Characteristics of Strawberries from “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol. The role and significance of the character

A trustee of charitable institutions, a very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but at the same time a sly and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy. Strawberry is a rogue, embezzler and informer. He knows how, when and what to say. A trustee of charitable institutions, a very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but at the same time a sly and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy. Strawberry is a rogue, embezzler and informer. He knows how, when and what to say.

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry serves in a small county town and leads a life “in accordance with his rank and position”, does not care at all about the state interest, while his own well-being is above all, mercy is in the hands of a swindler. Charitable institutions for Strawberry are a feeding trough. In treating the sick, his credo is: “The closer to nature, the better.” Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika serves in a small county town and leads a life “in accordance with his rank and position”, does not care at all about the state interest , while his own well-being is above all else, mercy is in the hands of the fraudster. Charitable institutions are a feeding trough for Strawberry, In treating the sick, his credo is: “The closer to nature, the better,”

Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself with determining the diagnosis of the patient’s disease and his treatment. He says about this: “A simple man: if he dies, he will die anyway; If he recovers, then he will recover.” Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself with determining the diagnosis of the patient’s disease and his treatment. He says about this: “A simple man: if he dies, he will die anyway; If he recovers, then he will recover.”

Before the arrival of the Inspector, dirt and disorder reign in the charitable establishments of Strawberry. The cooks have dirty caps, and the sick are dressed as if they worked in a forge. In addition, patients constantly smoke. Before the arrival of the Inspector, dirt and disorder reign in the charitable establishments of Strawberry. The cooks have dirty caps, and the sick are dressed as if they worked in a forge. In addition, patients constantly smoke.

Strawberry is afraid of the auditor, and therefore when he learns about the arrival of the auditor, he is ready to “take cosmetic measures”: put clean caps on the sick, write the name of the disease on a sign above the beds, and even reduce the number of sick people so that their excess is not attributed to bad behavior or to the lack of skill of the doctor. Strawberry is afraid of the auditor, and therefore when he learns about the arrival of the auditor, he is ready to “take cosmetic measures”: put clean caps on the sick, write the name of the disease on a sign above the beds, and even reduce the number of sick people so that their excess is not attributed to bad behavior or to the lack of skill of the doctor.

When he learned that Dmukhanovsky’s daughter was marrying the fictitious Inspector General, he hurries to congratulate the mayor on his upcoming wedding and future career. Artemy Filippovich sees the reason for the mayor’s “rise” in his merits. He curses his boss in his heart, who intends to receive the rank of general. True, he says this aside, as if to himself. At the same time, out of habit, he hastens to remind himself: “And don’t forget us... When he found out that Dmukhanovsky’s daughter is marrying a fictional Inspector General, he hastens to congratulate the mayor on his upcoming wedding and future career. Artemy Filippovich sees the reason for the mayor’s “rise” in his merits. He curses his boss in his heart, who intends to receive the rank of general. True, he says this aside, as if to himself. At the same time, out of habit, he hastens to remind himself: “And don’t forget us...

After he finds out that the Inspector General is not Khlestakov, he hostilely perceives the reviews about himself from Khlestakov’s letter, and in anger tries to find out who “started the rumor” that the Inspector General has arrived. After he finds out that the Inspector General is not Khlestakov, he hostilely perceives the reviews about himself from Khlestakov’s letter, and in anger tries to find out who “started the rumor” that the Inspector General has arrived.

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Strawberry - a minor character in N. V. Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General"

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry is a trustee of charitable institutions, a minor character in Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's comedy "The Inspector General". Strawberry is a gossip and backbiter who, out of self-interest, reveals to the imaginary auditor all the ins and outs of his fellow officials.

About his colleague, the superintendent of schools, Zemlyanika speaks as follows: “I don’t know,” he feigns surprise, “how the authorities could trust him with such a position. He is worse than a Jacobin, and he instills such ill-intentioned rules in the youth that it is even difficult to express.” These words show a man who is used to setting up his colleagues by taking their place.

A careerist and a hypocrite, Strawberry is very helpful and fussy. Having an impressive appearance, he is a sly and rogue by nature, which enhances the comic effect. Clumsy and clumsy, he deftly slips to a happy ending in any twists and turns of fate. His method is to justify his actions with good intentions. So, saying that he does not purchase expensive medicines for his charitable institutions, he justifies himself in time: “the closer to nature, the better,” although from the context it is clear that he is saving on ordinary people.

Strawberry knows how to curry favor, which is why the Mayor takes Khlestakov primarily to charitable institutions accountable to Strawberry. The fatal clause “everyone gets better like flies” in response to the question why there are almost no patients in the hospital does not change the state of affairs: Khlestakov, who is not particularly smart and attentive, simply does not notice the catch in his speech. Knowing his main dignity - to curry favor, Strawberry is sincerely jealous of Khlestakov: “What a slacker, he’s painting! God gave such a gift!” Parodying the average official who receives more from his position than he gives as a local unlimited ruler, the image of Strawberry, even after centuries, has not become morally obsolete, but is quite relevant today.

Gogol talks about his incredible indifference to service in his characterization of Strawberry: “a fat man, but a subtle rogue.” In the hospital entrusted to him, patients are dying like flies, the doctor does not speak Russian, and Strawberry calmly argues: “A simple man: if he dies, he will die anyway; if he recovers, then he will recover.”

And serve strawberries here!

Since I took over, it may even seem incredible to you that everyone has been recovering like flies. The patient will not have time to enter the infirmary before he is already healthy.

Eka, the slacker, is painting! God gave such a gift!

Well, how will he sleep it off and let a report arrive in St. Petersburg?

Why is there a whole squadron of us here? You need to introduce yourself one by one, and between four eyes and that... as it should be - so that even the ears do not hear.

Gogol's idea to reflect in his work everything that was bad during the events he described was completely successful. All existing vices are mixed together in the images of the main and secondary characters. The image and characterization of Strawberry in the comedy “The Inspector General” is similar to the image of many officials not only in Tsarist Russia. Nowadays, people like Artemy Filippovich are no less common. The seamy side of the bureaucratic system will be exposed to the reader in all its glory, putting in an unattractive light the employees of government agencies, who are accustomed to solving their problems by circumventing the law.

Strawberry Image

According to the author, Strawberry looks like this::

“Strawberry, the trustee of charitable institutions, is a very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but for all that he is a sly and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy..."

Full name Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika. Works as an official. Responsible for all charitable institutions in the city: hospitals, shelters, educational institutions, almshouses. Married. A father of many children with five children of different sexes. Strawberry's appearance makes a repulsive impression.

“...Strawberry is a perfect pig in a yarmulke...”

A fat fat man with a good-natured face. In fact, behind Artemy Filippovich’s rustic appearance hides a cunning, hypocritical person who is capable of setting up his neighbor without a twinge of conscience for the sake of his own interests.


Strawberry is a typical representative of the bureaucratic world. His character will be revealed to the reader gradually, but from the first minutes it is clear how rotten and vile a person this character is.

Negligence. Like most officials, he is absolutely indifferent to work. God knows what is going on in the institutions entrusted to him. Patients in dirty clothes walk along the corridor. The smell of tobacco drowns out everything else. There is not a single sign above the hospital beds with the patient's name. Medicines do not even reach the sick.

Arrogant. Strawberry has a high opinion of itself. People who occupy a position in society lower than his own automatically become inferior in his eyes. Patients in the institutions entrusted to him live their own lives. Nobody cares about them. With Christian Ivanovich, they have their own view of mere mortals.

“...the closer to nature, the better; We do not use expensive medications. A simple man: if he dies, he will die; If he gets well, he’ll get well.”

Liar. Pretending that he loves his job and conscientiously fulfills his duties is as easy as pie for Strawberry.

“I can say that I do not regret anything and perform my service zealously...”
“Since I took over - it may even seem incredible to you - everyone has been recovering like flies. The patient will not have time to enter the infirmary before he is already healthy; and not so much with medications, but with honesty and order..."

Traitor and careerist. There is no need to have such a friend or enemy. Strawberry, for the sake of career growth, is capable of betraying and setting up those who have worked side by side with him for more than one year. Sneaking up his colleagues is his favorite pastime. According to Strawberry, all means can be used to achieve a goal, just like in war. Wanting to please Khlestakov, he handed over the judge and the postmaster with his giblets.

“The local postmaster is doing absolutely nothing: everything is in great disrepair, parcels are delayed... if you please, look for them yourself on purpose. The judge too..."

Strawberry always finds justification for his unseemly actions, convincing everyone that they are beneficial. Everything, they say, is for the benefit of the fatherland.

Briber. Bribes are common for Strawberry. He is used to using cash to solve many problems. It is money that helps to close his eyes to his sins before the law.

Flattering, helpful. Strawberry is used to fawning over his superiors. He has perfectly mastered this tactic and knows when and to whom he can sing sweet speeches to suit his own interests. His speech is fussy. Movements are clumsy. His whole appearance is comical, but it is worth remembering that the appearance of this person is deceptive. The good-natured fat man is actually cruel and calculating. He knows perfectly well what he wants from life and how to achieve it.

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Presentation on the topic: Artemy Filippovich Strawberry

Slide no. 1

Slide description:

A trustee of charitable institutions, a very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but at the same time a sly and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy. Strawberry is a rogue, embezzler and informer. He knows how, when and what to say. A trustee of charitable institutions, a very fat, clumsy and clumsy man, but at the same time a weasel and a rogue. Very helpful and fussy. Strawberry is a rogue, embezzler and informer. He knows how, when and what to say.

Slide no. 2

Slide description:

Artemy Filippovich Strawberry serves in a small county town and leads a life “in accordance with his rank and position”, does not care at all about the state interest, while his own well-being is above all, mercy is in the hands of a swindler. Charitable institutions for Strawberry are a feeding trough. In treating the sick, his credo is: “The closer to nature, the better.” Artemy Filippovich Zemlyanika serves in a small county town and leads a life “in accordance with his rank and position”, does not care at all about the state interest , while his own well-being is above all else, mercy is in the hands of the fraudster. Charitable institutions are a feeding trough for Strawberry, In treating the sick, his credo is: “The closer to nature, the better,”

Slide no. 3

Slide description:

Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself with determining the diagnosis of the patient’s disease and his treatment. He says about this: “A simple man: if he dies, he will die anyway; If he recovers, then he will recover.” Artemy Filippovich does not bother himself with determining the diagnosis of the patient’s disease and his treatment. He says about this: “A simple man: if he dies, he will die anyway; If he recovers, then he will recover.”

Slide no. 4

Slide description:

Before the arrival of the Inspector, dirt and disorder reign in the charitable establishments of Strawberry. The cooks have dirty caps, and the sick are dressed as if they worked in a forge. In addition, patients constantly smoke. Before the arrival of the Inspector, dirt and disorder reign in the charitable establishments of Strawberry. The cooks have dirty caps, and the sick are dressed as if they worked in a forge. In addition, patients constantly smoke.

Slide no. 5

Slide description:

Strawberry is afraid of the auditor, and therefore when he learns about the arrival of the auditor, he is ready to “take cosmetic measures”: put clean caps on the sick, write the name of the disease on a sign above the beds, and even reduce the number of sick people so that their excess is not attributed to bad behavior or to the lack of skill of the doctor. Strawberry is afraid of the auditor, and therefore when he learns about the arrival of the auditor, he is ready to “take cosmetic measures”: put clean caps on the sick, write the name of the disease on a sign above the beds, and even reduce the number of sick people so that their excess is not attributed to bad behavior or to the lack of skill of the doctor.

Slide no. 6

Slide description:

When he learned that Dmukhanovsky’s daughter was marrying the fictitious Inspector General, he hurries to congratulate the mayor on his upcoming wedding and future career. Artemy Filippovich sees the reason for the mayor’s “rise” in his merits. He curses his boss in his heart, who intends to receive the rank of general. True, he says this aside, as if to himself. At the same time, out of habit, he hastens to remind himself: “And don’t forget us... When he found out that Dmukhanovsky’s daughter is marrying a fictional Inspector General, he hastens to congratulate the mayor on his upcoming wedding and future career. Artemy Filippovich sees the reason for the mayor’s “rise” in his merits. He curses his boss in his heart, who intends to receive the rank of general. True, he says this aside, as if to himself. At the same time, out of habit, he hastens to remind himself: “And don’t forget us...

Slide no. 7

Slide description:

After he finds out that the Inspector General is not Khlestakov, he hostilely perceives the reviews about himself from Khlestakov’s letter, and in anger tries to find out who “started the rumor” that the Inspector General has arrived. After he finds out that the Inspector General is not Khlestakov, he hostilely perceives the reviews about himself from Khlestakov’s letter, and in anger tries to find out who “started the rumor” that the Inspector General has arrived.