Granin's childhood rarely gives the opportunity to guess what. According to Granin's text

An essay based on the text by D. Granin “Childhood”.

KIM -1 on Sat. I.P. Tsybulko (2017)

What is childhood for us? This is a happy, carefree time, a time of discovery, knowledge of the world around us, endless happiness and fun. Over time, life presents its own lessons that can disappoint. That’s why I so want to find my childhood island in my memories again and hide there from all my problems.

What is the value of childhood memories? The famous Russian writer Daniil Granin ponders this question.

Involving the reader in the conversation, the author of the text says that childhood “was the happiest time” in his life, “the kingdom of freedom,” “not only external, but also internal.” With delight and warm feelings, he lists the reasons that caused this delight before, but remained a bright spot in his memory: grass on which he could run bare feet, carrot pies, millet porridge with pumpkin, “sweet foggy dreams.” D. Granin draws our attention to the fact that in childhood he had moments of disappointment and tears, he “cryed there too and was unhappy,” “but all this was completely forgotten, only the charm of that life remained.”

My childhood memories are the most unforgettable. Over time, all the bad things are forgotten, only the bright ones remain in memory. interesting pages, warmth and comfort hearth and home. This is the value of childhood memories - this is the writer’s position.

I agree with her. Indeed, over the years, the bitterness of grievances and disappointments is erased, not the best memories fade from memory, only feelings of indescribable freedom and inspiration, “simple” happiness and warmth. From the heights of past years and life trials childhood years seem to many of us like a little paradise, when all our dreams and desires came true.

In the well-known novel by Ivan Goncharov “Oblomov”, the main character experiences such happiness when remembering the “paradise”, the estate of his parents. This blessed corner where the already adult Ilya wants to hide from the storms of life. In the hero's childhood memories there is only a carefree parental love, heavenly landscapes and blissful life in an endless fairy tale. And even dangers, dragons and monsters are not so terrible when his loved ones are nearby. As an adult, Oblomov, having forgotten about all his sorrows and fears, retained in his memory the sweet sensations of childhood, which were especially valuable to him.

But there are other books about childhood. In the famous story “Good Intentions” by Albert Likhanov, we learn about the childhood world of orphans abandoned by their parents for various reasons. Will these children have warm and tender memories of their childhood? The author claims no. And this becomes clear after reading the work. Even a variety of clothes and toys, a large number of events and trips cannot replace a child with the warmth of his mother’s hands, his father’s care and the atmosphere of home comfort.

“We all come from childhood.” That “small country” that contributed to our growing up, gave us magical moments of inspiration and joy. Years will certainly pass, a person will become an adult and, as it seems to him, wise, but childhood memories will remain in the soul forever, because the value of these memories is undeniable. (357 words)

D.A. Granin is one of the amazing masters artistic word. His works instill in us a reverent attitude towards childhood.

The author invites you to reflect on important issue: the value of childhood in a person’s life. In the text proposed for analysis, D.A. Granin recalls childhood as one of the best stages of his life: “Childhood was the happiest time of life.”

I completely share the author's position. Each of us has trembling moments of childhood that had a great influence on us, shaped our worldview and firmly settled in our memory and which our hearts carefully preserve. I'll bring you literary examples, confirming my opinion. Firstly, the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery " A little prince". Main character He is still very young, he is just beginning to comprehend life, to separate good from evil, to look for the beautiful in a fragile world. There is something that the Little Prince, due to his age, cannot understand - this is death. This is not the end, continued below.

Useful material on the topic

But the hero sees life and is not afraid to take risks - perhaps this is the most important charm of childhood. Secondly, I.A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. In the chapter “Oblomov’s Dream,” the main character recalls his childhood, that carefree time that had a great influence on the development of the hero as a person. These memories fill Ilya Ilyich’s heart with trembling.

Reading the text helped me confirm the opinion that childhood is the most carefree and carefree, but very necessary and important time for a person. Childhood opened up new horizons for each of us and gave us memories that will warm a person even on the coldest days.

Option 2

Childhood is a wonderful time in the life of every person. This is a wonderful and carefree time, the beginning life path. That is why, when we become adults, we remember only the best things about our childhood.

The problem of the value of childhood memories is raised in the text by D. Granin. The author shares his childhood memories, calling childhood the kingdom of freedom. “There were so many different happy, cheerful things...” he exclaims.

I completely share the author's opinion. In my opinion, childhood memories are truly wonderful: basically, as we grow up, we remember our childhood more and more. Everything bad is completely forgotten, only the charm of a child’s life remains. The topic of childhood memories is often touched upon in literature. One of the most famous works dedicated to childhood memories is autobiographical novel Ray Bradbury "Dandelion Wine" The author tells about the holidays of a 12-year-old boy, about his summer adventures and impressions. The book very vividly describes that very atmosphere of childhood, filled with joy and a feeling of delight.

Russian writers also addressed the theme of childhood. The most famous poem, dedicated to childhood memories, is Surikov’s “childhood”. In it, the author recalls sledding with village boys. In the main character, many readers recognize themselves as children. The poem is imbued with carelessness and childish gaiety.

Thus, childhood is the happiest period of life, so we should value and cherish childhood memories.

Option 3

Childhood is a happy time in the life of every person. Childhood years are full of adventure, kindness and purity of soul. In the text proposed for analysis, D.A. Granin raises precisely the problem of the value of childhood memories in a person’s life.

The author reveals the problem by reflecting on childhood as a happy time in his life. Nothing worried him then, “there was no sense of duty, there were no responsibilities.” He thanks fate for a good childhood and says that at that time the full value of childhood years was not yet realized.

I cannot but agree with D.A. Granin. Indeed, every person had a carefree, happy childhood. This is the time when a person enjoys the simplest things.

Reflecting on this problem, I remember autobiographical trilogy Maxim Gorky. In the story “In People,” Alyosha Peshkov, working on a ship as a tableware worker, recalls his early childhood, mother, grandmother, who taught him only good things. In the house of grandfather Kashirin, where no one was loved or pitied, grandmother was the only person who cared for little Alyosha and loved him.

Of course, we also remember the trilogy of Leo Tolstoy. In the story “Childhood” Nikolenka Irtenyev enjoys the memories of her happy childhood. He talks about how his mother took care of him. The touch of his mother's hands and voice make him feel endless love for her.

Thus, childhood leaves a certain mark on the soul of every person. Growing up, a person understands the value of childhood and remembers his carefree childhood, which is the main thing for everyone, with a smile on his face.

Option 4

Our focus is on the Russian text Soviet writer Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin, which describes moral problem cowardice and cowardice hiding behind good intentions.

I completely agree with the author’s opinion, because indeed, time flies very quickly, and you simply cannot think one-sidedly: you can miss the last opportunity to meet face to face with your invented fear. Perhaps it is completely unjustified and they are waiting for your first step and have no idea what guides you when doing or not doing certain actions. So the main character realized his mistake too late, which can now never be corrected...

The relevance of this problem is shown by a strong, emotional poem by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky, which contains the lines:

"I know, it's not my fault

The fact that others did not come from the war,

The fact that some are older, some are younger -

We stayed there, and it’s not about the same thing,

That I could, but failed to save them

This is not about that, but still, still, still...”

I think that these words are very close to Daniil Granits, whose conscience did not allow him to meet the mother of his deceased comrade. The feeling of guilt for not being taken into account barricaded his mind.

And in the work of Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky “Telegram” main character Nastya, in the bustle of the city and eternal troubles, grew cold and did not pay any attention to her mother. Even to the telegram informing about the woman’s illness, she did not immediately respond. Unfortunately, the girl was late with her intention to visit her old mother: Katerina Ivanovna died. All this happened because of the same false shame. After all, everything could have been fixed by taking a step towards meeting your fear a little earlier.

People tend to make mistakes, be afraid and be ashamed. Often we simply don’t know whether to do this or that action. The cycle of thoughts leads first to one answer, then to another, and time, capturing us in the arms of its whirlwind, independently makes a decision for us. The transience of time is what we really should be afraid of. Thus, you need to step over all your beliefs at least once so as not to lose contact with your loved one once and for all.

Option 5

What is childhood, what place does it occupy in a person’s life? - these are the questions the author encourages us to ponder.

Granin raises the ever-present problem of the value of childhood memories in a person’s life. After all, one of the most great luck in a person’s life are memories of a happy childhood, which largely affect our future. Danil Aleksandrovich discusses what we most often remember in adult life, tries to find answers to his questions and justifications for actions (21).

The author's position is expressed quite clearly. He describes his childhood with admiration, from which his satisfaction with it follows. According to Granin, childhood is the main age of a person, main part life. So it is, in the life of each of us it occupies special place. With age, we appreciate it more and remember it more often. Childhood is the time of life, during which we are not responsible for anything (10), and we fully feel free (19).

For me, childhood memories are the most pleasant. I always remember all the good things. I think about my childhood with a sea of ​​positive emotions, it seems fabulous to me. Due to my small age, I think that childhood best time, to which you always want to return, to relive wonderful moments. In my opinion, my good childhood We owe it to our parents, grandparents, because they are the “creators” of our childhood memories.

Everyone's childhood memories are different: some are happy, some are sad. In L.N. Tolstoy’s work “Childhood,” the main character Nikolenka suffered a lot of misfortune. At the age of ten, he had to endure the bitterness of love, separation and the most the worst thing is death mother. It was from the moment last event his childhood ended. Yes, this is not an example of the best memories that will leave a deep, heavy, sad mark in the boy’s memory, but unfortunately this often happens.

The author, describing his childhood, allowed me to remember moments of my own, to think about the questions asked in the text, and the importance of the problem posed by him. This text left a pleasant impression. I would like every person to experience happiness when remembering their childhood. And ask parents to try to make their children’s childhood an unforgettable time in their lives.

Option 6

Childhood... A person can never forget that beautiful time when he lived without worries, any troubles, some problems, misfortunes, when he was glad that the most dear and beloved people were next to him - mom and dad. Yes, undoubtedly, childhood is a happy time in everyone’s life. It is impossible to imagine life without her.

The author of the text touches on the problem of the role of childhood in a person’s destiny. To draw attention to this issue, D.A. Granin talks about a happy time in life. He gives some facts. The author of the text writes about a carefree, wonderful time. In childhood, the world is perceived differently than in adulthood. The environment appears in bright colors, the most ordinary things seem fantastic. For example, childhood food is special. During this period, a life appears whose happiness lies in the fact that you exist in this world.

The author's position is extremely clear and understandable. The author claims that childhood is a carefree, happy time in life. He believes that the main age of a person is childhood. The child is truly happy at this time, since the person lives without worries and enjoys the most basic things.

In the world fiction There are many examples proving the role of childhood in the fate of an individual. For example, L.N. Tolstoy’s work “Childhood” vividly conveys that special, unforgettable note of true happiness. The main character talks about his childhood, about how he ran around with friends, playing hunters. At the end of the story, he asks a question that, in principle, does not require an answer: “What time can there be? better than that, when the two best virtues - innocent gaiety and the boundless need for love - were the only motives in life?

In L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” the heroine Natasha Rostova lived a carefree, happy life as a child. She was not surrounded by any problems. All this appeared in her destiny later.

So, it is undeniable that the role of childhood in a person’s life is colossal. Rejoicing in the most basic things, being in joy and love is true happiness. Childhood is the main and significant period in life.

Option 7

When we were little, we all dreamed of growing up as quickly as possible, becoming independent and independent. But later, many realized the error of their desires and wanted to return back to a distant, happy and carefree time. What is the value of childhood and what role does it play in a person’s life? This is the problem that D.A. Granin thinks about in the proposed text.

The author remembers with joy in his heart his most happy time in life. The writer calls childhood “the kingdom of freedom”, because then there was no duty, responsibility, responsibilities, but there was only a great desire to study everything unknown. Of course, with age many things are forgotten, but the “charm of that life” remains in everyone’s memory forever.

Even man himself is born and destined specifically for childhood.

Many writers and poets addressed this problem in their works. In particular, let us remember A.I. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. How sweet for the hero is the memory of childhood, where worries and troubles fall on the shoulders of the parents, and the child has unlimited freedom, vigor and energy. Adult life completely changes the hero. He becomes a lazy, uninteresting person who, until the end of his days, dreams of returning to childhood.

Let us turn to L.N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.” The beauty of Natasha Rostova is that she was able to take out energy, playfulness, and curiosity from childhood and preserve them throughout her life. And therefore, the heroine had happy not only her childhood years surrounded by Sonya and Boris, but also the years of her formation as a person.

After reading the text, I come to the following conclusion: childhood, without a doubt, plays important role in the development of a person as an individual and is the best moment in life.

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It's your fault. You set an example.

After this outburst, D. began to worry that his mother would lose her temper and leave.

wander through the courtyards with the singers.

Why, why did you give your word,

When you can't love.

You probably didn't know about it

That I could ruin myself.

She sang with such feeling that D. believed that it was all about her and about someone who was deceiving her and would ruin her.

In the romances, someone left her, moved away, she suffered from melancholy, burned his letters in the fireplace, wasted and sick, dreamed of a meeting. True, sometimes this “someone” offered her some treasures and promised to love her forever.

Oh, I wish I hadn't met you

And I wouldn't love you

My heart wouldn't suffer

And I was happy forever.

Then another house appeared, a huge one, where they moved, apparently thanks to their father’s boss. He liked his father very much. Father attracted many with his kindness and trusting friendliness. They came to him not so much to consult what he could advise, but rather to talk things out. He listened, he knew how to listen sympathetically, delving into the essence of the matter with all his soul. It happens that a person needs this more than real help. We can assume that D. inherited this paternal trait.

Subsequently, D. pulled out some little things from his memory, they came up randomly, now a word, now a familiar gesture, stirring up something long ago, once incomprehensible, another proposal gradually arose: the mother was also involved in getting this luxurious apartment. Let's put it mildly - the mother also played a role. For this boss visited the old apartment, and more and more often. He played the guitar and his mother sang. The apartment was big. At that time, these lordly apartments in apartment buildings the state requisitioned and distributed it to various organizations. Six rooms, one of them is a hall. The rooms are large, a large kitchen with a stove, a pantry. The main front rooms have windows facing the street, others facing the courtyard.

The beauty was the space. You could run around the apartment, rush as fast as you could down the corridor. Soon the father’s daughter arrived from Kyiv, stepsister D. She entered medical school, lived in a dormitory, and came to visit. With D. they played skittles in the hall. They were rolling balls on the parquet floor, it was such a big hall.

In addition to the apartment, D. lived in the yard. The yard was filled with a smelly garbage dump, with rats, with hanging laundry, local drunks, weirdos, and gossip. The yard was dirty; the back entrances of all the front entrances opened onto it. The courtyard lived from morning to evening working life. Here they chopped wood, sawed it, washed it, boiled it in the laundry, and carts came to unload the trash heap. Life also went on without work - in the evening women sat on benches and chatted. Games of those years, forgotten, gone. The copper coins were heavy, they played “knocking out”. D. was a master of beating with a heavy copper coin so as to turn the coins upside down with the coat of arms. Another game was “to the wall”. We played “siskin”. But they liked to play outdoor games more, team games - rounders,

into a game that for some reason was called “Stander”, “Cossacks-Robbers”.

The yard children had their own unwritten charter, or rather, code of conduct. D. experienced the danger of being branded mama's boy. They were teased by “Gogochka”: “Boy Goga, boy Goga, the semolina porridge is ready!” They treated greedy people mercilessly: “Greedy beef, empty chocolate.” Or this: “Crybaby-wax-shoe polish, there’s a hot pancake on your nose!” It’s not so much about the uniform, it was murderous how it was all pronounced, they could tease you to tears: “The regiment commander is nose to ceiling!”, “Imagining the first class, where you are going, to a resort!” There were so many of them, yard teasers! D. was immediately passed off as a sailor's suit: “Sailor - a blast from the stove!” Every now and then they put him in his place: “They beat you desperately for accidents,” “Put up, put up and don’t fight anymore.”

They weaned us from complaining to our parents, weaned us off living, and taught us how to fight according to the rules.

The house was examined, crawled from top to bottom. Basements - where unimaginable junk was stored in cubicles, firewood, old furniture, rats ran around there, it smelled of rot. It was worse in the attics. There was something stirring and whispering, there were mattresses on which someone had slept, green ones flickering in the liquid darkness. cat's eyes. There were ropes hanging. Stacks of old pre-revolutionary magazines. This is where the scaring began, who would scare whom, the best place for ambushes, to scream with a wild cry, or even better, with a newspaper cracker or to fuck with an inflated paper bag. The warm brick chimneys oozed smoke. Smoky beams are the exposed skeleton of the house. Almost without partitions, a huge space opened up above all the apartments; one could climb out onto the iron roof. Someone was hiding in the attic, that's a fact, there were cigarette butts lying around, cans: “Now, as if I’m stabbing the director, you’ll kick with kicks and head with a moto!”

The yard school taught us to spit through our teeth. D. succeeded, he had a gap between his front teeth, and the spit flew like an arrow. It was worse with the whistle. I just couldn't learn how to whistle. Fingers in the mouth produce the strongest effect. They tried to stick his fingers in, but it didn’t work.

And suddenly one summer day, already in the village, a deafeningly strong whistle escaped him, he was alone in the forest, no one heard, there were no witnesses, he whistled and whistled, happy with his victory.

Not right away school society began to overpower the yard. The advantage of the court was freedom. Self-government, your own court, your own rules, without teachers, without school regulations. And, of course, there is prohibition. You could swear to your heart's content. Someone has got “finks”. Stories about gopniks, about punks, about the “Chubarov case,” how some girl was raped in Chubarov Lane. Yard education included gangster nicknames, thieves' songs, wrestling techniques, fights, the adventures of swindlers and, of course, sex. The courtyard served as an academy for forbidden education. What was excluded from school lessons and strictly prohibited could be obtained in the yard. In this sense, the “courtiers” quickly made up for their gaps. Love, abortion, the process of making children, prostitutes, mistresses, infidelity, sexually transmitted diseases, menstruation, condoms, masturbation - in a word, “everything about sex”, which in the family is not supposed to be discussed “in front of children”.

Did this speak about his love for language, about his linguistic inclinations? Hardly. Notice the careful word we chose - inclinations. Childhood rarely provides an opportunity to guess anything about a child's future. No matter how hard fathers and mothers try to see what will come of their child, no, it is not justified. They all see childhood as a preface to adult life, as preparation. In fact, childhood is an independent kingdom, separate country, independent of the adult future, of parental plans, she, if you like, is the main part of life, she is the main age of a person. Moreover, a person is destined for childhood, born for childhood, and in old age, childhood is remembered most of all, so we can say that childhood is the future of an adult.

Did this speak about his love for language, about his linguistic inclinations? Hardly. Notice the careful word we chose - inclinations. Childhood rarely provides an opportunity to guess anything about a child's future. No matter how hard fathers and mothers try to see what will come of their child, no, it is not justified. They all see childhood as a preface to adult life, as preparation. In fact, childhood is an independent kingdom, a separate country, independent of the adult future, of parental plans; it, if you like, is the main part of life, it is the main age of a person. Moreover, a person is destined for childhood, born for childhood, and in old age, childhood is remembered most of all, so we can say that childhood is the future of an adult.

Father's arrest

I don’t remember well how it happened. To be honest, I don’t remember at all. I should have. In all the details, I was already thirteen years old... I don’t remember, apparently because all the years I tried to get rid of it, I pushed it out.

Much later I established that the beginning was made by the “Shakhty affair”, then by the “Industrial Party”. They moved from large specialists to small ones. The number of pests identified increased. They began to take every little thing. And she also put a spoke in the wheels. Because of them, the construction of socialism did not move forward. People like my father, they were also an alien element, they did not want to testify against their boss.

My mother did not tell me to talk about what happened at school. The father was sent away.

To Siberia. First to Biysk. Then somewhere to the local timber industry enterprise. Reassuring postcards came from him. Pleasantly rounded handwriting, while reading, I saw his hand with red freckles, with neatly trimmed nails. Before going to bed he stroked me. I did it twice from the top of my head to my neck. Mother never ironed. Now, without my father, I had trouble sleeping.

Our life has changed dramatically. The family became poor. There was no more village food, the kind that my father brought - homemade cheeses, country oil, mushrooms, lingonberries. We were content with cards; in stores we cut out coupons for fats and canned food; we were given herring, cereals and “pasta.”

The mother rushed from one line to another. She worked at the sewing machine until late in the evening.

Similar things began to happen in our class and with others. Fathers were disappearing... Kolbasyev, Kanatchikov, Barshev... We were deafened by the arrest of Tolya's father Luther, the favorite of the class. The Luthers lived on the embankment, in a large, luxurious apartment. His father held some high position and drove a government car. When my father was arrested, it was announced in the newspapers: “Enemy of the people...” There was something else about him as a leader of the Latvian Communist Party.

When I first read about childhood in M. Gorky, I noticed: there was no father there. I didn’t understand how there could be a childhood without my father, without the feeling of his presence. This was also encountered by L.N. Tolstoy in his trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth". Only from Lermontov did I read the longing for my father:

The terrible fate of father and son

Live separately and die in separation,

And the lot of an alien exile to have

In the homeland with the name of a citizen!

Six months later, Tolya was deported, and the other children of those arrested were deported one by one.

My father's expulsion should have been lost among these events. So it seemed to me. Not so. In tenth grade we were accepted into the Komsomol. I was not accepted. Even as a candidate, there was such a stage then. They didn’t accept everything.

* * *

The father is not yet old, strong, strong, the mother is very young, I am between them. Two loves, two warm different streams wash me, carry me. What a joy to run under their gaze, to earn praise for how I jumped over a puddle. My mother loved me more strictly, my father more tenderly, he saw me less often, the timber industry separated us, but in the summer, when he received me, he did not let me go a single step.

He died when I returned from the war, when I was already married, when Marina appeared, and he could have a granddaughter, so he could see something from my life.

At one time, it was back in student years, I was forced to move to another institute, a specialty I quickly became tired of. All this is due to the fact that I am the son of an exile. That is, because of my father. He is guilty. Not the fucking power, I didn’t think of that, but him. And he felt sorry for him and was angry with him. But, thank God, I never once revealed my feelings to anyone, not even my mother. And never to my father. I thank fate, Providence apparently kept me from the slightest reproach.

* * *

I had a friend Igor Klyukin. A good scientist is a great acoustician. He had a hobby - Alexander Blok. It was not even a hobby, but his main love. He knew everything about him, everything that could be read. He dragged me around Blok’s places, around his apartments. Somehow he tells me:

– You know, Delmas is alive!

– Which Delmas?

– Blok’s beloved, the one to whom he dedicated the “Carmen” cycle. Let's visit her.

Persuaded. Delmas lived not far from Blok’s last apartment on Pryazhka embankment. There was a memorial plaque on the house in honor of her husband - the famous bass of the Mariinsky Theater.

At the entrance, Igor says to me: “I won’t go, you go alone.” I was shy. Who he is for Delmas is nobody, I, they say, is another matter, and he is just a hindrance.

Once they arrived, there was nowhere to go. I came in. Introduced himself. Delmas turned out to be not an old woman at all; her social friendliness concealed her age. The apartment was communal, but it seemed to have two rooms. The large one where I was led was hung with photographs, portraits, most of all of the hostess herself in the role of Carmen - Lyubov Alexandrovna. There were photographs of Nemirovich-Danchenko, Chaliapin, Andreev, famous actors, many with autographs and enthusiastic inscriptions dedicated to the performer of the role of Carmen. She also impressed Blok with her acting. This is where their romance began.

Delmas willingly talked about Blok. Due to my ignorance, I could not separate the things known, published, from the unknown. I didn’t ask anything, my interest was limited to her, what attracted her to Blok, was he cheerful, generous, an inventor? Soon she opened up. She told how Blok came to her here. About “ Pushkin House” said: “They all ask me for something related to Blok - letters, photos, books, but they don’t ask for this couch,” and suddenly winked at me.

She began to show me Blok’s letters. There was one multi-page where Blok reflected on religion, on his attitude towards To the higher mind or the Creator, I don’t remember. There were also intimate ones. Delmas asked me: “They are asking me to sell them these letters, but I don’t want to. After all, they are not intended for other people. And for printing at all. He would be unhappy, it is indecent to his memory. How do you think?"

Said she was right. Then she asked if she had the right to burn his letters? Why not, this is her personal property, addressed to her, after all, she is a complete mistress. That's pretty much what I said. She was delighted: “I will refer to you.” - "For God's sake". - “Won’t there be anything for me for this?” - “The law is on your side, and what can they do?”

I don’t know how she ultimately disposed of it, but Igor Klyukin was indignant, he believed that this was a national value, a historical treasure, that it would be a crime if Blok’s letters were lost.

We argued with him for a long time. Now, remembering this, I would no longer be so categorical.

The dead, of course, must be taken into account. With their views, their ethics, especially since they cannot defend themselves. We are boring materialists. We are sure that they no longer care that they will not recognize or feel, since they do not exist in any form.

* * *

She wrote to me half a century later. A young teacher, Natalia Sokolova, after graduating from college, was sent to the village of Kashcheevo, Belgorod region. This was in 1956. I left to teach Russian, as expected, for two years.