

Santia 4

Santia 5

Santia 6

Santia 7

Santia 8

Santia 9

Haratii of Light

Haratya First. Start

Haratya Second. Birth

Haratya the Third. Great Assa

Haratya Fourth. The Order of the Worlds

White Path

Word of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudra


Word of Wisdom of Prophetic Oleg

Life source

Message First

Message Two

Message Three

Ancient world of images

Slavic-Aryan Vedas

Santi Vedas of Perun

Publication of the Old Russian Inglistic Church

Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings.

Asgard Iriysky (Omsk)

Summer 7500 from S.M.Z.H.


The Santi Vedas of Perun (Book of Wisdom of Perun) is one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan Sacred Traditions, preserved by the Guardian Priests of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings.

Santii in the original can only be called a Book visually, because... Santiy are plates made of noble metal that does not corrode, on which the Ancient Aryan Runes are inscribed.

Ancient Runes are not letters or hieroglyphs in our modern understanding, Runes are secret Images that convey a huge amount of Ancient Knowledge.

This ancient form of writing did not disappear, like other ancient alphabets, initial letters and alphabets in the depths of centuries and millennia, but continues to be the main form of writing among the Priests of the Old Russian Inglistic Church.

In ancient times, the Aryan Runic served as the main basis for the creation of simplified forms of writing: ancient Sanskrit, Devils and Rezov, Devanagari, German-Scandinavian Runic and many others.

In order for the Aryan Runic form of writing to be preserved further, for our descendants, it is taught in the Seminaries of the Old Russian Church, so that the Ancient Wisdom does not disappear into Timelessness, but is passed on from generation to generation.

Santiya consists of 16 slokas, each shloka contains 9 lines, each line has 16 runes, each plate has 4 slokas, two on each side.

Nine Santiy on 36 plates make up a Circle, and these plates, containing 144 slokas, are fastened with 3 rings that symbolize three Worlds: Yav (World of People), Nav (World of Spirits and Souls of Ancestors), Prav (Light World of Slavic-Aryan Gods) .

Santias have a meaningful form of dialogue and were recorded around 40 000 years ago.

The First Circle tells about what Commandments were given to the peoples of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Family by God Perun, about upcoming events in the future throughout the Svarog Circle and the Ninety-Nine Circles of Life, i.e. 40 176 years, and much more.

The first translation from the x"Aryan Karuna (ancient x"Aryan language) was made in Leto 7452 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple and Summer 12 952 from the Great Cooling (1944 AD) for the newly revived Slavic Communities in the territory of Belovodye or, as they say in Santiy - the Holy Land of the Race (the modern territory from the Urals to Baikal, and from the Northern Ocean to the Mongolian Altai).

The name Belovodye comes from the ancient name of the Iriy River (modern Irtysh River - Iriy is the quietest, Ir - quiet), in the ancient language there is the Iriy rune, the figurative meaning of which is white, clear water.

During the translation, the Russian form of writing was used, providing a more complete disclosure of the image of the Ancient Runes, and not the Soviet one, distorted in the 20-30s of the twentieth century. Many words are given in their original form, because There are no analogues to these words and images in Russian, much less in the Soviet language.

The new edition repeats the first translation of the Santi Veda of Perun and is also intended for the newly revived Slavic-Aryan Communities.

Several Priests took part in the translation of Santiy, so the sound of Santiy is varied, but their meaning is unchanged.

There are no comments in this publication, but only explanations of individual words, because all explanations can only be given by the Guardian Priests or Cape Ynglings, i.e. Keepers of Ancient Wisdom at Slavic-Aryan Temples and Sanctuaries (Temples).

Ellipses and lines of dots mean that these places contain information that is too early to give in open form, because Ancient Knowledge, intended to serve Good and Truth, cannot be used for Evil...

It is allowed to print from the Asgardian (Omsk) Spiritual Censorship Committee. Approved by the Council of Elders of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Beginnings-Inglings.

Summer 7500 (13000) of the month Ramkhat 6 days.

Circle First

Santia 1

eleven). As in the city of the Gods, in Asgard of Iria,

at the confluence of the sacred rivers Iria and Omi,

near the Great Temple of England,

at the Sacred Stone Alatyr,

Vaitmana, the divine chariot, descended from the heavens...

Great radiance and flame surrounded her,

when she fell to Earth...


2 (2). We gathered and gathered to the Heavenly Vaitmana,

Clans x "Aryan and Yes" Aryan,

The clans of the Rassenov and Svyatorus,

leaders and warriors of all Clans of the Great Race,

Silver-haired Sorcerers gathered

and the Magi of the Many Wise,

and servants of the One God...


3 (3). We gathered and gathered,

around the Whitemans sat in rows,

For many days the Gods were glorified...

And Vaitmana opened, the Light God of Heaven came out of her in the flesh...




4 (4). River God is ever beautiful:

I came from Urai-Earth,

from Svarga Heavenly, where the bright Iriy flows,

in the gardens of Vyria, near Heavenly Asgard,

I am Perun the Thunderer, son of Svarog.

Listen to my words, people and warriors of the Human Clans,

listen to the teaching of my words...

Ratibor, a warrior from the Svyatorus Family, spoke to Perun:

You tell me, Bright Leader,

is there death for the warriors of our clans?

5 (5). Perun answered the warrior: There is no death

for warriors of the Heavenly Family...

Any obvious or secret doubt of the heart,

God Vyshen, Guardian of the Worlds,

Svarog's father and my grandfather,

the best of all the Wise, will resolve...

I know that the Wisdom of the Gods is eternal.

Who, having become a teacher, even if he told the Great Secret,

We are not blamed by the Gods, for there is no death for them...


6 (6). And the people asked the Thunderer of the Many Wise:

You, tell us, Svarozhich, tell us,

why Servants of the One God and Wanderers of God,

Do they want to achieve Immortality through knowledge of the Vedas?

You say...

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From the editor

Magus Veleslav is the leader of the Russian-Slavic Rodolubie community of Rodolubie (founded 1998), one of the founders of the Commonwealth of Slavic Native Faith communities Velesov Krug (founded 1999).

Author of several dozen books on the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie and the Spiritual culture of the Slavs, including: “Call of Hyperborea” (1998), “Behold Rus' - Surya” (1998), “Tradition” (1999), “Rodolyubie” (1999), “Among the Slavic Forests” (1999), “Songs of Svetoslavia” (2000), “Drinking from the River of Life. Book of Rodosvet" (2000), "Iskon of the Faith-Veda. Book of Rodosvet. The Book of Svyatogor" (2001), "Native Gods" (2001), "Rodnoverchesky Iskon" (2002), "In Defense of the Ancient Faith..." (2002), "Trison for B.A. Rybakov" (2002), "The Ritualist" (2003), "Veles" (2003), "Perun" (2004), "Yarilo" (2004), "Mara" (2004), "The Book of Veles Tales. Russian Vedas: Pigeon Book" (2005), "Prophetic Dictionary" (2005), "Slavic Conspirator" (2007), "Slavic Book of the Dead" (2007), "Ancestral Iskon" (2007), "Book of Prophetic Wisdom" (2007 ), “The Shuyny Path: The Book of Navi” (2007), “The Black Conspirator” (2007), “The Teaching of the Magi: Veles’s Wisdom in the Koshny Age” (2007), “The Teaching of the Magi: The White Book” (2007), etc.

In Veleslav I also see a strong pagan mystic poet, philosopher and preacher.

(A. Asov, writer)

In every century, not many people are born whose aspirations really change the world. That’s right: deeds remain deeds, and deeds are the true manifestation of a person, but the world is changed by dreams and intentions. There really are always few such people. And Veleslav is one of them.

(A. Platov, traditionalist)

Veleslav is a spiritual leader, a kind of prophet of the “new era” of Russian paganism. His influence on the formation of the ideology (and practice) of the Russian Native Faith and the minds of people is quite comparable in importance to the influence of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky on Theosophy and Guido von List on the formation of the occult component of the ideology of the Third Reich. From the point of view of personal qualities, Veleslav resembles an inspired prophet or a Zen master rather than a seasoned priest or an orthodox Hindu brahman. Thanks to this, Veleslav managed to become such a significant and popular figure in Russian Rodnoveria.

(A. Belov, journalist)

Veleslav is a sorcerer of the Russian-Slavic Rodolubie community, a devotee of Lord Veles (Shiva), who studied the Vedas and Sanskrit. Author of many books and poems dedicated to the Slavic Rodnoverie and the Indo-Aryan Satya Saiatana Dharma. One of the first preachers of the Slavic Rodnoverie in Russia. I first read Veleslav’s poems at the age of 15 and loved them as if they were my own. Communication with the sorcerer Veleslav brought me even closer to Truth, Virtue and the Great Non-duality.

Veleslav traveled a rare Spiritual path when a person, touching the most ancient truths and the most developed mystical teachings, suddenly begins to seek and find his own - what he was originally destined for, but knew nothing about it. His Spiritual search in the sphere of his native Slavic paganism turns out to be very fruitful, in fact, this allows Veleslav to become what he is: an exceptional writer and thinker, a sorcerer and inspirer of the pagan movement of the Russian people.

(Welgshire Magus, shaman)

My wonderful friend, the sorcerer Veleslav, is a knowledgeable man (if you understand what I mean), a man of intuition (this is obvious to everyone who ate a pound of salt with him) and a man outside (but I won’t explain this)…

(Magician Bohumil, leader of the Obninsk Rodnoverie community “Triglav”)

What is the beauty of the Ocean? I don't know. It's impossible to put into words. The beautiful thing is that he simply exists... I can say the same about my Teacher: thank you for existing. In Your eyes I see the Light of Truth; next to You I always feel the invisible presence of beauty, tranquility and inspiration. All this is transmitted to me, and I am happy. Thank you for being here. Just thank you…

(Luchezar, student)

I just don’t understand who this is: a new saint, like Seraphim of Sarov, or the reincarnated Aleister Crowley, together with Gurdjieff?..

(From a private conversation in the esoteric literature store “White Clouds” during an educational conversation by the sorcerer Veleslav)

Who I am is not important. What matters is who you are. What is important is not the teacher, but the student—his very ability to learn. It is not for nothing that they say that a wise man can learn more from a fool than a fool from a wise man... Who is the One Who abides in the essence of your Heart? Who You Yourself are - the True You1 Know Yourself - and you will know the All-God and the All-World...

(Magician Veleslav, from the answer to the question about the Volkhov’s calling).

Instead of a preface (From Luchezar’s book “The Path of the Pagan”)

…One day, when we were standing in the ritual circle at the Temple, heavy rain began to fall. The drops were very large and cold, all our clothes instantly got wet. People began to look around in search of shelter and, it seemed, had already forgotten about the Great Spirit, the Gods and the ritual...

And then the sorcerer Veleslav, who performed the ceremony, instead of sending everyone to hide under the trees, suggested a completely unexpected thing. He told us all to lie on our stomachs on the Earth and hug Her with our arms, just as we hugged our mother as children. It was very strange: the smell of the earth, wet grass and icy drops of rain hitting the back... “Friends, at such moments Mother Earth is especially open to Father Heaven, and the rain is their Love. Through rain, Father Sky and Mother Earth unite... Forget about

Currently, the concept of “Power” is widely used in various sources covering state and international problems. Moreover, this concept applies to those states that have great economic and military power, as well as influence on other countries of the world. However, this is a purely external, formal, modern sign of power, which does not reflect the essence of the original concept. Because of this, people who study state and international problems find themselves in a false coordinate system, which leads them to recognize the necessity and inviolability of the state, its enduring value. And this is despite the fact that the state has long turned into a dominant system that exists only on its own, having crushed the entire society under itself.

The modern state suffers from a host of serious diseases. Arbitrariness and irresponsibility of officials, continuous and uncontrolled growth of their numbers, corruption, acquisition of power and wealth, material and spiritual oppression of people at the bottom of the social hierarchy, unreasonable and ineffective waste of financial and other resources and their theft, disregard for Nature, exorbitant and ineffective spending on the production of weapons and the maintenance of the armed forces, etc. All this suggests that the modern state is increasingly reaching a dead end in its development. Naturally, the question arises: is it possible to get out of this impasse? To answer the question posed, we need to analyze the development of forms of organization of modern (post-Flood) humanity and identify the essential differences between the Power and the state.

  • « POWER»

The Rus and Aryans had a sovereign form of government for a long time. The primary source of our knowledge about sovereign rule is. According to them, there are two systems of social organization of people's lives: the Power and the State. In the past (and not so distant), the Rus and Aryans lived in the State. The organization of people's lives in the State provided for harmony with Nature, because it was based not on the interests of specific people (sovereigns, their officials and other consumers), but on Tradition, the Commandments of the Light Gods and Great Ancestors, and the Conscience of people.

There was no secular sole (autocratic) leader in the State. Self-government of the Clans of the Rus and Aryans was carried out in the State. The power of the State rested on the power of the Clans and the Spirituality of their representatives. The state was ruled by a people consisting of Clans, and was supported by its Spirituality. In the State, any person was treated as a descendant of the Light Gods, and before them everyone was equal, regardless of their role in society. In the understanding of the Rus and Aryans, “people” are not just residents inhabiting a certain territory, but a collection of Clans and Tribes. The concept of “people” is not identical to the concept of “population”, because the population may not live in clans, but consist of outcasts, strangers and strangers.

The spiritual basis of the Power was the Old Faith of the First Ancestors, which explained and covered all aspects of the life of the Clans of the Rus and Aryans. From it they constantly drew Ancient Wisdom and received great Spiritual power for their existence and creation. In the Old Faith of the First Ancestors, the Rus and Aryans found answers to all the questions that arose in their lives. Therefore, the Old Faith is not a religion, but a body of Wisdom and Knowledge of the First Ancestors, which was given to them in time immemorial by the Light Gods.

In Russian-Aryan society there was a spiritual unity of all Clans, Communities and Tribes, the basis of which was the Old Faith of the First Ancestors. It was they who kept the people in unity. From here it directly follows that the concept of “Power” relates to a society in which the unity of the people is maintained by its spirituality, based on the Old Faith of the Ancestors.

The socio-economic basis of the Power was the Rod. The clan consisted of individual families, whose main responsibility was the reproduction of offspring for the continuation and strengthening of the clan. Economic life, upbringing and education of children was carried out in the Family. The clan provided itself with housing, food, clothing, shoes, household utensils and other necessary items and equipment, as well as weapons. What was not enough to ensure life was exchanged at the markets. The basis of the life of each member of the Family was his work aimed at his benefit and the good of the Family.

The ancestral settlement was a monastery or skuf. The Rod was headed by the Head of the Rod. However, he did not resolve issues single-handedly. He himself resolved only current issues and represented the Family at the Sovereign Circle. To resolve general issues of the Family, a Circle of heads of individual families with named children gathered. At this Circle, decisions were made, which all members of the Family followed strictly. All issues of organizing life in the Family were resolved in accordance with the Commandments of the Light Gods and Great Ancestors, as well as the Family Foundations and Rules.

As the number of the Rod grew, the need for its division became apparent. The clan, as a rule, was divided into two parts. The older part of the Clan remained at the same place of residence, and the younger part of the Clan went to a new place and founded its own monastery or skuf. With the formation of a new Clans, a Tribe appeared, which could have up to 16 Clans. If the Tribe exceeded 16 Clans, then it turned into the People. At the beginning, the regulation of relations between the Clans, when there were no more than eight of them, was carried out by the head of the ancient Clans.

Then they began to choose a prince to regulate inter-tribal relations. He became either the head of an ancient Family or the head of a new great Family. Instead of the chosen prince, a new head was elected to the Family. The responsibilities of the elected prince included carrying out proceedings in the event of friction between the Clans, preparing a squad and protecting the tribe (people) and its territory.

After the Clans of Rus and Aryans, spreading from the Irian (Sayan-Altai) and Ripayan (Ural) mountains, populated all of Belovodye (present-day Siberia), the Russian-Aryan Power of Rasenia was almost completely revived. This happened approximately nine thousand years before the year 2000. Immediately there was a need to delimit territories between tribes and peoples that began to form. Belovodye was divided into 16 villages (regions). Each one had a capital city, in which there was a Temple of Vesev.

If we compare the whole with the modern area, then it (the whole) included several modern areas. Therefore, neighboring states considered these villages to be independent states.

The whole was headed by the Grand Duke and the Vesevy Priest (Diy), who were chosen from among the princes and priests as the most capable. There were no kings, no pharaohs, no emperors in the State. The State was governed by the Sovereign Circle of Priests and Rulers, which included Priests and Princes who headed the villages. There were also Vesevy Circles, which included princes of tribes, heads of clans, thousands of large cities and wise men (priests). Therefore, the Priest and Prince, who led the whole thing, were only the most capable among all the others. They were entrusted with the executive functions of managing the whole and the right to represent the whole in the Power Circle.

From the ninth millennium to the year 2000, cooling began in the north of Rasenia. The natural and climatic conditions there began to quickly deteriorate. The resettlement of the Clans of the Great Race to the north ceased. Now the Clans of Rus and Aryans moved to the west, south and east. By the eighth millennium before 2000 s.l. in the west they settled to the present river. Volga, in the south - to the Hindu Kush, Tibet and the current river. Yellow River.

They inhabited the present island. Sakhalin, Eastern (Japanese) Islands and the Ordos region in present-day China. Thus, the Russian-Aryan Power of Rasenia and Dauria by the eighth millennium until 2000 s.l. occupied a vast territory and entered into contacts, and far from friendly ones, with other peoples. At this time, the tribal system in Rasenia reached the peak of its development.

The social organization of the Russian-Aryan Power was built on the innate qualities of people. These innate qualities are easily recognized if you open the information-energy structure of a person, which consists of nine main information-energy centers, which in Indian teachings are called chakras. Each center generates an energy vortex, shining with a corresponding color. Nine main vortices form nine human bodies, including the physical body, which are included one within the other and represent a kind of matryoshka doll. The totality of energy radiation emanating from all centers forms a person’s “aura,” individual in color and shape.

On the human head there are the ninth, eighth and seventh information and energy centers, which have the corresponding name, color of radiation and purpose. The topmost, ninth center is called “Spring”. It is located on the frontal area of ​​the head and shines with a silvery-white color. He receives and emits the Life energies of the World of Glory. The eighth center, which is located between the eyes, is called “Brow” and shines with a violet color. The “Beauty” perceives and transmits Mental Images, controls intellectual and Spiritual development. The seventh center is called “Mouth” (Mouth). It is located in the thyroid gland area. The “mouth” provides a person with the perception and transmission of the energy of Sensual Images. This center glows blue. Thus, the first category includes people whose aura glows with silver-white and violet-blue colors. People of this category have potential abilities for Spiritual development, for their interaction with the Worlds of Glory and Rule.

Three other information and energy centers are called “Lelya”, “Lada” and “Persi” (Breast). The sixth center, “Lelya,” shines blue. The vortex created by it rotates at the level of the shoulder of the left hand. This center provides intuitive knowledge of the Real World and intuitive creativity in it (technical inventions and scientific discoveries). The fifth center, Lada, glows green. The vortex created by him rotates at the level of the shoulder of his right hand. This center radiates the energy of Love. The fourth center is called “Percy” (Chest) and shines with a golden (yellow) color. The vortex created by him rotates at the level of the solar plexus. He receives and emits the energy of Creative Creation, reveals the ability to create objects of the Explicit World.

“Percy” also manages the processes of acquiring and transferring military, production and administrative skills, and the ability to creatively organize the Living Space around oneself. This center is also called “Zolotnik” or “Hara Center”. Hence, the owner of this center is called a “characternik”. Thus, the second category includes people whose aura glows with green-blue and golden colors. People of this category have the potential ability to create and manage processes in the World of Revealing, to perform administrative, managerial and military activities.

The next three information and energy centers are called “Belly”, “Zarod”, “Source”. The "belly" is the third center and glows orange. The vortex created by him rotates at the height of the navel of the human body. Through the “Belly” a person perceives the Life Force and Wisdom of the Family. The “belly” governs the life and work of a person, including the conception of his children, their birth and upbringing. The second center, "Zarod", shines red. The vortex created by him rotates at the level of the pubis of the body. The “germ” perceives energy from other living beings, and also absorbs and emits the energy of reproduction. The first center is “Source”; its color is perceived as black. The vortex created by him rotates at the level of the tailbone. “Source” absorbs the Power of the Earth, ensuring the vital functions of the human body. Thus, the third category includes people whose aura glows with an orange-red-dark glow. People in this category have maximum potential abilities for reproduction and ordinary work on the land.

Thus, the innate qualities of people divide them into three categories. It is necessary to take into account that the shape of the aura also depends on a person’s genetics. Therefore, the priest or sorcerer sees not only the color, but also the shape of the aura. For Sorcerers, the shape of the aura looks like an inverted pyramid, because the maximum intensity of radiation is around the head. The shape of the aura of the ruler and protector resembles a spinning top toy. Radiation is maximum in the chest part of the body. The worker has an aura resembling the shape of a pyramid, in which the maximum radiation is in the lower part of the body.

The image of a pyramid gives rise to the idea of ​​the stability of the social system. Indeed, the social structure of society will then be stable when the correct balance is achieved between the Sorcerers, Rulers and Defenders, as well as the Workers. The more workers there are in a society, the larger the base of the social pyramid, the more stable the society. Society will certainly collapse if the number of Sages, Rulers and Protectors grows enormously. However, with an insufficient number of Sages, Rulers and Protectors, an unlimited increase in the number of Workers can lead to their subordination to hostile forces, or to internal clashes that will lead to the collapse of society. All this needs to be known when creating the social structure of society. ….

1 (113). Said Perun the Many-Wise, Skifadiy, Priest of the Temple of the Fern Flower, from the Rassenov Family: Tell me, tell me, Wise Teacher, what forces attract Foreigners to leave their fiefdoms in the World of Darkness, and bring them to us on Midgard-Earth?
God the Many-Wise answered the Priest: Foreigners will covet everything that is foreign and does not belong to them...
All their thoughts are only about power, and over all the Worlds, about the seizure of wealth and creations of the Light Worlds...

2 (114). The Aliens' goal is to disrupt the harmony reigning in the World of Light...
and destroy the Descendants of the Heavenly Family and the Great Race, for only they can give a worthy rebuff to the Forces of Darkness...
The Servants of the World of Darkness believe that only they should own all the Worlds that the Great Ra-M-Ha created...
And arriving on the flourishing Lands, they strive to accustom the Children of Humans to Greed, for Greed destroys Knowledge, and when Knowledge is killed, Shame perishes...

3 (115). When Shame is killed, Truth is oppressed; with the death of Truth, Happiness will die...
When Happiness is killed, a Man dies, and if a Man dies, then all his wealth is freely taken by Foreigners...
They consider wealth their truest support, and build their World on wealth...
In the World of Darkness, life is available only to those who have wealth; a poor person is like one dead in the desert...
4 (116). They take away wealth from people, relying on the Power of their Deception...
Knowing that if they take away people’s support and Faith, their purpose in Life and Freedom of Spirit, then the people themselves will be destroyed...
Children of Humans in such a situation in the World of Revealing, choose the path of death freely, and direct their weapons
against the Foreign villains, for it is better to accept a glorious death in a righteous battle with the Foreign enemies,
than to submit to enemies...
5 (117). People weak in Spirit lose their minds, or fall under the power of Foreigners-enemies, while others, in a thirst for acquisitions, go into service to Foreigners...
The misfortunes of such lost people are worse than death, since death, according to the Law, is the Eternal Path of the World, and there is no one living in the Real World who would surpass death...

6 (118). Foreign enemies drive the Children of Men into madness, and people, increasingly losing their minds, commit cruel acts...
...People go so far as to violate the Commandments of Blood, in their atrocities, and for those guilty of Blood Mixing, the Inferno will open its wide doors...
...And if a person does not reject all this, and if he does not awaken, then he goes straight to the Inferno...
and the Gods will not help him, for he himself chooses his own Path...

7 (119). The awakening of man is only in Knowledge, and the eye of Knowledge saves him...
Having achieved Knowledge, the Child of Man again looks at the Vedas, and again the desire for Spiritual Life becomes a duty, and Conscience becomes the head of all actions...
Listening to conscience, he hates everything evil, from this Conscience becomes strong, and a person creates his own Happiness,
In Happiness, man himself is created...

8 (120). Calm people, always skillful in their affairs and constantly in debt to the Family...
They do not think wickedly and do not act sinfully.
Unscrupulous or unreasonable people, whether men or women, do not succeed in fulfilling their duty to the Gods and the Family, and become like Foreigners...
... Those who have Conscience honor their Gods and Ancestors, and they head towards Immortality, and not to the Pekel World...

9 (121). Which of the Children of Men, enraged by madness, will threaten, whoever hates the good, people will call him GRAY and despicable like a Foreigner...
Whoever, at the instigation of Strangers, in error and greed, strives to take away the Happiness of good people, he, without self-control, will not be able to overcome his anger and will not retain Happiness for long, for all the wealth of those who have strayed from the Path of Light,
will go to the Aliens...

10 (122). And the hearts of all the Dark Forces are filled with joy when the Children of Humans, listening to the false speeches of Aliens, stray from the path of the Light...
And they follow a low path, accumulating material benefits, and not Spiritual ones, according to the will of Foreign enemies, thereby leading their Clans to destruction...
And the Foreign Enemies know that all the unrighteous benefits and the wealth taken away from good people will cloud the human Mind, and the Souls of people will become callous...

11 (123). Children of Human Clans, do not listen to the words of Foreigners, for they are deceitful and want to destroy your Souls,
so that they do not end up in Heavenly Asgard, but become eternal wanderers in the endless Darkness...
...Do not allow Foreigners to your daughters, for they will seduce your daughters, and corrupt their pure Souls, and destroy the Blood of the Great Race, for the first man is with the daughter, leaves Images of Spirit and Blood...

12 (124). Foreign Images of Blood expel the Light Spirit from the Children of Humans, and the mixing of Blood leads to death...
and this Race, degenerating, perishes without having healthy offspring, for there will be no inner Power that kills all the illnesses that they bring to Midgard-Earth...
Foreign enemies coming from the Dark World...

13 (125). Do not listen to the admonitions of your seducing enemies and do not be seduced by their false promises...
Foreign enemies have no compassion, neither for the Children of Humans from the Celestial Race, nor for creatures similar to themselves, for everyone who comes from the Dark World or his descendant born on Midgard or another Earth thinks only about an idle life, using other people's labor, and the gullibility of the Children of Humans ...

14 (126). By deception and cunning, and unjust lies, Foreigners gain the trust of people.
Boasting of their friendship with the elders of the Family, they entangle the Children of Humans with lies...
And they seduce their pure Souls and teach them base acts...
Foreign enemies call their animal lust Delight, and the birth of children - vicious madness, and call on the Children of Men to not observe the traditions of their fathers...

15 (127). Human Children from the Clans of the Great Race and you, descendants of the Heavenly Clans, be pure in Soul and Spirit,
and let a clear Conscience be the measure of your actions...
Drive out your Foreign enemies and all their descendants from all your lands, or they will destroy you with their lack of spirituality.
Your souls are bright, and with vicious deeds they will destroy your bodies, and they will use you and your descendants,
in their dark deeds, but with your sons and daughters they will comfort their flesh...
16 (128). Which of you and your descendants will remember all this and expel the Great Race from the Holy Land
Foreign enemies and their descendants, that true Savior and Defender of his Family and all Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Family...
And those who will listen to the false words of Foreigners...
and he will give them his daughters or begin to take a Foreign daughter for his son, that is an apostate of the Human Race, and he will not have the forgiveness of the Light Gods and the Heavenly Race, all the days without a trace...

The first man leaves images of the Spirit and Blood with his daughter- i.e. The first man who breaks a girl's virginity is the only father of all the children she will give birth to in her life, regardless of whether he lives with her or not, and how many men she may change in the rest of her life.

Modern Hinduism has learned a lot from the Vedic religion, individual elements of which have transformed over time and taken their place in the new system. The former gods were entrenched in “minor roles”, losing leadership to Vishnu, Shiva and Devi (Goddess). The Vedas have been transmitted by oral tradition for thousands of years: the main thing was not understanding, but phonetically flawless articulation, for Vedic mantras accompanied (and accompany) the Hindu throughout his life, marking key stages: birth, naming, initiation into the twice-born, wedding and funeral. Not for a moment, despite the heresy of some Hindu rumors, did the Vedas lose their unsurpassed authority, although they had long ago become completely incomprehensible.

However, in the 19th century. In the wake of the emerging national self-awareness of Indians and attempts at conscious reformation of Hinduism, the Vedas found themselves in the center of public attention and became the object not of mechanical repetition, but of careful study, followed by reconstruction and introduction of Vedic rituality into practice.

Ram Mohan Roy (1772-1833), founder of the famous reform society "Brahmo Samaj" and the first Indian Brahmin to break the ban on crossing the seas, is considered the "father of modern India." Passionately opposing polytheism and idolatry, he proved the authenticity of “Hindu monotheism” by references to the Vedas. F. Max Müller sarcastically remarked on this matter that Roy simply could not imagine the content of the Vedas. And yet, it was this man, supported by a group of associates, using quotes from sacred books, including the Vedas, who ensured that in 1829 the custom of sati, the self-immolation of a widow on the funeral pyre of her deceased husband, was legally prohibited. Later Debendranath Tagore (1817-1905, father of Rabindranath Tagore), who headed the Brahmo Samaj, sent four young people to sacred Benares to study each of the four Vedas and search for a monotheistic concept in them, and then he himself joined the company and, having arranged a dispute with the local experts, committed a shocking act - he abandoned the dogma of infallibility Ved.

Dayananda Saraswati (1824-1883), another great Indian and founder of the Arya Samaj society, devoted his entire life to proving the highest authority of the Vedas. He discovered in them not only a treasure trove of information about the past, but also information about firearms, steam locomotives, chemical formulas, medical advances, etc., which had not previously been identified due to inept interpretation of the texts. He declared: “Nowhere in the four Vedas is there any mention of many gods, rather there is a clear statement that God is one.”

Saraswati believed that many names only individualize different aspects of the divine. In addition, he had no doubt that the Vedas could become a true basis for the unification of the entire country, and he made a sensational act by translating them into colloquial Hindi - this is how women and lower castes gained access to sacred knowledge. Threads stretch from Saraswati to a previously non-existent Hindu proselytism - it was he who rethought the traditional Hindu ritual of shuddhi (purification), using it to return Indian Muslims and Christians to Hinduism.

Even more famous outside his country, the Indian Aurobindo Ghose (1872-1950), whose name is Auroville, the city of world spiritual brotherhood (India), wrote: “Dayananda claims that the truths of modern natural science can be found in the Vedic hymns. I wanted I would add to this that, in my firm conviction, the Vedas contain, in addition, a number of truths that modern science does not yet possess." (quoted from: Litman A.D. Ideological struggle in modern India on the issue of the place and role of Vedanta in the national cultural heritage. - Cultural heritage of the peoples of the East and modern ideological struggle. M., 1987, p. 128).

In 1987, a huge scandal erupted in India when the unpublished works of Bhimrao Ramji (Babasaheb) Ambedkar (1891-1956), the creator of the Indian Constitution, the “father of Indian federalism” and the initiator of the transition of untouchable castes to Buddhism (although Buddha never criticized the caste system, He ignored it in every possible way, looking only at the level of development of each individual; the Hindu Brahmins could not forgive Buddha for this, as a result they declared Him a false avatar and subsequently ranked Buddha among the avatars of Vishnu - the ninth out of ten - with the goal of finally destroying Buddhism in India as an independent teaching, and within the framework of Hinduism itself, treating Buddha as the most disrespected of all avatars of Vishnu; a similar fate befell Dattatreya; note by the site author). On the pages of “The Mysteries of Hinduism” it was stated: “The Vedas are a worthless set of books. There is no reason to consider them sacred or infallible.” (Ambedkar B.R. Writings and Speeches. Vol. 4. Unpublished Writings. Riddles in Hinduism. Bombay, 1987, p. 8). Ambedkar further explained that behind the exorbitant exaltation of the Vedas were the Brahmins (Brahmins) interested in power, whose origin the same hymn about the sacrifice of the first man associated with the lips of Purusha (His mouth became a brahman... X. 90, 12) (The life story of Ambedkar is a heart-wrenching story of a genius who was born as a non-caste “untouchable” in India and, on the one hand, became an “icon” of the national liberation movement and the man who created the Constitution of independent India and its legislative law, and on the other hand, constantly experienced suffered the mockery of all the surrounding caste Hindus and former “friends in the ideological struggle”, who, before the independence of India, used his authority as a genius and agitation for the equality of all people, regardless of caste, in their struggle against British rule in India, and after independence “suddenly” remembered his origin and in every possible way made him understand that an untouchable had no place among those who had become “new whites” (after the British left in 1947) representatives of the Hindu political elite of India; approx. site author) .

The Rig Veda was repeatedly translated into Western European languages. The first complete translation into French was completed by the middle of the 19th century. This was followed by two German translations at once - poetic (1876-1877) and prose (1876-1888). Later, a translation by K. Geldner was published in German, which became a milestone in Vedology, and was followed by others. The first eight hymns of the Rig Veda were translated into Russian by N. Krushevsky in 1879. Much later, several hymns were translated by B. Larina (1924) and V. A. Kochergina (1963). And only in 1972 did the Russian reader have the opportunity to immediately become acquainted with the tenth part of the Rig Veda (104 hymns) translated by T. Ya. Elizarenkova. In 1989, the publishing house "Science" published the first volume of the first complete scientific translation of the Rigveda into Russian: mandalas I-IV translated by T. Ya. Elizarenkova with notes and a voluminous article "Rigveda - the great beginning of Indian literature and culture." In 1995, the second volume (mandalas V-VIII) was published, and in 1999 the third volume (mandalas IX-X) was published; both contain meticulous notes and extensive research articles reconstructing the world of ideas and things of the ancient Indians. All three volumes have recently been reissued. An anthology of conspiracies translated by T. Ya. Elizarenkova is also available in Russian - “Atharvaveda. Selected” (M., 1976). (Several years ago, a translation from English into Russian of the entire Samaveda was also published, edited by S. M. Neapolitansky, note by the site author.)

In 1966, the Supreme Court of India formulated a legal definition of Hinduism in order to distinguish it from other Indian religions in the sphere of jurisdiction, and in 1995, when considering cases of religious affiliation, it clarified seven basic provisions indicating the “Hinduness” of their bearer. The first was called "recognition of the Vedas as the highest authority in religious and philosophical matters and the only foundation."