Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky).

We are talking with Sergei Savelyev, who in his youth visited the Riga Pustynka. I asked Sergei to tell us in more detail about the elder and about the time that our Church experienced during the years now called the “godless seventieth anniversary.”

At that time, many people treated music as a religion.

Unfortunately, I probably cannot call myself a spiritual child of Father Tavrion, because I only had one meeting with him. And it took place as follows... It was 1978, we were still very young people then. As for me, I was a completely unchurched person (like most of my peers). I’ll even tell you more: by the time I was 19, I had probably never entered an Orthodox church!..

We then had a music company, and in terms of music, in terms of all Moscow musical trends, all our communication was of enormous interest to us. We can probably talk about this too, but this is a completely different topic...

But why did I mention musical things? I don’t know whether this will seem strange to you or not, but some kind of musical quest then helped me come to God, as it turned out later. The fact is that at that time many people treated music as a religion. Consciously or unconsciously, people were then looking for some kind of higher beauty, some kind of truth in music. Perhaps these quests also brought many people from our company to the Church, and some of them even became priests and monks...

- But please tell us about yourself. What kind of life did you have?..

I was suffering from some kind of illness at that time

At that time I was suffering from some strange illness, I can’t even say exactly what it was. Doctors could not make an accurate diagnosis. And this manifested itself in the fact that periodically I began to have some strange attacks.

I lived in the Moscow region; I had to travel to work and study in Moscow by train. I often got into such a state (I don’t even know how best to characterize it) - it became so bad that I was forced to get off the train. And if it was summer, I sat down at the stop, breathed the air, came to my senses...

This bothered me terribly and caused great inconvenience.

- But it’s not something that just made you “sick” in transport?

No, no, of course not! It was clearly some kind of illness, I went to the doctors, they told me something: one, two, three. They even recommended some medications, some had to be brought from abroad... I don’t remember exactly, some kind of sedative, or something, although, it would seem, what did I need to calm down from?.. In general, I suffered in some way an illness, but why it actually appeared, I don’t even remember... But it was definitely there, and I suffered enough from it!

And so, one of my friends, with whom we had a lot of musical contact back then, Vladimir Ivanovich Martynov, talked a lot at that time about some “Father Tavrion”. And I was even planning to go to him.

Suddenly, completely unexpectedly even for myself, I say to him: “Or maybe you’ll take me with you?” - "And what do you want?" - "Of course I want!" - “Well, if you want, we’ll go!”

- And Vladimir Martynov was not a church person then either?

No. At that time he was interested in all sorts of oriental books and was brilliantly educated in a secular way. He remains, as he is today, an outstanding man in many fields. He said this: “There is such an old man, and I want to resolve some issues with him...”. I tell him: “Well, I don’t need to resolve any issues, I’ll just go...”.

Some feeling made me say to Vladimir: “I would like to go with you!”

And really, what questions could I, a 19-year-old boy, have then? But some feeling inside made me say to Vladimir then: “I would like to go with you!” Well, I wanted it, I wanted it...

He took tickets, we got to Riga by train, and in Riga we were met by an acquaintance, a singer and composer. We talked at the station, then moved on.

If I’m not mistaken, we had to go to Jelgava by bus, and from Jelgava - either by taxi or by minibus... But I remember that we got to the monastery by some separate transport.

I immediately thought: why did I come here?

- Do you remember your first impressions of the Riga Hermitage?

When we found ourselves in place, there was no end to my bewilderment! After all, I repeat, before this I had never even entered an Orthodox church. I was a pioneer, a Komsomol member, brought up completely differently...

And then suddenly - a monastery!.. And it’s all so unusual, everything is so strange that it’s completely impossible to even describe!

- And how did you evaluate this internally?

I immediately thought: why did I come here, why?

- Do you remember what years these were?

It was 1978... We arrived in the evening, settled in a house (there were one-story houses there), inside - simple iron beds, simple mattresses.

It was still a little cold, there was snow and ice in some places. It was such a chilly state, unpleasant, chilling to the bones...

- What about your illness? How did you feel during the trip?

Along the way he made himself known several times. But I must say that I carefully looked after myself: for example, I was very restrained and selective in my diet - I didn’t eat this, I didn’t eat anything else... Well, I already arrived, what could I do now...

- Were there any other visitors with you then?

People come here from so far away, what do they want to find here?!

In general, there weren’t particularly many visiting people then - so that they would come to the elder just like that. There was no one in particular. But I really remember three people...

One was from Belarus: he was probably in his early thirties. Another one, 27-28 years old. And also a man of about 50 from Arkhangelsk.

I remember that I was surprised then: people come here from so far away, what do they want to find here?! This was completely incomprehensible to me!

- But tell us more about the monastery: what was it like in those years?

I didn't try to get to the elder

The first acquaintance with the monastery for me was a meal. You can imagine what kind of food this might have been like in 1978. Who brought what to the monastery then - canned food, bread, some cereals... Some kind of soup was cooked from all this. But, in general, everything was wonderful, of course, but very, very unusual!..

-Have you heard anything about Father Tavrion? Didn’t you ask?

Just at this meal, we heard from someone that the elder was sick, and it might well happen that we would not get to see him!

But I myself didn’t try to get to him, I just stuck with my friend for company. And in order to get to the elder, I didn’t even pose such a problem to myself!

- Do you remember any other bright moments?..

The whole atmosphere of the temple and the service simply amazed me...

Yes, because that evening I went to church for the first time in my life. Father Tavrion was not in the service at that time.

The temple is old, the singing is quite simple. I don’t even remember any details today. They sang somehow in the choir, and, in my opinion, they even sang well...

- How did the whole situation affect you?

I had never encountered all this before, so the whole atmosphere of the church and the service simply amazed and amazed me... The impressions were very varied, sometimes confusing, so it was difficult to definitely react to all this within myself.

I remember only one thing (this also surprised me very much at the time).

I entered the narthex, stood almost at the entrance to the temple, and behind me stood two nuns who prayed very earnestly and constantly bowed to the ground.

This surprised me very much then, I thought: why don’t they go further, there were other nuns standing in the temple... And while the evening service continued, they bowed to the ground all this time.

- What kind of service was it, don’t you remember the day?

If I'm not mistaken, I think it was Friday...

There, in the monastery, there was a rather young deacon (I don’t remember now what his name was, he was a very friendly person). He invited us to tea in the evening and talked to us about something. Another Moscow friend of ours then drove up, who was already quite close to the Church (not new to the Church, let’s say so). And so, he and this deacon discussed some issues, and I sat in silence. I tried, of course, as far as my attention allowed, to understand what they were talking about, but, as a rule, without success.

Then we went to bed. I remember the iron beds, I also remember that it wasn’t very comfortable there, in general. The room was not very heated, everything was quite ascetic...

The rise was at half past five, if I'm not mistaken. The service began at the monastery very early, which, of course, did not inspire me at all. Then I was not yet ready for such “feats”, but everyone is coming, and I am going!..

- But perhaps an exception could have been made for you, or was it mandatory for all guests of the monastery?

Well, I thought, if you got here, then this, of course, is a must! It would be strange to stay, if we already went, then everyone went!

I won’t tell you now exactly how long we stayed in the monastery: either it was an evening service, and we arrived on Friday, or otherwise. But most likely so...

The elder was not at the service; I don’t remember who served then, or how they served in general. Then it was day, and it was necessary to occupy it somehow. And he took care of himself - these people I mentioned above and I walked around the monastery...

- What was the monastery like in architectural terms?

The authorities believed: the worse it is for the inhabitants, the better!

It was a wooden wall along the highway, and the other three walls were practically open. On the one hand there was some kind of field, on the other there was something else... Moreover, people whom we now call “homeless people” walked there, asked for something, and even came to the elder, and he helped them with something...

In our view today, a monastery is walls, it is a closed area, it has its own rules of life, etc. All this was not there then!

- The Riga Hermitage has not yet begun to recover?

No, what are you talking about: it was 1978! Probably, on the part of the authorities there was such an attitude: the worse it is for the inhabitants, the better! And they managed to create these incredible conditions...

Well, just on that day (I think it was Friday) we talked with these three people.

Two people especially surprised me. The man from Arkhangelsk behaved somehow on his own, he had some tasks of his own. We talked to him, but there was nothing special in the conversation.

But what struck me (40 years have passed since then, but I remember it all!) was communication with a man who came from Belarus. He had some kind of academic degree and taught almost at a university. Outwardly he was very handsome, with a beard, very intelligent eyes, very good speech, etc.

And I turned to him: “Please tell me, but you came here from Belarus - it’s not a low beam after all... What questions do you have, exactly?”

- And what did he answer you?

He answered in such a way that I was probably ready to immediately take a ticket and go back to Moscow! He said: “You understand what a story: in Belarus today witchcraft is so widespread and there is so much witchcraft! And we are often subject to all this, so I came here on this issue...”

Well, here I didn’t know what second question to ask him, because I was a pioneer in childhood, now a Komsomol member, and in general - “science and religion”, and all that stuff... And suddenly a university teacher who came, God knows in general where, God knows why - and so, he says absolutely seriously: “So much witchcraft...”.

- Did it scare you?

I thought to myself: I need to leave here as soon as possible, and that would be very good. Well, where should we go sooner? Return tickets were only available for the next day; willingly or unwillingly, we had to stay!

- Did you go to work again in the evening?

The old man practically flew

Evening came, again the evening service: again these nuns, who stood behind me and fervently prayed, bowed to the ground...

Saturday came, the next day, and Elder Tavrion himself came to the morning service!

- How did you see him?

Yes, I was also preparing everything: how will I see him, what is he like? So many people are trying to meet him: what is he? How is he?

All his movements were impetuous: he walked into the altar with a flying gait

The first thing that caught my eye was his impetuosity: he was practically flying. All his movements were impetuous: he walked into the altar with a flying gait, served loudly, his exclamations were distinct, sometimes he went out to the choir: he helped, corrected something...

- Were there many people at the service?

Probably, people also arrived on Saturday, so there were a lot of people. There were especially many visitors (or maybe they were regular parishioners?) and quite a few women.

During the liturgy, Father Tavrion confessed, and one day he began to almost scream, very emotionally reprimanding one of the women.

- What did he say?

Quite an amazing thing! I thought that only some fans were gathering here in the church, but suddenly I heard from the elder himself: “Look, you’re hanging around monasteries! Left two children at home! You need to watch the children! We need to raise children!” I remember that it struck me then, some kind of amazing position: it seems that people come here, and, on the contrary, they should somehow be encouraged for this, but no - he reprimanded this woman so strictly!

The Liturgy ended, we went to dinner, and then suddenly someone came running and said: “Now the elder will receive, but he receives a very limited number of people. If you want, you can go to his cell where he lives...”

- Was his cell there, in the monastery?

It was one of the houses in the monastery. Well, we went there, of course, together with my friends.

There, near the porch, there was a crowd of people: everyone was making some noise, but I don’t remember the details now, I’ve forgotten.

But - incomprehensibly - for some reason it was I who got an appointment with him! Someone seemed to push me there, into his cell, and I found myself alone with him!

I was pushed into the room, I entered and froze on the threshold

He, however, was not in the room: I was pushed into the room, I entered and froze on the threshold, I did not know what to do next.

- Did you have any questions, at least approximate ones?

Among my friends, I was the least eager to meet him! So it turned out just the opposite!..

I don’t remember how long I stood: maybe three minutes, maybe five minutes.

- Do you remember what Father Tavrion’s cell was like?

“Well, what should I give you, what should I give you?”

Such an elongated room, there was a chair by the window, icons hung... And under the icons there were many, many wooden compartments in which there were small icons, something else, some other little things...

Suddenly the elder came out (also very impetuously), sat down and fixed his gaze in front of him.

I'm standing to his left, and he's not looking at me at all! He looks ahead of him - at the icons, and after such long pauses asks:

- "What is your name?" - I answer. Silence... - “Do you believe in God?” I say: “I... I’m not even baptized...” - “Yes, you can be baptized! You can be baptized,” he says, “you can be baptized, you have to have faith!” You must have faith!” Another pause. “Are you married?” - “You know, I’m 19 years old, I haven’t thought about it yet...” He answers: “Yes, they scared the people, they scared them now: how many divorces (he said this in 1978, but what would he say now!), they scared the people, and they scared the young people - they are afraid to start a family! And, of course, we should start a family!” Then another pause...

I'm standing there, I don't know what to do. Suddenly there’s a knock on the door, and just these homeless people I mentioned above come in. They probably came to him quite often, and he gave them a share: for someone a ruble, for someone two, for someone something else...

He dressed them, and I stand... He sits, looks in front of the icons, does not look at me, and this pause continues for a long, long time. Then he says: “Well, what can I give you? What can I give you, what can I give you?!” I say: “Yes, you know, I probably have everything, I don’t need anything...”. And he says: “Well, okay, okay, okay... Go...”.

That's the whole meeting, you know? That's where it all ended, actually.

- How did this affect you immediately?

I came out as if scalded, of course, from him. One of my friends says: “You look as if he was at your reception, and not you at his!” I tell him: “You’re still kidding!..” That’s all the acquaintance with Father Tavrion that I was lucky enough to have in my life and to be with this amazing man, completely unaware of who was in front of me and what was in front of me, how our communication, etc.

- And you went home?

We already had tickets for the evening, I had to leave. My friends stayed, but I left because I had to be in Moscow on Sunday.

- Didn’t your friends get to the old man?

- Now I’m afraid to say specifically whether they hit it or not. I was so amazed and stunned by all this that I didn’t remember. It seems that they said that they didn’t hit, but I’m afraid to say so today...

Together with this same man, who was 27-28 years old, we went to Riga, along the way he told me something, I don’t even know how to describe it correctly, but I was still very impressed by the meeting with Father Tavrion .

We arrived at the station, where they were selling (I remember very well) coffee with milk and sandwiches with sausage. I bought two coffees and two sandwiches and hand them to my companion. And he told me: “I’ll drink coffee, but I won’t eat sausage...”. - "And why? Eat some sausages too!” - “You know, now is the time when people no longer eat sausage...”

I arrived home, and it turns out that it was Forgiveness Sunday in 1978...

And here, as it turned out, the main events in my life began!..

- Was there really some kind of continuation?

I completely forgot about my illness,
and a completely different life began!

I don’t even know how to tell this now: it looks a little immodest, but I have no merit here...

So, when Father Tavrion asked me in my cell: “What should I give you?”, he probably knew what to give me! Because I went to see him in one state, and came back, as it turned out, in a completely different state!

- What did this mean?

Quite unexpectedly, I suddenly wanted to fast! Although before I had not discovered any inclination towards this in myself: even the smell of sunflower oil did not evoke any pleasant feelings in me. So, I began to prepare Lenten food... But this was not enough: I really wanted to attend church services - it was simply amazing for me!

And four or five days later, I suddenly discovered with surprise that I didn’t use the pills that I carried with me (I had a pocket full of pills for my strange illness) at all!.. I completely forgot about my illness, and completely another life has begun!

- Which one is the other one?

- I don’t even know how to tell you! Everything you say on this topic will somehow look immodest! I’ll just say once again that there are no merits of mine here... Apparently, contact with such a great man as Elder Tavrion (Batozsky) completely reborn me: I wanted to go to church services!.. Note, this is 1978, and this It was quite strange for a young man!..

- How did your family react to your “rebirth”?

When I started going to services and observing fasting, the family, of course, noticed this and began to hold a “consultation” on which mental hospital it would be better to send me to. Well, the whole story began, all the paraphernalia that accompanied a believer at that time (and by that time I could already call myself a believer), and all this slowly began to enter my life.

But this is not the most important thing: the most important thing is that through the prayers of the elder, my entire direction in life changed!

And that beauty, that harmony that we were looking for in music, it came from the other side: from the Church, church services.

- You said it was Lent then?

Yes, and on, by coincidence (or better yet, by the grace of God), on my birthday, without predicting this at all, I was baptized! And you can say that this is where my church life began.

- How are your friends? Did you follow your path too?

Through the prayers of the elder, the direction of my life changed

- After some time, my friends, with whom we were close (we had a real friendship, even, I would say, some kind of nepotism), began to listen to what I read, how I live... Although - what was possible read at the time? You know how things stood with spiritual books then, and if any prayers were needed, they had to be copied by hand. And it wasn’t something extraordinary, it was normal...

So, my life and the lives of my close friends have changed a lot. Because few people talked about the Church at that time - and any conversation in this direction aroused at least interest. And since all this was, as it were, covered in mystery and some kind of veil, it aroused double interest.

- And nothing has changed in the family?

Nothing has changed in the family! My going to church did not arouse any enthusiasm in anyone, and even more: it caused big problems for me. Because certain organs, called upon at that time to monitor such individuals, immediately revealed themselves. After all, if you appear two, three, four or five times in a temple and pray, you are in a special place.

- Weren’t you afraid for yourself then?

No. And not because I was so fearless. It was unpleasant, of course, but in your youth you probably don’t fully realize it, and there was confidence: after all, I didn’t do anything bad!

Much, much more time had to pass for my mother to approach the Church and begin going to church... But then it was completely impossible! Because then it was almost at the level of madness, but for a young man it was absolutely something!..

- Were you later still interested in the personality of Tavrion’s father?

I wasn't particularly interested. But the state that I was given to experience for his prayers captured me so much that I became closer to my friends, and some of them became my recipients at Baptism. I was so grateful to them for taking me with them then! So, in many ways, my coming to the Church is more their merit than mine!..

As for the priest, I always remember him in my prayers. But rather, I probably need to ask for his prayers today, which is what I’m doing!..

Father was an extraordinary man, his prayer was strong before God

Because he was an absolutely incredible person, and what I experienced, what my friends experienced, how people strove for him, is all for a reason!

And I have had the opportunity to meet people in our time who visited the priest (now many of them are quite famous, many have become priests and monks). Father was a completely extraordinary person, his prayer was strong before God! And what happened in the Riga Hermitage through his prayers, and how people received healing (as in my case) - all this has already been described many times.

Low bow to Father Tavrion! Dear father, pray to God for us!..

  • “... there will be a blow to the Eucharist. Everything that goes for the Eucharist will be printed. The wine will be replaced with colored alcohol. And if you see it, don’t even accept it. Don't go to such shepherds. If he is silent, does not speak about the truth, carries it out in coded substance, there is no grace.

  • They will voluntarily and forcibly force you to take new documents and work for them. Sometimes there will be a thought: I will agree, and then, God knows. Never. Just agree to this small step, you will lose everything forever. Grace will go away. Therefore, there should be no compromises with heavenly established authorities. In the form of these people the hellish serpent will work. Sometimes they won't even know who they work for.

  • When they offer the first documents, the shepherds will quietly lose Grace if they take it themselves or bless others. Before the end, grace will completely leave.

  • There will be no Grace in the churches that will be rebuilt, because... they will be built for a new religion: united, antichrist. And in churches, old, previously closed, there will be Grace in them.

  • After the beast reigns, grace will completely disappear, people’s meat will separate from their bones, it will rot, and there will be terrible cannibalism. The beast will give them food, but they will not be able to eat their fill. A person will swallow this food at one time and remain hungry. They will attack each other and eat cannibals. And then the Lord will come to judge the world, because... there will be no one left to save.

  • Time is hours, days will be shortened. Night may remain, but the day will speed up.

  • (About the USA) The entire continent will disappear.

  • The Lord will be pleased to preserve Rus'.

  • A church that prays for the authorities will be contrary to God.

  • There will be a strong increase in prices and pensions in order to draw people into recognizing the authorities, and then they will raise prices for all goods and utilities so much that people will not know where to go. Then they will withdraw /cash/ from circulation and make money electronic. There will be a card. Then there will be severe hunger.

  • It will not be possible to receive treatment without a medical insurance policy. Lately, few people will get sick not from God, but from the enemy. Don’t go to hospitals, don’t take their medications, pray to God to give you the patience to endure. It will be easy for you.

  • There will be such a famine (words of truth) that people will be in confusion looking for (spiritual) food. Often enemies will disguise themselves as priests - wear beards, people will turn to them, and they will lead the flock into a pack of wolves.

  • There will be persecution, oppression, marks. And then there will be war. It will be short but powerful.

  • After people have finally made up their minds and stand firm, not accepting anything, the Lord will allow the last action - war. And if a person crosses himself: “Lord, save, have mercy!”, the Lord will even then save everyone who can be saved, until the beast reigns.

  • China will march across Russia, but it will pass not as a militant, but as going somewhere to war. Russia will be like a corridor for him. When they reach the Urals, they will stop and live there for a long time. The Mother of God will be praying for China lately, and many Chinese will see the steadfastness of the Russians and wonder: why are they standing like that? And many will repent of their error and will receive mass baptism. And many will even accept martyrdom for Rus' from their own people. Then there will be rejoicing!

  • Look, make no mistake, because this seal, apparently in the form of bars, will be placed on all products in order to confuse Orthodox Christians. Pray to the Lord and try to keep the commandments of God. For if you do not fulfill it, but only wait for the seal, you will fly into it, because... you don't have luggage. If you pray, keep God’s commandments, do good deeds, repent, ask God not to allow it, the Lord will not allow it.

  • They will issue new documents: passports, numbers, everything will be electronic and they will distribute the markings everywhere. He called them the Old Testament Israelite symbol. You can recognize him this way: he will have 30 sticks according to the number of 30 silver pieces. The outermost ones are elongated and the middle ones are elongated. When you see him, know that it is him. And they will put it on products, on documents, everywhere, everywhere. The Apocalypse will be fulfilled.

  • The mark of the beast will be under the guise of the numbers of the Old Testament Solomon's treasury. And some sticks will be, and three will be elongated or shortened, as he thinks of. Will be on all products.

  • O. Tavrion called to pray for Russia: Cry, when praying indicate: “with your relatives.” And relatives are all of Rus'.

  • Prayer for Rus', for Orthodoxy: “Save, Lord, Holy, Orthodox Rus'. Protect her from enemies visible and invisible.”

  • Schema-nun Sergia (who was led by the Mother of God herself and had a special gift of begging for the dead) said that we always pray at night for the country, for our people, that we read the Psalter, fast on Wednesday and Friday, all four fasts of the year.

  • Pray unceasingly, repent unceasingly, cry, pray for the whole people, not only for your relatives, but for the whole Church, for the whole country. For if one prays somewhere, like a flame, like a candle illuminates a room on a dark night, then one who will cry out, groan, if he cannot cry with his eyes, let him cry, groan with his soul, and this will be strong before God.

  • If someone is taken somewhere to free humanity from these “enemies”, in the same places where they are taken to be killed, the Lord will put His mercy on them, and those who remain will face mass extermination and Judgment God's.

  • Some will be taken away, some will be announced that they will be taken away, but they will not be taken away. If this happens, then do not complain, but go with joy.

  • Stock up on those products that do not have these markings /barcode/. Know that everything that God allows, a person must go through. Nothing can happen without heroism.

  • Said Fr. Tavrion: Do not be afraid, the Lord will not allow you to bear more than you can bear. Just try: “Lord, help, strengthen!” You won’t even eat, but some will take a handful of earth, cross themselves and eat it like cereal. They will be saints.

  • There will be war, there will be severe famine, do not be afraid, you will eat the land, there will be protection. He picked up a handful of earth from the garden, crossed himself: “Lord, bless!”, and ate it.

  • If a person does not take a passport, but eats coded food, he is already in a cage.

  • Those who will be taken away for torment, they will give you wounds, but you will not get sick, you need to stand firm: die, but not take anything.

  • No matter how difficult it is, you cannot leave the canonical Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. We need to fight here, fight here, fight here for life and death, not accept any numbers. This will be a very scary number, pray that you don’t live to see it.

  • Those who see the lie can go to home (catacomb) churches. But do not change your prayer from the true church.

  • Leaving for the Foreign Russian Orthodox Church is already a split.

  • Many of the clergy and bishops will lose faith in the Resurrection of Christ. Lately there will be no true bishops, and there will be no talk of elders.

  • Statutes will be quickly, fleetingly shortened; The Divine Liturgy will be served for one hour instead of two hours. Everybody run, run. Time: hours, days will be shortened. Night may remain, but the day will speed up. Divine services will take place quickly, orderly, and beautifully. The true ones will see the difference. And those who go with the flow will not understand anything: everything is fine, everything is good.

  • We must continue to pray for the Patriarch, then the Lord will admonish him.

  • The clergy will surrender to the Antichrist. We are sinful in that we did not stand up for the king. If there is repentance of the Russian people for the regicide, the Lord will give a Tsar. The Tsar will denounce the clergy and bishops.

  • There will be a fall of the Russian clergy. The clergy, with their silence, will lead their flock to the Antichrist. When the time comes for the fulfillment of the 13th chapter / Revelation of John the Theologian /, then the clergy will remain silent.

  • The time will come when the monastery will offer tonsure in exchange for a passport.

  • In one small Western country, a large powerful device will be installed in a five-story building - a computer - a beast (father Tavrion said so: a computer). At first secretly, but then the Voice of God will come to this designer to tell him about what he has made. Try not to get into this computer, it will operate, but its last power will be when the Antichrist reigns. Then the Antichrist will declare war on those who did not accept the mark. Don't be afraid, you can't have two deaths. The Lord needs courageous people.

  • The worst thing and most destructive for the soul is to be included in the world computer - the fiend of the Antichrist. The devil writes such a soul in his Book of Death. Orthodox Christians who end up in the computer are not even allowed to go to ordeal after death, because they have no name, without the most important thing that makes us a God-like person. And they will be kept in hellish torments until the Last Judgment as those who have renounced Christ and the vows of baptism. And only at the Second Coming of the Savior will the computer and personal numbers be destroyed. And then the souls from hellish captivity will again appear at the Last Judgment under their own names. But what will the Judgment be like for them then? Lord have mercy!

  • The existing Soviet passports (red with the coat of arms) are no longer acceptable to God, I asked not to take the ID cards that follow them.

  • Without a new passport you will not be hired. What kind of passport do you have, try to stay with it. With new passports, people will feel all the benefits, all the success, but they will have this joy until the reign of the Antichrist, when the world computer turns on. Then those who take it will experience grief, grief, fear and horror, and those who don’t take it will be persecuted, but will be with God.

  • The passports are not Russian, they are Masonic with the seal of the Antichrist.

  • Be that as it may, the church on which Grace rests, the Russian Orthodox Church, must be fought to the end. The Lord will be in the little flock of the church militant.

  • Know that everything that God allows, a person must go through. Nothing can happen without heroism. If in the first times of Christianity there were feats of martyrdom, then there were centuries where asceticism was required of Christians. The last persecutions will be shorter, but tougher and faster. Pray to the Lord, stand firm, trust only in Him. He is the source of life. He will stand nearby.

  • Only one who renounces himself and takes up his cross and goes for Christ can be a disciple of Christ. This is who the disciple of Christ is. So don't be fooled. If you do not renounce yourself and do not go with Christ to Golgotha, you are not Christians, just idle talk. … If we are crucified with Christ, then we will be glorified with Christ; If we die with Christ, then we will be resurrected with Christ. There is no other way.

  • There will be no work in the new camps, but there will be terrible torment. The Lord says: I hate cowards and the faint-hearted. Be generous, don't judge anyone.

  • Don't be afraid of America, she, like a chained dog, will bark and excite barking in other dogs who are like-minded with her. But it is powerless against Russia. Everything depends on the Russian people, if Russia brings repentance, begs God, even at a time when the whole world will rejoice that she has died. And they will not be as angry with Russia as with Christianity, for they will be brought up in such a way that Christ is a monster, and all who believe in Him are enemies of humanity, and they must be destroyed. All people will grind their teeth against Orthodox Christianity.

Written in addition to

All life is Easter of Christ.

In his sermons, the priest often spoke about the Cross of the Lord and the bearing of the human cross: “Taking up our cross, let us go, foot by foot. - Where? - For Christ to Golgotha! With him we will die, with him we will rise again! Let us endure with Him, and with Him we will glorify. We will suffer with Him here a little, and with Him we will reign forever...”

Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky)
All life is Easter

Archimandrite Tavrion (Tikhon Danilovich Batozsky) was born on August 10, 1898 in Krasnokutsk, Kharkov province. He is the 6th child in a family of 10 sons. His father was a servant of the city government, ran a large agricultural business and had an apiary. The life of the family was Christian. Father Tavrion vividly recalled his childhood: “In past times, everything that happened in the Church of God during the annual cycle was reflected in the family. And this is the week of the publican and the Pharisee. In addition to singing in church, we come home, family - father, mother, children, and sing in the simplest chant: “Open the doors of repentance, O Giver of Life.” The whole family sings - beauty! This was the content of home life." He had a prayerful attitude since childhood; from the age of eight he served in church. The boy had rich talents - a sharp mind, memory, drawing ability.

Honoring parents was placed at the forefront of all upbringing in the family. Father Tavrion recalled that after some mischief, the father would gather the children and say: “Why did you insult your mother so much? Or don’t you know that a mother’s prayer rescues you from the bottom of the sea, but a mother’s curse ruins you to the ground? Be careful not to offend your mother!”

After graduating from the zemstvo school in 1909, Tikhon decides to leave the world for a monastery (this was his dream since childhood) and goes to Belgorod to visit St. Joasaph of Belgorod. There, at the tomb, I received an instruction from a monk to the Glinsk hermitage and accepted it as the will of God.

The Glinsk hermitage at that time was a large monastery with strict rules, a tradition of eldership, and missionary experience. Up to 700 brothers of the monastery and numerous pilgrims, through their labors, ran an exemplary economy so that they fed wanderers, maintained a hospital, and taught peasant children to read and write and craft. In the monastery there was a miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Glinskaya”, a full circle of divine services were performed with special chants.

Young Tikhon arrived to this glorious monastery. However, he did not manage to stay here for long. The relatives searched intensively for the missing boy and submitted a wanted notice to the newspapers. The monastery authorities learned about the search for Tikhon, telegraphed his whereabouts and, accompanied by the monk, sent him home. It seemed to the parents that their son’s ardent impulse to go to the monastery would gradually cool down, and Tikhon was sent to the city of Dergachi to study at a teachers’ seminary. But even after finishing secondary education, all Tikhon’s thoughts were only about the monastery. Finally, the parents relent and let the young man go.

He entered the Glinsk hermitage as a novice on January 20, 1913. Monastic life requires great work, restrictions, self-discipline, and most importantly, humility. Subsequently, the priest taught that in the monastery there are only two words: “Forgive” and “bless,” and if you learn this, then life will become joyful and fruitful. The young novice had no longing for his loved ones and the world he had left behind.

Father wrote: “ In the Glinsk Hermitage he studied painting, took missionary courses, and sang in the choir.” Most of the inhabitants of the monastery were peasants by their class status, some were illiterate, but in the monastery their inclinations and abilities for one or another craft and obedience were revealed. Often these talents were revealed in their entirety, and through the efforts of ordinary monks, majestic temples were built, icons and frescoes were painted. The missionary Hieromonk Abel had a great influence on Tikhon, who instilled in the young man a love of books, music, art, and a desire for self-education.

During the First World War, novice Tikhon was drafted into the active army and served in Latvia in the regimental kitchen.

At the end of hostilities, Tikhon returns to his native monastery. The October Revolution had already taken place in Russia, social structures and relations were rapidly changing, new people and ideas were in power. Persecution of the Church began, the closure of monasteries and churches, and the persecution of the clergy.

In 1920 he was tonsured a monk with the name Tavrion, and in 1922 the authorities closed the Glinsk hermitage, and he, among 10 monks, moved to the Rylsky Nikolaevsky Monastery in the Kursk region to the abbot Bishop Pavlin (Kroshechkin). At the end of 1922, he was transferred to the Moscow Novospassky Monastery, where he continued his spiritual education and graduated from the school of drawing and painting. In 1923, monk Tavrion was ordained hieromonk. By Easter 1929, Bishop Pavlin elevated Father Tavrion to the rank of archimandrite and appointed St. Theodosius of Chernigov as rector of the church, where he organized services with popular singing, frequent preaching, and involved parishioners in parish life. Pressure from the authorities on the Church of Christ is increasing, and Bishop Peacock blesses Fr. Tavriona for the daily service of the Divine Liturgy and hands him a marching antimension with instructions to serve “wherever it happens.”

In the fall, October 28, 1929, the young Archimandrite Tavrion was arrested. He was accused of anti-Soviet agitation, although the real reason for the arrest was his struggle with the renovationists who seized the Theodosius Church in Perm. Archimandrite Tavrion managed not only to return the temple, but to make it a stronghold of Orthodoxy. Archimandrite Tavrion spent more than 20 years in prisons, camps and exile. But also in the links about. Tavrion continued to perform the liturgy. " In some slum, pit, and the liturgy was celebrated. Because I felt the calling of God, I knew the history of the Church, the life of the saints. I tried to be an ascetic, I tried to imitate them.”

First term Fr. Tavrion was leaving on Vishera. This was the first Soviet concentration camp, where re-education through labor was used. For most of the term, Fr. Tavrion spent time doing general work: digging canals, working in logging, but sometimes art education saved him. When an artist was needed in the camp, he was exempted from general work. Nevertheless, hard labor undermined the health of Tavrion’s father.

Father Tavrion looked upon the years spent in prisons, camps and exile as the time of his confession of Christ, the blissful procession behind Christ to Golgotha. He considered the fact that he survived to be a special mercy of God and a prayerful duty to the dead. At each liturgy, fervent prayer was offered for these passion-bearers and martyrs.

At the end of his term of “labor”, Archimandrite Tavrion comes to Kaluga. There is no possibility of official service; almost all churches are closed. During this period, he created a network of secret communities and traveled a lot around Russia. He had to change his place of residence many times - he was warned about his impending arrest.

Father gets a civilian job. “From 1933 to 1938 he worked in the city of Kaluga on the construction of the Palace of Culture as an artist. Lives with devoted spiritual children. On December 27, 1940, a new arrest followed. The investigation was completed on March 14, 1941. 12 people were convicted. Archimandrite Tavrion was sentenced to 8 years in prison for counter-revolutionary and anti-Soviet activities. He served his sentence in the Turin concentration camp in the northeast of the Sverdlovsk region. First, general work at the logging site, then as an artist in the cultural and educational part of the camp. And again, in spite of everything, the daily service of the liturgy.

O. Tavrion was released early in August 1948 and sent into exile in Kazakhstan. On March 19, 1956, the conviction was overturned, and Fr. Tavrion went to Perm.

In 1957, Patriarch Alexy I appointed Fr. Tavrion as rector of the Glinsk Hermitage. The wave of red terror swept away not only monastics, but also churches and buildings. By 1942, only 6 dilapidated buildings remained in the Glinsk Hermitage, the only surviving hospital church and the former bishop’s building; the temples and bell tower were blown up. There were about 60 inhabitants in the monastery, 70 percent of the brethren were monks over 60 years old; disabled people in 1958 - 26 people. By the mid-50s. the former glory of the monastery again spread throughout the country. People came here to pray and receive spiritual guidance from the elders.

The new abbot also sought to resume the missionary service of the monastery, calling on the brethren to direct their efforts not only to personal salvation, but also to the salvation of the souls of their compatriots.

While in this position, Fr. Taurion came into conflict with the council of elders of the monastery, who initially supported him as a former novice of the desert. One of the main reasons for the conflict was the abbot’s reluctance to coordinate his decisions with the council of elders - the spiritual mentors of the monastery, who were opposed to any changes. In this situation, the hierarchy took the side of the majority and in January 1958 transferred Archimandrite Tavrion to the Pochaev Lavra.

In 1959 O. Tavrion is the secretary of the Ufa diocesan administration and the rector of the Ufa Intercession Church. He preached a lot, participated in the restoration of the temple, for which he himself painted icons, and opposed the closure of churches. In 1960, the candidacy of Archimandrite Tavrion was considered for possible episcopal consecration. Ufa Bishop Nikon gave him a description. The Holy Synod approved the candidacy of Archimandrite Tavrion, but his active work aroused dissatisfaction with the authorities. They began to close churches again and expel active priests . In the “bright future” there should be no place for “priests and religious prejudices.” Father Tavrion also falls into this stream. Deprived of registration as a commissioner, he served as a psalm-reader in Peredelkino for a year and a half, and only in November 1962 was he hired in the Yaroslavl diocese.

First about. Tavrion serves in the village of Nekrasovo, and since 1964 - in the village of Novy Nekouz. O. Tavrion gains fame as a confessor; believers from Yaroslavl, Moscow, Leningrad, Perm, Ufa and other places come to him for advice and prayerful support.

In 1969, the 70-year-old elder Tavrion was appointed rector of the Spaso-Preobrazhensk Hermitage in Riga, where he remained until his death in 1978. He was the confessor of the desert and an elder for thousands and thousands of pilgrims from all over the country. The elder said: “What is my responsibility? I am responsible for you, for your spiritual life. I must know how you live, I must know the means to help you, and know when and when to stop. This is what you think and mourn about day and night! A big task has been entrusted. But I already relied on the Lord. Lord, I am weak, but I did not come here of my own free will. You put me here. So hold me, Lord, until Your holy will! And I, with whatever I have, even if it is childish, I strive to fulfill what I am. Therefore, every day there is confession, every day the Cup of Christ, and what the greatest joy!”

Archimandrite Tavrion wrote about the experience of his life, corresponded with brothers and spiritual children, conducted sermons and conversations, believing that “the grace of Providence should not remain a secret.”

So, he told how he was once saved. When returning to the Glinsk Hermitage after leaving the army in the spring of 1920, he fell under water during an ice drift near the monastery. “A huge ice floe, carried by water, pinched me by my boots and dragged me under the ice... I did not lose my presence of mind and consciousness, being under the ice, I was aware that I was in the jaws of death, but I did not feel timidity and fear... I remembered the words of Christ the Lord, what he said to his disciples: “Truly I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My Name, He will give it to you... ask and you will receive...”

I began to pray: “Lord God! For the sake of the life of Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, save me”... Suddenly, from some push, I bent over and felt sick, and was instantly thrown to the surface. While swimming, I didn’t drown, I grabbed onto the bushes and managed to hold on the third time.” Then the brothers of the monastery managed to save him, and he didn’t even get sick afterwards.

According to the recollections of priests and parishioners, Fr. In his sermons, Tavrion called on parishioners to make our whole life a Eucharist (thanksgiving) for this priceless gift of the Lord.

Father Tavrion believed that the pilgrims’ stay in the monastery should not remain fruitless, so he devoted a lot of time and effort to welcoming them. At the same time, he was active in business, carrying out construction and repairs. The entire space of the attics was adapted for the construction of hotels. And yet, in the summer months, especially on the Feast of the Transfiguration, there were not enough places. People settled down for the night in the hayloft, in the temple.

The elder had an artistic gift, and his works can still be seen today in Pustynka.

Fr. passed away. Tavrion August 13, 1978 after a many-month illness (cancer of the stomach and esophagus), accepting the illness as co-crucifixion with Christ. After the death of the priest, his many spiritual children were orphaned. Before his death, he told his loved ones not to mourn, but to visit his grave, pray, and ask for their needs. He promised not to leave even after death.

From the sermons of Archimandrite Tavrion.

The Church of God reminds: “People, read the Word of God.” It purifies your mind and improves it, gives you a clear view of all objects, of yourself and of all life around you. If the most terrible, terrible misfortunes happen to you, you will know how to emerge victorious.

Communion is the medicine of immortality.

Let cancer eat us, but we are martyrs, this is not cancer, these are ulcers accepted for Christ.

Sin by its nature, no matter what it is and no matter who committed it, is already a terrible punishment. Therefore, every sinner needs God’s mercy!

“Leave the way of unrighteousness from me, and have mercy on me with Your law” (Ps. 118). David sees the abyss and cannot get around. This is the state of the sinner! And he asks: “I can’t turn around, Lord, turn the road around!” How much reason there is, how much Truth of God there is.

“Whatever you ask in prayer in faith, you will receive.” (Matthew 21) In order to receive what you ask for in prayer, you must have strong faith.

Heavenly Father is a heart expert and knows all your secrets and everything that awaits you. Therefore, since you ask Him, the prayer will never perish. God will never remain a debtor.

There is a time when a person is sick and has terrible nightmares in his head, etc., and then despair falls on the person. But why should you be lost, you have one Divine Name: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.”

When you, a person, strive for a moral life, you will be a creator. And you will pay attention to everything: not only temptations, but also thoughts and every small movement of the soul. And you will treat everything very carefully.

From childhood we must instill the highest, the most beautiful, the most sacred. What happens to us? WHAT does a child hear good from childhood? There are a lot of demands on him, but all he hears is squabbles. It is necessary to educate with love and awareness of duty.

Whatever maternal or paternal love you have, it must be subdued by the love of God. Your love should not be selfish, and your power should not rape and destroy the happiness of children.

The most important connecting thread in families has been lost - love, both between mother and father, and between parents and children. And who is to blame? Since you are father and mother, that means you constitute a home church. A husband and wife should love and give their lives for each other, and not say that they do not get along in character. We need to be martyrs towards each other.

The Lord does not wait to punish. He is waiting to make us understand and not to limit our will.

Let us remember that we are talking about an old man of incredible spiritual power! He was respected by both Patriarch Pimen and the bishops (although there were also ill-wishers among them - where without envy!). Fr. himself Tavrion suffered for many years in the Gulag, forging there the true character of a confessor of Christ! In the context of reading the proposed prophecies, it is important to note that the priest reposed in... the distant 70s of the last century - all the more unusual is the fact that he described our reality with such accuracy (using even modern terminology - for example, the word “computer”, and accurately describing plastic documents in the form of cards). You can learn more about it from the Orthodox film “The Salt of the Earth,” which is also posted on our website under the appropriate banner.

  • “... there will be a blow to the Eucharist. Everything that goes for the Eucharist will be printed. The wine will be replaced with colored alcohol. And if you see it, don’t even accept it. Don't go to such shepherds. If he is silent, does not speak about the truth, carries it out in coded substance, there is no grace.
  • They will voluntarily and forcibly force you to take new documents and work for them. Sometimes there will be a thought: I will agree, and then, God knows. Never. Just agree to this small step, you will lose everything forever. Grace will go away. Therefore, there should be no compromises with heavenly established authorities. In the form of these people the hellish serpent will work. Sometimes they won't even know who they work for.

When they offer the first documents, the shepherds will quietly lose Grace if they take it themselves or bless others. Before the end, grace will completely leave.

  • There will be no Grace in the churches that will be rebuilt, because... they will be built for a new religion: united, antichrist. And in churches, old, previously closed, there will be Grace in them.
  • After the beast reigns, grace will completely disappear, people’s meat will separate from their bones, it will rot, and there will be terrible cannibalism. The beast will give them food, but they will not be able to eat their fill. A person will swallow this food at one time and remain hungry. They will attack each other and eat cannibals. And then the Lord will come to judge the world, because... there will be no one left to save.
  • Time is hours, days will be shortened. Night may remain, but the day will speed up.
  • (About the USA) The entire continent will disappear.
  • The Lord will be pleased to preserve Rus'.
  • A church that prays for the authorities will be contrary to God.
  • There will be a strong increase in prices and pensions in order to draw people into recognizing the authorities, and then they will raise prices for all goods and utilities so much that people will not know where to go. Then they will withdraw /cash/ from circulation and make money electronic. There will be a card. Then there will be severe hunger.
  • It will not be possible to receive treatment without a medical insurance policy. Lately, few people will get sick not from God, but from the enemy. Don’t go to hospitals, don’t take their medications, pray to God to give you the patience to endure. It will be easy for you.
  • There will be such a famine (words of truth) that people will be in confusion looking for (spiritual) food. Often enemies will disguise themselves as priests - wear beards, people will turn to them, and they will lead the flock into a pack of wolves.
  • There will be persecution, oppression, marks. And then there will be war. It will be short but powerful.
  • After people finally make up their minds and stand firm, not accepting anything, the Lord will allow the last action - war. And if a person crosses himself: “Lord, save, have mercy!”, the Lord will even then save everyone who can be saved, until the beast reigns.
  • China will march across Russia, but it will pass not as a militant, but as going somewhere to war. Russia will be like a corridor for him. When they reach the Urals, they will stop and live there for a long time. The Mother of God will be praying for China lately, and many Chinese will see the steadfastness of the Russians and wonder: why are they standing like that? And many will repent of their error and will receive mass baptism. And many will even accept martyrdom for Rus' from their own people. Then there will be rejoicing!
  • Look, make no mistake, because this seal, apparently in the form of bars, will be placed on all products in order to confuse Orthodox Christians. Pray to the Lord and try to keep the commandments of God. For if you do not fulfill it, but only wait for the seal, you will fly into it, because... you don't have luggage. If you pray, keep God’s commandments, do good deeds, repent, ask God not to allow it, the Lord will not allow it.
  • They will issue new documents: passports, numbers, everything will be electronic and they will distribute the markings everywhere. He called them the Old Testament Israelite symbol. You can recognize him this way: he will have 30 sticks according to the number of 30 silver pieces. The outermost ones are elongated and the middle ones are elongated. When you see him, know that it is him. And they will put it on products, on documents, everywhere, everywhere. The Apocalypse will be fulfilled.
  • The mark of the beast will be under the guise of the numbers of the Old Testament Solomon's treasury. And some sticks will be, and three will be elongated or shortened, as he thinks of. Will be on all products.
  • O. Tavrion called to pray for Russia: Cry, when praying indicate: “with your relatives.” And relatives are all of Rus'.
  • Prayer for Rus', for Orthodoxy: “Save, Lord, Holy, Orthodox Rus'. Protect her from enemies visible and invisible.”
  • Schema-nun Sergia (who was led by the Mother of God herself and had a special gift of begging for the dead) said that we always pray at night for the country, for our people, that we read the Psalter, fast on Wednesday and Friday, all four fasts of the year.
  • Pray unceasingly, repent unceasingly, cry, pray for the whole people, not only for your relatives, but for the whole Church, for the whole country. For if one prays somewhere, like a flame, like a candle illuminates a room on a dark night, then one who will cry out, groan, if he cannot cry with his eyes, let him cry, groan with his soul, and this will be strong before God.
  • If someone is taken somewhere to free humanity from these “enemies”, in the same places where they are taken to be killed, the Lord will put His mercy on them, and those who remain will face mass extermination and Judgment God's.
  • Some will be taken away, some will be announced that they will be taken away, but they will not be taken away. If this happens, then do not complain, but go with joy.
  • Stock up on those products that do not have these markings /barcode/. Know that everything that God allows, a person must go through. Nothing can happen without heroism.
  • Said Fr. Tavrion: Do not be afraid, the Lord will not allow you to bear more than you can bear. Just try: “Lord, help, strengthen!” You won’t even eat, but some will take a handful of earth, cross themselves and eat it like cereal. They will be saints.
  • There will be war, there will be severe famine, do not be afraid, you will eat the land, there will be protection. He picked up a handful of earth from the garden, crossed himself: “Lord, bless!”, and ate it.
  • If a person does not take a passport, but eats coded food, he is already in a cage.
  • Those who will be taken away for torment, they will give you wounds, but you will not get sick, you need to stand firm: die, but not take anything.
  • No matter how difficult it is, you cannot leave the canonical Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. We need to fight here, fight here, fight here for life and death, not accept any numbers. This will be a very scary number, pray that you don’t live to see it.
  • Those who see the lie can go to home (catacomb) churches. But do not change your prayer from the true church.
  • Leaving for the Foreign Russian Orthodox Church is already a split.
  • Many of the clergy and bishops will lose faith in the Resurrection of Christ. Lately there will be no true bishops, and there will be no talk of elders.
  • Statutes will be quickly, fleetingly shortened; The Divine Liturgy will be served for one hour instead of two hours. Everybody run, run. Time: hours, days will be shortened. Night may remain, but the day will speed up. Divine services will take place quickly, orderly, and beautifully. The true ones will see the difference. And those who go with the flow will not understand anything: everything is fine, everything is good.
  • We must continue to pray for the Patriarch, then the Lord will admonish him (let’s not forget that Father Tavrion lived during the time of Patriarch Pimen - ed.).
  • The clergy will surrender to the Antichrist. We are sinful in that we did not stand up for the king. If there is repentance of the Russian people for the regicide, the Lord will give a Tsar. The Tsar will denounce the clergy and bishops.
  • There will be a fall of the Russian clergy. The clergy, with their silence, will lead their flock to the Antichrist. When the time comes for the fulfillment of the 13th chapter / Revelation of John the Theologian /, then the clergy will remain silent.
  • The time will come when the monastery will offer tonsure in exchange for a passport.
  • In one small Western country, a large powerful device will be installed in a five-story building - a computer - a beast (father Tavrion said so: a computer). At first secretly, but then the Voice of God will come to this designer to tell him about what he has made. Try not to get into this computer, it will operate, but its last power will be when the Antichrist reigns. Then the Antichrist will declare war on those who did not accept the mark. Don't be afraid, you can't have two deaths. The Lord needs courageous people.
  • The most terrible and most destructive thing for the soul is to be enrolled in the world computer - the fiend of the Antichrist. The devil writes such a soul in his Book of Death. Orthodox Christians who end up in the computer are not even allowed to go to ordeal after death, because they have no name, without the most important thing that makes us a God-like person. And they will be kept in hellish torments until the Last Judgment as those who have renounced Christ and the vows of baptism. And only at the Second Coming of the Savior will the computer and personal numbers be destroyed. And then the souls from hellish captivity will again appear at the Last Judgment under their own names. But what will the Judgment be like for them then? Lord have mercy!
  • The existing Soviet passports (red with the coat of arms) are no longer acceptable to God, I asked not to take the ID cards that follow them.
  • Without a new passport you will not be hired. What kind of passport do you have, try to stay with it. With new passports, people will feel all the benefits, all the success, but they will have this joy until the reign of the Antichrist, when the world computer turns on. Then those who take it will experience grief, grief, fear and horror, and those who don’t take it will be persecuted, but will be with God.
  • The passports are not Russian, they are Masonic with the seal of the Antichrist.
  • Be that as it may, the church on which Grace rests, the Russian Orthodox Church, must be fought to the end. The Lord will be in the little flock of the church militant.
  • Know that everything that God allows, a person must go through. Nothing can happen without heroism. If in the first times of Christianity there were feats of martyrdom, then there were centuries where asceticism was required of Christians. The last persecutions will be shorter, but tougher and faster. Pray to the Lord, stand firm, trust only in Him. He is the source of life. He will stand nearby.
  • Only one who renounces himself and takes up his cross and goes for Christ can be a disciple of Christ. This is who the disciple of Christ is. So don't be fooled. If you do not renounce yourself and do not go with Christ to Golgotha, you are not Christians, just idle talk. … If we are crucified with Christ, then we will be glorified with Christ; If we die with Christ, then we will be resurrected with Christ. There is no other way.
  • There will be no work in the new camps, but there will be terrible torment. The Lord says: I hate cowards and the faint-hearted. Be generous, don't judge anyone.
  • Don't be afraid of America, she, like a chained dog, will bark and excite barking in other dogs who are like-minded with her. But it is powerless against Russia. Everything depends on the Russian people, if Russia brings repentance, begs God, even at a time when the whole world will rejoice that she has died. And they will not be as angry with Russia as with Christianity, for they will be brought up in such a way that Christ is a monster, and all who believe in Him are enemies of humanity, and they must be destroyed. All people will grind their teeth against Orthodox Christianity.

The name of Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky; † 1978), a pious and extraordinary personality in his own way, who spent many years in prisons and camps, is often mentioned in various publications. Books began to be published about him, such as, for example, the collection compiled by priest Vladimir Vilgert “All Life - Easter of Christ. Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky)" (M.: Father's House, 2001). After reading this book, the reader may get the impression of an outstanding elder, a worthy successor of the Orthodox monastic traditions of the famous Glinsk Hermitage. Priest Vladimir Vilgert does not hide the purpose of this book: “We express the hope that the publication of this collection will speed up the resolution of the issue of canonization of Archimandrite Tavrion” (p. 5).

After reading the book, the reader in his soul will only say “axios!” the canonization of such an unforgettable priest. However, this book is slyly silent about many facts from the pastoral and liturgical practice of Archimandrite Tavrion, which caused a lot of temptation during his lifetime. One of the most famous confessors of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the 70s did not bless his spiritual children to go to the hermitage near Jelgava to visit Father Tavrion, and if anyone was going to go, then under no circumstances should they take communion with him.

So, was Archimandrite Tavrion a worthy successor to the monastic traditions of the Glinsk Hermitage?

Speaking about Father Tavrion’s short stay as rector of the Glinsk Hermitage, famous for Christian asceticism (1957–1958), his life writers admit gross inaccuracies and even outright lies in the presentation of the facts of this period of Father Tavrion’s church service. Thus, E. Bezdetko wrote in her article “The Good News of Archimandrite Tavrion” (Orthodox Moscow, 1994, No. 15) several years ago: “It was so difficult for Father with especially “pious” people who diligently filter out the statutory mosquitoes. The most prominent representatives of this species were the monastics”; “...They left him from Glinskaya.” Why they “left” is left unanswered by the author.

The book by priest Alexander Chesnokov, “The Glinsk Hermitage and Its Elders” (M., 1994), also does not give an exhaustive answer to the question of the reasons for the disagreements between Archimandrite Tavrion and the brethren of the Glinsk Hermitage (the disagreements are explained simply by the fact that the Midnight Office under Father Tavrion was moved to twelve o'clock in the morning, which not all the brethren liked). The same insignificant reason for the disagreement over the time of the Midnight Office is noted in the book of the priest Vladimir Vilgert. But this book says nothing about the main, fundamental disagreements that led to the request of the Glinsk elders to replace the abbot - Archimandrite Tavrion - and transfer the latter from the Glinsk monastery.

In his book, St. Vladimir Vilgert even tries to explain the conflict with obvious gossip: “... in the Glinsk Hermitage there was also an attempt on the life of the abbot by young, embittered inhabitants” (p. 24). With such an “explanation” Father Vladimir openly blasphemes the brethren of the Glinsk monastery.

The famous Glinsky elder, a lamp of faith and piety of the twentieth century, author of numerous theological works Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov ; † 1991) in his capital work "Glinskaya Desert"(M., 1992; 1994) comprehensively studied the life of this monastery, famous for its spiritual and educational activities and care for the elderly, and in particular the revival of eldership in the Glinsk Hermitage in the period 1942–1961. The work of Schema-Archimandrite John is extremely valuable for historians, theologians and for all those seeking salvation, since Father John himself began his monastic feat and achieved the fullness of monastic perfection in the famous Glinsk Hermitage, was a spiritual friend and co-hidden of the great Glinsk ascetics-elders Schema-Archimandrites Andronik (Lukash) and Seraphim (Romantsov), continuer of the monastic traditions of the Glinsk monastery, the last Glinsk elder.

Here is an excerpt from the book of Schema-Archimandrite John (Maslov) "Glinskaya Desert", which covers in detail the short activity of Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky) as rector of the Glinsk Hermitage.

“Periods of prosperity and decline of spiritual life have always been associated with an increase or decrease in the role of spiritual leadership. The revival of eldership in the Glinsk Hermitage led to such an upsurge in spiritual life in the monastery that the fame of the holiness of life of the inhabitants of the Glinsk Hermitage, the severity of its rules and asceticism spread throughout the country.

In spiritual life, the Glinsk hermitage occupied the highest place. As before, the monastery was a center of spiritual enlightenment, care for the elderly and moral revival. Not only many bishops, but also His Holiness Patriarch Alexy I himself spoke of the Glinsk Hermitage as a famous, strict monastery, deeply revered its experienced elders and considered their leadership soul-saving.

After ten years of management of the monastery by Father Seraphim (Amelin), the second period of his abbot began (1953–1958) - the period of prosperity and improvement of the Glinsk Hermitage.

The strictly ascetic life of the Glinsky elders and the high spiritual authority of its abbot gathered zealots of true monastic life into the monastery. Not only those wishing to begin monastic life, but also experienced ascetics sought to enter the holy monastery, so that among this “squad of soldiers of Christ” they could find the right path to the highest spiritual perfection. The archives of the Sumy Diocesan Administration contain many petitions of that time for transfer or admission to the Glinsk hermitage not only from all over our country, but also from abroad. But by order of the authorized Council for the Affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Sumy region, the admission of monks to the holy monastery was limited.

Until its closure, the spiritual core of the monastery consisted of ascetics who lived in the Glinsk Hermitage before 1922. In 1953–1957 there were about one third of them, and in 1958 - about one fifth of the total number of inhabitants. They adopted the ancient, highly spiritual monastic traditions of the monastery from the Glinsky elders of the 19th and early 20th centuries and passed them on to subsequent generations. Thus, through the care of the elderly, spiritual continuity was carried out in the Glinsk Hermitage.

At that time, the focus of the spiritual life of the monastery was still the elders: Archimandrite Seraphim (Amelin), Schema-Abbot Andronik (Lukash) and Hieroschemamonk Seraphim (Romantsov). As Bishop Evstratiy of Sumy and Akhtyrsky wrote, “through the labors of Father Andronik, Father Seraphim the spiritual father and the rector, Archimandrite Seraphim, the Glinsk Hermitage grew stronger and flourished.”

Under their leadership, a whole host of ascetics grew up, many of whom subsequently carried the elder traditions of the Glinsk hermitage throughout the country.

...In February 1957, Archimandrite Seraphim (Amelin) turned to Bishop Evstratiy with a request to relieve him of his duties as rector due to his ill health and old age (he was already eighty-four years old). Along with these reasons, perhaps the main one was the elder’s desire at the end of his life to completely surrender to the thought of God and silence. While he was on earth in body, he had long been in spirit in Heavenly Jerusalem, but, despite the seclusion in which he spent his last years, concerns about the diverse life of the monastery did not allow him to completely renounce earthly affairs.

Although the brethren mourned Father Seraphim’s decision to retire, with his blessing they chose as rector Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky), who entered the Glinsk hermitage back in 1913 and remained in the monastery until 1922, studying in the painting workshop under the guidance of Father. Seraphima (Amelina). Then he visited the Glinsk Hermitage only at the beginning of 1957.

Hoping that Archimandrite Tavrion, remembering the monastic traditions of the Glinsk Hermitage, will retain obedience to the elders in his position as rector, Fr. Seraphim (Amelin) in his petition to the Bishop of Sumy and Akhtyrsky indicated him as a desirable candidate for the position of rector of the Glinsk hermitage.

To finally resolve this issue, the confessor of the monastery, Hieroschemamonk Seraphim (Romantsov), went to Moscow, where he was personally received by His Holiness Patriarch Alexy... His Holiness asked about the brethren, about the temple, about church services, about the construction and promised to appoint Archimandrite Tavrion as rector.

By order of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy, Archimandrite Tavrion (in the world Tikhon Danilovich Batozsky) was appointed rector of the Glinsk Hermitage on March 14, 1957, and on April 25 he accepted all matters from Archimandrite Seraphim (Amelina). But Father Tavrion served as rector for less than a year, as he did not justify the trust of the brethren. In the Glinsk Hermitage, a truly Orthodox monastery, he began to introduce Western, Catholic customs of church life. In addition, after the end of the evening service, Fr. Tavrion lit candles on the throne, opened the Royal Doors, began reading akathists and organized public singing. This contradicted the rules of the Glinsk Hermitage, according to which, after the evening service, the brethren were supposed to silently disperse to their cells and carry out the cell rule in silence.

Father Tavrion ordered Golgotha ​​to be taken out of the temple, and during the service, instead of the strict chants of the Glinsk Hermitage, he introduced partes singing, which in no way corresponded to the spirit of the monastery. The entire circle of liturgical singing of the Glinsk Hermitage, before the changes introduced by Father Tavrion, preserved ancient church melodies that inspired the worshipers at one or another moment of the church service.

At the entrance to the temple, Father Tavrion hung large curtains. He replaced the “King of Glory” icon on the High Place without consulting with the elders with the “Resurrection of Christ” icon. As for replacing the icon, this is not prohibited by the canon, but in the Glinsk hermitage, where, without the blessing of the elders, they avoided the slightest innovations and extremely valued ancient traditions, all these changes outraged the brethren. She called Father Tavrion’s actions piety beyond reason (under Father Tavrion, services in the monastery began at midnight; the brethren, burning with the desire for an ascetic life, approved of this, but rebelled against Catholic bias abbot).

The brethren were especially dissatisfied with the fact that Fr. Tavrion did not consult on anything with the deeply revered in the monastery, his senior in age and spirit, the former rector, Archimandrite Seraphim (Amelin). This was a violation of monastic rules. Finally, Father Tavrion did not take into account in any way the opinion of the council of elders of the Glinsk Hermitage, but acted autocratically.

In an effort to protect Orthodoxy in the monastery, the inhabitants of the monastery repeatedly turned to Bishop Eustratius and, both in personal conversation and in writing, expressed their dissatisfaction with the innovations of the abbot.

His Grace Evstratiy repeatedly, both when visiting the monastery and in writing, tried to reason with Father Tavrion, even referring to the fact that his illness (in the fall of 1957, Bishop Evstratiy was seriously ill) was “due to disturbances in the monastery,” but nothing changed .

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy became aware of the Catholic bias in the actions of Father Tavrion. On November 14, 1957, Bishop Evstratiy received a telegram from the Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate, Protopresbyter Nikolai (Kolchitsky), in which it was said that since “the brethren of the Glinsk hermitage are not very happy with the abbot, who is making big changes without the advice of the elders of the monastery, His Holiness the Patriarch asks to call elders of the monastery of the Glinsk Hermitage... and inspire the abbot that all matters in the monastery should be decided jointly with all the elders, and not by the abbot alone..."

In response to this telegram, on November 18, under the chairmanship of Bishop Evstratiy, a joint meeting of the Sumy Diocesan Council and the Cathedral of Elders of the Glinsk Hermitage was held, consisting of the rector Archimandrite Tavrion, the confessor of the monastery Hieroschemamonk Seraphim, the treasurer Hieromonk Modest and the steward Hieromonk Mikhail, at which those moved by brotherly love and obedience unanimously decided to cancel the innovations of Father Tavrion in the Glinsk Hermitage, and for the abbot to resolve all issues together with the elders. The monastery even started a journal to record the decisions made at the meeting of the elders. But life in the monastery did not return to normal. The Western orientation in the actions of Father Tavrion continued to manifest itself. Father Seraphim (Romantsov) was forced to go to His Holiness the Patriarch and ask for a change in rector. On January 13, 1958, Archimandrite Seraphim (Amelin) was again appointed rector of the Glinsk Hermitage, and Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky) was transferred to the Pochaev Lavra by decree of His Holiness the Patriarch.

By this time, the hard-working elder Archimandrite Seraphim (Amelin) was already fading away. For fifteen years he was at the head of the spiritual helicity and not only gathered, but also multiplied the brethren of the Glinsk hermitage, revived the eldership and the ancient charter of the monastery in its entirety, decorated the monastery internally and externally, created all the conditions for spiritual and material assistance to pilgrims ... "

Here's another piece of evidence. Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin) In his memoirs about the Glinsky elder, Schema-Archimandrite Seraphim (Romantsov), in particular, writes: “Father Seraphim attached great importance to the continuity of monastic life, including the rules of worship, daily confession, revelation of thoughts, etc. He said that when Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky), appointed rector of the Glinsk Hermitage, began to introduce a new charter, read some prayers he had compiled or taken from somewhere unknown, this caused bewilderment and dissatisfaction among the brethren of the monastery. This broke monastic tradition. And therefore, despite the ascetic life of Father Tavrion, the Glinsky elders were forced to ask His Holiness Patriarch Alexy I to replace the rector (which he did). This preserved the tradition of the monastery, laid down from its foundation, and the spiritual continuity, the bearers of which were the Glinsky elders” (The Secret of Salvation. M., 2002. P. 292).

These are the opinions of two Glinsky ascetic elders about Archimandrite Tavrion.

...After the Glinsk Hermitage, Father Tavrion served for a short time in the Pochaev Lavra, then in Ufa, and in 1962, at the request of Nikodim (Rotov), ​​then Bishop of Yaroslavl, he was transferred to the Yaroslavl diocese. In 1969, Archimandrite Tavrion moved to the Spaso-Preobrazhensk Hermitage near Riga (Jelgava), where he became a confessor. At this time, many believers, especially from Moscow, begin to visit Pustynka near Riga.

Today's renovationists-reformers constantly refer to the liturgical practice of Archimandrite Tavrion as an example of an unconventional attitude towards Orthodox worship, supposedly requiring gradual modernization. So, priest Georgy Kochetkov writes: “Let us remember... at least Father Tavrion of Batoz, deeply Orthodox in spirit and at the same time open to the Catholic and Protestant traditions and, most importantly, to their living bearers. This openness allowed him to place a Catholic statue in the church, and even in a number of cases to give communion to non-Orthodox people who flocked and came to him, without demanding anything special from them, except for the usual personal participation in the liturgy for everyone. This same spirit allowed him, like many other saints (?), to widely use modern language in worship... and free prayerful inclusions in traditional rites" (Orthodox Community, 1994, no. 4-5, p. 82). “He... did not hesitate to read the Gospel in Russian, give communion practically without confession, every day and to everyone”; “He did not hesitate to appeal to the renovation experience, however, only in personal conversations” (“New Europe”, 1992, No. 1, p. 73).

Another author in the Kochetkov magazine “Orthodox Community” (1995, No. 2 /26/) recalls the following: “Father Tavrion allowed improvisation in worship: he inserted his prayers...”; “You see how the massive altar partition of the summer Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior interferes with the priest; The royal doors and deacon doors are open and not closed during the entire service...”; “Daily communion in Pustynka, introduced by Fr. Taurion tempted many, both shepherds and flocks”; “Father resorted... to general confession”; “Ties of love connected him with the oldest Catholic bishop...”; “But instead of gratitude for his labors, he received from some of them (brothers. - N.K.) condemnation and labels - “Catholic”, “renovationist”” (ibid., pp. 85, 87, 89, 90, 84). The same article tells how Father Tavrion gave communion and crowned a certain “Catholic Anthony V.” (Vilgert, father of the priest Vladimir Vilgert, compiler of the above-mentioned book. - N.K.). However, “after the death of Father Tavrion, the new confessor of Pustynka no longer allowed Anthony to see the Chalice” (p. 90).

From a conversation with the priest. Georgy Kochetkov in the almanac “XPICTIANOS” (1998, VII) we learn “as in one of his (Fr. Tavrion. - N.K.) of the temples there was a Catholic statue of the Heart of Jesus” (p. 70). However, even the life writers of Father Tavrion recognize the innovation, which is not always justified, and sometimes very tempting for Orthodox believers: “Some were embarrassed by such things, like the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, donated by Catholics and placed by them in the temple near the Shroud...” ( Bezdetko E. The Gospel of Archimandrite Tavrion // “Orthodox Moscow”. 1994. No. 16).

According to the recollections of numerous pilgrims who visited the Preobrazhensk Hermitage in the 70s, Father Tavrion himself loved to read the canon in Russian at Matins. “This accurate, good translation sounded, alas, very clumsily and, contrary to the intentions of Father Tavrion, was not at all clearer than the Slavic text” (Liturgical language of the Russian Church. History. Attempts at reformation. M., 1999. P. 226).

The reader naturally has a question: why did Archimandrite Tavrion, who had such an undoubtedly highly spiritual life, have Catholic and Renovationist sympathies, which were manifested in his liturgical practice? Let's try to answer this.

Concerning Catholic sympathies, then, most likely, they are associated with the Western Ukrainian origin of Father Tavrion, where the Uniate influence left its mark on church life, and above all on its ritual side, which was imprinted on him from childhood.

Renovation Father Tavrion developed the same sympathies in the 20s in Moscow. According to the recollections of one of his spiritual children, “Father Tavrion... used the experience of his youth, especially Moscow in the early 1920s. He was in Moscow at that time and went to different churches. I also visited the Zaikonospassky monastery, appreciated the experience of Bishop Antonin (Granovsky) ... I say with all responsibility that Tavrion visited the Zaikonospassky monastery at Antonin’s divine services and appreciated this experience” (Liturgy of Father Tavrion. Conversation with priest Georgy Kochetkov // HRICTIAHOC, Riga, 1998, VII, pp. 62–63). Probably, these reformist services of the renovationist bishop Antonin Granovsky had a deep impression on the young Father Tavrion. Exactly almost all Antonin's set of renovationist innovations was repeated, forty years later, by Father Tavrion when performing divine services.

“I remember once,” recalls Father Georgy Kochetkov, “I told him that a Baptist had come with us. Moreover, this Baptist, inspired by the ministry of Father Tavrion, immediately went to receive communion. I tried in every possible way to prevent this, but my efforts did not reach the goal. I asked one nun to tell the priest that this man is a Baptist, he is not anointed. Mother conveyed everything to Father Tavrion, but he simply did not pay attention and calmly gave him communion. When I later told the elder that this Baptist had received communion, I said with horror and pathos, Father Tavrion replied: “You didn’t see anything”” (p. 71).

After such evidence, the reproaches of the editors of the almanac “XPICTIAHOC” and priest G. Kochetkov regarding Father John (Maslov) look dishonest: “Schiarchimandrite John (Maslov) slandered Archimandrite Tavrion” (p. 55). What is the slander here, good gentlemen, if the very authors of your “XPICTIAHOCA” (Alexander Men Foundation in Riga) confirm everything that is written in the book “Glinsk Hermitage”? Priest G. Kochetkov, for example, confirms that “criticisms against Father Tavrion were heard during his lifetime, and the late Father John (Maslov) was always one of his spiteful critics” (p. 72).

These words of the famous Moscow renovationist only once again confirm the high spiritual and historical dignity of the book of the ever-memorable Schema-Archimandrite John “Glinsk Hermitage”.

It is necessary to say a few words about priest Vladimir Vilgert - compiler of a book about Archimandrite Tavrion. About a year before the publication of this book, the biography of Father Tavrion contained in it, the author of which was Priest. Vl. Wilgert, was published in the magazine “Orthodox Community” (2000, No. 55), published by Rev. Georgy Kochetkov and his “Higher Orthodox Christian School”. The version of the biography published in the Kochetkovsky magazine differs from the biography included in the collection “All Life - Easter of Christ” by the presence of two paragraphs, which say that “Fr. Tavrion respected Catholicism”, “noted the merits of his sister Catholic church and sought to use this positive experience in his priestly service,” as Father Tavrion gave communion and married the Catholic father of priest Vl. Vilgert, “at the same time, there was no formal transition to Orthodoxy” (“Orthodox Community”, 2000, No. 55, pp. 96, 97). It is clear that these two paragraphs are holy. Vl. Vilgert did not include the book about Archimandrite Tavrion in a huge edition (12,000 copies), in the hope, as mentioned above, “that the publication of this collection will speed up the resolution of the issue of canonization of Archimandrite Tavrion” (p. 5). All these “Catholic” details Canonization Commission Bye shouldn't know!

Undoubtedly, Archimandrite Tavrion was a good shepherd and acted contrary to Orthodox tradition, most likely out of simplicity or ignorance. A similar case was described by Rev. John Cassian the Roman, when an old man named Serapion, distinguished by “ancient severity in abstinence in active life, perfect in everything,” due to his ignorance, sinned against the true faith and fell into heresy (Collection 10, chapter 3).

This cannot be said about the malicious reformist itch of the current renovationists, who often speculate on the name of Father Tavrion in order to “modernize” Orthodoxy, Russify worship, and revise “outdated” canons. The author of this article does not intend to somehow denigrate the name of Father Tavrion, who remained a bright and loving personality in the memories of many of his spiritual children. But at the same time, Orthodox believers need to know more fully about the life of this or that clergyman if his admirers raise the issue of canonization and at the same time publish books in which some non-Orthodox aspects of the church life of this person are deliberately suppressed so that after glorifying him as a saint, to notify all the faithful children of the Russian Church that a new saint has appeared in the calendar, favorable to the “renovationist experience”, to ecumenical practice, to the neglect of St. canons of the Church, sympathizers with Catholicism, etc.

About all the numerous Catholic and Renovationist features in the liturgical practice of Archimandrite Tavrion, priest Vl. Vilgert in his book does not mention in a single word: the time has not come yet!

I would like the Synodal Commission for the Canonization of Saints to act more carefully and carefully in the future in order to avoid the appearance of very dubious personalities in the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church. Recently, voices have been heard insisting on the need for canonization, for example, the mother of Maria Skobtsova, a smoking nun of Berdyaev-SR orientation, Bartholomew (Remov), a secret Catholic bishop and at the same time the rector of the community of one of the Moscow Orthodox monasteries in the early 30s, the Nizhny Novgorod Renovationist monastery priest-reformer Vasily Adamenko or Prince-Bishop Andrei (Ukhtomsky), who converted to the Old Believers, and other “ascetics” whose Orthodoxy is in great doubt.


Editorial afterword:

Here is an excerpt from the letters Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov Mikhei (Kharkharov; † 2005) published on the website “Orthodoxy and Modernity”:

...The enemy did not cease to stir up trouble among the brethren, they began to grumble more and more that the rector was old, another was needed, and when Father Tavrion was freed from exile, representatives went to the Patriarch and asked to appoint Archimandrite Tavrion as their rector. The Patriarch granted the request. Father Seraphim humbly accepted his removal from the abbotship, settled in a corner cell and did not interfere in any matters. But he told the brethren: “After me you will not be better off.” And indeed, under the new abbot, Archimandrite Tavrion, there was such unrest in the monastery, such discontent and grumbling.

Father Tavrion was tonsured in the Glinsk Hermitage, lived there until its closure, as a novice, and studied in the monastery icon-painting workshop. After the closure, for a time, together with Father Andronik, he was a cell attendant for Bishop Pavlin, then he went into exile, where he worked as an artist. He is of Polish origin. Perhaps because of this, he had a desire for Catholicism, or, in any case, sympathy and disposition for Catholicism.

Disagreements with the brethren began from the very beginning: first, Father Tavrion hung tulle curtains on the windows of the temple. In general, in churches it is not customary to hang curtains on the windows; in a strict monastery, where there was no electric light, this was received with dissatisfaction by the brethren. Then Father Tavrion changed the order: the midnight office began to begin at 12 o'clock at night, as it was in the previous Glinskaya. However, in former times there were 700 brethren, and some served, others carried out other obediences, and at that time the young were entrusted with obedience to sing in the temple, and to work in the field, and in the forest. With this arrangement they had very little time to rest. They began to grumble.

Father Tavrion often referred to Thomas à Kempis in his sermons. The brethren read from Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov that piety according to the book of Thomas a à Kempis “On the Imitation of Christ” is not true - it is only due to the heating of the blood, and not based on humility, as Orthodox ascetics teach. There were accusations of Father Tavrion's Catholicism. In the monastery, some stood for the abbot, others - against.

As a result, the delegation went to Moscow with a request to remove Tavrion’s father. Thus, the words of Father Seraphim Amelin were fulfilled...

Hieromartyr Pavlin (Kroshechkin; 1879–1937), Archbishop of Mogilev. Born in the Penza province into a peasant family. Since 1921 - Bishop of Rylsk, vicar of the Kursk diocese. In 1926, he was one of the initiators and active participants in the secret election of the Patriarch. Arrested, released in 1927. Appointed to the Perm department, then to the Kaluga department, and from 1933 to the Mogilev department. Arrested in 1936. In 1937 he was shot. Canonized in 2000. Commemorated October 21/November 3.

St. Ignatius Brianchaninov gave negative assessments of Thomas a à Kempis’s book “On the Imitation of Christ” in letters, in “Ascetic Experiences” (“On the Jesus Prayer. Section II. On delusion”), and in other works.