Easy drawings about dogs. How to paint a dog step by step - master class with video for children

In this lesson I will tell you... More precisely . Many, if not all, consider them the cutest creatures in the world (after, of course, cats always rule). No matter what they say, it’s better to draw something great once than to watch it a hundred times. Actually, this is what we will do now. But the dog won’t turn out cute if you don’t follow some rules of real artists:

  • First, give the drawing a piece of your love;
  • Second, sharpen your pencil;
  • Draw all over the paper;
  • Did not work out? Throw it away and start again!
  • Turn on your imagination!
  • Look at the result and rejoice, your smile is wider! =)

Drawing a dog step by step is easy and simple. Even if mine dear readers skipped all classes visual arts at school (which is what I did at the time), with the help of our tips they can easily portray a dog, or.

Where do we start? Let's draw just two oval shapes, from which we will create the torso and head best friend person. Approximately at their junction we draw another circle from which a muzzle will grow. We also make blanks for the paws.
The next step to mastering the art of drawing cute animals will be the head. What is important to remember here:

  • The head is a very important element in the painting;
  • It shouldn't be too big or small;
  • Maintain proportions between body parts;
  • Don’t make straight lines, they don’t exist in nature;
  • Draw lines light movements, do not press the lead into the paper;

Let's move on to drawing the details of the face: ears like a bear, mouth and nose. Well, and most importantly, the eyes. Important points when depicting eyes:

  • Animals' eyes are usually round;
  • The pupils can be dilated, constricted, of different shapes;
  • The highlight must be added relative to the light;
  • The mood of the whole picture will depend on the eyes: sad, cheerful, aggressive, kind, and so on.

Let's move on. Now the outline. It should be highlighted with a thicker line. On the paws we draw pads and claws like those of a cat. Let's add a tail. difficult for beginners. I strongly recommend that after the first attempt, do not put the work aside, but try again.
The next step is to erase all the extra lines. And now our sketch has already become more realistic. The main thing is not skill, but desire.
If you want, you can give his fur a slight tint, like in the first picture. Add shadows and colors. Use your imagination. It is not worth copying 1 to 1 from here. They say that every artist sees the world in his own way. I hope now you know how to draw a dog with a pencil step by step. I also recommend reading the lesson about drawing. Show off your work. This is how it happened for me:
Try drawing something else, like a dove. I will be glad to see the results of your work. Leave comments, visit us often, and you will learn a lot of new things. Thank you for your attention! Continuation of this lesson, let's try to draw other breeds.

On the nose New Year and now I want to create for myself good mood. And creativity is best suited for this. Today we will talk about how to beautifully and easily draw a dog step by step with a pencil.

Puppy "Sharik"

You should start from the very beginning light drawing. Puppy Sharik from Soviet cartoon“A Kitten Named Woof” will come to life on paper very quickly if you follow a simple scheme:

Dog “Ball” – photo 1

In the center of the sheet, from the very beginning, the outline of the head is drawn, which gradually tapers towards the bottom and is vaguely shaped like a “thick” balloon.

Dog “Ball” – photo 2

Afterwards, oval eyes with dark pupils appear, the nose resembles a triangle with smoothed corners, and at the end a smiling mouth is depicted on the muzzle.

Dog “Ball” – photo 3

From the top right side a raised ear is depicted, as if the puppy is listening to something. The second ear is placed slightly lower in a lowered position, as shown in the picture below. At the same stage, with light movements, a line is drawn on the head, which will later become a black spot of fur.

A thick but short eyebrow is also drawn above the right eye, the inner corner of which points slightly upward.

Dog “Ball” – photo 5

After this you should move on to drawing the body. First, two horizontal arcuate lines are drawn - quite short, which will act as a neck.

One of them lengthens down and is rounded at the very end - this will be the front paw. You shouldn’t make it too long, since the picture still shows a puppy, not an adult dog.

The top short line becomes horizontal, turning into the back of the Ball - at the end it is rounded (becoming a tail), goes down, where the hind leg is drawn, as shown in the figure.

Dog “Ball” – photo 6

On prev last stage the second hind leg is completed - only a small part of it is visible in the drawing, so drawing it will not be difficult at all. There is also a large brown spot on the back, which perfectly complements the design.

And finally, the most pleasant thing - the ears, and spots on the back and head are painted over with black, or brown. All the rest of the “fur” remains light, so the drawing can be considered complete.

You can draw such a dog on, which you make with your own hands.

Sitting Dog: An Easy Way to Draw

If the last time a cartoon character appeared on paper, then this lesson will show you how to draw a beautiful realistic dog with a pencil step by step and without unnecessary difficulty.

How to draw a sitting dog - photo 1

If you look at the photos below, you won’t have any difficulties:

In the drawing, the dog will be depicted sitting, so the frontal lobe of the head is initially drawn, smoothly turning into an elongated muzzle and reaching the lower part of the mouth.

Afterwards, the nose and the left eye, which looks straight ahead, are drawn with thin lines. At the same stage, the upper part of the head is slightly lengthened and the ear appears.

Now is the time to draw an arched line that will smoothly go into the front of the body. Here the front paw is drawn out with neat and smooth movements - as shown in the figure below.

When drawing the back, at the very beginning you need to draw a small tubercle, since all dogs have shoulder blades that stick out a little. Further, the back is depicted slightly arched and smoothly turns into a long tail.

At the very end, the second front paw and the hind paw, which is visible quite a bit, are completed. If desired, you can draw shadows in the drawing or make the dog colored.

Despite the fact that this drawing is not complicated and even a novice artist can handle it, the result cannot but please. Besides, this great way hone basic skills.

Puppy with kind eyes – pencil drawing

The next lesson is probably the most difficult of the ones presented above, because here special attention is paid to details. Although this option is also suitable for beginners, with due diligence and following all the advice, you will definitely be able to achieve a positive result.

So, another way to easily and step by step draw a beautiful dog with a pencil:

At the first stage, the contours of the eyes, nose and mouth are drawn with smooth and soft movements. You shouldn’t press the pencil and highlight the lines too much, because if you fail, you’ll have to use an eraser, and thick lines are much more difficult to erase.

Painted dog

From the nose you should draw arched lines, which will later become part of the muzzle. Also, special attention is paid to drawing highlights on the eyes and nose, as well as highlighting the nostrils and mouth.

Afterwards, a rounded forehead and the lateral line of the head emerge. From them come the ears and the “main” lines of the muzzle, connecting with the arched lines.

Now is the time to move on to drawing the puppy's chest. It is depicted using a curved line, and then the paw is drawn on the left side.

The second leg is not drawn to the very end - a horizontal stick is placed at the bottom in the middle, and then you should carefully follow the actions in the picture below.

Drawing the body

Then the puppy’s paws appear, which are located under the tummy. At the same stage, the line of the back is drawn - it should not be perfectly straight, but, on the contrary, slightly rounded.

For greater realism, the nose is painted over dark pencil, and strokes are made on the body that resemble disheveled wool.

The videos that you can watch below will also help you practice drawing and improve your skills.

As you can see, drawing a beautiful dog with a pencil step by step is quite easy. And while drawing, you shouldn’t hold back your imagination, because no one says that all drawings have to be the same - they should help a person open up and show all his imagination.

Today we will look at how to draw a dog step by step for children. Several variations of the dog image will be shown at once. You will learn how to draw adult dogs and small puppies. The instructions are clear and easy for children. Let's not waste time and get started right away!

How to draw a dog for children: first option

The dog is a true friend person and, of course, any child. Many children constantly dream of a dog and really want to learn how to draw one. Today I will tell you how to draw an ordinary domestic dog. Most parents and children want to learn how to draw a dog in this form, without unnecessary anatomical features and realistic details. There is nothing difficult here, everything is extremely simple. It is only necessary to depict the dog in a very simplified manner, without going into too many details.

Stage 1
Start drawing the dog from the head. Draw an oval muzzle and a pair of oval ears.

Stage 2
Draw two dots, these will be the eyes, now a smile and a large black nose. The result is a cheerful and cute dog face.

Stage 3
At this stage, draw the dog's torso. It is also drawn in a simplified manner and looks very much like a rectangle with several rounded corners. The bottom line of the dog's body should be broken in two places in order to then draw the paws.

Stage 4
The paws can now be drawn, again very simply without any unnecessary details. Now the ponytail is all. Congratulations, you've just learned how to draw a simple pet dog!

How to draw a dog for a child: second option

Stage 1
Draw the dog's head. The head consists of an oval and a semicircle. In the center of the head draw a pair of eyes and eyebrows. On the muzzle, draw a heart-shaped nose.

Stage 2
Next, on both sides of the head, draw two large ears, from the bottom of the head, draw the neck, and then the torso.

Stage 3
The next stage is to draw the dog’s paws. The two front legs should be equal, and the back ones should be slightly larger than the front ones.

Stage 4
Draw the hind legs and color the dog.

How to draw a dog from the cartoon Tom and Jerry

Another option on how to draw a dog

Stage 1
Draw three ovals for the head, muzzle, and body. Add four circles for the back and front legs. Add lines to the paw circles on both sides of the circles.

Stage 2
Draw the ears and nose. After this, draw a wide smile for the doggie. Draw the eyes. Then delete all unnecessary additional lines. Decorate the resulting dog.

Well done! You made a wonderful drawing!

How to draw a shepherd step by step for children

Many children love shepherds. Therefore, now we will try to show how to draw these dogs correctly and easily.

Stage 1
Draw a bean-shaped body shape that should be somewhat elongated.

Stage 2
Now draw the base for the shepherd's body parts. A couple of triangles will become ears. For the nose, draw a rectangle. It will be slightly curved at the bottom. Draw fur on the chest. Label the tail as shown in the example.

Stage 3
Draw from top to bottom, add a couple of small circles for the eyes and some curved triangles to make them look like spiky hair. Draw the fur on the neck with spines. Add the tail completely and draw part for the lower and upper paws.

Stage 4
Start by simply adding a line to create the smile and the bottom of the lip. Draw some elements on the neck to make it fluffier. Continue drawing the base for the paws.

Stage 5
At this last stage, all that remains is to draw a small bang on the head, and also finish drawing the paws.

Stage 6
That's it, your shepherd is completely ready.

How to draw a puppy with a pencil

So, we have dealt with adult dogs, now you will learn how to draw small dogs and puppies. You will find that drawing a puppy is not difficult at all. You will definitely see this. The steps in this lesson are very simple, you will have fun and learn how to draw a puppy step by step with a pencil for children. Enjoy this fun and interesting "how to draw a puppy for kids" tutorial.

Stage 1
Start by creating a very simple egg shape for the head, and then another small egg shape for the body. After this, draw special lines dividing the face, as seen in the example.

Stage 2
All you need to do here is basically draw out the shape of the puppy's head.

Stage 3
After this, draw out the disheartened, but very cute ears. Make sure they are large enough for the puppy's head size.

Stage 4
Almost ready! Make two oval shaped eyes. Then paint them, except for two points, as in the picture. Add a dash for the eyebrows and move on to step five.

Stage 5
Draw the nose, and then the cheeks and a small mouth. Once this is done, you can add a small tongue sticking out of the puppy's mouth.

Stage 6
Now draw the chest and front legs.

Stage 7
Now we are pretty close to finishing the drawing. Draw a hind leg and a cute wagging tail. Erase the extra lines and shapes you drew in the first step.

Stage 8
That's it, the puppy is almost ready. All you have to do now is paint it with some color.

How to draw a spaniel puppy for a child

Now let's try to draw a spaniel puppy.

Stage 1
First draw two shapes that will help you in the process of drawing this very cute dog. Draw a circle for the head and oval shape for body. Then draw a vertical line directly along the circle for the head, which will help in the process of drawing the puppy's face.

Stage 2
Start drawing the face. To do this, draw the inside of the ears and draw the lower part of the head.

Stage 3
Continue drawing the head. To do this, draw fluffy and long ears, and then draw large oval eyes.

Stage 4
When you finish drawing the face, for this you draw the eyebrows, nose and mouth. After this, draw the front legs, as well as the outlines of the hind legs. As in the example.

Stage 5
Here all we need to do is draw all the other parts of the legs, then draw the line of the back and tail. Then erase all the additional lines that were useful to you while drawing this dog.

Stage 6
You see, drawing this cute dog turned out to be very easy. And all that remains to be done is to color it as needed.

How to draw a terrier puppy

Now let's try to draw a cute terrier puppy.

Stage 1
First, with light strokes, draw a circle for the head and an oval for the body of the terrier.

Stage 2
Draw ears. Wavy lines should be used to outline the outline of the dog's muzzle.

Stage 3
Now you need to draw the torso and paws.

Stage 4
Now add everything else - mouth, eyes, nose and tail.

Stage 5
The terrier image is ready. Now you know how to easily draw this dog.

Probably, since the appearance of “Carlson” Lindgren, all parents know exactly what is needed for the happiness of the whole family. Dog for children! It is for this reason that a year ago we got a sandy-golden lump, a Rhodesian Ridgeback, who was named Gray. This miracle quickly became a member of the family and everyone's favorite. And that’s why, when we decided to find out how to draw a dog with a pencil, the choice fell on a representative of this breed.

The history of the appearance of Gray's "portrait"

For a week we “ran” after our dog, remembering “Prostokvashino” with a more than prophetic statement about our case: “I ran after her for half a day to take a picture!” But we never received it beautiful photo. Our tomboy managed to successfully avoid being imprinted. Either his tail or his nose always turned out to be closer to the lens. Having suffered, we went to others, more in a simple way. It turned out that we could find a suitable photo on the Internet similar to ours. Gray dog, easily. It is from this that we can draw a dog step by step.

But while we were looking for Gray, my child and I saw that the choice of potential models was huge. We could draw a husky with a pencil step by step, or a German shepherd, or even a husky. These are all beautiful, graceful and intelligent dogs. Each of the representatives of its breed has characteristics, inherent only to them, but there are also personal qualities and traits common to all dogs, for which we love them so much and value their friendship. For example, loyalty and the ability to rejoice at the owner, obedience and frankness (they cannot hide their emotions at all).

Already on initial stages working on a drawing of a dog, when we just looked at the varieties of these pets, we learned that they differ in temperament, for example, there are choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic people, we got carried away. We wanted to learn how to draw not just an animal with four legs, ears and a tail, but also to master the patterns of drawing kind and grinning dogs, we wanted to try to draw a spaniel, dachshund or shepherd in pencil step by step. But that will come later. In the meantime, our “test of the pen”. Today we will show a dog in pencil step by step, and this will be our one-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback. We took him as a model.

Work plan

Drawing a dog with a pencil step by step turned out to be not at all difficult if you follow the planned plan exactly. What it includes:
  • Preparation;
  • Image of the paws and body of the animal;
  • Working on our pet's face;
  • Design of the picture.
The step-by-step work plan is clear and simple, it helps even inexperienced artistic arts people and children can quickly master the technique of depicting dogs.

Step-by-step image of a dog

Stage 1. Preparation

It includes, first of all, the organization of the workplace.

Let's learn to draw, starting with auxiliary lines. We make two ovals that just touch each other. Required: the upper oval is almost 2 times smaller in size than the lower one. And it looks more like an uneven circle.

Even for beginners, this stage will not be difficult, and even a child can cope with it. But in the future it would be good if parents helped their child in step-by-step drawing.

Stage 2. Image of the paws and body of the animal

How to draw a dog's paws? To do this, draw lines down from the lower oval, at the end of which there will be soft pads. The front legs are completely visible, we make them in their entire length, taking into account the proportions. The back one is visible only, and since it is bent, it top part We depict it as an egg-shaped figure along the lower right side of the oval. And already a small part of the dog’s paw comes from it.

Draw the dog's neck with two curved lines. On the left side we make the body a little larger.

We make a small circle at the bottom of the upper oval, which will also extend onto the lower one.

Stage 3. Working on our pet’s face

How to correctly complete all the details of the head? To do this, divide the upper oval with two arcuate lines, horizontal and vertical, into 4 parts.

The one that runs horizontally will have eyes.

The drawn small circle is also divided in half by a vertical line. The doggie's nose will be located in the middle of it.

On the sides of the muzzle we make the hanging ears characteristic of the Rhodesian Ridgeback.

We depict the eyes and perform the nose of the animal more accurately.

Stage 4. Design of the picture

We have mastered the basic principles that help us understand how to draw. There are still some nuances that will make our picture look like the original. Namely, we perform “toes” on the paws, do not forget about the tail.

We remove all unnecessary lines. We provide the necessary details.

We outline each part of the picture with the desired color. Do not forget that the Rhodesian Ridgeback, although a smooth-haired breed, still has tiny hairs.

Now, having picked desired color, color the picture. Our Gray appears in front of us.

This picture turned out quite simply. Having already become a little more comfortable, you can try more complex models, for example, figure out how to draw husky dog or some other breed. Good luck with this!

Drawing animals is not an easy task. After all, drawing and showing the expression of a muzzle and the naturalness of a pose is quite difficult, especially for non-professionals. And if we are talking about the image of a dog, then it would seem completely unrealistic to convey such a nature. And yet there is a whole set of detailed diagrams describing step by step creation portrait of a man's friend different poses. Let's look at the most popular options.

Materials and tools

So that nothing distracts from creative process, you should start by carefully preparing everything you need for drawing.

If fine arts is not strong point your hobbies, and there is a craving for skillful use of pencils and paints, it is worth using methods of developing drawing skills, the effectiveness of which has been proven by the experience of more than one generation of lovers of this type of visual activity.

How to draw a dog - we understand various techniques

Dogs differ not only in breed and size, but also in their posture, facial expressions and even personalities. And all these details must be shown in the drawings.

Cheerful four-legged friend without auxiliary lines

There is an opinion that it is better for beginners to take on pictures based on supporting figures. The presented diagram refutes this opinion.

Even a child can draw such a cute dog


  1. Draw the dog's body in the form of an elongated bean.

    Let's start with the base figure

  2. We show the ears with triangles, and the nose with a rectangle extended from below. Yes, based on geometric shapes we created the outline of the face.

    At this stage we designate all the large details of the animal image

  3. Draw the fur on the chest and a piece of the tail.
  4. Moving from top to bottom, we add circles for the eyes, as well as a couple of curved triangles of fur on the head.
  5. We show the fur sticking out in clumps on the neck.
  6. We complete the tail and add lines for the upper and lower paws.
  7. Draw a smile line, the lower part of the lip.

    We show wool with zigzag lines

  8. We draw shreds of fur on the neck, add bangs and detail the paws, showing the toes.

    We draw the fingers with short arched strokes

Video: how to draw a sad puppy with felt-tip pens

Four step dog

You can draw such a funny pet in just a few minutes.


How to draw a dog's face step by step

Dog faces are considered the most complex element drawing, however, this task can be successfully coped with.


  1. We start the drawing with a circle and two hanging ovals - ears. Inside the circle we draw two intersecting slightly curved straight lines, and horizontal line below the upper border of the circle by a third.

    Auxiliary lines in a circle are needed for subsequent detailing of the facial features

  2. Making the nose. Show the outline of the inverted heart and add a triangle with two cutouts.

    The dog's nose resembles a heart shape

  3. Let's get to the hard part - the eyes. We draw oval outlines. To show their shine, we finish drawing wavy lines inside the pupils.

    The eyes should be symmetrical

  4. We complement the image with small circles on the nose, lines for the eyelids and ears.

    Detailing the features of the muzzle

  5. We draw the dog's paws on which he put his muzzle. To begin with, we show 4 triangle-like figures located on both sides of the muzzle.

    Showing the paws on which the muzzle rests

  6. Adding paw details.

    Drawing the toes

  7. We outline the contours and remove the pencil lines.

    Removing auxiliary lines

  8. Color as desired. Choose grey, black or brown shades.

    You can color the picture with pencils, paints or wax crayons.

Drawing a sitting dog

Let's take a cheerful spaniel as a model.


  1. Draw a circle that is not closed at the bottom. And immediately add an oval at the bottom with a notch at the bottom to show the shape of the muzzle.
  2. In the upper part we draw two symmetrical small circles - these are the dog’s pupils. Outline them with eyelid ovals.
  3. At the bottom we draw a nose in the shape of a heart.
  4. Under this oval we draw a small arc - the dog’s mouth.
  5. Adding eyebrows.
  6. On the left side of the head we draw the letter C - this is a prototype of the ear.
  7. We make the second ear symmetrically.
  8. We draw two from the head parallel lines- the neck of the animal.
  9. Draw to the neck irregular shape circle.

    Don't try to do it perfectly straight lines- they will deprive the image of naturalness

  10. We finish drawing the paws, and the hind ones should be a little larger.

    We make the paws plump

  11. We make a few strokes on the chest to indicate scraps of fur.
  12. We can color it if desired.

    You can color this dog with felt-tip pens

Drawing a lying dog

It is believed that small animals are the fastest. But although for the most part these four-legged pets are actually quite mobile, they are not at all averse to lying down to rest. Like this schnauzer, for example.

A lying figure is more difficult to draw


  1. First, draw a circle that will be the basis of the dog’s head. In its lower half we draw an auxiliary horizontal line.
  2. We add an oval to the circle - the body of the animal.

    The base shapes for this drawing will be a circle and an oval

  3. We draw the shape of the upper part of the head, and below, that is, on the beard, we draw the fur.
  4. Add triangular ears.

    This dog's ears are triangular in shape.

  5. Draw fluffy eyebrows, add beady eyes. We show the nose and focus on the fur around it.
  6. We draw the front paws, detailing the fingers and claws on them. We depict the chest, showing it as a fold under the left paw and an arch between the limbs.
  7. We carry out smooth line backs, add hind leg, below, detailing the fur on it, showing the fingers and claws.

    Detailing the body and muzzle

  8. Erase the auxiliary lines and, if desired, color the pet.

    Breeds with thick hair are easy to color with pencils

Don't wake a sleeping dog

The main principle of depicting sleeping animals is smooth lines.


  1. We start with auxiliary lines. In this drawing it will be two circles - a little larger for the head, and a little smaller for the muzzle. In a larger circle we draw two intersecting arcs. We complete the shape of the ear.

    Add an ear to the auxiliary lines

  2. Showing the shape of the animal's head and ear.

    We designate the contours of the muzzle

  3. We complete this sketch of the skull with the second ear and lower jaw. Add a heart-shaped nose.

    At this stage we draw the nose, second ear and closed mouth

  4. We draw the lines of the jaws and the slits - the eyes.

    The eyes of a sleeping dog seem to be slightly open

  5. We take on the torso, showing two slightly uneven parallel lines. We also show the growth lines of the dog’s paws.
  6. We detail the fur lines on the chest.

    Draw fur on the chest

  7. Add nostrils, arc-shaped lines near the ears and eyes. We remove the auxiliary lines.

    Adding nostrils and forehead folds

  8. Color the drawing or leave it in pencil.

    Smoothness of lines is the basic principle of depicting sleeping animals

How to draw a husky

One of the most popular dog breeds today. Many people want to draw such a blue-eyed miracle: some out of love for art, and some in the hope of getting a puppy of this unusual dog.

This is interesting. Husky as a factory breed of dog was registered by dog ​​handlers from America in the 30s of the twentieth century. The ancestors of blue-eyed pets are sled dogs - the oldest breed of the North. It was this fact that the Americans incorporated into the name - “Eski”, which translated from English means “Eskimo”. But over time, the word became distorted to “husky.”


  1. We begin work with 7 auxiliary circles repeating the location in the figure.
  2. We connect these circles with smooth lines.

    The basis of the husky figure is seven circles

  3. Using interconnected triangles we show the dog’s ears. We designate the eyes and in the smallest circle - the muzzle - draw the nose and mouth. We work on the front legs, making one line with strokes to show the fur. Hind legs We depict it at a slight angle, not forgetting about the anatomical curves, tufts of fur and fingers.

    We immediately make the lines on the paws zigzag to show the fur.

  4. We draw the fur on the dog’s body, show the tail and add accents to the face: add tufts of fur on the ears, cheeks, eyebrows, and also near the nose.

    Detailing the muzzle

  5. The drawing is ready, you can paint it, not forgetting the characteristic blue tint of the eyes.

    You can color the dog with a simple pencil, focusing on the eyes with light blue wax crayon

Video: how to draw a husky puppy

Mathematical method for drawing a shepherd

The basis of the dog’s drawing will not be auxiliary lines, but a grid with cells drawn according to the specified measurements. This picture will require a ruler.


  1. We retreat 2 cm from the edge of the sheet at the top and side, then measure down three times, 6 cm each. Divide the uppermost square in half with two horizontal segments of 2 cm each and make three vertical segments, also 2 cm each.
  2. Let's start with the head. Draw the ears using triangles as a basis. Using a smooth curved line we show the animal’s forehead, we finish drawing the open mouth with teeth, nose and tongue. Draw the eye.

    We start with an image of the shepherd's muzzle

  3. We use two arcs to denote the line of the neck and back. We show part of the body and the front paw with fingers. Please note that the paw begins on the body with the roundness of the joint.

    First we show the line of the back, and then the chest

  4. We draw the line of the abdomen, the outlines of the legs with foreground, tail and that paw that was in the background.