Why are Russians rednecks? Cattle against people

The safest slave is the one who is not even aware of his slavery. Principles of hidden slavery. Are you a free person?
Economic coercion of slaves into permanent work. Modern slave forced to work non-stop until death, because... The funds earned by a slave in 1 month are enough to pay for housing for 1 month, food for 1 month and travel for 1 month.
Cattle is a value system. It is important for the cattle that someone from above commands them, and the cattle will completely and obediently carry out these commands.
Cattle deny personality in all its manifestations.
The worst thing for cattle is to lose their owner and gain freedom.
Because the cattle cannot live in freedom, they cannot earn money on their own, they are afraid to take responsibility for their own lives, they are afraid to fight with each other, they are afraid of the onset of chaos.
But the cattle strive to shift responsibility for themselves - onto their owner.
Wherein social status cattle, upbringing, education, income level, etc., do not matter.
Cattle can be both homeless and wealthy man in a tie.
A cattle can be a completely decent person in life, an excellent family man, good friend etc.
The cattle chew hay and drink water. And he loves his owner very much, who periodically cuts and shears him like a ram.
Because, from the point of view of the cattle, its owner is a benefactor, without whom the cattle would be lost,
without a haystack, a bucket of swill, a roof over your head.
How could it be otherwise, because the cattle don’t know any other life, there’s nothing to compare with.
The cattle (cow) are stupid, because nothing depends on the cow anyway. The owner will bring what you need and will not let you die of hunger or cold. The grass is always nearby. Or oil and gas...
And the predator (wolf) is a smart animal. Because no one will bring him anything, and the wolf does not know how to chew grass. You have to hunt, coordinate with the pack, come up with ambushes, etc.
Hence: a predator is always smarter and more energetic than a cattle. Russian posriots are soulless cattle. They consider themselves not materialists and living by “ideas,” unlike the “rotten” West, obsessed with money. I will tear off this hymen of their impenetrable idiocy. I noticed the example of Libya: each of the Russopatriots, defending the tyrant and dictator Gaddafi the sewer pipe, pressed only on one fact - FREE, free loans, cheap gasoline, strap-ons at bargain prices and the Leader's manure is cheaper than a wheat cake. Russians don't even take into account such values ​​as FREEDOM. Political, cultural, creative freedom. What's so important spiritual person and does not at all touch the minced meat-like cattle, flowing, oozing with thoughts about their own “spirituality”.
Puchkov (who is a Goblin) claimed that 95% of the population of this country are idiots. Judging by what people write on the Internet, what opinions they express in discussions of news, journalism, and analytics on various resources, Puchkov is absolutely right. Alas, the people who, due to some misunderstanding, are considered Russian, for the most part are a rabble of gopniks, older goons and half-finished Stalinist pensioners. In their midst there is the stench of Sovietism, Stalinism, patriotism, imperialism, monarchism, flavored with the most disgusting rudeness and congenital mental retardation. As a rule, this can only be cured by personal unsuccessful experience of communicating with government officials or with “super-Russians.” Moreover, from communication with the latter, in the overwhelming majority of cases, incorrect conclusions are drawn. You can’t argue with cattle, you can’t convince them, neither with logic, nor with historical facts, nor with examples from it. own life or the lives of her loved ones. For any argument on the topic of the baptism of Rus', the terror of the guardsmen, serfdom, the red terror and simply the elementary national humiliation of Russians in the Soviet-Russian empires, the cattle have prepared standard answers about how good it was when “the whole world was afraid of us”, that Ivan the Terrible was right when he destroyed Novgorod (he considers himself an oprichnik), that serfdom- it’s good (he fancies himself a master) that Stalin was right when he starved people into collective farms, rotted tens of thousands of Russian people on the construction sites of communism, sent tens of millions to die in the war (fancies himself an NKVD member), and the like. One feels that the average redneck really wants the advent of such power, under which he will receive unlimited power and the ability to kill people. You will not hear a word of concern from him about the fate and position of the Russian people, especially the Russian family or the Russian person. Since the redneck himself is nothing of himself, he needs a great state, to which he can be proud of belonging, even while lying on a pile of crap in his master’s stable. Cattle need great construction projects, megafactories in the Arctic Circle, tanks, rockets, airplanes, military adventures, and space flights. The fact that all this will be created by their hump, that they will act as cannon fodder, that the price of all this will be extinct Russian villages, the cattle do not think about, since everyone dreams that he will not be a labor force, but a camp commandant , a fighter of a detachment or at least a guard-overseer. They adore Gaddafi, Amin, Mugabe, Chegewara and Kim Jong Il, but are rabid racists. They adore tsars and, at the same time, Lenin and Stalin. They hate Hitler, but believe that he was right in sending Jews to camps and ghettos while denying the Holocaust. A complete set of mutually exclusive paragraphs. This is the description of the average citizen of the Russian Federation, male, middle-aged, who considers himself Russian.

In Russia under Putin, no social transformations, reforms or projects are IMPOSSIBLE, as is improving the lives of the population. All of them can be implemented in any other country, but in a specific country “Russia” this is UNREALISTIC. It is unrealistic because NOT citizens live here, but cattle - stupid, weak-willed, brainless slaves.
Cattle are a thoughtless herd. This is not an insult, but a fact. And since these are the majority, the Russian people are cattle. Russians are submissive, weak-willed, stupid. They have complete confusion in their heads and thoughts regarding questions: where to go, how to go, who to support.

These are the words of a Russian who remembers and knows all his ancestors up to the 12th generation.

And that's half the trouble. The second problem is that Russians are vicious. They voluntarily adopted all the vices and rules of the game of power. Without preliminary political reforms, any idea, even a completely sensible one, is doomed to failure.
It is only important to turn on your brains and understand that any projects and transformations are doomed to failure. And this is a consequence not of the depravity of the idea itself, but of the depravity of the Russian cattle, in which no ideas and reforms are workable in any form!
That is, without changing the psychology of the Russian multimillion-dollar cattle, as well as without changing the government, nothing can be realized. It is impossible even to grow a tree from a good seed if this seed is buried in the ground spilled with sulfuric acid called - current government in the country.
How is the West different from the stupid Russians?

In the West, parties and trade unions are created by society to control power.
In Raska, parties and trade unions are created by the authorities in order to control the parties and trade unions. (ER, SR, LDPR). Tell me, is there an even more stupid and bullish country in the world besides Russia?
The question arises: why aren’t people outraged by such a ridiculous and humiliating state of affairs? But because the people are cattle. What a people! Political scientists, commentators, activists - no one is indignant. Traditions. Features of national insanity.
The more Russian redneck They use cancer, the more this redneck wags its tail. Already now, instead of ignoring the elections and not voting at all (a form of protest, the cheaters have all the cards), the Russian cattle are discussing who they should choose among those who were chosen for them.

Tell me, can such a brainless, hopeless redneck have even the slightest chance for a future? - the cattle forge their own destiny.

At the same time, when going to the polls, Russian cattle justify themselves as follows:

We still can’t change anything, no matter how you vote!

Nope! What is the logic?! - “We can’t change anything, so we’ll vote.”

Well, aren't they nuts? If nothing changes, then don’t go to the polls.

Or go to the polls, and instead of a checkbox, write on a piece of paper everything you think about the president of the country and throw it in the ballot box.
There will be humor and laughter for the whole world if millions do this.

But for this, the country must be populated by citizens, not cattle.
In a country that huddled in barracks and communal apartments, waited for arrests at night, spent its days in endless lines for toilet paper and soap, traveled from villages to cities to buy bread and potatoes, was afraid to open its mouth without looking around - this country for many years generations have been drummed into our brains: despite some still-occurring shortcomings here and there, you are the greatest! Let's catch up from the taiga and drive to the British seas. This is how the people's schizophrenic was created.
Constantly repeating cliches, verbiage - the totalitarian-bureaucratic style of speeches:

Thanks to the wise role of the CPSU Central Committee and personally comrade L.I. Brezhnev,

The great cause of communism,

Selfless devotion, outstanding success,

The wise Leninist path,

We unanimously approve

Patriotic uplift.
Complete unanimity and mass hypnosis. No criticism, no real live discussion, not a drop of doubt about anything. Not a single thought. Complete unanimous adoption of all decisions and speeches of speakers. The crowd sits and sleeps. At the next mention of the name of the Secretary General and his wise role or the role of the great CPSU, traditional friendly applause is heard.

From the perspective today It feels like the whole country has gone crazy. She went crazy - Putin became Secretary General. became the CPSU United Russia. The form has changed. The content remains.
All this led to people becoming cattle, accustomed to having everything thought for them, decided for them, because... nothing depends on the lower classes themselves.
Yes, Soviet authority(Brezhnev's golden age) took care of the people.
And the people were not as depraved and swinish as they are now.
But all this was ensured not democratically, but through good, conscious, personal will specific persons leading the country.
But a system based on directive management, and not on the introduction of self-regulatory functions
the civil and democratic society itself is not stable, not self-sustaining.
Therefore, the administrative-command system of the USSR could not withstand the scientific technical progress, when there were so many settings elements that the management bureaucracy choked.
And in the West, control centers were everywhere: from an ordinary citizen running his business to a large company and the president. And they worked in a competitive environment. Therefore, Soviet production never produced competitive products.
The Russian people simply degenerated and went crazy. Let's look at the facts:
1) The Russians, after they were robbed in the 90s, elected Yeltsin again in 1996. Moreover, at first he had a rating of 3%, but then the people were so trained on TV that they brought it to almost 50%
2) In 2000, Russians voted for Yeltsin's successor. This despite the fact that they did not like Yeltsin.
Tell me, are sane people capable of such behavior?
This reminds me of the scene from the madhouse from the film "The Master and Margarita", when the professor began to prove
to the poet Ivan Bezdomny that he is precisely a patient, a schizophrenic (with a candle, in underpants, he ran to catch Volland).
Russians are an emotional people. This is a very soulful thing. The recent victory of snotty Russian hockey players is worth something. Soulful, but stupid, lazy and depraved - Russians folk proverbs and sayings about work are simply imbued with hard work and workaholism. For example:

The horses are dying from work.

You cannot build stone chambers with righteous labor.

Morality and ethics have been burned out of the Russian people:
Crime is a consequence of the decline of morality and ethics, and not something else.
The decline of morality and ethics is a consequence of the impact of the social system on the people
and the political ruling elite, which, with its internal ideological and economic
politics officially enforces these morals, traditions, bitterness and instincts
unlimited consumption, and frees citizens from conscience.
Consequently, the reason for the rampant crime and increased danger for citizens lies in the stupidity of the Russians themselves, who vote for this government again and again.

Therefore, it is dangerous for Russians to be allowed to carry weapons. And the struggle for the right to carry weapons everywhere is reminiscent of the struggle of a monkey with the reflection of its image in the mirror. Carrying weapons will not solve the cause of rampant crime, but will only worsen it.
They erected a monument to Yeltsin - the stupidest and bloodiest democratic dictator. The Russian fool is indignant at Yeltsin. And no fool is indignant at Russian fools, without whom there would not be

Neither Yeltsin,

Neither Putin

Neither Medvedev.
The main reason is not Yeltsin, but the people, Russian fools, endlessly reproducing their symbols of dense stupidity into power.
The Russian people are slaves by nature and schizophrenic. Even in Africa, the Papuans are more adequate than the Russians. In the tribe, they divide everything they get equally among all their brothers, no matter how small their spoils may be. In Russia, the opposite is true. Such a people cannot have a future, by definition. What life constantly confirms.
Who else does not believe that the Russian people are one of the most depraved, inadequate and savage barbarian peoples in the world? Let me give you the facts:

Egypt. The African army refuses to shoot at the people.

Russia, 1993 The Russian army shot the people.

Moreover, Sergei Lysyuk was awarded the Star of the Hero of Russia by Yeltsin for the shooting of hundreds of unarmed compatriots near Ostankino. Russians killed Russians for money. Here's the great Russian army.
Moreover, the speaker of A Just Russia, S. Mironov, is a friend of this executioner, who shot the people during the coup.
J. Chieso speaks with amazement and bitterness about this dense, stupid and insane Russian people:
“In history there is not a single similar case of self-liquidation of a country and culture.
There are examples of the defeat of a state as a result of war. Or as a result of absorption by stronger, more organized and developed cultures. But it has never been the case that a world power, in a sense an empire, which had greatest culture and world-class science among the 2-3 first powers in the world, surrendered without a fight and reached unprecedented self-destruction a few years later. There has never been such a defeated person who would offer (and sincerely) praise to the winner."

On television, the most daring, most sophisticated crimes are invented so that the movie sells well. Not a frame without karate, not a meter without a brawl, not a minute without swearing. Cinema shapes our vile ordinariness, which shapes cinema. And it is unknown who is encouraging each other more.
There is an obscene feast during the plague, a dance on a powder keg. And never before have we been

Democrats are further from life than they are now. Because making a business out of tragedy means creating immoral art, calling people down into the abyss.
The freedom in art that has come to replace the sad party zombies has not brought it one iota closer to the truth; it still wanders in lies. Only - without brakes and very close to the bottom, to the limit. To overcome this, you need popularity, you need television, debates. And television is in the hands of the Kremlin tarantulas, who would rather die than let “strangers” in there. This is their strength:

1) privatized television at the top,

2) below are multimillion-dollar rednecks who are incapable of reasoning with their own heads.

The question arises:

A) Have they gone crazy up there? Don’t they see where the country is heading (rolling)?

B) Or don’t they understand?

Q) Or do they understand, but deliberately do nothing, based on some diabolical considerations of their own?

Let's remember the film "The Man from the Capuchin Valley".

Mr. Second has replaced Mr. First and is playing his specific movie with the words:

Guys! Stop this snot! Episode 2 awaits you!

Mr. Second

Gone crazy?

Doesn't understand anything?

Or does he understand everything and act consciously?

It is obvious that it is stupid to appeal to Mr. Second with such concepts as morality, conscience, and public health.

Mr. Second makes market profit from the decline in morality.

The worse, the better. To whom is war, to whom mother is dear.

Pyotr Nikolaevich and Vladimir Nikolaevich Nesterov, writers, poets and photographers of Russia, with some participation of Vladimir Nikolaevich’s son, a student of Vladimir Vladimirovich, have been publishing the newspaper “Favorite President” at their own expense since 2003, in which they glorify V.V. Putin. On the occasion of Easter in 2011, in an interview with the Rossiya channel, barzo writers sang not only Putin, but also Medvedev.

In Kyiv, Leonid Razvozzhaev, assistant to State Duma deputy Ilya Ponomarev, was kidnapped by Putin’s special services; a special woman secretly took him to Moscow, where she held a trial without a lawyer and interrogated him with bias. In protest against the outbreak of state terror, indignant citizens came to the building of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Deputy of the Blagoveshchensk City Court Evgeniy Makhno sleeps soundly in the courtroom during the hearing. Having woken up, the judge sentenced the defendant to five years in prison. The video was filmed in August 2012. It is obvious that the authorities in Russia are the same troupe worms, receiving nutrition from the decomposition of the troupe, like Mr. Second. In such a context, it is stupid and naive to appeal to the authorities for the need to solve problems that have become overripe in society. Because businessmen came to power in Russia long ago, for whom national interests and personal interests are antagonists.

National interests for these businessmen, for these troupe worms who have occupied the Kremlin and rule a stupid country and stupid Russian people, are a burden, an annoying obligation.
And market relations for these troupe worms are not a means, but a goal, the source of their personal prosperity, the meaning of everything.

Eliminate everything that does not bring immediate income! Hence the changes in the forest code, the abolition of the transport police, the “reforms” of education, culture and health care as annoying structures that do not generate income for the victorious part of the population
(which won as a result of the “reforms” of the 90s).
In short, no matter where you throw it, there’s a wedge everywhere
Because the problem is much deeper than power.
The problem is bullishism, denseness and stupidity of the Russian people, which permanently reproduces such power.

The role of Orthodoxy in the cattleization of Russia.
What is Orthodoxy?
This is the teaching that everything is God's will.
What is on top is the infallible Christ, who endured and commanded us.
And that with our diligence, obedience and humility we will achieve credit.
And that any power is from God!

Without God the light does not stand, without a king the earth cannot be ruled
God in heaven, king on earth
Everything is in the power of God and the sovereign
Everything is God's and the sovereign's
The Holy Russian land stands by the Russian God and the Russian Tsar
One sun shines in the sky, and the Russian Tsar is on earth
Without a king, the land is a widow
The royal will is not judged
Royal Wrath and Mercy in the Hand of God
The wrath of kings is the ambassador of death
It’s menacing, scary, but you can’t live without a king
A king and a beggar without comrades
Like the khan (king), so is the Horde (people)
Russian people are king-loving
The whip does not torment, but teaches goodness
In short, a deeply religious Orthodox society becomes hostage to religion (the doctrine of infallibility and the monumental absolute).
The Orthodox cattle transfer the aura of Christ to the Tsar and sacralize them.
Whenever the Tsar is smart and wise, the Russian cattle are convinced of the fidelity of the Orthodox teaching.
Whenever the king is stupid, the cattle are looking for Jews and Pindos.

What can you do to keep the theory intact?
Otherwise - disrespect for the ancestors and the centuries-old wisdom of traditions.

One young cow to another:
- I found out recently terrible secret. At first people will drink our milk. And then they will kill us and eat our meat.
Another cow first:
“There are always conspiracies brewing in your head.” The whole herd is laughing at you.
And this is much more difficult to change than even power. In this context, a mechanical change of power does not change anything. And, I'm afraid, one thing remains - the slow evolution of consciousness. Those. - centuries.
After all, the British were also barbarians once - during the times of Ancient Rome.
By the way, the question is not even “are they Russian cattle or not,” but “WHY are Russian cattle?”

Mr. Bydlophobe wanted me to first present my arguments in my article, and only then he would decide whether he agreed to the fight. I am happy to meet him halfway. Here are my arguments.

The author of the lampoon explains in the preamble that by the word “cattle” he means not working cattle, but “a faceless crowd, people obediently submitting to someone else’s will, allowing themselves to be exploited.” Then why does he use this word, which, moreover, has another two offensive meanings? I find this deeply disgusting. I will not use the word “cattle” to address the GREAT Russian people. These people broke the back of Hitler and were the first in space. And I won’t address other nations either. Instead, I will use the term “submissive people,” which is closest to RedneckPhob’s formulation.

So, the “submissive and exploited” Russian people in 1905 and 1917. staged THREE revolutions, after which a 300-year royal power fell, and behind it fell the government of the nobility and bourgeoisie. But, let’s say, in prosperous Norway nothing like this was observed. They always revered their kings. Probably no one “exploited” anyone there. When Germany occupied Norway in 1940, Norwegians initially protested. But after a year all factories worked for the Wehrmacht, and the SS volunteer legion “Norway” was created, which fought near Leningrad. And the Russian people stood at that time to death, as a result of which German troops laid down arms in Norway (without fighting!!!) exactly on May 8, 1945.

A quick-witted task: which of these peoples do you consider more submissive?

1. Cattle are people who wordlessly do hard work for someone. Cattle are weak-willed people, submissive to violence, deception and humiliation. This is a category of people, a crowd, who lack the ability for independent critical thinking. “Do it because everyone else is doing it.”

My comment: I would like to know if there are many DISobedient WORKERS in other countries. The kind that will boldly tell their boss: “Mr. Jones, you’re trying to argue some kind of crap here. I WILL NOT carry out your instructions.” This is our 6th grade welder CAN say so. Because sometimes a replacement must be found thousands of kilometers away; we have a shortage of qualified workers. And in other countries they stand at attention before their bosses, because the unemployed are waiting outside the gates.

Where, excuse me, should we include military personnel, police officers, and firefighters? They don't discuss orders there. What is a company of soldiers, CANNOT?

2. Cattle deny personality in ALL its manifestations.

A catchy, meaningless phrase. And where did you see these? Who “deny” the identities of their parents, their wives, and their children... Homeless people, or what? So they have the concept of friendship, the bottle is divided between three...

3. Cattle are not the citizens who support the government.
A redneck is someone who mindlessly supports power, out of tradition, custom, habit. No motivation.

Here something becomes clearer... The Americans voted for Bush because he was their guy, confused Colombia with Bolivia, lied to the whole world about nuclear weapon in Iraq and plunged the United States into a financial crisis. This is MOTIVATION. And when Russians vote for Putin, under whom real incomes of people increased by 2.3 times , this is NOT MOTIVATION. This is how the Redneck “reasoned”. And his love cannot be contradicted.

It would be possible to continue criticizing the image of the Redneck-phobic cattle, but I will save the reader’s time. In the end, a person took it into his head to build such an “image”, so what do we care? I could invent another miracle. Let's see how Bydlophobe tries to solder this vile image TO THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE. I quote:

Adequate - part of the citizens who vote against the regime. Because they see that this government is anti-people and thieves. This category of Russians votes either against United Russia, SR, LDPR, SPS, Putin, Medvedev, and their successors. Or they don’t go to the polls at all, rightly believing that going to the polls is useless. Cattle- This is the largest part of Russians. These are the ones who vote without motivation, with their heart - they don’t have a head (and their heart tells them what is whispered to them in their body).

Why do we say that the Russian people are cattle?

Not because all Russians are cattle.

But because this part of the Russian people is the most massive. And it determines, due to its mass character, the fate of all Russians and the character of the entire nation as a whole.

Let's talk about this in more detail. The table shows the results of voting by Russians in federal elections for parties in power and presidents in the period 1991-2012.

It is clearly seen that for more than 20 years, neither the “parties in power” nor the presidents have NEVER been supported by a simple majority of voters eligible to vote. Six parliamentary elections were held, but in four of them the parties in power were unable to gather even QUARTERS votes of the country. And in the 90s, the liberal-oligarchic parties in power received only a pitiful 6-8% of the votes. Therefore, all responsibility for the deep crisis of the country in those years falls on the half-drunk usurper Yeltsin, who repeatedly violated the Russian Constitution. And, of course, on his accomplices.

An opponent may argue that Soviet years the vote was "unanimous". And I will answer: Then people simply did not have the opportunity to vote alternatively. More on this below.

Thus, Bydlophobe’s attempt to hang the vile label of “cattle” on the Russian people is based on a LIE.

Now - about the ESSENCE.

In the history of almost everyone large nations there were pages when the government was (in to varying degrees) DICTATORSHIP. Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet, Mao, the Islamic Council in Iran, the Baath parties in Iraq and Syria. It was impossible and useless to object to the dictatorship. The dictatorship could only be overthrown, but this threatened a lot of blood. People had to adapt to it, endure it and wait for the dictatorship to become obsolete. This was inevitable, since with the growth of wealth and education of citizens, the dictatorship ALWAYS goes away.

The dictatorship of the CPSU in the late Soviet Union was relatively SOFT. People had the opportunity to easily climb the social ladder under only one condition: loyalty to communist ideals and the party line. Many people don’t know, so I’ll give an example: the late Prime Minister V. Chernomyrdin became Minister of the Gas Industry 20 years after he left for promotion from the position of operator at the Orsk Oil Refinery. Therefore, the mass support of the CPSU in those years was SINCERE. Only during the years of stagnation did it begin to weaken, but even after the liquidation of the CPSU, the Communists won the 1996 elections with 35% of the vote.

THE MOST IMPORTANT. When voting in elections, voters Firstly, focus on increasing well-being. To do this, it is not necessary to delve into statistics and politics, just compare THEIR income and expenses. The figure shows data on real incomes of the population in the period 1990-2012, and below is the percentage of votes received by the ruling parties:

In 1991-95 real incomes of people FALLED 2.5 times, and the support of the ruling parties was NO. And in 1999-2007 income GROWED 3 times, and government support has grown DOUBLE. After the 2008 crisis, income growth slowed down, and the gap between rich and poor increased greatly, and accordingly the number of votes for power increased DECREASED.

NO propaganda can deceive people for long if their wallet is empty. Of course, a grand celebration at the US Republican Party convention or a four-hour interview with Putin with light humor WILL add 2-3% of the vote to them. But they will not replace either a bank account or a good job with a decent salary.

Due to more severe natural conditions Russia often lagged behind advanced countries in development European countries. And now we have northern peoples who are just beginning to move away from the primitive communal mode of production. There is the Caucasus, where clan relations are still strong. Yes, we still have enough people who have little understanding of politics and vote “with their hearts” or at the behest of the respected head of the clan. But these people They are in NO WAY a majority of voters. In addition, the political literacy of the Russian people is growing before our eyes; every new election demonstrates this to us more and more often.

MY SPECIAL CONTEMPT causes what An anonymous person is slandering the Russian people, hiding behind a pseudonym and an avatar with the stupid face of Bush. Come on, Comrade Sukhov and Petrukha will ask him: why are you, dear man, hiding your sophistication? Gyulchatay, open your face?

It won't open. Dangerous. The face can be SPIT.

I'm shocked!!! This does not and cannot happen in Belarus because the country is run by a wise man, and in Russia at every step!

Young Russians, you really are a flock of sheep, fucked by the authorities and the idiots and gopniks who offend your elderly, children and women!



Georgy Fedorov added 2 new photos.

Two days ago, not far from home, unknown thugs and scum attacked my father. Hit on the forehead with a heavy object (brass knuckles or flashlight), beaten, broken armsy, they finished off with their feet. The father lost consciousness and was passed out for some time. They took his wallet with 700 rubles and an ancient cellular telephone Samsung costs 200-500 rubles. Father is 85 years old. Doesn't drink, doesn't smoke. Goes to amateur performances. When he got up, he staggered towards the house. Passed a few meters away police car. I stopped. They didn’t open the windows or even go out. They stood and looked for a few minutes and left the place. Now he is in the hospital. A criminal case was opened. I hope they still find the scumbags. A country in which old people are maimed and robbed has no future. The indifference of the police is also impressive. I hate the current oligarchic criminal “order” in our country and I will do everything possible so that we live in a different coordinate system, where there would not be several realities when one small part of society fattened and pulled out the last juices from my homeland, and another the majority would in fact be entailed in a beggarly state. I don’t want to live in such a way that at 7 o’clock in the evening in the center of Moscow (Alekseevskoye metro station) old people are robbed, killed for pennies, where medicine is destroyed, where drug addiction, pedophelia and hopelessness flourish.... In in this case I can say, thank God, my father is alive.

A 26-year-old resident of Novodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region, after communicating with other Russians on the so-called “imageboard” (an anonymous message board with pictures on the Internet) 2ch.hk decided to commit suicide and demonstrate this process using an online broadcast on Skype.

The future suicide told a little about himself: that he was 26 years old, he had a child, and his wife had recently left. He worked, as he put it, “at a cattle factory,” and was completely tired of life. In addition, he managed to quarrel with all his relatives - in the words of the suicide himself, “so that they would not feel sorry for him.”

Then, at the appointed time, he asked everyone to join the video chat on Skype. True, before the start of the action, he asked for two hours - according to the man, before committing suicide he needed to “get drunk,” that is, translated from Russian slang, to get drunk on vodka.

The man from Novodvinsk used it before the actual implementation of his plan. Then he stood on a stool standing in the doorway of his own kitchen, tied a rope loop around his neck, secured to a nail previously driven into the door frame, and stepped off the piece of simple furniture into oblivion. Apparently, death did not occur from rupture of the cervical vertebrae (in this case it would have been instantaneous), but painfully, from asphyxia, since the suicide twitched in the noose and moved his limbs for several more minutes.

Watch the video - hurry up before you get banned.

The beautiful elves, of course, are indignant at the chat users who did not dissuade him, but egged him on, and then rejoiced at the fact that there was one less bio-trash. But this is a rare case when I agree with the “dear Russians”. If only there were more of these, there would be fewer of them. What is typical is that the cattle are not even able to hang themselves normally (with a long rope that breaks the vertebrae).

Posted on Sep. 19th, 2014 at 01:41 pm | |

Let's start with the post-war times. Everyone who fought in the Second World War was perceived as heroes. Heroes with a broken psyche started families, drank, beat their wives, and raised their children on the street. Heroes were tolerated, they deserved it, they conquered their homeland. Children abandoned to be raised on the streets ended up in colonies and prisons. And finally, everything affected society. The newly minted thieves, having served their time, saw perfectly well that in front of them was a completely empty, unoccupied niche abandoned to the mercy of fate, a large army of youth. The influence of criminal elements on young people began around the mid-1960s. In every small town, their authorities. in every big city OPG. And there is no need to talk about the shadow economy with a budget equal to the state one. All the youth were taken into processing by the criminals. In the 70s and 80s, creative individuals considered it a blessing to be on prison bunks. Remember, Vysotsky, Seversky, Rosenbaum and many other dozens of criminal romantics sang of life on the bunks.

Over the course of 25 years from 1965 to 1990, a certain criminal mentality of the country had already developed. All of them, with their chansons, suddenly became the most popular perestroikaists and reformers. The 90s took many young people to another world; these were romantics brought up by the criminal world. During these 25 Soviet years, the prisons were overcrowded and it was an ideal propaganda school. When there are many criminals in the country, the number of security forces is forced to increase. Every day, encountering crimes and dirt emanating from the criminal mentality of the population, security forces begin to become infected with the same mentality. It got to the point that this infection reached the KGB. Well, you all know who your beloved and respected was. It was not out of nowhere that the opinion arose that he came from an organized crime group. Here are the roots of complete corruption in the security forces. Thus, we add another 28 years to 25 years until today. So, 53 years of processing the population under the criminal program, with a view of the world through the glasses of criminal romance, does this say something? Plus, the police, trying to show their worth through films and TV series, unwittingly engaged in active propaganda of the criminal world, and young people absorbed not the romance of cop everyday life, but, on the contrary, criminal romance.

So 53 years of brain programming, starting with early age, this is the true mentality of today's Russia. If the criminal mentality of the USSR was able to destroy the USSR, then can you now imagine over the next 28 years, after the beginning of the 90s, how ingrained this program was into the human essence at the genetic level?

The intelligentsia, educated against the backdrop of complete debilitation, is approximately a maximum of 5% of the population. The rest of you are guys, whatever you think about it, it’s true. The brothers don’t need brains, this virus, although it remains dormant in the population, inactive state, but it is there and you can’t do anything about it. If you want to make sure of this, ask your friends if they like chanson? 80% will answer yes. It is such an ordinary, harmless phenomenon that tests the mentality of the entire country in which you live. Perhaps only young people will be outside this category of people with a dormant criminal virus, but not all, but part of the youth, the rest become infected, as before, from the generation of criminals.

So you are not rednecks, you are carriers of a virus that was prepared for you before the revolution and introduced persistently and persistently for more than 100 years. And you know who, or more precisely which nation, is most interested in this, that’s why they introduced their own criminal jargon, through their own and creative personalities always prepared for this mentality and thrown into the thick of the criminal world, for the sake of capturing this stupid country with a stupid population.

Now pay close attention on the downsides, these are precisely those people who are uncomfortable with this truth, therefore even here one can understand the all-encompassing mentality Russian population.

It’s amazing how accurate the diagnosis about the complete criminal mentality of this country turned out to be. How more people do not agree with this formulation of the question, the more accurate the diagnosis. The psychology of impulsive response, where the subtext is “no, we are not like that, we are different, we are good,” proves the correctness of the diagnosis. Does a scoundrel admit that he is a scoundrel? If two teams played against each other and one of them played for evil, and the other for good, then there would be no evil fans in the stands. Nobody wants to be evil and root for evil, so everyone would say, we are good, we only root for good. After the game, suddenly people see that they were rooting for evil, sitting in the stands for good. This is how evil wins, and the players all seemed to be playing for good and the fans were rooting for good. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Your mind is not developed if you cannot see the truth as it is, because only impulses work at this time. This again proves that the one who voiced the truth is right. No one wants to see this truth, much less admit it. I will add that a generation raised in a character superior to Judas, there is a generation of Judas, for whom nothing is sacred, and therefore even the country of the USSR, which brought terror and respect to the whole world, collapsed. The entire population with the virus of criminals, where even sophisticated criminal jargon at the top of the government was welcomed and accepted with a bang, this population has a virus of a criminal in itself and it turned this virus into a virus of a traitor. Who likes to hear this about themselves? No one, because everyone will not agree with this formulation of the question. Does a traitor who destroyed his homeland, the one in which he was born and raised, admit that he is the murderer of his own parent? So these people are not rednecks, but quite conscious JUDAS, who sold themselves for Western candy wrappers. All reservations, such as in the West, people like us are CANNOT, are inappropriate. Here the question is not posed to compare the West with Russia, here is a clear question of who you really are, without comparative options.


To the author who asked the question, the true answer is here because it is here that the most people gather, those who are CANNOT. You see them in the negatives, and there are more of them than expected. Perhaps there are no those who are not rednecks. Only CANNOT can put himself on public display without embarrassment. You tell them right to their faces that you are a redneck and they are happy to confirm this right there in their minuses. Yes, we still need to look around the world for such stupid people. And so he denounces himself without shame or conscience. Now I understand why the world hates this territory and the people living on it. The Germans, who lost the war and admitted their mistakes, rose to the occasion. And these people will never be able to preserve their dignity by admitting their stupidity. The Germans have admitted to the whole world that their ancestors showed complete stupidity, but these people are incapable of admitting that they are even dumber, which is the reason that the world hates Russia, and the Germans are at their best and live better than their winners. They know how to admit their mistakes, but this little people is incredibly stupid and the world is simply obliged to hate it. Yes, what's the point of talking about all this, trying to wake up idiots, they are becoming even dumber, criticism is not doing them any good, there are no words to call these idiots. As they go, they become even more stupid and their number increases. If there are any reasonable ones, observe, observe and see how mass rednecks manifest themselves in these people before your eyes. Therefore, advice to everyone, do not try to cure these people. he is incurable, even if the virus that is in him kills him from the inside.

