Karmic debts by date. What is karmic debt and how to get rid of it

When they talk about karma, most often it means a person’s purpose in life. But in addition to the mission, each person has a kind of “account” in which debts accumulate. Karmic debt is a burden of unfulfilled obligations that haunt the soul throughout all its incarnations. To find out what a person’s purpose in life is and his karmic debt, you should turn to numerology.

What is fate

To understand what fate means, one should study philosophical teachings, according to which the human soul is incarnated in a material body more than once. During its reincarnations, the soul works on lessons and mistakes, forming a chain of events.

This phenomenon can be compared to a school report card. If a student finishes a semester with bad grades, he will have to work off bad grades in the next half of the year. Likewise, a person’s soul, having not fulfilled its destiny, passes into the next life with debts.

According to karma, the soul itself chooses its next incarnation. Her current life is a lesson to be learned. Good deeds and righteous living purify karma. Life becomes easier for a person. Unkind deeds, on the contrary, burden the soul. She goes through life with a load of sins.

At the same time, past actions that you seemingly got away with can suddenly turn into failure in the future. Human consciousness will not connect these events, but such a turn will be evidence of retribution.

But the ease of karma is influenced not only by good and evil deeds. Each soul comes into this world with its own mission. That is why destructive events often happen in people's lives, turning life upside down - this is karma that returns a person to his destiny. Fate pushes the traveler onto the path from which he left.

This is why it is extremely important to understand your mission. By following fate, a person not only makes his own life easier, but also makes his subsequent incarnation better.

Where do debts come from?

Thus, failures in life may well be the result of accumulated debt in past lives. An unfulfilled debt prevents an individual from organizing his personal life, getting the desired profession, or simply developing. Having corrected the existing debt, the individual opens the way to new tasks. They will also have to either be fulfilled or transferred to the next life.

Tainted karma makes existence difficult. There are some factors that lead to karmic debts:

  • Promises that were not kept;
  • Reluctance to develop and follow your destiny;
  • The desire to get rich at someone else's expense, dishonest life;
  • Violation of elementary moral laws and rules.

There are also events that not only complicate karma, but also lead to practically tangible debts. It is quite difficult to list all the errors, but they can be generalized into several groups:

  • Violation of God's commandments;
  • Apostasy or atheism;
  • Denial of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount;
  • Reluctance to recognize shrines;
  • Questioning the power of prayers;
  • Disrespect for parents;
  • Failure to fulfill one's own parental duty.

Debt analysis

Before proceeding to the analysis of karmic debt, it is necessary to determine its type. There are several types of debt:

  • Failure to complete the mission in the current life;
  • Duty, transferred with the soul into a new incarnation;
  • Debts of the family tree, or the so-called acquired karma.

If everything is more or less clear with the first two points, then the last one often causes confusion. Having calculated the karmic destiny by date of birth, a person finds himself “awarded” by the sins of others.

Some religions develop such a concept as continuity. In simple words, the debts of parents go to their children. By the way, such an inheritance can pass to the younger generation only after its consent. This kind of humility can be traced back to religious traditions. For example, the phrase “it’s either good or nothing about the dead” carries hidden consent to fulfill someone else’s duty. In this case, the soul whose sins have been forgiven is freed from its debt. It goes to the one who sincerely forgave the deceased. The same principle is inherent in the tradition of fulfilling the last will of the dying person.

But current generations are far from the fate of Christ. Not every soul is able to cope with its own debts, so the burden of other people's sins follows the soul from life to life. At the same time, the accumulated sins in each of the subsequent incarnations will manifest themselves more and more aggressively. This injustice of karma can be compared to bank interest. This explains the injustice that people often cry about. “To some, everything, to others, nothing.” Or terrible events that befall people. To the question “why me?” Karma will answer.

Calculations by date of birth

Finding out whether a particular soul has debts is very simple. Some people feel the invisible pressure of karma even without calculations. Personal life is destroyed, it is difficult to communicate with others, illnesses do not recede.

To understand where the troubles that have befallen you come from, you should calculate your karmic debts. To do this, it is enough to know the exact day and year of birth.

According to numerology, there are numbers that indicate karmic debts. These are 13, 14, 16, 19. Those whose birth number falls on these dates definitely carry with them a “trail” of past mistakes. This also includes those born in 2014 or 2016. This is the karmic significance of the date of birth.

To carry out a more detailed calculation, you should use the formula:

  • Date of birth, for example, May 27, 1986.
  • Add up the birthday numbers: 2+7=9.
  • The same is done with the month: 0+5=5.
  • Numbers of the year: 1+9+8+6=24. A two-digit number must be added: 2+4=6.
  • All the results obtained are summed up: 9+5+6=20. The result indicates the absence of karmic debts.

If, as a result of the calculation, 13, 14 or other numbers of debtors were obtained, you should reconsider your life rules and try to work on karma.

Some services on the Internet allow you to automatically determine karmic debt by date of birth. You can calculate your code online by entering your date of birth in the appropriate fields.

To understand what the debt is, you should analyze the number indicating the debt. Each of them points to certain sins, which can be gotten rid of only by understanding their true essence:

Methods of working out

By date of birth you can calculate not only karmic debts, but also your destiny. Knowing what the fault of the soul is and what its mission is, a person discovers the true path for himself.

The first step in the fight against debt is awareness of the offense. Religion also offers reflection and repentance. This can be done through confession.

Also, philosophical teaching advises asking for forgiveness from those who were offended by a person and getting rid of all kinds of debts. We are not talking about financial debts here, but about promises made. It should be remembered that broken vows follow the soul from life to life.

Ways to cleanse karma:

  • Refusal of revenge;
  • Favor towards loved ones and loved ones;
  • A sense of compassion and mercy towards others;
  • Ability and willingness to help those in need;
  • Take responsibility for your own failures;
  • Analyze your actions;
  • Do not wish people harm and do not harm them;
  • Don't expect rewards for good deeds;
  • Do good deeds more often.

Having recognized your mistakes and started working on them, it is important to find out your own purpose. Each person comes into this world with a specific purpose. By not following its mission, the soul acquires a burden that will follow it in subsequent incarnations. It is possible that the present life will not be sweet if a person deviates from the path prescribed for him.

To find out your karmic destiny, you should write down your date of birth starting with the year, month and ending with the day.

For example, 1964, month 06 and day 25. 19640625. The last number (5) indicates the person's main mission. This is the code for the main karmic task. The remaining codes are determined by those numbers that are not in the row. In this case, it's 3,7 and 8.

By the way, the numbers already available are tasks that the soul successfully completed in a past life. The missing numbers are codes for tasks that, in addition to the main one, the individual will have to work on.

Karmic debts are an interesting feature of human destiny. Finding out your purpose will be very useful for those who are thinking about the meaning of life. The science of numerology answers these questions.

29 Jul

Most of humanity believes in karma (consequences for committed actions), which acts as a kind of analogue of fate. The concept of karma is supported by many eastern teachings (Buddhism, Hinduism), as well as occultism. Using numerology, you can calculate what reward awaits us today for actions from a past life.

It is not difficult to calculate karmic debt by date of birth - any adult can do it. Our website has convenient tips and options for this. By calculating online karmic debt by date of birth, you can understand for which actions you will bear the greatest responsibility and how best to work off them.

Let's say you were born on July 17, 1976. Add these numbers: 1+7+0+7+1 +9+7+6=38. If you get a two-digit number (more than 9), then add the numbers again: 3+8=11.

And again, to the natural: 1+1=2. It is two that is the number of your karmic debt.

Unit. The karmic debt by date of birth is very small. Conscious negative actions before the Universe were not very significant. Most likely, there were lies and a little selfishness, or you were able to atone for and close negative actions at the moment.

Deuce. Previously, in other lives, the vector was directed only towards oneself. Therefore, today’s duty of karma is simple - you should help those dependent on you (animals, plants). And, of course, to loved ones: best friends, children, loved ones. If you ignore help, you will be unhappy and lonely, both in friendship and in love. Frequent betrayals of others without special reasons are due precisely to obligations to the world

Troika. Numerology by date of birth in this case associates karmic debt with revenge. You were vindictive in a past life, but the debt is canceled if you stop remembering the bad things and devote all your efforts to reconciling the warring parties. This will nullify the retribution of the Universe.

Four. Your debt is large and accumulated by other lives. It consists of a huge number of negative actions. Many of the latest problems and questions have been living with you for several reincarnations. Having calculated the number of karmic debt, act according to your conscience and your existence will become better.

Five. Your karmic debt is “young” and not heavy. Most likely, it is associated with ingratitude to fate (and in its person to people) for help. You previously took everything for granted, although success and happiness were the result of the efforts of others and their love for you. There is a possibility that you will pay off all your obligations, since according to all teachings this karma is not the worst.

Six. This is a real symbol of karmic problems, the root of which is based in your relationship to the Universe. Luck, which always eludes you, indicates that the Universe is trying to return the “favor” and the boomerang is returning. Perhaps in past lives you appropriated something that did not belong to you (someone else's success, a valuable thing) or betrayed someone who believed in you.

Seven. Calculating karmic debt by date of birth considers seven the most favorable number of all. Exactly what you want is happening in the world and fate favors you in all your endeavors. Any action has fairly predictable consequences and there should not be too much upheaval in life. If troubles do happen, then the reasons must be sought in your character, but not in karma.

Eight. Your debt does not disappear anywhere because of a bad deed that left an imprint on further events. The problems will go away only with his redemption. This will happen at any time - in a year or several lives, depending on the severity of the deed. In the meantime, the only path to happiness is acceptance of yourself and your problems.

Nowadays, people quite often use the words karma, karmic debt in their vocabulary, without even having a clear idea of ​​the meaning of these concepts. So, first of all, let’s figure out what karma is in general and specifically focus on the concept of karmic debt by date of birth.

What is karma?

Many perceive this concept only as a burden of sins and vices from a past life weighing down on a person.

But in fact, in the mental-astral dimension, karma is the totality of all human deeds and actions, voluntary and involuntary. Karma is the essence of a person with a long trail of all his merits and misdeeds.

Karma can be both dark and light, both heavy and light. But it tends to change depending on what path in life its owner has chosen. You can either improve it through good deeds or spoil it by doing bad things to others.

Karma helps us understand why everything is this way and not otherwise; it establishes cause-and-effect relationships and retribution. It is the key to understanding life. Karma defines favorable and unfavorable conditions of life, and shows what a person has to go through and what he must realize in his life.

Also, karma knows better than anyone what prevents a person from being happy, how a past life can affect his present and what awaits him in the future. Karma is not some kind of punishment - it only reflects what a person deserves through his actions. If some difficulties come into a person’s life, then this is only a consequence of old offenses committed by the person himself.

Man creates his own destiny:

  • in your own words,
  • thoughts,
  • actions.

Nothing happens in our lives just like that. Karma tells us that everything in the world is natural. Nothing happens by chance - everything happens for a reason.

This means that we must develop spiritually. If a person does not strive for self-development, life will present him with more and more unpleasant surprises and challenges.

What is karmic debt?

Karmic debt appears as a result of non-return of the borrowed energy, as well as an unfulfilled obligation to the Higher Powers, which automatically makes a person a debtor (sinner) and is fraught with restrictions and tests of karma.

Here are examples of some sins that entail the largest karmic debts:

  • Taking and failure to fulfill obligations, promises of a person to people and Higher Powers. Do not forget! Any promise matters, and the one who does not keep his word will become the biggest debtor.
  • Failure to realize one’s destiny, refusal to fulfill one’s karmic goals and objectives.
  • Misappropriation of someone else's property.
  • The debt of karma to one’s own Soul, refusal of self-development.
  • Human irresponsibility.
  • All of the above examples are specific situations, but they can all be generalized and grouped into the following main reasons for the occurrence of karmic debt:

    • breaking God's Ten Commandments;
    • violation of the Rituals of Zoroaster;
    • violation of the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ;
    • violation of the vital principles of Existence;
    • violation of the values ​​of holy monuments;
    • violation of the value of prayers;
    • impaired memory of parents;
    • impaired memory of children.

    Karmic debt can be of several types, depending on the way it appears:

    • own, earned by a person in this life;
    • own, earned in a previous life or lives;
    • acquired, inherited by family.

    The debt of karma will inevitably accompany you throughout your life and cause a lot of trouble. These will be trials and obstacles that sometimes seem completely impossible for you to overcome. Therefore, it is very important to find out whether you have your own karmic debt.

    How to find out if you have karmic debt?

    The first sign that you have a karmic debt is failures, one after another; frequent illnesses; constant quarrels with family and friends. If you have something in mind and make a lot of effort to achieve a result, but nothing works out; If you often conflict with someone for no particularly important reasons or various illnesses have already overcome you, most likely you have an unfulfilled karmic debt.

    Also, the debt of karma can manifest itself in any way - when calculating the number of the name, soul, life path, date of birth, etc. In this article we will help you calculate karmic debt by date of birth.

    The numbers of karmic debt can be noticeable simply in the date itself. They may also appear in intermediate results.

    In order to find out the presence of karmic debt by date of birth, it is necessary to carry out the following calculations. Take your date of birth. For example, 04/26/1984. Add the numbers of the day, month and year of birth one by one:

    If you receive a two-digit number in any result, you need to sum the digits of this number. For us this number is 22.

    Now we add all the results together:

    Below are the numbers that karmic debt numerology considers to be karmic debt numbers.

    If during the calculation process or in the original version the numbers coincide with these numbers, you should think about it and reconsider your life path up to this point and draw conclusions.

    Numerology of karmic debt

    According to karmic debt numerology, the numbers of karmic debt are 13,14,16, and 19.

    Let's consider the actions that could lead to the appearance of these person's debts:

    • the number of karmic debt 13 is provoked by a reluctance to work in a past life, the habit of shirking and shifting one’s responsibilities to others.
    • Karmic debt number 14 is caused by sitting in one place. Being a completely free person, you devoted yourself entirely to one thing, without developing your other talents. But the reason for the appearance of this debt could also be the opposite behavior - due to your unlimited freedom, you completely devoted your life to satisfying only your needs and weaknesses, such as gluttony and carnal pleasures. You used other people to do your hard work without even thanking them for it.
    • The number of karmic debt 16 owes its appearance to excessive human egoism. This debt appears if in a past life you satisfied only your love needs and preferences, neglected and trampled on the feelings of other people, broke up families and people’s lives.
    • Karmic debt number 19 is typical for overly ambitious people. Such people can never get enough of power and feel more omnipotent every day. At the same time, they absolutely do not care about other people and their feelings. The most important thing for such a person is that everyone obeys him unquestioningly. If such people need help, they will never say so, but will try to solve the problem on their own or rely on the fact that someone should unselfishly help them simply because they are so majestic.

    Working off karmic debts

    To close your karmic debt you need to:

    • understand the root causes
    • find out from the Forces of Karma what needs to be done;
    • work on yourself, apologize, try to correct the situation, etc.
    • turn to a Spiritual Healer for an esoteric ritual of liberation from karmic debt.

    The very first step to working off the debt of karma is realizing its essence. There is no need to delve too far into our previous lives - all our sins are almost always in full view and in the present.

    You can repay your karmic debt in two ways - either repent or suffer. The choice is yours - you can realize and fix everything, or you can compensate for everything with torment and suffering.

    Therefore, if you have been offended by someone, do not rush to offend in return. Stop and think, maybe this situation has already taken place in your life, but it was you who acted as the offender. Realizing and repenting means that you have completed this lesson.

    In the Christian religion, millions of believers are given the chance to confess and absolve their sins, but this does not relieve these people of their debts. They consciously share their sins with the clergy, but having received forgiveness from them, they leave the church and again think about doing what they just repented of. This means that they have not realized that this is wrong.

    If a person has realized, he doesn’t want it anymore and won’t do it.

    And then we will consider what needs to be done to get rid of karmic debts according to their numbers

    To correct the karmic debt of the number 13, you need to work tirelessly. The more you work, the more your debt decreases. Learn to enjoy the work you do. Almost all of your problems can be solved by increasing the amount of effort you put in. Don't be lazy and everything will work out for you. True, it is worth warning that the path to working out will be long and thorny. Not everything will come out right away and easily.

    You also need to learn to concentrate on what is most important and throw all your strength there. Maintain order in your life. Clutter and chaos can confuse you and significantly increase the distance between you and your target.

    The karmic debt of the number 14 can be worked off by learning to control yourself in any situation, not paying attention and not giving in to your physical needs. You need to set yourself a fairly serious goal and make every effort to achieve it. Only then will you achieve inner harmony and achieve your integrity.

    It is possible to atone for the karmic debt of the number 16 by the absolute eradication of human egoism. It is necessary to think about the feelings and experiences of other people. Be modest and humble.

    In this situation, there is one big obstacle: having an analytical mind, the owner of this debt quite easily finds shortcomings in other people and in his eyes they automatically fall below his level. Thus, such a person is doomed to eternal loneliness.

    The karmic debt of the number 19 will help you work off your favor towards people. Treat them the way you would like to be treated - with respect and understanding. Learn to share all the capabilities of those in power. It will become easier for you if you put your pride into the background and openly demonstrate your love, friendship, and affection. Then you will be able to fully enjoy the reciprocal feelings.

    Any karmic debt can be worked off, previous mistakes can be corrected and new ones can be prevented. Do what is required, live according to humane rules. Fill your life with kindness and responsiveness and this will definitely have a positive effect on your karma.

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    Karma, according to Indian philosophy and religion, is retribution for a person’s actions committed in past lives. In the current incarnation, karma is given to people so that they can realize their past actions and mistakes, free themselves from the influence of the past and purify the soul.

    We can say that karma is a kind of cosmic force that rewards everyone according to their deserts, a kind of scale that tips the scale of life either towards good or towards evil. Each person has his own karma, which determines life and Fate, and karma numerology by date of birth will help you find out what sins a person could have committed in a past life, how he can correct everything in his current incarnation, and what his future Fate is.

    Using karma numerology, you can find out a digital code by date of birth - karmic number, which will tell you about past incarnations, character, abilities, future and even Fate. The karma number makes it possible to learn about your debt and obligations that arose in previous lives. It indicates what a person needs to change in his current incarnation in order to get rid of his karma.

    ATTENTION! The karmic number should not be confused with the karmic debt number. , and are also not present in the fate of every person, but everyone has a karmic number, a karma number. There also exists and, which describes a person’s past life, tells when and where he was born, what kind of life he led. However, it also has nothing to do with the karmic number and is calculated using a different algorithm.

    How to calculate karmic number by date of birth

    There are several ways to calculate the karmic number by date of birth: the karma number can be calculated in accordance with Tarot cards, it can be calculated using the last two digits of the year of birth.

    Some experts suggest calculating the number of karma by the day a person was born, or by the number obtained by calculating the day and month of birth, and the number of the year.

    There are many alternative algorithms for calculating the karmic number that are offered. However, the most complete and accurate, in our opinion, is the classical method, in which the numbers that make up a person’s full date of birth are summed up when calculating.

    With this calculation, the number of karma by date of birth most fully reveals for what purpose a person is on earth, and what exactly will bring him satisfaction, success, and the elimination of bad karma. In addition, when using the classical method, you can obtain additional information - at what level the karmic number is located.

    There are seven levels of karma number in total. Here it should be taken into account that previously they spoke only about six levels, since it was impossible to obtain a karma number less than “10” as a result of calculation. Currently, such a karmic number by date of birth has begun to be found among those people who were born at the beginning of the 21st century, which is why some experts began to allocate karma numbers less than the number 10 to a separate, “zero” level.

    Karmic number by date of birth - online calculation

    To calculate the karma number by date of birth online, you only need to select your date of birth in the form below, click the button, and you will immediately find out the level to which your karmic number belongs, the number of your karma itself, and you will be able to read the decoding of its meaning.

    Day Month Year
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900
    Calculate karma by date of birth


    Level 0

    Absence of karmic tasks as such (except for the tasks of the Family). People of this level are not given any goals and do not require self-development. You can do anything. The only condition is that these people must live in accordance with their own conscience and reason.

    1st Level

    These people are at the first stage of spiritual and ideological development. They need to humbly accept the fate of a student. In this reincarnation, you should make every effort to improve your personality and not try to change the world around you.
    Do not worry that the karmic number of the first level requires a constant cognitive process. Being an eternal learner means discovering the joys of the world and learning from your mistakes, becoming a more kind and compassionate person. If you accept and process the information given to the Universe correctly, then in the next incarnation the number of karma will definitely be an order of magnitude higher.

    2nd Level

    In order to determine your real earthly goals in this reincarnation, it is extremely important to live in accordance with your karma number. People whose karmic number is within the second level are united by the need to develop an inner voice to communicate with their ancestors.
    The task of these people is to atone for mistakes made in previous incarnations. Throughout life, it is of paramount importance to work off manifested karma and lead a noble, merciful lifestyle.

    3rd Level

    Being at the third level, a person faces the task of transmitting knowledge and even prophecy; his purpose is to convey wisdom to others. However, even absence and teaching assignment should not become a reason for self-confidence for people of this level. Self-improvement should remain their life goal.

    4th Level

    People who received the karmic number of the fourth level are philosophers, sages, who are entrusted with the creation, knowledge and education of others. Their main life goal is to reach the next level of consciousness, to the highest point of personal and spiritual development.
    The karma number of these people is not a sentence or an exact life scenario. Each of them is capable of becoming a respected and successful person, not prone to self-interest, meanness and crime. Being at the fourth level, one should avoid thoughts and actions that give rise to karmic debt, one must strive for harmony with oneself and others, and then spiritual growth will be ensured.

    Level 5

    In this life, a person who is at the fifth level acts as an outside observer of life. This person seems mysterious to those around him, but he will do everything for the spiritual development of his Family. Despite the desire for self-improvement, a person with this indicator does not always know how to live life with a clear conscience and a burning heart.
    Being Fortune's favorite, such a person can stop nurturing his own soul, sinking to the social bottom or simply plunging headlong into consumption. It should be noted that such a lifestyle is considered by karma as an offense requiring punishment. So, most likely, in the next incarnation a person will have to work off debts of 1-4 orders of magnitude.

    6th Level

    Such people can safely be equated with celestials, because they have completely moved away from the chaos and worries of worldly life. They like to be alone with themselves and develop spiritually in silence.

    A person is born on a strictly designated day, hour and even second. His fate is already programmed for specific events by someone from above. Everyone comes into the world with their own karma and destiny.

    Karma is retribution, the main concept in Indian religion and philosophical teachings, the law of cause and effect relationships in human life.

    According to him, sooner or later you will definitely have to answer for all your actions and actions. The action is the cause, the payment is the consequence.

    This is also popularly called the law of the boomerang, which always returns. If you do good, the good will return; if you sin, you will have to bear responsibility.

    Thus, karma is our destiny, which we shape through our daily actions; a collection of good and bad deeds.

    If a person lives according to his conscience and keeps God’s commandments, then his life is easy and joyful. Conversely, a sinful life is full of grief, loss and despondency.

    It also happens that a person lives honestly according to all the highest canons, but his life is unhappy and full of negative situations.

    In this case, they say that he is working off the karma of past incarnations.

    If a person did not have time to atone for all his sins in this life and, in addition, committed new ones, then they pass along with him into the next reincarnation.

    This is how karmic debts are formed. To prevent them from moving with the debtor into a new rebirth, they must be accepted and worked out in the present.

    The karmic number of debt can be found out using the ancient esoteric teaching - numerology, the founder of which was Pythagoras. Karmic numerology studies the interaction of numbers and the physical world: how numbers influence the course of our lives.

    In esotericism, the number of karmic debt is calculated by date of birth. This allows you to determine how your personal debt was formed and what to do with it, how you can get rid of it. What difficulties and obstacles will you encounter on your way and find the right ways to solve them.

    Main sources of karmic debts How to find out your karmic number by date of birth

    To calculate your karmic number, you need to add up all the numbers of your birth date.

    For example, you were born on November 25, 1984. November is the eleventh month (11). We get: 2+5+1+1+1+9+8+4 = 31. The number 31 is your karmic number.

    Each karmic number has its own interpretation and meaning. A simple calculation will help you find out what you need to pay attention to in your destiny, what situations are best avoided and what to look at more closely.

    You can also learn about your hidden capabilities, talents and resource states. In this way, you will receive tips for a more joyful and happy existence. You can find out the meaning of your karmic number at the end of the article.

    Do you have a karmic debt?

    If your karmic number corresponds to one of the numbers 13, 14, 16, 19, then there is a debt in your karma. Each of these numbers has its own meaning:

    A separate number is the number 10. If you get a ten in the calculations, this means that you are an unusual person: you do not have a single karmic debt in any of your past lives. You lived them with dignity, worked moderately, had good relationships with people, and kept God’s commandments.

    All karmic numbers are combined into 4 groups, each of which corresponds to its own level. The higher the level, the more lives a person has lived and has more experience, resources, and opportunities.

    First level - numbers from 10 to 19 Second level – numbers 20 – 29 Third level – numbers 30 – 39 Level four – numbers 40 – 49