Mitrofanushka is a mama's boy. Mitrofanushka mother's son

Mitrofan means “revealing his mother,” i.e., similar to his mother. This is a bright type of spoiled “mama’s boy”, who grew up and developed in the ignorant environment of the local nobility. Serfdom, the home environment and the absurd, ugly upbringing spiritually ruined and corrupted him.

By nature he is not devoid of cunning and intelligence. He sees perfectly well that the mother is the sovereign mistress of the house, and he plays nice with her, pretends to be a son who loves her tenderly (story about a dream) or scares her with the threat of drowning if

They won’t protect him from his uncle’s fists and will torment him with reading the Book of Hours. Mntrofan's mental development is extremely low, since he has an insurmountable aversion to work and learning.

The scenes of his classes with teachers and the “exam” clearly and fully show his mental squalor, ignorance of the sciences, reluctance to understand anything, to learn new things. The dovecote, hearth pies, sweet soya and the idle life of the barchuk are much dearer to him than mental pursuits. Mitrofan does not know love for anyone, even for those closest to him - his mother and nanny.

He doesn’t talk to teachers, but “barks,” as Tsyfirkin puts it; Eremeeviu, who is devoted to him, calls him “an old bastard,” and threatens her with fierce reprisals: “I’ll get you off!” “When Sophia’s kidnapping failed, he angrily shouts: “Take care of people! “The mother who has lost both power and property, rushing to him in despair, he rudely pushes away: get rid of yourself, mother, how you imposed yourself! “Mitrofan’s speech fully reflects his character and his distinctive qualities.

Mitrofan’s mental poverty and lack of development are reflected in this. that he does not know how to use words or speak coherently. He expresses himself in monosyllables: “I suppose, brother,” “Which door? “, “To hell with everything!” In his language there are many colloquialisms, words and phrases borrowed: “For me, where they tell me to!”

, “Yes, look at that, it’s a task from Uncle, “I’ll dive - that’s what they called me!” The main tone of his speech is the capricious, disdainful, rude tone of a spoiled “mama's son, a barchuk, a future despot and tyrant. Even with his mother, he speaks more than cheekily, and sometimes he is insolent to her.

The image of Mitrofan is an image of enormous generalizing power. The name Mitrofanushka became a household name. The very word “minor,” which before Fonvizin meant a noble teenager who had not reached 16 years of age, became synonymous with a complete ignoramus, knowing nothing and not wanting to know anything.

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MITROFANUSHKA is the hero of D.I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” (1781), a sixteen-year-old teenager (minor), the only son of Mrs. Prostakova, his mother’s darling and the favorite of the servants. M. as a literary type was not Fonvizin’s discovery. Russian literature of the late 18th century. knew and portrayed such teenagers, living freely in rich parental homes and barely able to read and write at the age of sixteen. Fonvizin endowed this traditional figure of noble life (especially provincial) with the generic features of the Prostakov-Skotinin “nest”.

In his parents’ house, M. is the main “funny man” and “entertainer”, the inventor and witness of all the stories like the one he saw in his dream: how his mother beat his father. It is well known how M. took pity on his mother, who was busy with the difficult task of beating her father.

M.'s day is marked by absolute idleness: fun in the dovecote, where M. is saving himself from lessons, is interrupted by Eremeevna, begging the “child” to learn. Having blabbed to his uncle about his desire to get married, M. immediately hides behind Eremeevna - “an old hrychovna,” in his words - ready to lay down his life, but “not to give it away to the “child.” M.'s boorish arrogance is akin to his mother's manner of treating household members and servants: "freak" and "weeper" - the husband, "dog's daughter" and "nasty mug" - Eremeevna, "beast" - the girl Palashka.

Fonvizin's hero is a teenager, almost a youth, whose character is affected by the disease of dishonesty, spreading to every thought and every feeling inherent in him. He is dishonest in his attitude towards his mother, through whose efforts he exists in comfort and idleness and whom he abandons at the moment when she needs his consolation. The comic clothes of the image are funny only at first glance. V.O. Klyuchevsky classified M. as a breed of creatures “related to insects and microbes,” characterizing this type with inexorable “reproduction.”

Thanks to the hero Fonvizin, the word “minor” (formerly neutral) became a common noun for a quitter, a loafer and a lazy person.

Lit.: Vyazemsky P. Von-Vizin. St. Petersburg, 1848; Klyuchevsky V. “Nedorosl” Fonvizin

//Klyuchevsky V. Historical portraits. M., 1990; Rassadin St. Fonvizin. M., 1980.


Literary heroes. - Academician. 2009 .


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  • Minor. Brigadier, Fonvizin Denis Ivanovich. The book includes the most famous works of the playwright, publicist, translator and creator of Russian everyday comedy D.I. Fonvizin. The heroes of the comedy "The Minor" are representatives of different social…

Mitrofan is one of the main characters of the comedy, and the title is dedicated to him. He considers himself already very mature, although he is still quite a child, but not sweet and naive, but capricious and cruel. Narcissistic, because everyone surrounded him with love, but in such a limiting way.

Of course he laughs at the teachers. It is clear that he wants to marry the beautiful Sophia. He is not afraid of anything, but he is very cowardly. That is, he is afraid of everything, is always ready to call his nanny and mommy for help, but he behaves very arrogantly and defiantly with everyone...

And everything would be fine! But only his mother supports him in everything and does not limit him in any way.

We meet Mitrofan when he shows off in a new caftan, and his mother scolds the tailor. Mitrofan has already grown up - a tall, rather dense guy. His face is not very smart, nor are his actions. He laughs a little at everyone, plays, fools around. He is definitely well fed, he doesn’t even know how to stop, so his stomach often hurts. He grew physically, but his heart and soul were not cared for. And the fact that his brain simply doesn’t want to remember information (he’s been learning the alphabet for three years) is also Mitrofan’s whims. It seems to him that even without science he will be able to do everything through his mother’s efforts. She almost married him to the rich heiress Sophia, who is also very beautiful and kind.

Mitrofan often does what he is told. Not the teacher, of course, but the mother. She said, “Kiss a stranger’s hand,” and that’s what he does. But only for profit. Mitrofanushka has no courtesy, kindness, or respect for others.

In general, Mitrofan may not be so bad, but he is very spoiled. The undergrowth believes in its exclusivity “without effort.” He sees himself as a successful landowner, he sees himself. In his heart there is no love even for his adoring mother, for his faithful nanny, for anyone. Of course, he only loves himself, but not enough. Otherwise, he would at least learn and develop!

The image and characteristics of Mitrofanushka with quotes and examples from the text

Mitrofan Prostakov - the hero of the play by D.I. Fonvizin "Undergrown", a young man, the only son of the Prostakov nobles. In the 19th century, minors were called young men from noble families who, due to their laziness and ignorance, could not complete their studies, and, as a result, enter the service and get married.

Fonvizin in his play makes fun of such young people, embodying their features in the image of one of the main characters of the play - the Prostakovs' son Mitrofan.

Father and mother love their only son very much and do not notice his shortcomings, moreover, they worry about their son and take care of him as if he were a small child, protect him from all misfortunes, they are afraid that he may become overtired from work: "... while Mitrofanushka still in the undergrowth, sweat and pamper him; and then in ten years, when he enters, God forbid, into service, he will suffer everything...”

Mitrofanushka is not averse to having a tasty dinner: “...And I, uncle, almost didn’t have dinner at all [...] Three slices of corned beef, and hearth, I don’t remember, five, I don’t remember...” “...Yes, apparently, brother, you had a hearty dinner..." "...You deigned to eat a whole jug of kvass...".

Mitrofan is a very rude and cruel young man: he tortures serfs, mocks his teachers, and does not hesitate to raise his hand even against his father. This is the fault of the mother, who took the household into her own hands and does not value her husband at all. Neither the peasants nor her relatives like her, because she swears and beats everyone in vain.

Mrs. Prostakova is also responsible for the upbringing and training of Mitrofanushka, but without interfering much with these processes. Therefore, the young man is cruel and rude, but cannot stand up for himself, but hides behind his mother’s skirt. Things are also no better with studies. Not only is Mitrofan stupid and lazy, he is not interested in anything, he is not curious, and he is very bored in class. In addition, his teachers are useless - the former sexton Kuteikin, the retired sergeant Tsyfirkin and the former coachman Vralman are ignorant and poorly educated people: "... Well, what can come of Mitrofanushka for the fatherland, for whom ignorant parents also pay money to ignoramuses - teachers?.." In addition, Vralman is a French teacher, although he himself is German and does not know French, but manages to teach it to the boy.

The image of Mitrofan reflected the type of representative of the younger generation of that time: lazy, ignorant, rude; he does not strive to grow spiritually, mentally and culturally; he has no ideals or aspirations.

Option 3

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is a great Russian writer. In his work “The Minor,” he showed readers a generalized image of the younger generation from the noble class of the 19th century using the example of the main character Mitrofan. The name Mitrofan translated from Greek means “mother-like.” The hero is brought up in a family in which relationships are built on lies, flattery, and rudeness. The mother raised her son to be an unlucky, uneducated man. Mitrofan has no goals or aspirations in life, they are too small and insignificant. He is spoiled and treats rudely not only the servants, but also his parents. Fonvizin did not come up with this image. In fact, at that time in noble circles there were often teenagers like Mitrofan, who studied poorly, did nothing, and lived their days like that.

Mitrofan had home teachers who, in principle, did not give him any knowledge. But the hero has no desire to study at all. He is stupid, naive, his speech is undeveloped and rude. This person is not adapted to the life around him, he cannot do anything without his mother and without servants. His main activities during the day are to eat, rest and chase pigeons. What made Mitrofan exactly like this? Of course, this is the education system that came from Prostakova, the hero’s mother. She indulged his whims too much, encouraged all his mistakes, and thus, in the end, this was the result of his upbringing. This is the blind love of a mother for her child.

Growing up in such conditions, Mitrofan was accustomed to having a say in the family and the right to treat others rudely. It will be very difficult for a person like Mitrofan in life if he is left alone with his problems. At the end of the work, Prostakova loses her estate and along with it loses her own son. This is the fruit of her upbringing. This result of the comedy shows the level of this system of upbringing and education.

Using the example of the image of Mitrofan, Fonvizin showed one of the main problems in family education. This problem is still relevant today. In modern society, there are also such spoiled children who grow up in similar conditions. Everyone should think about how to eradicate such undergrowth that is dragging our society back. I think that people like Mitrofan do not know what real life is and do not understand its meaning due to their ignorance. I feel sorry for these children and their parents. I hope that all parents, after reading this comedy, will understand their mistakes and be able to raise a worthy citizen of their country.

Essay 4

The play "The Minor" was written by Fonvizin in 1781. A year later it was staged. The performance created a sensation. But the work displeased Catherine the Second and Denis Ivanovich was forbidden to publish his works, and the theater on whose stage the premiere took place was closed.

In the eighteenth century, noble children under the age of sixteen were called minors. It was believed that they had not yet “grown up” to independent, adult life.

One of the main characters of the comedy, Mitrofanushka, was such an undergrowth. Nowadays, this name has become a household name, synonymous with a stupid and lazy mama's boy.

Mitrofan is almost 16 years old. And it's time for him to serve in the army. But his mother, Mrs. Prostakova, blindly loves her son and is not ready to let him go for anything in the world. She spoils him and indulges him in everything. Indulges him in idleness. Such upbringing led to the fact that the boy grew up and turned into a rude, lazy ignorant teenager.

They hired teachers for Mitrofanushka, but they didn’t teach him anything, because he didn’t want to study: “I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” However, the mother does not insist on classes: “Go and frolic, Mitrofanushka.” However, such teachers are unlikely to teach the child intelligence. Their surnames indicate this - Tsyfirkin, a retired soldier, Kuteikin, a half-educated seminarian and the German Vralman, who turned out to be a coachman.

The Prostakovs' son does not love or respect anyone. He treats his father with disdain. This is very clearly shown in the scene where a mama’s boy feels sorry for his parent because she is “... so tired, beating his father.” Mitrofan is rude to the servants and snaps at them. He calls his nanny or mother “old bastard.” He mocks teachers and serfs. Our hero and his own mother do not value him at all. No worries touch his heart. He shamelessly takes advantage of Prostakova's blind love. And he even blackmails her: “The river is close here. I’ll dive in, remember my name.” And to the question about what bad things he dreamed about at night, he answers: “Yes, either you, mother, or father.”

To all the listed bad qualities of Mitrofan, one can add cowardice and servility before a strong enemy. He humbly asks for mercy when an attempt to forcibly take Sophia down the aisle fails, and on Starodum’s orders he meekly agrees to go serve.

Thus, in Mitrafanushka, Fonvizin embodied all the shortcomings and vices inherent in the nobility of that time. This is ignorance and stupidity, greed and laziness. Simultaneously the habits of a tyrant and servility. This image was not invented by the author, but taken from life. History knows many examples of undersized, illiterate, soulless people who take advantage of their power and lead an idle lifestyle.

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Writer and playwright D.I. Fonvizin, whose comedy “The Brigadier” never left the stage, was compared to Moliere. Therefore, the play “The Minor,” staged on the stage of the Moscow Medox Theater on May 14, 1783, was also a huge success.

One of the main characters of this comedy was Prostakov Mitrofan Terentyevich, the son of the Prostakovs, simply Mitrofanushka.

As soon as the name of the comedy “Undergrown” is pronounced, the image of a mama’s boy, a quitter and a stupid ignoramus immediately appears in the imagination. Before this comedy, the word “minor” did not carry an ironic meaning. During the time of Peter I, this was the name given to noble teenagers who had not reached the age of 15. After the play appeared, this word became a household word.

The main character himself, Mitrofanushka, is devoid of any purpose in life. The main activities in life that he enjoys are: eating, lazing around and chasing pigeons. His idleness is encouraged by his mother. “Go and have some fun, Mitrofanushka,” is how she answers her son when he is about to go chase pigeons.

A sixteen-year-old boy at that time was supposed to go to service at this age, but his mother did not want to let him go. She wanted to keep him with her until she was 26 years old.

Prostakova doted on her son, loved her with a blind maternal love, which only harmed him: Mitrofanushka ate until his stomach hurt, and Prostakova tried to persuade him to eat more. The nanny said to this that he already ate five pieces of pies. And Prostakova answered: “So you feel sorry for the sixth one.”

When Mitrofanushka was offended, she came to his defense, and he was her only consolation. Everything was done only for the sake of her son, even in order to provide him with a carefree future, she decided to marry him to a rich bride.

She tried not to bother him with anything, not even with his studies. It was customary for noble families to hire teachers. And Prostakova hired teachers for him, but not so that he could learn intelligence, but it was just the way it was supposed to be. The names of the teachers spoke for themselves: the German coachman Vralman, the retired soldier Tsyfirkin, the half-educated seminarian Kuteikin. Mitrofan did not want to study and told his mother: “Listen, mother. I'll amuse you. I'll study; just let this be the last time. The hour of my will has come. I don’t want to study, I want to get married.” And Prostakova agreed with him, because she herself was illiterate and stupid. “It’s only torment for you, but everything, I see, is emptiness. Don’t learn this stupid science!”

All his relatives irritated Mitrofanushka, he did not love anyone - neither his father, nor his uncle. The nanny, who did not receive money for raising Mitrofan and always protected him from his uncle, tried to teach him something. She persuaded him: “Yes, teach at least a little.” Mitrofan answered her: “Well, say another word, you old bastard! I’ll finish them off, I’ll complain to my mother again, so she’ll deign to give you a task about yesterday.” Nobody's worries bothered him. This hero combined in himself the worst qualities of the young nobles of that time.

All the mother's concerns about her son did not find an answer. Mitrofanushka treated his mother with disdain. He did not respect her at all and played on her feelings: His words: “The river is here and the river is close. I’ll dive in, just remember what my name was,” or “All night, such rubbish was in my eyes. -What rubbish, Mitrofanushka? “Yes, either you, mother, or father,” prove this.

Even at a difficult moment for the mother, the son refuses her. “You are the only one left with me, my dear friend,” - with these words Prostakova rushes to her son. She seems to be looking for support in the only person close to her. Mitrofan indifferently says: “Go away, mother, how you imposed yourself.”

His mother's upbringing and the environment in which Mitrofan Prostakov lived made him a heartless, stupid animal who only knows what to eat and have fun. The thoughts instilled in Mitrofan by his mother that lying on his side could get both ranks and money fell on fertile ground. We can conclude that Mitrofan, if his fate had turned out the way his mother intended, would not have disgraced his “surname.”

It seems to me that the meaning of this comedy is the playwright’s protest against the Prostakovs and Skotinins. There should be as few such inhumane, rude, stupid people as possible. They should not constitute the majority of society. I share the writer's point of view.