M Vasnetsov Ivan Tsarevich. Victor Vasnetsov

Brief history of creation

Main characters

Composition Analysis

Description of the artwork “Ivan Tsarevich on Gray Wolf» V. Vasnetsova

Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful escape pursuit by rushing through dense forest thickets astride the Gray Wolf. The Tsarevich peers anxiously into the surrounding forest - if the fugitives are overtaken, inevitable separation awaits them. At the same time, he confidently and tightly holds Elena, who has practically submitted to fate and is frightenedly clinging to her savior, trying not to look around...

Brief history of creation

Vasnetsov’s canvas “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf” is rightfully considered one of the most fairy tales Russian fine arts. This painting was painted by the artist in 1889 during the period when he was working on the painting of the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv. In order to create the painting, Vasnetsov interrupted work in the cathedral for some time. He took the popular folk tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” as the basis for the plot.

Main characters

The pose of Ivan Tsarevich and the expression on his face indicate that he is wary, but at the same time full of determination and courage. Strong and powerful, having repeatedly won victories in confrontations with the enemy, the Tsarevich inspires respect and trust. He carefully holds the hand of Elena the Beautiful, tired from the long and dangerous road.

The figure of the Gray Wolf is of particular interest to the viewer. This fabulous predator has human eyes, which means that the artist depicted a werewolf or werewolf (an ancient Slavic version of the name) in the picture. The Wolf's gaze is directed directly at the viewer. At the same time, there is nothing bloodthirsty and wild in his appearance. On the contrary, the image fairy wolf full of courage and devotion. The Gray Wolf is depicted by Vasnetsov as incredibly powerful. Moving in big leaps, he carries the Tsarevich and Elena through a dense forest where no man has ever set foot. One gets the feeling that the entire group of heroes seems to be floating above a swamp, surrounded by ominous forest thickets.

The wolf vigilantly peers into the space ahead, choosing a path. The open mouth and protruding tongue indicate that he is having difficulty overcoming fatigue and holding on. last bit of strength. The wolf's paws are spread wide, and a long fluffy tail spreads in the wind.

The fabulousness of the plot is emphasized by the clothes of the main characters. Ivan Tsarevich is wearing an expensive brocade caftan, belted with a green sash. A sword is visible behind his back. The Tsarevich's caftan decorated with gold harmonizes perfectly with Elena's exquisite robe, made of blue silk. Combination of gold and blue flowers V Slavic mythology indicates a connection with the world of magic and miracles.

Elena the Beautiful personifies a Russian beauty with long brown hair. Her neck is decorated with pearl beads, and her feet are wearing morocco boots. On the princess's head is an exquisite headdress decorated with precious stones.

The artist masterfully conveys through pictorial means the material of the main characters’ clothes. Looking at the canvas, the viewer feels the heaviness of brocade, velvet, morocco and gold embroidery.

Elena herself is sad, but her decoration looks elegant and joyful. This one is extraordinary feminine image was written by Vasnetsov from his niece, Natalya Anatolyevna Mamontova. The main emphasis, as in the case of “Alenushka,” Vasnetsov did not place on external features, but on the mood and posture of the heroine.

The Gray Wolf is also not depicted as literally gray. His golden-brown fur seems to repeat the color of the clothes of the Tsarevich, whom he serves so faithfully.

Composition Analysis

The vertical composition of the painting evokes in the viewer a feeling of impending danger and alarming uncertainty. The main characters seem to be enclosed in a red quadrangle: the Tsarevich’s red hat, red scabbard, red boots and the red tongue of the wolf. It is the color red that helps create the feeling of approaching danger.

The surrounding landscape emphasizes the anxious mood of the fugitives. The action of the picture takes place against the backdrop of the morning dawn, in the foreground the swamp is menacingly dark, and the gray-purple sky is barely visible behind the thick branches of giant trees. The dense forest looks ominous. Huge trees covered with moss stand as an impenetrable wall, but they seem to make way for the good characters of the fairy tale, helping them escape from pursuit.

A blooming apple tree and marsh water lilies bring life to the gloomy landscape. The appearance of an apple tree near a forest swamp seems unusual and alarming. However, this part has great importance. It takes the viewer to the very beginning of the fairy-tale narrative. After all, it was from the apple tree that brought golden apples that the whole story began.

A blooming apple tree also symbolizes the beginning of a new life and love; it instills in the viewer hope that everything will end well. The silvery-white flowers of the tree echo Elena’s outfit and tie the whole color scheme paintings. The canvas is filled with a mysterious shimmer that evokes a feeling of touching a miracle.

Vasnetsov once again proved that he is consummate master historical and folklore painting. You can describe what is happening in the picture with a line from Russian folk tale: “The gray wolf rushed with Ivan Tsarevich, with Elena the Beautiful, on the way back - he lets blue forests pass his eyes, sweeps rivers and lakes with his tail...”

The artist placed the characters diagonally, which creates a sense of movement.

The picture is made in contrasting colors, emphasizing the eternal struggle between good and evil. Dark colors, which depict a forest, symbolize evil forces, anxiety and danger. Bright colors, dominating the appearance of the main characters, emphasize their belonging to everything good and bright.

Fabulous painting about Helen the Beautiful and the Tsarevich immerses the viewer in the world of Russian folklore, helping to believe in the triumph of good over evil. Currently, the painting is in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

Viktor Vasnetsov’s painting “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf” is perhaps one of the most folklore works Russian fine arts. The plot of the film is based on the famous Russian folk tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf.” Ivan Tsarevich with Elena the Beautiful, who he stole, flee from pursuit on the Gray Wolf - true friend Ivana. The prince looks around carefully and presses his beloved tightly to his chest. Elena, subdued and indifferent to what was happening, trustingly clung to her savior. She tries not to look around, scared of the chase, the dense forest, and even the wolf.

The viewer's special attention is drawn to the Gray wolf with his human eyes. This is an unusual character: The Gray Wolf is a werewolf, a werewolf, as he was previously called. But both in the Russian folk tale and in the painting, his image is positive, full of courage and fidelity.

The gray wolf easily carries his riders away from pursuit. He runs barely touching the ground, as if hovering over a gloomy swamp in the middle deep forest. In the picture in this forest, swamp lilies and apple tree flowers stand out as bright spots. An apple tree in the middle of a dense forest, in a swamp? With this, the artist refers us to the plot of a folk tale - after all, the adventure began with an apple tree with golden apples.

The clothes of the heroes of the canvas are also fabulous. Ivan Tsarevich, dressed in a caftan embroidered with gold, and Elena in a silk blue dress complement each other stylistically. And the Gray Wolf is not gray at all, the color of his fur echoes the color of the prince’s clothes. The whole picture creates the mood of a fairy tale, a miracle, a riddle.

Year of painting: 1889.

Dimensions of the painting: 249 x 187 cm.

Material: canvas.

Writing technique: oil.

Genre: mythological painting.

Style: romanticism.

Gallery: State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Other paintings by the artist:

Description of the painting by Viktor Vasnetsov “Alyonushka”

Description of the painting by Viktor Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”

Description of the painting by Viktor Vasnetsov “The Knight at the Crossroads”

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is one of the greatest Russian painters, known for his beautiful works in the genre of historical and folklore painting.

Brief biography of V.M. Vasnetsova

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 3, 1848 in the Vyatka province (now Kirov) in the family of a priest. Studied at religious school, and then at the theological seminary. With his father's consent, he left the seminary before graduation and went to St. Petersburg to enter the Imperial Academy of Arts. Vasnetsov traveled abroad after graduating from the Academy, but began exhibiting his works in 1869. He took part in exhibitions of the Itinerants and was a member of the Mamontov circle (an association of Russian intelligentsia founded in Rome, but developed in the estate of philanthropist S.I. Mamontov in Abramtsevo).

Vasnetsov was a member of the Academy of Arts, had many awards and privileges, took part in the creation of the Renaissance Society artistic Rus'(an organization introducing the Russian people to its indigenous ancient creativity).

Vasnetsov is best known for his paintings of epic historical themes: “After the massacre of Igor Svyatoslavich with the Polovtsians” (1880), “Alyonushka” (1881), “The Knight at the Crossroads” (1882), “Bogatyrs” (1881–1898), “Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible" (1897).

One of the people’s favorite paintings is “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf” (1889). A fairy tale, familiar to everyone from childhood, literally comes to life on Vasnetsov’s canvas.

The history of the creation of V. Vasnetsov’s painting “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”

All artists prepare differently for creating their creations. Some people nurture an idea in their heads for a long time, outline a plan, prepare hundreds of sketches - and only then start working. Others act under the influence of feelings, intuitively. The painting “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf” was painted according to the second option.

In 1889, Vasnetsov was engrossed in work at the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv (painting the cathedral took the artist ten years!). Suddenly the idea of ​​a painting based on a Russian folk tale about Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf was born. To paint this painting, we had to temporarily suspend work in the Kiev Cathedral - and, as a result, now the whole world can enjoy a beautiful canvas that embodies all the sincere human feelings and Russian folk culture.

The workbook is included in the set of textbooks “Art. Fine Arts" for grades 5–9, developed in the system of the scientific and pedagogical school of academician V. S. Kuzin on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic general education and ensuring continuity of education fine arts in primary and secondary schools. Special signs mark tasks aimed at developing meta-subject skills (planning activities, highlighting various signs, compare, classify, establish cause-and-effect relationships, transform information, etc.) and personal qualities students.

Fugitive Heroes

The central characters of the folk tale, Ivan Tsarevich, Elena the Beautiful and the Gray Wolf, are depicted on the canvas by the hand of a master. Three heroes escape from pursuit, rushing to meet their fate through an impassable and dense forest.

Ivan Tsarevich hugs Elena the Beautiful tightly and anxiously watches to see if their pursuers are catching up with them. His outfit clearly indicates high position young men - an expensive caftan, a red hat trimmed with fur, black gloves with a pattern and red boots with a pattern. Behind the Tsarevich’s back is a sword in a sheath - proof that the young man will fight for his happiness to the last drop of blood.

In the arms of Ivan Tsarevich, Elena the Beautiful rides on the Gray Wolf. Her facial expression is sad and concentrated. She fears for her life and the life of her loved one, afraid that they will not be able to escape from their enemies. Her hands calmly (and even limply) lie on her knees, demonstrating the complete surrender of her fate to the power of Ivan Tsarevich. She trusts the young man, but her heart is not yet calm, because the chase is very close.

Elena the Beautiful's long hair falls in waves onto her shoulders and flutters in the wind from her fast jump. The girl is wearing a lovely dress heavenly color with gold trim. Elena has golden boots on her feet, and on her head is a rich cap with precious stones. A string of pearls adorns the fugitive's neck. The “model” of the image of Elena the Beautiful was the artist’s niece, Natalya Mamontova.

The main assistant of a couple in love is depicted as tired, but desperately fighting for the happiness of the young people. The Gray Wolf runs at colossal speed, escaping from pursuit - his powerful paws are tense, all tendons and muscles are visible. The ears are pressed to the head, and the tongue falls out of the mouth - it is not easy for the beast to carry fugitives and rush forward rapidly.

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The role of landscape in the painting “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf”

All the nature in the picture reflects the dangerous situation of the heroes, fear for the future, anxiety from what is happening and the trials that befell them.

Under the paws of the Wolf lies a swamp, on the sides are centuries-old trees covered with moss, spruce and an untrodden path. It seems that fairy-tale heroes will perish in this impenetrable darkness, the Gray Wolf will get lost and the fugitives will be pursued.

But there are bright sides in the landscape in the picture, proving that everything will be fine for the young people. A tree in bloom and marsh water lilies symbolize hope, new life, happiness and love. The apple tree, from whose fruit the story of the heroes began, with its velvety-airy flowers miraculously “echoes” the attire of Helen the Beautiful, adding tenderness to the picture. Thanks to the combination of a dense forest and a flowering tree, a mighty wolf and small water lilies, the severe anxiety of Ivan Tsarevich and the calm tenderness of Helen the Beautiful, the canvas seems to glow from within, possesses true magic and bestows faith in miracles.

"Path to the Light"

The skill of Viktor Vasnetsov makes the characters in the picture come to life before our eyes. The fugitives are captured at the moment of movement, “snatched” from their rapid run. It seems that a little more - and the Gray Wolf will jump out of the canvas and run away, continuing to carry the young people.

The painting “Tsarevich Ivan on the Gray Wolf” needs to be peered at and admired. This is not just an image of your favorite characters known from childhood, but real song Russian legends and epics, a reflection of the struggle between good and evil and thorny path to a happy future. Famous painting Viktor Vasnetsov exhibits at the State Tretyakov Gallery. You can visit at any time art gallery and enjoy this picture and other creations of the brilliant artist.

The painting “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf” by the magnificent painter Viktor Vasnetsov adorns Tretyakov Gallery. The artist worked in Kyiv, painted the inside of the Vladimir Cathedral, but creative idea write unusual fairy tale plot took over. Viktor Vasnetsov entrusted the continuation of work in the cathedral to his students and took up the painting.

His painting about the prince and the wolf surprised many with its commonality and originality. We see a dense forest with centuries-old trees, their dark trunks and dense branches create a gloomy atmosphere. Below is a marshy swamp, overgrown with water lilies, surrounded by thickets, where sunlight never seems to penetrate.

And through this frightening darkness of the impenetrable forest, the fabulous Gray wolf of enormous size rushes at full speed, like a frisky horse. Its wool brown color, fluffy tail fluttering, bright red tongue protruding from the mouth. It seems scary beast depicted by the artist, but the wolf’s eyes are so similar to human eyes, they convey so many feelings that this fairy-tale character evokes positive emotions.

The wolf carries the riders, Ivan Tsarevich carefully hugs his beloved Elena the Beautiful. These are characters from a Russian fairy tale. The determined prince saves Elena, and the Gray Wolf, who faithfully serves him, carries them away from persecution. Viktor Vasnetsov masterfully managed to convey in dynamics the scene of escaping from pursuit and the atmosphere of anxiety that accompanies the heroes.

The main characters of the film are especially attractive. Young Ivan with a beautiful face of the Byzantine type, with huge dark eyes, is beautiful in his clothes made of golden brocade, his red hat stands out as a bright spot on the canvas. Apparently, Vasnetsov was inspired by the frescoes of the Byzantine Cathedral of San Marco in Venice, where he visited before starting work on the painting.

The appearance of Ivan Tsarevich, this noble character, who defeats evil and frees his beloved princess from its shackles, immediately evokes sympathy. In the picture, his face is slightly turned to the right, his gaze is wary, Ivan listens to see if their pursuers are overtaking them. And at the same time it feels like he decisive person and is ready to stand up for Elena the Beautiful, his sheathed sword is powerful, and the fearless prince, without a doubt, wields it perfectly.

The image of Elena the Beautiful is touching; one feels that she suffered through fears, miraculously saved, as if she did not fully realize the happiness of her salvation. A tender and trembling girl trustingly bowed her head to her lover’s shoulder, her pose and submissively folded hands indicate that Elena completely trusted fate and her savior. Her outfit is fabulously beautiful. The dress is made of soft blue satin with gold trim and is decorated with pearls, with a string of pearls at the neck. This magnificent look is complemented by expensive boots and a hat shining with stones.

The girl is sad, she still doesn’t know how their escape will end. Her long blonde hair flutter, this gives her appearance even more touching tenderness. Viktor Vasnetsov’s niece served as a model for painting Elena the Beautiful famous philanthropist Savva Mamontova - Natalya Mamontova. The author of the painting found amazing colors to paint the light and sparkling clothes of the main characters in the dark forest. By this he showed how bright their souls are, capable of resisting dark forces evil.

The painting “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf,” despite the anxiety of the plot, is very optimistic. The viewer has no doubt that the escape of the heroes will end with them miraculous salvation and long happy life. Vasnetsov skillfully showed this by depicting areas of light sky and an apple tree blooming among a dense forest, which we see in the foreground of the picture. Where could she come from in such a remote place? Of course, this is a symbol of a new life, a wonderful future, towards which fairy-tale heroes are rushing on the Gray Wolf.

3, 4, 5 grade

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This painting was painted by Vasnetsov at the age of 38. At this time, Viktor Mikhailovich often thought about his past and future, what needed to be done, how to live and work in order to realize his plans. His position among artists was precarious, although he was praised, but he sensitively understood that the rejection of artists extended precisely to those works where he tried to express the Russian soul with greater force. In these works he did not think about himself and for some reason they did not receive the praise they deserved, causing cold misunderstanding among his colleagues. But the author, of course, did not think about universal approval when he worked on the paintings; there was only one desire, that, like himself, people would be imbued with a love for wondrous beauty ancient Rus', took her story to heart. The artist’s painting “Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf” was painted in 1889, when the author worked in Kyiv, in the Vladimir Cathedral. He interrupted his work in 1888 and began painting the painting “Ivan Tsarevich on a Gray Wolf.” After finishing work on the canvas, the painting was exhibited on a mobile art exhibition. The painting, which is an illustration of the famous Russian fairy tale, depicts main character, who races on the Gray Wolf with Elena the Beautiful through a dark forest, running away from pursuit. The image of the princess was borrowed by Vasnetsov from a sketch of Savva Mamontov’s niece Natalia, written in 1883. In order to fully show the personification of fabulousness in the painting “Ivan Tsarevich on the Gray Wolf,” Vasnetsov tried to move away from the realities of life and convey the mysterious spirit of Russian fairy tales by coloring various colors the world of people's fantasies. And indeed, the action of the picture takes place in a mysterious fairy-tale forest among giant trees against the backdrop of the emerging morning dawn. With huge leaps, the gray wolf carries Elena the Beautiful and Ivan Tsarevich on his back through the dark gloomy forest, around fairy tale characters An atmosphere of anxiety and sadness reigns. Each of them understands that if they are caught up, separation will inevitably follow and their entire being is in fear. And meanwhile, Elena the Beautiful, who is in the strong hands of her savior, believes that Ivan Tsarevich, who always defeats his enemies, will win this time too. The author showed the wolf in the picture as powerful and huge. The blossoming apple tree in the foreground seems to tell the story of the beginning new love and life.