Draw a poultry. How to draw a bird

After going through this lesson on how to draw a bird step by step with a pencil, you will be able in the future, without much difficulty, to draw birds flying in the air.For convenience, everyone new stage drawing is indicated in red.

How to draw a bird step by step with a pencil

All you need to draw a bird is a simple pencil and an eraser. To color the drawing, you will need colored pencils or some other drawing materials, such as felt-tip pens, watercolor paints, markers, etc.

Start drawing a bird flying in the air by drawing the lines of the head. If you are drawing an eagle, then you need to draw a small bend at the tip of the beak.

Next, draw the outline of the eye and separate the bird's beak. There is no need to detail the drawing, because the bird flies high in the sky, and we are unlikely to fully see its eye. Look at the picture below of this drawing stage.

At the next stage, move on to drawing the wings. First draw the wing “looking” down. Make it voluminous.

Draw the second wing “looking” up in the same way.

The next stage is drawing the bird's tail. A flying bird's tail is fully extended, pay attention to this when drawing the tail.

In the lesson how to draw a bird step by step with a pencil All that remains is to draw the lines separating the feathers at the ends of the wings.

Look at the picture below - drawing these lines is not at all difficult. Draw one line first...

Drawing a bird is a task that often faces children and their parents. Sparrows, crows, jackdaws, nightingales, bullfinches, eagles, tits and other birds are common objects in children's albums. There is also room for unusual characters - firebirds and Angry Birds. However, everything is not as difficult as it sometimes seems for beginning artists. Using object lessons and acting step by step, step by step, you can make a high-quality and clear drawing. After several trainings in drawing birds, the child will get better and better.

Step by step bird drawing lessons

Bird drawing lessons with step by step photos for beginners will help artists master the art of creating birds on paper.

Wintering bird: drawing a sparrow

Among wintering birds, the most popular are sparrows. Creating a drawing of such a bird is quite simple if you proceed in stages.

  1. You need to draw an elongated oval. This is the base of the bird's body.
  2. At the top of the workpiece you need to draw a figure with rounded contours. This will be the head. From below there are several straight lines. This is the tail of a wintering bird.
  3. Next, the beak is clearly drawn.
  4. Then you need to use smooth contours to create the outline of the breast, wings and make the eye.
  5. You need to draw the sparrow's legs with a pencil.
  6. All that remains is to color the drawing using colored pencils or felt-tip pens. If desired, you can use paints.

Bird in flight: drawing a seagull

  1. The process of drawing a bird in flight is much simpler than it seems. Even a child can cope with the task. First you need to draw a circle, which in the future will become the head, and the body of the bird. The bottom and top of the body should be a little sharp. There is no need for roundness here. Then the eye and beak are drawn, after which the contours of the circle must be erased with an eraser.
  2. Now we need to draw the span of the flying wings and the tail. The wing, which is located closer to the right edge of the paper sheet, should be much larger and longer than the second and the body. No need to grind!
  3. Next you need to finish drawing the paws and wings. The first ones need to be depicted folded tightly to each other.
  4. Then you need to draw lines that will make the thigh. To do this, the contour is drawn from the seagull's foot down. Next, the feathers on the tail and wings of the bird are depicted.
  5. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary contours.
  6. All that remains is to draw the shadows. The wings of the bird in flight should be made almost black and the underside of the seagull should be greatly darkened. Plus, a shadow also falls from the wing on the body. On the second wing, located closer to the left edge of the sheet, you should slightly outline the outlines of the feathers along the entire length. Similar contours need to be made on the body and around the head.

Angry Birds


This master class is designed to help you draw a tit.

  1. Draw a circle: this is the future head. Using straight lines we sketch out the body of the tit.
  2. We give the bird's head the necessary shape. We make the tit's beak and draw an eye in the upper right part of the head.
  3. We make the contours of the tit’s body more distinct. The head should flow very smoothly into the body. Draw the abdomen round. Auxiliary lines we remove.
  4. Now we draw a twig. We depict the wing of a tit and the upper part of the bird’s legs.
  5. We complete the image of the paws. Draw the fingers and tail.
  6. Using small, abrupt lines, we sketch out the boundaries of the color transitions. We draw feathers on the wing and tail.
  7. We complete the work: shade the tit’s head and tail. Draw small feathers where necessary.


Thanks to this master class, you can draw a very nice and realistic woodpecker step by step. MK will help adults and children who have decided to master the technique of drawing birds.

  1. We schematically create the contours of the head and body of the future woodpecker. In this case, the sheet of paper should first be divided barely noticeably into four parts.
  2. Next, a sketch of the tail and beak of the bird is also schematically made.
  3. Now we need to draw the general outline of the torso of the depicted object and its head.
  4. We are engaged in creating details and their clear drawing: eyes, beak, feathers, wings, etc.
  5. We complete the work on the nuances and erase all the auxiliary elements.
  6. Shading with a simple pencil all necessary areas according to the natural colors of the woodpecker's plumage.


The proposed detailed MK will help beginners draw a very attractive bullfinch on their own.

  1. Before starting work, divide the sheet into four segments. This will help you sketch correctly. We draw, as in the picture below, 3 circles. This is the basis of the future bullfinch.
  2. Next, the general outline of the image is created with smooth lines.
  3. We outline the previously created silhouette of the bullfinch.
  4. Draw the bird's legs and tail. We create recognizable details of the bullfinch. Don't forget about the eyes. Erase all unnecessary lines.
  5. Add small parts paws and plumage of a bullfinch.
  6. We shade all the necessary areas.


Using the step-by-step instructions below, you can easily draw a magpie. By following the recommendations and using drawings as tips, even novice artists will certainly succeed in creating a bird.

  1. First we draw a circle. From it we form the head of the future magpie, drawing the beak and eye.
  2. Let's sketch the silhouette of a magpie. At this stage, it is important not to forget about maintaining the proportions of the drawing.
  3. Let's create the shape of the magpie's body.
  4. We draw the tail, paws, wings.
  5. We depict other details. We form a contour for separating the magpie shades.
  6. We make the bird's plumage along the lower contour. We depict feathers and erase everything unnecessary.
  7. We shade all areas in accordance with the plumage of the magpie.

As you can see, drawing a bird with a pencil step by step is not particularly difficult. Tips for beginners will help you cope with the task in a few steps. Both children and adults will enjoy these drawing lessons. After all, the image will certainly turn out clear, realistic and original.

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So, in this lesson we will look at the basic principles drawing birds. Despite the apparent simplicity of drawing feathered animals, there are undoubtedly certain difficulties in this matter. But, as soon as you learn the basics of their image, everything will immediately fall into place, and you will get neat birds with regular features and anthropomorphic features. We can say that as soon as you learn the drawing recipe, it will immediately become easy for you to do it.

The art of drawing has existed on earth for more than one millennium, and over the past few centuries best artists very accurately developed formulas and basic principles for drawing any object. It's stupid to invent a bicycle when it was invented a long time ago. So read carefully and adopt the methods of drawing birds.

Here is an image of a bird. Where to start drawing it? Someone who is not the first to get carried away fine arts, probably already knows that any drawing must begin with a contour. Most often, what to see general shape of this or that object, the artist moves away a little or moves his head away and squints slightly. Thus, the details are removed and you can see, so to speak, the frame of the object, in our case, a bird.

In the next picture we see that the main contours of the bird are a slightly oblong body, pointed towards the tail and inclined towards the ground on the right, and the outline of the head is also slightly oblong. Almost always in birds the body has the shape of a drop, tapering towards the tail. Of course, every bird has a beak, wings, tail, legs, etc., but there is no point in drawing them right away, since they will only confuse you. The first step is to draw a frame, where we will then attach everything else. It is worth saying that as soon as you have learned to correctly depict the base, the outline, you can be sure that you will get the bird correctly.

Also remember that the outline is made very weak, it is better if it is at an angle to the paper. This way you can find the desired edge of the shape. If you start making a sketch with hard and bright strokes, then nothing will come of it. Among other things, do not forget that later you will need to remove extra lines, and erasing bright ones is very difficult.

In the next picture we see that the bird has become more like itself. Here we carefully connect and merge our two oval outlines. Smooth lines we connect the head and body, then the tail, the contours of the wings, the sharp beak on the head and the paws.

The following sketch clearly shows you that you need to outline the shape and position of the eye. Remember that a bird's eyes are always closer to the beak and are not located in the middle of the head or at the back of the head! We wipe away the extra lines in the neck area with washing so that they don’t bother us or confuse us in the future. The main outlines have already been drawn, so anything unnecessary can be removed.

We continue to work out the details of the bird. Feathers on the wings, a dark belly, as well as lines on the head that will tell you how the color is distributed. When drawing the feathers on the wings and tail, pay special attention to how they are positioned. On the wings they are gathered into a bunch and gather in a fan and cone towards the outer edge. After all, they are located on top of each other. The feathers in the tail are often the opposite - they have the shape of an open fan. At the end of the drawing, remove unnecessary strokes and blots.

In order to quickly and easily draw a bird in flight, you need to start by constructing the axes. The axis of the bird’s body itself and two axes that will mark the boundaries of the wings. Ultimately, you should end up with a paraglider like this. This is necessary so that later the wings do not turn out uneven or looking at different sides. Once you get a diagram like this (of course, it may differ from the type of bird you have), which clearly indicates all the contours of the bird, the bird in flight will turn out just as it should.

Next, following the basic proportions that you set using straight lines, we start in general outline sketch a bird. Here you can already see that the wings are smooth, the body in relation to the wings is correct. Next, step by step you can finish drawing the bird. To do this, use the lesson above.

That's all. Hope, this lesson was clear and accessible to you. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments. I will answer everything. Thank you for your attention! Subscribe to site updates so as not to miss the next drawing lessons.

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Draw a large circle for the bird's head. Below, draw an oval that looks like a tilted testicle with a sharp end pointing down - this is the torso. The circle and oval should intersect by about a fifth. If you draw a line that symmetrically divides the drawing in half (axis of symmetry), then it will be inclined like this, at an angle of about 70-75°.

Step 2

On the sides directly below the head draw the outlines of the wings. Note that the wing on the right is slightly blocked by the head. Draw a fan tail at the bottom. This is where the axis of symmetry comes in handy: the tail needs to be drawn so that it is symmetrical with respect to this particular axis.

Step 3

We draw the crest on the head like a royal crown.

Step 4

Now draw a wavy line like this at the bottom of the head.

Step 5

From above this wavy line draw the line to the right and slightly up. From it, down diagonally, there is another straight segment, which should extend slightly beyond the head. The end of the beak should not be sharp, make it slightly rounded.

Step 6

We did it top part beak. Start drawing the lower part from the same point from which you began to draw the line sideways in the previous step. Starting from this point, draw an arc down and slightly to the right, which also extends slightly beyond the head.

Step 7

Now let's draw the eyes. First, let's draw a large arc, one end of which is at the top of the beak, and the other somewhere at the beginning of the wavy line drawn in step 5. Our bird's second eye will be partially hidden behind the left eye. This is also an arc, but a little narrower than the first.

Step 8

In the lower part of the body, a little to the right of the center, draw the paws - two testicles with the sharp end down.

Step 9

Toes on paws - three ovals.
Now draw the feathers on the wings: draw semicircles like this along the lines of the wings. And for the fan-tail, draw slightly curved lines from the body to each of the three semicircles.

Step 10

Draw circles-pupils in the eyes.

Step 11

To the left of the left eye (for the bird this is the right eye), draw a line running parallel to the line of the eye. And from the inside, near the line of the lower beak, draw the same arc, but smaller.

Step 12

Make several longitudinal strokes on the bird's breast.

Step 12

All that remains is to erase the extra lines with an eraser, and then color our bird!