Professions that can be entered into after 11. Where should a boy or girl go to study - the most profitable and promising professions? Is higher education necessary for success nowadays? Is it worth stressing over studying if a working career is not a priority?

Choosing a profession is one of the most significant moments in a graduate’s life. The right choice determines interest in future work and training, income level, and career advancement.

For the correct choice of profession, the physiological and mental inclinations of the child and the demand for specialists in the labor market are important.

What influences the prestige of a profession:

  • Wage level.
  • Geographic location of the future place of work.
  • Additional bonuses (foreign business trips, reduced working hours, long vacations).

What must be taken into account when choosing a specialty:

  • Interest in the chosen activity.
  • Compliance of abilities and psyche with the characteristics of the profession.

The choice of profession is determined by the interest, prestige and gender of the person.

There are women's professions and men's professions. But most areas of education are suitable for both boys and girls.

Here is a list of professions that are equally interesting to men and women:

  1. Doctor.
  2. Lawyer, advocate.
  3. Teacher, trainer.
  4. Scientist, researcher.
  5. Bank employee.
  6. Journalist.
  7. Artist, musician.
  8. Designer, photographer, stylist.
  9. Manager.
  10. Farmer, gardener, agricultural worker.

List of specialties for girls

The female psyche is distinguished by the ability to show patience and perform routine work. Professions where they demonstrate appearance and attractiveness are considered predominantly female.

  • Primary school and kindergarten teacher, psychologist.
  • Nurse, pharmacist, nanny, caregiver.
  • Hairdresser, cosmetologist.
  • Secretary.
  • Accountant.
  • Seamstress.
  • Call center operator.
  • Dancer and actress.
  • Stewardess.
  • Model.

List of specialties for boys

Professions that require endurance and physical strength, as well as specialties related to mechanisms and technical devices, are considered strictly masculine.

  • Military, policeman, firefighter, sailor, rescuer, law enforcement officer.
  • Driver, diesel locomotive operator, pilot
  • Miner, oil worker.
  • Welder, turner, auto mechanic.
  • Butcher, chef.
  • Builder, loader.
  • Automotive engineer.
  • Specialist in assembling and configuring computers, creator of computer programs, network administrator.

Professions at the institute (at the university) after completing 11th grade

Higher education is necessary where a large amount of theoretical and practical knowledge is used:

  • Middle and high school teacher, university lecturer.
  • Doctor of any profile.
  • Engineer in any specialty - cars, materials, processing technologies, etc.
  • Lawyer.

College, technical school, school are middle-ranking educational institutions. They provide a lot of real skills and abilities. A number of professions are difficult to obtain without prior training at a college or technical school. The difference between a college, technical school and college is the quality of general education.

Professions in college after finishing 11th grade

College is a cross between a university and just a college. This is a secondary educational institution with a claim to a high culture of communication, with an in-depth education program and an increased scholarship. Here is a list of popular colleges.

  • To study at a music university (conservatory), you must graduate from a music college. Many secondary musical institutions have the name of college, although in essence they are colleges.
  • Medical College - gives additional points for admission to medical school.
  • Acting College is often a stepping stone to becoming a director.
  • College of Education - provides many real skills in teaching applied labor and early childhood education.
  • Art College - provides useful skills in the field of artistic craft - fine arts, design, computer graphics, architecture.

Professions in a technical school for students who have completed 11th grade

The technical school is almost a college. It differs in that the high school course is not in-depth. Technical school and college provide a good basis for further education at a university. Most technical schools graduate technical specialists, give them real work skills and a decent level of education for future entry into college. We list the popular types of technical schools:

  • Building.
  • Engineering, industrial, electrical and radio engineering.
  • Aviation, electric locomotive repair, transport.
  • Commercial technical school (trains middle-ranking trade representatives - managers, sales executives, marketers).
  • Agrarian.

Specialties at school after 11th grade

A number of professional skills can only be given to a person by studying at a vocational school. Vocational educational institutions enjoy minimal prestige. The school provides knowledge of a craft for which there is no need for higher education. Only real skills and abilities.

  • Manufacturing and construction workers - welders and foundry workers, builders and painters.
  • Agricultural workers - tractor drivers, cattle breeding specialists.
  • Catering workers - culinary specialists, cooks.
  • Service sector workers - hairdressers, cosmetologists.

The training here is short. After a year, the graduate becomes a specialist.

The issue of admission should be decided not by parents and teachers, but by the graduate. Their advice and reasoning are invaluable, but the final decision is made (without offense from relatives and teachers) by the adult himself.

Continuation. . .

Every year a child’s life becomes more and more problematic. And sooner or later the moment comes when the question arises about where to go to study after 11th grade.

Yes, the choice is not easy, because the fate of the next few years depends on it. And it’s good if parents help their child resolve the issue, especially if it is possible to pay for tuition at prestigious universities.

What you should pay attention to

There are many options for where to go to study after 11th grade, each of them has its own pros and cons. The choice should depend not only on the sincere desire of the student, but also on his knowledge and interests.

The well-being of the family is also important, because it is not always possible to finance the budget. Therefore, it is best to consider several options and submit documents to more than one educational institution.

How to choose?

If you have not decided where to go to study after 11th grade, then start with the following points:

1. Profession.

2. Place of study.

3. List of documents required for admission.

4. Enrollment rules.

Read them carefully. If you can figure out each of them, you can easily choose where to go to study after 11th grade.

Decide on a profession

Each educational institution will be able to turn a student into a specialist of a certain category and direction. Therefore, when choosing a place for further education, you need to decide on the desired profession.

In this matter, it is worth focusing on interests and knowledge in a particular discipline. After all, when choosing where to go to study after 11th grade, you should understand that the coming years necessary for studying will depend on the decision made. Of course, there is always the opportunity to change your specialty and try yourself in a different direction, but it’s still better to try to make the right choice at the very beginning.

In addition, it is worth realizing that the education received should facilitate rapid employment, which will bring a suitable level of income.

List of the most in-demand professions in the Russian Federation

When wondering where you can go to study after 11th grade, be guided by the following list, which contains the most relevant working specialties today:



Engineers of various directions;



If you study and become a specialist in any of the areas listed above, you will not have problems finding employment.

Choosing a place to study

Certificate form 086U (from a medical institution);

Original state-issued document confirming the education received;

Six pieces of photographs 3*4;

Certificate of Unified State Examination results;

If there are benefits, then present documents confirming this.

In addition, it is worth providing other documents confirming the availability of certificates, thanks, etc.

If a guy enrolls, then at the time of enlistment you will need to additionally present a conscript ID or military ID.

Take your time with your choice

The decision about where a guy should go to study after 11th grade should not be made even in one day. You need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. You cannot focus only on the imaginary earnings of a particular profession.

After all, you can train a person for 5 years to become a lawyer, but he will never develop the skills and abilities necessary for the job. In the first place should always be the desire of the graduate to engage in a certain craft that would bring pleasure. In this case, money cannot be put in the foreground.

Also, when choosing where to go to study after 11th grade for a girl, you cannot make a decision spontaneously. Not everyone will be able to master, for example, a military profession (today girls are accepted into such universities). The same goes for guys. If you don’t have talent and a great desire, it’s hardly worth it just to get a higher education to study to become a teacher, librarian, or master some other “lady’s” specialty, as is now commonly believed.

In addition, it is necessary to expand the horizons of possible professions. After all, those possible types of work that were available to our parents at the time of their studies, today constitute only a small part of all available options.

If previously it was difficult to imagine a woman as a good diplomat, in the modern world such politicians are key figures on the world stage. Don't just think about being a seamstress or a teacher, you can become a programmer, economist, doctor, photographer, designer, etc.

To make the right choice of where to go to study after 11th grade, a girl needs to try to imagine herself a few years after graduating from a university or college. Will this option suit you, will you be satisfied with your choice, do you see yourself as a specialist in this direction? If you doubt it even for a moment, then you should take your time and think again about all the possible options.

Let's sum it up

After school, it is very important to make the right choice of where to go to study after 11th grade for a boy or a girl, in a word, for schoolchildren. Every school has its own psychologist, who is always ready to offer to take several tests to help make a choice.

If you can’t contact a specialist, you can find similar tests on the Internet. But remember that they can only point out your skills and abilities, and the choice of what to do and where to study it is always yours.

And it makes no difference whether it is a university or a college - the main thing is that the knowledge and diploma you receive will help you take further steps in adult life, and you will never regret the years spent studying.

Graduation is just around the corner, and behind it comes free adult life. And in this regard, many difficulties arise, one of which involves choosing a future profession. After all, work is not only a way to secure a decent future for yourself, but also an opportunity to realize your potential and make a contribution in the industry in which you have interest and desire.

Some students who have completed one or two courses realize with regret that they expected something completely different from their specialty and are completely disappointed in their choice. To prevent this from happening to you, read the article and follow its advice.

Which direction to choose

Already at school, it becomes clear which sciences the student is more passionate about. And the choice of specialty to study largely depends on these preferences.

What are the directions:

  1. Humanitarian. Studies moral, spiritual, cultural heritage. Such sciences include literature, psychology, linguistics, cultural studies, philology, philosophy, history, art history, jurisprudence, law and others.
  2. Social. Considers issues arising as a result of the development of society, the problems it faces, and their solutions. The sciences that deal with this are the following: archeology, history, cultural studies, political science, psychology, sociology, jurisprudence and others.
  3. Natural. Study of laws and natural phenomena. At school this is taught in physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics lessons.
  4. Technical. This direction explores the field of construction and mechanics. This includes architecture, computer science, astronautics, materials science, chemical technology and others.
  5. Applied. Application of the obtained theory in practice. Any science can be applied, for example, psychology, physics, mathematics and others.

If you are finishing 11th grade, then you certainly know what is best for you and in which direction you should move on. Performance evaluations can also indicate this. Review your grades over the past two years and highlight the subjects in which you were most successful.

To choose a worthy specialty in which you will be interested in working, you need to take into account many factors. This will help you get a complete picture and not miss the nuances that you will encounter along the way of learning.

Main factors:

  1. Don't lose sight of your interests. If you really want to find a profession in which you will work after graduation, then choose what you like.
  2. Don’t lose sight of the salary level of the specialist you want to train for. But remember that no one receives millions from the first day of work, but moves towards this goal gradually, thanks to perseverance and work.
  3. Take a career guidance test developed by psychologists.
  4. Evaluate the level of your knowledge soberly. Today there is a lot of competition in universities, even on a paid basis. Therefore, if you like watching movies, but you are zero in cinematography, then think more down to earth.
  5. If your specialty is not offered by universities in your hometown, discuss with your parents the possibility of studying in another locality.
  6. Look at your profession in perspective and see how possible your personal and career growth is in your chosen direction.
  7. Don’t forget that you may not be able to get into the budget department. Therefore, calculate in advance whether there is enough money for paid education.
  8. If the financial situation is difficult, it is possible to enroll in an evening or correspondence course so that you have time for part-time work.

Of course, such issues should not be resolved alone. First of all, you need to consult with parents who have life experience and will help you choose the right specialty and institute. But remember that the final decision is yours, so don’t let yourself be pressured.

What profession should a girl choose?

Today, the division into female and male professions has become arbitrary, because most of the work is done by technicians. But we decided to give some recommendations that will help you make your choice.

Specialties suitable for girls:

Accountant. This is a profession in demand, but its specificity is that income is directly proportional to your experience. A good accountant who knows his business is valued no less than a doctor. With the help of this profession you can ensure a decent future not only for yourself, but for your children and grandchildren.

Stylist. Many girls and women today are ready to pay a lot of money to a specialist who will make them beautiful and select a unique image. If you gain a reputation in this profession, then you are guaranteed a carefree life.

Landscape designer or interior designer. These professions not only generate income, but also allow you to unleash your creative abilities, just like the previous option. Designers will be in demand as long as people have a thirst for beauty and the means to achieve it.

Specialist in working with customers. To persuade a person to purchase a product or service requires the gift of persuasion. All girls have it from birth, so they can reach heights in the field of negotiations with clients. The same applies to professions such as prosecutor or lawyer.

IT or nanotechnology specialist. Despite the fact that there is a stereotype about the incompatibility of women and technology, many girls have succeeded in this specialty. It's all about their perseverance and pedantry, quick learning and easy assimilation of new knowledge.

This is a list of the most promising professions that are worth considering when choosing your future.

What profession should a young man choose?

It is easier for young people to find a job than for girls, but in order for it to be stable and well-paid, it is worth thinking about all possible options.

Specialties for young people:

IT specialists. Competition in the computer field between men and women is growing, because this is a sought-after, highly paid field that will not lose its relevance for a long time.

Architect, engineer. A man's brain is designed to think technically and make accurate calculations. Therefore, such a profession would be a good choice.

Cook. For many years this specialty has not lost its relevance. New restaurants are growing by leaps and bounds, so finding a vacancy will not be difficult.

Doctor. Working in the medical field is not easy. You need to have strong nerves and a sober mind that will not allow emotions to take over.

Marketers, SMM specialists. Most advertising today is posted on social networks. Therefore, specialists who can do this beautifully and unobtrusively are highly valued.

The main quality that employers value in men is the ability to not give in to emotions, make quick decisions, make accurate calculations and the desire to take responsibility.

If you are serious about obtaining a worthy specialty, then you need to study the job market today and in the near future. This will help you not make a mistake in choosing a profession that will remain relevant after graduation.

Professions in demand in Russia:

  • IT specialist;
  • engineer;
  • teacher;
  • lawyer;
  • doctor;
  • advertising specialist;
  • HR manager;
  • specialist in the beauty industry;
  • ecologist;
  • skilled worker.

Popular professions in the world:

  • engineering specialist;
  • IT specialist;
  • ecologist;
  • logistician;
  • medic;
  • tourism manager;
  • chemist;
  • High technology specialist;
  • journalist;
  • stylist;
  • HR manager

Many items on the lists coincide, so if your plans include traveling to work abroad, you should choose a specialty that is in demand both here and in the world. This will ensure you an interesting and prosperous life.

What documents are needed for admission?

If you have already decided what you want to become in the future, then it is time to think about what you need to collect for admission. The list of basic documents, which is approved by all universities in the country, is as follows:

  • Statement written in your own hand, dated and signed.
  • Certificate of General Education (original and copy).
  • Original and copy of passport and citizenship document.
  • 6 photos 3*4.
  • Certificates of benefits (if any).
  • Certificate from a medical institution, form 086-U or 026-U.

Now you are ready to apply, all that remains is to prepare and pass the exams. Remember that any profession can become prestigious if you work with pleasure and for the benefit of society. And we wish you no feathers or fluff.

Video: how to choose a profession

Online profession test: Which profession to choose?

comprises 30 questions| rating 4.1 out of 5 points

Test for applicants. What profession should you study for?
Eleventh grade is a very important period in the life of every student. At this time, you need to decide on the choice of your future profession. Universities today offer a huge number of professions to applicants. Who do you want to be: a doctor, an economist, a designer, a programmer, or maybe a veterinarian? If you find it difficult to decide on your future profession, take our test, we hope it will help you make the right decision!

Psychological test Which profession should I choose? You can go online completely free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate it. Happy testing!

Reviews about the profession test:

  • Dayana| Ekatirinburg
    Few questions

  • Julianna| Ternovka
    Good test, helped me a lot

  • Catherine| Feodosia
    The test is good, but I will never go to the doctor or veterinarian


  • Alina| Kharkiv
    I really wanted to become a landscape designer and, based on the test, I was also offered this profession!!! THANK YOU

All high school students are thinking about where to go to study and how to choose a university. You can find the educational institution you need on our website. Read how to do it.

Choosing a direction

First of all, you need to decide on a profession. How to do it:

  • Consider not only your desires, but your abilities and inclinations. Find out what is better for you: the humanities or the exact sciences. Perhaps you have some talents.
  • Take career guidance tests. With their help, you can determine a list of specialties for which you have an inclination. Read more about this in the article “How effective are career guidance tests.”
  • Find out which professions are now the most prestigious and what is in demand on the labor market. About the most current specialties in 2018, see here: “The most popular specialties for admission in 2018.”

Choosing a suitable university

Here are the main search parameters:

  • Direction. Study the programs carefully, look for the profile that you need.
  • Contest. Here you need to take into account your Unified State Exam scores. If they are low, it will be difficult to get into a top university. In this case, look for a university with little competition for places.
  • City. Are you planning to move or not? If you are planning, pay attention to whether the university provides a dormitory.
  • DVI. Some universities conduct their own internal exams. Are you willing to put in the extra effort? Will you have time to prepare for the exams?
  • Budget or paid department. Please note that it is difficult to get a free place. Decide if you are willing to pay for training. If yes, pay attention immediately to the cost. How to determine your chances of getting on the budget, see here: “Free education: how to assess your chances of getting on the budget.”

Instructions for searching for a university on the website

We have collected all educational institutions in one place. To find the university you need, use a special filter. We attach the full algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to the “Universities” section.
  2. On the right side you will see a tab with parameters. To narrow the search, select the desired region, as well as the items “deferment from the army”, “military department”, “dormitory”.
  3. Enter your Unified State Exam scores. The site will display only what suits you.
  4. Click on the direction you are interested in or and study the details.

To search for a university, you do not need to use all the parameters; you can select only those that interest you. There is also a tab with specialized universities: medical, legal, economics, pedagogical. Separately, you can choose universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

We told you how you can help yourself with choosing a university. Now it's up to you. Look, choose and act. Good luck!