Which small business is the most profitable? The most profitable type of small business in Russia

Creating your own business is a useful and profitable activity. Many people, when implementing their business, earn quite a lot of income from this. Your success depends on how well you can choose the right direction in your business and on your ability to maintain it at the proper level.

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Opening your own business requires a huge amount of investment, effort and patience. On the path to success, you will encounter many challenges that you will have to persevere through. But at the same time, your own business is a chance to prove yourself and realize your potential.

Advantages of starting your own business:

  1. Income - if you manage to organize your business correctly, the amount of your income will be much higher than if you worked for an employer. And this despite the fact that in both cases you do almost identical work. The difference is that as an ordinary employee, you will only receive a portion of the profits that you brought to your employer.
  2. Connections – By developing your business, you will make new acquaintances, you will have new friends and useful connections, partners who occupy respectable positions. In business development, many issues are resolved through influential contacts. If your circle of contacts is wide enough, then it will not be difficult for you to solve any problem, because influential people will help you with this, and this is a big plus in any situation.
  3. Opportunity to show your strengths - How your business will be built and developed depends only on you, your organizational abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities. For every action and decision made, responsibility lies primarily with you.
  4. Independence – no one limits your actions, you independently make decisions that you consider the most correct, you decide for yourself how successfully your business will develop. The amount of your income will depend on your efforts and only on them. You are responsible to yourself and do not have to adapt to the whims of your boss.
  5. Flexible schedule– you distribute your working hours yourself .
  6. Prestige – having your own thriving business has always been worthy of respect.
  7. Experience - As a leader, you gain invaluable experience that will be useful to you more than once in life.
  8. Creation of new jobs.

The closer and more trusting the relationship between you and the person you turn to for help, the higher the likelihood that you will receive quality help, and in the shortest possible time.

Choosing a direction

Share of small businesses in various areas.

The choice of direction in business should be approached with full responsibility. The first thing you need to take into account is the needs of buyers and those offers that are already on the market that will give you serious competition. You must calculate everything so that your product is in great demand in society and your enterprise prospers.

Second- these are your financial capabilities, namely, whether the capital you have is enough for you to realize your idea. The direction of activity should be chosen taking into account your financial capabilities.

When choosing the direction of your activity, you should be guided by the following factors:

  1. It is necessary to understand at the proper level the direction of activity that you choose.
  2. It is recommended to give preference to specialties of a narrow range, where there will be no obstacle in your way in the form of fierce competition.
  3. You must love what you plan to do. Otherwise, achieving heights will be much more difficult, because completely devoting yourself to a task that you simply don’t care about is not an easy task. Choose what you really like and enjoy your work.
  4. Define your business goals. Think about what you will get from it and what you are willing to sacrifice to realize your idea. At the same time, take into account not only the financial costs, but also the huge amount of time that you will have to sacrifice.

Main business areas


The size of the business depends on whether you plan to produce intellectual or physical property.

This is a serious type of business, the implementation of which will require a lot of costs. In a manufacturing business, you must have a sufficient amount of start-up capital available to pay for the rent of the premises, the required technical equipment and raw materials.

Intellectual products require copyright ownership.

Without investment costs and with developed intelligence, logical thinking, analytical skills and imagination, you can produce ideas and subsequently sell them.


  1. The profit from a manufacturing business is much greater than from any other, which justifies all the effort and financial resources invested.


  1. Implementation requires sufficient experience and knowledge, as well as significant capital investment.
  2. From the moment of founding, until a manufacturing business makes its first profit, a significant period of time may pass.
  3. Business plans for manufacturing activities are much more complex than in other industries.


If you lack financial capital, you can sell your products through network marketing.

Involves the sale of certain services or goods. Your success depends on your communication skills with the client. You have the opportunity to sell any products not prohibited by law.

If you have the financial resources to do so, it is recommended to open your own office.


  1. You are not tied to any specific place.
  2. The trading business is constantly developing, and at the same time the quality of the services offered is improving.


  1. The business is quite risky and does not always bring profit.
  2. In the trading business, you will face high competition.

Services sector

Intangible services (consulting) do not require costs.

A promising direction in business. Whether you succeed in this field depends entirely on you. If you have significant capital, then the opportunity to provide material services is available to you.


  1. Wide range of activities.
  2. Opening a business is quite simple.
  3. Does not require significant financial investment.


  1. High competition.

Today there are many. But not all of them are able to make a profit. A promising idea can be considered one that will be in great demand and can bring significant profit from its implementation.

Examples of successful ideas


Food- are important for maintaining the life of all people without exception. This remains unchanged and cannot be affected by wars or economic troubles. If the stores that are familiar to him are taken away from a person, he will most likely take up arms and begin to get food.

Food production remains a profitable business even in times of crisis.

Today, the food industry is only going up.

We should not forget that people would rather choose to eat organic foods than those containing various chemical additives, food colorings and other “chemicals”.

That is why the most promising areas in this area can be considered:

  1. Maintenance of greenhouses.
  2. as a delicacy, which, in turn, is in great demand.
  3. Ostrich and farms.

The demand for these products is constantly growing, and the initial investment is insignificant. Besides everything, this business does not have much competition due to its novelty.

Electronic or Internet commerce

To start such projects, you will definitely need the services of specialists and at least a minimal investment.

This is a specific type of activity, which includes economic transactions carried out via the Internet, as well as processes associated with conducting operations of this type. Activities of this kind are superior to others, because technology has long become an integral part of the lives of any of us.

There are several types of e-commerce:

  • exchange of information in networks.
  • trading via the Internet.
  • email marketing.
  • online insurance.
  • movement of capital on the Internet.

Regardless of the direction you choose, you must remember that consumers need original offers, which, in turn, will be highly popular.

Educational projects

If you feel like a fairly erudite person who knows a lot of useful and interesting information on various topics, then you have chosen an excellent idea for developing a small business.

We are not talking about tutoring or teaching at school; all this can be done without obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur or registering a legal entity. We are talking about mass education.

For example:

  • conducting courses;
  • opening of studios;
  • conducting circles;

Organization of agritourism

Undoubtedly, it’s good to have a personal house outside the city or a simple dacha. Unfortunately, not all people have this. They have to spend the whole year surrounded by massive gray walls and noisy streets.

It is unlikely that people deprived of the opportunity to relax outside the city will refuse to spend a few days surrounded by nature.

To start working in this industry you need:

  1. Build a recreation center.
  2. Ensure residential buildings are livable.
  3. Publicize your proposal in the media.
  4. Think over your pricing policy.

What problems might you encounter?

There is no business in which you cannot “burn out”. Many aspiring entrepreneurs fail mainly due to financial or organizational mistakes, but there are several other important factors that have a colossal impact.

These factors include:

  1. Income instability. Even if things go up, you will need to get used to the fact that your earnings will differ several times every month. It is especially difficult to get used to this if you have worked for many years on a salary and an advance.
  2. Slow business development. There is no way to predict for sure whether your business will grow quickly or slowly. And even more so, you shouldn’t expect that everything will go as it is written in your business plan. Even a lack of resources can slow down business development.
  3. Competition. In addition to all other problems, do not forget about one of the main ones - competition. The economic market is full of diverse ideas. You cannot expect that your idea will be unique and inimitable. It is also worth remembering that the businessmen sitting at the top of this market will not be able to simply allow your business to develop. Simply because they are afraid of losing their place.

Finding start-up capital

Start-up capital– the initial resource necessary to open your own business.

You can get starting capital:

  1. Take a loan. The most common way to earn initial capital. But you need to take into account that there are conditions for return.
  2. Find investors. A wonderful and common way to earn initial capital. But the difficulty is that this is difficult to implement. You not only need to find investors, but also...

Implementation of the idea

Before implementing an idea, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Are you able to endure all the problems or will you give up halfway? Can you come up with an innovative idea and not crash out of the economic market?

When you decide to take this important step, you will need, firstly, to find starting capital. Secondly, develop a business plan. Start bringing it to life. And finally, don’t force things and try to do something you can’t do.

If you know how to organize your business correctly, you can achieve success and receive a stable, high income. When choosing a business area, focus on your interests, qualities, capabilities and financial resources. Do everything thoughtfully and then you will have every opportunity to prosper.

Every aspiring entrepreneur strives to open the most profitable business that would immediately begin to generate significant income. This actually happens sometimes, although there are many more opposite cases in life...

When in 2019, in search engine queries, you come across the coveted question “how to open a business now to be profitable,” I would like to advise the author of the question not to follow other people’s advice! In 2019, the situation is far from the same as in 1996, when a poorly saturated market happily accepted any innovation. Nowadays, not a single case can be completed without careful observation and a comprehensive analysis of the situation.

We also decided to conduct our own research, interviewing entrepreneurs and experts on the topic “the most profitable business in Russia today.” We bring to your attention the most popular types of activities named by respondents.

The most profitable business | TOP 10 business ideas

How the places from 1 to 10 were distributed:

  1. Retail store(54 points)
  2. Online store(47 points)
  3. Renovation of apartments and offices(32 points)
  4. (25 points)
  5. Wholesale(21 points)
  6. (18 points)
  7. (11 points)
  8. (8 points)
  9. Legal services(7 points)
  10. (7 points)

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What was taken into account when assessing which business was the most profitable?

  1. Positive and negative reviews for each activity area earned (or took away) points. Each positive point added one point, and each negative review took away a point.
  2. We did not include activities typical of large businesses (for example, banking or industrial segments) in the survey. It is unlikely that novice entrepreneurs can afford such options. We focused on those areas in which small and medium-sized businesses are present.
  3. We asked you to pay special attention to the cost of opening a business. The reduction in household incomes played a role: 2014 was still marked by successful openings from scratch, and in 2019 it is not at all easy to get along with minimal investments. Therefore, we rewarded activities for which the initial capital was estimated at no more than 50 thousand rubles with an additional plus point.
  4. Tax experts had the right to add or subtract 1 point if they believed that a given business was very simple (or, accordingly, especially difficult) from the point of view of tax accounting and reporting.
  5. Expert accountants could add or deduct 1 point when assessing the complexity of accounting.
  6. In addition, we assessed the dependence of business on the region, that is, we tried to analyze how promising and interesting this or that area is without being tied to Moscow or St. Petersburg. Universalism was marked with an additional positive point.

Now let’s try to evaluate the advantageous and disadvantageous aspects noted by respondents in each area.

Retail store

The leader of the survey scored points due to geographical independence and constant demand. A good argument was made: a person needs to eat everywhere and every day, and he also needs to dress and put on shoes. Moreover, these needs are urgent, so there will always be some kind of income, whether the year is 2000 or 2019. We did not ask to indicate the type of retail store, but in the notes the respondents noted that now it is more correct to open an ordinary bread stall than a tea stall / coffee boutique.

Here is an example of a story from entrepreneur Sergei R. from Tyumen: “Last year, a good friend and I almost simultaneously opened our own business. He rented a space on the ground floor of a residential building for a small grocery store, and I started installing doors, plastic windows and air conditioners. My friend had minimal experience in retail sales, but I worked in my field for almost 10 years.
Summing up the first year of “the voyage itself,” I will note that my friend’s profit is both higher and more stable than mine. It never happens to him that one day he has no income at all. For me, this situation is common. It turns out that in 2019 it is more profitable to sell products than to install windows and doors.”

Of course, without knowing all the factors involved in running a business between friends, it is difficult to draw a clear conclusion in favor of a grocery store. There are plenty of problems too. Our accounting expert pointed out the large amount of paperwork that comes with retail. The tax expert drew attention to the limits on special tax regimes, as well as problems with the sale of alcohol for individual entrepreneurs.

Online store

The online store was able to gain recognition, first of all, for minimal costs when opening. Many respondents added extra points to this type of activity specifically for “starting from scratch.” In addition, they noted the flexibility and wide possibilities in business management, since reorienting an online store to other products is much easier than a regular store.

Opinion of entrepreneur Oleg S. from Moscow: “Online stores are the future, as more and more citizens and organizations use the Internet to purchase goods and order services. It is fast, in some cases cheaper and quite convenient from a service standpoint, since the client chooses how and when he will receive the goods. Not all goods can be purchased through an online store yet, but it is quite possible that in a few years we will even order a loaf of bread and a packet of kefir for breakfast online.”
Of the minuses: (unfortunately, you cannot engage in online trading under the UTII or patent taxation system). There is a certain dependence on payment systems, delivery services, when ordering goods abroad.

Renovation of apartments and offices

The high rating of repair work is also due to the opportunity to start a business with minimal investment. Professionals who know how to work with their hands (and, in addition, plan the process, draw up estimates, select materials, etc.) are highly valued in the labor market. Many of them prefer to run their own business and earn more money, rather than work as an employee for modest remuneration.

This is how individual entrepreneur from the Moscow region Andrey P. characterizes this business: “Repair services are a good business if the entrepreneur himself is a professional in this field. Then it’s easier to come to an agreement with the customer and select performers for a specific project.
Usually in this business everyone knows each other, reputation matters a lot. With a good reputation due to word of mouth, you can work with virtually no advertising costs; orders find you themselves. But at the initial stage you will have to work hard to earn this reputation.”

One of the negative aspects of this business is high competition, which makes it very difficult for a novice entrepreneur to get an order at first. In addition, tax authorities closely monitor repair LLCs and individual entrepreneurs, since this business “attracts” various violations related to tax evasion.

Cafe / Bar / Pizzeria / Dining room

This business occupies an unexpectedly high position in the ranking. It would seem that in a crisis, with falling income levels, the population would reduce spending on trips to a cafe or pizzeria. Actually this is not true. Citizens still spend time in such establishments, but at the same time they have become more demanding about the quality of the menu and service.

Bar owner Karen O. from Voronezh described this situation as follows: “Customers today act on the principle: “If I allocated money to go to a bar with friends to watch a football match, then I need a full range of pleasures - good food and drinks, high-quality broadcasting, comfortable seats, fast service.” If at least something doesn’t suit you completely, then the person goes to another establishment and will not return to you.”

Difficulties are associated primarily with the complexity of accounting and tax accounting, numerous audits and competition from large restaurant chains.


The good thing about business is that even one client per week can bring in income comparable to the monthly income of all clients of a retail store. But where the profits are high, the risks are also high.

  1. Firstly, wholesalers are very sensitive to transport links, since they need to ensure both the delivery of goods and their shipment.
  2. Secondly, the business is highly dependent on suppliers. Any problems from the supplier also have a significant impact on the wholesaler. This is a case where losing a client is less painful than losing a supplier.
  3. Thirdly, wholesale trade is carried out only on , which means it is characterized by complex accounting and tax accounting processes.

Here is the point of view of Eduard F. from Moscow: “Wholesale trade is a profitable business if there is a reliable supplier with a good product. You can have an income of a million rubles a month by selling cheap goods that are in demand. In recent years, wholesalers have become firmly established online, allowing them to shorten the sales cycle and even eliminate the need for warehouse space.”

Passenger and cargo transportation / taxi

Many vehicle owners prefer to earn money on their own, without being hired as a driver by an organization. You can start a business at virtually no cost, just by having at least one car. You can gradually increase your vehicle fleet by attracting hired workers.

A driver with 20 years of experience, Sergey M. from the Ryazan region, noted an interesting feature of his business: “If a person is used to earning money by driving a car, it will not be difficult for him to open his own business related to transportation. In this business, the main problem is “shadow” competitors occupying all crowded places, not paying taxes, but at the same time raising prices. They scare away potential customers who prefer to travel by public transport. There is also great competition from large taxi companies; there is a real advertising war going on.”

Design, web design and website related work

This business is certainly not for everyone. You need to be familiar with a computer, know special programs and be able to use them. That is, without the appropriate experience and education, trying to start your own business in the field of, for example, web design is not the best option. On the other hand, you can write articles for websites, be an administrator of resources and social groups without knowledge of complex programs.

“Competition is very high,” almost all respondents noted this. As well as the fact that this is an excellent example of a business without initial investment. At the start, it is not even necessary to register an LLC or individual entrepreneur, but make do with a civil law agreement. Having acquired several regular customers, you can think about both the company and the staff.

Beauty salon / SPA / sauna / fitness

Opening a beauty salon or SPA salon requires an analysis of the competitive environment. If similar services are already offered in your area or town, then it is worth analyzing whether the demand is sufficient to support another establishment. Despite the noticeable general trend of passion for wellness procedures, this area of ​​​​activity is not vital for the client. Investments in opening this business are not very large, but their payback cannot be quick.

It's good if you have a prepared client base that is ready to try using your services. It is unwise to rely on clients “from the street”; people rarely enter such places by accident. This is what the owner of a beauty salon from Zelenograd, Tamara R., told us: “I always liked doing nails, trying new polishes and technologies. At first I received friends and acquaintances at home, and then I decided that I needed to do what I loved not in my free time, but constantly. She opened a small salon, where she redirected all her clients.”

Legal services

Legal services are a very specific business, which is designed for people with appropriate education. If legal issues do not seem complicated and tedious to you, you are able to understand any law - you can try! The business is characterized by minimal investments at the start (mainly advertising), brings quite a tangible income (our citizens are accustomed to paying decent fees to lawyers) and, at the same time, does not burden the entrepreneur with accounting and tax audits.

Tax officers often know the laws worse than the lawyers themselves, whom they could go to with an audit. And every successful consultation or service provided brings you not a single client, but also all his closest friends and relatives.

Organization of entertainment events

Our rating is completed by an activity that requires activity and optimism. The target audience is located in any area, because you have a lot of ideas at your disposal for birthdays, corporate events, weddings, professional holidays, and excursions. This also includes the services of a photographer and DJ. You are limited only by your own creative capabilities and the ability to show yourself to potential clients.

You can start a business practically from scratch, offering your services through social networks and websites, friends and acquaintances. The main problem is competition, which is traditionally high in this area. Therefore, you must, of course, be a bright, positive person to whom others are drawn.

Sometimes the most profitable business is the one that leaves you personal time and which you can do more with pleasure. This kind of business can bring good money, but it did not start out as “a way to make a lot of money.” Specialists in their field can always turn their training into a full-fledged business, such as tutors (now this is one of the things that makes it easier to start). Let your business become a hobby, something that you really want and are interested in doing.

Examples of such “tent-type” startups can be seen in parks, at festivals, and in small pavilions next to cultural venues. How it works and what it is based on is in this video (from the exhibition, where you can buy any fashionable trifle, have a delicious meal, and purchase rare items):

The capital of Russia is probably the most difficult place to open and run a business. However, there are many platforms and promising ideas here.

The population of Moscow is more than 14 million people, plus arriving foreigners and residents of other Russian cities. A large working-age population creates a demand for jobs.

Need to think

The first stage of creating a profitable and promising enterprise is the formation of an idea. A thorough approach to this will allow you to achieve excellent results. There can be many ideas - from the most banal to the crazy. But to create a profitable business in Moscow, you need one - a working one. It is advisable to monitor the market for services and goods provided, compile statistics of the interests and needs of citizens, and determine the direction of demand development.

Conducting such a deep analysis on your own is almost impossible. Against this background, consulting agencies are successful, providing services to identify promising niches in the Moscow economy.


Even an ordinary trip abroad is carefully planned in advance. The plan indicates everything from the cost of tickets and duration of vacation to the souvenirs purchased and the number of excursions.

Correctly drawing up a business plan will allow you to generate start-up capital, choose a location for an enterprise, decide on personnel and outline development prospects. True, at the time of developing a business plan, thoughts may arise to abandon all this, just because the entrepreneur does not like some aspects.

A business plan is not just a list of “wants” and possibilities. In order to draw up the organizational, financial and marketing components, you need to have knowledge that is not limited to the ability to add 2 and 2. Highly qualified specialists who provide paid services draw up a business plan for a small enterprise for a period of 3 to 5 years.

Due to the fact that Russian legislation does not establish a form of business planning and there are no structural documents regulating it, there is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the experience of foreign entrepreneurs. The European Economic Communities provide ready-made templates that allow you to create modular business plans. In the Russian Federation, the UNIDO and TACIS standards are most in demand.

"Capital" start

The choice of a niche becomes freer if the future entrepreneur has good personal savings that can be invested in the start-up capital of the company. The legislation of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow removes the question, “What kind of business can you do in Moscow?”, as it makes it possible to develop small businesses without limiting businessmen in the choice of options for opening a personal business.

Without your own funds, you can attract them from outside. There are a large number of options: loans, subsidies and grants, government orders, etc. In addition to this, you can organize an individual entrepreneur or LLC instead of a corporate form of business.

Harmonization of taxation

Tax evasion is punishable by law. To expand business opportunities, the state provides several types of taxation:

  • Full: income tax, unified social tax, VAT and fiscal taxes;
  • Simplified: either 6% of the amount of income, or 15% of the amount received from deductions from income;
  • Temporary: a type of simplified taxation. The rate is set by the fiscal authority and calculated using a special formula.

The relevance of opening an enterprise

Large and small businesses in Moscow, thanks to the positive attitude of the capital's government, are experiencing high rates of development. It is impossible to imagine the life of Muscovites without the existing business infrastructure - cafes, shops, restaurants, attractions and cinemas. All this, for the most part, belongs to private entrepreneurs and provides them with a comfortable existence.

What is better to open in Moscow? Highly popular in 2016 are retail businesses, farming, online business, and the service and entertainment sectors.

Directions and required documents

The most popular business in Moscow is retail and restaurant projects. A large number of residents creates corresponding demand. But given the popularity of the idea, the niche still has vacancies.

In terms of profitability, the places were arranged as follows: trade in movable and immovable property, beauty salons and, no matter how surprising it may be, farming! The demand for farm products is increasing day by day due to the high demand for natural and healthy products. The fashion for raw food, vegetarianism and naturalness contributes its two cents.

To fully conduct business, registration with the fiscal authorities is required. An entrepreneur can register an individual entrepreneur or a limited liability company. The first option looks preferable due to the fact that the registration costs are minimal, and the number of papers that will need to be completed in the future is reduced to a minimum. However, when registering an individual entrepreneur, the creator is deprived of the opportunity to conduct business with legal entities.

Basic documents that the tax office will require:

  • Conclusion of the fire service;
  • Conclusion of the sanitary-epidemiological service.

Own store

A store can be considered in many directions - selling groceries, clothing or jewelry. But you can take it wider and open a supermarket or even a shopping center. A regular grocery store can provide high profitability. With a good choice of location, such a business will bring a stable profit.

When organizing a store, the main part of the preparation will be the preparation of a business plan, including a clear description of further work, choice of location, purchased equipment, documentation, pricing policy, even the store’s operating hours.

The first step will be registration with the Federal Tax Service. The second step is renting a premises. Building a store from scratch is not recommended due to its high cost. The opening of a grocery store is a tasty morsel for the SanEpidem Station. The preventive and ongoing supervision carried out determines the compliance of the structure and process with regulatory documents. Visits from “orderlies” are expected at least 3 times a year.

To maintain the freshness of products and the presentation of the store, you will need to purchase equipment: refrigerators, food storage tanks, shelving, cash registers, display cases. However, electricity must first be installed; the outlets for it should initially be thought through in the design of the store.

Stores that have several types of products are often divided into departments and require additional hiring of employees: salespeople, cleaners, security guards and loaders. It is taken into account that the role of manager and HR manager will be performed by the organizer of the enterprise himself.

Compliance with all the rules at the end will give excellent profitability indicators. You shouldn’t open a “shopping center” from the very first days. You can start small and achieve more.


The answer to the question “How to start your own business in Moscow from scratch” is to open a farm. There are a million and a couple more variations of making a profit from agriculture. You can engage in cattle breeding, poultry farming, raising rabbits and piglets. In addition, do not forget about growing vegetables, fruits and grain crops. Honey is highly prized in food markets, so why not keep bees?

When forming a business plan for a farm, you should clearly define the type of its activity and future development prospects. If this is an enterprise whose initial capital does not exceed $1000, then an option for growing fruits and vegetables will be developed. If large investments are attracted to the project, then the only thing that will stop the entrepreneur’s imagination is their size.

Business innovation

New types of business in Moscow are represented by two excellent options: coworking areas and anti-cafes. With proper development and successful location selection, these projects show a high level of profit. The main cost will be rent (about 80% of all costs). In second place is staff remuneration. Third is the purchase of consumables and products.

The “trick” of such zones is the innovative system of payment for visits. Now the client pays not for the product, but for the time spent. At the same time, companies offer the opportunity to actively communicate with other visitors, print documents, board games, Internet access, books, cookies, tea and coffee, and much more.

The business will benefit if it is opened in a walkable location and will not have competitors in the nearest 2-3 metro stations. Otherwise, you will have to spend money on advertising.

Summing up

From all of the above, it follows that the most profitable business in the city of Moscow is a trading enterprise. Options for products sold can always change in accordance with the wishes of the entrepreneur, but the most popular are food products and household chemicals. The success of a trading enterprise depends on the range of products, its cost and, of course, the quality of service.

Have you decided to develop your own project, but are lost in the endless number of ideas and tips? We will help you figure it out! This article contains only current areas of work. Find out what kind of business and why it is profitable to run in 2017.

What kind of business is profitable to do in Russia: studying promising areas

Here you will not find a list of 100% successful and profitable businesses. But we will honestly tell you what is profitable to do in a small business now. Our mini-rating includes different areas of activity. Choose the one that suits you.

Private kindergarten

This is a popular business that can be managed without special knowledge in the field of pedagogy. The most common set of services is often the most advantageous. The idea of ​​a kindergarten is simple and not new, but with proper advertising you can quickly build up a client base. Afterwards they will come to you based on recommendations.

Constant supervision, small groups, comfortable premises and attentive staff are the key criteria for success. If you are new to this business, do not complicate your task by trying to implement complex developmental techniques. Often the most common set of services is the most advantageous.

The main thing is to control all work processes. Install a video system that will broadcast what is happening in real time. This function is also in demand among parents, who can check what the child is doing at any time.

What you need to start a business:

  • Rent and renovate premises
  • Purchase furniture and equipment
  • Hire qualified childcare workers
  • Run advertising

The main difficulty is obtaining permits and getting approval for the opening of a kindergarten from regulatory authorities. If you doubt your abilities, consult a lawyer. He will tell you where and how to get the necessary documents.

Farm products store

Trade is one of the types of small business that is now profitable to engage in. However, choosing the “right” product to sell is not easy. Destinations that were in demand just a couple of years ago are risky to open today. So, in 2015, cases for gadgets were at the peak of popularity. In 2016, vaping products exploded. Be careful with trendy products: sometimes demand for them drops as sharply as it appears.

Open a farm produce store. Milk, cottage cheese, eggs, meat products - the demand for such goods is growing every year. The most important thing is to find suppliers, the rest is details.

The volume of investments at the first stage depends on the product range. You will need:

  • Rent a department or premises for a store
  • Hire a salesperson
  • Organize the supply of products

Additional costs may be required to develop your own company logo, create and print banners, flyers, etc.

Outsourcing companies

Many companies outsource employees to minimize the cost of doing business. At the same time, it is much easier and more convenient to use the services of a specialized organization, rather than looking for a specialist yourself.

By creating an outsourcing company, you become an intermediary and select personnel for a specific type of activity. Most often required:

  • Accountants
  • Lawyers
  • Financiers
  • IT specialists

The demand for the services of consulting firms is growing, while competition in the market is minimal.

What you need to start a business:

  • Rent an office (optimally in the city center)
  • Find specialists for outsourcing work
  • Hire employees: HR managers, customer service managers, accountants, etc.
  • Set up advertising (best on the Internet)

Focus on the quality of services. If the outsourced specialist does not work well enough, look for another one. Control the quality of task completion - this is the only way you will form a positive image and get major clients.

Delivery of groceries and ready meals

A new direction in the service sector is food delivery to home and office. Demand is growing in 2017, while there are not many competitors in the market of St. Petersburg and Moscow.

The food delivery service finds clients - restaurants and retail chains interested in courier services. You pick up fresh products or ready-made meals and deliver them to the customer’s home or office.

To work, you will need to find suppliers and agree on the delivery of products. At the first stage, these may be small stores, for example, selling healthy products. You also need a car to transport orders. The business easily scales through new partners and increasing the fleet of vehicles.

What kind of business is profitable to do in Russia now: the choice is yours

We reviewed interesting and promising business areas for 2017. Remember that even the most successful idea is important to present and develop correctly. Before opening, make a plan and try to follow it.

Calculate when and how much profit the business will bring. If at a certain stage your income differs from what you expected, try changing your advertising strategy or finding new delivery and distribution channels.

If you want to start not from scratch, but have some kind of base, choose a ready-made business. The company has been on the market for several years, it already has a proven operating system and regular customers. This way, the first step in a new area will be easier to take. Purchasing an existing store or project in the service sector will help you quickly reach a profit and recoup your investment.

What business to start and where to start? What business should I start? We suggest you sort everything out in order! Almost everyone wants to live well, earn decent money and become an entrepreneur. Are you increasingly wondering what kind of business you can start?

Considering the crisis and the unstable economic situation, the question “what business is profitable to run in 2015?” is extremely popular. We will reveal the answers to these questions gradually, starting from choosing a business area and ending with recommendations for specific areas. The material will be useful to both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who are looking for new niches to start. So, let's go!

How to choose a new business area?

Finding the most profitable business today and its area is of interest to both novice and experienced entrepreneurs. You always want to find more attractive and profitable niches. Is not it? Many people believe that you need to do something for which you have the intelligence and strength. After all, today there are both rich apple sellers and poor gold sellers. And this opinion is largely true. Nevertheless, don’t be afraid of new areas, search, dare, try!

And now we give the instruction: you have a strong desire to succeed, you will succeed! The main thing is not to give up and persevere towards your goal! Take action right now!

We got distracted... Now to the point!

So which business is better to start? Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that a startup that sells goods or provides services that are in an affordable price category has a very high chance of succeeding.

Examples of spheres:

  • niche online stores and IT projects;
  • catering establishments and food delivery services;
  • car washes, car services, spare parts, tire shops;
  • grocery and hardware stores;
  • everything that is suitable for the general public.

As an option, the answer to the question “what kind of small business is profitable to run?” can be based on the daily needs of a person. First of all, we are talking about food, as mentioned above, or cafes.

If you are deciding what business to start during a crisis, then this area of ​​activity is more promising than, for example, a hairdresser. After all, men, on average, go to the hairdresser approximately 8-10 times a year, and come for groceries regularly - almost every day. And regardless of whether there is a crisis in the country’s economy or not, there will always be food.

How to find a walk-through place for business?

Options: near the metro, on a busy avenue near a transport interchange. Traditionally, such places have high traffic. You can try to guess, but we still strongly recommend that you approach the question carefully and analyze everything. Choosing a location without analysis is like playing a battleship.

  • Select several passage points (3-5-10)
  • Don’t be lazy to come to each of them early in the morning!
  • Leave the car with the dash cam for a day
  • Then analyze from the video how many people passed by
  • Choose the best of the points and good luck to you!

If you approach the choice of location carefully and analyze everything, the chances of success and profitability of the business increase significantly. This is no longer a guessing game. You already have the numbers in your hands. You already know exactly the traffic volume per day/week/month. Having selected 10 places, choose the one with the maximum number of people.

What is the coolest business niche?

When thinking about what business is best for a beginner to start, first find the answer to the question: what field are you a pro in? This will reduce the search circle. Start with what your soul is about, what you love and in what area you are an expert!

If you are a pro in the field of website development, then of course it will be much easier to start a business in this area or launch your own online store or commercial website.

Printed books, for example, are a declining market (-15% per year). No one is stopping a successful entrepreneur from moving from selling printed books to selling electronic content. Moreover, the digital content market is experiencing very rapid growth in the Russian Federation.

After choosing a niche, immediately place ads on boards, launch a direct message, look on the Internet for places where there is demand for this topic. The main thing is to do everything quickly. You will immediately focus on one area that is the most interesting and brings in the most money. Therefore, the question of what kind of business is profitable to do now will be clearly illustrated.

What other theme options are there?

The answer to the question “what kind of small business can a beginner start” also includes topics with auto repair shops, tire shops and car washes, because today many families have cars, and since they break down sooner or later, there is an inevitable need for repairs.

You don't need a big budget to start. Removable garage and minimal equipment. Many started from a garage/apartment/basement. We also started our businesses from an apartment and a basement.

In addition, in economically unstable times, people change cars less often and buy used cars more often, which break down more often. The business of selling spare parts is also relevant at any time, even especially during a crisis.

The ultimate goal is to launch a group of small companies that will comprehensively serve the needs of customers. For example: combine a car wash, tire service, workshop and sale of auto parts + supply vending machines with coffee and small snacks. In the future, a cafe next to your complex will brighten up the leisure time of waiting clients. No one is stopping you from teaming up with partners. Think about the topics of company groups, write in the comments, let's discuss!

Do you still want to start a business? Made up his mind? First, we recommend that you analyze the state of the market, estimate the possible profit, the amount of investment, and assume what difficulties you may encounter when developing in your chosen niche.

Just don't worry about it for too long. Too much preparation will kill all motivation.

To find out what services are profitable to engage in, analyze the service industry in your region and find out where the least competition is combined with stable demand.

When choosing a field of business, it is important that it is interesting, then it will bring pleasure, and you will devote 200% to it.

Let's discuss several areas for developing your own business.

Options: trade, services, production, intermediation, startups. There is also science, Internet projects and other more complex business models, but let’s start with the simple ones for now. If you are interested in discussing more complex areas, write in the comments, we will discuss).

Since, in general, everything is clear with trade and services (if not, let me know, we’ll tell you), we’ll focus on production.

What kind of production is profitable to engage in?

It’s worth noting right away that manufacturing is a promising area. Previously, production was considered a labor-intensive and complex process, but today, to start producing products, you do not need huge capital investments. Therefore, it remains to decide what type of business is profitable to engage in specifically in this area.

In addition, it is worth noting that thanks to the development of modern technologies, production equipment has become very affordable. You can start by ordering simple machines from China or renting equipment.

There are many production areas in Russia. At the start, while there are few orders, you can negotiate with one of the factories to rent space. It is often possible to negotiate the rental of an entire production line. It all depends on you!

Remember that you can always agree on everything! All in your hands!

The profitable business of many entrepreneurs once began with a mini-factory located in the basement. But this in no way exempts us from the need to analyze the profitability of this idea.

The results may vary. For example, in the manufacturing sector, one of the most profitable areas is the production of concrete products. To start developing this business, you need to study the legal side of the business and understand how many workers are required.

The main concerns in production: uninterrupted supply of the plant with raw materials and active sales of finished products. And of course, the key to success for any type of business, including manufacturing, is successful sales. Therefore, special attention should be paid to product sales channels and the selection of sales managers.

Business from scratch? Buy a ready-made business or a franchise?

Decide for yourself which option suits you best: develop a business from scratch or buy a ready-made one? There are disadvantages and advantages in both options: there will be significantly less worries and various red tape when buying a ready-made one, but at the same time it will cost more and there are risks.

Options for purchasing a ready-made business also include a franchise. Here you buy a ready-made, established business mechanism with prescribed business processes. The chance of such a business to fail is minimal! For aspiring entrepreneurs. Here you almost always need start-up capital, but the likelihood of success increases significantly.

Is it worth opening a seasonal business?

When thinking about what kind of profitable business you can start, you should not ignore the seasonal one. If you choose the right niche, it will be a very profitable area. It is known that the same grocery stores have both year-round and seasonal products. In general, whether a business is seasonal or not is not so important. The main thing is to have a strong desire and commercial skill.

And many people have plenty of ideas - if only they had the desire and the initial capital. For example, in the summer you can open a summer café-tent, selling light snacks and alcoholic drinks. And the main delicacy can be a delicious kebab.

Growing greens is a very popular and profitable business. Many housewives simply cannot imagine a delicious dinner without dill and aromatic parsley, and out of season it is quite expensive.

There is just a little time left until the moment when we will be delighted by the hot sun and warm breeze, when we can forget about heavy down jackets and fur coats. Therefore, it’s time to start thinking about what kind of small business a beginner can start in the summer.

Well drilling is a seasonal business, but extremely profitable. There is very good demand for this service on the Internet, and the competition is relatively small. When we created and launched a drilling website, we managed to promote it quite quickly. By switching cars to gas, we managed to reduce gasoline costs by 2 times.

Online store - modern business or utopia?

There is nothing difficult about launching an online store. It's easier than it seems at first glance. So, let's figure it all out together!

The plan for launching an online store is as follows:

  • identify and explore 2-3 niches;
  • study competitors, their strengths and weaknesses;
  • talk to potential suppliers;
  • order development or rent an online store;
  • launch a direct message to receive your first orders;
  • Further optimization and promotion of the online store will be required.

It is important to do everything quickly so as not to burn out. No need to make a second ozone or connection! It is long, expensive and unprofitable. (Ozone was unprofitable for 10 years). Competition on the Internet is growing every day. Therefore, it is important to carve out a niche. There is no need to cram as many products as possible into the site. A niche site is easier to promote.

For example, a website for HTC smartphones is much easier to promote, unlike an online store that sells everything. If you decide to sell robotic vacuum cleaners, smartphones and multicookers, make 3 separate websites. Your chances increase significantly. Yandex and Google will “love” your sites faster.

It’s a similar story when promoting a website through contextual advertising (Yandex Direct and Google AdWords). General requests (“smartphone”, “multi-cooker”) will quickly drain your budget and not produce any benefit.

It is important to start with the most targeted phrases, for example: “buy a Redmond multicooker”, “htc one price”.

What business is better not to engage in?

In addition to a profitable investment, there is always a risk of losing money and business by choosing the wrong field of entrepreneurship. For example, business owners of expensive, luxury goods are at great risk, since these items can become unprofitable. In addition, such a business requires large investments, which beginner businessmen often do not have at their disposal.

Businesses based on the sale of expensive clothing, shoes, the production of luxury building materials or expensive furniture often become unprofitable and risky. Therefore, when starting a business related to luxury goods, keep in mind that the risks will be higher. Of course, the chances of making good money here are very high!

We hope our article helped you with choosing “what small business to start.”

Add the site to bookmarks, leave comments - we’ll be happy to chat. We wish you success! You will succeed! Good luck in business!