Runic staves for all occasions. Rune Nautiz - description and meaning, practice of Runes and runic formulas


The power of runes is so universal that it can be used in absolutely any area of ​​life: work, relationships with others, personal life. As a rule, practitioners of rune magic always have several rune staves in stock for all occasions, so that at any time they can. If you also want to “replenish your formula bank,” you will find everything you need for this in this article.

Why is it important to use only proven bets?

Many beginners often ask the question: why do you need to take only a system that has been tested and compiled by someone, and not come up with your own? The fact is that those who cannot yet call themselves a professional in working with runes can make a serious mistake by not taking into account, for example, the combination of two symbols with each other, which will lead to unpleasant consequences. And it’s good if it’s just a formula that didn’t work in principle, and not one that didn’t work at all as expected.

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Universal rune bets for good luck in all matters

Let's figure out what our luck generally consists of. Most likely, this is a combination of self-realization, fulfillment of desires and material well-being, isn’t it? Those. To call your life successful, a person needs to feel happy in his family, work, and home. This is exactly what they allow you to realize.

Runogram “For good luck”

This runic set for all occasions includes Kenaz, Fehu, Vunyo. Each rune is responsible for one specific area.

  • Kenaz - allows a person to self-realize
  • Fehu - attracts material well-being into his life
  • Vunyo - promotes the fulfillment of desires and gives joy from their fulfillment

Just four runes connected together can attract a powerful flow of luck in everything into your life. Yes, yes, the formula acts on absolutely all areas of life, and thanks to its action, a person begins to feel truly happy. Composition of the formula: two Ansuz located at the edges, and between them Uruz and Yera.

A person can become happy only when he is healthy - this is a fact that does not require proof. When we have health problems, even the fulfillment of our cherished dreams does not bring us unlimited joy. This working runic position for all occasions gives a person the most important thing - health, and at the same time attracts prosperity and good luck in everything into his life. It’s easy to draw: it’s Dagaz and Inguz standing next to each other.

Bets for all occasions to attract material wealth

Often we don’t have enough money to fulfill our dreams. Some people dream of visiting distant countries, others dream of building their own house, others dream of buying a car, and others dream of improving their health to achieve beauty and well-being. But all this, of course, requires money. We offer you three simple but effective formulas that will allow you to achieve financial well-being.

Triple Fehu

Fehu is rightfully considered the most “money” rune. And if you put three of its images on your own photo at once or use this ligature as an amulet, financial flows will naturally flow to you. Simple, powerful and high quality!

Runic becoming "Banker"

This formula is more complicated. It includes a large number of runes, but it has already proven its work more than once. This is what the symbols included in the ligature mean:

  • Perth is a symbol of your wallet, into which wealth will come
  • Fehu - money itself
  • Uruz - concentrates the power of the runes and enhances the work of the stave in the right direction
  • Nautiz - acts as a guarantee of receiving money
  • Two Kenaz - open up new opportunities, new paths along which wealth will come into your life
  • Inguz - protects a person from unnecessary material waste
  • Yera is a sign of the harvest, the fruits received for the labor done by man

Formula for attracting wealth “Golden Dragon”

This quick rune for all occasions brings results very quickly: it begins to work a couple of days after activation, and in especially difficult cases - no longer than two weeks.

The runes included in it and their work:

  • Teyvaz - destroys all obstacles that interfere with the flow of finances into your life
  • Algiz - protects all your cash receipts
  • Evaz - directs a person to “money” places
  • Dagaz - helps to open new sources of income
  • Mannaz - denotes the person himself for whom he works
  • Four Inguz - symbolize the arrival of wealth
  • Two Laguz - make cash flow constant

Universal runic formulas for cleansing negativity

These runic staves for all occasions to cleanse a person from any negative influences can be used as a powerful defense against enemies and troubles.

Becoming a “Protective Barrier”

This formula allows you to create a very strong “impenetrable” shield that will protect a person from extraneous negative influences, for example, the envy of others, the evil eye, damage and deliberate witchcraft with the aim of creating trouble. It includes two Turisaz and Teyvaz, located between them.

Sometimes a person needs a complete “reboot” in order to start living, as they say, “from scratch.” When you need to cleanse yourself of interfering emotions, go through a difficult period, get rid of extraneous influences and start a new path, use the combination Dagaz - Berkana - Soulu. Dagaz will strengthen your physical and spiritual health, Berkana will give vitality for further growth, and will also act as a reliable support and support, and Soulu will allow your dreams and desires to come true.

Runic cleansing "Sun"

This is a rather complex, but very effective rune for all occasions, allowing a person to completely cleanse himself and the surrounding space of negativity.

Its composition includes not only the runes of the Elder Futhark, but also symbols of the Northumbian system:

  • Eight Kveort burns all negativity, both internal and induced by someone from the outside
  • Eight Ears turn burned negativity into ashes
  • Nine Soulu illuminate a person’s life with sunlight, give him energy, vitality, and a positive attitude
  • Eight Algiz put up powerful defense
  • Sixteen Kenaz give a person harmony, “disperse the clouds” in his soul
  • Eight runes of Berkan allow cleansing to occur naturally, without harm to health and well-being.
  • A combination of Northumbian Ir and eight Perth cleanses a person on a spiritual level from various kinds of magical influences
  • The magical rune Ear allows a person to be reborn after cleansing, like a Phoenix bird
  • The spiral depicted in the center of the stave, like a funnel, sucks in all the “garbage” and destroys it without a trace

Runic bets for home defense

It consists of the following signs: at the edges there are two Isas, then next to them two Kenazs, and in the very center - Hagalaz. They can be depicted either simply with runes following each other, or with script in which the symbols are intertwined. This is a powerful protective amulet against various troubles, protecting you and your home.

  • Algiz symbolizes powerful protection
  • Uruz creates favorable energy in the home
  • brings everything that every family member needs for happiness
  • Dagaz promotes prosperity and helps solve difficult problems, for example, illnesses of family members, accumulated debts, etc.
  • Laguz guards the family budget and also neutralizes all possible family conflicts
  • Nautiz provides powerful support, helps those living in the house go through difficult periods without serious losses, and also helps each family member understand their karmic debts and guides them on the right path to work off their karma

The fastest rune staves for all occasions

When you need to change something in the shortest possible time, quick rune settings for all occasions will come to the rescue. They begin to work immediately after activation, and the result of their action can be observed after a couple of days - a maximum of a week.

Becoming "Change"

This formula can be useful in absolutely any situation where you need the desired changes to happen as quickly as possible.

  • Two runes Dagaz, four and two Eyvaz are responsible for the transformation process itself
  • Four Nautiz make the situation change in the right direction
  • Four act as powerful operator protection
  • Four Teyvaz indicate rapid movement towards the goal
  • Four allows a person to control circumstances
  • Four Laguz direct the flow of change
  • A combination of four Evaz, four Raido, four Algiz and four Yera runes makes the process as fast and harmless as possible for the operator
  • The situation is summed up by four non-alphabetic symbols Salt, charging becoming, and four, providing a feeling of happiness from the result obtained

A simple formula from the Vunyo - - Vunyo link can be drawn directly on yourself before going to the store or going for a walk. It attracts instant freebies. According to people who have used this bet, it allows you to find a little money, buy a product at a big discount, pull out a lucky lottery ticket, or simply receive an unexpected gift.

This quick rune for all occasions can be used if you have any source of income. Literally a few hours after its activation, you will suddenly receive a bonus or an advance payment, or some new urgent project, for which you can quickly receive a reward. It consists of a rhombus from Inguz, on the edges of which four Fehu are drawn, and inside the rhombus - three Soulu.

You can get this knowledge at free mini-course “Secrets hidden in the Runes”.

There is probably no person who would not dream of having a magic wand that fulfills all wishes. However, then he realized that magic exists only in fairy tales, and another dream found its place in the category of empty illusions.

But I'm willing to bet. Runic magic is quite capable of becoming a personal “magic wand” for all occasions, which can radically change your life and make it work in your favor. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time to study all the nuances of rune magic, but believe me, the result is worth it! By correctly composing runic formulas and staves, you can achieve what you could only dream of before.

In this material I want to talk about proven and strong ones, repeatedly tested in practice by many people (including me). The information will be useful to beginners who have just begun to learn the basics of magic.

The runes from which the stave is composed:

  • - symbolizes the wallet and its contents;
  • - a symbol of money, prosperity, abundance, wealth;
  • — sets the direction for the project, concentrates all efforts on attracting finance;
  • - guarantees the receipt of money;
  • 2 - provide new opportunities for financial receipts
  • — ensures the integrity of money, protects against wasteful spending;
  • - a symbol of a rich harvest.

Do not forget to specify the meaning of each of the symbols used (or compose a poem). In order for it to start working, it needs to be applied to a small piece of paper, activated in any convenient way and placed in your wallet between two large denomination banknotes to give it the opportunity to feel the monetary energy. If you do everything correctly, the first results should appear the very next day.

Becoming the “Golden Dragon”

Runes used and their effects:

  • — opens the way to finances, removes all obstacles;
  • — provides safety and protection;
  • — directs the performer to money;
  • - transforms the performer’s life, makes it rich, helps to generate new income;
  • - symbolizes the performer;
  • , 4 times - a symbol of increasing wealth;
  • , 2 times - enhances cash flow, gives it consistency.

Draw a picture on a piece of paper and activate it (speech, breathing, saliva). In your reservation, be sure to promise that you will burn the piece of paper with gratitude as soon as you get what you want. Incorporate visualization into your work: imagine how your body turns into a living dragon and soars up. When you achieve your goal, fulfill your promise - burn the piece of paper, thanking it.

The first results may already appear within 2 days - 2 weeks.

Standing up to protect yourself and your home

Sample text of the visa:

I protect myself and my house from harm,

You can't break your enemies' defense against daring!

I only allow happiness and goodness here,

I call on the gods to protect!

Betting on happiness

The purpose of this runogram is to remove all negativity from the performer’s life and fill it with happiness, joy and prosperity. Becoming attracts good luck, gives an energy boost and creates a field for gifts of fate.

Runes used:

  • , 3 times - attracts good luck associated with partnerships and relationships with other people. Provides new useful contacts, promotes positive communication;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of vital energy and strength, insight;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of joy and positive emotions.
  • , 2 times - a symbol of luck. Fulfills wishes, promotes receiving gifts of fate;
  • - symbolizes the person himself and his independence, acts as a magnet;
  • — eliminates internal resistance, prepares for change;
  • — protects itself by becoming, ensures the correct operation of the runes.

In the clause you can describe the action of each of the runes. Recommended for use as an amulet.

Runogram for good luck in business

The goal is to bring good luck into the performer’s life.

The runic formula is made up of 3 runes: — — . Rune meanings:

  • - promotes the development of creative potential and brings good luck. Directs in the right direction, provides support for new beginnings, helps to realize plans;

The ancient Scandinavians left behind a unique heritage - rune staves and formulas. To this day, humanity uses these magical symbols to achieve specific goals and solve life problems.

There is probably not a single person on earth who, at some stage of his life, would not want to change something. Usually such periods are called a black streak or simply a series of failures. We are rushing in different directions, trying to find a way out, but everything is in vain - misfortunes pursue us as if under a spell.

But the great rune magic provides a choice of formulas for all occasions. They will help you achieve what you want and return your luck.

For a long time, magic has been present in people's lives. Thanks to special rites and rituals, our ancestors defended themselves from enemy attacks, maintained youth and health, and attracted success. Thanks to centuries of practice, runologists have vast experience and knowledge in creating runescripts.

And this should not be a secret for you, because runic wisdom can make fundamental changes in your life and help you achieve any result.

What is a rune stave?

The runic alphabet is presented from a number of individual symbols, each of which is complete and indivisible. Absolutely all runes and staves, without exception, are responsible for a certain aspect of a person’s life. All of them are connected with an endless series of universal processes.

But, despite the strength of individual elements, their energy is sometimes not enough for a real magical effect. And in this case, it becomes necessary to use rune staves for all occasions.

The Universe has decreed this - and we are sincerely grateful to it for this - that runic signs can be combined and combined. Such formulas are excellent for creating talismans and amulets, for fortune-telling practice, and for magical rituals.

When runic symbols are depicted in a single diagram, this is a runescript - an ancient and very effective tool in magical circles.

But do not forget that the ease of use of staves does not mean that you can forget about caution. Runes help only those who unquestioningly follow all the rules and recommendations, who do not contradict magical laws, and who do not try to replace the technique developed over the years with ordinary improvisation.

Carefully study the staves from the runes, the meaning, description and their interpretation, and only after that start working with the formulas. Remember that in one day you will not be able to comprehend all the knowledge - even to naturally gifted people, the runes do not immediately reveal all their secrets.

If your desire is sincere, if you firmly decide to work with the heritage of northern magic, you will succeed. A little time will pass and you will learn how to use staves, create them and solve them.

Types of runic staves

A huge number of bets can be divided into several groups. This is necessary so as not to get confused in a specific situation.

Before using rune magic, decide for what purpose you want to resort to its methods. And then consider the formula options:

  • Protective

From the name it is clear that such staves help protect yourself from physical and energetic danger.

  • Cleaning

Each of us periodically needs recharging to restore strength and get rid of negative external influences.

  • Medicinal

Such formulas help cope with health problems.

  • Love
  • Ansuz – Uruz – Yer – Ansuz

The next rune formation is called “Help of the Gods” - it really is divine support:

  • Ansuz – Mannaz – Uruz

The runes of Odin make up especially strong and effective formulas.

For example, the combination of Raido and Teyvaz attracts great luck. This is a real magnet for fortune.

Runescripts for health and longevity

Runic staves are especially useful for all cases - fast - such that they give an effect instantly. Such options are designed to get rid of various ailments - they are called. After all, sometimes the disease does not wait, and immediate measures must be taken.

To carry out a comprehensive preventive procedure, use the following:

  • Kenaz – Uruz – Eyvaz

The following will help you recover after long-term treatment, surgery or difficult childbirth:

  • Perth – Eyvaz – Berkana

Sometimes all health problems are caused by mental problems. Due to depression and emotional stress, any physical illness can occur. This combination works with the nervous system:

  • Vunyo – Soulu – Yer

Instant first aid that stops the development of a disease of any complexity:

  • Nautiz – Berkana – Nautiz

To consolidate the achieved results and never return to the disease:

  • Dagaz – Berkana

But this one made from runes will help restore youth and strength:

  • Hyères – Perth

Remember one very important thing: the result will only come when you believe in what you are doing. It all depends on the right attitude.

Quick bets on changes in life

Often we don’t want to put in the effort and rely on fate – and sometimes change is simply necessary. There are several effective runic combinations that are very popular in the magical environment.

For example, becoming, the effect of which is felt instantly. He will fulfill any of your wishes (of course, if it does not contradict moral issues). It looks like this:

Soulu – Kenaz – Fehu – Vunyo

First character Soulo represents solar energy, the great force of nature. His task is to collect a powerful energy ball and then direct it along the right path.

Kenaz will help you find your bearings in time and not stray from your intended goal.

Fehu And Vunyo act in pairs and are responsible for direction.

The runic formula can be applied to any surface. The main condition: while depicting it, you must concentrate on your dream.

As soon as all your plans come true, destroy the runescript.

The best staves from Slavic runes

Not only the Scandinavians, but also the Slavs used runic formulas to achieve their goals.

Stav Yar the runes of which are connected in a special pattern, is aimed at healing the body, strengthening the physical body, and rejuvenating all systems. It also helps improve the performer's appearance.

Our ancestors applied the combination to the body; now it is most often depicted in photographs.

This runescript rightfully occupies a leading position among magical Slavic symbols.

Disclaimers for runic formulas

Any combination cannot help you until it is specified. During or after applying the symbols, you must say the name of the runes, as well as your desire. They do this quietly, but clearly.

Thanks to the correct reservation, you convey your thoughts to the ancient signs, share your most secret things with them.

The scheme of the clause is quite simple:

  • when depicting a rune, you name it;
  • describe your goal - do it specifically so that there are no misunderstandings later;
  • tell the runes how you would like to get to the final result, and how you see yourself at the end of the path;
  • When concluding your speech, clarify that you do not want to harm anyone, and also thank the symbols for their help.

P. S. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below - I will be happy to answer them.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


Formula for creating situations of material and financial well-being

Rune combination - triad - triple Fehu rune:
FEKHU is the rune of property, material wealth, and partly the rune of money.

This formula not only triples the effects of the Fehu rune. In the runic triad formula, the position of each rune in the spell has a certain meaning. And each of the three runes in the triad plays a role corresponding to its location.
The central rune (the basis, the necessary basis for the action of the spell) is the attraction and concentration of the creative energy of the Fehu rune as an active force.
The right and left runes are the direction of the spell and its goal - the result, the desired outcome.
Literally - formative energy, creative Power is directed to transform circumstances (external - situations that create opportunities, and internal - the ability to see these opportunities and act accurately), the result of which will be material well-being.

Spell for luck and breakthrough to overall improvement

Breakthrough formula for change for the better

Rune combination:

FEHU - rune of property, material wealth.
VUNIO - Rune of joy and happiness.

This formula will help you get out of need through new opportunities. Will prepare changes and pave the way for them. Will create changes, like transformations of the surrounding world. It will provide a surge of energy and increase the desire to achieve your goal.
This formula can also be used for healing in protracted and chronic diseases, including psychological ones (depression), when the disease process has entered a phase of stagnation or cycle. A spell can stir up, get things moving, and push the healing process forward.

Spell for Wealth, Welfare and Prosperity

Formula for Wealth and Prosperity. An ancient formula that promotes prosperity and well-being, providing support to the gods and ancestors.

Rune combination:
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

Spell for Prosperity

Formula for well-being and increasing your Strength. ALUGOD - "well-being through magical power."

Rune combination:
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell to increase property

A formula for increasing property, increasing profits and harvest (literally and figuratively).

Rune combination:
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
FEKHU is the rune of property, material wealth, and partly the rune of money.

Also a formula for the protection and prosperity of the Home - the family “hearth” or “family nest” (estate)

Spell for Happiness and Good Luck

Formula for attracting happiness and good luck.

Rune combination:
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
YER (Yera) - the rune of “harvest”, results, the fruitful completion of a full cycle.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

Spell for Prosperity, Health and Longevity

Rune combination:
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell to Achieve a Goal

A formula for achieving a set goal - financial, material, intellectual, creative, etc. Provides success in business, victory and provides protection from failure.

Rune combination:
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

Spell for Prosperity and Protection

Formula of Prosperity, protects and ensures well-being.

Rune combination:

INGUZ - Rune of fertility, rune of male power.


Spell for Victory in Competition

The formula gives strength and energy to achieve your goal. Ensures victory in the presence of competition.

Rune combination:
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

Spell for Profit

Formula for Business, for making profit and increasing property.

Rune combination:
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
FEKHU is the rune of property, material wealth, and partly the rune of money.
YER (Yera) - the rune of “harvest”, results, the fruitful completion of a full cycle.

Any activity or business whose product is primarily material objects. Particularly effective in real estate transactions or farming.
Also a formula for the protection and prosperity of the Home - the family “hearth” or “family nest” (estate).

Spell for Victory and successfully overcoming a crisis

The formula gives strength and energy to the owner of the amulet to achieve the goal. Ensures victory and successful overcoming of the crisis.

Rune combination:
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.

Spell to Achieve a Goal

A formula for achieving a set goal - financial, material, intellectual, creative, etc.. Ensures success in business, in work, in business, and victory over competitors. Provides protection from failure.

Rune combination:
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

Spell on Success

Formula for achieving success. An ancient formula that ensures the viability of an idea, project, business, brings success and prosperity, and provides protection.

Rune combination:
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
VUNIO - Rune of joy and happiness.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
VUNIO - Rune of joy and happiness.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

Spell for Success in Career and Business

Rune combination:
FEKHU is the rune of property, material wealth, and partly the rune of money.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell for Business Success

Formula for Business, for making profit and increasing property. Allows you to develop the necessary qualities for business - entrepreneurship, responsibility, self-discipline and focus, flexibility and the ability to find the right solutions.

Rune combination:
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
FEKHU is the rune of property, material wealth, and partly the rune of money.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.

Spell for the successful implementation of plans and projects

A formula for new beginnings, successful implementation of ideas, projects and creative plans.

Rune combination:
FEKHU is the rune of property, material wealth, and partly the rune of money.

GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.

Spell for Success in Business

Formula for achieving business success. Helps you achieve success and increase profits.

Rune combination:
FEKHU is the rune of property, material wealth, and partly the rune of money.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.

Spell for success in work and business (for men)

Formula for success in work and business. The amulet helps to achieve a goal of any complexity. Promotes a sharp increase in masculine qualities, increases male strength and raises testosterone levels in the blood. The same formula helps to increase potency and fertility.

Rune combination:
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell for career success in the face of aggressive competition

The formula for career success in an aggressively competitive environment. Protection under severe psychological pressure and intrigue, especially if magical influence is carried out. Protection from witchcraft. The amulet saves from intrigues and intrigues, promotes career growth and other advancement, despite hidden and obvious resistance to this.

Rune combination:
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
NAUD (Nautiz) - Rune of Need, coercion, rune of constraint and restrictions.

Spell for Success

Formula for success. An amulet with a spell allows you to achieve success and act actively in a competitive environment.

Rune combination:
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.

Spell for Victory in Court

Formula for winning in court.

Rune combination:
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.

SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.

Spell for success in negotiations

Formula for success in business negotiations. Runes of Speech. The spell allows you to establish contact, find a common language, mutual understanding and ways to productive cooperation, stop quarrels and conflicts.

Rune combination:
GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

Spell for Breakthrough in Business

A formula for creating a breakthrough and giving a powerful impulse (push) to a business, project and achieving success. Breaking down walls on the way to new beginnings, a “break” in the wall.

Rune combination:
EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.
FEKHU is the rune of property, material wealth, and partly the rune of money.
SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.


Spell for Health and Longevity

The formula ensures well-being, health and longevity.

Rune combination:
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.
INGUZ - Rune of fertility, rune of male power.

Spell to conceive a child

The formula is used to treat infertility and to conceive a child.

Rune combination:
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.
BERKANA - Rune of Growth (both physical and spiritual), rune of movement towards prosperity, rune of Birth and Rebirth.
INGUZ - Rune of fertility, rune of male power.

Spell for health, recovery

The health formula helps prevent the development of disease processes, as well as defeat existing diseases.

Rune combination:
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell for depression

Health formula. Helps restore strength. Emphasizes psychological problems, helps in the treatment of stress and depression.

Rune combination:
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
BERKANA - Rune of Growth (both physical and spiritual), rune of movement towards prosperity, rune of Birth and Rebirth.
SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.


Spell for Protection and Prosperity

Formula Prosperity, protects and gives well-being.

Rune combination:
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
INGUZ - Rune of fertility, rune of male power.

Spell for Protection and Security

The formula protects and preserves. LAUKAZ - the formula translates as “wild onion”, which was revered as a sacred plant and was considered to have great magical powers, mainly of a protective and protective nature.

Rune combination:
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.

Home Protection Spell

Home protection formula. A strong protective spell that protects against the envy of others, which undermines the energy of the home. Prevents negative energy from entering the house. Protects from accidents. It is used to strengthen the home and household, strengthening its status and well-being. A talisman with this spell should be placed at the entrance, on the gate, on the porch, above the front door from the outside.

Rune combination:
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.

Spell for Protection from Witchcraft and Damage

Formula for protection against witchcraft, evil eye and damage. An ancient protective spell to protect the family from witchcraft and damage. A magical word that means "horse" and is an invocation of the good power of the sacred horse.

Rune combination:
EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.

OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

Spell on Protective Barrier, Shield from damage and evil eye

The formula protects against damage and the evil eye. This protective spell is ideal for creating a powerful protective barrier, neutralizing targeted energy attacks and negative energy from others.

Rune combination:

TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
THURISAZ - Rune of military initiation, rune of self-discipline and control, rune of aggressive magic.

Spell for Protection and Reflection (mirror)

Palindrome formula - for reflection and protection. A protective spell operating on the principle of a mirror - any impact is completely reflected - is sent back unchanged.

Rune combination:
ISA - Rune of Ice, rune of freezing, binding.
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
ISA - Rune of Ice, rune of freezing, binding.

Spell for Protection from Witchcraft

Rune combination:
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.

Spell for Protection from accidents and disasters - amulet for the road

The formula protects against damage and the evil eye. A powerful amulet for travel. Protection from accidents and disasters. Able to warn the owner of impending danger. It will help you avoid troubles along the way. Good for motorists.

Rune combination:
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.
RAIDO - Rune of the Path (in every sense), rune of the road and travel.
ALGIZ - Rune of strong protection and protection of the gods.

Spell for a successful journey - a talisman for the journey

Travel formula. A strong talisman for pleasant, fun and safe travels.

Rune combination:
VUNIO - Rune of joy and happiness.
RAIDO - Rune of the Path (in every sense), rune of the road and travel.
VUNIO - Rune of joy and happiness.

Spell for Protection from Enemies

Formula for protection against hostile forces. This protective spell is designed to destroy energy and psychic attacks and destroy hostile forces that threaten the owner of the amulet.

Rune combination:
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.


Spell for Victory in Love

Formula for love victory. Ensures the achievement of the desired goal on the love and, in particular, on the sexual front.

Rune combination:
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.

Love Spell

Formula for love spell. A rough love spell that provides a quick but short-term connection of male and female energy flows, which leads to strong mutual attraction. Valid for about a month.

Rune combination - Thurisaz rune repeated four times:
THURISAZ - Rune of military initiation, rune of self-discipline and control, rune of aggressive magic.

Spell for Peace and Love in the Family

The formula strengthens and harmonizes family relationships. Eliminates quarrels. Creates and increases mutual understanding, respect and love in marriage.

Rune combination:
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
OTAL (Otila) - Rune of inheritance and tradition. Symbolizes home, clan, family, homeland.

Spell for Love (for women)

Formula for women's love amulet.

Rune combination:
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.

Spell for Love (for men)

Formula for men's love amulet.

Rune combination:
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
INGUZ - Rune of fertility, rune of male power.

Spell for Male Strength (for men)

Formula for men's love amulet. GUD - an ancient spell designed to preserve the owner’s masculine strength and bring him success and prosperity on the love front.

Rune combination:
GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell to increase potency (for men)

Formula to increase potency. The amulet has a beneficial effect on potency, improves ejaculation and its quality, promotes success in love and conceiving a child. Promotes a sharp increase in masculine qualities, increases male strength and raises testosterone levels in the blood. The same formula ensures a man's success in business and work.

Rune combination:
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
GEBO - Rune of Gift and Gift of Reciprocity, rune of partnership and cooperation, rune of the unity of opposites.
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.

Spell for Love and Marriage

Formula for love and marriage. This spell is used to find true love and create a family.

Rune combination:
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.
BERKANA - Rune of Growth (both physical and spiritual), rune of movement towards prosperity, rune of Birth and Rebirth.


The formula enhances other spells. ALU - Dedication. Magical Power and Authority. Wisdom. Magic for Magic. The magic of general favor. The formula can also play the role of a protective or love spell.

Rune combination:
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.

Spell for Power and Victory in magical practice

Formula for increasing Power in Magic and achieving goals in magical practice. SALU is a variant of the ALU formula, supplemented by the Soul rune - the rune of power and victory.

Rune combination:
SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.

Spell for spiritual and energetic cleansing

Formula for spiritual renewal and cleansing. Will help you prepare for magical practice.

Rune combination:
DAGAZ - Rune of light, prosperity, prosperity and health.
BERKANA - Rune of Growth (both physical and spiritual), rune of movement towards prosperity, rune of Birth and Rebirth.
SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.

Spell for success in magical practice

The formula is intended to help Eril (rune master) in his research. Helps increase insight and perception.

Rune combination:
EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

Spell for magical practice

Formula for summoning magical power. LAPU - "invitation", "invocation". One of the sacred words that is part of the summoning spells. Often used in combination with other sacred words or runic spells.

Rune combination:
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
PERTH (Perto) - rune of Magical initiation, Gateway to the sacred.
URUZ - Rune of power, vital and magical energy, rune of action and success.

Magic Power Spell

Formula for development and improvement in magical practice. Helps to find the source of Power. SAR - "journey in search of strength."

Rune combination:
SOUL (Sovulo) - Rune of the sun, rune of victory, power and strength.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.
RAIDO - Rune of the Path (in every sense), rune of the road and travel.

Spell for Wisdom

Formula for gaining wisdom

Rune combination:
THURISAZ - Rune of military initiation, rune of self-discipline and control, rune of aggressive magic.
TEYVAZ - Warrior Rune. The will to win, strength and success in the fight.
KANO (Kenaz) - Rune of embodiment and revelation, rune of Inspiration.
ANSUZ - Rune of magic, divination, rune of knowledge and words.

Spell for Protection from retaliatory witchcraft in magical practice

Formula for protection against witchcraft, evil eye and damage. An ancient formula for mirror runic protection against magical influence and astral attack. Any malicious message is reflected and sent back to its sender. Helps in magical duels, protects the magician from an opponent's attack.

Rune combination:
HAGALAZ - Rune of Destruction, rune of rupture, including breaking a vicious circle.
LAGUZ - Rune of Intuition, rune of what leads, rune of flow and pure flow, rune of the inner circle of magic.
EVAZ - Rune of change and movement, rune of internal transformation and progress - getting off the ground.

*** Runic formulas from the publications of Anton Platov, Oleg Shaposhnikov, Ancient scattered sources and practical developments of the rune master Yuma, provided by the site

The catalog of runic formulas will be updated.

See how to make your own runic talisman here. ATTENTION!!! Due to the large number of requests, answers to individual questions on drawing up runic formulas, analysis of the situation and consultations on magical actions are given within two to three days.

If you have tried all possible conspiracies and rituals, and your wish still has not come true, use ancient knowledge. Runic formulas will help you fulfill any dream and protect you from troubles.

Runes are considered the most powerful symbols that can radically change the fate of every person. There is a legend that God Odin himself gave this knowledge to people. They were the ones who helped us live in abundance and protected us from negative influences.

Unfortunately, only a small part of the knowledge about runic ligatures has reached our times, but even this is enough to change your life for the better. More recently, runes were used as... They opened the curtain of the future and gave effective advice, following which a person could influence the situation.

However, now many people use runic formulas to achieve their goals. Runes work well individually, and also gain their power when correctly composed of several characters. But when drawing up so-called runic staves, it is necessary to study all the information in detail, otherwise you can harm yourself and your loved ones.

Proven runic formulas

There are many formulas, but some may help, while others will not be as effective. It all depends on the purpose for which they were compiled. The following schemes are considered universal and help everyone without exception.

Runes to protect against any negativity

The first to be applied is Hagall - the rune of destruction and getting rid of all negativity. This symbol literally resets your energy and clears the space of debris, bad thoughts, the evil eye and damage.

To fill the vacant space and direct the development of events in the right direction, after this rune you need to apply Evaz and Fehu. They will help you achieve your goals and understand your true desires.

To consolidate the result and create an active protective field, complete this formula with the Algiz rune. It will protect you from troubles in the future and sharpen your intuition.

Universal formula for fulfillment of desires

This combination can be used to achieve any goal. If you clearly know what you want, think about your desire and draw the formula on paper. Ask the runes for help, but on the condition that they will not harm anyone. After completing the plan, the sheet with the drawing must be burned.

Rune Soulu clarifies the situation and brings all the necessary elements together. This is a symbol of the sun, which will give you the energy to achieve your goals at the right time.

Kano is a sign of embodiment and movement towards the chosen goal. Helps you focus on your work and get results in the shortest possible time. Gives you an understanding of what needs to be done to make your wish come true and gives you the strength to achieve it.

The runic formula is completed by Fehu and Vunyo, which in this combination mean the successful completion of a task and bestow joy from what is received.

Runic formulas are an excellent tool for making dreams come true. However, we must remember that some desires take time to come true. Don’t rush things, move towards your goal step by step, open up to the Universe and don't forget to press the buttons and

10.03.2016 00:50

You can influence any area without making Herculean efforts. Ancient runic symbols are a universal way...