Today's horoscope for December.


Career will be the focus this month for Aries. Internal and emotional worries will fade into the background in December.
Your interest in foreign cultures and people may lead to foreign travel.

December promises career growth for Aries, with promotion and increased remuneration. Your work will be appreciated and recognized by your superiors. Of course, hard work is necessary in order to get the desired results in December 2017.

If you are looking for a new job in December, you will most likely get a job abroad. There are bright prospects for you to study abroad, which will improve your professional skills after the passage of Mercury retrograde 2017.

The beneficial influence of planet Mars and other planets will lead to greater financial prosperity this month. You are more aggressive and ready to achieve your money goals. Your family supports your financial ventures and your own experience will help you make money. You also have the support of your friends and social contacts for money projects after mid-December.

Even if your Aries partner's finances are thriving, conflicts may arise between you and your partner regarding money matters. Problems with authorities will be easily resolved this month. Property transactions will become a cause of concern.

December predicts that new romantic opportunities will open up for Aries while you continue your career or social activities. You will find love in your professional environment or while dating online.

Intelligent and highly communicative people will attract you as partners. You are looking for your own space in matters of love in December. The problems of choosing a suitable love partner will accompany you until the last week of the month. Married couples will also doubt whether to have a child or not.

Aries' health will be excellent until December 2017. You should pay attention to the intestines, bronchi, and be sure to take care of your liver.


Most of the planets are in the northern half of the horoscope and the House of Career will become stronger after the second week of the month. Career development will take up most of your attention in December. But Taurus will not be able to ignore internal and psychological problems at all.

Planetary influences indicate the materialization of something on a large scale in the life of Taurus. In this change, Taurus will have to overcome many obstacles. You will be able to realize your ambitions if you successfully manage various aspects of your life.

In 2017, December's Mercury retrograde will affect the real meaning of life and death and your finances. This month will bring clarity to the spiritual and academic aspects of Taurus life.

As for career development, everything will be great in December. You will see the results of your hard work after the middle of the month. You can expect promotions and financial incentives or fantastic business offers in December.

Planetary influence will result in increased monetary prospects. You become richer by helping others become more prosperous. Profits will improve with proper financial management. All unnecessary expenses should be cut and excess money should be used to pay off old debts in December.

Investments in government securities will be beneficial for Taurus. You will have the generous support of your partner in your financial progress. Earnings can be improved by increasing your consciousness and business approach. The planetary influence of December 2017 will make you think about big plans to earn large sums of money.

Taurus singles will have many opportunities to start a romantic relationship. Taurus's mutual understanding with his current partner will increase significantly. You will get along well with influential and rich people. Marital conflicts will be resolved in your favor and there is a chance of pregnancy.

Taurus' health will improve, especially if you add normal walking and fitness exercises. Protect yourself from frostbite and seasonal disorders.


In the Gemini horoscope for December, most of the planets are in the northern sector. The House of Family is weak, while the House of Career is very powerful, which will ensure career advancement.

Career issues are very important for Geminis. Family and psychological issues may be in the background during Mercury retrograde in December 2017.

The planetary strength is in the western half of the chart and the House of Others dominates the House of Self. For Geminis, this is not the time to exercise independence and determination. Harmony in the social sphere will be necessary to achieve your goals. Consensus and cooperation are important, and you must be flexible enough to accommodate other people's interests in December.

The stars will favor you and promise career growth this month. You will be able to quickly achieve your goals. If you are looking for a job, you will get a job to fulfill your aspirations. Family and friends will help you get the right job or start a new business in December.

Financial well-being will be quite promising from the middle of the month. Financial interests will not be so important this month. You will become prosperous by helping your spouse and others become richer. Investments will be very profitable for Geminis in December this year.

This will be a socially active month for Gemini with a lot of communication and meetings. Naturally, the chances of forming a love relationship are bright with the beneficial influence of the planets and their movement forward. The Sun, Venus, Mars and your ruling planet are in the House of Love in December. This is also a favorable time to get pregnant.

Single Geminis will find love among colleagues in the office or while attending meetings, events or fitness.

Gemini's health is not in danger until December 21, 2017 and can be improved by cleansing your body of toxins. This month is ideal for getting rid of all bad habits and addictions such as alcoholism, smoking or caffeine addiction. This month, all negative emotions and thoughts should be thrown out of your mind to enhance your psychological well-being.


In December, the western half of the horoscope will be more powerful than the eastern half. People of this sign will need to complete tasks related to social skills and adaptability, skills in finding compromises and respecting the interests of other people will be useful.

The period of Mercury retrograde in December 2017 will also affect Cancers. The career environment will be tough, but there will be plenty of growth there. You can achieve your business goals in your profession easily and this will lead to promotion and financial rewards. The career planet and the work planet are pulling you in different directions. You will have to manage these conflicting forces to succeed in your profession in December.

In December, Cancers will have the opportunity to earn money by profession and through social contacts. Professional earnings will be responsible for your income until December 21, 2017. After this, money will begin to flow through your social contacts. Management will appreciate your social skills and this will lead to an improvement in your career in December.

A dynamic social life awaits you this month. Single Cancers have a great chance of forming love relationships. However, you will have problems choosing the right partner. Love will come unexpectedly, in pursuit of your goals and enjoying your social life. You will be looking for rich love partners in December. The current cancer sexuality in relationships will face problems and the situation will be very unstable. After December 20, 2017, love will be passionate. This is also a favorable month for planning a pregnancy.

For the most part, your health will be excellent in December. It is worth paying attention to general aches and pains in the muscles. Try including vegetables in your diet such as zucchini, pumpkin, curry, lettuce and green beans.

a lion

The planetary strength will fluctuate between the northern and southern halves of the horoscope. You need to focus on your career and family. Career progress for Leos should be based on feelings of happiness and comfort. You are more prone to internal problems and psychological satisfaction in December.

Career for the Leo sign will become important only after December 21, 2017. You will be strong creatively in your professional life. Leos looking for work will receive abundant openings in December. But you need to critically analyze the prospects before accepting offers.

Financial prosperity will be fabulous during this month under the influence of Mercury. Your financial intelligence will be successful and you will be able to make informed decisions. If you are interested in risky investments, the period after December 12, 2017 will be encouraging. Investments in travel-related projects and finance will give good returns after the 2017 Mercury retrograde program.

Money will come from the sphere of innovative technologies, and will also be spent by the lion on entertainment. Money is coming in from various sources this month. Your family will also be responsible for your income. Speculation and resourcefulness will help with this. Your profession will provide you with the opportunity to earn money in the second half of December.

In December 2017, your focus will be on fun and entertainment. There will be a lot of parties until the 21st month. Planets Venus and Jupiter will provide you with ample opportunities for love and romance.

If you are already in a relationship, then this is a great month for pregnancy. Single Leos will find love in a professional environment.


The planetary power is in the southern sector of the horoscope this month and the House of Family is dominant. Internal issues and psychological issues will be more important than professional problems for Virgo.

You can visualize the future of your career and create a strategy to implement it when the planets become favorable in the future. Emotional strength is vital and you will be able to focus your efforts on this aspect of life in December.

More planets are in the western half of the chart than in the eastern half. This makes social skills more important than Virgo's independence and determination. Teamwork and compromise are essential, and you must be flexible to accept the opinions of others during Mercury retrograde in December.

Career and business are in the background at present, but the Moon will help in a sudden professional upswing after mid-December 2017. Virgos should be careful about employment prospects and new deals after December 24th.
The monetary situation in December is quite satisfactory. The period before the 15th is favorable for risky investments and you will earn money while you have fun. Professional income will increase cash flow after mid-December. Major financial transactions must be made before the 24th, as the planets will be in negative aspect. Virgos should be prudent in their habits and spend less in December 2017.

This month will see the strong influence of Venus and Jupiter and romance will flourish in your life. However, making a final decision seems like a distant dream in your new relationship. If there is good compatibility in the relationship, it may lead to marriage or pregnancy in December. The month will be full of pleasures and ideal for relaxation. The moon on December 13, 2017 will help you resolve conflicts in your family and bring happiness to family members.
Virgo's health will be fragile until December 21, 2017. You should focus on saving energy. Good emotional health will be necessary, take care of maintaining it to avoid depression.


Most of the planets are in the southern sector of the horoscope and the Family House is dominant. It is necessary to deal with both internal problems and psychological issues. Career should be moving towards new prospects in December.

Planetary strength is equally distributed between the eastern and western halves of the chart this month. Social skills and cooperation will help you do many things.

Situations can be changed at the will of Libra, but you must be flexible and monitor the situation. You must strike a balance between autonomy and dependence during Mercury Retrograde in December 2017.

Libra job seekers will have no problem receiving offers after the middle of the month. But they may have trouble choosing the right job. Offers of employment should be carefully reviewed.

Monetary wealth will be sustainable for Libra, but will require serious effort. The presence of Pluto in your House of Money will ensure a steady flow of money. You should think about improving your finances by being creative and thinking of new ways to make money. There will be conflicts in family life due to Libra's preoccupation with finances in December.

Lonely Libras will have every chance of entering into a romantic union. It will be more for fun and entertainment. You can find love in professional and medical environments. Libra's compatibility and commitment to relationships will be lacking in December.

Existing Libra relationships will face turbulence due to planetary influences. The movement of Mars will help you find a solution after December 10th. It is better to plan a child only after this period.

Being aware of health conditions after mid-December 2017 will help you take care of your fitness. You must pay attention to your emotional health and conserve your physical energy.


Most of the planets in the December horoscope are in the Southern sector and the House of Family will become more dominant after mid-December 2017.

Career will be in the background, and family and psychological issues will be in the spotlight. Scorpio will focus on establishing harmony in family relationships.

You are very autonomous and have the power to do things your own way. Situations can change according to Scorpio's requirements. Although you are not dependent on others, to achieve your goals in life you need to be wise to gain the cooperation of others.

Career opportunities will haunt Scorpios this month. You will get good offers during the third week of December 2017. You are looking for emotional satisfaction in your profession. Due to planetary influences, you are likely to be less able to achieve your professional and business goals in December.

Financially, this will be a prosperous month for Scorpio. Money opportunities will simply follow you. It will take a lot of hard work and a lot of persistence to achieve your goals. You will have the support of family members in your budget ventures. You will spend money on luxury items in December. Scorpio's finances can be boosted in December, increasing your confidence and prospects. You will spend money to improve your standard of living. Cash flow will be generated through intuition and following your dreams. Charitable work and social work will consume part of your earnings in December.

Scorpio singles will find love in the family circle, academic environment or in the immediate vicinity of your home. You will be drawn to people with intellectual and communication skills, or to people who are generous and caring.

Mercury retrograde in December will create obstacles in Scorpio's current relationships. Your partner will seek more freedom. You may have to decide to continue the relationship.

Scorpio's health requires more attention and proper care. You should look at improving your emotional well-being and work smarter to maintain physical health.


Planetary force exists in the southern half of the horoscope this month. The family house is very strong, but the career house is very weak. Naturally, inner happiness and emotional balance are more important than career development in December for Sagittarius. You can channel your energies to increase happiness in your family and work on your career wisely.

You have the freedom to build your life on your own terms. You are not attached to others and do not seek their help. There is no need for a Sagittarius to be attached to situations or people. Create your own paradise and enjoy.
Despite concerns about family matters, professional prospects open up for Sagittarius.

Sagittarius' currency affairs will be in the spotlight this month. Your professional knowledge and emotional strength will help you become prosperous. Your friends will support you to achieve your goals easily. Sagittarius' earnings can be increased through foreign projects, or with the help of foreigners in December.

December 2017 is a good time for love and romance for Sagittarius. You can attract romantic partners with your charm. You have many opportunities to build a loving relationship. However, you will hesitate and be unable to decide the fate of the partnership.

Sagittarius will resolve problems in current relationships until the end of the first week of December 2017. After this, a smooth course for love and family relationships is ensured. This is a good time to plan the birth of a child. Planetary aspects are perfect for enjoying sexual pleasures this month. You will have a pleasant month with a lot of vitality and passion in your life.

The health of Sagittarius will be fantastic in December 2017 and can be improved through wellness treatments and exercises.


Planetary strength moves in the southern sector of the horoscope this month. Therefore, the focus changes from professional issues to the family and emotional aspects of Capricorn's life. Harmony in the domestic atmosphere will help you achieve good career growth. Both career and family require equal attention if you are to succeed in life in December 2017.

Independence and bold actions will give the desired results. You have the power to decide what you want and take action to realize your goals. Showing social charm is desirable, but not required. There is no need to bend to situations and people. Design your life and work on it more actively in December.

Spirituality will play an important role this month. You will spend your time increasing your spiritual awareness by attending conferences and through meditation. Dreams and intuition will guide your actions. You will also be interested in charitable work during Mercury Retrograde in December.

Career and business development will progress well. This will be based on the emotional happiness of Capricorns in December.
The presence of Saturn in your money house will lead to great financial prosperity. Your interest in spirituality will also help you earn more money indirectly. Uranus will improve Capricorn's financial intelligence and help achieve financial goals in December.

The sphere of love will be static this month. Few single Capricorns will be lucky in creating a love relationship, it will be for fun. You'll find love while you're chasing financial growth after mid-December. The married couple will lead a blissful life and may even be ready to plan for a child.

Capricorn's health will be fabulous in December 2017. Your vitality will be very high after the 21st. Health can be enhanced by physical exercise.


The planetary power is in the upper half of the Aquarius horoscope this month and the House of Career is very dominant. The emphasis will be on career development and fulfilling external ambitions for the Aquarius personality. You must comply with family requirements, and such a need will arise in December.

Planetary influences create many contradictions in various areas of life for Aquarius. You must struggle and maintain balance between different areas of life due to the effects that Mercury retrograde will create.
Besides career, spirituality will dominate this month. You must imbibe spiritual values ​​into what you are doing in life. Material values ​​and spiritual aspirations in the sign of Aquarius must be in balance to achieve success in life. Although it looks tough, it is not that difficult.

Professionally, Aquarius will be very successful this month. Career and business expansion will be very successful. Social contacts play an important role in your success. Career will get a boost due to involvement in spiritual activities. Your hard work will be recognized by your superiors and you will be rewarded with improved status and earnings in December.
Planet Neptune, your financial planet, together with Uranus, will provide you with prosperity. Money will be earned through bold financial actions and taking calculated risks in December 2017.

The presence of Saturn in your house of love will cause some caution in matters of romance. You have to let love bloom slowly. Even in marriages, be sure to sort things out with your spouse. Planning a child is not yet advisable, but should be done after some thought.

Single Aquarians, you'll find plenty of opportunities for romance this month. Love can be found in social circles during parties and other social gatherings. You will be able to find partners in spiritual settings such as conferences and religious events. Venus will add charm to your looks this month, and you will spend money on personal frills to make you look more tempting.

Improvements in health will be noticeable this month, but treat it with due caution. Enter a proper exercise routine. Fitness will also come in handy.


The planetary force is in the northern sector of the Pisces horoscope in December. The house of career is strong, but the house of family is empty.
Career issues will be the focus of December 2017. Internal issues along with emotional issues will not be so important for Pisces. You are able to balance spiritual and material issues quite well.

Most planets are in the eastern half of the chart. The sun sign will help you achieve your goals through personal confidence and decisive action. There is no need to depend on others and you can chart your own course. Social favor is not needed and flexibility is not required to achieve your ambitions in December.

Professional growth can be achieved by improving the knowledge base through training. You may have to travel a lot for professional reasons. Pisces' career will grow while they are involved in humanitarian work and social service. Your family encourages your efforts to advance your career.

Although their career progresses rapidly, Pisces will have to face many problems. This may affect your energy levels. There will be turbulence and power struggles in the organization, but these changes will be beneficial in December.

The money situation for the Pisces sign is quite delicate. It takes more effort to make money this month. Planetary movements will help your finances. Earnings will improve as your financial intuition becomes sharper and you will be able to make the right decisions quickly. Money will come in your career through salary increases and bonuses in December. Financial flow will also be increased by family members. After December 20, friends and social contacts will help you achieve additional budget growth.

Mercury retrograde will cause Pisces to be highly unpredictable in matters of love. Socially you will come into contact with very influential people. Single Pisces will look for partners who can help them grow professionally. Great compatibility can be found in a work environment with colleagues. Married couples may be thinking about having a child; now is a favorable period for this.

Fish health will remain a concern until December 21, 2017. You can improve it through fitness and spiritual healing. Social media for health can help you improve your emotional and physical health.


December 2017 will pass under the sign of Saturn, which strengthens the will and helps to overcome obstacles. In December, those people who behave consistently and logically, who have their own personal position, and who show organizational talent and leadership skills will be lucky. This is a great time for those who have developed intuition, insight and foresight, who do not go on adventures and think through their every step. The planets encourage you to demonstrate such qualities as discipline, the ability to control yourself and react intelligently to difficult situations.

For more than two years - since September 2015 - the planet Saturn was in Sagittarius, which is why we experienced constant changes in our social life. These were years of career instability, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, short-term successes that were followed by long periods of failure. On December 20, 2017, Saturn moves into Capricorn, the sign of its abode, where it will remain until March 2020. It will help us analyze any situation more deeply, make the right choice, become more organized, purposeful and focused on our goals. If you seriously plan your life, show persistence and patience and work hard, then over the next two years you will be able to achieve great success, advance in your career and social life. It is necessary to set goals, strive for results, develop, move forward, and improve in the professional field. The beneficial influence of Saturn will clearly manifest itself in 2018 and will intensify in 2019. And in December 2017, we will only begin to feel its positive impact. In the last month of the outgoing year, we will gradually regain our lost balance and find solid ground under our feet, which is symbolized by Saturn.

December is very suitable for completing various projects, in order to take care of unfinished matters that were started in the past. But try not to start anything new. This is especially true when moving to another country, buying real estate, starting a business, getting married, or buying a car. Retrograde Mercury from December 3 to 23 will interfere with new business, put a spoke in the wheel, create various obstacles, and provoke failures. It is favorable only for completing things and summing up results. This will be a very important time for students and those who are striving to pass exams and are trying to get everything done before the New Year holidays.

December 1-2– favorable days of excellent health and interesting events. Household chores may take a lot of time, but they will bring pleasure and joy. It’s good to devote these days to cleaning and cleaning the house, shopping, and canning. Invite guests and family, set a beautiful table, chat with loved ones. December 3-4 There will be a full moon in Gemini, which guarantees high performance and success in business, but there is one condition - you need to keep your emotions under control. On this day, you need to collect your thoughts, leave behind grievances and dissatisfaction with loved ones. It is very dangerous to quarrel and sort things out. During the full moon, the desire to do something special, to decorate and transform your life intensifies, but try to be restrained in consuming spicy, alcoholic and fatty foods, do not visit bars and discos, avoid disputes and conflicts. Anything that excites the imagination can turn into a source of negative energy. These days will be the most successful for people of creative professions. They will experience a powerful surge of inspiration and will be able to start working on a new masterpiece. It should be remembered that inspiration does not like extraneous noise and empty talk. Turn off your phone, focus and start working!

December 5-7 Accuracy, accuracy, prudence, attention to detail, trifles, consistency, and logical thinking increase. It is very important these days to show discipline and seriousness in professional and financial matters. These are good days for increased intellectual activity and for signing important documents. Communication with older and influential people, superiors, and official organizations proceeds well. We will all feel a little tired and tired, but it is advisable to keep pushing and keep moving forward. This is a bad day for your personal life. Try not to discuss anything and control your emotions.

From 8 to 18 December– the most successful period during the month. We will be able to achieve our goals if they relate to completing the projects we have started and summing up the results. Finally, at the end of 2017, you will be able to get what you have long deserved. This concerns issues of career and social status. Each of us will be given the opportunity to express ourselves, work and achieve what we want. In mid-December we need to start making plans for 2018. It is especially important to think through issues of running a business, career growth, changing jobs, increasing income or salary. The Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - will feel better than others. All circumstances will meet them halfway. It will be a little more difficult for the Air signs - Libra, Aquarius and Gemini, because they often lack organization and perseverance. But they will still be able to achieve success, as their desire to complete what they start will increase. For Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, the time of long-awaited stability will come. They will be calmer than usual, and this will help them quickly and successfully implement everything that is planned. Representatives of Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios will concentrate better than usual. They will be able to discard everything unnecessary and begin to act in their own interests.

The most difficult time in the last month of 2017 was the period from 19 to 23 December. It is at this time that both the Sun and Saturn will transition into the sign of Capricorn. Because of this transition, they will find themselves in conjunction with the dangerous stars Etamine and Sinistra. This will be a time of very great stress, when there are too many responsibilities at work, in business and in the family. In commercial affairs, failures, expenses and losses are dangerous. Refrain from important purchases during this time. At this time, life presents many debts for payment. Try to pay for them if possible. Be careful in business, do not rush to tell everyone about your successes or failures. This will be a time when our patience and endurance are tested. Keep in mind that the body's resistance will be reduced, and many will experience a depressed, depressed state. Chronic diseases may worsen, especially in older people.

In your personal life, a desire for loneliness will manifest itself, a desire to isolate yourself from loved ones. This will be a time of forced separation, as if the circumstances themselves are such that people are left alone. Some of us will experience disappointment and sadness, and there may even be quarrels and conflicts. The situation both in your personal life and in business will change thanks to Venus in Capricorn, which will be especially strong from December 24 to 31. She will bring some order and bring calm to the relationship. This will be a very interesting time when we will be overwhelmed by a wave of optimism and joy of life. You can count on positive changes in family relationships. Those who are looking for their soulmate may be lucky. The stars during this period promise many prospects and opportunities. At the end of December, the most focused and purposeful people will receive very pleasant surprises, which will be a wonderful reward for their efforts throughout the year.

December 24-31– an intense time that will give you many wonderful emotions, feelings and unforgettable impressions. New Year 2018 is best celebrated with friends. Joint trips and vacations will bring new colors to your relationship. New acquaintances and interesting meetings are possible. It is favorable to attend social events and fun parties. Try to say goodbye to the old year on a cheerful note. And celebrate the New Year with those you love and who are dear to you.

What else awaits representatives of all zodiac signs in December?

Aries. A favorable month for large financial transactions. You are going on a business trip or a tourist trip. The first week is good for love. The second half of December is the right time for serious work. Show more persistence and self-confidence, and December will bring you both money and a new job status. December will bring you peace.

For Taurus December is the calmest and most fertile time. At the beginning of the month, you need to take a more sober approach to your financial issues. By consciously going through a series of tests, you will gain complete moral and material well-being. The end of the month promises you stability and excellent prospects. The last days of the year will be especially favorable for you.

Twins. December is a time of active conquest of social positions. It is necessary to determine your place in society, to find true partners both in love and in the business world. This month is also good and successful for trade and court cases, for creative relaxation. Your heavenly patron, Mercury, will help you find a good understanding with a loved one. In the first ten days, some Geminis may experience a slowdown in the progress of things, and personal relationships may crack. Be prepared to compromise. Avoid conflicts.
Cancer. At the very beginning of the month, it will be difficult for you to calmly do your usual things. Some changes will force you to make rearrangements and adapt to new conditions. But the middle of the month will be favorable for both everyday work and entertainment. By the New Year, it’s better for you to sort out all your affairs and make a successful rearrangement in the house. Small and large investments of money will be successful.

A lion. December is an important and generally favorable month for you. The first week is ideal for art and scientific research, as well as for travel and entertainment. The beginning of the second decade will involve you in serious social processes. The period from December 20 to 25 is good for work, especially for new things. The end of the year guarantees stability for your budget, just follow one formality - be sure to bring any work you start to the end, no matter how trivial it may seem to you. Also beware of losses through speculation and deception.

Virgo. Until the middle of the month you will have to mostly solve old problems. This time is favorable for household chores. Possible support from influential people. In December, fate prepared many interesting and important offers for Virgos. But the stars claim that they will not bring you any return or pleasure, they will only seriously shake your wallet. However, from the middle of the month, a chain of successful circumstances will help you earn good money and make successful changes in your activities. For the holidays, you can receive nice gifts or make good purchases. On December 31st, pleasant surprises await you.

Scales. In December, you will feel the most comfortable of all the zodiac signs - you are expected to make interesting new acquaintances, strengthen your financial situation, and even an unexpected increase in additional earnings. Get ready for big changes, for a promotion. The position of the Moon gives you diplomacy, the ability to better feel your partner, and the desire for a more harmonious life. From December 27 to 31 you will have many interesting meetings.

Scorpion. A very interesting and mostly favorable month for you. Solid cash receipts are likely before December 15th. One of the main sources of vigor and good health will be your systematic progress towards your goals. This is especially true for the second half of the month. You will also be able to improve your relationship with your family. Many Scorpios will discover new spiritual values ​​and a high life goal in December. This will help you maintain health, well-being of loved ones and a solid foundation under your feet.

Sagittarius. December is an eventful month. Savings and avoidance of large investments are desirable. Conflicts with higher authorities are possible. It is extremely important not to get carried away by romantic temptations and try to pay off all debt obligations and not take on new ones. There is a high probability of an economic crisis (in enterprises managed by Sagittarius), after which everything will quickly and permanently fall into place. In mid-December, you may experience weakening health, as well as an unexpected peak in your daily routine. Take your health seriously.

Capricorn. In December you can plan a trip; it will contain many pleasant surprises. It is very important to pay maximum attention to health. Natural juices are very beneficial for you. Your karma requires that for the new year you accept a new life program and abandon excessive egoism and selfishness. And the sooner you internally free yourself from these qualities, the clearer, simpler and more joyful life will become for you. At the end of the year, Capricorns will have prospects for gaining a strong social status thanks to the help of an influential person or marriage partner.

Aquarius. At the beginning of December, you will be actively moving up the career ladder, revealing yourself to be an experienced and very successful professional. Interesting ideas may come to you, and meetings may end in new friendship. You are given the right to correct your own destiny. Be especially careful in related and family relationships. The end of the month will mostly be calm, cheerful and joyful.

The first ten days of December and especially its beginning, from December 2 to 4, can be a very negative and stressful period. It should be noted that at this time various conflicts and tensions may unexpectedly arise both in relations between people and between states.

You need to be extremely careful, especially in the period before the new moon on December 3, when the situation may be aggravated by the retrograde motion of Mercury. Any undertakings before December 8 may encounter unexpected problems and difficulties, as well as delays and bureaucratic obstacles. Only after December 9, when the state of the Earth’s biosphere becomes more harmonious, and Mars enters its home in the sign of Scorpio on December 9, will creative energy begin to rise, people’s vital activity will intensify, a desire will appear to stabilize the situation, resolve conflicts, and relationships between people will become more constructive and positive.

Therefore, the period from December 8 to December 19 may be remembered as one of the interesting and positive ones, when it will be possible to receive rewards for past efforts and take stock of previous projects and innovations. It will be important to do this before the new moon on December 18, since after December 20 Saturn and the 21st Sun will enter the sign of Capricorn, which can create difficulties in communication, understanding and provoke problems both in the international arena and in business and in relationships between people .

Read also: Horoscope for 2018 for all zodiac signs

The period from December 20 to 28 will be marked by the unstable state of the Earth's biosphere, therefore, as a result of decreased performance, colds and inflammatory diseases, many deals may fall through, negotiations, and business relationships will be ineffective. A more positive period for breaking out of stagnation will begin after December 23, when Mercury begins its direct movement again.

In addition, on December 25, Venus will enter the sign of Capricorn and will reduce the influence of negative aspects and cold energies that Saturn will bring in the sign of Capricorn. By the end of the year, especially after December 27-28, the life potential of many people will slowly begin to increase, so on the eve of the New Year, mood, communication skills will improve, and positive prospects will appear in professional activities or in personal relationships for the coming year.

For many Pisces, December will be accompanied by a decrease in the vitality of the body, so they will not be able to fully express themselves. At the beginning of the month, from December 2 to 8, lethargy and apathy can become a serious obstacle to business and cause irritation and dissatisfaction among colleagues and management. In the period from December 9 to 22, the harmonious energies of the Cosmos will help Pisces cope with stress and, thanks to the ability to avoid sharp corners in communication, attract the attention of others to themselves and their talents. This is a very favorable period for creativity, travel, for spiritual self-improvement, as well as for positioning yourself and your creative projects abroad, finding sponsors, patrons or fans. And at the end of the month, Pisces will feel a surge of strength, although their career position may be in jeopardy.

  • Favorable days for Pisces in December 2017 - December 2, 6, 10, 15, 19, 25, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for Pisces in December 2017 - December 4, 8, 13, 23, 26.

For many Capricorns, December may turn out to be the most difficult month of the year, since changes in their energy will affect their mood and ability to work. At the same time, at the beginning of the month, strong-willed efforts in business can only lead to nervous breakdowns and chaos. It is better to start intensive work and active communication in the period from December 8 to 22, when harmonious energies will help Capricorns correctly perceive incoming information and choose the right moment for their actions. At this time, they can be actively promoted in their careers and offered more promising and leadership jobs. In addition, Capricorns will be ready to change a lot in their lives and make a sharp turn in their careers. At the end of the month, their energy will begin to recover, and this is a favorable period to take control not only of their lives, but also of those around them.

  • Favorable days for Capricorns in December 2017 - December 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for Capricorns in December 2017 - December 4, 7, 13, 23.

For Sagittarius, December is one of the most harmonious periods of the year, opening up new tempting prospects in life. They will feel more freedom to express themselves and will be able to realize their talents in music, poetry, and art. They will need a harmonious environment around them, as well as love and sincerity in relationships. This is a favorable period to put your figure in order, take care of your appearance, as well as for love, to bring romance, beauty and sophistication into your relationships and life. At the same time, Sagittarius will stand firmly on the ground, so they will be able to use their inspiration for purely practical purposes, striving with all the assertiveness for a better and special attitude towards themselves. At the end of December, Sagittarius' energy will subside a little, and they will be able to enjoy the results of their efforts.

  • Favorable days for Sagittarius in December 2017 - December 3, 8, 12, 16, 21, 26, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for Sagittarius in December 2017 - December 1, 6, 10, 14, 24.

December for Scorpios is an active and chaotic period, as they will have to fuss a lot to strengthen their material sphere, as well as take on unusual tasks and responsibilities that may not be to their taste. Especially at the beginning of the month, excessive fuss and conflict can cause nervous breakdowns and fatigue. The period from December 8 to December 22 will be more harmonious and successful financially. They will be able to feel like quite successful and enterprising people, and this will help them start their own business, choose an independent and independent direction in their work, and realize their creative ideas. At the same time, a justified risk will help them significantly change their financial situation. But at the end of the month, Scorpios’ energy will increase, and they will be able to act even more efficiently.

  • Favorable days for Scorpios in December 2017 - December 1, 5, 9, 14, 19, 24, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for Scorpios in December 2017 - December 3, 7, 11, 16, 21.

The end of the year for Libra will be very positive, both for health and for increasing their income. However, at the beginning of the month they need to be more restrained, since partners can provoke Libra into open conflicts. But from December 8 to December 22, a very fruitful period awaits them, especially for communications, discussions of important issues, and making plans for the future. At the same time, Libra’s ability to conduct a dialogue, their diplomacy and charm can open the way for them to new areas of activity, to communication with the broad masses of people or in high circles. At this time, they will be able to significantly improve their well-being, receive lucrative offers, gifts, bonuses, and also successfully implement themselves in scientific activities. And at the end of the month it is better for them to change the rhythm of life and spend more time among loved ones.

  • Favorable days for Libra in December 2017 -
  • Unfavorable days for Libra in December 2017 - December 2, 6, 10, 15, 20.

December is not the most successful period for Virgos, since they will be more concerned about the stability of their position and immediate prospects in life. At the same time, Virgo’s dedicated work can bring them rewards at the beginning of the month, although unplanned expenses can block all income. The period from December 8 to December 22 is calmer, when communication can be very successful, and Virgos can receive the necessary guarantees, as well as coordinate accumulated and urgent issues with partners or employers. This is a period of success in learning, intellectual activity, as well as for transformations in your home, for moving and improving living conditions. At the end of the month, the influence of the biosphere will be more harmonious for the health of Virgos, and they need to take time out to rest and recover,

  • Favorable days for Virgos in December 2017 - December 2, 5, 9, 14, 19, 24, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for Virgos in December 2017 - December 3, 7, 11, 17, 21, 26.

This month, Leos may have great opportunities to realize their talents and ambitious goals. True, at the beginning of the month there may be conflicts and tense relationships with loved ones, relatives, as well as dangers during trips and flights. The period from December 8 to December 22 will be happier, especially in love and creativity. Their own successes will inspire Leos to new achievements, and they will be willing to take risks in order to seize their luck. At the same time, close people may turn out to be the anchor that will keep them afloat, but will not allow them to actively move forward. It is possible that Leos may be offered work abroad, as well as in a completely new field of activity for them. At the end of December, they need to slow down their activity and prepare for the New Year in a calmer environment.

  • Favorable days for Leo in December 2017 - December 4, 8, 13, 18, 23, 27, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for Leo in December 2017 - December 2, 6, 10, 20, 25.

This month, Cancers need to be more careful about their health, monitor their diet and proper routine. At the beginning of the month, until December 8, unreasonable financial expenses and changes at work can become a reason for conflicts. The period from December 9 to December 22 will be more harmonious in this regard, since Cancers will become in demand, they may be offered more favorable conditions, and their intuition will help them make the right choice. This is a very good time for creativity, love, for weddings and celebrations, as well as for self-development, for the realization of one’s extrasensory qualities. At the end of the month, Cancers' life potential will increase, and this is a good moment to assert themselves, consolidate their successes, and also set out their demands. However, in relations with partners you need to act more flexibly, avoiding sharp corners in communication.

  • Favorable days for Cancers in December 2017 - December 2, 6, 10, 15, 20, 25, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for Cancers in December 2017 - December 4, 8, 12, 17, 22, 27.

The December 2017 horoscope predicts an optimistic and good-natured mood. Many will be more interested in social problems rather than personal ones. Enthusiasm and noble goals are what rules people in December. You will want to follow your desires, do good deeds and do charity work.

People in December tend to have a philosophical vision of the world. Spiritual growth and internal restructuring will give positive results and take you to a new level of consciousness. The horoscope for December 2017 advises traveling more, taking excursions and exploring the world. People are characterized not only by financial, but also by spiritual generosity. You can contact legal authorities with sluggish questions. Everything will be resolved in a great way in December. Morals and ethics come first. Many will delve into reading educational literature and begin to study religion. Tours, meetings and conferences - all this will be relevant, as predicted by the horoscope for December 2017. True, accidents, conflicts and depression are possible at the beginning of the month. It is necessary to analyze everything that was done in the past year. Although, it’s still too early to say goodbye to the Fire Rooster, because the whole of December is still ahead, so a lot can change dramatically. The month is filled with troubles, emotional outbursts and everyday problems. In order to thoroughly prepare for the New Year, you need to run a lot, travel and hustle. The December 2017 horoscope does not recommend engaging in self-criticism and inventing problems for yourself. Take care of your nervous system and do not pay attention to minor misunderstandings. The main thing is to calm down internally and collect your thoughts. In December, you need to pay off debts, make peace with people and let go of grievances.

Horoscope for December 2017 Aries
The horoscope for December 2017 says that Aries can, without a doubt, open his own business. The business will be successful, especially if you find reliable partners and enter into lucrative contracts. When communicating with a chosen one, Aries needs to be extremely honest and sincere. In December, Aries does not mind losing excess weight, joining the gym and adjusting his diet. Listen to the advice of older relatives more often, especially when it comes to family life.

Love horoscope for December 2017 Aries
Career horoscope for December 2017 Aries

Horoscope for December 2017 Taurus
Taurus in December 2017 will think and be more involved in work than in his personal life. Many people will experience dramatic changes in their families, but not all of them are for the better. If you wish, you can go to study and master another specialty. In Taurus's financial affairs in December, mistakes, miscalculations and deceptions on the part of business partners are possible. Urgently look for additional income, and also establish contacts with Western partners.

Love horoscope for December 2017 Taurus
Career horoscope for December 2017 Taurus

Horoscope for December 2017 Gemini
The horoscope for December 2017 recommends that Geminis can propose marriage to a person with whom they have been in love for a long time and are 100% confident. Traveling abroad will be great, especially if you have collected all the documents on time and bought a ticket in advance. At the end of December, Libra may meet their school sweetheart, which will once again excite their blood and excite their heart. Be prudent, and don’t rush headlong into the pool.

Love horoscope for December 2017 Gemini
Career horoscope for December 2017 Gemini

Horoscope for December 2017 Cancer
The horoscope for December 2017 advises Cancer to go shopping. You have enough money to buy everything you have dreamed of for a long time. To achieve career growth, you need to work 24 hours a day. Alas, personal life is not at the highest level, but if the initiative is on Cancer’s side, then everything will change dramatically. To improve your health in December, a sauna, a swimming pool and exercise in the morning are useful.

Love horoscope for December 2017 Cancer
Career horoscope for December 2017 Cancer

Horoscope for December 2017 Leo
In December 2017, Leo should not go on a long trip in his car. With loved ones, be sensitive, sympathetic and frank, then you will avoid many disputes and conflicts. It is not advisable to take part in mass events in December. Leo needs to develop a diet and avoid contact with those who have already caught a cold or viral infection. There will be just enough money to buy everything you need for your family and home.

Love horoscope for December 2017 Leo
Career horoscope for December 2017 Leo

Horoscope for December 2017 Virgo
Virgo in December 2017 needs to be attentive to everything that is told and promised to her. Do not trust the first person you meet, both in love and in business matters. In order to achieve success in their career, Virgo needs to be as diligent and persistent as possible. Inertia will not do you any good in December. The fight against bad habits should be a priority, as well as diet and good sleep.

Love horoscope for December 2017 Virgo
Career horoscope for December 2017 Virgo

Horoscope for December 2017 Libra
The horoscope for December 2017 advises Libra to take a course towards a healthy lifestyle. Then you will not only improve your well-being, but also gain more energy for new and promising things. In family life, you should not command and point out your spouse’s shortcomings. In December, Libra should take their career seriously and open a private business. Influential people and close friends will support you in your endeavors.

Love horoscope for December 2017 Libra
Career horoscope for December 2017 Libra

Horoscope for December 2017 Scorpio
In December 2017, Scorpio will dream of only one thing - proper rest. Well, you did a good job, so you deserve a bonus, honor and even an exciting trip. In his personal life, Scorpio needs to eliminate jealousy, suspicion and pacify his temperament. At the end of December, you will receive good news about a relative, which will inspire you and add optimism.

Love horoscope for December 2017 Scorpio
Career horoscope for December 2017 Scorpio

Horoscope for December 2017 Sagittarius
In December 2017, Sagittarius needs to be careful on the road. Emergency situations, injuries and unpleasant incidents with law enforcement agencies are possible. By persistently moving towards the intended goal, Sagittarius will be able to achieve success at work and strengthen their financial position. Before the holidays in December, you can go shopping and buy gifts for loved ones.

Love horoscope for December 2017 Sagittarius
Career horoscope for December 2017 Sagittarius

Horoscope for December 2017 Capricorn
The horoscope for December 2017 warns Capricorn that he must always rely only on himself in everything. If you have problems with money, then do not borrow money, but rather collect your debts. In love, Capricorn can be harmed by excessive selfishness and arrogance. In order for everything to be in order with your health in December, you need to urgently quit smoking and moderate your alcohol consumption. If possible, buy an exercise bike.

Useful tips


This month is associated with increasing your sexual energy, and this is no coincidence, because Mars will now be in a very strong sign. However, your energy will be directed not only to achieving intimate and personal goals; you can do a lot for promoting your business, if you have it, of course. In any case, business issues may appear in your life after Mars enters the sign of Scorpio ( after December 9 2017 ).

This is a good time to prepare some documents, certificates, you can resolve old issues of inheritance, insurance or other matters. Anyway, during Mercury retro It’s better to return to these things rather than start new ones. If you have old unresolved cases related to the listed topics, now there is a high probability of solving them. Questions related to banks may also arise. You can also get your old debts back!

At the end of the month, your intuition will increase, and if any difficulties arise, they can be simply solved, relying on internal clues. Although you are not usually used to hearing your inner voice, this month it is better to take advice and listen to it. You will be able to understand a lot about yourself, and you will also be able to better understand in which direction you should move next and what goals to set.

Attention those who were born during the period from 17 to 20 April of any year, that is, to all Aries born at the very end of the sign. This month will be quite successful for you. If a little earlier the situations in your life were more unpredictable and drastic, now the time has come for stability and calm. The month will bring success and good luck. It's good to go on long journeys.

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : solving old issues, banking sector, sphere of other people's money, loans, debts, money, intimate relationships.


In the first ten days of the month you will take care of your own health. At work they can give additional load, there may be unnecessary stress. However, already after December 9, 2017 the situation will change, the volume of work will decrease, and the workload will disappear.

This is the best time for building relationships with marriage and/or business partners. All your actions in this direction will be successful and will be directed exactly where you need them; you may need to look for new partners (business or personal). You can also offer something new to your partners, be the initiator of joint ventures, which will be perceived quite positively by the other side.

Use your knowledge and techniques now to communication with partners. Also, don’t forget about the clues of your intuition. You can ask friends for help if necessary. In general, communication and cooperation with other people will be quite successful this month.

Attention those who were born during the period from 7 to 9 May any year. This month will bring you changes that can seriously change your life. You may not feel it immediately and sharply, but your inner sense of yourself will still change. In your case, all changes are for the better.

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with partners.


This month you will be able to get excellent results from your efforts. This especially applies to people who have creative activity. If you've been working on creative projects, this month is a good month to complete them and get the rewards you deserve.

This month you will work hard to take a well-deserved break for the new year. You may have to move a lot at work and do physical labor. If you only work on a computer, find an opportunity for yourself move more: This will help improve your overall health, relieve fatigue and stress, and make you more stress-resistant.

It is also good to sign up for a massage or go to the gym or do sports activities at home. By the end of the month, inspiration will increase, they may come new interesting ideas, which can be implemented in work. New Year's weekend will not draw too heavy a line on your activities. Most likely, you will start working on the idea towards the end of the month, and after the holidays you will not start from scratch, but continue what you started.

Planet Mercury, which will go retrograde this month, may bring you meetings with people from the past, or you will learn some news from them.

Attention those who were born during the period from 18 to 21 June any year. In your life now there is a problem of choice, and quite a serious one. It's difficult for you to make a decision. But you still have to do this in the very near future. You need to overcome some serious trials and difficulties. Your options may be significantly limited now.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : Job.


The first third of the month will be devoted to matters related to home and family. There may be cases related to the preparation of some documents on real estate, plots, etc. It may be necessary to resolve inheritance issues. If you have a summer cottage, it is quite possible that it will require additional attention at this time.

After December 9, 2017 you will have opportunities to do what you really like. This is very good time, when you can visit entertainment venues, go shopping for gifts for loved ones, and invite guests home.

In any case, this is a good and positive time, except for health issues that may make themselves felt in December. It is better not to visit catering establishments, but eat only homemade food, then you will significantly reduce the risks of poisoning and other problems with the digestive system. There may also be allergic reactions.

As the New Year approaches, you can take up some creative projects or simply make home decorations with your own hands. Don't be afraid to experiment and implement even the most your unusual ideas.

Attention those who were born during the period from 16 to 18 July any year. This is a dangerous time for you: be careful with electrical equipment and electricity in general. Critical changes may now occur in your life that will unsettle you and leave a strong emotional mark. There may be job-related changes: for example, you may be unexpectedly laid off or fired.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : creation; health; personal life, relationships.

Astrological forecast for the best zodiac signs


In December you will spend a lot of energy and time on your family and home. And although this time does not promise particularly crisis situations, the solution to some issues may be difficult, confusing and sometimes even difficult. However, nothing is impossible for you, and very quickly you will be able to make a decision that will contribute to the successful completion of the matter.

In the first ten days of the month not excluded New acquaintances or gaining new knowledge that you will need for further work.

Parents or other close relatives may need your help. You can also feel free to ask them for help, if necessary, they will be able to help you.

A job may turn up that you will do at home, or a house or apartment will require you to physical effort: something will need to be redone or completed. Perhaps someone will rearrange the furniture, or begin some repair work that can be done in the winter.

Attention those who were born during the period from 16 to 18 August any year. This month, more than ever, you will want freedom and independence; some completely new and unusual ideas may come to you that will completely captivate you. This month is good for realizing the most unusual things that you have been thinking about for a long time and which you will only now be able to put into practice.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : home, family, housing.


The intellectual activity of representatives of your sign this month will be especially high. You will a lot of time spend outside the home, you will communicate a lot and collect various information. Intuition will work well. After December 26, 2017 good to go shopping. This will be a great change of scenery, relaxation and entertainment for you.

In the first week of the month your thoughts may be related to increase in income level. However, not everything will be easy: most likely, you will have to work hard and hard to get good results. You may need to do several things at once. In the end of the month all the necessary information will come by itself.

However, now you will be able to successfully combine work, family and communication outside the home and office. This month will be for you with the whirlwind of various things to do in a variety of areas, which can undoubtedly lead to additional stress, fatigue and exhaustion. The end of the year will be a real happiness, as it will provide enough time for relaxation.

Finish old things, but don't start new ones, at least until December 26, 2017. This month is associated with your retrograde planet mercury, so you may feel slow in doing new things. You will always be brought back to the past. You may need to change something radically.

Attention those who were born during the period from 22 to 24 August any year (at the very beginning of the Virgo sign). This month will be successful for you and will bring many opportunities. The patients are expected to recover. Your endurance and self-control will be at their best, and perseverance and movement towards goals will help you achieve what you want.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : money, finance; family life; Job.


This month you will be mainly busy with making money and solving various financial issues. Money will now occupy a certain part of your life. You may need to resolve some issues with personal finances, a new job or new sources of income may turn up.

You shouldn’t give up the chances that you will be given in December, because now is a very good time to increase your earnings. Intuitively you will make the right decision and you won't be left in the red. Moreover, Jupiter is now visiting your symbolic house of money, so it will help make this area of ​​life more successful.

Important events this month may also be associated with expanding your sphere of influence, new knowledge and a new circle of friends. This may be a help on the way to increasing your financial affairs. Now it is important to be visible, communicate more and not be afraid to take on something new and unknown.

Don't miss the new moon day - December 18, 2017 when you can make a wish most cherished desires and visualize their performance! They are more likely than other signs to come true!

After December 22, 2017 your activity may decrease somewhat, there may be difficulties in family relationships, but all this is quite surmountable. It just costs a little more pay attention homemade in the last week of the year.

Attention those who were born during the period from 17 to 23 October any year. This month will be quite stressful for you, unlike other representatives of the Libra sign. It will be especially difficult for those who were born October 17 and 18. Changes are coming in your life and if they haven’t arrived yet, they will come very soon. These changes can be very rapid and painful.

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : money, earnings, personal finance.


Finally, Mars will reach your sign, so your personal activity will increase significantly this month. A new stage will begin in your life, which may bring new opportunities, new affairs, new work and even new acquaintances.

Although first third of the month you will spend more time alone, already after December 9, 2017 you will want to go out in public and show all your capabilities. You will be able to do a lot: you can realize even the most daring ideas. Don't underestimate yourself.

Now you are likely to be more confident in yourself, so you can do those things that you once gave up for various reasons, especially due to lack of confidence in your abilities. It’s good to go in for sports (especially water sports), or do more physical work.

Attention those who were born during the period from 3 to 9 November any year. This will be a bright and memorable month in your life, when many things will work out brilliantly. Luck will be on your side, and all troubles will fade into the background. Your personal horoscope will show you exactly which area of ​​life you will be lucky in, but in general we can say that you should use this month to achieve your cherished goals.

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : personal and professional life: any areas where you need to make independent decisions, act assertively and quickly.

Astrological forecast for the sign


Most of this month you will go deeper into yourself and your affairs. Although this month of your birth, you don't particularly want to be in the public eye. Maybe you just won't feel like opening up to other people. Mercury will be retrograde in your sign, which may bring up some issues from the past.

You may want to go somewhere you have already been, or you will meet people from the past. This is also a great time to work alone and close all the “tails” that stretch from past months.

You will want to celebrate the New Year only with those closest to you; it is unlikely that now you will be drawn to new adventures and new achievements. A good time to increase knowledge in the field of psychology, philosophy, medicine, and esotericism. You will care about everything secret and hidden.

You want to show generosity and help someone. If the people who expect help from you are not around right now, you can help strangers, donating your unwanted items to charity or simply donating money, it is especially good to donate to medical causes. This month it is highly undesirable to abuse alcohol. There is a possibility of visiting hospitals or other medical facilities.

Attention to those who were born December 3, 4 any year. This month will not be too lucky for you. Now it is important not to succumb to illusions that can instantly break. It is dangerous to abuse alcohol and other destructive substances.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : friends, teams; inner world; charity; knowledge of the secret meaning.


The first week of the month will still be associated with serious work. Stress will still make itself felt now. After December 9, 2017 your activity for the most part will no longer be aimed at serious work matters. Rather, these are days of rest and reflection past events and building models of the future.

This month your home planet is Saturn will enter the sign of Capricorn where will it be located next years. For representatives of your sign, this is, on the one hand, a very difficult time, on the other, an opportunity to show themselves in all their glory. You, like no one else, will be able to join these energies, you will be able to build your future and you will be able to more easily accept new experiences that Saturn will teach you.

Now it is important to finish everything unfinished, take stock and rest with a calm heart before new achievements. You can now count on the help of your friends if you suddenly need it. However, the best thing now will be to relax and have fun in friendly companies and groups of like-minded people.

Attention to those who were born December 22 or 23 any year, that is, at the very beginning of the sign of Capricorn. Saturn has now come to your Sun, which means that you will be the first to manifest all the influences that this connection gives. For example it could be period of stress and hard work, you will not be too confident in yourself, you will feel some depression. However, this is a period before something new, unknown, so you may have such feelings. This month may bring you challenges that you will have to overcome. Some of your options will be limited.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : work (completion of tasks, summing up); friends and teams.


This month your planetary sign is promised a lot good and successful opportunities and good mood. There shouldn't be much stress right now. You probably went on a trip last month or gained a lot of new knowledge. Now is the time to work and apply the accumulated experience.

Although you don't see much progress in your work right now, there is a lot you can do to make your work more efficient. comfortable and satisfying. It is possible that you may come up with new ideas and thoughts on how to improve your working conditions or pay, or how to create a more convenient and free schedule for yourself.

Perhaps now you recognize some kind of work previously hidden information, which will be extremely important to your future success. Gratitude and pleasant gifts may come from superiors, subordinates or clients.

You will keep all new ideas secret for now, so that you can come up with unexpected proposals a little later. This month is good for strengthening ties and the formation of creative ideas.

Attention those who were born during the period from January 31 to February 6 any year. This month you should clearly follow realistic plans, not demand the impossible from yourself, and not overestimate your strength. This can have a negative impact on productivity and health.

Stress level : short

Areas of greatest activity : work, career.


The beginning of the month may be associated with resolving various issues in your business, or you may need to resolve issues related to banks, inheritance or alimony. This time is suitable for obtaining loans, but it is best now to pay off debts and close all unfinished business. Now it is important to concentrate on the problem, make every effort to implement it, follow the plan and goals.

After December 9, 2017 you have the opportunity to travel and move. If this is not part of your plans now, it is likely that questions will arise that will need to be studied in more detail, to get to the bottom, so to speak. You won’t be able to be lazy this month: most likely you will a lot of different things, which will require immediate execution and concentration of all your efforts. Get ready for this!

At the very end of the month it is good to go to trip abroad, or immerse yourself in psychology, do charity work, visit church or any sacred places. This will help relieve the stress accumulated over the year, calm your nerves, and help you become freer from all the problems that torment you.

Attention those who were born during the period from 1 to 8 March any year. This month will be happy and successful for you, many things you have planned will turn out exactly the way you want, the main thing is to clearly know what exactly you want! All negative influences will be smoothed out happy coincidences.

Stress level : average

Areas of greatest activity : solving cases with debts, papers, banks; education, self-education; trips.