“Dream Interpretation Hot Water I dreamed about why hot water is seen in a dream. Why do you dream about warm water?

Dream interpretation hot water

More than half of a person consists of water, therefore water is vital.

According to scientific research, a person can live more than fifty days without food. Without water, the body can function for only a little more than three days.

Good water has no color, smell or taste. As a rule, modern people always have it at hand, so we don’t think about it. Water can appear to us in dreams in different forms: boiling, seething, melting, rain, rotten, sea, soapy. It can also be of different colors, for example white.

Basically, water is a positive symbol and does not predict anything bad.

But psychologists and dream books attach great importance to the appearance and color of the water that appeared to you in a dream.

Water color

If you dreamed about hot water

In reality, we mostly see clear or rusty water. But at night the psyche can “get back” and present us with completely bizarre colors in which the water will be colored. So, why do you dream of this or that color of water?


Cloudy, rotten, green slurry - a difficult period in life awaits you soon. Getting bogged down in a swamp means marking time; after such behavior, no prospects will open up for you. Turquoise water quenches your thirst and an unforgettable love affair awaits you. Green water is used in cooking - your husband loves you very much, he will do everything for your happiness. Green water is a positive dream, it means that everything is fine with your psyche, physical health, and emotions.


Fulfillment of cherished desires, happiness. Blue water with a blue tint promises mutual feelings.


If the water was rusty

Red or rusty is a signal of illness. If you dreamed of water that gradually turns red with blood, there may be a curse on your family, as the great seer Vanga believed. Bathing in such a liquid means you will be consumed by passion; according to another interpretation, you yourself will be healed of the illness that tormented you. Also, such a dream, where red water appears, can warn a person of impending danger. Red - rose water for a whirlwind romance.


Such water dreams of change, new romantic hobbies.

Temperature conditions and microelements

Since school, we know that water can be in liquid, solid, and gaseous states. That is, water itself, ice and steam. There is also water that is saturated with microelements and is proudly called mineral. Each of these states, appearing in a dream, has its own subtext. Let's figure it out by answering the most frequently asked questions.

see boiling water in a dream

Why do you dream about hot water? Shame on you. Boiling or seething - great stress, under which you will not be able to control your emotions. Stormy (seething) - to a quarrel with a partner.

Why do you dream of frozen water? To complete calm in work and love relationships. If in a dream, melted, only defrosted water brought pleasant sensations, it means that you needed this break in business.

Melted slurry means the bad period of your life is behind you, now everything will begin to improve and move in a positive direction.

Why do you dream about mineral water? To a complete improvement in life position. You can safely say, looking at the dream book, sparkling water will bring good luck to your life. Even if at the moment there is no sign of success, believe me, soon everything will be just fine for you.

Don’t ignore the dream book; carbonated water may dream of a love affair, which will not harm you at all, but on the contrary will be beneficial.

Literally every dream book gives an interpretation of sparkling water: mineral water – dreams:

  • cool - excellent health, success;
  • warm - health will worsen, problems;
  • drink it - the business you have begun will be crowned with success;
  • a chance to fulfill your cherished desire;
  • spilled - miss your chance;
  • treat someone - keep your mouth shut, you talk too much.

Why do you dream of rusty water? Some kind of illness has settled in your body, pay special attention to the state of your health.

Various nuances

If water is spilled on the floor

It happens that in a dream we dreamed of dripping rain water - events will happen that will greatly affect you.

If you dreamed about deep water, you will soon learn the secrets of your other half, including the true attitude towards you.

Big water, a waterfall, a flood - you are overwhelmed with emotions. Large water in the apartment, for example, a flood - troubles in the family.

If you dreamed of water spilled on the floor, it means troubles, illnesses, quarrels, their severity depends on the degree of contamination of the water. Collect water - now you absolutely do not need excessive impulsiveness, otherwise you can “break the woods”. You can put it all together and deal with all the problems.

A pipe has burst, from which large stormy water is pouring out - to a big quarrel with your spouse due to jealousy.

Hot water drunk from a tap leads to ailments and illnesses in the sleeping person. If you dream that you give such water to a loved one, he will get sick.

To dream that the liquid is soapy and rotten means you are going through a difficult period in your life, a streak of bad luck. Fall into it - you will make too many mistakes. Muddy, soapy water predicts confusion of feelings; you will not know what to do next and which path to choose.

In general, diving into water means difficulties, unless you plunge headlong - such a dream will mean that you will cope with all obstacles.

Drowning in dreams means you are trying to resist fate. Sometimes it is still worth submitting, since such a struggle can greatly affect your health.

To shower yourself is to experience fascination in reality. Wash your face - you will be attractive to the opposite sex. Wash your face with hot water, you will cry, “you will wash your face with hot tears.” Soapy water washes your hands - you are trying to relieve yourself of responsibility for what is happening around you. Splash - those around you will be surprised by your actions.

Stormy rainwater dreams of trouble and danger, calm rain, on the contrary, promises deliverance from all worries and troubles.

Melt water, turquoise in color, will comfort you, which means that all difficulties are behind you. You have a new stage ahead, which will be an order of magnitude better than the previous one.

A dream in which the sleeper has warm water to drink predicts strong grief in reality. In general, warm water is considered not good by many dream books. Although it is important to pay attention to its color, only green liquid can save the situation.

Turn off the tap - stop communicating with some friend.

Sea Sea

If you swam in warm water

You dream of salty sea water, which gradually becomes hot - your cherished wish will come true. Seeing a person being covered by a wave of warm water is a bad sign that portends a serious illness.

Salty sea water leads to ambiguous situations and internal tossing. In another dream book, salty sea water is deciphered as a sign of well-being and health.

If in a dream you are swimming in water that is warm, salty, sea and deep, and also pleasantly turquoise in color, important events will happen for you.

Be careful of boiling water!

If you scoop up liquid from a hot spring and see that it is boiling - to great grief. Are your relatives with you? Very soon one of them will leave this mortal coil. If boiling liquid spills onto the ground, a close friend will betray you.

Boil water in a dream - you are playing too much. The fact is that boiling liquid indicates that you are deliberately playing with your partner’s feelings, making him jealous.

If you dream that your apartment is filled with hot liquid due to a burst pipe, you will soon be knocked down by a high temperature, try not to get overcooled, stock up on antipyretics. But if your neighbors flood you with hot water, one of your friends will “throw mud” at you.

The apartment is filled with boiling water due to the breakdown of household cleaning equipment - purchases that you will make in the near future will not bring you any benefit.

End of the dream

Most importantly, remember the emotions during the dream, as well as after it. Dreams that are good in an emotional sense cannot a priori be negative predictions. But those dreams that caused you negativity, and possibly fear, are most likely a warning of impending danger. The main thing is to understand them well and understand what exactly you can do for your safety.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about hot water in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I recently returned from a vacation, traveling abroad to the city of Prague. I dreamed that I was in Prague, but in fact not Prague, I was standing on a cliff in the form of a circle, hot water was flowing from somewhere, as if an avalanche from a volcano, I took pictures and said that I had long wanted to visit here, it’s hot there and I’m afraid of burning my feet , there’s a guy next to me, apparently a good friend of mine or a guy who loves me or likes me. He’s always nearby. He worries about me. Then we leave there, he picks flowers, gives them to me, we walk back along some cliffs..

    the dream was in the format of a horror film, but I didn’t feel any fear. The dark two-story house is large and wide. three persons. one woman is dark-skinned, the second is light but has dark hair. Some dark force forced us to enter the house with the help of hot water. which began to pour over the ground and down my legs. we ran into the house and tried to climb as high as possible. We ran to the second floor and there we found a hiding place through which we could climb out onto the roof. but me and the dark-skinned woman couldn’t fit in there because... the passage was small for us. and the third woman went there. and when she got in there, something killed her and threw her outside into the water with paint so that her body wouldn’t be found. I felt my soul approach her and saw three wooden stars, two on either side of the chest and one in the solar plexus. There was a sign on them, but unfortunately I didn’t see them. and when the woman was dying she said - let you do this now, but the white Russian mermaids will come. She said something else but I forgot because... woke up abruptly. everything happened at night. Thank you.

    I’m running down the stairs in the building I work in. And hot streams of water are flowing from the ceiling as if the roof is leaking. Then I stopped and forgot about
    which floor I work on. Although in reality there are only two floors in the building.
    what is this dream for?

    I dreamed that I was pouring hot water from the tap and the child was sitting next to him, suddenly the bottom fell off and the child was burned; there were severe burns, I greased them with sunflower oil. We went to the hospital to see a dermatologist and they smeared us with some kind of ointment and gave us a black floor and some bottles.

    hello... as if me and someone else were in the room and my grandmother was coming towards us and we were offended by one person... at that moment I had a mug in my hand with hot water and this person turned out to be my grandmother and I poured this hot water into face and she looked at me with a white face and as if she didn’t feel that the water was hot and I woke up

    I saw in a dream how we arrived on a completely different street to this man whom I don’t know, but in the dream he was a friend of my father. (we have no relationship with my father) in general, he called my father’s friend in the evening and said that come, I’ll give you $400 and we went and there was a sale of cheap things not too far away (we have our own store) I tell my mom let’s go get the money and then We’ll buy very cheap things and bring them to the store to sell. She agrees and we’re off. We withdraw the money that “father’s friend” sent and go to that store for things and then the sister says to mom, let’s wrap it up here. The friend lives here and the mother wraps it up there and the sister and I tell her friend to take her medicine (she’s a volunteer helping animals) and then the pipe breaks and hot water is pouring in and begins to flood the yard “my sister’s friend screams, it’s hot, I run to the water to do something to it in my face, but I felt that it was warm. And then with a stick I ran to the pipe, my mother got out of the car and decided to turn it over or lift it with a stick (I didn’t understand at all what she was going to do...) and the pipe (it was thick and heavy) hit my mother on the head with a bang, she fell and started bleeding... not a lot of blood I saw just how little sweat was dripping near the weight.
    I was very scared and woke up from this, still shaking very scary (what does this dream mean? Help.... thank you very much in advance!!

For many centuries, people have been trying to unravel the meaning of dreams, lift the curtain of secrecy and get recommendations for the future. Events and images remaining in your memories can prophesy and prevent certain events and push you to certain actions.

The meaning contained in dreams is studied in a science called somnology. Physiologists are trying, from the standpoint of the existing knowledge base, to explain the processes occurring in dreams.

Water in a dream is a common occurrence. Some people dream that they drink water, some people dream about azure seashores, some people dream about a stormy waterfall, and some people dream about water sports. Why could all this be a dream? Why do you dream about water? What does water mean in a dream?

Perhaps you just don’t have enough drive or relaxation in your life, or maybe you had a fun evening yesterday and are thirsty? It’s not always worth looking for an interpretation of a dream about water, sometimes you need to understand the body’s impulses and go on a journey, or maybe just get up and drink water :).

But if your dream has nothing to do with your well-being or spiritual urges, then we invite you to find out why you dream of water. Water, which plays a huge role in human life, in a dream can be interpreted as both a good omen and a bad one.

  • Reading water means favorable changes.
  • Muddy water in all dream books is interpreted as a warning of danger.

Why do you dream about water according to Miller’s dream book?

If you see clear, clean water in a dream, you can expect that in the future you will have a wonderful prospect of increasing your well-being or receiving a lot of pleasant, joyful pleasures. Clean water means changes in life, a favorable turn of events.

If in a dream you drink clean water with pleasure, then you can expect your innermost desires to come true. The dream that you have nurtured in your heart for so long will soon come true.

Splashes of clean water falling on you in a dream may foretell the beginning of a sensual love affair with a happy ending.

Muddy and dirty water, with unpleasant impurities, warns of impending troubles that threaten you in the future.

If in a dream you fell into muddy water, then this can be interpreted as the prospect of you making many small mistakes that will be painful for you. Troubled water filling the ship on which you are sailing in a dream means the prospect of solving difficult problems that you will be able to solve thanks to your own courtesy.

Drinking cloudy water can be a sign of a hidden illness or portend a deterioration in health.

Water flooding your home and rising, foreshadows struggle and resistance to any evil forces or unpleasant circumstances. Dreaming of receding water means that you will give up and stop fighting dangerous events.

Sports exercises that you do in the water, or splashes of water falling on your head, speak of an upcoming awakening of feelings, of the prospect of love and passionate adventures.

Water in a dream - Vanga’s dream book

What does water mean in dreams, according to Vanga’s interpretation? Water symbolizes changes in life, evolution. It is interpreted as a force that promotes renewal and deliverance from sins.

If in a dream you are caught in the rain, or streams of water are pouring on you from above, then this will foreshadow a strong cosmic influence, which should not be resisted. Finding harmony with outer space in real life can lead to the formation of a great person in your person, the opportunity to become famous throughout the world.

Contemplating muddy water in a dream means troubles and misfortunes, as well as difficult life situations and deterioration of relationships with people. A favorable solution in this case would be to show patience and kindness. This will help you not to stain your soul with inappropriate impressions.

Dreaming about water flooding your house means a lot of news. At the same time, one piece of news will serve as an impetus for a radical change in your worldview, a change in your relationships with people.

Choking and drowning in a stream of water is an omen of future resistance to the established course of your life. The consequence of this can be poor health and a decrease in life expectancy.

Ripples and circles spreading across the water surface foreshadow rather unpleasant future changes. If in a dream you hold on and stand in this water stream, then in real life you will be able to gain power over life’s circumstances, over yourself and other people.

Dream Interpretation of Juno - water

According to the dream book of Juno, the ancient Roman goddess and wife of Jupiter, who guards the family hearth and family values, dream prediction is based on knowledge accumulated over many centuries.

Juno's dream book includes 40 collections on dream interpretation from the most famous authors. An explanation of the images and events occurring in dreams and some recommendations for the future are given by Nostradamus, Freud, Solomon, and Cleopatra.

Water in all interpretations is associated with the emotional and sensory perception of what is happening, the mysterious element of feminine energy. A stormy but not dangerous water flow symbolizes sensual and emotional impulses. An obstacle to such a flow may indicate that you tend to hide your feelings, not allowing them to come out.

The transparency of spring water indicates the purity of your feelings, the relationship of your feminine energy with intuition. Stagnant, stale water is seen as a symbol of vicious emotions that should be somehow removed from your life.

A ball filled with clean water, according to Nostradamus, can predict good weather. An insect in a glass can symbolize a lengthy lawsuit or slander against you. Seething water symbolizes a major discovery in the scientific field.

Why do you dream of water according to Freud?

Freud interpreted water as a reflection of intimate relationships between the sexes, evidence of the birth of a new life. Swimming in water speaks of a person’s passionate nature, the desire and ability to enjoy the closeness of a loved one, and splashing indicates an extreme tendency to sexual fantasies.

For women, swimming in water can be a sign of imminent motherhood, and a strong desire to get pregnant is associated, according to Freud, with the absorption of dirty water. Filling a vessel with water indicates a strong desire to make your loved one fall in love with you.

If you admire your reflection in the water, this means that you pay too much attention to your own interests, regardless of the opinions and desires of your partner, who most likely lacks your affection.

Why do you dream of water - women's dream book

According to the women's dream book, seeing clean water in a dream means prosperity and receiving sensual pleasures. Dirty and muddy water dreams of threatening danger and gloomy despondency.

Flooding your home with water portends a battle with the misfortunes awaiting you. If water leaves a flooded home, it means that the troubles awaiting you will soon recede.

Scooping up water from somewhere and having wet feet dream of troubles and illnesses, and also portends troubles and troubles for you.

Drinking clean, clear water means positive changes in fate and fulfilled hopes. Dirty water you drink means illness.

Splashes of water falling on your head mean mutual love passion.

Why do you dream about a lot of water?

A huge amount of clear, calm water means peace and prosperity after long and severe life shocks.

Rushing in the same stream as the stormy waters of a raging river can be a sign of a serious illness or obstacles in a matter that is important to you. If in a dream you saw people being carried away by a stormy current, then this may foreshadow a dangerous, hopeless situation and heavy losses.

Seeing the streets of a city or town flooded with a huge amount of boiling water is a sign of a possible disaster, which can lead to many misfortunes and negative events.

Flooding marks the onset of various unfavorable events, as well as a change in sexual partner or intimate lifestyle. If you dreamed that you were surrounded by clean water, then luxury and wealth await you.

Water coming to your feet promises troubles in matters of real estate transactions, the possibility of its loss or deception leading to its loss.

Dream Interpretation - cloudy or clear water in a dream

Why do you dream about cloudy or clear water? Clean, clear water foreshadows future favorable changes, spiritual cleansing and improved well-being.

Drinking clean water in a dream means the fulfillment of your deepest desires and dreams. Isoteric and French dream books interpret water seen in a dream as evidence foretelling success and positive emotions, as well as firm hope for a speedy recovery.

The beginning of a new romantic relationship with a happy ending will be indicated by a dream in which you find yourself splashed with clean water.

The clean water pouring down on you should promise honors and glory awaiting you soon. Wine diluted with water is bound to bring disappointment and deception.

All dream books associate dirty and muddy waters with warnings about dangers threatening you and increased activity of enemies. Such waters also portend a deterioration in your well-being and unpleasant events.

Dream of falling into water, drowning in water, walking on water - what does this mean?

Falling into the water means the unrealization of your hopes and desires, an unfavorable outcome of the current affairs that occupy your thoughts. Falling into dirty water means making many mistakes and ill-considered actions that will affect your life for a long time.

Falling into the water of any large body of water in a dream means a serious and long-term illness if soon after the dream you get sick in reality. Receiving unexpected pleasant news awaits you if in a dream you fell into a well of water.

Drowning in water means the possibility of injury, accident or loss of property. In case of a successful rescue, you will be promoted along the career ladder, honor and respect of others.

Dreaming of walking on water means your desires will come true. The more water under your feet while walking on water, the more obstacles you will encounter on your way to your goal. So, if in a dream you walk along a small stream, then your wishes will come true soon. And if you wade along the river, then only after overcoming many obstacles will you be able to fulfill your dream.

Dreaming of crossing a troubled, seething river symbolizes difficult problems and obstacles that must be solved and overcome on the way to the cherished goal.

If in a dream you came to the aid of a drowning person, then either well-deserved happiness awaits you, or the opportunity to help a friend advance in his career.

A girl who saw her lover drowning in a dream will be disappointed and in trouble. If you dream that your enemy is drowning, then for you this is a prosperous dream, foreshadowing joy or triumph.

If you very often dream that you are drowning, then you need to think about the danger looming over you, which could result in the collapse of hopes and business relationships in business.

Why do you dream of water - a bucket, river, lake or sea?

If in a dream you scooped up clean water with a bucket, then expect significant financial income and strengthening of your financial situation. The water that you scooped into the bucket with your own hands says that good luck accompanies you in everyday affairs, which you attract with your own hands, with your diligence.

The fuller the bucket, the more happiness it promises. At the same time, the severity of this bucket experienced in a dream will be a measure for your efforts. That is, the heavier the bucket, the more work must be put in to implement the plan.

An unsightly, rusty or leaking bucket signals that the troubles and instability of your financial situation are your fault. Therefore, it is necessary to change either your lifestyle or your own behavior in order to achieve a positive result.

If in a dream someone handed you a full bucket, then expect unexpected help in business thanks to some person.

Seeing a calm, small river in a dream means a favorable turn of events, foreshadowing success in all endeavors. A muddy, drying up or dirty river will actually bring temporary sorrows and troubles, and possible disappointment.

A full-flowing, non-hazardous river can mean promotion, career success. A stream flowing into a river or sea symbolizes salvation from the traps of ill-wishers.

A calm and clear sea, which you watch from the shore, can mean a measured life, without much worry or turmoil. Sailing on a calm sea means cooling in relationships with friends and loved ones.

Watching the stormy sea promises trouble. Swimming in such a sea in a dream usually reflects the state of your life, filled with events that are not easy to understand.

Seeing or sailing in a boat on the clear, calm waters of a lake means a pleasant, carefree life of wealth and happiness. Looking at a lake with dirty water means poverty and humiliation, and swimming on a lake whose shores are covered with bare stones and dry trees means it is impossible to carry out planned activities.

Why do you dream of blue, black water?

Clear blue water speaks of prosperity in business and, perhaps, some emotional unsaturation of life that arises in conditions of material wealth and the absence of desires that stimulate vital forces. Perhaps you should consider adding a little adventurism and romance into your everyday life.

Black water is evidence of internal depression, dark thoughts and hidden negativity that interfere with fruitful activities. Therefore, after analyzing your own thoughts and feelings, you need to come to a rethinking of what is happening and reconfiguration in a positive way.

Dream interpretation - water on the floor, on the ceiling.

If water has completely flooded the floor and its level is rising, then such a dream can be interpreted as an upcoming struggle with troubles and troubles. If its flow is too strong, then you have serious problems ahead.

Water slowly rising from under the floor signals the appearance of enemies in your life, whose machinations will cause you certain inconveniences that you cannot avoid.

Water on the floor in someone else's apartment means receiving an inheritance and good health. Clean water dripping from the ceiling onto the floor on which you walk means that your plans will soon come true.

Water flowing from the ceiling means that in the near future you will face numerous worries and troubles. Moreover, the greater the flow of flowing water, the more urgent matters will appear. In addition, some interpret this same dream as evidence of your uncompromisingness.

Therefore, in order to avoid conflict situations, you should try to build relationships with others more flexibly, listening to their opinions.

Why else do you dream about water?

  • Clear water is a dream of prosperity, muddy water is a sign of sadness, green water is a sign of promotion up the career ladder, and cold water is a sign of good health.
  • Walking for water means good luck, triumph; scooping water means a lot of trouble; washing your face - a joyful event; watering something means loss and sadness.
  • If you dreamed that you were drinking fresh and clean water, you will achieve success in all matters and endeavors. A dream in which you drink muddy water warns you of danger. Drinking water non-stop means getting big profits.
  • Walking on water in a dream means luckily; playing in water means profit or a profitable business. A dream in which you saw fire on the surface of water portends great luck for you.
  • If in a dream you see water glistening in the sun, then your impression of a new acquaintance is deceptive.
  • A smooth water surface in a dream is a good sign symbolizing your success; troubled water, with swells - minor troubles and worries await you; Big waves or a storm symbolize upcoming difficulties in business and problems.
  • A flood in a dream warns you of negative influence from the outside or an upcoming adventure; someone will try to take advantage of your gullibility.
  • If you dreamed of a whirlpool, be careful: you may face big obstacles and problems in achieving your goals; if you get into a whirlpool, it will be difficult for you to overcome them.
  • Pouring water from a bucket is a sign that you will be offered a difficult, unprofitable job with unworthy pay.
  • If you dreamed that you were engaged in water slalom, you may expect great difficulties in business and unsuccessful attempts to overcome them.
  • If you dream about dirty, cloudy or greasy waste water, this is a bad sign. To see clean and clear water - be sure that everything is in your hands, it depends on you whether you can overcome obstacles or not.
  • Dreaming of a waterfall represents news; if it is located in a picturesque area, and also makes noise and thunder, you may expect annoyance, anxiety or trouble.

The article on the topic: “dream interpretation of sitting in warm water” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

A dream about a sea or lake can predict both happiness and sorrow. The dream book attaches great importance to the sensations you experienced when you immersed any part of your body in liquid. If in a dream you felt that the water was warm, then in reality you will feel true peace and tranquility. Other reasons for dreaming like this are described below.

Feel happy

Swimming in warm water in a dream is a favorable sign. The universal dream book promises the fulfillment of your most cherished dreams. Swimming and experiencing great pleasure at the same time means a joyful, easy life. If you dreamed of such a plot, then in real life there will be no obstacles on the way. You can become exactly the person you have long dreamed of being.

The meaning of dreams of swimming in warm water with someone is explained in a similar way. In this case, the interpretation of the dream warns of future acquaintances. New connections can be both business and love. Don't let your bad mood ruin new acquaintances. Make the most of every chance offered by fate.

Beware of Anxiety and Doubt

To dream that the filling of the pool is cloudy means a difficult period in life. Swimming in this pool and feeling disgust at the same time means disaster. The universal dream book predicts the occurrence of difficult trials along your path. If you dreamed about something like this, then you will probably be tormented by doubts and difficult thoughts.

A similar explanation explains why one dreams of swimming in warm water colored black or red. If you have a dream like this, be sure to seek support and advice from the person you trust most. A sincere, intimate conversation will help you cope with surging emotions and make the most correct decision on a “thorny” issue.

Interpretations from Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself bathing in clean, warm water in a dream is a sign of luck. Fortune will be unusually favorable to you. A dream of swimming with splashes and squeals in a pleasant company means that in the coming months there will be many pleasant acquaintances and exciting conversations. Miller's dream book also warns that seeing this means there is a high probability of meeting your true love at this time.

You will become a rich man

The fortuneteller Veles explains why you dream of swimming in a clean river. It is believed that if you dream of such a plot, your financial situation will soon significantly improve. Swimming naked in a clean river in a dream means that relationships with loved ones will become much stronger and better than at the current moment in time. Velese's dream book predicts complete mutual understanding in the family. You can confidently feel like a needed and loved person.

A few more predictions

To find out for sure what this or that symbol means in a dream, you need to read as many interpretations as possible. Here are a few more of the most common:

  • Swimming fully dressed in a dream means starting a new business.
  • Drinking heated liquid is a sign of life's trials.
  • Walking on warm clear water with your spouse is a sign of a strong union.
  • Holding a glass in your hand and drinking from it means taking responsibility.

Warm water interpretation of the dream book

There is no clear interpretation of what a body of water may mean in a dream. It can mean both imminent joy and future troubles. Therefore, before turning to the dream book, remember the slightest sensations from the dream, and most importantly, what did you feel when you plunged into the water? Was she warm? Then there is nothing to worry about, life at this stage will not bring any shocks. Below we will look at what else such a vision might mean.

Joy and happiness

In a dream, did you happen to swim in water that was warm? This is a very good sign. According to the Universal Dream Book, everything you have planned and dreamed about will come true. And if, while swimming, you experienced incomparable pleasure, life will be easy and happy. Nothing will stand in your way - that’s what dreams like this mean. You will achieve all your goals by fully realizing and revealing yourself.

What could you dream about if you didn’t have a chance to swim alone? Life prepares quick acquaintances. The new relationship will not necessarily be only business; there is a high probability of meeting a soul mate. The main thing is not to let negative emotions take over you, thereby pushing people away from you. Take advantage of every opportunity that life throws at you.

Don't give in to doubt

In a dream, are you swimming in a pool whose water has become cloudy? If being in such a situation is disgusting to you, expect trouble in reality. As the Universal Dream Book says, life is about to test your strength, and you will have to overcome more than one obstacle before solving all the problems that have fallen on your shoulders. It is also possible that there will be heavy thoughts and doubts that will overcome the mind, not allowing you to breathe peacefully.

Close to this, the interpreter explains what one might dream of swimming in red or black water. If you see such a plot, immediately ask for help from a person whom you can trust in everything. He will not leave you in trouble, he will lend a helping hand and help you get rid of painful thoughts, and this, in turn, will be a great impetus for you to take action.

Interpretations of Miller's dream book

Why do you dream if you swam in warm, clear water? Incredible luck awaits you in everything you plan. And if at the same time you splashed and squealed in a cheerful company, life will delight you with new acquaintances and a sea of ​​​​communication. The dream book says one more thing - there is a great chance at this time to meet someone who will become a companion for life.

Wealth and Prosperity

Veles's dream book explains why one dreams of swimming in a warm and clean river. If you saw such a dream, life will please you with an improvement in your financial situation. Have you ever swum in a river like this naked? Relations with household members will improve, and peace and tranquility will reign in the family. You will feel needed and loved.

Various predictions

To be sure to understand what else such a plot might mean in a dream, it makes sense to consider a few more meanings:


Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - out of more than 75 dream books - is currently the largest dream book on the RuNet. From October 2008 to the present day, it includes the largest number of interpretations of dreams of all symbols and images from various dream books - both folk and written by various authors, including both well-known dream interpreters and those who are still little familiar, but no less talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one website, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. You can find here answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of a dream on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed of and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at this time.

For even more complete clarity in the interpretation of your dream, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, in what days do you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur during the full moon; at this time many dreams occur. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in self-analysis. What you dreamed about on the waxing Moon requires implementation in reality - pay special attention to this. You will find out which days of the week and lunar days you have empty dreams, and which ones you have prophetic dreams. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days come true, but on 29, 1, 2, etc. - practically nothing). Important dreams occur on dates of the month such as 1, 3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

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The collection of our service includes more than 75 dream books, many of which are only available to us, including such well-known and popular sources as Miller’s dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first dream interpretation in the world), Vanga’s dream book (its name speaks for itself ), the dream book of Nostradamus (a world-famous astrologer and predictor), the dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as interpretations of dreams of different peoples (Russian, old French, old Russian, Slavic, Mayan, Indian, Gypsy, Egyptian , Eastern, Chinese Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author’s dream books of different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou Gong, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic Sivananda, English Zedkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as the absolutely amazing American dream book of the famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation of Junona.org - the best), the Russian noble dream book of Grishina, Tsvetkov, Loff, Ivanov, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeki, Azar, as well as modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tale-mythological, esoteric, catchphrases, symbols, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, dream book - self-instruction book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of the dream that they were looking for.

The dream book widely presents the topic of love and personal relationships, but other topics are also covered in detail. Have pleasant dreams!

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Why do you dream about warm water?

Water is a symbol that can tell a lot about what awaits the sleeper in the near future. Most often, these predictions relate to income, health and the quality of upcoming changes in life. It is important to pay attention to the state of the element: is it calm, the color of the water, its transparency.

What if you dream about warm water?

Drinking warm water in a dream always portends illness. Here you need to note whether the drink has any aftertaste. This will tell you how long and serious the illness predicted by the dream will be. If the taste of the water is bitter and unpleasant, it means that you have to take a lot of medicine. If the sleeper likes its taste, then the illness will be mild and will pass quickly and without a trace. Drawing warm, muddy water from a tap into a transparent container means that the sleeper will soon hear news of a distant relative who is seriously ill.

In a dream, swimming in a large pond with warm water heated by the sun, and if the situation around the sleeper is favorable, the dream indicates that the most favorable changes will occur in a person’s fate in the near future. For patients, such a dream portends recovery.

If warm water suddenly begins to rise from under the floor in the dreamer’s house, it means that enemies will appear in his life who will greatly harm him. Treating your friends with warm water in a dream means that in real life, relationships with these people will soon deteriorate. And the reason for this will be the intemperance and slander of the sleeper. If the dreamer himself is given warm water to drink, it means that in the near future a lot of gossip and judgmental conversations will arise around his person. Also, such a dream indicates that there is a person surrounded by a person who is very envious of him.

What does it portend?

Walking in a dream in the warm rain and getting wet through means that soon the sleeping person will have a fan (admirer), who will bring many pleasant minutes into the dreamer’s life. Swimming in the sea and noticing with surprise how the water is getting warmer foreshadows that in real life the sleeping person will receive serious help from his friends or relatives. Scooping warm water in a dream means sad experiences and numerous troubles. Spilling water means material losses. Drawing warm water from a well means quarrels.

You can understand why you dream about warm water by analyzing the details of the dream. If the sleeper is surrounded by a large amount of warm, muddy water, then his life is full of various emotional experiences that are associated with family relationships. .

If the dreamer washes his clothes in warm water, it means that he will soon find out that his other half is cheating on him. Giving your pets warm water in a dream means that in real life the sleeper will face betrayal from people close to him.

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Why do you dream about water?

People often see water in their dreams. Such a dream is a harbinger of serious life events. The interpretation of the dream depends on what the water was like and what was in it. It is better to interpret dreams about water using different dream books, since their authors took into account completely different situations encountered in dreams about water.

Miller's Dream Book: Water as Life Energy

By looking at a dream about water in Miller’s dream book, you can learn a lot about future prospects, since in his opinion water is a symbol of powerful energy.

If in a dream you look at the endless sea or a calm ocean, your soul is fueled by powerful energy, so it will withstand any test. Such a dream means a prosperous period in life.

The surface of the sea with waves symbolizes excitement, a storm symbolizes a stormy showdown, and a rising tide symbolizes great love. Low tide indicates fatigue and depletion of vitality, which can lead to illness. Clean water is a dream of pleasure, good news and prosperity, while dirty water is a sign of sadness and despondency.

If you dreamed that spilled water came to the threshold of your house, you will soon meet a person who will “change” your life. For girls and single women, such a dream foreshadows a wedding, and for men - a promotion. A dream in which water floods the dreamer's house foreshadows a long struggle with difficulties and problems. The flood has stopped - the person will overcome troubles, and if not, the circumstances will be stronger. For a man, such a dream means problems at work, and for a woman, family difficulties.

A dream in which a person engages in water sports in a clear river or pool, swims and dives, foreshadows a quick romance. If at the same time he drinks water, the love affair will be stormy.

If the dreamer jumps into the water, changes in life or sudden love relationships await him. The water was muddy and dirty - a love affair will bring problems and mental suffering. A dream in which, having emerged, a person does not understand where he is, dreams of moving.

Swimming underwater means avoiding problems. Swimming in scuba gear - all the machinations of ill-wishers will not matter. The same interpretation applies to a dream in which a person is hiding from persecution in a river, sea, breathing under water, or coming ashore dry.

Seeing water in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book: predicting the future in dreams about water

Vanga's dream books give more personal predictions. In them, water is dreamed of very personal events that determine family relationships and relationships with others.

Drinking clear blue water means working on yourself, which will improve your life; drinking dirty water means illness and suffering.

If clean water flows from above, a person will experience changes for the better. It’s especially good when coins fall on your head at the same time: for a woman, such a dream means a successful marriage, the male dreamer will become famous and wealthy. Dirty muddy water pouring from above means gossip and insults, and for a woman - also false accusations of infidelity. This means that someone is trying to throw mud at you.

Walking barefoot on water in a dream portends:

  • for a man - torment and a difficult life period. It is especially bad if in a dream he cuts his feet on stones or snags;
  • for a woman - unrequited feelings or love suffering. She will choose an unworthy person who will not reciprocate her feelings, will be jealous for no reason, or will cause her torment.

When in a dream a person drowns in water, especially in dark water, he will be overwhelmed by a stream of events in life. If you manage to swim out, everything will end well, but if not, everything will end badly.

Looking into the water from a bridge means news. If specific people and events are visible in the reflection, the dream is prophetic. When someone else is reflected in the water instead of you, you will learn about the betrayal of a loved one. If an animal is reflected in the water instead of you, or there is no reflection at all, the dream indicates negative witchcraft influences.

What does water mean in a dream according to Freud’s dream book: sexual implications

Freud's interpretation of dreams about water, as always, is devoted to the sexual side of life. Sometimes it is very useful to listen to the opinion of the master in intimate matters.

Water, according to the interpretation of Freud's dream book, means the beginning of life and ejaculation. If a woman dreams about this, she wants children, and if a man dreams about it, she wants sexual pleasures. In a dream, a person sometimes sees the source of his lust, an example, he can save him from the water or pour it on him.

Sometimes the sexual partner appears in the form of an animal, with which the dreamer personifies him. You may dream that a person pulled a cat or snake out of the water. It is with this image that the sexual object is associated in your head, and you subconsciously look for such character traits in him.

Seeing one’s reflection on the surface of the water means a person loves himself to the point of narcissism. This is where the roots of your sexual problems lie. Seeing the face of a person of the opposite sex instead of your reflection in the water means hidden desires for same-sex love.

Splashing in a pool with celebrities means you are dissatisfied with your life or appearance and are subconsciously looking for a role model.

Why do you dream of water according to Nostradamus’ dream book: pay attention to the inhabitants of the reservoir

Nostradamus deciphers dreams about water in a more abstract way. His dream book is good if, in addition to water, you saw animals or fish in your dreams.

Water is a symbol of life. Clean water - portends a good period, dirty, dark and muddy water - heavy, cold - quarrels with loved ones. A fish swimming in the river means finding yourself in a difficult situation. A person's position is not permanent and can change at any time.

According to this dream book, seeing dolphins in the water means communicating with friends, turtles means joy and good luck, and sharks, crocodiles or other predators mean encountering unpleasant and dangerous people.

If in a dream a person sees a snake swimming in the water, he will have to communicate with a “slippery” interlocutor, and if there are a lot of reptiles, he will be in unpleasant company. Snakes in a fast-flowing stream or river promise a trip in which difficult issues will have to be resolved.

Loff's dream book about water: household and personal chores

Loff pays attention to such points as the composition of water and the state of the elements. In this case, its interpretation is really useful and can open up a lot of new things.

In the interpretations of this dream book, water reflects your inner essence and thoughts. If the current water flow causes concern, you need to be careful, and a calm surface promises relief from problems. A clean, sluggish river is a symbol of prosperity, while a dirty and muddy river is a symbol of stagnation in business.

If water forms a waterfall or mountain stream, changes or new love await the dreamer in his life. The combination of clean water and splashes is successful. A person who has such a dream is in for a change for the better or an exciting love adventure.

Falling into a puddle, dirty or cold water in a dream means suffering from someone’s gossip. A dream in which a person is washed away by a dirty muddy stream during a flood or tsunami has approximately the same interpretation. It's worse if the water is sea. Salt in water means tears.

Combinations of water and housing - a reflection of family or property problems:

  • for a man, a dream in which his house is demolished or flooded by a stormy stream means ruin;
  • For a woman, such a dream foreshadows a serious disagreement with her husband or even a divorce;
  • if you dream of a flood and water with wood chips and floating furniture, problems will force you to move to a new place;
  • the stream only demolished other people's houses, but yours survived - in life, ill-wishers will be defeated and put to shame.

Why do you dream about clean water?

This dream will please you:

  • to see flowing blue transparent water in a dream - people speak well of the dreamer;
  • sailing along a calm river on a boat, ship or raft - they don’t say anything bad behind your back, they even praise you and set you as an example;
  • seeing a beautiful landscape reflected in the water surface means a pleasant trip.

An example of the interpretation of a dream about water:“I had a dream in which I was sailing on a boat on a river with clear water in which trees were reflected. In the morning at the meeting, the boss spoke well of me and set me as an example. Soon I went on vacation and went on vacation at sea.”

Why do you dream about dirty water?

The dream indicates gossip, bad rumors and financial problems:

  • I dreamed that there was dirty water on the floor, for example, the apartment was flooded - they were discussing their personal life behind their backs, and if there was a puddle of mud in the bedroom, their intimate life;
  • tadpoles, mud or algae swim in muddy water - someone is discussing the dreamer’s financial affairs, characterizing him negatively;
  • drinking from a dirty lake, swamp or puddle means financial difficulties.

An example of deciphering a dream about water: “In the dream, our neighbors flooded us, a dirty puddle flowed into the bedroom, and the floors got wet. Then I found out that my mother-in-law and her friend were gossiping about my relationship with my husband, and the discussion included intimate details (we live in the same apartment with his parents).”

Why do you dream about washing in water?

A dream where a person washes himself in a bath, under a shower, or is doused with clean water from a bucket means cleansing of the soul and favorable changes. Washing in dirty water means gossip that will undermine your health, and in dark or black water means betrayal. A dream in which strangers saw a person swimming without clothes is a shame.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she washes herself in clean water, the birth will be easy and the child will be born beautiful.

Heating water for a bath is a sign of joy or the arrival of guests, but if you dream that the water does not heat up at all, your efforts about serious matters will be in vain.

Why do you dream about buckets of water?

Clean water in buckets dreams of wealth, profit and success, while dirty water symbolizes illness and betrayal. If you dream that moisture has leaked out of leaky buckets, it means failures and losses.

If you knock over buckets of clean water, you will accidentally ruin everything; with dirty water, you will prove that you are right.

Flies and garbage floating in a bucket of water mean slander and a lawsuit. Pouring and drinking such water means losing the trial and suffering from gossip.

Coins at the bottom of the bucket mean profit. Oddly enough, a dream about feces or manure floating in water has the same meaning.

Scooping up water in buckets from a well means news from afar. If the water was clean, the news would be good; if the water was dirty, dark or cloudy, the news would be bad. Drinking from a bucket means news. It is unfavorable to sleep when, after drinking well water, sand remains in your mouth.

Why do you dream of catching fish with your hands?

This dream promises:

  • for a woman - marriage. The larger the fish, the richer the groom will be. For married ladies, this dream foreshadows pregnancy;
  • for a man - a successful solution to matters, especially if the fish is large, beautiful and shiny with scales;

catching half-dead fish in muddy water is a sign of misfortune and illness. This is the same meaning for a dream in which a person picks up dead fish from the surface of the water.

Why else do you dream about water?

The list of what water means in dreams is long:

  • throwing something into the water means difficulties. If there are circles on the water surface, your troubles have long-standing roots;
  • scooping or pumping water - to profit and wealth over a long period of life;
  • dismantling the dam that blocked the water flow is to give vent to feelings. If the water was clean, then the feelings were bright, and if the water was dirty, the aspirations were bad or incorrect. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances: how powerful the stream was, whether fish or snakes swam in the water. After analyzing this, it is easy to understand why you dreamed of water in a dam;
  • to see boiling water in a dream - to quarrels, showdowns and stormy life events;
  • drinking warm and sweet water - to love, cold water with ice - to the end of a love affair, sour or bitter - to betrayal of a loved one, salty - to tears;
  • a stream of water pouring over a fire symbolizes reconciliation after scandals and quarrels, or a situation where conflict can be avoided;
  • a dream in which a woman’s water breaks means long-awaited changes. If a pregnant woman dreams of him, it means an easy birth;
  • washing your face with cold water means good health. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means recovery;
  • wash your hands in a dream - in life you will be able to get rid of people who want to shift their problems onto you;
  • Holy water dreams of solving problems and good health. This dream means that the dreamer is being looked after by higher forces;
  • A dream in which, during a christening, a child splashes you with water from a font is favorable. Such a dream means cleansing the soul and getting rid of many problems;
  • healthy happy children swimming in water dream of good news and wonder, and dirty children splashing in a puddle - of illness or gossip;
  • to see in a dream how the waters of a dead person (drowned person) are pulled out - to changes in life and love;
  • saving a drowning person from the water - your efforts will be noticed and rewarded;
  • drops of water - who will “drip on the brains” or “vampire”. If water drips from a dry ceiling, your vitality is at its limit. Analyze which of your loved ones or colleagues takes energy from you;
  • water gushing from a pipe - emotions will overwhelm you in life. If it is blue and transparent, the surging feelings will be pure, but if it is dirty and cloudy, you will be angry, offended or jealous.

What to do if you had a dream with water

If you have a good dream about water, you cannot tell it to anyone, otherwise your luck will “leak away.” If the dream is bad, you need to wake up, go to the tap and ask for water so that it will “take away” the bad dreams. This is a kind of “conspiracy against failure.”

Water is a symbol that can tell a lot about what awaits the sleeper in the near future. Most often, these predictions relate to income, health and the quality of upcoming changes in life. It is important to pay attention to the state of the element: is it calm, the color of the water, its transparency.

What if you dream about warm water?

Drinking warm water in a dream always portends illness. Here you need to note whether the drink has any aftertaste. This will tell you how long and serious the illness predicted by the dream will be. If the taste of the water is bitter and unpleasant, it means that you have to take a lot of medicine. If the sleeper likes its taste, then the illness will be mild and will pass quickly and without a trace. Drawing warm, muddy water from a tap into a transparent container means that the sleeper will soon hear news of a distant relative who is seriously ill.

In a dream, swimming in a large pond with warm water heated by the sun, and if the situation around the sleeper is favorable, the dream indicates that the most favorable changes will occur in a person’s fate in the near future. For patients, such a dream portends recovery.

If warm water suddenly begins to rise from under the floor in the dreamer’s house, it means that enemies will appear in his life who will greatly harm him. Treating your friends with warm water in a dream means that in real life, relationships with these people will soon deteriorate. And the reason for this will be the intemperance and slander of the sleeper. If the dreamer himself is given warm water to drink, it means that in the near future a lot of gossip and judgmental conversations will arise around his person. Also, such a dream indicates that there is a person surrounded by a person who is very envious of him.

What does it portend?

Walking in a dream in the warm rain and getting wet through means that soon the sleeping person will have a fan (admirer), who will bring many pleasant minutes into the dreamer’s life. Swimming in the sea and noticing with surprise how the water is getting warmer foreshadows that in real life the sleeping person will receive serious help from his friends or relatives. Scooping warm water in a dream means sad experiences and numerous troubles. Spilling water means material losses. Drawing warm water from a well means quarrels.

You can understand why you dream about warm water by analyzing the details of the dream. If the sleeper is surrounded by a large amount of warm, muddy water, then his life is full of various emotional experiences that are associated with family relationships. .

If the dreamer washes his clothes in warm water, it means that he will soon find out that his other half is cheating on him. Giving your pets warm water in a dream means that in real life the sleeper will face betrayal from people close to him.