Types of male figures and recommendations for choosing clothes. How to choose your clothing style for a man

You will need:

Firstly, you must choose clothes that not only fit you perfectly, but also fit the required sizes, and also have a match and similarity in color.

For example, let’s take the most basic combination: the top is light, and the bottom is in classic dark shades.

Avoid sail shirts and, of course, untucked shirts. After all, a beautifully tucked shirt harmoniously “cuts” your body in half. In this case, a certain line of trousers appears that emphasizes your sexy torso, the slimness of your legs and your figure in general.

As a rule, it is very simple to determine it - you measure 10-15 cm from your navel and, accordingly, at this place, your trousers or jeans should fit you well.

  • You should feel comfortable and confident in these clothes. This doesn't mean it shouldn't be a size or two larger and fill you up accordingly.
  • Try to choose convenient and comfortable things in which you can easily make new acquaintances at work or just in a cafe or on the street. Then yours business style will definitely appreciate it.
  • If you use accessories, then make sure that the watch is expensive and stylish.

Cost of things

This difficult question, both for amateur buyers and for professional designers and stylists. The problem is that today, high-quality and modern clothes You can buy it for literally pennies.

All you need to do is know good and trusted places.

As a rule, people do not want to buy ordinary and uninteresting clothes, but want things that correspond to their status, or, more often, they set the bar much higher.

If you take into account a suit or shoes, then these should be natural materials, and at the same time made with high quality.

Nowadays, technology has made such progress that factories do not have to spend large amounts for the production of their products. For example, you can buy a classic shirt for 3,000 rubles. At the same time, you will not have to hem it, and it will clearly emphasize your figure. Well-fitting trousers can be bought for 2,000 – 3,000 rubles. Simple jeans can be purchased for 3,000 rubles. If you take into account ultra-fashionable designer jeans, their prices will sometimes reach 15,000, or even 20,000 rubles.

Again, if you are wearing a cheap shirt on top and luxury jeans on the bottom at the same time, you will get some kind of imbalance.

Therefore, try to buy clothes that will match in price and visually.

Discounts and promotions

Boutiques and shops in any city hold various sales about 4-5 times a year, where you can buy many goods at a significantly reduced price - two or even five times cheaper!

As soon as sales and promotions start, go shopping and try to buy yourself something at a discount.

At sales you can buy better quality items.

It is possible to choose original and interesting models, while spending a much smaller amount than the initial budget that you allocated for clothes.

One good advice– go to a luxury boutique and just try on something expensive to find out how it fits and looks on you.

After this, you will at least have a rough idea of ​​what you need and compare the quality of certain things. It's a rewarding experience.

There are also many websites on the Internet that sell things at big discounts. And you don’t have to wait long at all - they are here literally every day. The only problem is that you cannot try on a thing and know how it will look on you. But you always have a way out - you can return it and get your money back.

However, if over time you learn to choose the right suitable clothes via the Internet, then you won’t need any stores!

Sit in your home or office and order any clothes at affordable prices. You will save your time and money!

Looking stylish, elegant and courageous at the same time is not the best simple task for a man. To do this, you need to carefully select all the details of clothing and accessories, correlating them with fashion trends, the time of year and your own budget. How can a man choose his own style of clothing, so that both at work and in Everyday life have an attractive and harmonious image?

You will need:

I. A set of various accessories;
II. Several types of clothing.

How to choose a clothing style for a man?

First of all, the clothing style for any person should be selected based on two criteria:

- lifestyle (work, pastime, regular places to visit, etc.).

You can also highlight seasonal clothing that a man will wear in the warm and cold seasons. However, male summer style clothes, selected according to a single principle, will not differ too much from the winter image.

For students or young people who spend most of their time in educational institutions, clubs or in the company of peers, it is better to take as a basis free style. Jeans or trousers, a loose plaid shirt, jumpers or sweaters will be appropriate here. In winter, the look is complemented by a coat or short jacket with a knitted scarf.

The convenience of such an image for young people is that it is easy to change the image by replacing just a couple of accessories or one of the clothing items. You can quickly “change clothes”, both for studying and for going to the club.

Creative individuals and owners of extravagant professions, such as artists, designers or musicians, have a vibrant style. In clothing, such people strive to express their individuality, and few will be surprised to see an artist in a bright and provocative hat or a colorful jacket.

For men associated with sports, the main clothing style will be a loose and light image. Sports style should not be confused with youth style, because in this image the main thing is masculinity, sexuality and ease. Any practical accessories are suitable for this style: watches, scarves, hats, glasses, backpack.

Universal clothing styles for men

One of the universal and fashion styles for casual wear for men is the banjo style. It’s quite easy to create an image with it, because the banjo style in clothing is relaxed and free. Large sweaters with interesting colors and even antique embroidery, loose trousers and any bright accessories - you can choose a lot of clothes from your wardrobe to match this style.

Traditional and never outdated classic style for men it is personified with business. Shoes with a white shirt and suit are the clothes of a serious man who does what he loves. In everyday life similar style will not be very convenient and will require a lot of effort to maintain the image neat and attractive.

It should be noted that in order to comply fashion trends It is not always necessary to buy all the upcoming collections and follow the shows. To look fashionable, just a couple of accessories and harmony in colors and types of clothing are enough.

With today's post I want to start new topic on the blog - men's fashion. Let's figure out what it is, for whom, for what!

It's no secret that men, just like women, sometimes like to gossip and discuss feminine beauty. They are happy to criticize women, despite the fact that they themselves are far from perfect.

Only their pride does not allow them to open a glossy magazine in which they could find out about modern men and what kind of men women like.

Many young guys think stylish clothes tight jeans or unisex trousers. Such clothes look good at fashion shows, but not in real life. A man in this style is unlikely to interest a real woman.

Fitted shirts or trousers that highlight the butt look good on almost perfect body. The classic cut of clothing is suitable for those whose body proportions are far from normal.

There is another extreme. Some men are afraid of looking feminine or gay and completely forget about stylish clothing.

In addition to this, they also refuse to take care of themselves, arguing that a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey. Of course, male beauty is not in long eyelashes or curls, but still a well-groomed man, with clean shoes, pleasant perfume and good clothes, even if he is not very handsome in appearance, is able to charm a woman with his charm.

If a man does not have a chic appearance or a toned body, the only way to attract the attention of the opposite sex is through stylish clothes.

Women always take care of themselves, wash their hair every day, have different manicure-pedicure procedures, and adhere to the latest fashion innovations. Men are far from this. But here it is important to know the line between effeminacy and proper grooming. And therefore you need to take care of yourself and choose the right clothes so as not to look funny and ridiculous in the eyes of a woman.

Unsuccessful male images

It wouldn’t hurt to find out what other clothes, besides tight unisex trousers, look stupid and scare women away. Here are some examples of such clothing combinations. Such a seemingly insignificant element of clothing as socks is actually very important. Fortunately, many men already know that socks white should be worn under a clean white suit or sneakers. Great importance It has correct selection socks under clothes, shoes and trousers must be of a certain length and darker or lighter in tone.

Also, you should not mix the concepts: sportswear and style. Sportswear famous brands- bright and shocking, striking with the combination of sneakers and business trousers. It looks impressive, however, ordinary people can't afford it because of the sky-high prices.

Therefore, it is better not to use sneakers and sports style in ordinary life, but only for going to the gym or going out into nature, to the mountains. An inappropriate combination of trousers and a sports jacket is also an option: shoes under sports trousers, the appearance of such a sporty businessman causes bewilderment and laughter, even despite the fact that he has a luxury car.

You need to be careful when selecting outerwear. It is strictly forbidden to wear a down jacket over a business suit or a classic formal coat with a backpack on the back. Seeing men who resort to such combinations, one gets the impression that they either have no taste at all or don’t have enough money to afford to have a coat, a down jacket, a briefcase and a backpack in their wardrobe at once.

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Should fit at the waist and not be tight. If you see that they are dangling on you, then under no circumstances wear them without a belt. The most important thing is to choose correct length trousers so that they end in the middle of your heel.
You also need to ask the seller about your waist size in order to choose pants according to this size in the future. In cases where a man has a non-standard figure, you can place an individual order or simply have them adjusted by a tailor.

The next type of wardrobe that you need to choose correctly is shirts. Firstly, the shirt should just fit your figure perfectly. The sleeve cuffs should slightly cover the wrist, and the collar should tightly cover the neck, but not squeeze it. Choose the sleeves of your shirt so that they go exactly along the line of your shoulders. It’s much easier to choose a shirt because you don’t have to choose the length, since most likely the shirt will be tucked into the trousers. But if the shirt is very long, then there is always the option of simply cutting off the excess length and then hemming the edges.

Choosing clothes for a man is actually quite simple. But special questions arise when choosing a suit. The most important thing here is to always remember the size of the shoulders of the suit. In order to check whether you will be comfortable in a suit or not, just bend your elbows. If the sleeve falls below the wrist, and you experience strong tension in your shoulders, then, most likely, with any sudden movement of your hands, your jacket will immediately tear. This comes from the fact that the shoulders of a new suit simply cannot be adjusted to fit a person, unless the suit is made to order.

Men are the other halves of women. Accordingly, they should look appropriate. But how to choose a man's clothes so that you feel comfortable in it and look great?


Choose a men's suit. Please note that the suit fabric must consist of 60% natural ingredients. If there is more naturalness, there is a high probability that such a suit will look constantly wrinkled. If there is more synthetics, the body will suffocate. Also, synthetic materials absorb very well and retain the smell of sweat for a long time. If it is not possible to purchase a suit, buy the “top” and “bottom” of the set separately. Remember that they must be in harmony with each other. If one of the parts is striped, choose a plain color for the second.

Choose a men's jacket. Please note that it must have a lining. It is the lining that retains its shape. If the jacket wrinkles when you try it on, check whether the lining is sewn well. Only a sewing machine can help out in this situation. The jacket itself will not straighten out. The sleeves of the jacket should reach a maximum of the middle of the palm when standing, with the arms down along the body. The ideal option is when the length of the sleeves reaches the bone located on the hand. A sleeve is considered short when the wrist is visible. Inspect clothes very carefully. Under no circumstances should there be torn buttons or protruding threads.

When choosing trousers, first of all look at their length. When a man is sitting, make sure that the edges of his trousers reveal his ankle just a little. The bare leg should not be visible. If a person is standing, then the length of the trousers in the front should slightly cover the part of the shoe where the laces are located, and in the back the length should reach the middle of the heel.

Choose a men's shirt. It should be made from natural materials. Only a small percentage of synthetics is allowed. pay attention to