Fortune telling with tarot cards 36 cards. Simple fortune telling on playing cards - layouts for the future and love

Every person wants to look into their future. To predict future events, people use different types of fortune telling.

There are many different ways and types of fortune telling:

  • Coffee fortune telling
  • Fortune telling by mirror
  • Fortune telling on different types of cards
  • Fortune telling by hand

These are just a few types of fortune telling. But there are many, many of them. Some types of fortune telling have been known since the ancient world.

One of these types of fortune telling is ordinary playing cards.

Is it possible to make playing cards fortune telling?

If the cards are new, they are immediately suitable for fortune telling. You just need to do a check for them.

To check the cards, you need to shuffle them.

After this, you need to ask the cards a question to understand whether they are not lying and take two cards from the top of the deck.

If two cards are drawn red suit, then the cards definitely lie.

If two cards fall out black suit, then the cards tell the truth. When two cards have been drawn that have different suits, you need to put them aside and draw two cards again. This can be done three times.

When a person wants to, the “unkissed” person must sit on them. When this person gets up from the cards, the fortuneteller must take these cards with his own hands and not give them to anyone until the end of the fortune-telling. Then you can trust the cards. Laying out cards for fortune telling.

First you need to choose a card, which will symbolize the fortuneteller. An unmarried girl should take the queen of diamonds. If the girl is married, she must take the queen of hearts. How to tell fortunes with playing cards 36 cards

A woman who has children should take the queen of the cross. Grandma takes the queen of spades. Cards for men are also selected by suit. The process of fortune telling on cards.

The fortuneteller carefully stirs the deck of cards. In this deck you need to find and draw a card that symbolizes the fortuneteller. Then the deck of cards must be shuffled again. Draw two cards.

One card must be placed under the fortuneteller's card, second from the top on the fortuneteller's card. Remove the deck and then divide it into four parts. These parts must be the same size. They must be placed on the left side of you in a vertical column.

From the first part of the cards you need to take the top card and place it on top of the fortuneteller’s card. From the second part of the deck we place the top card to the left of the fortuneteller's card. From the third part we place the top card on the right. And from the fourth part of the deck, place a card below the fortuneteller’s card.

How to tell fortunes with playing cards 36 cards

Cards that lie on the left side- future actions of the fortuneteller. From the right On the side of the fortuneteller there are cards that mean those actions that would be best for the fortuneteller to perform. The cards closest to the fortuneteller indicate his path. The remaining cards are consequences of the actions of the fortuneteller.

  • All sixes mean the road.
  • Sevens and eights are a conversation.
  • Nines and tens have the meaning of money.
  • Ace means the fulfillment of the fortuneteller's wishes.

More meanings of the cards can be found in special literature intended for fortune telling. How to tell fortunes with playing cards 36 cards

It is very important to remember that fortune telling is simply a prediction of a person’s destiny.

People build their own destiny. It all depends on what path in life a person chooses and what path he takes.

In childhood or adolescence, many of us knew exactly how to correctly guess with playing cards, and perhaps some of us have retained this data to this day. Fortune telling is a complex mental process that can awaken your intuition. Not only experienced fortune tellers resort to using cards; each of us can find out our future through ordinary playing cards. Next, we will tell you how to tell fortunes with playing cards, help you learn (or remember) methods of fortune telling, and reveal the true meanings of the suits. For a more visual example, watch the videos below; they will help you learn the basic methods of fortune telling with cards: for the future, for love, for desire.

First of all, it is necessary to carefully prepare for fortune telling. This means that you need to buy a new deck of 36 cards, mentally prepare yourself for fortune telling, and choose the right day. It is believed that the most accurate card information is reported on Fridays, as well as on every 13th day of any month. Our ancestors also turned to fortune telling during the New Year and Christmas holidays. This is the period from January 7 to January 19, when the transition from the old year to the new takes place and you can easily open the door to a completely different, parallel world, find out answers to exciting questions and, perhaps, draw very important conclusions for yourself.

If you are starting the fortune telling process for the first time, remember a few general rules, who will tell you how to tell fortunes on cards yourself and get reliable information.

  1. Immediately before the ritual hold the cards in your hands, shuffle them with your left hand, directing them closer to your heart. Set up an energetic connection with the cards, think about the issue that concerns you.
  2. If you decide to tell fortunes with cards to another person, do not pass the deck from hand to hand. It is believed that cards sense their owner, and no one but him should hold the deck in his hands. The person for whom you are telling fortunes can only point at the cards with their hand.
  3. Don't start fortune telling in a bad mood. Also, be sure to get consent from the person to whom you decide to tell fortunes. Fortune telling against your will is not allowed.
  4. Use different methods of fortune telling with cards, which we will discuss in detail below. But, if you are tormented by some important question, do not ask it to the cards more than once a day, otherwise the answer may be unreliable.
  5. Pay attention to the dropped cards. If one or more cards fell out during the shuffle, decipher their meaning along with the cards from the main layout. There are no coincidences, these cards are trying to tell you something.

The meaning of playing cards in fortune telling

  • Hearts are responsible for the element of Water and represent love and romantic relationships. Signs – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
  • Diamonds - this is the Earth. This suit is responsible for material wealth, business relationships, travel, study, and active work. Signs – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
  • Clubs - This is the element of Fire. The suit is responsible for financial well-being, power, and position in society. Her signs are Aries, Sagittarius, Leo.
  • Peaks - this is Air. The suit symbolizes all the failures, losses and problems that occur along the path of life. Signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Methods of fortune telling on cards

There are different ways of fortune-telling with playing cards: for love (for a king, for a loved one), for the future (“What will happen?”, gypsy fortune-telling), for desire, for a question, for fate and even for wealth. We will reveal some of the simplest, but very popular and effective methods.

Fortune telling for a loved one

This method allows you to reveal some of the character traits of the person you are guessing about, as well as his emotions, feelings and intentions.

  1. Take the deck shuffle, knock down the top with your left hand.
  2. After that remove the first card and open it. These are the thoughts of your loved one.
  3. After the shuffle remove the second card and put it to your right - these are his feelings, emotions, experiences.
  4. In a similar way remove four more cards:
  • the third card will indicate the near future of your loved one;
  • fourth - his desires, hopes, aspirations;
  • fifth – an unexpected event;
  • sixth – fate or the distant future.

Fortune telling by wish

This method is very simple, but it will help you shed light on the near future and will allow you to find out whether what you want will come true or not. Having mastered it, you can easily learn to tell fortunes on cards using more complex variations of layouts.

  1. So, we pick up a deck of 36 cards and shuffle them, thinking about our desire.
  2. We take out one card at random, without looking at the deck.
  3. The card you withdraw will answer your question.
  4. At the same time, all “black” suits will talk about the impossibility or some difficulties in fulfilling a desire.
  5. “Red” suits, on the contrary, increase the likelihood of a positive outcome.

Gypsy fortune telling

This ancient and very effective fortune telling will help you learn about some events of the near future, tell you about the present and the past.

  1. Take the cards, think about the question that interests you. For example, “What awaits me?”
  2. Shuffle the cards, remove the top with your left hand.
  3. Lay out 3 rows of 3 cards face down.
  4. The first row is your past.
  5. The second row is the present.
  6. The cards in the third row represent your future.

Fortune telling "What will happen?"

When you have already managed to learn a little about fortune telling with playing cards, let’s move on to more complex layouts and try to find out the answers to the following questions: "What happened?" "What will happen?" and “What will the heart rest on?”.

  1. To begin, concentrate, pick up the cards and shuffle them with your left hand towards your heart.
  2. Remove the top few cards and send them to the bottom of the deck.
  3. Then, alternately select 3 cards from the deck until you find “your” card, for example, the queen of clubs and place it in the center of the table.
  4. The first three will symbolize “What happened?” That is, each of the dropped cards means an event that has already happened or personifies a person who is next to you.
  5. We shuffle the remaining cards again, focusing our attention on the question “What will happen?”
  6. We divide the deck approximately in half, take out one card, and, regardless of its suit, place it under “our” card. This is what is “in your heart”. This card can only be opened at the end of the fortune telling.
  7. Next, we do not shuffle the cards, but distribute them into approximately four equal parts on different sides of the main card. This must be done with the right hand.
  8. Now alternately open the top two cards from above and below, to the right and to the left of your card.
  9. Without shuffling, we place the remaining cards, 2 each, in the right corner - below and above the main card, revealing the suit.
  10. We place the cards on the left in the same way.
  11. Of the remaining cards, every fourth is placed “On the heart”.

Once you have mastered the methods of fortune telling using playing cards, you can move on to more serious methods and purchase tarot cards.

How to learn to tell fortunes with tarot cards?

Today you can find many manuals and even textbooks that tell you how to learn to tell fortunes with tarot cards. You can also find interpretations of the cards on the Internet or in books. Remember the main point - the fortuneteller must feel the cards, believe in them and trust them. Having pulled out any card, you need to feel its energy, write down your emotions, the feelings that it evokes. Believe me, tarot cards know more about you than you do. Fortune telling on these cards resembles communication, they talk to you. To begin with, do not try to make complex layouts - just choose one card per day and describe your experiences associated with it. Over time, you will learn to listen to yourself, your intuition, and the cards themselves will “want” to reveal all their secrets to you.

In magic there are various ways to find out what happened, what is and what awaits a person in the future. But card fortune telling with 36 cards remains the most popular due to its accessibility and ease of performing the ritual.

What is “fortune telling with 36 cards”?

In most cases, a regular deck of 36 cards is used for fortune telling. Anyone can look into the future and find out their destiny. But the cards are very “jealous”: only the person who picked them up for the first time can guess at them.

The correct technique for fortune telling with cards

All card fortune-telling techniques vary, so there cannot be only one correct piece of advice about the “correctness” of using cards. Cards are willingly “revealed” to those people who know how to handle them respectfully.

Three rules of fortune telling with cards:

- To carry out fortune telling, they buy a new deck that will not be used for other purposes;

- Cards do not like lies, so you need to ask your questions directly and honestly so that the purpose of fortune telling is clear;

- Before performing card fortune telling, you need to ask the cards for permission to reveal the future.

Card fortune telling “Black Rose”

This fortune telling can be used when you need to find out the answer to a clearly posed question. But you need to keep in mind that cards do not guarantee 100% accurate results.

So, the fortuneteller takes a deck of 36 cards into his hands and focuses on the problem. Then he must ask a specific question or make a wish, shuffle the deck of cards and pull out any card at random.

If a card of the suit "spades" is drawn:

Six - ten: the dream can come true, but the chances are not too great;

Seven is the king of spades: there is one chance in 1000 that the wish will come true;

Ace: the plan is not destined to come true in the near future.

If a card of the club suit is drawn:

Six - ten: the wish is unlikely to come true;

Seven is the king: there are doubts about the fulfillment of the wish;

Ace: the wish is not destined to come true;

If a card of the suit "hearts" is drawn:

Six - ten: with a greater degree of probability it is possible to predict the fulfillment of a desire;

Seven is the king: the fortuneteller will be satisfied with the goal achieved;

Ace: a wish made will definitely come true.

If a card of the diamond suit is drawn:

Six - ten: the wish will come true, but problems will arise, due to which all the joy from the event may fade;

Seven is the king: the dream will come true, but with great obstacles;

Ace: the wish will come true in an indefinite time, you need to wait!

Card fortune telling "Gypsies"

This fortune telling for the future is often used by gypsies. You need to fully concentrate on your question or desire, pick up the deck and shuffle it well. When they tell fortunes for another person, they are asked to remove part of the deck; when they tell fortunes for themselves, they remove them themselves.

You need to lay out 9 cards in 3 rows, where the first three cards show the past, the next three cards show the present, and the remaining cards show future events.

Cards of spades suit:

6 – road and late evening trip;

7 – tears and sadness;

8 – will be invited to visit for a holiday, feast;

9 – serious illness, hospital;

10 – plans are not destined to come true;

Jack - the wrong thing will be done, and all the efforts will be in vain;

Lady - rival or enemy, jealousy or anger;

King - means a noble person nearby;

Ace - noisy party, drinking.

Cards of the club suit:

6 – quick business trip;

7 – quick business meeting, important negotiations;

8 – business dates, negotiations;

9 – something will be very expensive, affection;

10 – making a profit, income;

Jack - unforeseen problems and troubles will arise, and someone else’s help will be required in resolving them;

Lady - means a woman (mother, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbor or colleague);

King - denotes a man (father, father-in-law, father-in-law, neighbor, colleague, boss);

Ace is an important task;

Hearts cards:

6 – trip;

7 – meeting or date, conversation or argument;

8 – meeting or date, conversation or argument;

9 – there will be a date, mutual love!

10 – dreams about the future;

Jack – concerns and problems being solved at the present time;

Lady - beloved (less often - mother);

The king is a married/divorced man;

Ace is a symbol of family and home.

Cards of the diamond suit:

6 – a trip will take place soon;

7 – conversation, date;

8 – conversation, date;

9 – anxiety;

10 – mutual feelings;

Jack - problems and wasted efforts;

Lady - girl, friend, lover, someone's wife;

A king is a young man, a friend, a lover, someone’s husband;

Ace - interesting news regarding money issues.

Card layout "Trident"

This card fortune telling allows you to find out the past, present and future, as well as see the attitude of others using a regular deck of 36 cards. First, the deck is thoroughly shuffled, then three cards are laid out in a row (9 cards in total), the tenth is the “lock”, it is placed in the middle under the third row.

Horizontal rows are temporary designations:

First row - past events

1st card: distant past;

2nd card: present situation;

3rd card: recent times.

Third row - present

1st card: prospects for the near future;

3rd card: how the situation will change in 10 or more years;

Vertical rows (columns) – indicate the present tense; “castle” - near future:

  • - column on the left: family ties;
  • - column in the middle: love relationships;
  • - column on the right: relationships with friends and colleagues.

Before deciphering the dropped values, you need to see and evaluate the overall picture of the layout:

· Suit of spades: expect grief, sadness, tears, health problems, death of someone close to you or the fortuneteller himself.

6 – humiliation and difficulties;

7 – gossip, bad news, anger, resentment, troubles;

8 – severe shock;

9 – problems with the law, difficulties and obstacles;

10 – illness;

Ace - problems at work.

· Clubs suit: unpleasant incidents, financial problems, deceptions and fatal mistakes.

6 – dissatisfaction, negative emotions, bad road;

7 – conclusion of a business agreement, profit;

8 – grief, tears;

9 – major mistake, showdown or unpleasant meeting;

10 – disagreements and disputes on an important issue;

Jack, queen, king - a middle-aged man who occupies a good position and is wealthy;

Ace – incorrect information, lie.

· Hearts suit: happiness, harmony, love.

6 – a love date, a pleasant journey, less often – a successful career;

7 – joyful meetings, engagement;

8 – pleasant leisure;

9 – good luck in love, a quick meeting with your loved one;

10 – strong and sincere joy;

Jack, queen, king – close people (6 nearby – young people, 10 – older people);

Ace - great joy, mutual love.

· Diamond suit: luck, luck, pleasant emotions, minor losses.

6 – heavy chores, morning journey;

7 – receipt of money, surprise;

8 – increase in profit;

9 – good luck in financial matters;

10 – a huge amount of money;

Jack, queen, king - young and rich people;

Ace - receiving an inheritance, winning the lottery, less often - getting married.

To guess and always get reliable results, you need to know the intricacies of correct handling of cards and the secrets of true predictions.

In the article:

Rules for fortune telling with playing cards

Before you begin the divination ritual, you need to buy a new deck and. It is necessary to carry out the ritual, since it is necessary to tune the cards to the energy of the fortune teller in order to receive truthful answers to questions.

You cannot play cards or give your personal deck to anyone. If another person is reading the cards, then the deck’s answers will be closely related to his energy.

It is advisable to have several decks for fortune telling. For example, one should be used only in fortune telling, where it is required that the fortuneteller touch it (to transfer energy).

You need to work with cards when you are feeling well and in a good mood. In a fit of anger, you should not undertake the ritual, as it is quite dangerous.

Cards should not lie unattended anywhere. These are fortune teller's assistants, so you need to prepare a place to store the deck.

Cards should be cleaned regularly. If too much negative energy accumulates on the deck, this prevents you from receiving the correct answer. The cleansing ritual can be found by following the link above.

Don't try to learn everything in one day. Fortune telling is a complex process, and you need to have great energy potential in order to carry out long and difficult rituals.

Fortune telling lessons - what questions can you ask?

Among the techniques used by fortune tellers, solitaire and solitaire are common, in which you can ask a certain question and, by pulling out a designated number of cards, get an answer.

But what should the question be for the answer to be clear and understandable? There are three rules:

  1. You can't ask questions unnecessarily. If the answer is obvious, don't elaborate.
  2. Don't repeat yourself. Asking a question twice will confuse the cards and the deck will begin to give out false information.
  3. Fortune tell your fortune (plans) or for a period of no more than three months.

Be sure to remember when working with cards that 98% correct results are obtained only by professionals. Even if you master the art of fortune telling perfectly, a person has a chance to beat fate.

For a fortuneteller, it is important to consider all possible options for events when a person asks a question. Clearly realizing that fortune telling is nothing more than an analysis of future events, it is necessary to work out all the options for situations that can happen to a person.

It is important to realize that a fortune teller is simply a guide. The diviner needs to abstract himself, otherwise he will not be able to interpret the combinations correctly.

Global issues that involve serious topics are prohibited. You cannot use the ability to look into the future for personal enrichment.

Learning to tell fortunes with playing cards - what are “forbidden days”?

There are prohibited days in every month. On these dates, there is a high probability of making a mistake or even ruining a person’s fate.

Unfavorable days:

  • January - 7 days: 1, 2, 4, 6, 11, 12, 20;
  • February - 3 days: 11, 17, 18;
  • March - 4 days: 1, 4, 14, 24;
  • April - 3 days: 2, 17, 18;
  • May - 2 days: 7, 8;
  • June - 1 day: 17;
  • July - 2 days: 17, 21;
  • August - 2 days: 20, 21;
  • September - 2 days: 10, 18;
  • October - 1 day: 6;
  • November - 2 days: 6, 8;
  • December - 3 days: 6, 11, 18.

It's better not to take on the deck on Mondays. Fortune telling and playing solitaire are not allowed during illness. Women should not work with cards during menstrual periods.

Any handling of cards must be done with care. You can't mock their power and use the deck for fun.

Basic methods of fortune telling using a playing deck

Fortune telling by wish

You will need a deck of 36 cards. You need to shuffle it and remove one card. Put it aside without looking. Divide the rest equally into 5 piles. Take a card set aside, look at its suit and make a wish.

Having set aside the selected cards, you need to return to the deck again. Repeat the process, only arrange the remaining cards into 4 piles. Manipulations are performed until one stack of five cards remains in the hands. You should open them.

The wish you make will come true if the resulting deck contains cards of the suit you made earlier, from 10 to Ace. If other cards fall out, the wish cannot be fulfilled. To find out what was to blame, you need to complete the schedule below by asking an exciting question.

Quick response

To get a quick answer, you can perform a ritual if a strong enough connection with the deck has been established. To do this, you need to regularly carry cards with you for several days, shuffle them, just hold them in your hands and do.

When the deck gets used to it, the cards will understand what the fortune teller needs. If an urgent question arises, you need to take the deck in your hands, bend over the cards and whisper the question three times. To get a more detailed picture, 2 more cards are drawn from the deck. Depending on (alone and together) you can learn everything you need.

Learning to tell fortunes about future events

Using the following scenario, you can determine the probability of an event or the success of an operation.

You need a deck of 36 cards. You need to shuffle the cards and arrange them into 4 equal piles. Take one card from each and place it in front of you.

Interpretation of the result

  • Four cards diamond- victory in all endeavors, success, glory. Your work will be appreciated; there is a chance to achieve what you have dreamed of for so long.
  • Four hearts- the loved one belongs to the fortuneteller with all his heart and soul. The combination speaks of harmony in relationships and happiness in marriage.
  • Four clubs- profit, possible promotion, an unexpected gift from an old friend.
  • Four spades cards- disappointment (in love, in friendship), financial losses, troubles.

Card combinations

Clubs+Queens of Spades- there may be many problems in the future. It is better not to argue, proving your point of view.

Six of spades + club card(any) is a bad road.

Methods of fortune telling on 36 cards

The great temptation is to know your future. It is even more difficult to resist it when it is known that knowledge about the future is not a secret, you can find out about it. For this purpose they serve methods of fortune telling on 36 cards.

The easiest way to tell fortunes is with playing cards. You can tell fortunes in a variety of ways, but one of the simplest items for fortune telling is playing cards.

Why cards?

A standard gaming deck consists of 36 cards, but there are also larger ones - they include 52 cards. Each card has its own uniqueness, which means it can have its own separate meaning. Therefore, the playing deck has a wide range of possible uses for.

Card reading has been popular since ancient times, which means at least one person in the house knew how to tell fortunes, for example, using playing cards. Usually this role was performed by the oldest woman; this tradition originates from Eastern traditions, where women were initially associated with magic. That is why ladies are of particular importance in fortune telling. The lady in the cards represents that same woman, a family member who possessed magical knowledge.

There is a great variety ways on playing cards, but they are all united by common principles. Using certain rules and traditions, several cards are selected from the deck and placed on the table in a certain order. It is important not only the value of the cards taken from the deck, but also their place in fortune telling.

Each location has its own meaning, for example, “that which was” or “that which one thinks about.” The meaning of the cards is then interpreted according to the basic principles of interpretation and their placement, where they are located.

Classic interpretation of cards

In simple classical layouts, which will be discussed in this article, the following interpretation is usually used. The deck for such fortune telling consists of 36 cards. Each suit contains the following cards:

  • Six. Six in fortune telling means the road. If the six is ​​red, the road will be easy or happy, and if it is black, it will be empty or useless. A road can have a literal meaning and mean a journey, a trip, a move, or it can also have a figurative meaning, meaning a path or movement in any direction.
  • Seven. This is something unexpected. Again, in the case of red cards and clubs, the surprise will be rather pleasant, it is a surprise or a gift, and if the suit is spades, seven will mean a quarrel.
  • Eight- this is a meeting. In hearts and diamonds this is a pleasant meeting, perhaps even flirting, in clubs it is a sad meeting, and in spades the meeting means betrayal.
  • Nine. This card means news, news. For worms this is news about love, a declaration of love, for diamonds it is just good news. Clubs are news related to finances, money, and the appearance of nine spades may indicate news of a serious illness.
  • Ten. Ten means family. In hearts, these are family chores that bring joy; in diamonds, the appearance of this card means a gift. Clubs are associated with receiving a material sum, and spades signal brewing problems in the family. Jack is always a young man. For worms it means a love meeting, for diamonds it is simply a pleasant acquaintance. Clubs will be associated with obtaining a new source of income, and spades mean an ally.
  • Lady– most often a married woman, but can mean a young girl. For clubs it is a homewrecker, and for spades it is an elderly, unpleasant woman.
  • King– a married or middle-aged man.
  • Ace means writing. For worms this is a love letter, and for spades it is a letter from a government house, that is, from an organization or institution.

In order to commit, all that remains is to understand how to lay out the cards correctly.

Shall we tell fortunes?

It is advisable to take a deck that has never been in the game before, but any will do. The main thing is that this deck belongs to a fortuneteller; cards taken from the wrong hands can “lie” or predict the future not of the person you are fortune-telling, but only of the owner.

A simple fortune telling for a couple. Order:

  1. Take a deck of 36 cards. Choose one card for the companion and for the companion (similar to the previous fortune telling). Take them out of the deck and place them next to you (the card of the fortuneteller on the left, his companion or companion on the right).
  2. Shuffle the cards. With your left hand, take the first two cards and place them to the left and right of the lying pair of cards. This is what worries and what each of the couple thinks about.
  3. Shuffle the deck again and cut to yourself twice.
  4. Take two cards from the deck and place the pair on top of the cards. This is the couple's future. Joint, but the card that lies above each partner means the event that will happen because of him.
  5. Repeat step 3 again and take two cards from the deck. Place them below the cards of the pair. These are couple problems. They are joint, but the card that lies above the partner means problems that he will have to solve first.

With help, it’s easy to get information about your near future. The results can even be recorded so that you can later observe how the predictions come true.

The main thing is not to forget that everything depends on the person himself, and if fortune telling prophesies problems, you can have time to prepare for them in advance and solve them with the least damage.