Therapeutic gymnastics for the lower back: description of exercises, reviews. Three sets of physical therapy exercises of varying degrees of difficulty

Back pain is common among men and women. This is due, first of all, to our upright posture, and secondly, to a decrease in physical activity, sedentary work, and insufficient content of joint-converting substances in food. This problem can be solved in many cases: for this we offer you special exercises for back pain. They can easily be made at home.

The set of exercises will need to be performed regularly, without skipping. And don’t despair – we will start small, but constantly progress!

Where to begin?

The answer to this question is very individual. Let's look at a few situations related to your back.

Choose the item that suits you best and follow our instructions.

  1. You have never had a back injury (now we are talking mainly about the lower back), and with age, you began to experience pain when bending your torso. The pain can be periodic, constant, sharp and dull.
  2. You had a hernia, or still have it. Under load it makes itself felt. Or your back starts to hurt after working out at the gym.
  3. You had injuries to the lumbar region, but without limitation of mobility.

To clarify your condition, have your spine checked by a neurologist at your nearest hospital. Better yet, contact any private diagnostic center. When you know exactly what is happening to your back, it is easier to eliminate the problem.

Back pain is a consequence of pinched spinal nerves in the neck, chest, and lower back. And this happens due to damage to the cartilage, the occurrence of a hernia. This is a direct consequence of poor tone of the muscles that support the spine. This is exactly what we will work with. Exercises will not only provide pain relief, but will also stop the progress of intervertebral disc destruction.

Complex for back pain

The exercises for back pain given in this section are aimed at stretching the spine and strengthening the muscles that support correct posture. They can be safely performed if you have not had any injuries or serious illnesses.

Preparatory exercises

To begin with, three simple exercises that it is advisable to do always and everywhere, whenever possible:

  1. If your physical condition allows you, hang on the horizontal bar. You need to hang for at least 30 seconds a day. Ideal when you do this in the morning and evening. Hang a horizontal bar at home - it’s very convenient. We recommend hanging after any physical activity associated with carrying heavy objects or bending over.
  2. If possible, sign up for a swimming pool. Swim slowly, not at speed. Water will reduce the effect of gravity on the spine and allow it to straighten.
  3. Exercise "mat". Place a fitness mat on the floor (preferably away from drafts). Lie on your back. Bend your knees and, pressing your shoulder blades to the floor, move your knees as far as possible to the right (they will lie on the floor) until a pleasant feeling of stretching in the spine, then the same to the left. After this, you will feel warmth in your lower back. If it hurts, don't do it yet!

The previous three exercises are independent and are not tied to the complexes, which will be discussed later. You can perform them before or after the complex to stretch the muscles and relieve tension in the spine.

Main complex

Now a few words about working on the abs. No matter how unusual it may sound, the abdominal muscles, just like the back muscles, support the spine. Together they form a muscle corset. Therefore, training your abs if you want to get rid of pain is just as important as working on your back muscles.

Ab exercises:

  1. Twisting. Lay a mat on the floor and lie on your back. Hands along the body or behind the head. Legs are bent at the knees, feet are on the floor. We begin to raise our head, neck and shoulders and stretch our chin to our chest, twisting our body. For those who find it difficult to lift their neck and part of their chest along with their head, we slightly raise only the head and neck. Over time you will be able to do more. We do 15 repetitions.
  2. Alternately raise your legs. Rest 60 seconds after the first exercise. We stretch our legs. Next, we alternately lift the legs slightly bent at the knees. First, we raise one leg to 45 degrees (higher it can be painful), then lower it. Then the second one. We do 15 lifts for each leg.
  3. . We remove our hands behind our heads. Legs are bent, feet are on the floor. We begin to raise our head, neck and part of our chest, while simultaneously turning our body and trying to reach our left knee with our right elbow. We take turns stretching to one or the other knee. Right elbow to left knee. Left elbow to right knee. In total we do 15 such lifts. If it’s hard to do without raising your knees, help with your feet.
  4. Rocking chair. We rest for a minute. We take our hands under our knees and pull them towards our chest. We begin to rock, like a rocking chair, back and forth. The fulcrum should roll from the pelvis to the back through the lower back. This exercise forces the massive lumbar vertebrae into their natural positions. You may hear a crunching sound, this is normal. Please note, it will also be enjoyable!
  5. Abdominal stretching. Have you gone for a ride? Now lie on your stomach with your legs together. Place your hands palms down at shoulder level. Bend over, leaning on your hands, as high as possible. From the outside it looks like this: the pelvis and legs are on the floor, and the torso is arched upward on the arms. We throw our heads back and stand like this for 5–10 seconds. This was the final stretch for the abdominal muscles.

Exercises for the back in general and the lower back in particular:

  1. Pelvic rotations. We stand with our feet shoulder-width apart. We fix our hands on the belt. We begin to make circular movements with the pelvis, first clockwise (10 times), then the same amount in the opposite direction. Rotate the pelvis with maximum amplitude. Slowly!
  2. Classic "boat". We lie down on the mat on our stomach. Arms extended upward. We begin to bend so that the back of the head reaches towards the shoulder blades, the body rises above the floor. If possible, we also try to raise our legs above the floor. If it is difficult for you to do this exercise with your arms extended forward, lower them down to your sides. Each time, try to lift your chest and legs off the floor as high as possible. We repeat the exercise 15 times. At the top point we linger for 1–2 seconds.
  3. We get into the “on all fours” pose. We place our arms straight on the floor, slightly in front of the head. We move the pelvis back so that the buttocks touch the heels, the palms remain in the same place. It turns out that you moved back and sat down. The back stretches well. Then return to the reverse position and try to lean forward as much as possible. Then back to the heels again. So 10 times. This is a good stretch for the spine and back muscles, plus a slight load on them.
  4. We lie down on our stomachs. Feet together, arms extended forward. We begin to take turns raising the straight leg as high as possible. We don’t bend our legs at the knee! They lifted one, held it there for 1–2 seconds, and lowered it. Then the second one. And so on 10 times for each leg. Let's rest.
  5. Exercise for correct posture at home: “wall”. The ideal option would be a wall without skirting boards. We approach her and lean closely with our heels, pelvis, shoulder blades and back of the head. At this moment you have absolutely correct posture. We stand like this for up to 10 minutes. We start with a minute and every day increase the time to 10. Muscles have memory, they will remember how to hold themselves correctly.

If you've never worked out before (or for a very long time) and have back pain, do the above exercises for a month. Focus on the pain: if it hurts, don’t do it, or do it so many times that there is no discomfort.

Be sure to train both your abs and your back. If you do one thing, it will affect your posture. The work of these muscles is directed in opposite directions - these are antagonists. The abs lag behind - the back pulls the torso towards itself. A weak back means you slouch. Balance is needed.

Get into the habit of working out your back and abs 2 times a week at home. This will maintain the tone of your muscles and prevent back pain.

More difficult exercises

The next step in preventing spinal pain will be more strenuous exercise.

  1. Simultaneously raising your legs while lying on the floor on your abs. There is a separate article about this on our website.
  2. Raising the body to the press on a Roman chair or inclined bench.
  3. on the horizontal bar.
  4. For the back, we begin to do deadlifts with very light weights.
  5. The magic wand for back pain is hyperextension. We will dwell on it in more detail.


For this exercise for back pain, you will need a machine of the same name - hyperextension. If you don’t have one, you can do the exercise on a fitball or even on the couch with the help of a partner. All hyperextension options are described in detail in the corresponding article.

Here we will simply give a brief description of the technique:

  1. We lie face down on the machine so that the upper thighs are on the border of the pillow. The back and legs should be in a straight line.
  2. We lower the body down and lift it back up. The back should be absolutely straight. The head is thrown back a little. In the upper position we do not bend.
  3. We perform 15–20 repetitions in two approaches. We do everything slowly and smoothly, without jerking.

The deadlift is a heavier exercise. It is recommended after several months of strengthening the lower back through hyperextension. We recommend developing the correct technique, and then chasing the scales.

Tactics for increasing the load

When you feel that the above schemes for strengthening the back and abdominal muscles have become easy for you, begin to increase the load.

  • For the press. At the simplest level, when mastering crunches, you lift only your head from the floor (there is nothing shameful in this, everyone’s physical form is individual). Then there is part of the chest. And there comes a moment when you can lift your entire body the specified number of times, touching your knees. When you can do this, add other abdominal exercises (for example, lifting your legs and torso at the same time - “fold”). When lifting your legs, you can use weights.
  • With hyperextension, which is simply necessary to perform for back pain, the increase in load is associated with burdening the torso. For example, you pick up a plate, or a dumbbell, or even a stone. Whatever is convenient and whatever is on hand (you can take your cat if he doesn’t mind).

If you have had an injury

Some athletes do deadlifts for a hernia, but we don't recommend it! It is better to consult a sports doctor and then make a decision about exercise. For most people, hyperextension and strengthening the abdominal muscles are enough.

After severe injuries

What doctors usually say

Most often, doctors will tell you that if you have back pain, any strength training is contraindicated for you. Exercise therapy at home is allowed (it is precisely the elements of physical therapy that we cited at the beginning of the article). However, even before doing exercise therapy, you need to relieve inflammation and acute pain.

As for exercises such as deadlifts (with weights) or squats with a barbell, you will most likely be prohibited from doing them. But, if you can’t imagine your life without the gym, before you forget about these exercises, consult a sports doctor. This way you can get more personalized advice, taking into account your training and lifestyle. Because in some cases these exercises can still be done, and many athletes do them. Only individually, according to your own schemes.

Strategies for treating back pain with exercise

You know that every pain has a period of exacerbation (it hurts a lot) and remission (more often you don’t notice the pain, but the inflammation still occurs). The same is true for a sore back.

If you have acute pain, you should not perform exercises. First of all, it hurts. Secondly, it could get even worse. We begin to work on strengthening muscles only after pain is relieved!

Often, inflammation can be relieved with the help of an orthopedic belt (for example, with osteochondrosis - this is a common cause of back pain, starting from the age of 20). Inflammation can also be relieved with medication (as recommended by a doctor) or it simply goes away on its own over time. Everyone is probably used to using the last option.

  • So, the pain went away. Now, in order not to experience such sensations next time, we begin the exercises while lying on the mat. Before starting exercise, relax your muscles. Stretch your body so that your muscles feel pleasant and comfortable. Then start the complex.
  • It is not necessary to do all the reps listed in the set. If you can’t “squeeze” even 10 out of yourself, don’t worry. Time will help you. Practice.
  • It's normal for your muscles to be sore the day after training. This is lactic acid. When it disappears (in a couple of days), the pain will go away. We recommend continuing training when muscle pain becomes barely noticeable. This condition usually occurs two to three days after the first workout.
  • Increase the time at the top points. If you lift your leg, hold it longer. Easily? Raise both legs. Easy again? And do not lower your legs completely during the entire exercise. If this is no longer difficult for you, and you want to progress further, buy weights. Or go to the gym - the athlete in you has awakened.

If you have sufficiently strengthened your back and decide to work out with dumbbells, try to avoid one-sided lifting of weights. If you stand with weight, distribute it equally between both hands. And keep correct posture.
Correct and incorrect position of the back when performing daily activities.

Always practice proper technique when performing weight-bearing exercises. Never increase weights if your technique is less than perfect. You will “break” your lower back faster.

So, now you know what exercises for back pain you need and can do at home. But there are also those that are not allowed.

What exercises should you not do?

These are exercises that cause you to experience sharp pain in your lower back. Perhaps now your muscular system is not ready to withstand such a load. Because what muscle tissue and ligaments are unable to provide, the spine takes on. Pump up a little and try this exercise again in a month.

  1. Raising your legs on a lying bench. When you raise your legs, lift your pelvis off the bench and push your pelvis and legs up. At this moment, sharp pain may occur in the lower back.
  2. Exercises on a Roman chair. If your abs are not ready, you may experience pain while going through the bottom point and returning back.
  3. Deadlift without an orthopedic belt or with a rounded lower back. Pain may appear immediately after exercise, or the next day.
  4. Side bends with weight. Forget it for now - your back will hurt. First, strengthen your rectus abdominis and obliques.
  5. Never hold a barbell on your neck while doing squats. You can squat if it doesn't cause pain. But the bar must be positioned correctly, that is, not on the neck, but on the trapezius muscles, that is, on the upper back.

Back diseases are a real scourge of our time.

A sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, bad habits and a monotonous diet - all this leads to the development of chronic diseases of the spinal column. Most often, the lumbar region suffers, which experiences maximum stress. Discomfort appears, which causes serious inconvenience and significantly reduces the quality of life. Exercises to relieve lower back pain will help get rid of it and restore your former mobility.

General rules for performing gymnastics

To eliminate discomfort, a whole range of means is used: medications, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, etc. An integral “link” in treatment is exercises for lower back pain. Without them, it is almost impossible to achieve long-term positive results. With the help of physical therapy, the following goals are achieved:

  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • strengthening the lower back muscles;
  • enlargement of intervertebral spaces, release of pinched nerves;
  • improvement of blood circulation, normalization of metabolic processes in the spine, or more precisely, in its lumbar region.

Physical activity helps combat many chronic back diseases that reduce our quality of life. In order for gymnastics to bring a positive effect and not worsen the situation, you must follow the recommendations of experts:

  • perform the exercises smoothly, do not make sudden lunges or jerks;
  • study in a spacious, well-ventilated room;
  • choose clothes that fit you freely and do not restrict your movements;
  • do the exercise while inhaling, and as you exhale return to the starting position;
  • increase the load gradually: start with 10 repetitions, and as your form improves and your muscles strengthen, increase the range of movements and duration of exercise;
  • monitor your pulse and well-being;
  • If you experience any unpleasant sensations (nausea, dizziness, lower back pain), stop exercising immediately.

The most effective gymnastics for back pain is the one recommended to you by your doctor. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and determine which exercises will help overcome the disease and how to do them correctly.

Gymnastics for lumbar pain: contraindications

Pain in the lower back can be caused by various reasons. It is not always provoked by osteochondrosis, protrusion or radiculitis. Sometimes serious diseases of the internal organs become factors contributing to its development.

It is important to understand that exercise therapy may be indicated in some cases and is useless or even harmful in others. Contraindications for its implementation include:

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  • pregnancy;
  • malignant tumors;
  • lung diseases;
  • kidney problems;
  • gastritis and ulcers;
  • spinal column injuries.

You should approach exercise with caution if you have high blood pressure, a tendency to bleed, or diabetes.
A set of exercises for back pain is not used in the acute phase of the disease. In case of exacerbation of osteochondrosis and radiculitis, the patient is prescribed bed rest, and gymnastics is recommended only during remission.
Physical therapy is a recognized method of treatment for lumbar pain. With the help of special exercises, you can achieve a significant improvement in your well-being and strengthen your muscles, lift your spirits, and gain faith in your own recovery. However, any undertakings in this field should be coordinated with your doctor. He will tell you how to structure your activities in order to achieve maximum benefits for the body and not cause harm to it.

Types of useful exercises

Various exercises are used against lower back pain. They can be done from a standing, sitting or lying position. They are all aimed at strengthening muscles, improving blood circulation and metabolism in the affected area. As a rule, exercise therapy does not include twisting, sudden jerks and activities that place a large load on the intervertebral discs.

The simplest type of exercise is hanging from a bar. The healing effect is achieved through the action of a person’s own weight. The spinal column elongates and the interdisc spaces increase.
Hanging on the bar is not available for all patients; for example, it is difficult for elderly patients to perform. This exercise has an excellent alternative - walking on all fours. From an anatomical point of view, the knee-elbow position is considered the most gentle for our spinal column. Lower back pain is a kind of “payback” for human upright walking. To achieve maximum effect, arch your back and alternate deep inhalations and exhalations correctly. The duration of the lesson is no more than 20 minutes.
Exercises from a standing position are good for lower back pain because they create a balanced load for the abdominal muscles, back of the hips and buttocks. Often a hard vertical surface is used as additional support. For example, you can hold the wall with your hands and, while inhaling, raise your leg bent at the knee. Try to achieve an angle of 90 degrees. As you exhale, lower your leg. In the future, the load can be increased by placing a load weighing 1-1.5 kg on the surface of the thigh.
Another option for performing the exercises is from a lying position. The patient is on a flat surface and spreads his legs shoulder width apart. The following activity is useful: tensing the abdominal muscles. Stretch your knees with your hands, but do not touch them. The duration of the exercise is 10 seconds.
For activities from a sitting position, you can use a chair with a high back. Arch the spinal column in the lumbar region, leaning on the back. Complete 10 repetitions and then give yourself a rest.
A properly selected set of exercises will help you quickly overcome the disease and get rid of discomfort. Be consistent: to achieve positive results, do gymnastics at least 3-4 times a week. Let gymnastics become your healthy habit.

How to do gymnastics for lower back pain

Correctly selected exercises for lower back pain can produce a wonderful effect. They work no worse than some analgesics. To eliminate discomfort, use the following complex:

Simple exercises for the lower back

Exercise therapy takes minimal time. Exercises for back pain can be done without leaving your workplace.
If you work in an office:

  1. Sitting on a chair, grab its lower edge and, without taking your hands off it, move back and forth. This simple activity perfectly eliminates congestion in the lumbar region and normalizes blood circulation.
  2. Place your hands on your knees and begin to apply pressure first with one palm and then with the other. You will notice how this elementary exercise leads to tension in almost all the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle.

If you spend your workday on your feet:

  1. Place your hands behind your back and press your wrist into your lower back. You will feel a pleasant arch in your spine.
  2. Rise onto your tiptoes and hold in this position for 10-15 seconds. This is a double-action exercise: it eliminates lower back discomfort and prevents the occurrence of varicose veins.

Exercises for lower back pain are an excellent way to eliminate discomfort and restore former mobility. Therapeutic exercise will help defeat the disease, improve the patient’s well-being and lift his spirits. This is an integral element in the treatment of chronic diseases of the spinal column.

Unpleasant sensations in the back area may indicate overworking of the muscle corset and go away after resting in a horizontal position. In other cases, they report serious spinal pathologies.

After a thorough diagnostic examination, the cause of the pain syndrome is determined, and therapeutic measures are carried out.

You can help yourself and alleviate your condition at home by performing simple and gentle exercises for back and lower back pain.

At the development stage, the process is strictly controlled by a specialist.

Features of movements for the lumbar region

In the lumbar region, a network of nerve endings is responsible for the functioning of the internal organs of the pelvis and legs.

Fixing the diseased spine in a certain position for a few seconds and subsequent relaxation are features of these exercises, which eliminate the risk of complications.

But they must be performed correctly, otherwise, at best, no benefit will be obtained; at worst, the pain syndrome will only intensify.

The benefits of Japanese technique and Pilates

The peculiarities of Japanese gymnastics are that it uses vital centers, stimulating the body to the process of self-healing.

The roller exercise at first glance seems simple and not effective enough, but people who perform it regularly observe a significant improvement in their condition after just a few sessions.

Different muscle groups take part in the movement (arms, legs, back, chest, abdominals) - to strengthen the muscles of the spine, this is important, because a targeted strong impact on the diseased area is excluded (a one-time load on the problem area threatens a relapse of the disease and increased muscle spasm) .

Smooth stretching movements with holding the body in a certain position are also performed in Pilates. The pain in the lumbar region of the back becomes less and less as the approaches and time for performing the exercises gradually increase.

With hernia and protrusions, there is a noticeable improvement in the general condition. At the same time, an excellent relaxing effect is achieved. A person believes in his capabilities, feels a surge of strength and energy, and has a positive attitude towards the future.

Approximate movements

The exercises are performed in a well-ventilated room in which there are no drafts (this is dangerous for a bad back), on a hard surface (you can lay a gymnastic mat on the floor) and on a horizontal platform at waist level (a table or ironing board is suitable).

  • Stand at a horizontal platform located at waist level, facing it. Carefully lower the upper part of the housing onto the surface. The chest and stomach are pressed to the platform, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the forearms and palms rest on the platform. The elbows are located at shoulder level, the head rests with the chin on the surface. Take a diaphragmatic (belly) full and smooth breath, hold for 5 seconds, exhale. Perform 7-10 times. The muscle fibers of the back are stretched, muscle spasms in the lumbar region disappear.

  • Get on all fours on the mat. Hands, palms resting on the floor, elbows straight. The arms are positioned strictly perpendicular to the shoulder axis. The head is lowered with the chin to the chest, the neck muscles are relaxed. Knees – shoulder-width apart, shins – parallel to each other. The back should not be bent down or arched upward (you can mentally imagine a straight line between the tailbone and the neck). Take a deep diaphragmatic breath, “freeze” for 5 seconds and just as slowly and completely exhale all the air from your lungs, pulling your stomach towards your spine. Perform 7-10 times.
  • Fold a large towel in half along its length, twist it into a tight roll, and tie it with ribbon. Sit on the floor so that the roller rests on your buttocks. Legs straightened in front of you. Carefully lie on the cushion with your back, helping yourself with your hands. The terry “cylinder” should lie at the level of the side line passing through the umbilical fossa. Straight legs are slightly moved apart so that you can turn your feet inward and touch the lateral surfaces of your big toes to each other. Place your hands behind your head and place your palms down on the floor. You need to try to touch each other with the little fingers of both palms and straighten your arms. At first, your palms can be placed under a support (sofa, chair). Breathe evenly and deeply for 2-3 minutes, relaxing your back muscles as much as possible. The time for performing the exercise gradually increases. You need to get up from the floor carefully, turning your body towards the floor.

You need to be prepared for the fact that back and lower back pain will not disappear immediately - it takes time.

There are exercises for the lower back that, if used correctly and systematically, and without pathologies, will be an excellent prevention of back pain. The problem of lower back pain has become relevant regardless of age category; it appears in both young and old. And if the old ones have this problem, acquired through years of hard work, then the young people suffer from their own laziness and hopelessness. With a huge number of different painkillers, ointments and gels, lower back pain returns again and again. There is a solution, it is completely free and requires a little time and work - exercises for lower back pain.

The causes of pain in the lumbar region are different; it can be a pathology, such as osteochondrosis, or just a sudden movement, or dystrophy of the back muscles. To avoid discomfort, there are several methods for solving such an ailment.

Treatment occurs in several directions and brings a number of benefits:

  1. Exercises for the lumbar spine help stretch and relax the muscles.
  2. Constant muscle training strengthens the entire spinal region, which affects not only the cause of pain, but also the overall well-being of a person.
  3. Increased blood circulation during training saturates the joints and vertebrae with the necessary nutrients, leading to the restoration of intervertebral discs.

Before starting a set of exercises, you should consult a specialist about contraindications and the presence of pathologies. The main thing is not to harm your health and not to self-medicate.

How to relieve pain

Exercise sets consist of several blocks, depending on the position of the person’s body; they can be performed lying down, standing, sitting and using an additional apparatus. Therapeutic exercises for the lumbar spine should be done slowly, smoothly, without strain.

Exercises for lower back pain while lying down

  1. Lie with your back on the floor, legs bent. Gently lift the pelvic area to its original position. We use 10-15 approaches. This exercise is for the sacral spine, using the gluteal muscle groups and abdominal muscles.
  2. Lying with your back on the floor, bend your knees. Slowly pull one leg towards you and grab it with both hands at the hip and shin area. Pull until you feel tension, stop for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg. Used for pain in the sacrum.
  3. Back on the floor, arms spread at right angles, legs bent. We perform twisting exercises: keep our legs together, swing left and right, while pointing our head in the other direction. These exercises are for relieving lower back pain.
  4. We take a position on our stomach. Hands along the body. Slowly raise our legs, shoulders and head. Everything will not work out the first time, you need to practice. .
  5. We get on our knees, hands pointing. We stretch our left hand slightly upward and our right leg back. Then we change position. The exercise will help not only with lower back pain, but also as training of the vestibular apparatus, during which you need to maintain balance. Recommended for older people.

For people leading a constantly sedentary lifestyle, exercises on a chair have been developed. First, sitting on a chair, we hold tightly to the seat and move our body back and forth, like a pendulum. This exercise for the lumbar region eliminates congestion and increases blood flow, leading to an increase in the flow of nutrients to the vertebrae. Second, in a sitting position, place your hands on your knees and alternately press on them until you feel tension. By devoting 5-7 minutes a day to such gymnastics, you can avoid unnecessary problems with the lower back.

Gymnastics for the lower back with emphasis: get on your knees, rest your hands on the floor. Slowly we sit on our heels, and then bend forward in the same way. The second stage is to start rocking the pelvis left and right. This is a great exercise for the sacrum, working the lower back and upper back.

Exercises while standing

In the pose of a ballerina on her toes, we try to maintain balance. By alternating from heel to toe, you will relieve tension in your back, simultaneously preventing varicose veins.

Relieving acute pain

With undeveloped spinal muscles and the absence of other pathologies, lumbago sometimes appears, a sharp lumbago in the lower back. with the help of exercise therapy.

  1. We sit down on our knees. As a projectile, we place a chair in front of us. Place both hands on the chair and arch your back up and then down. Perform from 5 to 10 approaches.
  2. Pose, on your knees. Leaning your head and hands on a chair, slowly make movements left and right, with your back arched.
  3. Exercises against lower back pain: pose on all fours, gently arch your back like a cat, and then inflate your hump like a camel.
  • Read also:

If pinched

When the vertebrae are pinched, with acute pain, the following complex helps to separate them:

  • Exercise 1. A fixed door or horizontal bar (crossbar) is used as an additional apparatus. Exactly hang on the horizontal bar for 1 minute, relax, and do not make other movements. Repeat the exercise after 10 minutes, such approaches are done 2-3 times a day.
  • Exercise 2. Using a horizontal bar, hang on straight arms, and then make turns from side to side. It is important that the body is not tense when performing the exercise.
  • Be sure to read:

Exercise to strengthen your back

For many people, the easiest way to do lower back exercises is at home. To prevent the occurrence of painful sensations, use the following set of exercises for the lumbosacral region:

  1. Sit on the floor, one leg bent at the knee and laid to the side, the other straight. We reach for the toes of the straight leg, smoothly and slowly. Performed in 10 approaches, then the leg changes.
  2. The exercise is carried out with a hand support (window sill, table). The left hand rests on a support, the left leg is placed in front, the right leg is behind, the knees are slightly bent. Not full squats are performed. Carry out 10 approaches and change position. Exercises for the sacral spine can relieve pain and improve blood flow.
  3. A simple exercise: lying on your back, alternately raising your legs as high as possible. Perform 5-10 approaches.
  • More details about

Abs exercise

A great way to relieve stress on the spine is to strengthen the abdominal muscles. It is the press that provides the main support to the lumbar region, forming the anterior corset. We lie with our backs on the floor, cross our arms over our chests or place them behind our heads. We raise the body without bending our arms, only the abdominal muscles work, do not put pressure on the neck with your hands, the cervical region is relaxed.

Exercises for beginners

The level of physical fitness varies from person to person and depends on many factors such as age and weight.

Experts have developed a special complex for beginners for lower back pain.

  1. Pose sitting on your heels. Taking a deep breath, we rise and spread our arms. As we exhale, we slowly lower ourselves.
  2. Strengthening the press. We lie on the floor with our backs, bend our knees. We reach our elbows towards our knees. Then we place the left heel on the right knee and lift the body with a turn to the right. Let's change the position.
  3. We lie on our side, rest on our elbow and raise our pelvic area. We change hands.
  4. Resting with your hands and kneeling, we make swinging movements left and right. Then back and forth.
  5. Lying on your stomach. We alternately tear off the body and then the legs from the floor.
  6. We lie on our side, supporting ourselves with our hand. We wave our legs, stopping halfway for a few seconds. We change the position to the opposite.
  7. Push-ups, emphasis on knees. We first perform incomplete presses.
  8. We sit down on the floor. Using movements of the pelvis and buttocks, we crawl forward.
  9. We get on all fours and alternately swing our legs back and forth.

Contraindications to gymnastics

Gymnastics for lower back pain does not always help, and sometimes even harms. A number of problems that cause pain cannot be solved by physical therapy. Physical activity is contraindicated in case of existing injuries in the spinal region, pain from kidney disease, various tumors, hernias, and acute diseases.

Each person should approach the problem of health comprehensively. He should perform physical exercises for lower back pain, not only at the time of its occurrence, but also for preventive purposes. Outdoor exercise will enhance the effect, as will quality nutrition and regular exercise.

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Stuart M. McGill, director of the Spinal Biomechanics Laboratory at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, and his colleagues have found three ideal back exercises. They engage the core muscles and provide stability to the spine, but do not carry much load.

It is worth noting that if you really want to solve your back problems, then you definitely need to see a doctor who will create a set of exercises specifically for your case. The exercises below are not a universal cure. Use them as a daily exercise for prevention!


Exercise No. 1. “Hunting dog”

  • Get on all fours with your spine in a neutral position (no arching). The palms are located directly under the shoulders, and the knees rest on the floor directly under the hips.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  • Extend one arm and lift it until it is parallel to the floor. Then raise the straightened opposite leg to a position in which it is parallel to the floor.
  • Try to keep your head and back in the same position while you lift your arm and leg.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds (if pain occurs, carefully return to the starting position).
  • Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other arm and leg.

This exercise works most of the back muscles, including the erector spinae muscle and the rhomboid muscle, which runs from the spine towards the shoulder blades. As a bonus, you'll get to work your glutes, which also play an important role in strengthening your core.

How many repetitions of this exercise you can do depends on your fitness and your back problems (or lack thereof). Braco recommends doing 5 reps on each side, with a 10-second rest between switching sides. Then perform 3 repetitions on each side and finish with a single repetition of the exercise.

Exercise No. 2. Side plank

  • Lie on your side, resting on your forearm, with your elbow resting on the floor directly under your shoulder.
  • Bend your knees.
  • Lift yourself up using your hips so that your body forms a straight line to your knees.
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and repeat the same on the other side.
  • A more difficult version: do the same thing, just straighten your knees.

The number of repetitions and approaches is the same as in the first exercise.

Exercise No. 3. Modified crunches

  • Lie on the floor, one leg bent at the knee and resting on the floor, the other straightened. Place your hands under your lower back, palms down, so that they are between your back and the floor.
  • Raise your head and shoulders slightly above the floor (literally a few centimeters).
  • Hold this position for 10 seconds and carefully return to the starting position, lowering your head to the floor.

The number of repetitions and approaches is the same as in previous exercises.

What not to do

If you have back problems, it is not recommended to perform exercises that involve twisting and bending of the spine, as they can lead to injury and hernia formation. Examples include traditional sit-up crunches and the “Superman” exercise, in which the body forms a curved arc due to the raised arms and legs.