How the lasso chariot is played in a relationship. Major Arcana Tarot Chariot (7 Arcana): meaning and combination with other cards

September 29, 2015

Tarot Meaning - The Chariot

Tarot Card - The Chariot
Value in upright position

Arcana Chariot deck
Rider White Tarot, Ramses Tarot, Thoth Tarot

General description of the lasso:
Determination, willpower, goal achievement. You overcome any obstacles on the path to success because you clearly understand your goal and know how to keep the situation under control. The exciting situation will be resolved in your favor, you will get what you wanted. Perhaps you have an important trip or journey ahead. There is no need to rush things, even if it seems to you that you are moving very slowly. Everything has its time. You are on the right path, and if you can control your emotions, you will achieve good results and receive a worthy reward.

The long-awaited period of favorable changes in your personal life has arrived. You will achieve what you want thanks to confidence in your goal, your strengths and control over your emotions and experiences. You are already on the way to your goal, the love disappointments of loss are in the past. If you have not yet met your love, a new acquaintance awaits you; if you are not alone, you will have the opportunity to take a fresh look at relationships and correct existing mistakes. Your relationship is moving to a new level of development.

The Tarot Arcana Chariot symbolizes a person who is self-confident, capable of managing his life, while achieving his goals. A calm person who knows how to manage his mind and emotions.

Determination, initiative, success, overcoming difficulties.

You have clearly formulated your goal and you have enough opportunities to realize it. Rich prospects appear in your business. Perhaps you have been struggling with difficulties for a long time - now you can breathe a sigh of relief, since you managed to emerge victorious from a difficult situation. If your question concerns changing jobs, or receiving a job offer, Arcanum Chariot suggests that you will have the opportunity to put your abilities and skills into practice. The new job offer will be very promising. In career matters, you can count on promotion and recognition. Favorable changes occur in business, material well-being improves thanks to the ability to keep the situation under control, calculate all risks and not lose emotional balance.

The Arcana Tarot Chariot symbolizes a self-confident person, decisive and purposeful.

Advice - follow your goal, but don’t rush to bring it closer; everything has its time.

Tarot Card - The Chariot
Reversed meaning

Arcana Chariot deck
Durer Tarot, Tarot of the Dwarves, Tarot of 78 Doors

General description of the lasso:
Wrong choice, wasted effort, failure. It is difficult for you to decide, to choose the only right direction. You may have already made a mistake as a result of choosing the wrong goal. The difficulties probably arose due to your indecision. The situation is getting out of control and you are finding it difficult to control your emotions. You lack focus, willpower, and energy to accomplish your plans. There may be obstacles in travel and travel, problems with transport. Don't try to do several things at once, think about what you really want.

Meaning in love readings:
Arcana Tarot Chariot in an inverted position means that you yourself do not know what you want; you have not determined for yourself what your loved one should be like. Perhaps this is because you need to understand yourself, your life goals. You worry about everything and rush from side to side, which can lead to an emotional breakdown. You need to calm down and think about yourself. Beware of committing a rash act; active actions will not bring anything good.

The inverted Chariot symbolizes an impulsive and possibly unbalanced person, prone to conflicts with others, and highly dependent on bad habits.

Value in work schedules:
Obstacles, rash actions, uncertainty, collapse of plans. You feel that the current situation is getting out of control; you find it difficult to concentrate and decide on a goal. You rush from side to side, taking on several things at once, exhausting yourself mentally and physically, but there is no result in sight. Perhaps your frequent mood swings have caused trouble. If the Arcana Chariot appears in an inverted position when the question concerns a job change, you should not rush to make a final decision; most likely, you are guided by emotions rather than reason in this situation.

In matters of business and career, this is a period of rash actions, unreasonable spending and investments, claims from management. The financial situation may be shaken.

Advice - collect your thoughts and determine what you want. Control your emotions and act thoughtfully. Don't rush things.

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Tarot Chariot - the meaning of this lasso should be known to everyone who is going to tell fortunes with Tarot cards. The Chariot is a symbol of search, it will tell you how to find your place in life and in most cases a very positive card.

In the article:

Tarot Chariot - meaning in upright position

The interpretation of the Chariot Tarot card will help you decipher any layouts that were made on the classic Tarot, and any decks that were made in the Waite tradition (or their authors referred to a similar interpretation).

If during fortune telling you get the 7th lasso in an upright position, this indicates that a person’s life will change very quickly. Most often, the Chariot foreshadows some kind of breakthrough, a leap forward, likely overcoming any difficulties; a person will be driven by such an impulse and will be ready to overcome any distance.

In addition, the Chariot says that a person is currently maximally active, filled with optimism, and has all the necessary strength to achieve what he wants. The individual is more purposeful than ever and moves towards his goal.

Today you have the opportunity to say goodbye to almost any problems that have been weighing you down for a long time. But this card cannot always be a harbinger of only good things. The Chariot suggests that the individual will have to face reality, and this can traumatize particularly impressionable individuals.

Now more than ever, you need to show ingenuity, self-control and willpower. You will have a tense struggle, various people may meet on your way, their life values ​​will be absolutely opposite to yours, this will provoke various disagreements and aggression on the part of these people. A long trip is not excluded, it could be a pleasant trip, it could be a work trip.

If you are hesitating whether to go on a trip or not, then the fallen Chariot insists that you still need to go. The dropped Arcana Chariot has been considered a unique sign from above since ancient times, especially important if the card fell in a layout that is in itself unfavorable.

In this case, the Chariot says that no matter how many obstacles there are on your path, you will soon receive good news, a signal that will give you strength, inspiration and the desire to realize your plans. Among other things, the Chariot speaks of the beginning of a special period in life, which must be devoted to improving one’s own.

Do what your heart wants, develop, take risks, fight, go on an exciting journey. The card has a special energy; it says that today a person needs to learn something new, acquire extraordinary skills that will make him more confident and help him achieve what he wants.

Take time for discipline and self-control, this will help strengthen your inner core. If the card comes up in the layout, then the answer is positive.

Interpretation in an inverted position

The major arcan Chariot in an inverted position is one of the most unfavorable. In some cases, it means a painful period of waiting, when it would seem that bad is better than nothing. But fate decided to test your strength and see how long you can be true to your principles.

This period can drag on for a long time; for a while you will have to gather all your strength in order to endure the waiting period as painlessly as possible. In addition, in an inverted meaning, the card can speak of rejection, defeat, failure. Perhaps at the most decisive moment, luck will turn away from you and all your plans will be destroyed. Therefore, you should not overestimate your strength and believe in miracles.

Important: Even in the most dramatic situation, you should not lose control of yourself, as your behavior can lead to many troubles. The inverted 7th lasso also indicates uncontrollable lust and passion, selfishness, and the inability to manage one’s feelings and others.

The card is an unfavorable symbol for travelers, as it predicts a difficult road, an accident, a breakdown, an emergency on the road, or bad weather. Regarding health, the prognosis is also not very favorable. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible, but this will not be particularly life-threatening.

Protracted quarrels, grievances are possible, the situation cannot be resolved in any way, it is important to enter into discussions with the person with whom you are in a quarrel and clarify the situation. There is no need to rush anywhere, as haste can only ruin the course of events.

The meaning of the lasso in relationships

If we talk about relationships with friends, colleagues and relatives, the card is extremely ambiguous, since on the one hand it is a symbol of a selfish and withdrawn person who does not particularly show his emotions and thereby can make enemies for himself.

On the other hand, the Chariot can talk about the beginning of new relationships, the emergence of new acquaintances, and the beginning of vigorous activity. Most often, such a card in a relationship between a man and a woman speaks of some kind of long-term relationship. Perhaps these are spouses in a long marriage who can no longer show such vivid feelings as before, but also cannot separate.

If the partners are young, in general they will have a good relationship, but the girl must be prepared for the fact that the young man will be interested not only in her, but also in various hobbies and acquaintances with whom he will have to share. If the card appears together with the Tower, this indicates conflicts and difficult relationships.

Surrounded by positive cards, the Chariot lasso suggests that one of the spouses has rich relatives who probably live far away. Also, the work of one of the partners may be related to public service, long-distance business trips, or saving someone’s life. The person on whom this lasso falls is truly the personification of sexual energy.

He needs to dominate his partner, control him. The ability to compromise and make contact depends only on whether the individual himself is ready to take such a noble step. Often such a person does not have one permanent partner, since it is difficult for him to become attached to someone, the conquered fortress is no longer interesting to him and he needs to storm another bastion.

When choosing a spouse, an individual will not pay attention to the opinions of family or friends, since he will go to the last degree in order to win his loved one. When forming a love triangle, the individual who corresponds to the Chariot card will always be chosen.

Work and finance

If we talk about layouts for work, then the 7th lasso that appears means that the person has finally managed to take a step into adulthood, become independent, and earn his own bread. For an adult individual, the card indicates that he has a chance to get a promotion and improve his qualifications.

A magical attribute testifies to the courage of an individual, his willingness to walk over corpses in order to achieve his goal. All doors to success are open to you, but you should not abuse your power and overestimate your capabilities. Sometimes the Chariot means changes in business, starting to work for yourself, or switching to new technologies.

Sometimes it is also possible to change jobs or move to another city. In this case, it is possible to change your place of residence. No significant financial losses are expected, there will only be an improvement in your financial situation, but if you want to live in luxury, you will still have to spend money on it.

Health status

The Chariot is evidence of the good health of the individual and his ability to adapt to any rhythm of life. A person has good not only physical health, but also mental health. Sometimes the appearance of a card indicates the beginning of sports or a person’s ability to quit an old bad habit.

At the moment, you have the opportunity to change your lifestyle, try a new diet, take up a new sport. In an upright position for a sick person, the Chariot portends a speedy recovery. If, using the layout, you want to find out what caused the illness of a certain person, then the fallen Chariot will tell you about problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Most often these can be ulcers. Also among the negative meanings of the card is getting into an accident; in the old days they said that the 7th lasso foreshadows being wounded on the battlefield. Modern interpretations say that this is a harbinger of some kind of accident, accident, accident.

In an inverted position, the card speaks of viruses, injuries received as a result of playing professional sports, complications that arose as a result of improper treatment. For a woman, the Chariot can be a harbinger of postpartum depression.

Tarot Chariot in combination with other cards

In order to interpret the layout as best as possible, you need to pay attention not only to the specific cards you receive, but to their combination. This will help you get a more detailed and correct answer. The Chariot in combination with a Tarot card:

  • Jester - confusion in business, problems with documents;
  • Magician - you need to concentrate, gather all your strength into a fist and achieve what you want;
  • High Priestess - studying something, gaining new knowledge;
  • Empress - aspiration, financial well-being;
  • Emperor - restoration of the course of events that satisfies you;
  • Hierophant - harmony with others;
  • Lovers - moving to a new level, ending a relationship that does not bring you satisfaction;
  • Strength - you will be able to end the quarrel;
  • Hermit - being alone, melancholy;
  • Wheel of Fortune - a very quick change in the situation;
  • Justice - you will be able to achieve what you want;
  • Hanged - high risk of injury;
  • Death - the situation is inevitable;
  • Moderation is a habit, learning new skills;
  • Devil - moral or physical violence;
  • Tower - accident, troubles with any transport;
  • Star - listen to the clues of fate;
  • Moon - turn off the path you are on, it is not the right one;
  • The sun is a pleasant journey;
  • Court - rebirth;
  • Peace - harmony, travel.

A deck of Tarot cards is a unique, one-of-a-kind collection of magical symbols that allow you to see complex events of the future that will bring important changes and opportunities for every person. This difficult attribute for fortune telling has been used for thousands of years by both experienced magicians and beginners of the ancient craft. Not every person can master such a whimsical, changeable deck, but if foresight opens up to their gaze, the world around them changes irrevocably.

A deck of Tarot cards is a unique, one-of-a-kind collection of magical symbols

What does the Chariot card in Tarot tell you?

How to correctly read magic signs and use them to find out the future? The Chariot of the Tarot is a representative of the strongest arcana, personifying in the layouts professional and creative searches for general or special issues. A strong card indicates significant moments of the future, and it is mandatory for every magician to interpret it in the right direction. What is the hidden power of the ancient symbol displayed in the Tarot deck in the form of a colorful image of a moving chariot?

The nature and purpose of the Chariot symbol in the Tarot

The classic Tarot deck consists of cards that are different in appearance and original purpose, allowing you to reveal the secrets of the future or possible events that have yet to happen. The Tarot card Chariot (7th major lasso) symbolizes an irresistible craving for new, unknown, potentially dangerous and exciting phenomena. The rapid changes that this ancient symbol promises will happen unexpectedly, without obvious prerequisites. The 7th major lasso portends only positive changes in business, work, in other important areas of human life. A favorable card in an upright position foreshadows a real, grandiose breakthrough. The nature of the Chariot symbol in the tarot of the classical structure is a herald of the successful completion of previously started business, breakthroughs in business in which stagnation has been observed for a long time. A person who is the prototype of the Chariot card will overcome any obstacles and go through a long, exhausting path to recognition and victory.

The Arcana Tarot Chariot indicates probable events that are destined to happen in the near future:

  • increased activity in business, bringing success;
  • breakthrough in new risky projects;
  • ambitions pushing for new professional achievements;
  • the end of a protracted crisis;
  • harsh reality revealed;
  • increased confidence in yourself and your abilities;
  • provocations that can be avoided;
  • long trip;
  • signs sent by fate for future success.

The direct position of the ancient symbol is interpreted as favorable changes that make it possible to receive additional income or other benefits necessary for every person. The questioner, who has appealed to the advice of the ancient Tarot deck, thanks to the Chariot card, can be confident in the strength and stability of the affairs and enterprises he has begun.

Direct position of the Chariot card

The Arcana Chariot predicts not only significant moments of the future, but also easily indicates the character traits of the questioner. The symbol card reveals the important habits and moral principles of the one who turned to the magic deck for help. It is possible that the Chariot card in any layout can symbolize a person from the questioner’s inner circle. Such a prototype of a powerful arcana will play an important role in the future and will help overcome all sorts of obstacles on the path to a happy, carefree life.

Features of the seventh arcana Chariot

The 7th lasso personifies an active, positive-minded person who seeks not only a higher purpose, but also ways to achieve mundane, profitable goals. It is a mixture of pragmatism and optimism to find new ways to solve old problems. From the outside, the prototype of the Chariot seems to be a supernatural creature with an endless supply of energy and vitality. He succeeds in absolutely everything: from difficult situations to non-standard tasks. A purposeful person who draws card 7 of the senior arcan of the Tarot deck has all the available chances to get rid of obstacles and obstacles that hinder progress and advancement. All that remains is to change your own worldview a little and look at the existing troubles from a different angle.

The Chariot represents an active, positive-minded person

Symbolism of the card for a fortuneteller

The card, symbolizing the dangers that arise from excessive distortion of reality, warns that illusions can be destroyed. Fictitious castles in the air cannot become a solid foundation, and the sooner the questioner says goodbye to the non-existent support, the faster tangible, real foundations will appear in his life. Often the Chariot foretells long trips of various kinds. Rest or work, in any case, a favorable ancient symbol indicates a successful journey that brings significant results.

The seventh lasso softens the entire layout, even with pronounced negative symbols that fell adjacent to the Chariot. It will indicate that the fortuneteller or questioner:

  • active;
  • purposeful;
  • able to see good opportunities in emerging troubles;
  • will overcome any obstacles;
  • will establish his own order of familiar things.

A harbinger of good news and imminent changes for the better - a card with an image of a racing chariot promises changes that will certainly please the questioner.

Reversed position of the Chariot card in a Tarot reading

The meaning of the Chariot Tarot card depends on several related factors. A favorable symbol is in an upright position; in the opposite case, it carries a negative message for the questioner. Waiting, which exhausts a person, will become a transition period, leading to more protracted problems and stagnation in all areas of life. Meanings of the inverted Chariot in layouts for the future:


Obstacles or problems that come across the path of every successful person must strengthen his character and willpower. The Chariot card indicates the expenditure of vitality. It will be very difficult to restore energy in the future, and things that took so much time and effort will turn out to be unworthy of attention. The negative meaning of the inverted Chariot affects the entire layout, and neighboring cards that carry a positive forecast become less favorable in combination with the seventh lasso.


Protracted problems displayed in an inverted ancient symbol will lead to defeats and losses. Resistance to fate is fraught with moral exhaustion, loss of strength and apathy. The luck that accompanied the person will suddenly turn away from him. If an inverted Chariot appears in your professional life scenario, you should not despair. The questioner, having examined the unfavorable card, must draw important conclusions and prevent the negative consequences of deliberate delays.

The hard road

The Chariot in the Thoth Tarot or the Classic Tarot card foreshadows difficulties that will arise along the path of life. The planned trip will be marred by constant problems, accidents and troubles.

The Chariot in the Thoth Tarot portends difficulties


If you follow the classic interpretation of the Tarot deck, the Chariot promises health problems. Diseases and unpleasant ailments will lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the human body. Sudden exacerbations of old, hidden diseases and chronic dangerous diseases cannot be ruled out. The questioner should pay special attention to his own health.


An ancient symbol indicating quarrels, warns against rash actions and rash statements. Every word accidentally thrown towards an opponent can be used to the detriment of the questioner at the most inopportune moment.

The seven major arcana is a powerful symbol that must be read correctly. A misinterpretation only guarantees a disappointing, implausible forecast. An experienced magician who practices fortune telling with a Tarot deck pays attention to the smallest details of each symbol. The position of the Chariot determines the entire message of the layout.

Relationships and friendship breakdown

Relationships: friendship, love, partnership - define a person in the same way as his professional activity. The dual nature of the ancient symbol makes it possible to understand the intricacies of the feelings and intentions of the questioner, as well as his immediate environment. The Chariot denotes a closed person, detached from social life, who finds it difficult to open up to others. Hidden emotions prevent the questioner from showing himself in the best light.

The favorable message of the card (7th major arcan of the Tarot deck) promises a new promising relationship that will bring a lot of joy and pleasure. For existing couples, the Chariot card predicts the strengthening of partnerships. For young people, a dual magical symbol predicts development, which is a prerequisite for a happy relationship. The Chariot symbol gives clear advice - personal development will expand your horizons.

The magical attribute of fortune telling for the future promises support from close relatives. People related by blood ties can help even at a considerable distance. Often, such an ancient symbol promises a change of job. The new position will involve business trips and meeting new people. In a scenario that speaks of favorable changes in relationships, the Chariot card is always present.

The 7th major arcan of the Tarot deck promises new promising relationships

Combination of the Chariot symbol and other cards of the Tarot deck

The Chariot, in combination with other Tarot cards, creates unique tandems, with the help of which interpreting various layouts is as easy as shelling pears. The forecast will become accurate and reliable only if the conjunctions of neighboring strong symbols are correctly read. Combinations of cards of the 7th Major Arcana and other magical signs of the Tarot deck:

The Jester and the Chariot

A union indicating that chaos will manifest itself in affairs in the near future. Troubles with documents and difficulties with concluding contracts will lead to delays in payments and a decrease in income.

Empress and Chariot

The combination of powerful cards indicates financial success and a favorable outcome of started business.

The Hermit and the Chariot

A tandem that promises forced loneliness. A sad mood will haunt the questioner for a long time. There is no need to be upset; cards that are complex in nature in an unusual alliance promise favorable changes that you need to wait for.

Death and the Chariot

A herald of inevitability that must be overcome at any cost. Work, patience and peace of mind will be the key to future success.

A deck of Tarot cards predicts the future to the extent that it will not harm the questioner with unnecessary details. The interpretation of the complex, multi-valued symbolism of a magical attribute can confuse even an experienced magician, therefore one should look for answers to future events with extreme caution. Not every future danger must be prevented, and not every good event must occur.

Chariot + Jester (VII + 0)
The driver is a fool.
Unpredictability of management.
Uncontrollable situation.
Increased chaos.
Leaving home, childhood, from under authority.

Chariot + Mage (VII + I)
Let's hit the road. Carry out your plans.
Masterful movement.
The beginning of the way. Movement. Drive. Journey.
Buying a car.
Change of activity. Doesn't stay in one place for long.
Concentration of will.
Grab the idea. Risk. Business. Project promotion. Management.
Youthful maximalism.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Chariot + High Priestess (VII + II)
Secret acquaintance on the way.
Road with a woman.
A journey of educational or loving nature
Management using intuition.
Managing a woman.
The secret influence of a woman on the path of life.
Thoughts about a career, moving, changing place of residence.
Secretly changes jobs.
A favorable change of place.
Automaticity of actions.
Duality of goals.
Purposeful learning.

Chariot + Empress (VII + III)
Concretization of the idea.
Change, change of environment, field of activity or direction.
Movement in the chosen direction, towards the result, will bring prosperity.
Trouble, a lot of things to do.
Buying a car.
Woman driving.
Traveling with a woman.
Women's business.
Managing passions.
Love as a means to achieve goals.
Excessive demands.
Attractive image, image art, fashion.

Chariot + Emperor (VII + IV)
The questioner strives to build a space for himself where logic and order will reign
Order will be restored.
Purchasing a car.
Benefit from the trip.
A trip with a man or breaking up for a while (hardly indicates a good romance).
Power over yourself. Controls himself.
Great desire for leadership, conquest.
Endurance, determination.
Take your diagnosis and work seriously.
Control. Management.
Creating something utilitarian, but strong and durable.
Conqueror, strategist.
Professional military man.
Application of efforts related to travel and business trips.
Offer to move to a new job.

Chariot + Hierophant (VII + V)
It is important to understand where to move.
Drive. Right way.
Information related to job change.
Academic career.
Authoritative solution, classic method, method.
Consider yourself an authority or refer to authorities.
Integrity, follow the principle.
Self-confidence, self-discipline.
Marriage to a military man, a man in high ranks.
Studying to become a manager.
Departure abroad.
An attempt to find the truth.
Gain understanding.
Health requires lifestyle changes.

Chariot + Lovers (VII + VI)
Thoughts and worries before the trip.
Choice. Who should you take with you on the road? What will happen next?
Growing up. End your relationship confusion.
Life goes on and encourages you to move.
Honeymoon trip.
Beautiful car.

Chariot + Strength (VII + VIII)
There will be a serious obstacle on the way to your goal. It will take effort to overcome.
Preventing a quarrel.
Cordial relationships between partners.

Chariot + Hermit (VII + IX)
Changes are delayed.
Solitude is necessary for reflection.
You will have to move alone to the final point; perhaps you don’t need anyone.

Chariot + Wheel (VII + X)
You are moving towards your intended goal. Good luck with you. Long-awaited changes.
Rapid changes.
Traveling in pleasant company.
Maybe a trip abroad.

Chariot + Justice (VII + XI)
Achieve justice.
Resolve the issue (situation) fairly.
The forward movement slowed.
The implementation of plans ran into unexpected obstacles.
Social affairs (court).
Administration. Secretary.
Military registration and enlistment office.
Energetic, aggressive partner.
Prudence. Insensitivity.
Marriage of convenience.

Chariot + Hanged Man (VII + XII)
When traveling or traveling, be very careful. Risk of injury.
The desire to get involved in a scam came to you at the wrong time.
Pointless actions. Indecisiveness.
Loss of strength. Not finishing things.

Chariot + Death (VII + XIII)
Anxious premonitions. Change of direction.
The desire to completely change yourself.
Care, departure, change of position.
Maximalism. Uncompromising.
Death for the victory of an idea.

Chariot + Temperance (VII + XIV)
“The one who walks will master the road.”
You will be able to take the right road.
A short trip and return.
Acquiring driving skills.
Fight for beliefs.
Self-control, restraint.
Departure from home.

Chariot + Devil (VII + XV)
Drunk driving. Dangerous path.
It’s tempting to take shortcuts to your goal, but it’s important to realize how risky this is.
Self-esteem hinders development. Pride, ambition.
An absurd attachment to goals that are dictated solely under the influence of carnal, material instincts.
A sharp restriction of free will.
Liberation is necessary, but it is still difficult for you to recognize this need.

Chariot + Tower (VII + XVI)
Equipment breakdown. Possible accident. Accident on the way. Car accident.
Revocation of driver's license.
Painful defeat.
Loss of position, career.
Excessive pride causes you to sink below your level, even where you should fly up.
Your burden is heavy, but pull yourself together and carry it. Your game is not lost, but only postponed. And little by little you will complete the tower of your life. Just build it properly.

Chariot + Star (VII + XVII)
Follow the guiding star.
You are finally on the right road.
The star of hope will light your path.
Good luck in collaborating with others.

Chariot + Moon (VII + XVIII)
You have lost your way. You are going down the wrong path.
Wrong action.
The desire to change the environment.
An active imagination gets you going.
Traveling by water.
Creative tides.
Working in large institutions or in positions where you can hide yourself.
Secret feud. Secret love adventures.

Chariot + Sun (VII + XIX)
A clear path to the goal. The right way.
Moving with children.
The thirst for human warmth draws you into the company of others.
Secretly, fate is preparing new pleasant acquaintances for you.
Tides of inspiration.
Organizational talent.
Trip to the resort.

Chariot + Judgment (VII + XX)
It is fate that forces you to move in a given direction.
Sudden changes will call into question yesterday's friendship.
Breakthrough from external problems through obstacles.
Job offer, growth prospects, career.
Realization of reserves.

Chariot + World (VII + XXI)
Happy and fruitful release.
Cessation of hostilities, truce.
Hopes have come true, difficulties are behind us - peace has been achieved.
The desire to achieve many goals at once.
Travel abroad.
Transportation, import/export.

With the Ace of Wands card - uncertainty.
With the “Two of Wands” card, you are at a crossroads.
With the Three of Wands card - uncoordinated cooperation.
With the Four of Wands card - go on a visit; to the show.
With the Five of Wands card - present arguments.
With the Six of Wands card - take the right course.
With the Seven of Wands card - claim.
With the Eight of Wands card - reach the finish line.
With the Nine of Wands card - get injured.
With the Ten of Wands card - a fiasco; congestion, traffic jam.
With the “Page of Wands” card - overcome resistance.
With the card “Knight of Wands” - recklessness.
With the Queen of Wands card - get a promotion.
With the “King of Wands” card - prove yourself.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Chariot upright with Major Arcana

Magician - Dizzying success (flowers, applause)
Magician (trans) - Fatal "gift"
Priestess - Lesbianism
Priestess (transl.) - Closing scientific topics, developments
Empress - Success in banking
Empress (trans) - Vain Expectations
Emperor - Successes in society, political struggle
Emperor (transl.) - Failure, failure. Failure in elections, exams
Priest - Marriage with a military man, a person in high ranks
Priest (trans) - Hopeless efforts to get married
Lovers - Dynasty. Military career
Lovers (transl.) - The path is impossible, petitions are unnecessary
Justice - Winning a court case. Triumph of Justice
Justice (transl.) - Attempts to deceive fate, Fortune
Hermit - Spiritual powers. Religious vocation. Preacher. Supreme Military Valor
The Hermit (trans) - The Schism of the Clergy
Wheel of Fortune - Success is temporary, but in absolutely everything. Fortune's Favorite
Wheel of Fortune (trans.) - Torture, torment. Tantalum
Strength - Friendship, which is based on covering up negative behavior
Strength (trans) - Loss of vigilance, caution
Hanged Man - Heroism, rescuing comrades from the battlefield
The Hanged Man (trans) - Accidental sudden death while traveling
Death - Correct maneuvers. Victory in battle
Death (trans) - Overturning structures using forceful methods
Moderation - Time of hostilities. "Hussar Ballad"
Moderation (trans) - Intervention. Capture. An occupation. Obesity or dystrophy
Devil - Black masses, Satanism, frenzy
The Devil (transl.) - Rampant Satanists
Tower - Explosion/Depression
Tower (lane) - Loss of real estate, natural gas explosion. Insurance agent
Star - Success in the detective genre
Star (trans) - Loss of vision. Glaucoma. Laser
Moon - Recklessness
Luna (trans) - Death while relaxing on the water
Sun - Evasion from military service, or vice versa, difference in military affairs. Right path or choice, stability
Sun (trans) - Fire, loss of property in a fire. Fire danger
Court - Participation in intervention
Court (trans) - Sad changes
Peace - Cessation of hostilities, truce
Peace (transl.) - Scandal between clans, families (Montagues and Capulets)
Jester - Worsening mental illness. Tendency to mental illness
Jester (trans) - Wound to the head. Dire consequences. Mismanagement of the situation

Chariot upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Movement down an inclined plane
2 of Wands (trans) - Inability to get out of ruts
2 of Cups - New acquaintance, connection
2 of Cups (trans) - Lustful beast
2 of Swords - Partial victory
2 of Swords (trans) - Unfair actions. Smoking in secret
2 of Pentacles - Path in the Dark
2 of Pentacles (trans.) - Writer. First publication

3 of Wands - Short Journey
3 of Wands (trans) - Rest from the fight
3 of Cups - Happy news from afar
3 of Cups (per) - Negative response to the proposal
3 of Swords - Vain trips
3 of Swords (trans) - Mental problems
3 of Pentacles - Long road to recognition
3 of Pentacles (trans) - Corrupt society, environment

4 of Wands - A trip out of town

4 of Cups - Fulfilled prediction
4 of Cups (trans) - Boring acquaintance
4 of Swords - Deception of hopes
4 of Swords (transl.) - In the wrong place, with the wrong loved ones. Stinginess
4 of Pentacles - Unbridled generosity
4 of Pentacles (trans) - Unexpected refusal

5 of Wands - Period of success
5 of Wands (trans) - Protracted conflict
5 of Cups - Unexpected find
5 Cups (trans.) - Fight, scandal
5 of Swords - Failed Journey
5 of Swords (trans) - Death on a Cruise
5 of Pentacles - Lover - military man, married
5 of Pentacles (trans) - Quarrel with the military department
5 of Pentacles (per) - Penalty

6 of Wands - Successes in military affairs
6 of Wands (trans) - Fears that have reached a dead end
6 of Cups - Retirement of a military man
6 Cups (trans.) - Brilliant prospects in military affairs
6 of Swords - Crossing the border. Customs inspection. Do not take part in hostilities
6 of Swords (trans) - Trouble on the road
6 of Pentacles - Witness to the incident
6 of Pentacles (trans) - Failed passion

7 of Wands - Things going downhill
7 of Wands (trans) - Lingering doubts
7 of Cups - Target selection
7 of Cups (trans) - Non-use of the seven gifts of fate
7 of Swords - Hall of Lonely Hearts. Waiting hall
7 of Swords (transl.) - Preparing for the trip
7 of Pentacles - Help in big matters related to profits
7 of Pentacles (trans) - Great fear

8 of Wands - Flight, speed
8 of Wands (trans) - Family feuds
8 of Cups - Mistress of a military man. Border Poverty
8 Cups (per) - Military honors
8 of Swords - Crisis, turning point. Accident
8 of Swords (trans) - Resistance to violence
8 of Pentacles - Sponsor
8 of Pentacles (trans) - Duplicity

9 of Wands - Revenge on ill-wishers
9 of Wands (trans) - Trouble will not bring harm
9 of Cups - Withdrawal of troops, ending the war
9 Cups (per) - Occupation
9 of Swords - God's sign
9 of Swords (trans) - Participation in terrorist acts
9 of Pentacles - Car accident with many casualties
9 of Pentacles (trans) - The path to the abyss

10 of Wands - Slander, militant gossip
10 of Wands (trans) - Growth of negative influence
10 of Cups - Contract service, possibly abroad
10 of Cups (per) - Appropriate irritation
10 of Swords - Premonition of danger with a loved one
10 of Swords (trans) - Success on the stock exchange. Brokerage
10 of Pentacles - The need to protect your home
10 of Pentacles (trans) - Lucky chance for success in business

Page of Wands - Path to Glory
Page of Wands (trans) - Timely advice
Page of Cups - Military profession. Rake
Page of Cups (trans) - Dubious Pleasure
Page of Swords - Cadet. School
Page of Swords (trans) - Inexperience, naivety
Page of Pentacles - "Cuckold"
Page of Pentacles (trans) - Obvious excesses

Knight of Wands - Moving to distant lands
Knight of Wands (trans) - Cessation of movement. Repair work. Success in the auto industry
Knight of Cups - Favorable outcome of the case
Knight of Cups (trans) - The Seducer. Hussar
Knight of Swords - Receiving a military distinction
Knight of Swords (trans) - Order of dismissal, expulsion
Knight of Pentacles - Big Win
Knight of Pentacles (trans) - Vacation

Queen of Wands - Wife of a military man in high ranks
Queen of Wands (transl.) - Second marriage to a military man
Queen of Cups - Military virtue, wife of a military man. Withering, old age
Queen of Cups (transl.) - Loud scandal
Queen of Swords - War Widow
Queen of Swords (trans) - Damage. Waning moon
Queen of Pentacles - Security, freedom
Queen of Pentacles (trans) - Uncertainty of position

King of Wands - Military in high ranks
King of Wands (trans) - Intemperance in desires
King of Cups - Martial Arts
King of Cups (trans) - Representative of mafia structures
King of Swords - Military Jurisprudence
King of Swords (trans) - Untapped Opportunities
King of Pentacles - Businessman by vocation
King of Pentacles (trans) - Ugliness

Ace of Wands - Victory over the blows of fate
Ace of Wands (trans) - Bankruptcy
Ace of Cups - "A Feast for the Whole World"
Ace of Cups (trans) - Infertility
Ace of Swords - Disaster. The accident could be fatal
Ace of Swords (trans) - Self-Destruction
Ace of Pentacles - Complete victory
Ace of Pentacles (trans) - Seizure of wealth, treasure

8 Swords + 7 Pentacles - Damage to the trail
7 of Pentacles + Knight of Swords - Damage at a crossroads, which a person “picked up” by accident
6 Wands (trans) + 7 Swords + Tower - Damage to death during an accident, problems with the car

Reversed Chariot with Major Arcana

Mage - Defeat, small-scale bad luck
Magician (trans) - Force majeure. Unpredictability
Priestess - Alchemy. Failure in the official sciences
Priestess (trans) - Social loss
Empress - Unsuccessful financial transactions. Put aside the affair, think about honesty and sincerity in the relationship
Empress (trans) - Infertility. Injuries in battles resulting in changes in body shape or loss of any organs
Emperor - Conflicts with senior management. Deliberate forgery
Emperor (trans) - Loss of position
Priest - A marriage doomed to widowhood. "Black spider"
Priest (trans) - Divorce proceedings
Lovers - Unhappiness with loved ones
Lovers (trans) - Warpath
Justice - Unfair accusations
Justice (trans.) - Failures in jurisprudence
Hermit - Dirty depravity
The Hermit (trans) - Problems with the military registration and enlistment office
Wheel of Fortune - Success in ballet art
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - "Zombie"
Strength - Weakness, indecisiveness, giving up positions without a fight
Strength (translated) - Encroachment on the most precious thing in life
Hanged Man - Cowardice, flight, betrayal
The Hanged Man (trans) - Murder in the House
Death - Death in battle
Death (transl.) - Bloody feuds, showdowns
Moderation - Completion of the military operation. Homecoming
Moderation (trans) - The end of hostilities. Returning home (Afghanistan)
Devil - Injuries resulting in changes in body shape. Amputation
The Devil (trans) - The Phantom of Virtue
Tower - Nuclear disaster (Chernobyl, etc.)
Tower (lane) - Attack from around the corner
Star - Exhibitions, vernissages, success in the fine arts
Star (trans) - Loss of trust
Moon - Large-scale historical disaster on water (“Titanic”, “Kursk”, etc.)
Moon (trans) - Misconception
Sun - Minor injury, concussion. Military hospital
The Sun (transl.) - Arson, intentional
Court - Emergency situation (explosion in the metro at Pushkinskaya station, for example)
Judgment (trans) - Falling into the abyss. Snow avalanche. Skiing
Peace - Scandal in a noble society
World (trans) - Avalanche of misfortunes. Burial
Jester - Soaring on the Air
Jester (transl.) - Robbery. Black flag. Piracy

Reversed Chariot with Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Sudden depression
2 of Wands (trans) - Deadly Journey
2 of Cups - Uncertainty about a loved one
2 of Cups (trans) - Lust
2 of Swords - Complete defeat
2 of Swords (trans) - Rebel Friend
2 of Pentacles - Confusion in business
2 of Pentacles (trans) - Impossibility of reaching an agreement peacefully

3 of Wands - Failed attempts
3 Zhezlov (lane) - Repair work
3 of Cups - Waiting for news from afar
3 of Cups (trans.) - Hurt feelings
3 of Swords - Trip postponed
3 of Swords (trans) - Mental hereditary disease
3 of Pentacles - Inability to achieve recognition
3 of Pentacles (trans) - Low goals

4 of Wands - Don’t pack for a trip
4 of Wands (trans) - Does not change the meaning in an inverted position
4 of Cups - Unpleasant news
4 of Cups (per) - Quarrel
4 of Swords - Stinginess
4 of Swords (trans) - Tyrant, despot (domestic), often - child
4 of Pentacles - Unpleasant gift
4 of Pentacles (trans) - Captivity, guardhouse, arrest

5 of Wands - Spending money on trifles
5 of Wands (trans) - A break is needed
5 of Cups - Betrayal of a friend
5 of Cups (per) - Wound, pain
5 of Swords - Unexpected losses
5 of Swords (trans) - The collapse of everything that was planned
5 of Pentacles - Insecure connections
5 of Pentacles (trans) - Dishonor

6 of Wands - Victory of the enemy
6 of Wands (trans) - Frustrated expectations
6 of Cups - Retirement due to illness, disability
6 Cups (per) - Dubious success
6 of Swords - Should not take part in a military operation
6 of Swords (trans) - A dangerous path
6 of Pentacles - Witness for the prosecution against you
6 of Pentacles (trans) - Lost opportunities

7 of Wands - Settlement of force by force
7 of Wands (trans) - Disorder in business
7 of Cups - Uncertainty, painful
7 of Cups (trans) - Burning life
7 of Swords - Vain requests
7 of Swords (trans) - Give up the desire to get rich
7 of Pentacles - Refusal to help, stubbornness
7 of Pentacles (per) - Vain pressure

8 of Wands - Delayed flight
8 of Wands (trans) - Madness, impulsiveness
8 of Cups - Poverty
8 of Cups (trans) - Inappropriate excuses
8 of Swords - Unpleasant Incident
8 of Swords (trans) - Dangerous illness, loss of maternal care
8 of Pentacles - Usury, pawnshops, mortgages with interest
8 of Pentacles (trans) - Soullessness, coldness

9 of Wands - Prohibition on further actions
9 of Wands (trans) - The end of bad luck
9 of Cups - Military aggression
9 of Cups (trans.) - Hostage Taking
9 of Swords - Attention of evil spirits
9 of Swords (trans.) - Murder mania. "Silence of the Lambs"
9 of Pentacles - Lack of common sense
9 of Pentacles (trans) - Banditry

10 of Wands - “Mutiny” on the ship
10 of Wands (trans) - Aggression from the best friend
10 of Cups - Righteous Wrath
10 of Cups (per) - Impossibility of movement, enemies attack
10 of Swords - Simon of Cyrene
10 of Swords (transl.) - "Amok"
10 of Pentacles - Loss of savings, reform
10 of Pentacles (trans) - Embezzler of public money

Ace of Wands - Defeat
Ace of Wands (trans) - Sudden bad luck, the machinations of Themis
Ace of Cups - “It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth”
Ace of Cups (trans) - False Peddler
Ace of Swords - Fatal Disaster
Ace of Swords (trans) - Deaths, operations, attacks. Pancreas. Melting
Ace of Pentacles - Unconditional Surrender
Ace of Pentacles (trans) - Sophisticated techniques

Page of Wands - Success is impossible
Page of Wands (trans) - Inappropriate instructions
Page of Cups - The Rake
Page of Cups (trans) - Ruin
Page of Swords - Unexpected Turn
Page of Swords (trans) - False intuition
Page of Pentacles - Recklessness
Page of Pentacles (trans) - The Unhappy Youth

Knight of Wands - Departure for a specific purpose
Knight of Wands (trans) - The Death of Plans
Knight of Cups - Untimely Arrival
Knight of Cups (trans) - Cunning and Love
Knight of Swords - Vain aggressiveness, moderate your ardor
Knight of Swords (trans) - Weakness of Character
Knight of Pentacles - Unnecessary and misplaced remorse
Knight of Pentacles (trans) - Mindless Fun

Queen of Wands - Aggression is inappropriate
Queen of Wands (trans) - Moving
Queen of Cups - Decay, old age
Queen of Cups (transl.) - Truce of the parties
Queen of Swords - Evil "Amazon"
Queen of Swords (trans) - Well-wisher
Queen of Pentacles - Loss of trust
Queen of Pentacles (transl.) - Mistress, playing with fire

King of Wands - Wound, death by weapon
King of Wands (trans) - Military traumatism
King of Cups - Strife. Showdown
King of Cups (trans.) - Strike movement. Unions
King of Swords - Hard-Hearted
King of Swords (trans) - Military Tribunal
King of Pentacles - Lack of Imagination
King of Pentacles (trans) - A Disgraceful Act

8 of Pentacles - Sponsor, income
5 of Cups (per) - Wound, injury, pain
Knight of Pentacles - Losing
Jester (transl.) - Own shortcomings, stupidity, absent-mindedness

“By destroying obstacles, you destroy all your enemies, and all your desires will come true,
if you approach the future with courage, armed with the consciousness of your right.
And let reason command you, but do not try to completely get rid of feelings and emotions:
without them your chariot may overturn"

It's a good sign if you lack the determination and strength to make a breakthrough, be it at work, in a personal relationship, or in a spiritual quest. The major arcan card of the Tarot Chariot is a symbol of the irreversibility of changes, the fulfillment of intentions, and the absence of obstacles on the path to success. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Chariot is a leap in development and rapid movement towards the implementation of plans.

Description of the map

We can see that the Chariot maintains a balance between light and shadow, between oppositely polar forces, which will be the engine of the Chariot. He is initiated into the essence of existence, secrets are revealed to him and he has mystical powers. This is the image of the son of the queen of heaven, the god of spring and the hero of the divine army.

The card shows the Charioteer, looking confidently ahead. His chariot is driven by sphinxes, and in his hands a scepter shines, which speaks of deep wisdom and power. A man in armor does not just stand inside the chariot, he rises from the cube (as a symbol of elevation above the carnal), and there is a square pendant on his chest.

The driver's head is crowned with the crown of Isis, and on the shoulders are two lunar crescents Urim and Thummim, a dark one on the left shoulder, a light one on the right shoulder. In addition, the eight-pointed star on the crown symbolizes the connection of Reason with the eighth sephira (Hod).

White and black sphinxes, dark and light crescents clearly symbolize the two sides of the soul and the duality of the world as a whole. Moreover, this is not a negative factor; rather, on the contrary, creation is possible only in the unity of opposites, as when the left and right legs, alternately rushing forward, carry us towards our goals.

There are four pillars of the Chariot, they indicate the four elements - fire, air, earth and water. The pillars support the vault of heaven - a symbol of reason and spiritual manifestations. The starry canopy symbolizes the Priestess. The charioteer appears as the son of the Goddess, that same holy warrior who came to save humanity.

The Sphinxes represent a riddle, a mysterious and unknown force, by harnessing which the Charioteer reaches various Worlds. The unity of light and shadow in him is what separates him from others and from the world, granting his own destiny, separates him from merging with God, where there is no “I” and no manifestations of personality.

General meaning of the Chariot card

The Chariot Tarot card is rapidly changing everything that exists, leaving no chance for the usual circle of things. This is a symbol of the quantum transition, a leap in development, expansion and intensity of the passage of life stages, quickly overcoming difficulties and passing turns.

If your question is about a problem, you can interpret this card as a sign that the first step has already been taken towards resolving this problem or situation. The Chariot also speaks of a change in the usual picture of the world and familiar forms, but in this sense a person is already filled with strength and determination to move forward, because jumping from a speeding cart is not the best solution.

Active actions

Chariot Tarot, the meaning of the card speaks of activity and optimism. If it appears in a person’s reading, he, as a rule, has already made his choice at the previous stage (Arcanum of Lovers) and now intends to achieve his goal. Now he must have enough motivation and willpower, because there is nowhere else to put it off, he needs to act, and very quickly. This is the point of accepting responsibility for your actions and freedom of choice, which is the key to solving problems.

The Chariot turns us to face reality, leaves us no choice and forces us to act, to call on all the willpower and all the self-control we have. This is a map of transition to a more harmonious, reasonable state, a sign of ongoing development. The card symbolizes passing tests, where life events test our strength, this movement “through thorns to the stars.”


Traditionally, this card is interpreted as a symbol of victory, superiority over rivals, war, the last battle. This victory is primarily over oneself, when a person, without losing confidence, achieves his goals, despite doubts, failures and laziness. According to the Chariot, success is well deserved, since the path to it was full of tests of strength and fortitude.

The Chariot Tarot card, meaning in a reading whose theme is very important to you or large-scale, is always a special sign. For example, when your request concerns an unfortunate situation or a losing case. In this case, the card gives hope and says that nothing is irreparable.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:


As a rule, this is the Arcana of long journeys and trips, meetings with distant acquaintances and relatives. The Chariot signifies a journey within oneself, dedication and initiation. She can also talk about astral travel and practices where a person needs to become a conductor of the Spirit.


The card means a transition to a new quality, and for this you sometimes have to destroy everything in order to build a new one. For example, if the situation was like a swamp for a long time and you were suffocating while in it, the Chariot will clearly not leave everything as it is. It gives impetus to any process, and this is not spontaneous joy or the illusion of acceleration, but completely material energy that must be used for good.

This Arcanum is always about reaching a new level of existence, when we can think in other categories, and important events begin to happen around us, the right people meet, etc. It's like we're in the right place at the right time.

In an unfavorable card environment, it can talk about quarrels, scandals, conflicts, and disagreements. The meaning in the traditional sense is war or thunderstorm, where there is an image of the chariot of the prophet Elijah.

Forward to the future

Traditionally, the Chariot will mean developing events and achieving goals. In this case, the card environment will tell you exactly how this will happen, what will be a possible obstacle on this path, and what needs additional attention on our part.

Among other things, there is always a risk in the map, as in any movement at speed, so you need to remain vigilant and attentive to what is happening, you cannot suddenly turn away from the chosen path.

The Arcanum often appears in a reading when a person has completed some next life stage and is ready to move on, feels strength and energy. This is farewell to the old without regret or pain, this is joy and anticipation of a new adventure, when “your hands are itching” to implement new tasks and deeds. The Chariot carries us along the path of freedom, realization, joy and success. There is a clear path to new achievements, a keen interest in life and a lot of energy.

The symbolic expression of the Chariot is in strength, speed and dexterity (it is not so easy to control the Chariot), but also in new experiences, in the discovery of new lands on a metaphorical journey. It follows from this that you also need to remember to be careful not to become overtired or complacent, otherwise you may lose control.

Personal Description

The Chariot often describes a person who strives for power and is endowed with ambition. And also all those who are currently at the top of life and experiencing peak states of success in one area or another. This is the image of a person who is “on horseback” in life, when he thinks big and bravely moves forward, overcoming barriers and obstacles, like an arrow flying towards the target.

Positive features

The key qualities of such a person are willpower and discipline, extraordinary intelligence and fortitude, agility and speed. It is a relentless movement forward, following intention and consciously making effort. Such a person is focused on the process, he knows where he is going and is ready to overcome difficulties.

The Chariot card draws attention to the need to be in a clear mind, in control of processes, and to respond adequately to changing conditions in the outside world. There is no place for rest and relaxation; a person sometimes has to make truly heroic efforts to achieve the desired result.

This is a card of a person who knows how to control his own life, set rules and follow them with discipline. However, this happens very quickly, processes have to be monitored in dynamics and at speed, so there is no time to think for a long time

In addition, such a person has a quick mind and is able to quickly make the right decisions in constantly changing circumstances. He rises above vanity and emotions in order to strive for his goal. He knows how to control himself and follows the path of development without getting involved in the temptations and provocations of the world around him. He realizes that development stems from differences in potential, so he is not afraid of life’s circumstances, remains vigilant and involved in what is happening.

Negative traits

Fear of not being able to cope with oneself, of succumbing to cowardice and saying that it is too hard and “I don’t need anything.” However, abandoning your path is punished more severely than all other mistakes. And if you are destined to be in power, or bear this or that responsibility, you need to boldly follow your path and trust what is happening.

If a person is at the beginning of the path, does not fully realize the magnitude of his task and can take on too much, this leads to overload and the fall of the Chariot. In addition, the path of destination is replete with various sections where it can be narrow and slippery, so you need to be careful, especially if the Tower is visible next to the Chariot in the layout, which just indicates a possible fall.

On a deeper level

A moment of insight, illumination that unfolds our consciousness and transforms our personality. This is a card about quickly learning to control your body and mind, treating this process more carefully and not underestimating its importance. Learn to see the intention behind all situations and use all the forces of the inner world to serve development, without judging good or bad.

The chariot in this sense is about movement within oneself and transformation, which occurs in quantum leaps, when yesterday everything was as before, but today we cannot be the same, we need new knowledge and new meanings of being.

Self-motivation, discipline and control over emotions serve to rapidly progress, achieve goals and successfully complete sections of the path. The lasso expresses masculinity and fearlessness, remarkable physical strength bordering on mystical, strength of spirit and victory of will.

A warrior filled with magical power, a crowned conqueror, he is an instrument of manifestation of the Divine will. The ability to hold the reins is not easy for him, he is forced to make every possible effort. But he will still arrive at his destination, reach his goal, and nothing can stop him.

The meaning of the Chariot in various layouts

For career and work

Often the Chariot speaks of power, high position, management of an enterprise, a team during periods of stormy practical activity and energetic advancement of affairs. This card is used for high positions and career growth.

Tarot Chariot meaning is a business card, where there is always a place for war and the seizure of new territories and markets, where there is competition and the taste of victory. Some interpretations advise preparing for changes, when a change of power, regime, laws, price jumps, and the need to move to new technologies are coming.

Including this Arcana, talk about working in a team, where there is room for different things, but everyone is moving towards a common goal. Partnerships and joint ventures reflect the meaning of this card in a professional way, because, as they say, “one man in the field is not a warrior.” Typically, the Chariot speaks of the successful compilation of a team and is a symbol of achieving synergy in the overall process of active actions.

This is a map of awards, achievements, professional distinctions and recognition. However, all this is not a gift of fate, but is the result of resourcefulness, courage and movement forward. Achievement, reward, recognition of merit. In addition, the Chariot is associated with tourism and long trips, and can talk about work in this area. Sometimes changing jobs or starting your own business

For finances and property

Usually the Chariot is interpreted as a change of housing and even place of residence. It is possible to move to another city or country. When it comes to finances, the card speaks of the need to act quickly and energetically in order to get a return over time. One of the traditional interpretations of this card in the housing aspect is expensive, prestigious housing and the corresponding costs of its maintenance.

For love and relationships

On the one hand, for a lonely person in this Arcanum there is no place for personal relationships, only the path of a lone warrior who strives for his goals and cannot be dispersed into several large tasks. This is not the best card for creating an alliance, because it contains a lot of individuality and a person’s personal path, self-development and movement towards individual goals.

Most likely, the meaning of this card in a love scenario is the recommendation to follow your own path, marking milestones of success and victory on it. This is a card of a very strong personality who finds it difficult to be involved in relationships. Here you need to pay attention to the card environment. In the presence of appropriate cards, the Chariot can foreshadow a holiday romance or a love adventure on the road, but not a strong and long-term union.

The Charioteer is as reckless as the Jester, his confidence is similar to the faith of the Hermit, and his will is in no way weaker than the will of the Emperor.

On the other hand, in the reading of a person who is concerned about the current relationship, this card could be about reconciliation and agreement, about balancing the two and ending the war, moving in the direction of already chosen common goals and values. If there is a positive card environment, we can safely talk about achieving balance in the couple, harmonious communication and mutual assistance, but if surrounded by negative cards, it can be interpreted as family discord, misunderstanding and endless struggle.

Chariot Tarot meaning in a relationship can indicate a mismatch of needs and interests in a couple. It can mean a desire to change everything, to break out of a hopeless relationship when a decision has already been made, but there is not enough fortitude to follow it. Then the card indicates that it is time to do this.

One of the meanings of the card is leaving a relationship, or distancing oneself from the situation, and it is not escape, but conscious leaving. Sometimes the Chariot is a sign of a long-distance relationship, where the partners are at a great distance from each other.

Among other meanings, the Charioteer symbolizes sexuality and strength, it is a card of attraction and vivid manifestations of love passion. According to the Chariot, as they say, the bridles are torn (sometimes this interpretation is purely physiological). This card has a strong element of submission and dominance. The second party may feel “worn out” to the point of complete exhaustion in the morning, “rolled” at full speed and generally “run under a horse.”

The driver does not become attached to a specific person; having won, he rides on, looking for new objects to conquer. In addition, this person may be intemperate and impatient. Does not accept or accept refusal, which can hurt the partner and hurt his feelings. In love, as in war, he is inclined to conquer without asking the consent of the other party, be it his lover, wife, husband or child.

For health status

The Chariot speaks of a strong and resilient body that is in very good condition. This card promotes all kinds of sports, activities that require discipline and willpower. It may also indicate a readiness to get rid of some bad habit and thereby experience a new quality of life.

If your question concerns an illness, then it can mean a change for the better, an alleviation of the condition and a complete recovery from it. The chariot is also associated with the wheelchair and that which facilitates getting into it. The traditional interpretation of this card is wounds in battle, which in a modern manner can be interpreted as road accidents, accidents, injuries received at speed. Less commonly, heart attacks and strokes.

To win, you need to show endurance and strength, and not stop halfway. The Chariot brings free will and understanding of its mission. But when exercising our freedom, we must remember that we are also responsible for all the consequences of this choice.

The meaning of the reversed Chariot card

An inverted Chariot can serve as bad news, and one should not turn a blind eye to it. The driver loses control and falls, losing his crown and scepter. The card can be interpreted as defeat, loss, failure and lack of movement, stagnation, stagnation. This may mean the collapse of hopes and plans, loss in one area or another of life, despair and reluctance to move forward.

It may also indicate removal from position, dismissal and financial difficulties for the company. The Chariot Reversed indicates a lack of balance and uncontrolled emotions. It speaks to a lack of understanding of when to accelerate as hard as you can to get out of a swamp, and when to slow down to negotiate a slippery turn. An inverted card could be about a person who gives up one step before victory, doubts and loses when all that remains is to make the final push.

In terms of health, the Tarot Chariot inverted can indicate various problems, most often, of course, sports injuries, but depression from overexertion, including postpartum depression, can also occur. A person resembles an ostrich, hiding his head in the sand when danger appears, which in no way helps him hide from reality and interact with it.

An inverted card is a marker of life instability, unsettledness and, as a result, the inability to move on.

This is the most understandable unfavorable sign that the Tarot can give when it comes to travel and travel. The least that can happen is that the trip will be postponed indefinitely or minor troubles will occur along the way. However, this could also be about breakdowns, accidents, flight delays and other extreme situations on the road.

Combinations with other cards

How is the Tarot Chariot interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Magician - a strong combination, a triumph of will;
  • With the Priestess - a sign of invisible support. The Priestess is sometimes considered the mother of the Charioteer.
  • With Strength - it is believed that this position of the cards indicates weak self-control;
  • With the Hanged Man - a person lets others go ahead of him;
  • With the Tower - an extremely unfavorable combination, there is a high probability of an accident, an accident, or a catastrophic failure of plans. Defeat, a humiliating experience.
  • With the Moon - some kind of secret that it is better not to penetrate into, or a question that is not worth seeking an answer to, because the changes it causes can be catastrophic.
  • Moon with an inverted Chariot - conspiracies and intrigues to seize power.
  • With Ace of Wands, Eight of Wands - hasty decision-making;