Rural library. The rural library is the center of life of the local community. The main activities of a modern rural library

Kalyuzhnaya Julia

Object of this study is rural library No. 9, village. Moscow.

Subject of study- rural library as an information, cultural and educational center of the village.

Target of this work: to study the role of the rural library in the life of the village.


Find out how many rural libraries there are in the Russian Federation, and how many residents visit them;

Define the tasks and identify the main directions of activity of the rural library in the village. Moskovsky Izobilnensky municipal district;

Determine whether our library is an information, cultural and educational center of the village.



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Municipal state educational institution

"Secondary school No. 4" p. Moscow

Izobilnensky municipal district of the Stavropol Territory


“The role of the library in the life of the village”


student of class 2 "B"

Kalyuzhnaya Julia


Head of Library No. 9

Zilina Olga Petrovna


primary school teacher

Kvasova Vera Vladimirovna

year 2014


When I went to school, I began to go to the library more often, not only for fiction, but also for scientific and educational literature. I am especially interested in history books.

And then one day I started thinking, how many such libraries are there in Russia? How many residents of our country visit them and why?

When I started asking questions on this topic to parents, teachers, and library workers, I came up with a research project “The Role of the Library in Village Life.”

Object of this study is rural library No. 9, village. Moscow.

Subject of study- rural library as an information, cultural and educational center of the village.

Target of this work: to study the role of the rural library in the life of the village.

Tasks :

Find out how many rural libraries there are in the Russian Federation, and how many residents visit them;

Define the tasks and identify the main directions of activity of the rural library in the village. Moskovsky Izobilnensky municipal district;

Determine whether our library is an information, cultural and educational center of the village.

To solve the problems, the following were used methods:

Study and analysis of literature and Internet sources on the research problem;

Observation and study of the work of rural library No. 9, village. Moskovsky Izobilnensky municipal district;

Interviewing library workers;

Reader survey;

Survey of village residents;

Systematization of the information received and formulation of conclusions.

Progress of the study

Firstly, I found out from Internet sources that there are more than 38 thousand rural libraries in Russia, and they serve more than 40 million residents.

During the study of the work of rural library No. 9, village. In the Moskovsky Izobilnensky municipal district, I talked with the head of the library, Olga Petrovna Zhilina, and learned that the library was founded in 1936. I did the math: our library is 78 years old!

Over the years, the library has collected 21 thousand books. 1,500 readers registered in the library can borrow and read books on various topics, and 530 of them are children.

Olga Petrovna kindly agreed to give me an interview.

(view interview)

I conducted a survey of readers at school. The guys at my school, among whom I conducted a survey, really wanted to help me and honestly answered the questions in my questionnaire. 32 students were surveyed.

I conducted a survey of village residents on the street. My mother helped me with this. When I approached the residents of the village of Moskovskoye with my questions, I was a little afraid whether they would want to answer my questions and how they would react to this, but it turned out that friendly people live in our village. Out of 20 people, only 2 turned me down.

During the questionnaire and survey, I asked only three questions:

How often do you visit the village library?

Do you attend events held by the library?

Did you, or your friends, take part in the preparation and conduct of these events?

We entered the processed data of 50 respondents into a table:


Often (YES)


I don't attend (NO)

How often do you visit the village library?

Do you attend events held by the library?

Did you, or your friends, take part in the preparation and conduct of these events?

Of course, children gave more positive answers than adults. Why? Each of us can answer this question: “Adults use computers more often than books.”


So, rural library No. 9, village. The Moskovsky Izobilnensky municipal district is used as a traditional information, cultural and educational center of the village.

In serving citizens, the library uses traditional (issuing books, reading books in the reading room) and non-traditional technologies. The library regularly holds literary readings and theme evenings. For veterans of the Great Patriotic War, these are evenings of meetings and memories of the war. For younger schoolchildren, a holiday “Dedication to Readers” is held. The older kids take part in fun games and quizzes. For example: “Game of travel - letters travel through time”, “Local History Hour”, “Courtesy Lessons”. At Christmas, the library presented readers with a theatrical performance “The Light of the Christmas Star”. New information technologies are also used, that is, a computer with Internet access.

We see that rural library workers care about the development of the younger generation and people in need of sociocultural support.

During 2015, the Alexandrovskaya Rural Library fulfilled the main mission of its institution - it developed as an information and cultural center, providing quality information and services to library users, using existing catalogs (alphabetical, systematic).

During 2015, the library fulfilled the main goal of its work - maximum satisfaction of the needs and requirements of village residents and library readers using printed publications. Provided assistance in improving education and self-education. In general, the cultural and educational activities of the library were carried out in the following areas:

  • - a series of events “Kaleidoscope of Anniversaries” dedicated to the life and work of writers (throughout the year);
  • - week “World of Professions” (February);
  • - regional review competition (March);
  • - Children's and Youth Book Week (March);
  • - days of environmental culture (April);
  • - Family Day at the Library (May);
  • - summer reading for children (June-August);
  • - Day of Knowledge (September);
  • - excursion to the library (October);
  • - a series of events for the New Year (December);
  • - information days (throughout the year).

Children and teenagers visit the library most often and with particular pleasure (36%). The largest number of public events are held specifically for this category of users. Trying to retain the interest and attention of children, library specialists prepare various events with elements of theatrical performances, games, competitions, and creative tasks.

Children and teenagers choose books, read magazines, put together puzzles, play board games, draw, and communicate with each other. Magazines such as “Princess World” and “Playing with Barbie” are in demand by girls of preschool and primary school age, and older girls choose “Magic”, “My Secrets” and “Girls” magazines. Boys are attracted to the magazines “Toshka and his company”, “Tom and Jerry”; the magazine “Star Wars” is in particular demand, which, unfortunately, has not been published since 2014. And teenagers are interested in the magazines “Moto” and “Rybolov”. Fairy tales, children's detective stories, novels for girls, and adventures are always popular among young readers.

Together with the kindergarten, educational excursions “Book House” are held for preschool children. For the first time, children become acquainted with such concepts as a book, shelving, magazine, reader's form. Comic lessons are conducted with children. On the eve of September 1, a big matinee “How Buka and Byaka became first-graders” was held in the library. The children received prizes and a positive mood.

The main group of library readers are adults (50%), who were offered book exhibitions and public events on topics such as maintaining health, housekeeping, autumn preparations, rituals and traditions, as well as literary evenings, recreation evenings, and remembrance evenings. All these events are designed to create conditions for communication and manifestation of the creative abilities of the participants. It should be noted that among this group the most active users are people of pre-retirement and retirement age. This is explained by the fact that they have the greatest amount of free time. They read books not only by modern authors, but also literature of the Soviet period (the “Made in the USSR” and “Sibiriyada” series), and historical books. Among the magazines that are in constant demand are “Homestead Farming”, “Rural Nov”, “1000 Tips”, “Everything for a Woman” and others.

The smallest and most difficult category of readers to attract to the library is youth (14%). High school students are busy with schoolwork, students live outside the village and come only on weekends and holidays, and working youth have little free time. But, despite all this, they try to attract as many users of this category as possible, for which they go to schools to hold public events, arrange book exhibitions and information booklets on topics that are relevant to them (bad habits, character and fate), and subscribe to magazines , which are in greatest demand among young people (“Your Best Friend”, “OOPS”, “I’m 15”), help in selecting literature from modern fashionable authors.

Library specialists pay special attention and care to people with disabilities, advising and selecting books for them, as well as inviting them to all public events and book exhibitions.

The introduction of new information technologies has opened up new opportunities for the library to create more comfortable and modern conditions for our users, to improve the quality of services provided. Thus, the opportunity arose to produce publishing products, for example, such publications as the booklet “Our Land in Poetry and Prose”, “Let’s Get Acquainted” (about I.A. Krylov), Bibliographical Guide - an annotated list of references “Features of the Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory” were published " and etc.

In recent years, the role and importance of leisure activities in the library's work has especially increased. The most popular among library cultural and leisure programs are reading evenings and interest clubs. Thus, there are clubs at the library: for older people; female communication and family leisure. In addition, a literary reading club has been created for readers of all ages; for teenagers - an environmental club and a local history club. Cognitive and developmental programs are used for children: quizzes; Olympics; competitions; games; interest groups, etc.

A creative report on the cultural and leisure activities of the library is presented in detail in Appendix A.

Thus, an analysis of the activities shows that the Alexandrovskaya Rural Library can be called a sociocultural center of the local community: a full-fledged service is organized, providing users with access to prompt and up-to-date information for various categories of users (children, schoolchildren, youth, disabled people, the elderly, entrepreneurs, etc.). etc.), using all available resources and capabilities of libraries in the interests of readers. Recently, the level of information service to readers has improved qualitatively.

In addition, the library is trying to take a fresh look at its role in modern conditions, constantly improving its mass work. Thus, in order to improve the quality and comfort of library services, in 2015, a non-stationary book lending point in the village of Novaya Priluka continued its work. The distribution point is located in the village club; book exchange takes place once a month and serves all categories of the population.

D. Kugidel

Kugidel Rural Library Goals and objectives facing libraries in the reporting year. Library network.

Changes in recent years require libraries to think differently about their role.

Despite all the elements, these institutions have been and remain temples of culture.

The main function of the Kugidel Library is informational, cultural, and educational.

New phenomena in the life of the country dictate to us, librarians, a change in the form of work and its diversity. Having reviewed my plans, weighed my possibilities, I decided to work according to the programs.

I set a goal, defined tasks, and there are already positive results.

Clubs “Ataysal”, “Aginey”, “Ir-egett2r” were created in the library; we work closely with the women’s council. At meetings, doctors, deputies, and veterans speak with consultations, recommendations, and advice. We talk on various topics: we discuss books, new music, healthy lifestyle issues, share tips on gardening, etc.

A meeting with a book is always a communication with an interesting person. Such communication is important for people suffering from any illness. For them, a book is the only window to the world, a friend and adviser and doctor.

Disabled people, pensioners, lonely elderly people - they are the socially unprotected people who need financial support. I try to help them. I provide my readers with the necessary information at home.

Library work appears to be simple and quiet work. Our profession is one of the most interesting and exciting in the sense that every day brings acquaintance with new books, fresh issues of newspapers and magazines, new people, and unique specific situations arise.

State of organization of library services.

The village library today is the only institution in the village. Rural residents are attracted to the library, first of all, by a variety of periodicals, which not everyone can have and the book collections of libraries.

The main wealth of libraries is their collections. Users' information needs are growing year by year. The main task of rural libraries is also to provide services for students. I try to have conversations with readers about pressing issues, events happening around me, and of course about books. At exhibitions I conduct various thematic conversations, including on articles I have read in newspapers and magazines. At the beginning of the year, I re-registered readers. When recording, I talk with readers about the books they read and love. I constantly work with debtors. I continue to introduce readers to departments, filing cabinets, and catalogues. Many readers come with their families, and I write family forms for them.

Book fund 7180 copies. No write-off for 2016

Thanks to the Soros fund, our Kugidel library has the opportunity to satisfy the needs of every person.

In the village Kugidel is inhabited mainly by Bashkirs. Books in the Bashkir language are a huge success; most people read them in the Bashkir language. Meetings with writers, presentations of new books, library lessons, conferences are the best forms of promoting books in the native language.

The book fund in the Bashkir language is 2494 copies.


Our Kugidel library conducts cultural, educational and information activities.

Promotion of the annual Messages of the President of the Republic of Belarus

Implementation of the language policy of the Republic of Belarus

Patriotic education

Fostering an ecological culture

Aesthetic education

By movie year

Goals and objectives for 2016

The library’s work in the reporting year set certain goals

Improving the quality of service for library readers: for this, various forms and methods were used in serving readers.

Work was carried out to improve the quality of the fund's composition

Summary of the year

X A well-stocked and consistently updated collection is the basis of any library’s activities. For 2016

Our library received only a copy. There are 342 registered readers in our library. Readers have complaints about the composition of the collection: outdated literature, lack of books in their native language.

Participation in regional competitions:

Poetry competition

Analyzing the volume of work completed during the year and the plans implemented, we can confidently conclude that the library has coped with its tasks.

During 2016, the village library worked closely with local government, the club, the school and the community.

Mass work.

Reading in the library.

Our library works with all segments of the population.

Methods of attracting the population to reading are the entire work of the library. The library has a rich collection of reference and encyclopedic literature, copies of which are not loaned out.

The library works closely with its population and always takes into account their interests. The library decorated book exhibitions and stands dedicated to the year of cinema. The library held competitions “Dad, Mom and I are a reading family.” It is better to carry out mass work with families.

The library carries out extensive work to attract a variety of social groups of young people - pupils, students, working and non-working youth. Particular attention is paid to young people who do not read and who read little, the so-called risk group.

To comprehend the best works of literature, various forms are used - conversations, meetings with writers, poets, literary and musical evenings that contribute to the development of creative activity of readers.

Here are some examples of the events carried out:

Event form event title date Number of participants Children under 14 years old Youth 15-24 years old pensioners
Book Festival “He who reads a lot knows a lot” March
Information Day "Youth, Knowledge, Book." April
Thematic conversation “Our readers are children and adults” May
Social hour "Give the book to a friend" April
Information Day "Book news" During a year
Total:5 Total:

All exhibitions enjoyed constant reader success and helped attract users to new literature.

Innovation of the Year

“Let there always be a book!” - a holiday that has become an eventful event in the cultural life of the Kugidel Library.

We first noticed the library building. This day became a real holiday for our guests. A primary school student and the chairman of the parent committee addressed the audience with welcoming speeches.

But most importantly, we honored readers who forever connected their lives with books and the library. The 5 best readers of the year were awarded prizes and letters of gratitude on this day. Beautiful sunny weather. The bright smiles of young artists and spectators created a real celebration of the Book.

After the cosmetic renovation, the library's reading room began to sparkle with new interests, exhibitions, information corners - everything was designed in accordance with the needs and interests of users.

Local history work

The formation of civic feelings of an individual begins with small things: a caring attitude towards the village where you live, respect for your family, studying the history and culture of your native land. This is the mission of local history today.

One of the main objectives of the program is to study and collect material on the history and culture of the village and native land. Working according to the program, the library continues to collect material for the design of the albums “Kugidel my golden cradle”, “No. e66e8 batyrly7 m284e onotolma9”. During the year, exhibitions were designed that have become traditional.

On the eve of Victory Day, the library had an exhibition “They returned with Victory” and also a photo album “Eneu bulyp balky danygyz” was decorated.

Credential work is an ancient and strong attachment of our library. This year, libraries hosted library lessons, quizzes, and evenings. Libraries accumulate an invaluable collection of local history and cultural material. The interest of users in their history, in the objections of national culture and tradition causes a demand for local history work.

Baymak land is the birthplace of famous people. Together with the school we held memorial evenings. Book exhibitions were organized in the library:

In the soul of every person there lives a love for his native land, for his small homeland, where his ancestors lived, where he himself lives. And so that this love never fades away, so that everyone can carry it through their whole life, this feeling must be supported and nurtured. This became the main goal of our local history work.

Local history has always been and remains one of the priority areas of the library's activities. A unique calling card of the library’s local history collection is the extensive illustrated exhibition “Bash7ortostan, the pearl of the Urals,” which presents the most interesting books about the republic, its past and present, art, culture and literature. The library contains information about the history of the village, and a thematic album K1gi6elem - Altyn Bishegem is designed.

Also in our work are storage folders on the topic, they are in great demand among library readers and are constantly used by employees in their work: “Laws of the Republic of Belarus”, “Glorious Son of the Bashkir Land”, “History of the Village of Kugidel”

Event form event title date Including
Aged Social groups
Children under 14 years old youth 15 – 24 years old pensioners disabled people
Book exhibition “Ozhmah ke1ek Tyu4an Erebe662 B2khet 0s0n ta4y ni k2r2k?” February May
Library lesson "Maturly7ty8 yu7tyr sikt2re" March
Evening of rest ""s2yem minen kuz nurym" March
Drawing competition “No. 2r va7yt bul3yn 7oyash” April
Florist competition « Maturly7 donyany 7otkaryr» August
Evening of rest Without balasak ilenan June
7: Father's Day “Il ya6mysy atay6ar 7ulynda” the holiday was held in nature June
relay race "Altyn komartki" november
Total: Total:345

Healthy lifestyle

At the present stage of development of our society, the problem of preserving the health of the nation and each individual person is becoming increasingly urgent.

To carry out activities to promote a healthy lifestyle and prevent bad habits and drug addiction, libraries have the necessary resources. Firstly, information potential, consists of the latest techniques, programs aimed at preventing drug addiction, substance abuse, propaganda materials, literature, periodicals on healthy lifestyles.

Event form event title date Number of participants (Visits) Including
Aged Social groups
Children under 14 years old youth 15 – 24 years old pensioners disabled people
contest Dad, mom and sports family March
poster NO TO DRUGS!!! April
conversation How to raise a healthy child May
Book exhibition ethnoscience May
Library lesson Your health is in your hands June
Library lesson Cigarette trial September
Total 6 Total69

The library’s activities are aimed at helping residents of the village of Kugidel, especially the younger generation, confidently and consciously choose a healthy lifestyle, and comprehensively inform them about its benefits.

Working with youth.

Young people, as a special socio-demographic group, require increased attention from society - today they form and carry the image of the future, and very soon they will be entrusted with responsibility for the development of society in its development and culture, for the well-being of the older generation.

This is why the library is called upon to assist young people in the fields of economics, politics, culture and patriotic education. To solve these important problems, we use a variety of forms of work with youth, both new and traditional.

Close cooperation between libraries and schools, constant interaction, ultimately gives very tangible results in the education of the younger generation.

The library tries to form among young people an attitude towards books as a source of human experience.

Career guidance work with high school students is one of the most important areas of work with young people, since the correct, competent choice of profession largely determines a person’s entire future life.

To help high school students choose a profession, various exhibitions of literature were organized in the library. Leafing through your favorite book», « We choose a profession», « Choosing a profession means choosing life» The school organized meetings with specialists from various professions. At such meetings, schoolchildren learned a lot of interesting things.

Event form event title date Number of participants Including
In age Social groups
Children under 14 years old Youth 15-24 years old pensioners disabled people
Library lesson “School of good mood” March
Book exhibition “Smoking is harmful to health” April
An hour of useful advice "10 ways to quit smoking" May
Florist photo competition “Tuu4an ya7ty8 g1z2llegen m28ge k1rep tuimanym” June
Book introductions A. Baimukhametova “Kaldyrma asay” September
Farewell to the army “Imen yorop kaitstyғyҙ egettәr!” May-October

Young people must know and understand the harmfulness of habits such as smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction. This kind of event needs to be carried out regularly, and then the effect will definitely be achieved.

Library and family

All our strength, vitality and achievements originate in our families. After all, first of all, a person’s spiritual culture is formed in families, which is impossible to imagine without a book. Families come to the library not only for books, they come here for advice or just to chat; collaboration with the library helps solve personal problems. The form and methods of the library’s work are different: these include colorful book exhibitions, thematic collections, wall newspapers, as well as interesting events: oral magazines, quizzes, folk festivals, as well as various events. The library worked throughout the year to attract readers and children to reading, and to provide informational assistance to families\. Books read by families were displayed. The most reading family was determined in the following categories:

The family's reading experience, the number of books read per year, as well as the family's participation in events organized by the library. Library competition. “Mom, dad, I’m a reading family” “A book is a family’s best friend.” Paramedic of FAPA, Abzelilova R.I. I held a conversation with older readers and youth on the topic: “Alcohol is an insidious enemy.” The participants in the conversation, seeing the goodwill and anonymity of the conversation, gradually relaxed and began to ask questions. The participants expressed their wish to hold similar events in the future, and even suggested a topic for discussion.

Many public library events are aimed at parents and children. The most popular forms of group work remain family holidays, quizzes, and competitions. Families especially actively take part in the celebration of March 8, Mother’s Day.

Library workers and reading families are now united not only by a love of books, but by friendship and affection. The needs of all family members are well known here. A long-awaited new product. We strive to interest families in reading and create an atmosphere of cooperation between the library, children and parents. We hope that the work of the family reading information center “A Little Door to a Big World” will become a mutually interesting activity for the library and its young and adult readers, and will contribute to the development of family book traditions.

Event form event title date Number of participants (Visits) Including
Aged Social groups
Children under 14 years old youth 15 – 24 years old pensioners disabled people
contest "Dad, Mom and I are a reading family"
Round table conversation "Ata abruyi"
3: contest "Come on moms"
conversation Meeting with mothers of many children “being a mother is an honor” november
benefit "Reading with the whole family"
Total 5

Legal education

One of the important tasks facing the library is not only to store documents. But present them to the user efficiently and quickly.

At the library's service to the public for legal information, a card index of magazine and newspaper articles is compiled and constantly updated: Decrees, Laws of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, folders are prepared, thematic reviews are carried out, and the Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper is subscribed.

To attract readers' attention to legal sources of information, the following events were carried out:

Legal game: “What do we know about elections”

Thematic folder “You must know your rights”

Year of Russian cinema

For the Year of Russian Cinema, our library has organized book exhibitions for readers, which present books about cinema and books on which feature films were based.

This year was called Year of Russian cinema, Therefore, many events were organized within the framework of these events.

The library operates in accordance with the plan for preparing and conducting informational, educational, cultural and leisure events dedicated to the Year of Cinema.

Event form Event names date Number of participants Children under 14 years old Youth 15-24 years old Pensioners Inv leads
Literary and musical evening Discoveries of the Year of Cinema February
Exhibition Freeze March
Meeting Veteran projectionist Ayupov Vakil May -5
Visual propaganda about the lives of film artists Favorite artists June
Relay race Altyn komartki november
Total: Total:

Of course, in our work we cannot help but tell our readers about the actor and fellow villager who starred in the television film “Tui” Radif Yanbaev. We talked about his work.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the year of cinema is primarily important for us as a media method for promoting reading and books.

For libraries, this is the main thing.

Work on Aesthetics

Aesthetic education is multifaceted and it is carried out not only at thematic events, it does not stop in fact. All the design in libraries and exhibitions, and stands, all this educates the reader depending on whether it is aesthetically beautiful or not - it carries positive emotions. The librarian never forgets that aesthetic education never stops, but begins with the first visit - with the design of the reading room and subscription, appearance and convenient arrangement of the collection.

A book exhibition is almost always a kind of calling card of any library. Not only the fund is judged by them. But also the style of work itself. The exhibition is a creative look at the world and the theme revealed by the exposition. The librarian must have a special gift to create attractive, interesting exhibitions.

Book exhibitions My New Book World, Fairy Tale Characters in the Library,


My goal is to show society that the library is needed, to emphasize the need for our profession. I have a lot of plans. I want every village resident to be my reader.

The library in the village is a place of cultural and spiritual values. Many villagers responded to the charity event “A Book as a Gift of a Library.”

The state of library services is stable.

The meager local budget does not allow us to solve many pressing problems.

The Baymak MCB is a methodological center for us.

Methodological events take place 2 times a month.

During seminars we discuss both practical and theoretical issues. Besides. We, library workers, at such meetings can communicate with each other, get acquainted with new methodological publications, and also consult with specialists from the central library. It's nice that librarians started working together. We all say that living in our time is more difficult, but work has become much more interesting, because we see the understanding and recognition of our readers and management.

D. Kugidel

Library network

The goals of the children's library are to ensure their desire for free and equal access to information and library collections.

Objectives of the children's library:

Propaganda of local history and Bashkir literature

Introduce new books that have arrived

Hold a month for writers celebrating their anniversaries

Continue studying the biography of fellow villagers who died during the years of repression and the Great Patriotic War

Study the literature of Russian writers

Actively participate in events.

Moral and aesthetic values ​​are laid down in this age. By constantly communicating with works, children begin to look at what surrounds them with different eyes, see beauty, or notice unattractiveness in something they previously passed by indifferently.

Children are most susceptible to figurative, emotional perception of works of art.

The library's book collection is regularly replenished from year to year. The book fund consists of copies. books that can be used by any reader. Each of them has their own needs and hobbies. And I try to give everyone good advice and help in finding the right book.

Our library has many friends. They are always with us both on weekdays and on holidays. What do we do in the library with the children? We regularly celebrate the anniversaries of writers and poets, hold discussions about their books, and before that I do my homework to read a book by this author or about him.

Various competitive programs are provided for readers, such as benefit performances for readers, literary evenings in the family, competitions “Iman Nury”, “Kyzzdar yondozdar”, etc.

Reading a good book on time is a great success: it can change a person’s life and destiny, especially his childhood years.

Why do we love to return to childhood? Because the first book that shocked you was in childhood. But the book world is huge. A librarian's duty is to be a mentor and best friend to readers.

My main focus is to attract young readers to the library as much as possible. New phenomena in the life of the country dictate to us librarians a change in the forms of work and their diversity.

At the beginning of the year, I re-registered readers. When recording, I talk with readers about the books they are reading. I constantly work with debtors.

Library fund

A well-stocked and consistently updated collection is the basis of any library’s activities. In 2016, our library received a copy. children's literature. There are 64 registered readers in the Kugidel Library.

The circulation of the rural book stock is high, so many publications require repairs. “Book Hospital”, where preschool doctors willingly treat books. I believe that a lot depends on students’ first acquaintance with the library, therefore, during excursions, which were organized for all classes, I always pay attention to the fact that the library was created specifically for readers, and I talk about the available literature.

When I taught lessons, I asked the question: Does fiction help you better understand the world around you? They almost always answer that after reading the book, they began to be more careful about nature.

An unforgettable event for our children was Children's Book Week.

Every day was dedicated to famous people.

Library lessons by T. Dayanov “Yshan Urman”. I try to start each lesson fresh, I try to ask questions.

Childhood is an important stage in personality development. It was during these years that the first moral ideas were formed and his spiritual development was determined. Works of art have always and at all times had enormous power over a child’s heart; not a single generation has grown up on them, but don’t you want to be like your favorite heroes?

Environmental work

The goal of all library events on the environmental situation in the world is to attract the attention of the local community to environmental problems, encourage action in the field of protecting all living things, as well as familiarize them with literature about nature.

The library offered young readers various book and illustrative exhibitions with an environmental focus. The guys took part in the action. There are photographs. Books by writers N. Musin and M. Burakaeva are popular among library readers.

The quiz organized for World Earth Day turned out to be interesting and useful for young readers.

Schoolchildren learned about the history of the holiday, its idea and symbolism. The children were interested in the quiz questions about the flora and fauna of the Earth, the geographical names of rivers and seas. During the event, schoolchildren read poems about caring for nature.

Event form event title date Number of participants (Visits) Including
Aged Social groups
Children under 14 years old youth 15 – 24 years old pensioners disabled people
Book exhibition "Wonders and secrets of planet Earth" February
Book exhibition "The world is familiar and mysterious" April
Drawing competition Mysteries in the forest at every turn" May
Promotion “Feed the birds in winter!” March
Quiz "Whychkina Polyana" September
Total 5

Library and family

All our strength, vitality and achievements originate in our families. After all, first of all, a person’s spiritual culture is formed in families, which is not impossible to imagine without a book. Families come to the library not only for books, they come here for advice or just to chat; collaboration with the library helps solve personal problems. The form and methods of the library's work are different: these include colorful book exhibitions and thematic collections. Wall newspapers, as well as interesting events: oral magazines, quizzes, folk festivals, as well as various events.

A family is a group of different ages, of which a child becomes a member from the first days of his existence. The family team is enshrined in customs and traditions within which children, parents, grandparents are united by a whole system of relationships

These relationships determine the psychological climate of the family, in which the child’s perception of the world, people, and himself is formed. Only in a family does a child gain the experience of living together, so how he grows up is largely determined by his position in the system of family relations. We talked about this with the students. The guys talked about family. And we came to the conclusion that a family is not just relatives who live together, it is people who are united by feelings, interests, and attitudes to life. There is nothing more valuable than family.

The benefits of family fun in the library cannot be overestimated. The forms of cooperation between the library and family are very different - literary tournaments, family gatherings, folklore festivals, game and competition programs. Here are examples of some activities:

Unfortunately, today children's rights are violated quite often. This fun holiday was created not just for fun. Its main goal can be called a reminder to society of the need to protect the rights of the child.

In conclusion, it should be concluded that the librarians of our system are doing everything possible to strengthen the family with the love of books and reading, to help maintain an atmosphere of love and understanding towards it.

Here are examples of some activities:

Event form event title date Number of participants (Visits) Including
Aged Social groups
Children under 14 years old youth 15 – 24 years old pensioners disabled people
Contest Mom dad and I reading family February
Round table discussion "Ata abrue" March
Contest Come on moms! March
Book exhibition “Being a mother is an honor”
Library lesson "Reading with the whole family" April
Children's Day holiday “We were born to live joyfully” June
Total 6

Working with youth.

In library services for children and youth, the problem of decreased interest in reading is acute.

In the modern world, it is sometimes very difficult for a young person to find his way in life.

Young people, as a special socio-demographic group, require

I am glad to welcome you to the XV regional meeting of village librarians. Today we are celebrating a kind of anniversary - 15 years ago we laid the foundation for this interesting and effective form of advanced training for rural librarians. And the fact that rural librarians strive to attend the gathering, despite financial difficulties, speaks of the importance and necessity of this event. After all, the participants of the gathering not only get acquainted with the experiences of their colleagues, but also share their own, and receive a charge of creative energy for many years.

Every year, when we gather at the rally, we talk about our achievements, problems and ways to solve them. How does a rural library live today? How has her face changed over the past year? In the Donetsk region, out of 690 public libraries, 362 (40.7%) are located in rural areas. Rural libraries contain more than 4.0 million copies. publications, they served almost 175.0 thousand users, who were issued about 3.5 million copies of documents.

Libraries are an integral and significant part of the socio-cultural infrastructure of the village. Performing the functions of social communication, the library is often the only source of information and knowledge for various groups of the rural population: representatives of the administration, local intelligentsia, students, specialists, entrepreneurs, pensioners, the unemployed, people with disabilities, socially disadvantaged segments of the population.

Currently, rural libraries are undergoing serious changes associated with increasing their role in the life of local communities and expanding their functions. The library, as close as possible to the population, becomes the center of social and cultural life, contributes to the social and cultural revival of the village, the promotion of books and the spread of reading.

It is already becoming a tradition that libraries are often the initiators and organizers of various holidays, actions in the countryside - rallies for significant historical and political events, memorial watches for Victory Day, environmental cleanup days, courtesy visits to lonely and elderly people. In many cases, it is the librarian who becomes the main assistant to the village head in resolving issues of cultural services for local residents.

The community, placing high trust in library workers, elects them as deputies of local councils. As an example, I will give the Yasinovatsky district. The head of the Novoselovskaya-1 rural library-branch and the head of the Novoselovskaya-3 rural library-branch are deputies of village councils; Head of the Novobakhmutov rural library-branch, head. Krasnogorovsk rural library branch - deputy village heads. For almost 20 years he has been the deputy head of the village - head. Zhelannovskaya village library.

It must be said that over the past year, the position of libraries has strengthened in matters of cooperation with local governments and sponsors. Positioning the library as a center of culture and information in rural areas, the active position of many library workers is bearing fruit. In a number of areas, the material and technical base of rural libraries has been improved, which is important for creating comfortable conditions for serving readers.

Let me give you some examples. In the Volodarsky district central plant at the expense of the agricultural workshop of the MMK named after. Ilyich, a major overhaul of the premises of the Boevskaya rural library-branch was carried out; in the Volnovakha Central Library - at the expense of the Valeryanovsky village council, the premises of the Valeryanovsk village library were repaired, at the expense of the council - the roof was repaired and the windows were replaced with plastic in the Anadol village library. The constant assistants of library workers in resolving issues of material resources are the Yalta village head and the Ilyichevsk village head (Pershotravnevy district). For example, last year the heating system was repaired and windows were replaced in the Yalta village library, windows were replaced in the Azov rural library, and the heating system was repaired in the Ilyichevsk rural library.

The cooperation of libraries with local councils and entrepreneurs has a positive effect on the replenishment of their collections. Thus, the Pokrovskaya and Yakovlevskaya rural libraries of the Artemovsky district regularly replenish their collections at the expense of local councils; at the expense of sponsorship - Vasilievskaya, Novozarievskaya, Razdolnenskaya rural libraries of the Starobeshevsky district. They actively work with sponsors of the libraries of Pershotravnevo (69 titles of periodicals were subscribed for almost 8.0 thousand UAH), Krasnoarmeisky (raised 6.3 thousand UAH) districts.

In the Dobropolsky district, funds are regularly allocated from local budgets to replenish library collections. But rural librarians also actively attract sponsorship. For example, at the expense of the Svyatopokrovskaya mine, an additional 20 titles of periodicals were subscribed to the New Ukrainian Rural Library, an additional 5 titles were subscribed to the Verovskoe Rural Library (Verovskoye OJSC), 16 titles of newspapers and magazines for the Zolotokolodezyanskaya Rural Library, 5 titles for Toretskaya was registered by private entrepreneurs.

Their participation in project activities greatly contributes to improving the material and technical support of rural libraries. It must be said that recently it has become especially active in almost all districts of our region. Libraries submit projects to competitions of the Bibliomost program, mini-project competitions of the regional council, and many of them become winners.

2011 was a successful year for the libraries of the Artemovsky district - 5 of them became winners of the III round of the Bibliomost Program competition - “Organization of new library services using free access to the Internet”, receiving equipment (14 computers, printers, scanners, etc. ) in the amount of 68.5 thousand UAH.

The winners of the same competition were the regional library for children and three rural libraries of the Shakhtarsky district central library, receiving 15 computers and 4 sets of network equipment.

The central district and district library for children of the Telmanovskaya Central Library won a grant from the International Renaissance Foundation in the competition “Cultural institutions - a resource for the development of the community”) and purchased 2 computers, furniture, microfinance, a color printer, etc.

In the competitions of mini-projects of the regional council, the winners were the Seversk city library for adults of the Artemovsk regional central library, Maryanovskaya, Aleksandrovskaya, Petrovskaya rural libraries of the Starobeshevsky district, Uspenovskaya rural library of the Krasnoarmeysk regional central library, Kondratyevsky and Aleksandro-Kalinovsky rural councils of the Konstantinovsky district with the projects “Equipping rural libraries " The libraries of the above-mentioned village councils received a laptop, a computer with an Internet connection, an MFP, a multimedia board, and furniture. The premises of the Alexander-Kalinovskaya Rural Library are equipped with a conference room in which not only library but also public events can be held at a modern level.

Thus, project activities have allowed a number of rural libraries to reach a modern level of service to readers and provide members of local communities with free access to global and domestic information resources.

Rural libraries today are an important link connecting the population with local governments. In many libraries, centers on local self-government issues have been created and are successfully operating, where every rural resident can get acquainted with the decisions of village and district councils and receive a variety of social information. And in libraries with access to the Internet, you can get acquainted with the regulatory documents of the central bodies of legislative and executive power.

The main mission of the library is to convey information to every resident of the village, even the most remote one. Rural libraries successfully fulfill this mission, serving readers at 209 library points. It must be said that a distinctive feature of non-stationary service is its social orientation. Library workers and volunteer activists provide services to war and labor veterans and people with disabilities at their place of residence. For example, in Pershotravneva Central Library there are 121 such readers, in Slavyanskaya - 189 people, in Novoazovsky district - 171 people. There are similar examples in every district of our region.

Meeting the interests and wishes of local community members, libraries choose the most rational forms and methods of work. First of all, this is expressed in the organization and functioning of innovative types of libraries: centers for the revival of national culture, spirituality centers, bright-lit libraries, library-museums, environmental education centers, etc. In almost every rural library, with the participation of local residents, an ethnographic corner and exhibits have been created which is characterized by the traditions and customs of a given locality and serves as an aid to the librarian in work on local history and folk studies.

Rural libraries carry out interesting and meaningful work aimed at the patriotic education of the younger generation, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the development of spirituality and strengthening of moral principles in society, the popularization of national culture, the development and functioning of the Ukrainian language, legal, environmental education, and aesthetic education. Such a diverse and multifaceted thematic focus of mass work with readers has given rise to new, active forms of work - literary kaleidoscopes, games, quizzes, ecological travel, boomerangs, legal tournaments, moral lessons, Ukrainian evening parties, etc. The creative imagination of rural librarians is so rich that they constantly come up with and implement new forms of work that are interesting for visitors.

At the same time, libraries in rural areas, to a greater extent than in large settlements, feel the burden of economic and social problems. Despite some improvement, the material and technical base of rural libraries continues to remain weak. More than 60% of library premises are not heated, some lack lighting, there is no modern technical equipment, and library equipment is outdated. Of course, the dream of any rural librarian is for the library to have a computer with an Internet connection. So far, the dream has come true in only 5% of rural libraries.

Creation of model libraries in Volnovakha and Yasinovatsky districts (2 in each);

Implementation of the “Mobile Library” project - purchase of library buses in Amvrosievsky, Artemovsky, Dobropolsky, Krasnoarmeysky districts (1 library bus per year);

Measures for the preservation of library collections;

Modernization of library services to users;

Formation of innovative human resources

In cities and districts of the region, appropriate local programs will be developed, which will provide local governments with the opportunity to allocate budget funds and attract sponsorship for the development of public libraries. The main thing is that the activities outlined in the Program do not remain on paper, like much of what was adopted and approved earlier (for example, programs for replenishing the collections of public libraries, etc.). After all, the expansion of the tasks facing libraries and the objective strengthening of their role in society are not always properly assessed by government structures at all levels.

Positioning a rural library as an institution for the entire population, as a center of the local community, will require it to perform new functions that, at first glance, are not library functions. But this completely coincides with the concept that we are implementing - a library that is in demand not only by readers, but also works for the entire community, helping people in solving their everyday problems.

I would like to believe that the joint efforts of local authorities, the public and librarians will bear fruit and all conditions will be created to satisfy the information and cultural needs of the rural population.

The report has been prepared for presentation at the seminar “Rural library as a center of socio-cultural life of the village”

Currently, rural libraries are an integral and most significant part of the social structure of rural settlements, the social life of local communities, contributing to the social and spiritual revival of villages, and the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia.

Being in maximum proximity to the population and its needs, being the only source of information and knowledge for villagers, rural libraries largely perform the functions of social communication and remain the most stable and most accessible cultural institutions.

Our institution - the Municipal Budgetary Inter-Settlement Cultural Institution of the Muromtsevo Municipal District of the Omsk Region "Centralized Library System" - operates in accordance with:

1) Charter

2) and the subject and goals of activities determined by legislation in the field of culture and librarianship.

Let us dwell on some positions of federal, regional and local regulations.

Federal target program "Culture of Russia (2012 - 2018)"

In the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 17, 2008 No. 1662-r, culture is given a leading role in the formation of human capital.

The priority of state policy in the field of culture is to solve the following problems:

¾ educating the younger generation in the spirit of legal democracy, citizenship and patriotism, involvement in innovative culture and freedom of creativity;

¾ development of the creative potential of the nation, ensuring wide access of all social strata to the values ​​of domestic and world culture;

¾ preservation of cultural values ​​and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation, tangible and intangible heritage of Russian culture and its use as a resource for spiritual and economic development;

¾ maintaining the high prestige of Russian culture abroad and expanding international cultural cooperation

The library is one of the oldest cultural institutions. Over the long period of human history, itssocial functions have undergone significant changes. The library has become a social institution, including informational and cultural components and ensuring the sustainability of connections and relationships within society.

Some theorists and practitioners consider the library to be an intermediary, transmitting information from producers to consumers. It is difficult to say to what extent most libraries in our country have already mastered this role. But it is important to note that most libraries, both municipal and departmental (not to mention federal or national), claim precisely this role in the modern world.

However, there is another opinion. For example, Soviet and Russian librarian, librarian and publicist, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSRGeorgy Polikarpovich Fonotov believesthat the demand for libraries today is determined not by the fact that they have turned or are turning into information centers, but by the fact that they are humanitarian institutions, “the social function of which is to actively participate in the education and upbringing of a person, his intellectual and practical activities, ... ensuring individual rights to use spiritual values, strengthening her physical and spiritual health.”

The same point of view is shared by the Deputy Director of OGONBP named after. Pushkin (Omsk) O. V. Moskovtseva. In her speech “Assessing the effectiveness of cultural and educational activities of the library” at the methodological seminar “Sociocultural and educational activities of public libraries: a space of creativity” (September 25, 2018), she said that “our task is the formation of a high-quality personality,” therefore libraries carry out not cultural and leisure, not sociocultural activities, but CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL activities.

The same point of view is reflected, accordingly, in “ Regional standard for the activities of the municipal public library of the Omsk region"(2016):

Cultural and educational activities - exhibition activities, organization and conduct of educational and educational events, implementation of cultural and educational programs.

Ibid. information service is interpreted as providing consumers with the necessary information, carried out by information bodies and services through the provision of information services;

Functions of a modern library are memorial, communication, informational, educational, socializing and cultural.

Memorialfunction is a generic library function. By collecting and preserving documentary sources, the library is the embodiment of the “memory of humanity”, serves as a guarantor of the emergence of new qualities of social memory, and ensures the sustainability of public life. (systematization, storage and dissemination of cultural heritage)

Within communication function The library organizes human interaction with the social memory of all humanity, transferring to it for use all the public cultural property accumulated by civilization.

The desire of the modern library to provide equal and free access to socially significant information and knowledge lies in informational functions.

The modern library destroys its physical boundaries and moves from real space to virtual space. On the one hand, it offers access to information resources belonging to other subjects of the information space, including those represented on the Internet. On the other hand, it creates electronic information resources accessible beyond its physical walls and provides virtual services for searching for information and necessary knowledge.

Educational the function can manifest itself both in a broad sense (transmission of cultural norms and values ​​to current and future generations) and in a narrow sense (providing information support for an individual’s education). Thus, the library contributes to the formation of a socially competent, information literate person, and becomes the main base for lifelong education and self-education.

Being an integral and organic part of culture, acting as the greatest value of universal human culture, the library is one of the most important factors in cultural development, dissemination, renewal and enhancement of the cultural heritage of countries and peoples, ensuring the continuity of world cultural heritage. This manifests itself in cultural function modern library.

Realizing socializing function, the library ensures the inclusion of a particular person in the culture, contributes to his sociocultural identification, and helps the individual to reveal his creative potential.

Many colleagues highlight function of social support and consolidation of residents(assistance in preparing documents for receiving social benefits for elderly people and low-income families, assistance in social adaptation of migrants, etc.)

The objectives of the Institution are (from the Charter of the Central Bank):

Preservation of accumulated knowledge and memory of humanity in the form of documents and other information media;

Dissemination of knowledge and information in society, information and bibliographic services to the population;

Cultural and educational activities aimed at meeting the spiritual and cultural needs of each member of society.

The main objectives of the library are (Regional standard):

-providing opportunities for education and intellectual leisure for citizens of the Omsk region;

-preservation and transmission of cultural heritage recorded in text, visual and other forms;

-organizing the opportunity to get acquainted with samples of literature, the results of research and creative activities;

-ensuring free (free, comfortable, legal) access of citizens to the national library collection through the Internet information and communication network and mobile applications.

To achieve the goals provided for by our Charter, the Establishment (that is, you and I) carries out ( types of activities are specified in the Charter)…

Today, libraries perform not only an information function, but become the soul and heart of the local community. The social partnership scheme of libraries in this region is not much different from ours, librarians:

¾ cooperate with almost all institutions available in localities,

¾ take part in village holidays, hold Children's Book Weeks, organize events for International Family Day, Mother's Day, etc.

¾ cooperate with churches and their abbots

¾ implement creative programs and projects, conduct local history workand create corners of Russian life

¾ release multimedia albums about defenders of the Fatherland of all times

¾ become platforms for interest clubs

¾ assist students in preparing reports and essays, and much more.

As for the current situation of rural libraries, I am impressed by the point of view of Irina Petrovna Tikunova (RSL, head of the department of scientific and methodological activities - head of the center for researching problems of library development in the information society):

Currently, rural libraries are undergoing major changes associated with increasing their role in the life of local communities, expanding the functions and range of services provided. Their functions have become significantly more complicated.

- One of the new functions is the preservation and transmission of cultural traditions in time and space, ensuring continuity, personifying the memory of generations. Even the smallest rural library collects and preserves local history, accumulates local intellectual and information potential over the years, creating an important resource for the local community. If the village is considered to be the creator of the culture of the people, their spiritual national roots and traditions, then the library becomes a collector, custodian and conductor of cultural traditions

- Another function is participation in the cultural rehabilitation of socially vulnerable people. While remaining a guarantor of the right of Russian citizens to free access to information and free basic library services, the rural library continues the traditions of enlightenment and promotes the socio-cultural adaptation of groups such as children, youth, the unemployed, and pensioners.

- Promoting the development of local self-government and the formation of the local community . As part of this function, the rural librarian is not only a real assistant to the village leader, but sometimes the initiator and organizer of the participation of the local population in solving the social problems of the territory.

- Indirect participation in increasing cultural needs and in the assimilation of life values. The implementation of this function involves the development of the library as an important social resource in the implementation of state and regional programs aimed at improving the information, legal, and environmental culture of the population.

- The socially important function of libraries is the creation of a special cultural and intellectual environment in society. Continuing to remain a place for intellectual communication, the rural library contributes to the growth of the cultural level of the local population, promotes the development and realization of the intellectual potential of its readers, organizes activities to promote reading and books in society, and attracts local creative intelligentsia to this movement.

...And here, she says, we should think about the possibilities of a rural library to adequately fulfill its role, since the library in rural areas very much feels the weight of economic and social problems that impede modernization. (Outdated library collections, lagging behind in the field of computerization and modernization, irregular acquisition of professional knowledge, rare professional communication between rural library staff, non-participation in professional events at the regional and interregional levels, etc.)

Strengthening the legal framework for the activities of libraries at the regional and municipal levels, developing regional social programs that involve the inclusion of rural libraries in their implementation;

Updating the professional knowledge of rural library specialists, organizing a system for their professional adaptation by combining local educational resources, implementing individual educational projects;

Modernization and informatization of rural libraries at the expense of founders, sponsors, grantors or funding from other sources;

Strengthening network interaction in the creation and use of regional and network resources (provided there is access toInternet? ) ,

- development of social partnership by including libraries in the implementation of regional social programs and projects, establishing partnerships with various information, cultural and educational institutions and organizations;

The use of modern management technologies in library practice (project management, marketing, PR activities), which help to structure their activities in such a way as to be understandable, open to the local community, attract more resources and therefore effectively satisfy their information, educational and cultural needs.

A Margarita Mikhailovna Kulikova, leading methodologist of the National Library of the Republic of Korelia, highlightsGeneral areas of activity of successful rural libraries: The library is a platform for realizing the creative, professional, educational, and cultural potential of the user. The librarian is an organizer who helps select resources for this, showing visitors the unlimited possibilities of the library for organizing an event that is significant for each reader.