Who is the most interesting participant? "Holidays in Mexico" - audience choice show. What happened to the participants of the first season of the show “Vacations in Mexico”

Scandalous blonde, a reality show star - this is how Anastasia Smirnova has proven herself to TV viewers. Meanwhile, the girl’s biography, with the exception of the image that the beauty built on the silver screen, remains not so open.

Childhood and youth

The reality star was born in Nizhny Novgorod on June 18, 1990. The blonde's father is an architect, but her mother sings professionally. It is the mother, judging by Anastasia’s numerous interviews, who supports her daughter’s creative endeavors and gives advice when participating in a particular show.

The girl's childhood was cloudless and happy. Parents spoiled little Nastya, the girl grew up like a real little princess. Nastenka wore best dresses, played the most expensive toys and bathed in the love and care of mom and dad.

Despite the fact that the schoolgirl had every chance of growing up spoiled, Anastasia studied brilliantly. IN high school Smirnova did it with zeal homework and the diary showed excellent grades.

Later, having received a certificate, the girl enters the legal department of the Nizhny Novgorod Law Academy. In 2012, the student received a specialist diploma. A few years later, in 2016, Anastasia Smirnova, fascinated by television and mass media, entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University.

Having started studying, the girl made a strong-willed decision to become independent from parental care. Nastya refuses financial support and begins to earn money on her own, building a career as a model and later as a television star.


As a student at the Nizhny Novgorod Academy, in 2009 Anastasia came to the first television project in the format of a reality show. The girl’s participation in the sensational television production “Dom-2” became her public appearance.

Anastasia Smirnova in the show "Dom-2"

Once on the site, the beauty immediately declared her sympathy for two bright and rated participants - and. Both young men were already in a relationship, but this did not bother the fatal blonde at all. Anastasia announced her readiness to fight for her sympathy and is ready to achieve victories on the love front. It became obvious that the model’s angelic appearance was deceptive, and behind the princess’s face was hidden a bitchy, stubborn nature.

In the very first days of the project, Nastya gets into trouble with other participants, which brings inevitable negativity onto her person. After spending three and a half months on the channel, the girl decides to go away for another weekend. The girls, deciding to take advantage of the opportunity, hatch a conspiracy, and the residents of the clearing vote against the brawler’s presence on the show.

After the TV show, the beauty returns to her hometown, where in 2010 she became Miss Nizhny Novgorod"An ambitious model does not want to be limited by scale provincial town and gradually moves to the capital. In 2011, Anastasia posed naked for a popular male Maxim magazine. The blonde's erotic photographs are highly appreciated, and the model becomes "Miss Maxim" according to the results of a reader vote.

The star’s joy knew no bounds; she had long dreamed of being on the pages of the publication. Anastasia recalls that she saw the magazine in the store, impatiently tore off the packaging and, having found the photo, rushed to call her mother with joyful cries of victory.

Anastasia Smirnova in the show "LoveStyle"

In the same 2011, fate again brings Anastasia to a reality project. This time the show is airing on the MTV Russia channel and has the loud name “Vacations in Mexico.” A reality similar in format to the aforementioned “House-2” received a warmer reception from television viewers, and Nastya became truly recognizable after appearing among the participants.

Being on a sunny, hot island, young men and girls built love with the goal of getting the main money prize. Smirnova was distinguished by the same scandalousness, explosive character, and provocative behavior. The beauty's choice among the men of the show fell on rapper Stuff, with whom the girl even made love under the lens of a television camera. The bright couple surprised viewers with their passions almost until the finale. It all ended in betrayal young man and the departure of the blonde.

Anastasia Smirnova in the show "Holidays in Mexico"

The success in the ratings of the TV show led to the extension of the reality for two more seasons. The beauty with a restless character returned to participate in all seasons. Provocative antics remained a signature distinctive feature models. Smirnova recalled that after three seasons of “Vacation” she is afraid of little in life. On paradise island the girl had to go through a lot - fights, quarrels, trials of love and betrayal.

In 2013, the project was officially closed by the organizers, but the reality star’s career does not end there. After the project, Anastasia becomes recognizable, gains fans and signs autographs in cafes. On the official page in "Instagram" The number of subscribers wanting to admire the glamorous photos of their favorite is growing.

Anastasia Smirnova in the show "Let's Get Married!"

In 2012, a girl comes to visit the country’s main matchmaker for the “Let’s Get Married!” program. The girl also tried her talents as a TV presenter of the Nizhny Novgorod show “You are No. 1”. The beauty became a strict mentor for young models.

In 2015, in collaboration with popular bloggers and Zaur, Nastya talks about the world of glitter, fashion and glamor on the STS Love channel in the youth program "#LoveStyle".

Anastasia Smirnova in the show "Instagram Girls"

Meanwhile, the laurels of popularity of the reality show participant have not left the beauty. In 2017, Nastya participates in the project of the “Friday” channel “Instagram girls”. Among the blonde's rivals are longtime acquaintances - and. Internet stars temporarily become girls forced to earn a living not by their attractive appearance, but by ordinary work. Based on the voting results, Anastasia won the final of the show.

Personal life

It is worth noting that the beauty’s personal life is not advertised. Apart from what happens on television, little is known about Anastasia Smirnova’s relationships with young people.

As the blonde herself shares with her fans, love has not yet worked out. The beauty has many fans, she had experience of long-term relationships, but they did not lead to anything serious. Nastya herself admits that she wants a family and children; “meetings” between the model and TV presenter are no longer interesting and unnecessary.

However, some men should be careful around the beauty. So, ex-boyfriend Nastya Kirill Stryapukha, with whom the girl was on the “Vacations in Mexico” project, unexpectedly became the hero of a scandal. Nastya stated that the young man left her for another man.

Kirill himself, a married young father, was outraged by such a statement from his former TV lover, calling similar statements stupidity.

Anastasia Smirnova now

In 2018, Anastasia continued to shine on the screens as a reality diva. After passing the casting, the girl was included in the list of participants in the “Bachelor” project on TNT.

Anastasia Smirnova in the show "Bachelor"

The main character, whose heart the rivals claim, became. By the way, Anastasia has known Yegor for a long time. There is talk on the Internet that young people communicated in the same company at the age of seventeen. True, the nature of those relationships remains unknown.

On the screen, Nastya continued to be in the already familiar role of a brawler and provocateur, attracting the attention of TV viewers and winning the favor of an old friend.


  • 2009 - "House-2"
  • 2011-2013 - "Holidays in Mexico"
  • 2012 - "Let's get married!"
  • 2015 - #LoveStyle"
  • 2017 - “Instagram girls”
  • 2018 - "Bachelor"

“Moscow make yourself know,” says Svyat a.k.a. Staff (Svyatoslav Bystrov) in the purest English. Those. “Moscow, make a nose!” It is immediately clear to everyone that he is an experienced hip-hopper. This can also be seen from his collaboration with the main domestic rap authority, Mitya Fomin. Everything seems to be going well in the dude’s life, but girls constantly send him to hell because he loves them all too much at once - fat, skinny, bald... The gangsta himself claims that he is going to Mexico to prove to everyone that he is the best. But there is a suspicion that he is actually going there for his bald girlfriend. What a great pair it would be - he himself is not very hairy either.

Svyatoslav Bystrov Stuff raps and adores the female gender. Moreover, the girls don’t like it and they leave him all the time. Therefore, Svyatoslav decided to leave everything and go to Mexico to take part in the show “Vacations in Mexico.” Thus, the guy decided to prove that he is the best of the best.

Svyatoslav Bystrov told the following about himself: “I’m on the MTV channel. With you, dear viewers, is the rapper Star, whom everyone knows from famous hits Mitya Fomina “We’ll get through the winter” and “Everything will be fine.” Everything is awesome for me and I have no complaints, but girls leave me. They leave me because I love them all, I love blondes, I love redheads and brunettes, and even bald girls awaken passion in me. I'm incredibly cool. I will show everyone that I am the best and that is why I will go to Mexico.”

It must be said that with all his love for girls, Svyatoslav Bystrov Stuff is not particularly ceremonious: when Christina gave him a cute toy - a bunny, the innocent fluffy immediately flew into the water of the pool. Slava is also capable of crazy things: everyone remembers how he jumped between balconies, being too lazy to walk the distance to another room the normal way.

Just a year ago, the host of the MTV channel, participant in the show “Vacations in Mexico” and singer Zhenya Petrova did not work on television, was not in Mexico and sang completely different songs..

How and why did you end up on television?
I was sitting at home, my friend called, we all know her - Yulia Chelka, and said that MTV was holding a casting for Mexico, a youth reality show, that they would definitely take me...
I didn’t pay attention, they say I’m not the right age, and I won’t push myself in the crowd at the casting. Then I went to my friend Niyazov’s birthday party, where a girl stood by the “Vacations in Mexico” banner and offered to participate - you just had to take a photo and fill out a form. I filled it out and they called me and invited me to the casting. They greeted me personally there, I went through the first two stages with ease, at the third there were problems, there were a lot of people on the commission and I got squeezed. She said that if you don’t want it, don’t take it. But I was lucky and I ended up in Mexico!
I immediately knew why I was going. To show myself in such a way that I would be noticed, since I would not be able to fall in love there. And so!! I was offered to try myself as an MTV VJ!!! I still am to this day, soon it will be a year already...

Tell me a few ridiculous rumors about yourself
The dumbest rumors come from people I don’t know well. As if I slept with someone and so on: that I deserved everything I had in one place. But this is banal, and the opinions of people little known to me do not interest me. It’s just a pity that people show up not in grief, but in joy. Instead of sharing the joy, they come up with ridiculous excuses for my success.

IN in social networks dozens of clones of your pages. How do you feel about this and do you fight them?
Yes, such a thing happened! But I finished with this a long time ago, now my official page There is a check mark, so now no one can be deceived.

After the “Holidays in Mexico” project, you decided to start a singing career. Do you continue to sing and why do you need it?
I didn’t decide to start, but I always wanted to, because my voice and appearance allow everything. Now there are tracks, we have already shot a video for one of them, and by the way, Geometry was present during the filming and made a very cool photo report.

How do you relax? Tell everyone - what to do to make life "high"?
To be honest, I don’t even know how to understand where I rest and where I work. Everything that is happening in my life now gives me pleasure! That's what I call living high!

What do you think about yourself, what are you like?
This is the most complex issue in the world. Definitely cheerful.

You probably have tons of fans. How is your personal life going after the project?
Fans, yes... and that's all - up to 20 years old! It’s strange, but everyone thinks that if I moved to Moscow and became recognizable, then my life has changed, and now I have a lot of fans, and everything is super-duper. There are fans, of course, but I still have my principles and views, and my heart is free.

Your motto
Be yourself.

Holidays in Mexico
This is a test of yourself, first of all: what you are capable of in a given situation. After all, this is really an experiment on yourself, it is very useful to look at yourself from the outside. The most important and important thing that happened to me on the project was that I revealed myself as a singer.

Life before and after the project
My life before and my life now is different lives. The project completely changed my life. If a year ago they would have told me that I would live in Moscow and work for MTV, I would not have believed it.

Plans for the near future
To improve in all areas that I am currently involved in, which is TV presenter, singer and DJ.

What is missing?
I miss my parents and close friends next to me in Moscow.

Is Moscow cruel?
Moscow??? No, not cruel! I have many friends here. Coincidentally, many of my friends moved here at the same time as me. But the atmosphere of St. Petersburg cannot be compared!

Is it true that everything on Vacation is according to the script? What was the most difficult part of the project and what did you discover about yourself?

No, that's not true, there was no script. Anyone who knows me personally and has watched the project can confirm that I am the same. It was very easy for me there, since I get along with absolutely different people. I'm glad I was able to observe myself from the outside. This is very useful: now I hunch less, at least I try. But overall, I'm pleased with myself!..

star fever was?
It’s not for me to talk about this, but just recently our casting director admitted that they come from the project as such stars, with incomprehensible show-offs, requests... Although... how she remembers me at the casting - I haven’t changed at all, but I could have!

Name the places everyone should go to
I love Gypsy, there is a positive atmosphere in Simachevo delicious cocktails very much, but in the morning I’m most often at the Roof of the World, if it’s about the weekend.

What's playing on your player?
Hold on, I took a photo!

Participant in the popular projects “Holidays in Mexico” and “Dom-2”. The girl attracted the audience due to her pretty appearance - slender Nastya with lush white hair is able to amaze anyone with her beauty.


Nastya Smirnova was born on June 18, 1990. The girl is a native of Nizhny Novgorod. Her parents belong to creative people- father works as an architect, and mother earns a living professional singing and preparing children for vocal competitions. Maybe that's why with early years She participated in various competitions and won prizes from the very beginning.

There is no shortage of confidence in the girl - she was raised as the only beloved daughter, putting all the warm parental feelings into her upbringing. At the same time, little Nastya had everything - the family did not experience financial difficulties, so the child was regularly bought the latest advanced toys and gadgets. It cannot be said that Anastasia grew up as a spoiled child - she knows the value of money and parental help.

School years

IN school years nothing special happened in the life of the young girl. From the first grade, she tried to study diligently, demonstrating her excellent behavior in front of her teachers. Bad grades appeared extremely rarely in Anastasia’s diary, which made her parents very happy. Nastya went in for sports and loved gatherings with her friends. Over time, she gained a reputation as a “nerd,” since Nastya knew all the subjects perfectly.

University and adult life

After graduating from school and receiving secondary education, the girl decided not to leave her hometown. That is why I applied to the Academy of Law and successfully passed the entrance exams. At that time, Nastya Smirnova was already studying at one of the prestigious universities and dreams of conquering the capital with her appearance and intelligence, but she still doesn’t know how to do this.

Having successfully entered the desired faculty, the girl decided to become much more independent in all areas of life and not depend on her parents and friends, either morally or materially. The next stage of development was planned modeling career- Anastasia’s parameters corresponded to her model appearance. However, beyond participation in men's projects and publishing photos in adult publications, my career did not take off. The girl also managed to sign a contract with a prestigious Nizhny Novgorod modeling agency.

"House-2" and "Holidays in Mexico"

Participation in scandalous program increased the girl's popularity, which spread beyond one city. Participant Nastya Smirnova, for whom “Dom-2” became a second home, decided to combine good earnings with the desire to become famous, so I came to one of the castings and immediately passed on. In the clearing, she told everyone that she showed sympathy for equally to two guys at once - Pynzar S. and Kuznetsov N. But neither Seryozha nor Nikita decided to commit themselves to a relationship with the girl.

It became clear to all the other participants that the girl did not have an excellent character - she could not keep silent and got into fights. Not a single man wanted to get involved with the bitch, and Anastasia herself ended up staying on the project for only three and a half months.

They kicked the girl out in a very mean way - while Nastya decided to go home for the weekend and see her friends, the participants hatched a conspiracy and kicked her out by voting. Almost everyone decided against it. She found out about this outside the perimeter - Alexander Zadoynov called and told about everything. The decisive vote belonged to Sergei Gorbachev. Later the guy apologized for his behavior, but the situation could not be corrected.

After graduating from school and participating in popular projects, the girl became a media person who was recognized not only in hometown, but throughout the country. Participation in the program “You are No. 1” on the Nizhny Novgorod TV channel and in the beauty contest “Miss Nizhny Novgorod” only increased the girl’s popularity. After some time, she again decided to participate in a reality show, but this time she chose Nastya Smirnova’s “Vacations in Mexico,” where she showed herself in full force.

This show is an analogue of "House-2", but tougher and more frank. Nastya was the fastest to understand the behavior in the group, since she already had experience working in the same TV show. Its essence is in finding a partner. Those participants who could not find love leave forever. The main prize of the "Vacations in Mexico" project is one million rubles. There, Smirnova became friends with the late Zhanna Friske, who replaced a loved one for some participants.

Nastya Smirnova, "Holidays in Mexico." Life after the project

The girl starred in an erotic photo shoot for Maxim magazine and became a presenter on the TV channel. Nastya Smirnova continued her studies at the Faculty of Law and began attending auditions for beauty contests more often. The girl admits that she gets hired everywhere because of her outstanding appearance.

After participating in “House-2,” my personal life did not go well at first. There was a relationship with a guy, but the couple quickly broke up. On this moment nothing is known about personal life and the girl's plans. Rumors are actively spreading in the media that Nastya Smirnova got married, but no one knows whether this is true or just another provocation.

Bye "House 2" celebrates another anniversary, projects such as "Holidays in Mexico", leave behind really warm (more precisely, Mexican) memories. Admit it, you often hung out in front of the TV when the guys from this reality show started another dance, fight or date! Today we decided to remember the participants of the first season of the show "Holidays in Mexico" and find out how their lives turned out after the project and what they are doing now.

Svyatoslav Bystrov (Staff)

Anastasia Smirnova

But one of the on-screen lovers Svyatoslav not life, but a real roller coaster began after the end of the show. By the way, she was the winner "Vacation", however, the second season. According to Nastya, for the sake of victory, she “was an inadequate person” for two whole seasons.

After finishing the first "Vacation" Nastya returned to Nizhny Novgorod, but realized that now this was not enough for her, so she urgently moved to Moscow. This is where her strong character came in handy. She decided to connect her life and career with television, so she began going to auditions, and quite successfully. Soon she began to appear in different projects(for example, I came to look for love in the program "Let's get married"), visit social events and tried herself in music - first she did DJing, and then she started singing.

One time Nastya She worked as a presenter for beauty contests, and then even managed to star in several TV series. Today the girl can be seen at the most high-profile events Moscow, and also she works as a presenter on the channel STS Love . Nastya dreams of a family, but for now her career comes first.

Diana Makieva

It seems that ill-wishers have Diana there were more than fans. However, the girl didn’t care, she knew that she came to the show to win. And she won! True, it turned out that from a million Diana only got 600 thousand, and Roman (Roman Nikitin- second winner) and 400 thousand.

And it was precisely because of her disruptive character that the girl achieved success in her career. During the start of the second season, she became a co-host Dmitry Nagiyev. Parallel Diana She organized various events and collaborated with many television channels and radio stations.

Today Diana can often be seen in the project "Male and Female", and she also works with radio station k ids.fm, positions himself as a journalist. Recently, the girl dyed her hair blonde, which was an important step for her, since since the time "Vacation" she said that she would never change her hair color.

Gamzat Luguev

Strange, but on the project Gamzat had a last name Lukoev, now it has changed a little... Before "Vacation" this handsome guy with perfect figure worked as a stripper. Gamzat often said that he went to the casting of the show with the goal of finding love and changing his life. And he did it (the second one for sure)!

Even during his stay in the project, he received offers to appear in commercials. After leaving "Holidays", he didn't go to Petersburg(where he lived before), and to Moscow - to conquer model business. And for a while everything went well for him, Gamzata could be seen not only in advertising of chips Lays.

By the way, he also managed to act in a movie! Gamzat received cameo role V full-length film "Kitchen in Paris".

Evgenia Petrova

It is with Zhenya Staff recorded a famous track that personifies "Holidays in Mexico". Zhenya I was remembered by the TV viewer as an objective and adequate girl (against the background of all the other brawlers). In many situations, one could really follow an example from her.

After the project Zhenya went home to Petersburg, but didn’t stay there for long. They started calling her from Ostankino and inviting her to appear on television - she didn’t expect this! For some time Zhenya worked as a presenter on MTV, but still realized that I felt more comfortable in my native St. Petersburg.

Today the girl lives in two cities. She has long established herself as a DJ and goes on tour around Russia, but more often, of course, he plays in St. Petersburg clubs. She also plays sports and looks great!