A script about dancing to make it funny. Scenario of the dance game program “Dance with us”

The development is addressed to organizers of extracurricular activities, teachers-organizers of additional education institutions, class teachers, choreographers and is designed for middle and high school students.

Target : aesthetic education children by means of choreographic art.

  1. Organization of meaningful leisure time for children.
  2. Expanding students' horizons in the field dance art.
  3. Creating conditions for nurturing artistic taste and love of beauty.

The show program is held in a dance or assembly hall.

To conduct this you will need: audio equipment, phonograms, a screen with a video projector, video material.

The room is decorated with reproductions of paintings about the art of dance, photographs, posters with aphorisms about dance. For example:

“You can judge a king by the way they dance during his reign.”

(Chinese proverb)

“Tell me what your favorite dance is and I’ll tell you who you are.” (Dassie)

“Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material” (Ted Shawn)

“A dance cannot be told, it must be danced” (Page Arden)

“Dance through the centuries”

Teacher. Before the start of our evening, we conducted a quick survey and asked the question: “What do you like about the art of dance?” The answers were: “These are beautiful movements”, “beautiful music”, “grace, bright costumes”, “dance evokes a feeling of pleasure”, “brings joy”, etc. Each of your answers contains the word “beauty!”

What does it mean to touch beauty? Here are one person’s reflections on this matter: “I picked a flower and it withered. I caught a moth and it died in my palm. And then I realized that you can touch beauty only with your heart.”

Yes, you need to be able to not only see and feel beauty. Beauty must also be protected! This is the hardest part. To capture beauty in the soul, to remember it, to always carry it in the heart - maybe this is the highest manifestation of human culture?

So, today we dedicate this evening to beauty, the beauty of dance - the most exciting, the most sublime and beautiful of all arts, since dance is not just a reflection of life, dance is life itself!

(Music sounds)

Presenter. Dance is an ancient wanderer. He came to us from hoary antiquity... In my opinion, he is the same age as “Homo sapiens.” Everyone knows that work has shaped man, and I’ll add – also dance! It reflects, dating back to the earliest times, the need of a person to convey his joy or sorrow to other people through the movements of his body.

Leading. Archaeologists in different parts light discovered cave drawings with the image of dancing men. Almost all important events in life primitive man were celebrated with dances: birth, death, war, election of a new leader, healing of the sick. The dance expressed prayers for rain, oh sunlight, about fertility, about protection and forgiveness. We cannot say exactly under what musical accompaniment our ancestors danced. Perhaps at first these were chaotic, disorganized sounds (imitation of birdsong, the howling of animals, the rustling of leaves, etc.). Then the simplest melodies and tunes appeared, consisting of several tones. They were performed on a variety of pipes, shells and wooden whistles. Many peoples of Africa still play the instruments of our distant ancestors. And their music retained to some extent the features of primitiveness.

Presenter. We tried to recreate perhaps one of the first dances of humanity, and this is what came out of it.

(The dance group performs a ritual Fire dance. You can use a recording of African drums as a soundtrack)

Leading. Further development The art of dance took place in two directions: simple - for the people and refined art for the nobility.

Teacher. Yes, starting from the Middle Ages, the art of dance began to actively develop. Dances decorated folk festivals and home holidays. In the dance of ordinary people you can see the glorification of life, the joy of youth, good luck, the worship of the sun, the vast expanses of the fields... Something pagan is felt in them. Lively rhythm, jumps, circular movements, stomping, jumping - that’s all folk choreography.

(Middle group dance ensemble performs rural branle. The branle of the composer C. Gervaise sounds)

Presenter. There was other art as well. Let's remember what they danced at the royal courts of Europe in the 16th-17th centuries. Who knows?

(Participants of the evening call polonaise, morisca, rigaudon, bure, pavana, courante, volta, galliard, minuet)

Leading. And yet all these dances were created by the people. And in high society The folk dance style changed in accordance with court etiquette. And in 1661, the Royal Academy of Dance appeared in France. And King Louis XIV of France ordered dance teachers to meet regularly and talk about dancing, reflect, and take care of their improvement. (The dance group performs a pavane to the music of composer J.B. Lully. Then dancing couple performs a fragment of a minuet to the music of composer I. Dussek)

Teacher. Dance is a culture, a religion, a profession, education, entertainment, history... And now a fragment from the movie “War and Peace” will serve as a transition, like a bridge, from the Middle Ages to our century. Natasha Rostova's first ball. Early XIX centuries, almost 200 years ago. This is a ball of the Russian nobility. Natasha turned 16 years old. And now you will see that dance really is life itself - young Natasha puts so much feeling into it!

(On the screen is a fragment of the film “War and Peace”)

Leading. The 20th century came, life changed - it became faster and more fleeting. The dances have also changed and new ones have appeared.

Presenter. In the 20s, Argentine tango captivated everyone. His true homeland is Spain. And now for a surprise! Our guest is a ballroom dance ensemble. (The ensemble performs tango)

Leading. And in those days they danced the foxtrot and the Charleston. In the 40s of the twentieth century, rock and roll, boogie-woogie, twist, and shake appeared. Each dance entered the arena quickly and aggressively, appearing like a “caliph for the hour” and quickly giving way to another. Only one turned out to be timeless. It appeared much earlier and has been sounding for 200 years. The sounds of this dance make you want to spin, soar... Can you guess what dance we are talking about?

(The guests of the evening answer unanimously: Waltz. A.I. Khachaturian’s waltz to Lermontov’s drama “Masquerade” sounds. Gradually the music is muffled)

Presenter. The first bars of amazing music are captivating. And now their sound captivated us, communicated its rhythm and breathing, and was reflected on their faces. And the youth of the waltz was stormy and noisy. He went through persecution and
attacks. The very circling of the partner with the lady, the fact that he was holding the lady by the waist, seemed like an unheard-of liberty. The instructions of the Russian police under Paul 1 included a “prohibition on the use of dances called “Walsen”.

Leading. But the waltz survived a long struggle and the whole world danced it. (The waltz of J. Strauss “On the beautiful blue Danube” sounds. The dance group performs a dance.

Teacher. Waltzes are different. There are ballroom, pop, symphonic waltzes, waltzes-songs... “Officer's Waltz” by M. Fradkin gave rise to a whole series of “professional” waltzes: this is “Sailor’s Waltz” by V. Sorokin, several “Soldier’s Waltz”, “Miner’s Waltz” are known. I. Dunaevsky, “School Waltz” by I. Dunaevsky, there are several “Student Waltzes”, “Collective Farm Waltz” by Mayboroda.

Presenter. And there are others: “Sevastopol Waltz” by K. Listov, “Siberian Waltz” by G. Nosov, “Kazakh Waltz” by Khalidi, “Kiev Waltz” by Mayboroda, “Minsk Waltz” by Shumilin, “Waltz of the Garden Ring” by Ptichkin, “Bamovsky Waltz” Tulikova. The name of these waltzes contains the entire geography of a huge power.

Leading. Every waltz has a little sadness. The waltz is also memories; it carries deep feelings associated with experiences of happiness, joy and sadness, and bright hope.

(The soloist of the dance ensemble performs a waltz. The waltz of E. DOGI from the movie “My Affectionate and Tender Beast” sounds)


The man was born cheerful.
Fashions and rhythms changed too,
But we can't live without dancing


Time passes, century after century...
Man has always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and at leisure time
A happy dance was my best friend.

Time passes, century after century.
Let the snow melt between us.
And let on our big planet
People are dancing and the sun is shining.

(The evening continues. Dance music is playing various styles and directions. Games and dance competitions are held. The screen shows fragments of concerts of the most famous groups and performers: “Riverdance”, “Todes”, Carlos Zaura, etc.)


Quiz questions.

  1. Muse of dance in Greek mythology? (Terpsichore.)
  2. Name oldest species folk dance art. It is still being fulfilled today. (Round dance.)
  3. What was the name of the dance teacher in Y. Olesha’s fairy tale “Three Fat Men”? (Split.)
  4. Waltz from A. Rosenbaum's hit - ... (Boston.)
  5. When is International Dance Day celebrated? (April 29)
  6. In Argentina, everyone dances on December 11th. After all, this day was declared by a special government decree national holiday and it’s called... (Tango Festival. “ Argentine tango” is a well-known and beloved dance all over the world.)
  7. Which country is considered the birthplace of the “Barynya” dance? (Russia.)
  8. Dance with shouts of “Assa!” - ... (Lezginka.)
  9. What is a dance partner called? A. Order bearer. B. Laureate. B. Cavalier. G. Cavalryman.
  10. The most pleasant noise for artists during a performance is... (Applause.)
  11. What is the time for eating sweets at a theater buffet called? (Intermission.)
  12. The most ballet skirt is... (Tutu.)
  13. What is the name of the “theatrical” variety of Russian chocolates? A. “Wig.” V. “Mask”. B. “Makeup.” G. “Role.”
  14. What quality should a good ballerina have? A. Eversion. B. Fidgetiness. B. Resourcefulness. G. Clumsiness.
  15. According to Ilze Liepa, dance helps to make beautiful not only the body, but also ... (Soul.)

A large arsenal of proposals for holiday props and special effects, technical capabilities and sparkling ideas in the field of entertainment recent years cannot but please professional organizers of celebrations, presenters and everyone who loves and is ready to organize original congratulations, games and holiday surprises for your loved ones, friends and colleagues. But, oddly enough, it was precisely in this “fireworks” of various entertainments that “fell” on the public from the stages concert halls, from TV screens and computer monitors, lies the difficulty, because it can sometimes be difficult to surprise and captivate “sophisticated” guests.

We hope that our new idea - New Year's dance show"Dancing at NNP"(which means: "Dancing on Our New Year's holiday") will help diversify entertainment program evenings of relaxation, corporate and friendly parties.

It was based on the idea of ​​the popular television program “Dancing on TNT”, but, of course, the script included New Year’s flavor, good humor and its own rules, adapted for the holiday. Explanations by the author and musical accompaniment are attached.

Team dance competition "Dancing at NNP"

(music in the folder Dances on NNP)

Leading: Dear guests, did you recognize the call signs that were heard? Yes, yes, this is exactly how every episode of the “Dancing” show begins, and I have great news for you: right here and now his new special project is starting - “Dancing on NNP”! Surely, many of you dreamed that one day the show “Dancing” would come into your life, but some, perhaps, did not even dare to hope for it. But today everything is possible! And “Dancing at Our New Year’s Celebration” begins!

A short beat sounds - track 2

Leading: And they begin with the traditional presentation of choreographers-mentors, and in this special project we bring to your attention the confrontation between the team of Moroz Kruzhinin and Metelya. We greet our mentors with thunderous applause!

Track 3 is playing - “Mentors” Moroz come out dancing and greeting everyone(in red cap) , and Blizzard(in blue cap), the guests applaud.


Leading: Our special special project of the show “Dancing” also has its own special rules. So, for example, only three minutes are allotted for casting participants, which is exactly how long it sounds musical composition“Feel”, during this time the mentors must go around the room, feel who exactly they need and dial 10 (or other quantity) participants. By what criteria the mentors will choose: for the ability to dance, for a pretty face or for a bribe - at their discretion. But remember, dear choreographers, that now you are recruiting a team with which you will perform and win.

Spectators who want to get into the teams, don’t be lost, pay attention to us. (Gives each “mentor” ribbons or rubber bands, which they must, after making a choice in their favor, put on their team members’ wrists). Attention! Time has passed!


- Team greetings

- 1 round"Dancing Crocodile"

- battle of mentors

- 2nd round"Wall to wall"

- team battle with a trick

- 3rd round"Dance Challenge"

- battle with extreme sports

- 4th round"Fan Dance"

- Summarizing



Author's explanation: as an additional dance competition We offer entertainment “New Year's melodramas” from our last year, you can spend it as game moment farewell to the year of the Rooster or the conclusion that the Dog will come into its own as a symbol of the year only on February 16, 2018, and New Year's Eve we still meet under the sign Fire Rooster, so this competition is taking place under his influence. One version of the summary, explanations and musical accompaniment of the competition can be downloaded in the full version of this script.

Bonus application:

Video competition "Dance karaoke"

(thanks to the dancers: I. Tagiyev, S. Berezovskaya and Querety and the author of the presentation T. Bronzenko for their talent!)

This is a version of a fun dance battle between boys and girls, which can be done individually or as a team competition.

Author's Note: The peculiarity of this re-dance is that it is assessed, as in any karaoke, “accuracy of hitting the original” (i.e. it is necessary to repeat as accurately as possible dance moves behind the dancers in the video).

The video competition was made in presentation format (Power Point)

To get the full version from musical arrangement It is enough to contribute a small amount (300 rubles) to the site development fund. - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below presents detailed information about how to get full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)

Bonus discount on script:

This dance program fits well into which is offered separately (650 rubles), but for those who purchased this script - a bonus discount of 150 rubles, so those who want to have both a script and a dance show in their arsenal can send 800 rubles to the site fund, without a script, respectively , 300 rubles will be enough.



Children's group;




"Merry children's club"

entertaining dance program

Purpose: organization leisure activities for children attending summer camp


Formation of positive relationships between children, unity

Children's group;

Promote children's physical activity;

Propaganda healthy image life.

Progress of the program

VED.: - Good afternoon, everyone! Good mood to everyone! Come on, shout which one of you has good mood? Very good! Now you have the opportunity to demonstrate it! So, our fun children's club is open!

More fun than a toy library

Our miracle is a children's library!

Dances of all peoples of the world,

Noisy, nice, very nice!

Us, Dear friends, your arms and legs will be needed. Clap, stomp, whistle, dance - in general, express your emotions, whatever you like! Come on, show me how you can do it!(all children express their emotions differently)Well done! Begin!

1 competition “Hoop Dance”


Option 1: Music is playing. Children walk in a circle, holding a hoop in one hand (several people for each hoop). As soon as the music stops, you need to quickly climb inside the hoop.

Option 2: Children dance in a hoop in groups of several. Dance melodies change, and so do movements (we jump, squat, spin, raise our legs like in a variety show, etc.)

2nd competition “Musical Falls”

Children walk in a circle to the music. As soon as the music stops, everyone should sit on the floor. The one who sits down last leaves the game and must step aside to the leader.

3rd competition “Blind Dancer”

(hat, chair, scarf, glass of water, mop or broom)

Several players are selected. They are blindfolded and asked to dance to music, using unexpected attributes that the host gives them. For example, a glass of water, a hat, a chair, a scarf, etc. While dancing, you must not stop or drop objects. The most original and longest dance wins.

4th competition “In the world of animals”

Participants need to dance as elephants, snakes, centipedes, horses, etc. would do it.

5th competition “Situations”

(written on situation cards)

Two teams of five people each receive cards from the leader with situations written on them. It is necessary to distribute roles between representatives of your team and dance the situation so that the audience can guess it. If they do this, then the team has won.


A girl catches butterflies in a clearing,

A climber climbs inaccessible rocks,



Football players, etc.

6th competition "Musical chairs"


Children stand in a circle near chairs, which are one less than the players. Music plays, everyone dances and moves in a circle. The music stops - everyone tries to take an empty chair. Whoever is left without a place is eliminated. One chair is removed. This continues until there is only one winner left.

7th competition "Tummy"

(blindfolds, balls)

Couples participate. Both participants are blindfolded. Between them the presenter puts balloon. The music is constantly changing, the couple dances, but they must not drop or burst the ball. The most artistic and neat couple wins.

8th competition "Snake"

All those present form a chain or are divided into several command chains. The first is the “head”, the last, respectively, is the “tail”. The music turns on and the caterpillar begins to move forward. At the same time, the “head” shows various dance movements as he wants - waves his arms, lunges, goose-steps, etc. Everyone else must repeat the movements after her. When the “head” gets tired, she turns to the next player, strokes his head and moves to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “gags”. The competition lasts as long as the music plays.

Ved.: - We will not get tired of having fun,

We'll dance for a long time.

We invite all friends

Relax with us.

Our competitive program has come to an end and I hope you enjoyed it.


The man was born cheerful.
Fashions and rhythms changed too,
But we can't live without dancing


Time passes, century after century...
Man has always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and at leisure time
A happy dance was my best friend.


Time passes, century after century.
Let the snow melt between us.
And let on our big planet
People are dancing and the sun is shining.

2. “Fanfare” sounds

Presenter .We are glad to welcome you to our hot party! Today we will see a heated battle between the Hipsters and the representatives of Chicago!! Hurray!!!

I can not hear! Are you ready to rock today? A? Are you ready to see real Dance Carnage here!

To ignite you even more, and so that your energy is enough for the whole hot dance night, and I invite to this stage those without whom our show today will not begin!!

Leading . And I want to introduce you to our jury.

3. “Black and white” sounds

Dancers exit.

Leading . An incredible feeling of brightness, unbridled happiness, freedom and drive - this is what distinguishes the dude! They will try to create for you the atmosphere of those years when our parents were not even in the project! rock and roll, boogie-woogie, twist - our grandparents rocked to the fullest to this music, hiding from ideological Komsomol members. Crazy ties, fluffy skirts. Well then, welcome!
By the way, the dudes girl was called chuvikha, or beyba. and boys are dudes.

Hipsters, what is your motto?

Leading . With the words “Chicago, 20-30s” we immediately imagine gangsters, prohibition and alcohol smuggling, Al Capone, jazz... Chicago of the 30s, which means that in the first place will be style, jazz, spectacular glamorous ladies, money, passion...

Chicago, what motto did you come to our party with?

Leading. And we have the first round"Business card" the teams present us with a quick dance.

4. “Leningrad rock and roll” sounds

Leading. Well, now it's time to meet the jazz band from Chicago

5. Sounds like "Fast Chicago"

Leading . We continue to rev up the fun and recharge our energy batteries! Let's use our speed and charm - they will come in handy in our next round!

So I'm calling the round"Dance battle" teams go!

6. “Battle” sounds

Leading. In the meantime, we continue to have fun and dance!Dancing is not only an opportunity for dance self-expression, it is, first of all, an opportunity to communicate and have fun with like-minded people. Now we will give the dancers a break, and I am pleased to invite the children from 11th grade to the stage with their musical gift.

Class 11 number.

Leading. Friends, thank you very much for such a great gift!
And now I want to invite our charming participants to the dance floor. So many charming girls! My head is already spinning... And when will our small competition, I’m afraid I’ll become completely uneasy... from excitement and delight, of course.

All dancers dance in pairs and must be able to get out of any situation.

And I announce the next round of “Dance on the Newspaper”, whoever has the most pairs left will win this Round.

So, the most romanticRound "Dance on the newspaper"

7. “Dance on a newspaper” sounds

Leading. And now I would really like to hear if there are Hipsters fans here (applause) or Gang of Chicago fans. Amazing? This will be very useful to them now. So, Hipsters and Chicago decided to decorate the Christmas tree, but they didn’t take any toys or decorations. Dear fans, it is in your power to help them, give as much as you can into the box. Who will collect the most decorations? We submit all decorations to the jury. So, while the music is playing, we collect decorations in the hall, 2 people each from Hipsters and from Chicago. We choose a Christmas tree from the dancers and decorate it with what God sent.

8.Music for the competition.

Leading. And I invite 9th grade to the stage with my musical gift.

Number 9 class.

Leading. Our show is gaining momentum, what Hipsters and gangs from Chicago can't sing. And I declareround of Battle of the Choirs. So, we present to the audience a choir from Chicago. Fans can sing along.

9. Chicago's song "Provence"

Leading . Well, the Hipsters choir is on stage.

10. Song Hipsters " Black and white color»

Leading. It's time for the Master Class. We need volunteers for this round. If you are interested, please take to the dance floor. You can also invite people from the jury. So, now a dance mix will start playing, your task is to teach volunteers to dance. The Hipsters start, the song plays, everyone dances with the Hipsters, as soon as the song changes, everyone dances with Chicago, the next song is the Hipsters, then Chicago, etc.

11. Mix master class sounds.

Leading. And now we’ll see whose team is more friendly, united and dancing. You can invite your fans. I explain the task. You must stand in a column and take each other by the waist. In front of you a plastic cup, while dancing you must walk over the cup, and I will complicate the task (I substitute the cups in width)

12. “Lambada” sounds

(Hipsters one way, Chicago the other)

Leading. Well, now is the time to look romantic compositions our dancers. On the dance floor in Chicago

13. Slow Chicago “Man’s World.”

Leading. And the final dance of Hipsters.

14. Slow Hipsters “Let everything be as you want”

Leading. While our jury is making an important decision, I invite 10th grade to the stage with a musical gift

Number 10 class

We give the floor to the jury.

Rewarding. presentation of gifts from Santa Claus

Leading . Our dear viewers!

You are always for us Light source,

And the guys all agreed

Dressed up in bright suits

And today they dance only for you!

After all, for them the shine of your eyes is

The best reward for your efforts,

Better than any praise

And they have one desire -

Just to bring you joy!

We danced for you today:

Maslov Alexander and Merkulova Anya, Tkachenko Vika and Bessonov Dmitry, Tovstik Evgeniy and Shatalova Svetlana, Varnachkina Irina and Maxim Zharkikh, Zabelin Dmitry and Zubkova Polina, Bezyaeva Vika and Sukhorukov Ilya, Michurina Alexandra and Drozdov Victor, Zhdanova Kristina, and Ageev Dmitry, Prokopenko Karina and Mikhail Degtyarev, Vladimir Fedorov and Anatasia Klimenko.

All this applause for you!!!

And I invite our charming girls from the Jury to the stage. A song as a gift for you.

15. Sounds “Happy New Year Country”

The dancers are dancing.

The time has come to say: "Before new meeting!»,

I wish you success in the New Year,

Purpose of the holiday:

1. Introducing students to systematic studies sports and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

2. Summing up school year for extracurricular activities.

Dance holiday rhythmic gymnastics competition dedicated to International Day Dance on April 29.

    Leading: Hello ladies and gentlemen. We are pleased to welcome everyone gathered in this hall for the “Live by Dancing” competition dedicated to the International Dance Day, which is celebrated annually on April 29. According to the founders, International Dance Day is intended to unite all areas of Dance, to become an occasion for celebrating this art form as a means of overcoming all political, cultural and ethnic boundaries.

    Leading: One of the main features of any dance is its ability to unite in friendship and peace, allowing them to speak the same language - the language of choreography.

On this day the whole dancing world will celebrate its professional holiday: opera and ballet theaters, modern troupes, ensembles of modern and folk dance, both professional and amateur artists.

    Leading: Also on April 29, the annual participation of great stage stars takes place. In Moscow, since 1992, the so-called ballet “Oscar” has been awarded to Benois de la dane. This prize is awarded to the most successful choreographers who have created their own dance works throughout the year, and the jury consists of the most famous choreographers and choreographers.

The prize is a small figurine depicting a dancing couple. It is very difficult to obtain this figurine; you need to make enormous efforts in your business.

    Leading: We decided to celebrate this holiday in our own way. We present to your attention a competitive program, which includes a rhythmic gymnastics competition.

    Leading: At the end of April, like a full-flowing river, International Dance Day sparkles.

It was created to different dances and styles

We united under the flag of art.

Let us congratulate those who through their labors have comprehended

A wonderful body language that everyone can understand!

May all performances be successful,

And the dance of the soul embodies aspirations!

2. Presenter: And now we will introduce you to our participants. Participating in the competition program are: _____________, ______________, ____________, _____________________.

Today there is music.

Today is joy and fun.

Let the dance festival end

April Sports Week.

Today we will dance

And have fun until you drop

We will light up the stars

I invite everyone to the stage.

Meet the competition participants!

    Presenter: class __________

    Presenter: class __________

    Leading: Dear competitors, dear jury members and spectators, now we will read to you the “Rules for evaluating competition participants”:

Performances are evaluated by jury members, each category separately, using a 5-point system. Performance is assessed according to the following criteria:

Cleanliness and technique of performance, musicality.

Artistry, stage image: costume, appearance.

Synchronicity of execution

Rebuilding the drawing.

All criteria add up to one score.

    Leading: Well, now it’s time to introduce you to the members of the jury: The chief judge of the competition is _______________.

Before the competition program begins, we have a big request to the spectators and fans: do not make noise during performances, applaud only after performances and do not interfere with your opponents. Agreed?

    Leading: or you waltz in the hall,

Or you're stuck in the tango rhythm.

On this day international dance

I wish your soul to fly upward.

Your life passes under the sign of music,

You dance in your sleep and in reality.

Let everything go away during the dance,

Everything is bad, so as not to cause trouble.

Passion walks the same path with you.

In the dance, feelings will overwhelm the mind.

This does not go away over the years.

So spiritually you find comfort.

Well, let this feeling be with you,

Let him keep his heart warm,

May dancing give you peace,

Dancing is given to you by God!

And we invite class _________ to the stage.

    Leading: Thank you for your performance. Being the first is always difficult: it comes with a lot of responsibility and emotional stress. But now the “pre-start excitement” is over for them and they can calmly watch the performances of their competitors.

Why do people dance?

Hoping and waiting

What if they suddenly become slimmer?

And will they gain flexibility?

What kind of brave dance is this?

Will anyone love it?

That the world will become kinder

And at least a little more beautiful?

Legs, arms flash,

Knees, stomachs!

Don't suffer from boredom,

Hurry up and dance too!

    Leading: I invite the class __________. Our competition is gaining momentum. And we want to tell everyone who has ever danced or will dance the following words: We wish our dear dancers that nothing bothers you: neither an uncomfortable costume, nor embarrassment about a stupid hairstyle, nor nervous tension, nor irritation due to partners constantly stepping on your feet!

And if something goes wrong, immediately remind yourself: everything gets in the way of a bad dancer. I invite the class to _______________.

    Leading: Spinning, dancing, chanting,

The flight of life and passions,

A young couple on stage

She is fire, he is blue ice.

Art, which is understandable without words,

That never gets old.

It's nice on the day of the dance,

Those who always make us happy.

I invite the class ______.

    Leading: if your favorite vacation is active, and not spending many hours at the computer, or communicating with your own mobile phone, then our offer is just for you! Do you love to dance, but monotonous movements make you bored? With us, in a fairly short period of time, you will be able to learn many movements in various dance styles and learn to combine them into a spectacular dance (possible advertising for a dance club, studio of this educational institution, organizations). I invite the class ___________.

I am amazed at your talent!

You don't just dance, you soar!

Overshadowing the other contestants,

You work wonders at all tournaments!

I always watch with wild delight,

How wonderfully you dance!

On Dance Day I sincerely wish -

Let your cherished dreams come true! We invite class ____________.

    Leading: We thank those who showed us their talent today, and we sincerely wish you victory. Now the jury members will go to the deliberation room to sum up the results of the competition (song or dance).

    Leading: The floor for congratulations is given to the chief judge of the competition ___________________________________________________.

    Leading: We once again congratulate our winners and participants on the International Dance Day. We sincerely thank everyone for the pleasure given to us and wish us further creative success.

    Leading: Thank you very much and gratitude to you, dear viewers, for your attention and support of the competition participants with your applause.

    Leading: This concludes our rhythmic gymnastics competition. We don’t say goodbye, but say “See you again!” Play sports, be healthy.