Pertsov's house on Prechistenskaya embankment. Apartment building A

I came across a photo in the archives apartment building Pertsova or Pertsova. It's pretty interesting house in the center of Moscow and by some it is considered one of the best in the city. Whether it is true or not is not for me to judge. But one summer, I got out of my distant Butovo to watch it specifically. It’s just a pity that it’s on the outside, because to get inside, you have to have a relationship with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to which it has now been transferred to its jurisdiction. They used to say that the doors were open and you could go in.

Pertsov's apartment building in Moscow

At home rich story, which I will not retell in detail, everything has long been described on the Internet. The “Fairy Tale House” was built in 1907 for artists, which is why it is so colorful and unusual, in the Art Nouveau style. According to engineer Pertsov, these are residential apartments with workshops. Pertsov himself was sentenced to 5 years in prison in 1922 for storing the valuables of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which is located right next door, and when he came back a year later, he had already been evicted from his house. In 1908-1912 there was a cabaret here Bat, that is, Moscow bohemia hung out, and after that Trotsky also lived. In general, I say, a rich history.

The pipe is a stuck owl!

Apartment house Pertseva on the sign - she is the last owner

Unfortunately, you can no longer feel the spirit of that time; it seems like there is nothing left inside, everything interesting is outside. Here are a couple of interior photos from the Internet. In my opinion, it is too non-functional and clumsy.

Where is

The house is located at Soimonovsky Proezd, building 1/35, at the intersection of Soimonovsky Proezd and Prechistenskaya Embankment.

P.S. The photo shows not snow, but poplar fluff.

The house of Zinaida Alekseevna Pertsova is one of the most beautiful buildings in Moscow, which already in the first years after its construction received the name “Fairytale House” among the townspeople. The customer of the construction and its actual owner was the famous railway engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov. In 1905, he acquired a corner plot bounded by Prechistenskaya Embankment, Soymonovsky Proezd and Kursov Lane. Considering the financial risks that he bore while participating in construction railways, Petr Pertsov rewrote the plot, and then the built house, in the name of his wife, Zinaida Alekseevna.

Pertsov decided to build an entire residential complex, which included rental apartments and a part in which he intended to live with his family. To create the house project, an outstanding commission of architects and artists was convened, which included Franz Schechtel, Viktor Vasnetsov, Vasily Surikov, Sergei Solovyov, Vasily Polenov, Illarion Ivanov-Shitz and other outstanding representatives of the Moscow creative intelligentsia. Among the projects submitted to the competition, the works of artists Apollinary Vasnetsov and Sergei Malyutin received the greatest attention.

It is interesting that the first prize was awarded to Vasnetsov’s project, however, by the decision of the customer, Pyotr Pertsov, not even competition project, and a sketch of the building, made as an option by Sergei Vasilyevich Malyutin. Unusual job Malyutin inspired Pyotr Pertsov so much that he completely entrusted the artist with the creation of the long-awaited apartment building. Sergei Malyutin studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture along with such outstanding artists, like Isaac Ilyich Levitan, Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov and Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin.

Sergei Malyutin was a master capable of realizing the aspirations of Pyotr Pertsov - to build a house in which the wonderful traditions of Russian architecture would find expression. Russian national art was close to Malyutin, it is no coincidence that in 1898 he painted modern symbol Russia - the first nesting doll. However, when building a house for Pyotr Pertsov, the artist used features of the northern version of the Art Nouveau style, which was extremely relevant at that time, which implied borrowing expressive details and features from architectural works Northern Europe.

Thus, the design of Pertsov’s apartment building combined the motifs of European Gothic, popular at that time, and national Russian architecture. XVII century, which have become a harmonious whole thanks to the unifying aestheticism of the Art Nouveau style. Russian influence read in such bright details, like a forged lattice over a pointed gable, in the design of tower-balconies, one of which (from Soimonovsky Proezd) received its own special name “The Princess’s Dream”. The subjects of the ceramic panels that determine the decorative appearance of Pertsov’s apartment building are also associated with Slavic mythology.

The panel that decorated the façade from the embankment shows images of the sun Slavic deity Yarila watching the battle of the Bull and the Bear - the symbolic animals of the deities Perun and Veles. The ceramic details of the facades are reminiscent of the patterned architecture, and on the panel above the entrance opening from Soimonovsky Proezd you can see prophetic bird Gamayun, a meeting with whom foreshadowed good luck. However, details such as the corner bay window, broken lines of cornices and balcony brackets made in the form of dragons refer us to the architectural traditions of Medieval Europe.

When working with the project, the artist Sergei Malyutin, who did not have some specific knowledge and skills, needed to collaborate with a professional engineer and architect Nikol Konstantinovich Zhukov, who helped Malyutin create an ultra-modern building, equipped with all types of city communications known at that time, including sewerage and water supply , the pipes of which were securely hidden in the thickness of the thick walls of this tall building. Malyutin also completely developed the unusual interior design in the master's part of the apartment building, making them, like the facades, in the Russian style.

In 1908, in one of the basements of the “Fairy Tale House”, a unique cabaret theater “The Bat” was located under the direction of Nikita Fedorovich Baliev. Participated in the performances and productions of this unique theater famous actors Moscow Art Theater: Olga Leonardovna Knipper-Chekhova, Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov, famous directors Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky and Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko. At first, they were also the only spectators, since outside audiences were not allowed to attend chamber productions of “The Bat.”

Subsequently, the theater moved out of Pertsov’s house, and the idea of ​​closed theatrical performances was lost - outside guests began to appear at performances for a fee or taking advantage of acquaintances with the actors. Pyotr Pertsov lived in this wonderful house until his emigration in 1923. IN Soviet period Pertsov's house was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose diplomatic mission is located here today. Today, the unique “Fairy Tale House” is rightfully considered the most beautiful apartment building in Moscow. He is loved by Muscovites and city guests.

Alexandra Guryanova

Pertsova's apartment building in Moscow is one of the most amazing sights of the capital. The history of its foundation is the story of a creative person’s dream coming true.

Who is the author of the project for such a building?

The idea of ​​​​creating an unusual house with apartments for residents and studios for artists came from P. N. Pertsov, who lived in Moscow at the beginning of the twentieth century. Being an excellent engineer and a great lover of art, Pyotr Nikolaevich organized a closed competition for best project Houses. He appointed a prize of 800 rubles to the one whose project took first place, and 500 rubles for second place.

According to his plan, Pertsova’s house was supposed to reflect the spirit of Russian architecture and traditions, but at the same time be modern. The artist S.V. Milyutin, the architect A.I. Diederichs, and the architect-artist L.M. Brailovsky presented their works to the jury. The first prize went to Vasnetsov. But Pertsov decided to build according to the design of Milyutin (the author of the painting of the first Russian nesting doll), since it was not so standard.

Pertsova's house in Moscow. Description

This richly decorated building was built in two years. Pertsova's house turned out to be elegant and magnificent. The red brick building, in the facade of which motifs of the ancient Slavic tower are visible, looks like an organic whole. The tourist's gaze is also struck by the asymmetrically located windows, balconies, and unusual tower-like roof projections. Balconies decorated with sculptures of dragons, a gilded lattice with lions installed on the roof ridge. And above the green tower, on the roof, rises a gilded rooster. The facade is richly decorated with majolica panels depicting the sun, bull, fish, bears and other animals in a bizarre manner.

An interesting story about decorating the walls between the fourth floor windows and the pediments with majolica. At that time, there was a certain company “Murava” in Moscow. It was organized by young artists. The guys were talented, ready to show their creative abilities, but, unfortunately, little known. After all, everything wealthy people they preferred to deal with venerable, famous artists. So the artel was one step away from closure. Pertsov made the right decision by entrusting his order to this company. Young artists were able to realize their powerful creative potential, taking into account all the wishes and tastes of the client.

During the construction of the house, the customer’s requirements regarding modern technologies. The house had no electrical wiring, plumbing, and sewer lines were carefully hidden.

Home interior

The interior of the house was no less magnificent than the exterior. The bedrooms had niches, and the smoking rooms were decorated in oriental style. Original and staircases decorated with unique carvings.

To decorate the ceremonial chambers they were invited the best masters Pertsova's apartment building provided apartments to residents of different social strata. There were options for the rich and for poorer residents. In total, the building had about 400 apartments, varying in size. The building had eighteen elevators, telephones, baths common use and a reading room for residents.

In addition to private apartments, the house housed a confectionery store “Mignon” and several offices of varying importance. Within the walls of the house was the Ars publishing house, which published the magazine “On the Banks of the Neva.” Pertsova’s house was so cozy and modern that there were many more people wanting to live in it than there were apartments.

The basement of a wonderful house. Description

Tourists will be very interested in the history of the basement of Pertsov’s house. It was here that the iconic, as they say now, cafe “Bat” was located. The most famous representatives of the capital's bohemia gathered there. Mostly these were artists of the Moscow Art Theater. For example, V.I. Shverubovich, the most talented artist of his time, world famous under the pseudonym Kachalov. The wife of A.P. Chekhov, the outstanding actress O.L. Knipper-Chekhova, often performed here. And the famous Nemirovich-Danchenko was the conductor of an amateur orchestra created from among actors and successfully performing. His friend and colleague K. S. Stanislavsky demonstrated unprecedented miracles black and white magic. The kind of atmosphere that reigned in the cafe can be judged by the clause from the charter “Do not be offended.” Actors and other cafe visitors showed themselves here in completely different roles, sometimes contrary to reality.

The apartment of the owners themselves was decorated with mahogany panels, the dining room was made of carved oak, the cornices and platbands, covered with outlandish carvings, were made of birch. There was even a dish elevator equipped to transport dishes from the kitchen to the buffet in the dining room. The rooms contained paintings by famous artists.

The period of Bolshevik rule. What happened to the house?

After the Bolsheviks seized power, Pertsova’s house in Moscow was nationalized, and expensive apartments were seized by newly minted fighters for the happiness of the people. For example, L. D. Trotsky had his eye on the most original four-room apartment of a certain eccentric Pozdnyakov. Then he moved into the personal chambers of the lady’s owners, not forgetting to appropriate their unique things: rare paintings, sculptures, furniture, vases, etc. What aroused the admiration of foreign diplomats, who, being at receptions in Trotsky’s mansion, expressed their amazement at the exquisite taste of Lev Davidovich.

They did not suspect that he had only taken away all these works of art and other accessories from the true owners of the Pertsov house. Meanwhile, the creator of the unusual house was first evicted from his home and then sent to prison, since Nikolai Petrovich openly opposed the destruction of churches. He spent about 3 years in prison and was then released.


Where is Pertsova's house in Moscow? Its address is as follows: 1st Kursovoy Lane, 1. Although there is a sign on the house with the inscription “Prechistenskaya Embankment, 35”.

How to get there?

To get to such a unique attraction, a tourist should take the metro and get to the station called “Kropotkinskaya”. When exiting the metro, you must go towards the sign “Ostozhenka, Prechistenka, Soymonovsky proezd”. In this direction, after walking four hundred meters, the tourist will be able to see Pertsova’s apartment building in Moscow described above, a photo of which is presented in the article. True, unfortunately, the former splendor no longer exists.

Pertsova's house in Moscow. What's there now?

In the fifties of the last century, here, among other things, there was a dormitory for the station post office.

Nowadays the building houses the Comedians Theater. There are also several dance and design studios, centers, offices, and clubs in the house. The post office and the prosecutor's office of the central district are also located in this interesting house.

Tourists will be able to find shelter and delicious food here, since the building houses several mini-hotels and mini-hotels, as well as catering establishments.

A little conclusion

Now you know where Pertsova’s house is located, as well as what it looks like. We also touched upon the topic of creating a project, constructing the building itself. We hope that the information presented in the article was interesting and useful to you.

Pertsov's house, or as it is also called the “fairy tale house,” is located on the corner of Prechistenskaya embankment. The history of this house began at the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, there was practically no residential development on the banks of the Moscow River on Prechistenskaya Embankment; the bend of the river was occupied only by warehouses and industrial buildings. It was here that Ivan Evmenievich Tsvetkov looked for a place for himself art gallery. The facade was drawn by V.M. Vasnetsov, and the collector completed all the interior decoration himself, keeping it in uniform style all 12 museum halls. In 1907, the museum was opened to the public.

But even at the construction stage, it is visited by travel engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov, who is delighted with the location of the house, and also becomes infected with the idea of ​​​​implementing it in the Old Russian style. Pertsov is ready to follow the example of the collector and buys a corner plot of the embankment for a considerable sum of 70 thousand rubles at that time. There was an ugly three-story brick house on the site, and this made it even more interesting task transformation of the existing ensemble.

Pyotr Nikolaevich is a man of new times. He is an excellent engineer who has laid thousands of kilometers of railways across Russia, an excellent organizer who knows how to make money and use it.

Fascinated by the idea of ​​a house on Prechistenskaya Embankment, Pertsov is looking for the best solution for the city and himself. He announces a closed competition for the project of an “apartment house” in the Russian style, in which all are invited to participate: famous artists A.M. Vasnetsov, and S.Z. Malyutin, author of the Russian nesting doll, architects A.I. Diederichs and L.M. Brailovsky. The condition of the competition was that the house “meet the spirit and traditions of Moscow and the requirements of modernity.” The first prize was determined at 800, the second at 500 rubles, while the customer reserved the right to build any of the projects he liked. V.M. was invited to the jury of the competition. Vasnetsov, V.I. Surikov, V.D. Polenov, F.O. Shekhtel, I.A. Ivanov-Shits, S.U. Soloviev and S.V. Noakovsky.

The first prize was awarded to Vasnetsov, the second to Malyutin, but Pertsov did not agree with this decision. Vasnetsov's version seemed formulaic to him; Malyutin's, in the Moscow Empire style, also did not correspond to the original plan. As a result, Pyotr Nikolaevich finds among initial options The artist is the one who recognizes the ideal.

Malyutin's idea was that the already existing three-story brick building was supposed to be built with a fourth floor with large windows for studio rooms for artists. A four-story mansion was attached to it along the embankment, and on the side of Kursovoy Lane there was a special detached building with a stylishly designed main entrance, richly covered with majolica painting. The entire building was crowned with high, separately designed roofs, and the walls and gables of the house were richly decorated with colorful majolica. Graduates of the Stroganov School were brought in as performers of the majolica decoration, for whom the work on the Pertsov house brought fame and many orders.

Pertsov personally supervised all the work and paid attention to all the details of the construction. All work was carried out simultaneously, and four months after the start of work, the construction was completed. At the beginning of April 1907, the apartments were announced for delivery.

The owners' apartment was also located in this house, but had a special entrance from the embankment and was located on three floors. The basement was converted by Pertsov into a hall for young people; there were five children in the family. At one time the basement was rented out to artists from the Moscow Art Theater"Bat".

Events October revolution passed Pertsov by. And he lived another thirteen years. Buried his beloved wife. All his children emigrated, he did not follow them, considering himself not entitled to move away from the fate of his Russia.

The Pertsova House (Pertsov House) - a building in the neo-Russian style belonged to Zinaida Alekseevna Pertsova, the wife of railway engineer Pyotr Nikolaevich Pertsov.

The building was conceived as an apartment building for the creative intelligentsia. The house included apartments, as well as artists' studios in the upper attic part of the building.


Despite the diversity and complexity of forms, the building is distinguished by its plastic unity and reflects the desire for an artistic synthesis of architecture and forms of fine and graphic art characteristic of the Art Nouveau style. applied arts.

Fairy tale house Other cities, CC BY-SA 3.0

In the composition of the facades, the picturesque asymmetry of the arrangement of windows, balconies, and tower-like elevations of the roof adds variety to the monotonous divisions of the apartment building; in the design of the tower-balconies, motifs of ancient Russian decor are used, which are organically combined with elements of Western European medieval architecture.

The decor of the facades is “populated” with bizarre mythological creatures, fabulous animals and plants. Home furniture was made according to Malyutin’s drawings. Similar examples of Malyutin furniture are in the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts folk art in Moscow.

Malyutin's stylization even extended to the use of mica. Initially, the front rooms in the owners’ apartment were decorated with wooden carvings and paintings.

Pertsova's house. Detail Nina Belyavskaya, CC BY-SA 3.0

The carved decorations of the external doors, stair railings and apartment doors, and the decoration of the main staircase have been preserved.


From 1908 to 1910, the basement housed the artistic cabaret “The Bat,” where Moscow Art Theater celebrities tried themselves in unexpected roles: V. I. Kachalov as a circus wrestler, O. L. Knipper-Chekhova as a Parisian chansonette, V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko conducted an amateur orchestra, K. S. Stanislavsky demonstrated “miracles of black and white magic,” and the charter read “Do not be offended.”

Nina Belyavskaya, CC BY-SA 3.0

They express the opinion that main character story by Ivan Bunin " Clean Monday"lived in this house, however, this is not confirmed by direct indications in the text.

The house housed the studio of artist Robert Falk until the mid-1970s. the house remained residential and then became the property of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Art critic Sergei Glagol in 1913 called Pertsova’s house one of the most original in Russian architecture in recent decades.

The restoration of the building in 1918 was carried out by architect V. A. Mazyrin