There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked. (Epigraph and plot of the comedy N

“There’s no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.” (epigraph and plot of N.V. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General.”)

The Russian army continues to experience numerous reform ideas: from shortening the conscription period to outsourcing. Shortening the service life is intended to put an end to the concept of hazing, and outsourcing should free soldiers from performing duties not related to military affairs.

But like any other implementation of change, it takes time. And to say that in the army everything has already changed only in better side, at least, prematurely. Despite the fact that external and internal control of the Russian armed forces seems to be gaining momentum, there are still many dark spots that discourage young people from military service.

Recently a round table was held, which brought together, in addition to representatives of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, the FSB, and the Commissioner for Human Rights, the public. During round table issues were discussed interethnic relations in the army. According to Vladimir Molodykh, who represented the GVP, in our army national question if it is not absent at all, then things are going exactly in this direction. He stated that it was the efforts of prosecutors and the FSB that led to the level of army extremism falling almost to zero.

But if we assume that Mr. Molodykh is saying obvious things, then why is it that in those units where conscripts from the North Caucasus Republics serve, the situation is not always going smoothly. It happens that if even a small group of Dagestani soldiers appears among the military personnel of a unit, then a real fire may flare up in the unit. ethnic conflict. At the same time, it is not the Caucasian military personnel who are being infringed upon in their rights, but the Russians, although their numbers are many times higher. What could be the reason for this state of affairs? main reason– this is not only a special spiritual closeness Caucasian peoples, but also that these guys, when they join the army, are better prepared for it. Even now, in Dagestan, recruitment into the army is almost on a competitive basis: they select the healthiest and strongest guys who want to serve in order to work in the law enforcement agencies of their Republic in the future or continue to serve under a contract in connection with high level unemployment in the Caucasus.

The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers even comes up with a proposal to limit the conscription of young people with North Caucasus, or even cancel it altogether. This option, of course, can reduce the level of interethnic tension, but will not solve the problem of packaging Russian army.

And besides the situation with national extremism, there are enough problems in our armed forces. As it turned out, the transition to “one-year” military service did not at all rid the ranks of the Armed Forces of such a phenomenon as hazing. They began to talk about hazing in our army not only in Russia, but also abroad, demonstrating all its ugliness.

As an example of thriving hazing, one can cite the situation in the Elan garrison, which is located in Sverdlovsk region. A unique phenomenon for Russia was the appeal of the residents of the village of Araslanovo, who declare that until order is restored in the Russian army, they will not allow their children to serve. This is due to the fact that last years already the third soldier who was drafted into the army from this settlement, returns home in a coffin. The last episode occurred with private Ruslan Aiderkhanov, whose cause of death the prosecutor's office recognized as suicide. Aiderkhanov allegedly hanged himself on a tree branch. The villagers doubted this verdict, since Ruslan went to serve with enthusiasm.

The relatives decided to open the zinc coffin. They could not come to their senses for a long time from what they saw: the corpse was missing an eye, dentures were inserted into the mouth instead of teeth, the soldier’s entire body was bruised, his leg was broken. A representative of the military prosecutor's office states that the soldier received such injuries in the process of committing suicide. He knocked out his own teeth and his eyes... The villagers decided to send posthumous photos of Ruslan to Anatoly Serdyukov and stand up for their conscripts.

It is worth noting that the Elan garrison acquired sad fame long before the death of Ruslan Aiderkhanov. Not a year goes by without a case of hazing being recorded here. It is enough to type the query “Elan garrison” in any search engine, and materials about “hazing” in this part will appear in the top ten. Either the soldiers beat an officer who did not allow one of them to bring alcohol into the unit’s territory, then a private shot himself in the head with a machine gun during shooting, then during the same shooting a bullet hit the soldier directly in the heart. Epidemics of pneumonia are also common here, which, according to many local residents, occurs after soldiers are forced to run half naked for several hours in the cold.

How is the main military department going to get out of this situation? Measures are being taken that will be aimed at making our army an analogue of the American army. They say that qualified professional sergeants will have to appear in the armed forces, including the Chief Sergeant, who will restore order at the level of the rank and file. However, today about 1,200 people are trained in sergeant schools, and the need of the armed forces for junior commanders is no less than 50,000. It is not difficult to calculate that at this rate the Russian army will be equipped with professional sergeants in 40-45 years, at best.

If we analyze the situation with contract soldiers, if there had not been mass layoffs (about 180 thousand people) a couple of years ago, even more than 50 thousand sergeants would now be trained to perform the required tasks. But with us, as always: “to the ground, and then...”

It is not yet known by what forces, but by 2017 the number of contract soldiers and conscripts in the Russian army should level out. This, according to senior military officials, should radically change the problem with hazing, because the soldiers will be vigilantly monitored by professional sergeants who will work for a decent salary of 35 thousand rubles.

Some public service announcements are even starting to appear in the media about how good it will be for young people to serve in the army. It is said that now they will not need to sweep the parade ground and dig potatoes, they will be freed from kitchen duties. Instead, the Russian soldier will study the device and test it in practice. There will be two whole weekends, during which a soldier can go out into the city in civilian clothes to meet his girlfriend and parents. Leave will be maintained like that of an ordinary civilian, and admission privileges will be enormous. In general, if you believe the Russian Defense Ministry, it will not be service, but paradise. The soldiers can only complain about its too short term...

However, not everyone enthusiastically perceives information about the prospects of “heavenly service.” As is known, the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees those who do not wish to undergo military service to undergo alternative civilian service. Since 2004, in connection with the publication of the relevant law, those who motivate their desire to undergo the ACS have received this right. Today, the AGS period has been reduced from the original 3.5 years to 21 months. At the same time, the employees of the military registration and enlistment offices are trying by hook or by crook to make sure that those who have expressed a desire to undergo the ACS brush aside this desire. Statistics say that out of 5,388 applications submitted by young people to undergo the ACS, about 80% were satisfied. The rest had to take up arms, although they claimed that it was not in their moral principles.

Today, AGS means working in not the most prestigious positions: orderlies, janitors, foresters, painters, postmen, etc. It should be noted that with AGS, the same social guarantees are observed as for the usual case. employment contract: salary (on average 8-9 thousand rubles), sick leave, vacations, etc. I would like to provide statistics on the ratio of the number of people undergoing regular service and ACS. This ratio is at 130:1.

The figure eloquently demonstrates that, after all, Russian guys are trying to repay their military duty to their homeland. And the point here is not even that the military registration and enlistment offices are preventing the passage of the ACS.

Yes, the Russian army has many disadvantages, but if we pay attention only to them, then we simply risk leaving our country completely without protection. Hazing and army extremism are rudiments that need to be gotten rid of purposefully and systematically. No one-sided law will solve this problem, so there must be a broad public discussion here.

In this article you can find out the correct answer to the daily Literary quiz at the club. The quiz is back and we can once again earn our daily 10 club bonuses. Today is April 24, 2018. Today’s question is about the epigraph of one work in the form of a proverb.

Let's find out the correct answer to the quiz in the club for today, it is traditionally highlighted in blue.

To which work was the proverb taken as an epigraph: “There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked”?

As an epigraph to the comedy "The Inspector General" Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol took famous proverb“There’s no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.”

The epigraph appeared 6 years after the release of the comedy. He became Gogol's answer to numerous critics. Most likely they recognized themselves in the heroes of the comedy. After all, Gogol brought almost all Russian characters to the stage. The social vices generated by serfdom, - bribery, servility, embezzlement, laziness and many others.


The correct answer to today's quiz question is: "AUDITOR".

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“There’s no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.” (Epigraph and plot of N.V. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General.”)

As an epigraph to my immortal comedy N.V. Gogol took the famous proverb “There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.”

The epigraph did not appear immediately, but six years after the comedy was published. It became Gogol's response to numerous critics who literally attacked both the play itself and its author. They probably recognized themselves in the heroes of the comedy. After all, Gogol brought almost all Russian characters to the stage. The social vices generated by the serfdom system were revealed - bribery, embezzlement, laziness, servility, and many others. Gogol showed them so vividly and convincingly that the comedy acquired the force of a document denouncing the existing system.

Its plot is unusually simple: the county town is awaiting the arrival of an auditor. In a hurry they mistake another person for an auditor, and when he leaves, the mistake becomes clear, and then he arrives a real auditor. The first act begins with the words of the mayor - a phrase that probably every resident of Russia knows by heart: “I invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform you very unpleasant news. An auditor is coming to see us.” Thus, the very first remark became the basis of the plot. And so all of them - the mayor, the judge, the trustee of charitable institutions, the postmaster and other officials - are awaiting this event with horror. They are waiting for it as the hour of reckoning for all their sins. They have something to be afraid of - everyone has a “snout in the dust.” Each of them knows what their county has become. Therefore, something needs to be done immediately, “so that everything is decent.” For example, tidy up charitable institutions, so that “the caps would be clean, and the sick would not look like blacksmiths,” and also to do something with the public places where “the watchmen kept domestic geese with small goslings.”

The mayor gives the last instructions: “... hastily sweep away the old fence... and put up a straw pole so that it looks like the layout,” remove the garbage, which “is piled on forty carts,” and most importantly, if the visiting official asks: “Are you satisfied?” is it?”, answer: “We are happy with everything, your honor.” At the same time, he himself exclaims: “What a nasty city this is!”

But the most unpleasant thing is that the auditor must come incognito, that is, every new person in the city can be suspected. The choice falls on the first visitor who comes across, who checks into a local hotel. Before Khlestakov appears on stage, we learn everything about him from his servant Osip. This - collegiate registrar(“simple little elistratishka”), who ran away from St. Petersburg for two months: “I squandered some expensive money, my dear, now he sits with his tail curled and doesn’t get excited.” Having checked into the hotel, Khlestakov had already managed to taste the “delights” local life. Therefore, he cannot understand what kind of delegation led by the mayor came to him. As a result, “both look at each other in fright for several minutes, their eyes bulging.” Khlestakov and the mayor are deathly afraid of each other - this is evidenced by the remarks: “timid”, “brave”, “stretched out and trembling with the whole body”, etc. But how everything changes when Khlestakov finally realizes what is happening! He calls on all his uncontrollable imagination to help and tries to make the most of the current situation. He's happy. He accepts bribes, hypocritically pretending that he is taking a “loan.” He charms the mayor's wife and daughter, who are so stupid that they easily fall for this bait. “Oh, how nice!” says one, “Oh, cutie!” - exclaims another.

Khlestakov lies so inspiredly that he almost begins to believe in his own inventions. Officials, trembling with fear of the “formidable auditor,” do not even think about whether this could actually happen.

Khlestakov proposes to Marya Antonovna (the mayor cannot even believe in such happiness). However, the horses are ready, and the happy groom is about to leave: “For one minute only... for one day to see my uncle - a rich old man; and back tomorrow.”

Khlestakov leaves, and then it turns out that it was not the auditor at all. Moreover, it turns out in the usual way for local customs: the postmaster, as usual, opened Khlestakov’s letter. After reading the letter, from which the officials learned what Khlestakov really thought about them, after searching for the culprits of everything that happened, what should have happened happened: a real auditor arrived.

The comedy ends with a silent scene. And for some reason it seems that at that moment not only the heroes of the play froze - all of Russia froze before the crushing truth thrown in its face by the brilliant Master.

There's no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked- Russian proverb meaning: If you yourself are to blame, then do not shift the blame to others.

Don't blame the mirror for having a crooked face

Why blame the mirror if your face is crooked?

The literal meaning of the proverb is that if you are ugly, then the mirror is not to blame. In more in a broad sense- you need to face the truth and look for the root of problems and failures in yourself.

Proverb in the comedy The Inspector General, Gogol N.V.

The Russian writer (1809 - 1852) used the proverb “There is no point in blaming the mirror if the face is crooked” as an epigraph to his comedy “” (1836). It is interesting that at first the play did not have an epigraph. Only six years after the first publication of the comedy, Gogol added this epigraph.

The play explains well the meaning of the proverb:

Mayor county town received a message from a friend that an auditor was coming to see them. The official has something to fear and he gathers his staff to discuss what to do. During the meeting, he is informed that a young man (Khlestakov) is staying at the hotel, who, apparently, is the auditor. The mayor and his officials go to visit Khlestakov and cajole him in every possible way. Khlestakov, in fact, was not an auditor, but he was a great rascal and quickly assumed the role of an auditor, received expensive gifts from officials, almost married the mayor’s daughter and left. Immediately after this, a real auditor arrived and asked for the mayor to come to him. One can say about the mayor: There is no point in blaming the mirror if his face is crooked.


Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Big press conference of Vladimir Putin on December 20, 2018- about the time when Alexey Kudrin was Deputy Prime Minister of Russia:

“Look, economic growth is one percent per year for a certain period of time. But, firstly, it was like that when Alexey Leonidovich was Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government, so “ there's no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked“That’s what our people say.”

(1948 - 2017)

"Show business! or a bull's-eye brand" (2010):

“TV viewers themselves give ratings to scandals and vulgarity. And therefore There’s no point in blaming someone else if you have a crooked face. While in Russia they will be primarily interested in who the father of Kirkorov’s daughter is and whether the peasants of the village of Gryaz came to the castle of Pugacheva and Galkin to greet the newlyweds the next morning, the Gochsteins will understand better than others what the Russian people need."

(1828 - 1910)

“If God is the just ruler of the world, then where does the inequality between people come from? Why is vice happy and virtue unhappy? Is it the mirror's fault when we ourselves have a crooked face?, that is, is God the reason that we have refuted his original law, which leads to the equality of all?”

(1818 - 1883)


“The attention of our Macaulays will be drawn to the moment when the dark Little Russian teacher appeared with his formidable comedy, on the forehead of which was written the epigraph: There's no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked."

A good mug is if there is skin on it (and without skin it’s unattractive).

  • - As in the title, if not in the box. What are ranks to me if there is no ham in them? Wed. “Here I am, radiant,” she added with an unpleasant laugh: “what an honor, if there is nothing to eat!” Turgenev. First love. 6...
  • - If the squirrel's cover is clean, then autumn will be good...
  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Wed. The attention of our Macaulays will be drawn to the moment when the dark Little Russian teacher appeared with his formidable comedy, on the forehead of which stood the epigraph: there is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked. Turgenev...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

  • - Wed. The moment when the dark Little Russian teacher appeared with his formidable comedy, on the forehead of which stood the epigraph: there is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked...
  • - What an honor if there is nothing to eat. As in the title, if not in the box. What are ranks to me if there is no ham in them? Wed. “Here I am, the illustrious one,” she added with an unpleasant laugh: “What an honor, if there is nothing to eat!” Turgenev...

    Michelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (orig. orf.)

  • - See FATE - PATIENCE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Keep it in mind, if you have something to do. See MIND -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See UGODA -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - The bad one has the skin, but the good one has the face...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See ESSENCE -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WILL -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See CHILDREN -...

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Don. Same as skin and bones. SDG 2, 65...

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“A good face is if there is skin on it.” in books

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