How to draw a rooster with a pencil step by step? General outline of the shape of the body and tail.

Since 2017 is the year of the Rooster, it is quite reasonable to learn yourself and teach your children how to draw a rooster easily and simply. It's really quite simple, you just need to follow step by step and everything will work out.

We offer you some instructions. Choose what suits you best.

Realistic rooster

The first option may not seem the easiest to you, but here you need to learn only one thing - diligence. Take soft pencil and at first, especially during basting, try not to put too much pressure on it. Make all lines translucent so that they can be easily erased. If you are drawing for the first time, then don’t worry that you won’t succeed. This is fine. Just erase the lines and make new ones. Watch your hand, the movements should be light and airy, give it more freedom.

The first step is to outline the rooster's body. We need to draw the body, then outline the head, neck and tail. Watch for proportionality. The head should occupy an eighth of the volume of the body, the tail - half. Make circles to form a volume, and then connect everything smooth lines.

At the second stage we need to draw the details. Pay attention to the scallop, beak, and draw long feathers on the tail. Mark the line of the wing and draw the spurs on the paws.

When you like the result, move on to the third stage. It is not much different from the second one. We are still working on the details. Additional and auxiliary lines can be erased. Try to draw small shadows, define the eyes, and make the main lines clearer. Make control lines only when you are sure that it is where it should be.

If the drawing is planned in color, then do not get carried away with retouching and shadows. All this can be done in the fourth stage using colored pencils. In this case, you just need to copy the color according to the sample.

Decorative cockerel

You can make this kind of cockerel with your children. Or suitable for those who do not yet dare to make more complex and realistic options. IN in this case you can use a compass, but only if you want to achieve decorative and clear lines. In other cases, you can draw by hand. It’s okay if the rooster turns out not to be perfectly even, but at least beautiful.

Start with the main environment, which will serve as our body. Depending on its size, it will be possible to draw the head. The rooster's head should be a quarter of the size of the body.

Connect the torso and head with two lines, so you get a neck. If you are worried that it will turn out crooked, then use a ruler.

Now you can do without a compass and a ruler. And it will even be better this way, because the remaining details can and should be more alive, not so ideal. Freehand draw the comb, eyes, beak, wing, tail and paws.

Erase the auxiliary lines. There is no need to draw details. Since our cockerel is decorative, the color scheme should be simple. Use several colors and paint over the planes, keeping a slight resemblance to the original.

Decorative cockerel No. 2

One more example decorative pattern a simple cockerel for beginners. The most difficult thing is to draw a circle for the body. The head and neck in this case represent one whole, so you also need to try to draw them, it is especially important to pay attention to the proportions in relation to the body.

But you don’t even have to deal with drawing the tail, beak and legs. Some simple lines and everything is ready.

Now you know how to draw a rooster easily and simply. These are the most accessible options, after which you can move on to more complex ones. How is it going? Share in the comments what you did.

In December, along with frosts and snowstorms, the most fun and favorite holiday comes to us - New Year. According to eastern calendar, 2017 a year will pass under the symbol of the red rooster - a strict, serious, but fair bird. Do you want good luck, health, happiness to settle in your home? Appease the rooster - draw the fiery owner of the coming year and place the picture under the tree next to Santa Claus.

How to draw a rooster - first option

The drawing is done with a pencil; under your supervision, even a preschooler can handle this work. Take a sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a postcard with a cockerel (for clarity).

  • In the center of the sheet, draw a circle (the head), with a small circle (the eye) in it. On the left side of the large circle, draw two closed triangles - a nose. On top of the head, create a scallop with three adjacent semi-ovals. Place a drop of the bird's beard under the beak.
  • Draw two down from the head parallel lines– start one from the bottom of the beard, the second from the back of the rooster’s head, this way you will define the neck. Connect the ends of the lines with a smooth wavy line. Outline the body of the bird with a crescent, the back of which is covered with fluffy tail feathers, similar to narrow leaves of fireweed.

  • Mark the wing on the body by drawing a segment symmetrical to the line of the abdomen. Blend it with a pencil, simulating protruding feathers. From the body down, lower two perpendiculars - future paws, draw four fingers with claws. The drawing is ready, if desired, you can color it with colored pencils and write a congratulation on the holiday.

How to draw a rooster - second option

A more complicated version, in which the bird turns out to be more believable, as if it were alive.

You will need: a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, paints.

  • Draw a small circle for the rooster's head. Mark the eye in it, draw a beak, an arched neck, focusing on our drawing. Sketch the body, drawing straight rays from the neck. Smooth out the corners with semi-oval outlines, define the line of the wing.

  • Draw a crest on the head and hang an earring under the beak. Mark the rooster's feathers on the neck and back with vertical shading. Draw the paws in furry pants, with three crossed toes and one rear spur. Using crooked teeth, highlight the tail feathers and lightly shade the feathering of the head.

  • You can leave the drawing like this, shading the rooster’s body with soft shading, or paint the bird with bright watercolors.

How to draw a rooster - third option

The basis of such a pattern will be circles, ovals, semi-ovals.

  • Draw a horizontal line in the middle of the sheet, draw a semi-oval down from it - the body. Below, describe two small semicircles that are on top of each other - future paws. Raise the pencil up, lean to the right and draw the head in a circle, from which draw two rays towards horizontal line- you get the neck of a bird.
  • On the body, draw a wing in the form of an ellipse. Add a triangle nose, a pendulous beard, and a round eye.
  • Make another circle in the upper left part of the large semi-oval - a beautiful fluffy tail will come out of it. Then outline the crest, legs in shaggy shorts, feathers on the side wing. Trace the outline of the rooster with a black marker and color the bird at your discretion with felt-tip pens or paints.

As you understand, portraying a rooster is not difficult. The main thing is to follow our advice and draw with your soul, then wise bird will become your talisman and will protect you all year.

Draw a rooster so that your friends gasp in admiration? Easily! Find drawings of a cockerel for every taste, get inspired and decorate your room with the image of a bird. Do not doubt, the vocal warbler will not remain in debt - he will certainly bring good luck next year.

Simple pencil drawing of a rooster

The Rooster is a born leader who requires special attention and respect for his person. Therefore, when placing a winged one in your album, try your best - next year’s owner does not like slobs.

1. Draw a circle at the top of the sheet. This is the head of a rooster.

2. Draw the neck. Pay attention to the proportions.

3. To make the rooster look truly handsome, decorate his head with a comb.

4. The bird's beak consists of two sharp parts. Since the cockerel is turned to the side, draw two small triangles on the right side of the head.

5. It's time to draw the torso.

6. Decorate the tail with a bunch of feathers.

7. Draw the cockerel's eyes and legs.

8. Now draw the wing. Draw a clear line, add strokes.

The drawing is ready!

How to draw a rooster with colored pencils?

What appears to be clicking, crowing and cackling to the human ear is actually chicken speech. Scientists have identified more than 30 meanings in chicken language, ranging from the simple “it’s time for me to lay an egg” or “come here, there are a lot of worms!” before calling a partner during the mating season.

Let's draw another one a bright representative chicken family with colored pencils, because he just asks: “Draw me!”

1. Mark the main parts of the rooster’s body with ovals.

2. Draw the eyes, comb, beak and earrings underneath.

3. Now you can outline the paws.

4. Add feathering to the tail, detail the legs.

5. And now - the most important thing. Color the cockerel with colored pencils.

First, clearly draw the eye, paint over the crest and beak.

6. The neck and paws will be yellow.

8. Draw the feathers clearly.

9. Use a black pencil to add contrast to the drawing.

Congratulations! The proud, handsome rooster is ready.

How to draw a rooster step by step

In the wild, female chickens face many dangers. The most terrible of them are predators. That is why representatives of the fairer sex, who hatch eggs and raise offspring, have plumage that reliably hides them in the forest. The same cannot be said about roosters! This is who can boast of luxurious feathers: red, bright red, blue with green tints... It would be a sin not to depict such a handsome man in your album. Shall we begin?

1. Draw two ovals on a piece of paper: a large one (torso) and a small one (head). Connect with a slightly curved line (cockerel neck). Using light pencil movements, outline the paws.

2. Next up is the beak. Draw it like a small triangle. Then draw a bent arc - the future tail of the rooster. Outline the comb and earrings, add lines on the neck. Mark the paws with cross lines.

3. Inside the large oval, draw a line defining the boundaries of the rooster’s wing. Don’t forget to outline the “pants” on the paws and outline the tip of the tail.

4. Detail the tail and wing by drawing the plumage. Draw the teeth of the comb.

5. Draw the paws with sharp claws well. You can finish the drawing with colored pencils on plain paper or transfer it to tinted paper and paint over it. oil pastels.

6. Light brown color paint over the head, legs, part of the wing and some tail feathers. The comb and earrings will be red. Use purple to paint the lower part of the body and wings, as well as the tail. Outline the outline of the head and comb with cherry color, and the wing, body and tail with black.

How to draw a rooster with oil pastels

Interestingly, roosters have a sufficient level of intelligence and are able to remember those who treat them poorly or well. Therefore, do not be lazy when portraying the next handsome man, otherwise in 2017 he will still remember this for you.

I suggest drawing a rooster with oil pastels. The main thing here is to color the bird correctly. Watch the photo master class and repeat after the author.

1. First draw the rooster (partially use the top diagrams). The crest, eyes and beak were seen in red.

2. Let's move on to coloring the feathers. Start with light colors, gradually adding dark shades and shadows. You should get a bright drawing.

3. For this little masterpiece you will need pencils of all colors of the rainbow. Draw the background with thick strokes.

The drawing is ready. A bright cockerel will decorate any interior and will certainly bring happiness to its talented owner.

In addition, we use a simple pencil of medium hardness (HB), drawing paper and tinted paper for drawing with pastels. The image of the rooster is performed in stages. We start by drawing the diagram on drawing paper, drawing out the details of the bird. Then we transfer the drawing onto tinted paper and work on it with oil pastels, but you can also complete the work on plain paper.


On a piece of drawing paper with a simple pencil draw two ovals. One larger oval will be the body, and above it a smaller oval will be the head of the rooster. We connect the large and small oval with a line - the bend of the neck.

From the large oval downwards we draw two lines - the legs of the rooster.


Draw a triangle for the bird's beak. From the large oval to the right we outline the tail of the rooster in a sharply curved arc.

Draw a comb line above the oval of the head.

We place two semicircles of earrings under the beak.

Add the bend lines of the neck.

Draw the rooster's legs crosswise.


Inside the large oval we outline a wing oval with a slightly pointed end.

Draw the contours of the “pants” and the lower edge of the tail with smooth lines.


Draw the scallop teeth. In the oval of the wing we draw plumage lines.

Add a pattern of feathers to the tail.


We draw the “pants” of the legs and paws with the sharp protrusion of the spurs.

We transfer the drawing onto tinted paper. Why do we shade? reverse side paper sheet with a pattern. We apply it with the shaded side to a sheet of tinted paper and, tracing the outline of the drawing, transfer the image to the tinted sheet.

Lightly cover with chalk with light strokes Brown plumage of the head, upper part of the wing and some tail feathers.


Use red chalk to draw the comb, earrings and tail feathers.

We go through the remaining places lilac color. We specify the plumage of the tail and wing with black chalk. We go over the head and scallop with red-brown chalk.

There is a lesson on our website step by step drawing Chicken. And now we will show you how to draw a rooster step by step with a pencil. Rooster is Domestic bird, which usually lives in courtyards in villages and villages. The roosters' place of residence is the chicken coop, in which the roosters are the owners. They have many hens under their command, and the roosters are always in charge. The rooster, unlike the hens, is more brightly colored and has a well-developed crest, often hanging on the side of the head and hanging earrings under the chin. These are his sexual differences from female chickens.

Stage 1. Draw a sketch of the future lines of the rooster's body. Big circle slightly shifted relative to the center of the picture to the right. The diameter is drawn in it. A smooth curved line, bent to the left, extends from this diagonal. Below the circle we draw one straight line and another broken line. These are the future legs of the rooster.

Stage 2. We begin to outline the body of the bird. Below the diameter on the right we draw the lines of the head, from them we draw a dorsal line that goes into the line of the tail. We draw the tail along a curved curve, making zigzags at the edges - imitating the feathers of a bird. Then the tail line goes into the undertail and the beginning of the leg lines. In front of the chin, in a circle, draw the convex chest and abdomen of a rooster.

Stage 3. Here we will draw the details of the lower part of the rooster. Under the circle with lines we show the lower part and borders of the wing lowered down. From the lower part of the body we draw two legs, outlining the lines intended for this. Draw a thigh and a long foot on each leg. The rooster has three fingers pointing forward and one pointing back. And there is also one spur above the back toe, just above it. These are sharp clawed processes found only in roosters.

Stage 4. We design the eyes, crest and beak of the bird. All this is shown in enlarged form. The eye is small and round. The ridge is wavy at the edge. The nose is sharp with a slit-like nostril at the side.

Stage 5. Now we outline the features of his face. These are the lines around the eye, the wattle under the beak and the lines on the side behind the eye.

Stage 6. Draw his beautiful feathers along the rooster’s back and at the beginning of the tail. We carefully draw out each feather, one after another. The feathers are arranged in a tiled manner, as if overlapping each other, forming a continuous feather cover.

Stage 7. On the rooster’s tail we draw simple feathers. We use long lines to show the boundaries between adjacent feathers. Under the tail we draw many small feathers, also peeking out from under the other. Let's additionally outline the ridge on top.

Stage 8. Draw the midlines on the feathers. We make strokes on the wing. We also show long thin feathers under the head on the neck.

Stage 9. Let's do it extra row thin long feathers on the neck down the chest. On the legs, using horizontal strokes, draw the scales that usually cover this part of the leg. And below on the fingers we will also depict such small scales. This is keratinized skin.

Stage 10. This is our rooster in black and white.