Analysis of prose poems by I.S. Turgenev

We invite you to meet one interesting work Ivan Sergeevich, to analyze it. "The Sparrow" by Turgenev - this is the text we will be talking about. Its genre is not entirely ordinary - a prose poem. This should be kept in mind when conducting analysis. "Sparrow" by Turgenev is one of the miniatures in prose created by the author. To begin with, let us note what the features of these works are.

Features of miniatures in Turgenev's prose

Ivan Sergeevich was always a lyricist at heart, as an analysis of Turgenev’s prose shows. "Sparrow" is far from the only proof of this. All the miniatures in prose created by the author, one of which is the poem that interests us, are unusually lyrical. In addition, in these works he is presented above) reflects a deep life philosophy author. They teach us to be kinder.

Love is one of the main themes of the miniatures. However, it is not intimate, sensual, but represents an all-conquering force, is the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of happiness and life loved one. As it shows, this is a work that presents a very touching example of love in this understanding.

The plot of the poem

The plot of the work is quite simple. Let us briefly outline it through analysis. Turgenev's "Sparrow" begins as follows. Returning from hunting, main character walks along the alley. Here he sees a chick that has fallen out of the nest.

This chick is still very weakly fledged. The main character's dog smells game. She wants to pounce on the chick. It seems that Turgenev ("Sparrow") is preparing a tragic ending for us. wouldn't be as interesting if that were the case. The author uses unexpected plot device- suddenly an adult sparrow falls from the branch. He selflessly begins to protect his child.

In this work, the author very touchingly and accurately describes the state of a bird that is ready to sacrifice itself to save a loved one. The disheveled sparrow decides to attack the big dog, eating pitifully and desperately. To the protagonist's surprise, his dog sheepishly retreats.

How the sparrow managed to defeat the dog

Of course the little bird can't do anything big dog. However, the point, apparently, is in her moral, and not physical strength. The dog felt how sacrificial and great the bird’s feeling was. The dog realized that she had decided to fight to the very end, protecting the little chick. And the main character of the work calls the dog back and leaves with it in high spirits. He was once again convinced that love is an all-conquering force.

Characters of the poem

Let's continue the analysis of the poem "Sparrow" by Turgenev with the characteristics of the characters. It features 4 characters: a dog, a human, an adult and little sparrow. Their introduction into the text is not accidental; each of the images has its own value.


What do we know about man? This is a hunter who, in fact, is capable of killing birds and animals for food. However, he is in awe as he watches how the sparrow protects her child. The person is not at all upset that the dog showed weakness and did not fight the bird. On the contrary, he admires the fact that the power of love has won.


As for the dog, in the work it is not just a great threat, but a real personification of rock and fate. Obeying his instincts, the dog grabs the game. He doesn't care at all that it's just a little yellow-throated chick. For a sparrow, a dog is a “huge monster.” It would seem that he cannot be defeated. However, as we see, the power of love is so great that it can even change fate. This is expressed by the embarrassed dog moving away from the small, bold bird.

Little sparrow

The fledgling sparrow from the work is the personification of a helpless creature in need of care. He cannot resist the threat, fight the dog, so he just sits motionless.

Adult sparrow

An adult sparrow represents the power of sacrificial, all-conquering love. The bird sees how great the threat is, but it still decides to throw a “stone” in front of the dog and thereby protect its child.

in the work

Excitement, confusion in presentation, intermittent phrases - all this adds dynamism to what is happening, creates an intensity of feelings. Turgenev emotionally and vividly describes the state of the bird. To do this, he uses a whole series of adjectives (desperate, distorted, disheveled, small, pathetic), as well as verbs (overshadowed, rushed, sacrificed, froze). A small scene, so emotionally and lyrically described by the author, shows the great power of love, which is understandable to everyone and moves all living things. It is stronger than the fear of death.

Relevance of the poem

It was created back in 1878. More than a century has passed since its first publication. However, this work is still published as a separate book for young readers. “The Sparrow” is still assigned to schoolchildren today. It makes you think not only for children, but also for adults. The work ends aphoristically: Turgenev notes that life is sustained and moved only by love. These words are true and relevant at all times.

Concluding the analysis of the poem "Sparrow" by Turgenev, we note that Ivan Sergeevich - Great master words. He knows how to hook the strings human soul, is able to awaken the best aspirations in people. After reading this work, a desire to give true love and do good. And the analysis of Turgenev’s prose poem “Sparrow” allows us to identify its main features that may be missed during a cursory acquaintance with the text.

Living - years ago - in St. Petersburg, I, every time I happened to hire a cab driver, entered into a conversation with him.

I especially loved talking with night cab drivers, poor suburban peasants who arrived in the capital with shaggy-dyed sleighs and a bad nag - in the hope of feeding themselves and collecting rent for the masters.

So one day I hired such a cab driver... A guy of about twenty, tall, stately, a fine fellow; blue eyes, rosy cheeks; Brown hair curls in ringlets from under a patched cap pulled down just above her eyebrows. And as soon as this torn army coat fit onto these heroic shoulders!

However, the cab driver’s handsome, beardless face seemed sad and gloomy.

What, brother? - I asked him. - Why aren’t you cheerful? Good grief, is there any?

The guy didn't answer me right away.

Yes, master, there is,” he said at last. “And it’s such that there’s no need to be better.” My wife died.

Did you love her... your wife?

The guy didn't turn to me; I just tilted my head a little.

Loved you, master. The eighth month has passed... but I can’t forget. My heart is gnawing at me... and well! And why did she have to die? Young! healthy!.. One day the cholera was gone.

And was she kind to you?

Ah, master! - the poor man sighed heavily. - And how friendly we lived with her! She died without me. When I found out here that she had already been buried, I now hurried to the village and home. I arrived and it was already past midnight. I entered my hut, stopped in the middle and said quietly: “Masha! and Masha!” Only the cricket cracks. I started crying here, sat down on the hut floor - and slammed my palm onto the ground! “Insatiable, I say, womb!.. You devoured her... gobble me up too! Oh, Masha!” - Masha! - he added in a suddenly falling voice. And, without letting go of the rope reins, he squeezed a tear out of his eyes with his mitten, shook it off, threw it to the side, rolled his shoulders - and didn’t say another word.

Getting off the sleigh, I gave him an extra five-altyn. He bowed low to me, holding his hat with both hands, and trudged along the snowy tablecloth of the deserted street, bathed in the gray fog of the January frost.

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AND van Sergeevich Turgenev “Poems in prose.”

"There are moments like this

in life, such feelings...

You can only use them

point and pass


I.S. Turgenev


general - to prompt students to think about the essence of existence;

private - introduce students to prose poems by I.S. Turgenev;

    introduce students to the genre of “Prose Poems”;

    reveal the idea of ​​poems in prose by I.S. Turgenev.

During the classes.

1 phase. Arouse interest.

Show 1 slide “Portrait of I.S. Turgenev.”

Teacher's word. In the work of I. S. Turgenev “How beautiful, how fresh the roses were” there are the following lines: “Somewhere, once upon a time, a long, long time ago, I read a poem. I soon forgot it... but the first verse remained in my memory:

“How beautiful, how fresh the roses were...”

Why does Turgenev remember the long past? Do you remember things you didn’t want to think about in your youth?

2nd phase. Immersion in the topic.

Turgenev the writer was always characterized by intense lyrical emotion. At the end of the 70s it resulted in small lyrical works, the genre of which he himself defined as “Poems without rhyme or meter.” In total, Ivan Sergeevich wrote 83 poems abroad, which reflected the whole writer, his great amazing mind, subtle aesthetic worldview, and inescapable sorrow lonely and homeless person...

Show 2 slides “Poem in prose.”

Show 3 slides, read the text to yourself, then aloud (1 student)

Analysis of the passage by questions:

What images appeared in this passage?

Students choose key nouns independently, understanding their symbolism, then discuss:

Winter- old age;

Freezing- coldness in relationships with other people;

Destroyed glass windows - hostility outside world;

A dark room- fear of death;

One candle is burning - the man is still alive, but he is alone;

Corner- psychological protection from fear of death;

Rose- youth.

What mood does this text make you feel?

It becomes sad because you feel a limb human existence, but the symbol of the rose awakens the confidence that there is something eternal.

“Senilia” (“Senile”), strictly speaking, is nothing more than last breaths(to put it politely) an old man,” Turgenev wrote in one of his letters. There is not a shadow of coquetry or mockery behind these lines; they are written by a seriously ill person, aware of his imminent end. Show 4 slides “I.S. Turgenev sick” Reading the poem “Old Man” (first independently, then out loud).

Slide show “I. Levitan “Above Eternal Peace” .

    What motive appears in the poem “The Old Man”?

    What is the connection between this poem and I. Levitan’s painting?

Teacher's word.

“Prose Poems” were written abroad. But the thought of his homeland warmed the writer, although he always thinks about death. The poem “Masha” is connected with this idea. Reading the poem “Masha” (first independently, then out loud). Analysis of the poem by questions.

    What is this text about?

    Find details language means, which indicate the severity of the hero’s experiences.

(These are pauses, descriptions of the hero’s restrained gestures).

- Determine the climax of the poem (students explain the term

“culmination”, find it in the text).

(The climax is the comeback episode young man home after

news of his wife's death.)

- Why was the image of a cricket introduced into this episode?

(Cricket - a symbol of family, home.)

    Describe the cab driver (using the triple diary method).


Poor to feed

Suburban peasant collects rent

A tall guy of about twenty is not cheerful

Well done, well done, stately loved

Blue eyes sad can't forget

Rosy cheeks gloomy gnawing at the heart

Brown hair hurried

The torn little Armenian cried

The beautiful beardless face squeezed out a tear

Heroic shoulders trudged

    Summarize this image.

    What was love for a cab driver?

For I.S. Turgenev, love was a river that nourishes a person with life-giving moisture. He had such love in his life - for Pauline Viardot. ( Show slide 6 “Portrait of Polina Viardot and I.S. Turgenev.)

He also speaks about such love in prose poems (“The Path to Love”, “Love”). "Love happens when someone else's I penetrated into yours: you are expanded - and you are broken; you have only now healed and yours I killed." Love for Masha gave the cab driver strength and faith in life. What will happen to him now?

- Why didn’t Turgenev give the cab driver a name?

  • Think about why an image appears at the end of the text snowy tablecloths deserted flooded streets gray fog January frost?

    Philosophical basis of prose poems

    Homework. Write your own poem in prose.