The magic of knots. Shackles (Bonds) — Tarot of Teen Witches Knitting as such

Shackles (Bonds) – VI Lovers

The sixth lasso in the Tarot of Young Witches belongs to the “Tools” group and is called Shackles (Bonds). In traditional decks we know it as VI Lovers.

From the very name given by the author to this card, we can conclude that it can tell us about knot magic. We can shackle a person and not give him the opportunity to move forward. We tie a person to ourselves with bonds (marital bonds), tie a partner hand and foot in business, etc. But we can also free a person from the obligations that bind him, “cut the Gordian knot.”

Knot magic dates back at least 2000 years ago and is a very ancient type of magic. Knot magic was known in every culture, among all peoples. But today it is falling out of use, and some experts sometimes even express the opinion that the magic of knots may soon be completely forgotten.

Why is a simple, practical and effective form of magic falling into disuse? Maybe precisely because of its simplicity. Over the past centuries, a huge number of more complex (sometimes too complex!) magical practices have been developed; and man is designed in such a way that, while discovering and exploring something more complex, he forgets about the simple.

But true magicians know: knot magic is as effective today as it was 2000 years ago, and the results of its application in practice exceed the wildest expectations. The knot is the strongest source of magical power. With the help of a node you can significantly increase the energy of spells and spells.

The magic of knots is strictly individual and has many personal nuances. This is tying a knot for memory. For pregnant women or those who were recently married, there was a strict rule: not to have knots on their clothes (this was especially true for underwear). Knots were also unacceptable in the bedroom, as they interfered with successful conception and childbirth. Knots in clothing are also prohibited for businesses and business people. Since they interfere with successful negotiations and contribute to the emergence of unnecessary disputes and disagreements.

However, sometimes nodes are useful. For example, a woman who suspects her husband of adultery can perform the ritual of “tying up infidelity” - a love spell on hair in knots. After the ritual, a rope or cord is placed under the mattress or hidden in the husband’s clothes.

Knot magic is used in all diseases of the joints. This spell ritual binds pain. In the same way, headaches are eliminated. Or a knot ritual for allergies. If there is a suspicion of the evil eye, then a ceremony is performed using nine knots of red rope (thread, cord). Evil magicians (black) can make linings based on the principles of knot magic. A cord or thread is charmed and subsequently placed or thrown into the house or sewn into clothing.

In the image we see a picture that is well known to everyone, found in most tarot decks - a young man is puzzled by the idea of ​​​​choosing between a seductress and a hard-to-get girl, between good and evil, an easy, immediate win in the casino and hard work that can bring solid wealth...

All this is in this lasso. But, as Papus said, “it is easier to wear a crown of iron than of flowers.” It’s really easier to take an easily accessible girl as your girlfriend, without wasting time, effort, and financial resources on a long courtship. But in this case one should not hope for the depth of feelings on her part, loyalty and devotion. She can easily fly away to someone else - who is richer, sexier, more successful.

Why spend effort on developing your own business if it’s easier to hit the jackpot in a casino... But you can also end up broke. The money won will run out, and a new attempt to get rich in this way may end in failure, up to the loss of all property...

We see how a young, inexperienced sorcerer, thirsty for passion (the color of the robe) and love (the green color of the T-shirt) has already physically reached out to the seductress, although he is still overcome by doubts; at the last moment he looked back at the girl in blue clothes with a book in her hands. This Witch unconsciously controls her emotionality and is able to distinguish at what moment she should show emotions and at what moment she should restrain their stormy flow. She is truthful and wise beyond her years, trusting her intuition and acting on it.

Why did I decide that this was an inexperienced sorcerer? The fact is that he is still unable to understand the reason why he reached out to the seductress. If he had more experience, he would have immediately determined that the Witch, using Knot Magic, had bewitched him. She doesn't really hide it!

Her clothes contain all shades of brown (Earth element), this tells us that her attraction is purely carnal, nothing sublime, she only needs physical pleasure from him. There is no talk of love here. Just as she tied a brown stocking to a red belt with her flirtatious garter, so she shackled the guy to the same belt the color of passion.

But all is not lost, the Bat is in a hurry to help the guy. In Antiquity, bats were responsible for insight and vigilance. The sorcerer is blind, like the Bat itself, but she is a very smart creature, if only because she does not collide with anyone in flight. She throws him a whole nut from a height, and the other one, in her paw, is already open and its core is visible.

Maybe she picked up these fruits of knowledge near the Hazel Tree and is in a hurry to remind the young sorcerer of the knowledge that he received from the wise Witcher? See clearly, boy, do not succumb to primitive spells, be vigilant, cut the Gordian knot - tear off the garter from the Witch and see her in her true light!

The same scene that we see on the map may also have a deeper meaning. The young Witcher, who has a natural gift, listened superficially to the old man under the hazel tree and imagined that he didn’t need anything else. Why strain, why gnaw on the granite of science when there is a Gift!?

What could be easier than practicing Vulgar magic, personified by a seductress with a garter!? They do not require the knowledge, perseverance and devotion required for ritual magic ceremonies, but follow basic magical principles. The shortest way is to acquire “reciprocity in love.” A love spell is like a panacea for all problems in a couple’s relationship.

Why work on yourself when the girl has chosen another guy for herself, when it’s easier to damage her opponent?! Tied a knot - the opponent is impotent! Another knot has been tied - a business competitor is leaving the race due to disability, or maybe death!

Although, I think that all is not lost for the young sorcerer, the Bat will help him see the light and choose a girl with the Book - to engage in the fundamental development of science. By applying this knowledge, the guy will have everything he wants and without negative consequences for himself. I remembered the words of the famous Salem witch Laurie Cabot from her book “The Power of Witches”: Do whatever you want, but do no harm!

Then there will be no side effects from magical rituals aimed even at ordinary, everyday needs. It is enough to study the science from the Book held in the hands of the Witch in blue robes. If you want to move up a step in your career, it’s your right, you deserve it! To do this, the seductress witch would arrange a car accident for the guy who now occupies the coveted position... And she would get a kickback! The Witch with the Book would raise the owner of the chair to take his place... The choice is yours!

Information about knot magic comes from personal experience and various sources on the Internet, including

The magic of knots is very difficult. And it’s very interesting.

A tied knot itself has magical properties, and people who practice magic can enhance their properties a hundredfold. Newlyweds and pregnant women should especially beware of knots - both in clothing and in bedroom decoration - and not tie them themselves. Knots can interfere with conception or childbirth.

Nodes can serve as an obstacle in many areas of human activity, for example, at councils and conferences.

If those gathered cannot agree, the chairman should ask if anyone present has an item tied in a knot.

If there is one, it should be untied. Most often, all disputes then cease and the parties come to an agreement.

A malicious person can create difficulties in the family and at work by hiding knots in the house or office, tied from any available means, including threads, ropes and strips of fabric.

The nodes will interfere with the free communication of family members, co-workers, business partners and clients, as well as everyone who enters this house, office or store. There are, however, circumstances when knots are very helpful.

A husband who suspects his wife of cheating should tie a piece of twine in a knot and hide it under the mattress on her side of the marital bed. The strength of the knot will not allow her to look to the side. In the same way, children, servants, elderly parents, and any potential vagrants can be kept from leaving home.

In the era of sailing, there were special sorcerers who specialized in making “wind knots.” Before setting sail, the ship's captain bought such a rope with several knots. If the ship became calm, the first knot was untied so that a moderate wind began to blow. The second knot caused a strong wind, and the third a real storm; such help was resorted to only in extreme cases.

On the islands of Northern Scotland, witches traded knotted handkerchiefs with the wind. The fishermen who bought them slowly loosened the knots until they achieved the required wind force. The knot could no longer be tied or used again, so before each fishing trip I had to buy new scarves.

Perhaps the most famous was the knot of Gordius, a Phrygian landowner. After the death of the king of Phrygia, the oracle announced to the people that the new king would be the one who would be the first to drive up to the temple of Zeus in a cart drawn by oxen.

Gordius was the first to arrive at the temple, and he was proclaimed king. Gordius dedicated his cart to the gods and built a separate temple for it. As it turned out later, the drawbar was attached to the yoke with a special knot that no one could untie.

The oracle predicted that the one who can untie this knot will become the ruler of all Asia. Many unsuccessfully tried to weaken the Gordian knot, and only Alexander the Great solved the problem in the simplest way - he cut the knot with a sword.

From childhood, I remember how my friends and I would tie “memory knots” on handkerchiefs so as not to forget something important. As they got older, they put a string on their wrist, either “for love” or to lower blood pressure. Perhaps this is all that modern women have preserved from ancient rituals associated with knots. Meanwhile, the versatility of “nodular magic” can rival aspirin!

Fate's gossip

Knot magic includes all conceivable “intricacies” - from creating wreaths to tying ties. We use these techniques every day, but we don’t realize that we have turned a wonderful tool into a daily routine.

Knots represent the continuity of phenomena, fate, connection, inevitability. In addition, they serve to convey information, bad and good. Among some peoples, the wedding ceremony was accompanied by tying a knot as a symbol of an inextricable union. And at the same time, witches, twisting the ropes, could take a person’s life. What does the result depend on? From what thoughts the knots were tied.

Recently, a friend who is interested in Feng Shui wondered: is it good to have a lamp with a macrame shade hanging in the children's room? She wove the lampshade herself, she is proud of her work, but she had not read anywhere whether such a combination of light source and knots was allowed... She took off the lampshade to clean it from dust. And the next day I got sick. And the child kept asking: when will the weaving be returned to its place? Having connected all the events together, the friend herself found the answer to her question: things made with soul and even with your own hands serve as the strongest protection against negative energy.

How to tie knots against diseases

There are no incurable illnesses for magic. There is a general principle: a disease is a hole in the energy body, it must be “patched”, that is, bandaged with a thread. Anything that destroys a person is considered a sore, including such “trifles” as a chronic runny nose and smoking addiction.

It is necessary to clearly formulate your intention to be cured (if doubts interfere with your desires, then you don’t have to start, all efforts will be in vain). For example: “I want the cough to go away!” Tie yourself with a thread and wear it without taking it off either in the bathhouse or on the beach.

Yellow or green wool thread tied around the sore spot: if it is a hernia, then the thread is tied at the waist (the knot should be on the navel), for a headache - “tie” your head, for a sore throat - a thread around the neck. This method also helps for preventive purposes, when pain has not yet spoken its weighty word. What if you have sinusitis? Or is your liver sick? You can’t bandage your nose and, in general, you can’t get inside... In such cases, a thread is tied around the belt with a knot at the navel.

For chronic bronchitis and other “itis” or depression, one turn of thread will not be enough. Make several turns around the diseased organ or at the waist. The thread is green.

Knitted magic cord

Here is the simplest method of knot magic to achieve your plans. The roots of the ritual are pagan.

1. Clearly formulate your goal and mentally create an image of success.

2. Choose the energy of the element or deity to whom you turn for help (even to the Indian Ra, even to the Russian Family, easier to the saints, even easier to Heaven, Fire, etc.)

3. Take a colored cord approximately 30 cm long. Red, white or black colors are usually used, but it is not forbidden to experiment.

4. At equal distances, mark on the cord (you can use a felt-tip pen) the places where the knots will be located. Tie nine knots according to the marked points in the following sequence: 1-6-4-7-3-8-5-9-2.

5. When tying knots, “charge” them, saying over each one: “This knot is the first to start the job. This second node connects with fate. This third node catches the power in the network. The fourth knot holds it together. The fifth node guides. The sixth node revives. The seventh node returns. This eighth knot was no one's and became mine. This is the ninth node - no one will be to blame.”

6. If you want to get rid of negative emotions, then the cord should be immediately buried away from home.

7. If you want to attract health or wealth to yourself (i.e., you want to receive something), then keep the cord until your wish comes true, and then burn it (preferably not at home). This will release the spell. In this case, you need to draw a five-pointed star above the cord (like the October star) and imagine how the witchcraft leaves it.

Knitting as such

Knitting is also a magical ritual. Someone ties their sorrows to the loops (such a thing cannot be worn), and someone fills them with powerful protection with the energy of love, and then the soft thing turns into chain mail for the owner. It is no coincidence that mothers try to knit clothes for their children with their own hands.

Knot for love

Consider knitting a product from red threads. At the beginning of knitting, imagine how you weave destinies (yours and your husband’s or your daughter’s and her lover). Say: “I knit, I knit, I knit, I show you (names) your destiny.” When finished, wash the product and drain the water in an unused place. Give the item to the person for whom it was intended.

Knots from damage and the evil eye

To protect against evil, use black threads. The item is not intended to be worn, so crochet, for example, a napkin. Close the first row into a ring. When knitting even rows, say: “Damage-spoiled, wrinkled-wrinkled, I tie you with a thread, I untie you from the servant of God (name). A black thread hangs from the house, from the threshold, from the window, from the door, from the rubble, from the thawed patch!” The plot is read throughout the work. Then place the napkin in a container, fill it with water, close it tightly and throw it into a body of running water.

Tie your luck

Take colored threads (there are as many colors as there are people in the house, preferably bright, cheerful ones). Knit something for the household so that everyone can use the product. Place the finished item in the eastern corner of the house for three days. After that, shake three times and say three times: “Shaking, shaking, good luck to me and a tie to it.” Amen".

Knitted vest against illnesses

Crochet a vest from a single (!) thread and wear it under your clothes for forty days without taking it off (instead of a shower you will have to limit yourself to wiping). The method is good for those who suffer from chronic diseases of those parts of the body that can be covered with a vest. It also cures spiritual sorrows. For sore feet, socks, leggings, etc. are knitted. It is important that the thread does not break.

Where and how to knit magic knots

You need to tie any knots in a good mood, with good thoughts. This is the main rule!

A tied knot consolidates desire and concentrates energy. An untied knot releases power.

Do not tighten the knots so that they can only be cut: any knot must obey your hands and obey your strength.

Do not tie knots on yourself unless absolutely necessary (especially on the neck and belt), otherwise you will create the effect of squeezing energy, which makes the person weaker). If you can’t live without a tie and your man asks for help with tying it, then when tightening the knot, put protection in it. For example, you want the knot to hold your husband’s will in his fist. The same applies to bows, belts, scarves and even laces. Otherwise, the old saying may work: “Tying knots on a man leads to chronic erectile dysfunction. And to tie beauty on a woman.”

With a developed imagination, knots can be knitted mentally.

There are serious consequences. Nowadays it is generally accepted that there is a White magic– for good deeds, Black magic– only for evil, dirty deeds, and as an alternative to Gray magic. In fact, if a person is not capable of harm, if... birth, hatred, evil, if a person has a black soul, is in the hands of such a person magic will serve only evil, this is Black magic. Magic there is no evil or good, magic it is an energy tool that acts depending on whose hands it is in...

In fact, serious and lasting changes require long-term and painstaking work on several levels simultaneously. Job magician First of all, let's talk about the magical effects that some owners feel on themselves. This is not surprising ... and the places where the activities take place. Usually this problem is solved one-sidedly: many owners turn to magicians to get quick results. Or the owner, not wanting to understand the problem in detail, ...

There were people in a sluggish state of schizophrenia. And this nuance of psychiatrists was very surprising. With my eyes magician schizophrenia was determined by the presence of “tails” and the mobility of the “center”. By tying these tails, a person became normal. But after... consciousness, and not only one’s own), controlled stupidity (foolishness and the ability to wishful thinking). 5 years I lived in peace magicians. Those tricks that are shown on the box on RTR are just nonsense and children's toys compared to what we did... ...

COMPOSED spells: they are not composed, but are woven, woven into the fabric of existence, changing its properties to the necessary magician side. Just a moment, my friends! Of course, teaching how to create spells and conspiracies in absentia, with the help of a newspaper article... (that would be nothing!), as well as real black magic spells, for working with which a person will pay very cruelly. IN of magic, as elsewhere, ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility. Do not try to seriously influence fate from the very first steps...

Before illness due to excess strength. In youth and adolescence, strength is manifested in asserting independence. Mage always self-sufficient. In young years, power provokes a person to engage in excessive sexual activity, drink alcohol, or... magical abilities imply rapid regeneration of damaged organs, restoration of strength and rehabilitation of the psyche in case of overload. Magoo inherent: willingness to sacrifice comfort, make do with modest food, sleep little, patiently endure hardships and...

The images occur "in harmony" or in accordance with each other. This is the origin of the harmonic of magic. We are all familiar with those used in black of magic figurines studded with pins, sometimes erroneously called "voodoo dolls" (their use is typical not... then hurt him or even kill him by sticking the figurine with pins or melting it in the fire. Magic candles - harmonic magic, in which candles play the roles of participants in the desired event. In addition, candles symbolize success, money,...


Specific changes, first of all, to gain power and other earthly goods. Man is a material being and therefore strives for the same and has the right to receive it. To black of magic refer in particular to: - magic attack. An energy shock breaks through a person’s biofield, which leads to a sharp deterioration in his health and, in some cases, to death. Impact on the psyche...

A tied knot itself has magical properties, and people who practice magic can enhance their properties a hundredfold. Newlyweds and pregnant women should be especially wary of knots - both in clothing and in bedroom decoration - and should not tie them themselves. Knots can interfere with conception or childbirth.

Nodes can serve as an obstacle in many areas of human activity, for example, at councils and conferences.

If those gathered cannot agree, the chairman should ask if anyone present has an item tied in a knot.

If there is one, it should be untied. Most often, all disputes then cease and the parties come to an agreement.

A malicious person can create difficulties in the family and at work by hiding knots in the house or office, tied from any available means, including threads, ropes and strips of fabric.

The nodes will interfere with the free communication of family members, co-workers, business partners and clients, as well as everyone who enters this house, office or store. There are, however, circumstances when knots are very helpful.

A husband who suspects his wife of cheating should tie a piece of twine in a knot and hide it under the mattress on her side of the marital bed. The strength of the knot will not allow her to look to the side. In the same way, children, servants, elderly parents, and any potential vagrants can be kept from leaving home.

In the era of sailing, there were special sorcerers who specialized in making “wind knots.” Before setting sail, the ship's captain bought such a rope with several knots. If the ship became calm, the first knot was untied so that a moderate wind began to blow. The second knot caused a strong wind, and the third a real storm; such help was resorted to only in extreme cases.

On the islands of Northern Scotland, witches traded knotted handkerchiefs with the wind. The fishermen who bought them slowly loosened the knots until they achieved the required wind force. The knot could no longer be tied or used again, so before each fishing trip I had to buy new scarves.

Perhaps the most famous was the knot of Gordius, a Phrygian landowner. After the death of the king of Phrygia, the oracle announced to the people that the new king would be the one who would be the first to drive up to the temple of Zeus in a cart drawn by oxen.

Gordius was the first to arrive at the temple, and he was proclaimed king. Gordius dedicated his cart to the gods and built a separate temple for it. As it turned out later, the drawbar was attached to the yoke with a special knot that no one could untie.

The oracle predicted that the one who can untie this knot will become the ruler of all Asia. Many unsuccessfully tried to weaken the Gordian knot, and only Alexander the Great solved the problem in the simplest way - he cut the knot with a sword.

From childhood I remember how my girlfriends and I would tie “memory knots” on handkerchiefs so as not to forget something important. As they got older, they put a string on their wrist, either “for love” or to lower their blood pressure. Perhaps this is all that modern women have preserved from ancient rituals associated with knots. Meanwhile, the versatility of “nodular magic” can rival aspirin!

Fate's gossip

Knot magic includes all conceivable “intricacies” - from creating wreaths to tying ties. We use these techniques every day, but we don’t realize that we have turned a wonderful tool into a daily routine.

Knots represent the continuity of phenomena, fate, connection, inevitability. In addition, they serve to convey information, bad and good. Among some peoples, the wedding ceremony was accompanied by tying a knot as a symbol of an inextricable union. And at the same time, witches, twisting the ropes, could take a person’s life. What does the result depend on? From what thoughts the knots were tied.

Recently, a friend who is interested in Feng Shui wondered: is it good to have a lamp with a macrame shade hanging in the children's room? She wove the lampshade herself, she is proud of her work, but she did not read anywhere whether such a combination of light source and knots is allowed... She took off the lampshade to clean it from dust. And the next day I got sick. And the child kept asking: when will the weaving be returned to its place? Having connected all the events together, the friend herself found the answer to her question: things made with soul and even with your own hands serve as the strongest protection against negative energy.

How to tie knots against diseases

There are no incurable illnesses for magic. There is a general principle: a disease is a hole in the energy body, it must be “patched”, that is, bandaged with a thread. Anything that destroys a person is considered a sore, including such “trifles” as a chronic runny nose and smoking addiction.

It is necessary to clearly formulate your intention to be cured (if doubts interfere with your desires, then you don’t have to start, all efforts will be in vain). For example: “I want the cough to go away!” Tie yourself with a thread and wear it without taking it off either in the bathhouse or on the beach.

Yellow or green wool thread tied around the sore spot: if it is a hernia, then the thread is tied at the waist (the knot should be on the navel), for a headache - “tie” your head, for a sore throat - a thread around the neck. This method also helps for preventive purposes, when pain has not yet spoken its weighty word. What if you have sinusitis? Or is your liver sick? You can’t bandage your nose and, in general, you can’t get inside... In such cases, a thread is tied around the belt with a knot at the navel.

For chronic bronchitis and other “itis” or depression, one turn of thread will not be enough. Make several turns around the diseased organ or at the waist. The thread is green.

Knitted magic cord

Here is the simplest method of knot magic to achieve your plans. The roots of the ritual are pagan.

1. Clearly formulate your goal and mentally create an image of success.

2. Choose the energy of the element or deity to whom you turn for help (even to the Indian Ra, even to the Russian Family, easier to the saints, even easier to Heaven, Fire, etc.)

3. Take a colored cord approximately 30 cm long. Red, white or black colors are usually used, but it is not forbidden to experiment.

4. At equal distances, mark on the cord (you can use a felt-tip pen) the places where the knots will be located. Tie nine knots according to the marked points in the following sequence: 1-6-4-7-3-8-5-9-2.

5. When tying knots, “charge” them, saying over each: “This first knot starts the business. This second knot connects with fate. This third knot catches power in the net. The fourth knot fastens. The fifth knot guides. The sixth knot revives. The seventh knot returns. This eighth knot was no one's, it has become mine. This ninth knot - no one will be to blame."

6. If you want to get rid of negative emotions, then the cord should be immediately buried away from home.

7. If you want to attract health or wealth to yourself (i.e., you want to receive something), then keep the cord until your wish comes true, and then burn it (preferably not at home). This will release the spell. In this case, you need to draw a five-pointed star above the cord (like the October star) and imagine how the witchcraft leaves it.

Knitting as such

Knitting is also a magical ritual. Someone ties their sorrows to the loops (such a thing cannot be worn), and someone fills them with powerful protection with the energy of love, and then the soft thing turns into chain mail for the owner. It is no coincidence that mothers try to knit clothes for their children with their own hands.

Knot for love

Consider knitting a product from red threads. At the beginning of knitting, imagine how you weave destinies (yours and your husband’s or your daughter’s and her lover). Say: “I knit, I knit, I knit, I show you (names) your destiny.” When finished, wash the product and drain the water in an unused place. Give the item to the person for whom it was intended.

Knots from damage and the evil eye

To protect against evil, use black threads. The item is not intended to be worn, so crochet, for example, a napkin. Close the first row into a ring. When knitting even rows, say: “Damage-damaged, wrinkled-wrinkled, I tie you with a thread, I untie you from the servant of God (name). With a black thread, hang from the house, from the threshold, from the window, from the door, from the rubble, from the thawed patch! " The plot is read throughout the work. Then place the napkin in a container, fill it with water, close it tightly and throw it into a body of running water.

Tie your luck

Take colored threads (there are as many colors as there are people in the house, preferably bright, cheerful ones). Knit something for the household so that everyone can use the product. Place the finished item in the eastern corner of the house for three days. After that, shake three times and say three times: “Shaking, shaking, good luck to me and a tie to it. Amen.”

Knitted vest against illnesses

Crochet a vest from a single (!) thread and wear it under your clothes for forty days without taking it off (instead of a shower you will have to limit yourself to wiping). The method is good for those who suffer from chronic diseases of those parts of the body that can be covered with a vest. It also cures spiritual sorrows. For sore feet, socks, leggings, etc. are knitted. It is important that the thread does not break.

Where and how to knit magic knots

You need to tie any knots in a good mood, with good thoughts. This is the main rule!

A tied knot consolidates desire and concentrates energy. An untied knot releases power.

Do not tighten the knots so that they can only be cut: any knot must obey your hands and obey your strength.

Do not tie knots on yourself unless absolutely necessary (especially on the neck and belt), otherwise you will create the effect of squeezing energy, which makes the person weaker). If you can’t live without a tie and your man asks for help with tying it, then when tightening the knot, put protection in it. For example, you want the knot to hold your husband’s will in his fist. The same applies to bows, belts, scarves and even laces. Otherwise, the old saying may work: “Tying knots on a man leads to chronic erectile dysfunction. But tying beauty on a woman.”

With a developed imagination, knots can be knitted mentally.