Short and interesting facts. The most interesting and unusual short stories from social networks

Incredible facts

No matter how much knowledge you have, there is always something interesting in the world that you could learn about today.

6. The most a big wave, which we rode on, was height with 10-story building.

7. Hearing - the fastest of feelings person.

8. Since the rotation of the Earth’s axis has slowed down, dayduring the time when dinosaurs lived,lasted approximately 23 hours.

9. On Earth more plastic flamingos than real ones.

10. To cook eggs on the sidewalk, its temperature should reach 70 degrees Celsius.

11. 54 million people alive today they will die in a year.

12. Charlie Chaplin once participated in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition and took 3rd place there.

13. Most entries off-screen laughter V comedy shows was recorded in the 1950s. So many of that audience are no longer alive.

14. Antarctica – the only continent where corn is not grown.

15. Lighters were invented before matches..

16. Napoleon was not short. His height is 170 cm, which was considered average height for the French in those days.

17. Best time For nap between 1 and 2:30 p.m., since at this time the body temperature drops.

18. Children do not feel salty taste until 4 months.

19. Male pandas perform handstand, when they urinate to mark a tree.

20. If only The earth would be the size of a grain of sand, The sun would be the size of an orange.

21. The Dead Sea is not completely dead. Microbes halophiles live in its salty water.

22. The first horses were the size of Siamese cats . These were the smallest horses that ever lived.

23. Only about 100 people in the world can speak Latin fluently.

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  1. The only part of the body that does not have a blood supply is the cornea of ​​the eye. It receives oxygen directly from the air.
  2. The capacity of the human brain exceeds 4 terabytes.
  3. Up to 7 months, the baby can breathe and swallow at the same time.
  4. Our skull is made up of 29 different bones.
  5. A nerve impulse from the brain moves at a speed of 274 km/h.
  6. One human brain generates more electrical impulses in one day than all the world's phones combined.
  7. The average human body contains enough sulfur to kill all the fleas on the average dog; carbon - to make 900 pencils; potassium - to shoot a toy cannon; fat - to make 7 bars of soap; and enough water to fill a 50 liter barrel.
  8. The human heart pumps 182 million liters of blood during its life.
  9. 50 thousand cells in your body are dying and being replaced by new ones as you read this sentence.
  10. The embryo acquires fingerprints at the age of 3 months.
  11. Women's hearts beat faster than men's.
  12. A man named Charles Osborne hiccupped for 68 years.
  13. Right-handed people live on average 9 years longer than left-handed people.
  14. About 2/3 of people tilt their head to the right when kissing.
  15. A person forgets 90% of his dreams.
  16. The total length of blood vessels in the human body is approximately 100 thousand km.
  17. In spring, the respiratory rate is on average 1/3 higher than in autumn.
  18. By the end of life, a person remembers on average 150 trillion bits of information.
  19. 80% of the human body's heat leaves the head.
  20. When you blush, your stomach turns red too.
  21. Thirst occurs when water loss equals 1% of body weight. A loss of more than 5% can lead to fainting, and more than 10% can lead to death from dehydration.
  22. There are at least 700 enzymes working in the human body.
  23. Humans are the only creatures that sleep on their backs.
  24. On average, a 4-year-old child asks 450 questions a day.
  25. In addition to humans, koalas also have unique fingerprints.
  26. Only 1% of bacteria cause illness in humans.
  27. All the people on the planet can be comfortably placed in a cube with a side of 1,000 meters.
  28. The scientific name for the navel is umbilicus.
  29. The tooth is the only part of the human body that is not capable of self-healing.
  30. On average, it takes a person 7 minutes to fall asleep.
  31. Right-handed most chews food on right side jaws, left-handed - on the left.
  32. Only 7% of people in the world are left-handed.
  33. The aroma of apples and bananas helps you lose weight.
  34. The length of hair on the head that a person grows on average during his life is 725 km.
  35. Among people who can move their ears, only 1/3 can move one ear.
  36. Average person swallows 8 small spiders in its entire life.
  37. The total weight of bacteria living in the human body is 2 kg.
  38. 99% of all calcium in the body is found in the teeth.
  39. Human lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than fingertips. A real kiss increases your heart rate to 100 beats per minute or more.
  40. The absolute strength of the masticatory muscles on one side is 195 kg.
  41. During a kiss, 278 is transmitted from one person to another different cultures bacteria. Fortunately, 95% of them are harmless.
  42. Parthenophobia is the fear of virgins.
  43. Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue produced by the human body.
  44. If you collect all the iron contained in the human body, you will only get a small screw for a watch.
  45. There are more than 100 different viruses that cause a runny nose.
  46. A kiss of sufficient length is much better than chewing gum at normalizing acidity in the oral cavity.
  47. By hitting your head against a wall, you can lose 150 kcal per hour.
  48. Man is the only representative of the animal world capable of drawing straight lines.
  49. During a lifetime, a person's skin changes approximately 1,000 times.
  50. Every person has dimples on the lower back, only in some they are pronounced, while in others they are less noticeable. The dimples are located where the pelvis meets the sacrum, so their appearance is quite reasonable.
  51. Women blink approximately 2 times more often than men.
  52. The human body contains only 4 minerals: apatite, aragonite, calcite and cristobalite.
  53. Real a passionate kiss causes the same chemical reactions in the brain as skydiving and shooting a pistol.
  54. Men are considered dwarfs if their height is below 130 cm, women - below 120 cm.
  55. Fingernails grow approximately 4 times faster than toenails.
  56. People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than others.
  57. Nerve impulses in human body moving at a speed of approximately 90 meters per second.
  58. In the human brain, 100 thousand events occur in 1 second. chemical reactions.
  59. Children are born without kneecaps. They appear only at the age of 2–6 years.
  60. If one of the identical twins is missing a particular tooth, as a rule, the other twin will also be missing the same tooth.
  61. The surface area of ​​human lungs is approximately equal to the area of ​​a tennis court.
  62. On average, a person spends 2 weeks kissing in his entire life.
  63. Blondes grow a beard faster than brunettes.
  64. Leukocytes in the human body live 2–4 days, and erythrocytes - 3–4 months.
  65. The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue.
  66. The size of a person's heart is approximately equal to the size of his fist. The weight of an adult human heart is 220–260 grams.
  67. From the moment of birth, there are already 14 billion cells in the human brain, and this number does not increase until death. On the contrary, after 25 years it decreases by 100 thousand per day. In the minute you spend reading a page, about 70 cells die. After 40 years, brain degradation accelerates sharply, and after 50 neurons ( nerve cells) dry out and the volume of the brain decreases.
  68. At birth, a child's body contains about 300 bones, mature age there are only 206 of them.
  69. Small intestine During life, a person has a length of about 2.5 meters. After his death, when the muscles of the intestinal wall relax, the length reaches 6 meters.
  70. Right human lung holds more air than the left one.
  71. An adult takes approximately 23 thousand breaths (and exhalations) per day.
  72. The smallest cells in a man's body are sperm cells.
  73. There are about 40 thousand bacteria in the human mouth.
  74. There are about 2,000 taste buds in the human body.
  75. The human eye is capable of distinguishing 10 million shades of color.
  76. Chemical compound, responsible for the ecstasy of love (phenylethylamine), is present in chocolate.
  77. The human heart creates pressure that is enough to raise the blood to the level of the 4th floor.
  78. A person burns more calories while sleeping than while watching TV.
  79. Children grow fastest in the spring.
  80. Every year, more than 2,000 left-handed people die due to errors in the operation of machines designed for right-handed people.
  81. It turns out that every 300th man has the opportunity to satisfy himself orally.
  82. A person uses 17 muscles when he smiles and 43 when he frowns.
  83. By age 60, most people lose half of their taste buds.
  84. When flying on an airplane, a person's hair growth rate doubles.
  85. 1% of people can see infrared radiation, and 1% can see ultraviolet radiation.
  86. If you are locked in a completely enclosed room, you will die from carbon dioxide poisoning, not from lack of air.
  87. According to statistics, only 1 person in 2 billion crosses the threshold of 116 years.
  88. The average person speaks 4,800 words in 24 hours.
  89. The retina inside the eye covers about 650 square meters. mm and contains 137 million light-sensitive cells: 130 million rods for black-and-white vision and 7 million cones for color vision.
  90. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
  91. In the morning a person is about 8 mm taller than in the evening.
  92. The focusing muscles of the eye move 100 thousand times a day. For the leg muscles to make the same number of contractions, you need to walk 80 km a day.
  93. A cough is an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds of up to 100 km/h.
  94. According to German researchers, the risk heart attack higher on Monday than on any other day of the week.
  95. Bone is 5 times stronger than steel.
  96. Impossible to sneeze with with open eyes.
  97. Ingrown toenails are a hereditary trait.
  98. Normal person will die from complete absence sleep faster than from hunger. Death will occur after about 10 days without sleep, while from starvation it will take a few weeks.
  99. The average life expectancy is 2,475,576,000 seconds, during our lifetime we speak an average of 123,205,750 words and have sex 4,239 times.
  100. You don't have to undergo surgery to get dimples on your cheeks. For this there is

I noticed that almost my entire life consists of pain. Hair removal every two weeks, terrible abdominal pain before and during menstruation, headaches from constantly running after the children, the cycle of household chores and the screams of my boss, aching muscles after workouts. My husband and I have also become painful and do not bring any pleasure, unpleasant facial cleansing procedures for the sake of perfect skin. My husband is hinting at a third child, and I understand that I cannot stand the additional portion of torment. Tired.

About six years ago, my friend and her older brother played one computer game. Even then, as a girl, I wildly, but quietly, without telling anyone, began to drag myself towards the main character. It combines everything: beautiful body, pretty face, strength, coolness, feeling. I've already finished school and university since then, but damn it, I'm STILL dragging myself through it. I often type his name into Google and admire him until I lose my pulse. I've been in love with a game character for six years. Grown girl...

When I was still just a child, I drew with felt-tip pens and decided to put the cap from one of them on my lip (like those modern Chinese things where you squeeze the air out and grab it to make it bigger). How, why and what motivated me in general, I can’t even imagine, I only hope that it was very important to me as a little girl. It is so important that for life upper lip there was a small tubercle with a diameter like that damn cap)

My neighbor’s grandfather was a heavy drinker and simply drank away his entire pension. And every time he got drunk, he shouted at his family, saying they stole his pension. One day, as it happens, the grandfather leaned back. After the funeral, we, as the youngest, were sent to clean our grandfather’s room, sort through things, and take most of them to the trash heap. We didn't like this idea, but we couldn't put forward any compelling arguments against it. Grandfather's things were scattered around the room in piles, there were a lot of them, and there was an unpleasant smell in the air. Having looked at the volume of work, we opened the window and began to sort through things, dragging them into the middle of the room. Out of habit, as before washing, I decided to rummage through the pockets of the first coat I came across and great joy I found a wad of money there in small bills. We started rummaging through all the pockets of our clothes and found a shit ton of stash for “great thousands.” It seems that the grandfather hid every pension when he got drunk, and then did not remember where the money went and cursed at his relatives. We didn’t tell anyone about the find. The money was divided. I bought my brother a Japanese moped, myself new phone, and I still have a decent amount left.

My aunt has been in prison for seven years. She was followed for a year and caught with 10 kg of drugs. The arrest was filmed, then we bought the video from them for hundreds of thousands, the judges were bribed to shorten the sentence. We have not yet paid for this money. And so she sits there, doesn’t worry about anything, gets fat, and we can’t go somewhere, because there’s no extra money - my salary is 20K rubles a month. And in winter, my aunt wants strawberries, expensive cosmetics and a lot of money. It's annoying!

Previously, we met through newspaper advertisements. My mother was very worried that at the age of 17 I was without a boyfriend, and decided to arrange my fate. She called the phone number from the advertisement, arranged a meeting on my behalf and began to persuade me, threaten me, promise anything to make me go there. Under pressure, I agreed. At the appointed time, I pull up to the stop, and there is a ugly little man standing there with a bouquet... and my mother is hiding behind a bush. I drove past. I came home from a “date” in the morning, out of spite for my mother.

The general helplessness infuriates me! I was 12 when my grandmother died, and since then I've been on my own. I achieve everything myself, learn from my mistakes, and am not afraid to make decisions and take responsibility. But it feels like I'm surrounded complete idiots: a friend has been sick for 26 years, doesn’t know what to drink, is afraid to go to the clinic, can’t call a doctor - doesn’t know the number; A 46-year-old mother asks me to buy her a metro ticket because she doesn’t know how to do it (five years in Moscow). And there are a million such situations! They annoy you, but I help.

I somehow made myself some red shellac. A friend hinted to me that only fallen women paint with red varnish. Moreover, she is married and has an official lover. I'm married and I don't walk away from my husband. But damn, she doesn’t paint her nails red.

A friend asked for help organizing a year-long relationship with his girlfriend. While they were in a restaurant and driving around the city, I bought rose petals, came to their apartment, cleaned it up, decorated the table, decorated the apartment with petals, putting out their names, and put on romantic music. It’s corny, but it turned out very beautifully, I enjoyed it myself. Everything went great, she was delighted, my friend was incredibly grateful, but I myself was sad: after all, in my entire life I had no opportunity to surprise myself - there was simply no one.

A month before the wedding, we met the groom's cousin. I fell in love and cried because I couldn’t be with him: I was three years younger, my family wouldn’t have allowed it. I got married, a guy wrote to us from the army, and, of course, I answered. She gave birth to two daughters, but it didn’t work out. After the divorce, my husband’s brother communicated well with us and supported us. He got married and became friends with their families. And then we became lovers. For five years I was a family friend and mistress, but I still found the strength to break and not destroy the family. Three years have passed, I still love it.

I had a big fight with my loved one. There are fireworks around, cheerful people, and I, sad, go to the store, take it and sit on a bench. I just wanted to wait it out and calm down, I hate crying in public, but everything inside was so torn that I just covered my face with my hands and burst into tears. At that moment, she was walking by, came up to me and said that such a sweet girl like me shouldn’t be sad and cry, but rather eat something sweet, and she took a soufflé out of the bag and gave it to me. My smile was brighter than the fireworks around me.

When my daughter, at the age of nine, decided that she was not her own daughter, but an adopted one (this thought crept into her mind), dad was forced to show her his half-butt with a large mole. She has the same one. At the same place. I believed it.

My husband's grandmother broke her hip, surgery is contraindicated. They appointed me to court without my desire or consent, arguing that I was studying, then I was on maternity leave, and the rest had careers, and we would get the apartment. They vowed to help physically and financially. The assistance lasted six months. And then rare visits for the holidays. Granny left us ten years later. Right at the funeral, after drinking, the mother-in-law dreamed of selling her grandmother’s apartment and buying her son and daughter each a one-room apartment. My husband went nuts and had a fight with his mom. But I turned out to be the main enemy, because four years ago my grandmother transferred the apartment to me. Now my husband is yelling that I am a greedy creature who robbed his family.

I'm dating a guy. Romance, flowers, walks under the moon, everything is like in a fairy tale. He is educated, well-read, an athlete, completing his master's degree at Moscow State University, and at the same time working in his specialty. Recently hinted at life together, and then the wedding. I'm ready to pay for everything myself. But I do not want. Too young for him. I'm only 20, I haven't worked up. I live in a dorm, today I want one thing, tomorrow something else, constantly parties, parties, spontaneity. I'm afraid that if I refuse and we break up, I'll regret it later.

In 2016, I took part in the Green Card lottery. From that moment on, life was planned exclusively with a positive outcome. In May 2017, I found out that I won! Then the most unpleasant thing began - the waiting. Sometimes it seemed that I would never be called for an interview. On my birthday they sent an invitation to the embassy, ​​two months of waiting and then I found out - I was confirmed! My dream has come true and I'm happy!

I love hugging big stacks of white toilet paper and paper towels. The moment I hug these snow-white, soft, fluffy rolls, peace and harmony comes. Someday I want to buy lots and lots of toilet paper and roll around in it like in a pool...

I live alone in a rented apartment. If it becomes very scary at night, as if a night guest has come, I go into the bathroom with cigarettes, turn my back to the mirror above the sink, light two cigarettes and throw one back over my left shoulder. Until I finish smoking mine, I don’t turn around, I don’t turn on the light in the bathroom. It helps for a month or two, I sleep like a baby, calm and comfortable at night.

Recently I went to the store with a friend. While we were choosing what to buy, the security guard got to us and started complaining that we had stolen something. They spent a long time sorting it out, eventually calling the police and starting to sort it out. As it turned out, he confused us with two other guys who, during this showdown, took away goods worth 4,000 rubles. The security guard was fired)

The older sister gave birth to a child. I came to the maternity hospital to visit her and the baby, the doctor thought I was a grandmother! I made a remark that I was actually a nurse, the doctor apologized, saying that now everyone is so well-groomed that at 50 they look 40. So she thought that about me... I’m 20, I’m crying.

I came up with a game to cheer myself up. If I meet your gaze stranger, then I don’t look away and smile until they smile back at me. Usually everything happens quickly, but one day I was caught by a massive man staring at me with an absolute poker face. I almost gave it back, because I read somewhere that if a person does not respond to a smile, then he has mental problems. In the end, she destroyed the man’s unapproachable image, he even laughed))

When I was a child, they also sold surprise poppers. My parents, in order to surprise us, carefully opened this cracker, put paper money inside and carefully taped the parchment paper in place. We children, when we found a shot prize in the form of money, were very surprised that the prize was much more valuable than the cost of the firecracker. And they believed!

My boyfriend is not a big fan of showers or anything related to hygiene, but he is a lover of sex. And after much persuasion and hysterics, I decided to say that I am incredibly excited by wet and clean male body to the point of goosebumps. And it worked. He can wash twice a day, sometimes we wash together, and everything is accompanied by crazy sex.

My boss invited me to her birthday party. I was still young and a little stupid. I go up to her, hand her a gift, and say: “You look much younger than your age.” - Thank you, how much do I look like? - asks the boss. “For 30 and no more,” I answer with a smile. And then the smile changes to bewilderment, and she says: “Actually, I’m turning 29 today.” This story is about how I learned a life lesson that such questions must be answered - 18 years old.

I gave birth when I was 22. I was still young, green, I didn’t want to, I don’t know how to raise children, I don’t have money, but it happened so, contraceptives failed. I was getting ready to have an abortion, but my parents dissuaded me and didn’t want to listen, that I didn’t want to be a mother now! When they realized that I wasn’t listening to them, they simply locked me up. Ok, I gave birth, and when my daughter was one year old, she just left and left her with her parents. Now I’m a schmuck and a freak, since I left my daughter with my parents, cuckoo. I don’t consider myself guilty, I didn’t want this child!

I leave the house and see a boy crying, he was about 6-7 years old. I ask him: “Why are you crying? Where is your mother?" And he answered me: “What kind of mother? She left me!” Then I was in complete shock.

Recently I was on a well-known Chinese website, looking for tea. I usually look at reviews before ordering anything, and then they left a review about tea - “I received the tea quickly, everything is fine, they are brewing now, I’ll try it and write back” - and that’s all, the review was left more than a month ago. The most worrying thing is: are the guys even alive after this tea?..

We had a large company in the village. I was the only girl. We were from 8 to 12 years old. And finally two more girls appeared: a little older than me, and I really enjoyed walking with them. The moment came - they started smoking. At the end of the street there were tall slabs. They hid below to get some smoke, and I was upstairs on the lookout. The guys came and asked: “Where are B and K?” It was impossible to say that they smoked. It's a secret. Well, I said they poop in the bushes. I no longer had friends. And the boys laughed at them.

When ironing, I add a few drops of essential oil, such as jasmine, lavender or orange, to the ironing water. Ironed clothes smell great afterwards, and the scent lasts a long time! An incredibly pleasant combination of oils: lemon + pine.

I remember how, as a child, my neighbor took me to visit her mother-in-law. While they were chatting, I really liked the beads in the nightstand, and an ingenious plan matured. I put them around my neck under my sweater and, happy that no one noticed, stomped home with my neighbor. Who knew that when leaving the trolleybus I would trip and fall on the curb. Beads fly out from under my sweater, my neighbor laughs until she bursts into tears, I am burgundy. I was so ashamed that I never stole anything else in my life!

I was 2-4 years old. My parents raised rabbits. I was present when they were killed, skinned, blood drained and entrails pulled out. My sister and I always took tails and eyes from freshly killed animals. The eyes took hold and frightened my mother. My grandmother sewed ponytails on the back of our pants. After that, we jumped joyfully and imagined ourselves as rabbits. I don’t understand what my parents were thinking and wondering why I was a cruel child until I was five years old.

List of short extraordinary facts, which you did not know or guess about. Read and surprise your friends with new discoveries!

Modern world is developing so quickly that we can rarely be surprised by how scientific discoveries, and the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

However, you will be surprised if you find out that things you had no idea about exist.

And there are quite a lot of them.

And, if you subscribe to the “Success Diary” news, you will be the first to learn useful and interesting information.

Short extraordinary facts about our world

Our world is full of mysteries that, God willing, at least our great-grandchildren will be able to solve.

And even though a person imagines himself to be the crown of civilization, this world knows how to keep its secrets and never tires of astonishing arrogant homo sapiens.

Don't believe me? I'm sure these short extraordinary facts will convince you otherwise.

  1. Beer lovers beware!
    Global warming could take away your favorite drink.
  2. Sahara - desert, heat and all that?
    But no! It even snows here, more precisely, on February 18, 1979.
  3. Planet Venus is a real rebel.
    She prefers to rotate counterclockwise.
  4. For some reason, harmful clouds do not want to move in the southwest direction.
  5. Nature can create two identical snowflakes, although it was long thought that this was impossible. The evidence is stored in a cold storage archive at the Smithsonian University (Washington, Columbia, USA).

Short extraordinary facts about a person

Of course, everyone has studied anatomy and therefore at least approximately knows how a person works and what the features of his body are.

I thought so too, until I found out how many secrets are hidden behind the phenomena that are familiar to us.

“A fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.”
Michael Bulgakov

  1. Human DNA is almost the same as that of lettuce leaves.
    Well, at least 30% identical to them.
  2. Staying at altitude accelerates hair growth.
    For example, when you fly on a plane, your curls grow twice as fast.
  3. Try sneezing with your eyes closed.
    What didn't work out? For some reason, no one can do this.
  4. Holders blue eyes bad luck. All of them have a low pain threshold.
  5. Human babies grow most rapidly in the spring.
  6. Frightened people begin to see better.
  7. Never chew ballpoint pens!
    Every year 100 people die because of this.
  8. Want to lick your elbow?
    But no! This is anatomically impossible.
  9. The nose grows little by little throughout human life.
    Well, why not breasts, for example? 🙂
  10. Most of those who swallowed this text tried to reach their personal elbow with their tongue.
    And you?
  11. The unfortunate back side of a human knee.
    There is no name for it in many languages, including English and the one in which I write.
  12. A person can be identified not only by fingerprints, but also by tongue.
  13. But this fact really scared me: we are home to more diverse organisms than there are humans on the entire planet.
  14. Each of our hairs is a real strongman: it is capable of holding a weight of about 3 thousand grams.
  15. If one nostril of a person does not breathe for 72 hours, then he begins to lose the ability to distinguish colors.
    Once the ability to breathe is restored, the color discrimination function returns.

Short unusual facts about animals and plants

I don’t know about you, but I love looking at extraordinary animals, admiring incredibly beautiful landscapes, admiring vitality plants.

You can learn so many incredibly interesting things about our little brothers.

  1. We know that bees are examples of hard work.
    However, they are also incredibly smart.
    At least they can count to four.
  2. It turns out that the joke “I need my head because I eat in it” is not a joke at all.
    A cockroach can live perfectly well without a head.
    He dies not from the loss of such an important organ, but from the fact that he is not able to eat. Simply put, from hunger.
  3. Lemon contains more sugar than strawberries.
    And why is it so incredibly sour?
  4. Sharks, never swim belly up, otherwise you will end up in a coma!
  5. Everyone wants to be lazy, because these animals spend 70% of their lives sleeping.
  6. A snail can hibernate for 3 years.

Strange, but truly extraordinary facts

Here I include discoveries that are sometimes striking in their stupidity, but that does not make them any less interesting.

  1. An experiment for patient slackers: if you shout at a glass of water, after 80 years you will be able to boil it.
  2. Bill Gates had a strange nickname as a child: Con, which he disliked so much that he made it impossible for all Windows users to create folders with that name.
  3. The real color of Coca-Cola is green.
    It is specially darkened using dye. For what?
  4. The favorite day of robbers is Tuesday, it is on this day that they most often commit mischief.
  5. The winner of the competition "The Most popular word in the world" became "OK".
  6. Publishing houses in England, please print enough copies of the Guinness Book of Records, librarians are tired of complaining that this is the book most often stolen by readers.
  7. Women with the name Maria in the city of Siena (Italy) are not allowed to engage in prostitution.
    Eh..they deprived the unfortunate girls! 🙂
  8. You won’t find a single watch in a Las Vegas casino, except perhaps in the hands of visitors.
  9. It doesn’t matter how large a piece of paper you take, you still can’t fold it in half more than 7 times.
  10. American Airlines managed to save $40,000 by putting one less olive in the salad of passengers flying first class.
  11. If you collected all the pizza that Americans eat every year, you could plant 18 hectares of land. What a harvest that would be!
  12. The sum of all roulette numbers is the devil's number: 666.

Extraordinary short facts about art

I think after studying them, you will never again claim that art is boring.

  1. Building the Titanic is incredibly expensive. But even more millions were spent making a film about him.
  2. Chupa Chups are incredibly cool candies. The logo for them was drawn by Salvador Dali himself.
  3. Once, when the peak of Charlie Chaplin's popularity reached its apogee, it was decided to hold a competition for his doubles.
    Chaplin decided to take part for fun and... took 3rd place.
  4. A thirteen-year-old teenager won the “Create the Alaska State Flag” competition, and his project is still used today.
  5. The Coca-Cola Company had to work hard to sell its products in China.
    The Chinese pronounced its name as “Kekukela” (bite the wax tadpole) and it is not surprising that few people wanted to buy such a strange drink. Top artists different directions struggled with writing the name “Coca-Cola” in Chinese.
    40 thousand options were rejected.
    The winning name was “Coku Cole”, which translates as “happiness in the mouth”.

And here is another video with a number of funny and absurd facts that make you smile.

How much short extraordinary facts did you know from this list?

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June 5, 2015, 11:36 pm

Good day. I found an interesting literary arthouse on one of the literary sites. I bring it to your attention.

Story one.

There was a knock on the door. No. They didn’t just knock, they tried to knock her out. Persistently and persistently. And there was something terrible and unbearable in this knock. Monotone. Strike, pause, strike, pause, strike...
The door pressed into its wooden shell in horror from the crushing power falling on it. The hinges moaned pitifully, but still held on. The “peephole” closed his eyes because he was afraid to see someone on the landing who was trying to break in. Strike, pause, strike, pause, strike...
Door from last bit of strength tried to keep the uninvited guest on the other side of the apartment. Strike, pause, strike, pause, strike...
Each blow brought unbearable pain, but the door was secured by clenching its lock and squeezing the door handles. Strike, pause, strike, pause, strike, pause...
The blows intensified and it really scared the door. She had already painted “rainbow” pictures in her imagination: door hinges torn off and flying into different sides, a crumpled door frame, a torn lock thrown onto the staircase, splinters, tattered paneling, bolts, nuts, a metal chain hanging helplessly on one curved screw, a crushed “peephole” in a puddle of its own glass fragments. And she is a knocked out, swept away, overthrown from her place, once “living”, and now, lying on the concrete floor, “dead, lifeless” door.
She crackled terribly: the picture she saw was so terrible and so real.
Strike, pause, strike, pause...BANG! He brought her back to reality, and she realized that just a little more, and she
(- Help! – The door “screamed”. – Save! They’re killing! They’re killing!!!)
Strike, pause, strike, pause, strike...
(- They kill!!!)
- Who?!
- Urgent telegram.
The lock turned, the chain clanged, and the door swung open.
(- Alive? Alive!) - she “thought” with relief.
- An urgent telegram for you.
- I hear, I’m not deaf! Where to sign?!
(- Alive!!!) - she savored this word, in a minute the telegram will be taken away, and she will safely return to her cozy doorframe...
(- Alive!!!)

The second story. WINDOW.

He was getting closer. Swiftly. At first, it was a small black dot that inspired absolutely no fear. The window saw such things every day. This is what it thought at first, and therefore did not attach any importance to it. In vain. The black dot began to gradually increase in size. Centimeter after centimeter, until it acquired alarming proportions. It was at this moment that the window realized that this point was approaching it. TO HIM! And it won't go anywhere. Horror gripped the window frames, the glass vibrated slightly, and cold streams of air rushed into the poorly sealed cracks. And he was approaching: terrible in his size, terrible in his insane speed, terrible in his desire to kill. Terrible torn seams lined it lengthwise and crosswise, and the matte skin was already peeling and sagging in places. He was getting closer. Swiftly. Very fast. The window felt the paper with which it had been so carefully pasted peeling off at the top, in the left corner. He was getting closer. The bolts cut even deeper into the window sill, and the hinged hinges were pressed into the wooden frame in a panic. The window was doomed. Somewhere, in the depths of the window panes, a scream was ready to be born. And he was getting closer. Flying several meters above the ground, he
rushed to the window. He already felt the fear that gripped the window, and this turned him on even more. He was getting closer. Swiftly, inexorably. They were separated by only a meter. A split second... The window froze...

(- Ding!)

A sharp pain pierced the wooden frames, the glass was torn into small pieces, scattering them in different directions. The middle window lintel groaned and cracked loudly, breaking in half. The adhesive paper at the top finally tore off, falling pathetically onto the parquet floor. The left window sash was mercilessly ripped off its hinges and thrown onto the radiator. The window flew open, hitting the wall painfully and peeling off the white paint. The mesh stretched over the window broke through and hung with uneven, torn edges. All this happened in just one moment. The window only managed to scream:

And then he was brutally killed by a leather soccer ball that flew into him.

The ball rolled into the room, leaving the dying window bleeding splinters and small fragments.

The slippers shuffled:
- What?! Those crappy boys again!!!

In the moment before its death, the window managed to wish only one thing:

(- Let me be a ball in my next life, and let that ball be a window...)

The window creaked for a long time and fell onto the windowsill...


Story three. Cup.

And who hasn’t drunk from it?
Both old and young, children and adults. Whose lips didn't touch his. Thin and graceful lips of a beautiful woman... rough and angular - men are hard workers. The small and plump lips of a five-year-old child... the flabby and wrinkled lips of an old man - a pensioner. Vulgar, smeared with a thick layer of bright red lipstick, the girl’s lips the oldest profession... the lips of a young teacher uttering only pleasant words. The broken, and many times healing, lips of a local criminal “brother”... ordinary and unremarkable lips of an ordinary, and unremarkable person. How many were there? You can’t remember them all. They all kissed his faceted forehead.

And what hands didn’t take him?
Gnarled, knotty, dry, graceful, childish, small, large, huge. With painted long nails, with bitten nails, with yellow nails from tobacco, with newfangled extensions, with a neat manicure, or hastily sharpened with a nail file. How many were there? You can’t remember them all. They all lifted his faceted sides.

Why and for what reason was he not raised?
And for health, and for happiness, and for luck, and for “let all our enemies die”, and for love, and for “playing a minuscule amount”, and for coming, and “on the road”, and just like that, for meeting! You won’t remember everything.

Why didn’t they drink from it?
And liqueur, and brandy, and Apple juice, and tart wine. Good vodka and so-so cognac. "Cola" and "Mirgorodskaya". Bloody Mary and expensive champagne. You won’t remember everything. He felt all these drinks with his faceted insides.

He was always faithful to all of them. He was a reliable friend, he was, as they say, at hand. Both in joy and in sorrow. In moments of despair and in moments of glory, in moments of insight, and just like that, on weekdays. He was an ideal listener. Yes, he could listen for days on end.

He lived a glorious life. Long. Passing from hand to hand, from generation to generation, like some kind of relic. He lived with dignity and died with dignity. Or rather, he died. Glasses don't die. He died with dignity...

It did not crack because boiling water was poured into it by mistake after an ice-cold drink. He wasn't thrown out the fifth floor window - oh, that's a terrible death. And what’s even worse, (this fate passed it by) they didn’t use it for other purposes: pour water and put some tasteless bouquet in it. It's worse than death. During your lifetime, become a vase, not a glass! It was also not put away in a dark corner of the kitchen cabinet behind a pile of unnecessary dishes, having found a more modern and fashionable replacement. No. God forbid. He was appreciated. They said that he was as dear as a memory...

He died with dignity. He was accidentally caught by a hand while he was standing on FEAST table. He shattered into millions of fragments with a ringing sound, having managed to sing his farewell song...


And resting on a Persian carpet.

Oh, what a pity, dear. I know this has been your favorite glass since childhood.
- Yes, it’s a damn pity... He was our family heirloom, something like a talisman...

That's what I mean. Here, here she is, a worthy death for any glass.

A worthy death...
This was his last thought. After that, the last glass fragment peacefully turned over with its pointed edge down so that no one would cut themselves on it, and fell silent...

Don't worry, dear, it's for luck!..


I don’t expect everyone to understand, but some, I hope, will share my interest in this author. Philosophy lovers for sure. If anyone is interested, there are two more stories, “The Wall” and “The Plate,” I can post.