Achievements of ancient India in medicine. Medical ethics of Ayurveda

Hatha Yoga is an ancient Indian science that helps achieve physical and peace of mind. A set of exercises improves metabolism in the body and allows you to keep the body in good shape. Girls who dream of making their figure slim should definitely try several popular asanas for weight loss.

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga?

Looking at people who regularly perform these exercises, many sincerely admire the results. Yoga for losing belly fat is really very effective. According to the observations of doctors whose patients began to study according to the system, a significant decrease in body weight is observed after just a few weeks of regular exercise. This happens due to the fact that the functioning of all body systems improves:

  • metabolism is restored;
  • appetite decreases;
  • general condition improves;
  • swelling disappears;
  • skin tightens;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • blood pressure and sleep are normalized.

Yoga exercises for losing weight on the stomach and sides

Starting to do the exercises that yoga offers for the waist and abdomen is not enough. For greater efficiency, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

  1. Start practicing with a few minutes a day, gradually increasing the difficulty.
  2. Adhere to the principle of regularity, do not miss a single day.
  3. Repeat each exercise 3-4 times.
  4. Do a short warm-up before class.
  5. Perform asanas on an empty stomach or 2 hours after eating.
  6. Drink more water, about 1.5 liters per day.
  7. Do not judge the results until 2-3 weeks have passed.
  8. Try to eat less sweets and fatty foods, and more vegetables.

Yoga poses for losing weight on the stomach and sides are varied. Each of them is aimed at working individual muscles, and together they lead to excellent results. The asanas are named after the animals, people or objects they resemble in the photo. The following poses are used for slimming:

  • Cobras;
  • Dogs;
  • Warrior;
  • Crescent;
  • Boats;
  • Camel.

A prerequisite before starting classes is to consult a doctor. In some diseases, increased physical activity is contraindicated. Exercises cannot be performed if:

  • diseases nervous system;
  • pneumonia;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • oncology.

Dog Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana is translated as Dog Pose. The exercise strengthens the leg muscles and makes the abs flat. To perform, you need to get on all fours with your arms stretched forward. As you exhale, straighten your legs, lifting your pelvis up. Heels and palms should be pressed firmly to the floor, head tilted down, neck relaxed. The body should resemble a slide, in which the legs act as a ramp.

Cobra Pose

Reviews of Bhujangasana, or Cobra pose, say that it helps to work out the deep muscles of the abs and back. It is good for strengthening the spine and improving the functioning of the digestive tract. Instructions:

  • Starting position: lying face down on the floor. Place your hands at chest level.
  • After inhaling, lift your torso up with straight arms.
  • Pull your shoulders back, pull your stomach in as much as possible.
  • Hold for a few seconds, relax and repeat the exercise.

Warrior Pose

Virabhadrasana - Warrior pose tightens the muscles in the sides and back, improves the shape of the legs. This exercise has several variations. To perform the first, you need to take the starting position, standing straight and placing your legs at a distance of about 80 cm from each other. Raise your arms up, place your palms together. Without lifting your feet off the floor, bend your right knee and turn your body in the same direction. Stay in this position for 1 minute. Repeat with a twist in the other direction.

To perform Virabhadrasana 2, the same position is adopted. Place your legs on one line, bend your left knee at an angle of 90 degrees. Extend your arms to the sides parallel to the floor, turn your head towards the bent leg. Freeze, tensing your abs, for 30-60 seconds. Do the exercise in both directions. This static pose strengthens hands well lateral muscles.

The third variation of Virabhadrasana is suitable for people who have been practicing yoga for several months. It requires special preparation and endurance. You need to stand straight, raise your knee to your chest, hold it and lunge back with your leg, tilting your body forward. The torso and leg should form a straight line parallel to the floor. Stretch your arms along your hips or spread them to the sides for balance.

Camel Pose

Another effective asana that quickly tones the sides, back and stomach is the Camel pose, Ushtrasana. It is indicated for people with frequent colds because it develops flexibility of the spine and strengthens the respiratory system. People with many years of practice advise laying a mat. You need to sit on your knees with your hands on your hips. Then rise so that your feet and knees remain pressed to the floor. Bend your body back, touching your heels with your palms. Beginners can perform half Camel pose by moving their arms back one at a time.

IN Lately in society there has been an increased interest in various ancient practices oriental culture. In particular, more and more centers are opening to teach yoga techniques. Someone uses it for recovery mental strength, some - for the treatment of chronic diseases, others - in order to renounce the bustle of this mortal world...

And there are those who are looking for exercises in this system that are specifically aimed at losing weight. And this really helps. Moreover, you can even choose asanas (postures) that work out individual parts of the body - for example, to form a flat stomach and a thin waist.

Principles of losing weight

If you need yoga to lose belly fat, finding suitable poses and exercises will not be a problem. The question will be different - how quickly you can master the elements on which this ancient Indian practice is based. It’s one thing if you are already familiar with them - then, really, all that remains is to select asanas that work on this problematic part of the body. And the situation will be completely different if you are joining this eastern treasury for the first time.

Since this is a whole system, exercises for the abdomen and waist cannot simply be pulled out of it and performed separately from other elements. Losing weight in any part of the body cannot be achieved without following the following principles.


This is the first and one of the most important elements. Before each workout, you need to include abdominal breathing. All exercises are performed with inhalation held. To do this you will have to master the technique. This type of breathing stimulates peristalsis, cleanses internal organs, removes excess water and fat from the body, reduces the size of the waist and sides, allowing you to remove unnecessary pounds.


In order for yoga exercises to be as beneficial as possible for the abdominal muscles, after breathing you need to adjust the energy balance of your body. To do this, self-massage is performed. With its help, the physical and psychological barrier is overcome, thoughts are concentrated on the problem area of ​​the body.

To do everything correctly, it is recommended to close your eyes and feel every sensation from your own touch to the smallest detail. Self-massage is not difficult to master; it is performed in a sitting position, directed from the bottom (from the feet) up (ending with the neck). It takes no more than 20 minutes, and after acquiring the necessary skills - about 10 minutes. Its purpose is to direct the energy flow into the right direction, remove obstacles and stagnant nodes.


To remove belly fat with yoga, poses alone will not be enough. Ancient practice in modern sound offers for this a comprehensive renewal of the entire organism using the following mechanisms:

  • cleansing with enema;
  • reducing portion sizes;
  • correction of water-salt metabolism as a result of the removal of excess fluid;
  • changing eating habits: eliminating harmful foods from the diet;
  • regular fasting.

So for a flat stomach and thin waist, you will have to not only regularly perform a certain set of exercises, but also get your diet in order, otherwise even the most effective asanas will be useless.

Keep in mind that yoga poses heal and strengthen not only the physical body, but also the spirit, change the essence of life and the way a person thinks. This side eastern practice helps get rid of everything unnecessary on an unconscious level - including uncontrollable appetite, which is why fat accumulates in the abdominal area.

The fifth element of the system is the exercises themselves (postures, asanas) aimed at eliminating fat deposits.


It will not be possible to tidy up problem areas of the body with the help of yoga if there are the following contraindications for practice:

  • postoperative period;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • concussion;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • organic heart lesions;
  • musculoskeletal infections;
  • severe stages of oncology;
  • increased body temperature;
  • professional sports activities;
  • physical fatigue;
  • emotional exhaustion;
  • pain in the head and neck.

In addition, specific abdominal exercises should not be performed by pregnant women, as well as by eating disorders and during menstruation.

Each yoga center has a mentor with whom you can consult about your health status and activities. If you are going to master this practice on your own, it is advisable to initially check with doctors for the presence of the listed contraindications.

To reduce belly fat with yoga poses, consider a few useful recommendations from spiritual practitioners.

  1. Smoking and alcohol will significantly slow down the process of losing weight.
  2. Burning fat in the abdominal area with the help of asanas is a long process and requires a lot of patience. Don't count on quick results.
  3. If you have health problems that are not included in the list of contraindications, you should limit yourself to light exercise.
  4. There is no need to be afraid of post-workout soreness (muscle pain). Its appearance is natural, and discomfort can be reduced with the help of hot water. If the pain does not go away after this, it is worth reconsidering the technique of performing the exercises.
  5. Do not accustom your body to the same asanas. Yoga has many poses for the stomach and sides - alternate them, change weight loss programs to remove fat from the problem area as quickly as possible.
  6. Morning yoga is considered the most effective.
  7. Start classes with 5 minutes a day, gradually increasing their duration and complexity. Don't miss a single day.
  8. Each exercise is repeated 3-4 times.
  9. Asanas are performed on an empty stomach.

About breathing

Yoga requires that you include the diaphragm in the breathing process. Without this technique, losing weight will simply be impossible. So you will have to learn to breathe using your stomach, not your chest. As you inhale, it should inflate, while the chest should remain motionless. As you exhale, you need to pull in your stomach.

When performing any, even the most difficult exercises, make sure that your breathing is slow, measured and deep. This will allow you to accumulate more energy in the body and relax the body.

Breathing should repeat the movements being performed: if they are done upward, this is an inhalation (necessarily through the nose), if downward, this is an exhalation (already through the mouth).

If you want to get rid of your belly, perform asanas taking into account these recommendations - and losing weight will not take long. In order to master the technique correct breathing, try to work with a specialist, because it is very difficult to do this on your own. However, this point should not be missed under any circumstances: remember that this is one of the elements of the system. If one falls out, you can’t count on a slim waist.

When it comes to nutrition, any yoga training center will tell you that they are committed to vegetarianism. Of course, no one will force you to immediately give up animal products. But if this practice drags you on, after about six months you yourself will realize that this approach is justified from the point of view of this ancient Eastern ideology.

Set of exercises

And, finally, the set of exercises itself. It’s hard to say which pose will be most effective in your case. Try, master, evaluate the results, change and alternate the recommended asanas with each other to achieve the desired effect.

  • Dog / Adho Mukha Svanasana

Functions: strengthens leg muscles, makes the stomach flat.

Execution technique. Get on all fours, stretch your arms forward. As you exhale, lift your pelvis and straighten your legs. Press your heels and palms firmly to the floor, tilt your head down, and relax your neck. You should resemble a slide with legs instead of a ramp.

  • Cobra/Bhujangasana

Functions: works the deep muscles of the abdomen and back, strengthens the spine, improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Execution technique. Lie face down on the floor. Place your hands at chest level. As you inhale, lift your body up, straightening your arms. Pull your shoulders back, pull your stomach in as far as possible. Fix for 3-4 seconds, relax, lower to the floor.

  • Warrior / Virabhadrasana

Functions: tightens the sides and stomach, makes the legs beautiful.

Virabhadrasana No. 1

Stand straight, spread your legs (80 cm between them). Raise your arms with your palms folded. Without lifting your heels from the floor, bend your right knee and turn your body to the right. Fix for 1 minute. Make a turn in the other direction.

Virabhadrasana No. 2

Stand up straight, spread your legs. Raise your arms with your palms folded. Without lifting your heels from the floor, bend your left knee at an angle of 90°. Spread your arms to the sides so that they are parallel to the floor, turn your head towards the bent knee. Tighten your abs and hold for 1 minute. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Virabhadrasana No. 3

The pose is intended only for those who already have experience in the exercise, as it requires special preparation and endurance. Stand up straight, raise either knee to your chest, brace yourself, lunge back with your leg, tilting your body forward. The body and leg form a straight line parallel to the floor. The arms are extended along the hips or spread to the sides to maintain balance.

  • Camel / Ushtrasana

Functions: tones the stomach and sides, prevents colds, develops flexibility of the spine, strengthens the lungs and the entire respiratory system.

Execution technique. Sit on a special mat on your knees, put your hands on your hips. Rise up so that your feet and knees remain firmly pressed to the floor. Bend back, touch your heels with your palms. It will be difficult for beginners to perform, but after training the exercise will be mastered quickly.

  • Boat / Paripurna Navasana

Functions: tightens the abdominal muscles.

Execution technique. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward. Lean back slightly, raise your legs up so that your toes are at head level. Straighten your arms parallel to the floor.

  • Crescent Moon / Ardha Chandrasana

Functions: tightens the abdominal muscles, removes the sides, makes the legs slender.

Execution technique. Spread your legs as wide as possible, tilt your body. Touch the floor with your hand, raise the opposite leg so that it forms a single line with the body. Extend your other arm up so that it is perpendicular to the floor. As far as possible, slowly rotate the raised leg clockwise.

Advantages and disadvantages

Only at first glance it may seem that losing belly fat with yoga is a process filled with exclusively positive emotions. In fact, when choosing this method of body correction, it is better to evaluate all its pros and cons in advance, because there are plenty of disadvantages. And most often they contribute to people breaking down in the middle of the journey.


  • the opportunity to study at home;
  • relief from stress, anxiety and worry;
  • improving body flexibility;
  • endurance training;
  • increased mental activity;
  • massage of internal organs removes toxins and excess fluid, which also helps to lose weight in the abdomen and sides.


  • classes cannot be missed;
  • many asanas are very difficult;
  • group classes often become a source of internal complexes for beginners, since not everything will work out the first time;
  • morning, the most effective yoga, is not available in group classes;
  • losing weight with yoga is a slow process that requires time and patience.

This complex includes the most effective exercises yoga, which will be most useful for losing weight in the abdomen and sides. However, on their own, separately from the general system, they will not function. It is imperative that all its elements work - breathing, energy, nutrition, and spirit. It will take a lot of time to master these principles, but all these costs will eventually pay off not only perfect figure, but also by improving mood and improving the health of the whole body.

Sometimes it is believed that yoga is accessible only to born rubber circus artists. In fact, even seemingly extremely difficult asanas In reality, yoga can be very easy to perform. This photo master class will teach you how to perform spectacular asanas that seem incredibly difficult from the outside, but in fact are very easy to perform. All these poses are effective for reducing waist size and working out the abdominal muscles.

Natarajasana with strap

This is a lighter version of the classic natarajasana (performed without a belt, when the practitioner grabs the foot of the same name behind his back with his hand). The asana is recognized as one of the most beautiful and most often appears on all kinds of posters advertising yoga classes. Performing it with a strap, however, does not make it any less impressive in appearance and useful in terms of stress on all side muscles.

You need to make a loop from any available strap (belt, lace, rope, etc.). Standing on the floor, bend one knee and place the loop over the middle of your foot. Then the elbow rises to the ear, and behind it, in a loop from the strap, the leg rises. Recommendations for implementation are as follows: the shoulder should be strictly near the ear, and the bent leg should not “peek out” from behind the outline of the body when looking at the practitioner from the front. The asana is not only very aesthetic, but also extremely practical: it will help pump up your biceps, side and thigh at the same time! The exercise perfectly prepares for the swimming season and amazes the “spectators”.

Tree pose (vrikshasana)

Another classic yoga asana that everyone has seen depicted at least once in their life. It teaches you to concentrate, improves coordination of movements, gives stress to the leg muscles and gives peace and harmony. You can think that this asana is difficult only before the first attempt to perform it. A lightweight version, with palms joined in front of the chest (namaste), is available to literally everyone. The bent leg places the foot below the groin of the supporting leg. The hip of the supporting leg naturally deviates slightly to the side.

After mastering the simple option, with your hands in front of your chest, you can try yourself in various complicated versions of the tree pose. You can raise your arms above your head and join your palms above the crown of your head. You can bend your elbows, or you can leave your arms straight. In addition, it is possible to tilt towards the supporting leg or towards the bent leg. For example, when bending towards a bent right leg, you need to place the palm of your right hand, palm up, on your knee. This creates a miraculous tool that helps you maintain balance on one leg. It sounds surprising, but it becomes clear the first time you try to do it.

If serious difficulties arise with your balance, you need to pay attention to the following recommendations. Firstly, the balance must be performed with your eyes open and definitely concentrating and holding your gaze on one point. It is advisable that this be a point on the floor approximately 1.5-2 meters in front of the practitioner. Another amazing helper in maintaining balance is a mirror. If you look at your waist in the mirror while performing tree pose, your balance will be much more confident. Under no circumstances should you look at moving or changing objects: people, pets, videos - this will almost immediately lead to a loss of balance.

Fish Pose (Mattyasana)

The fish pose perfectly works the lower abdominal muscles and looks very impressive. It's not at all difficult to do. Lying on your back, you must first bend your elbows and lift your shoulder blades and head above the floor, and then tilt your head back, while lifting your chest up until the top of your head touches the floor. If the simple option is easy to master, you can lift your hands off the floor - either raise them up or move them behind your head.

In some cases, trying fish pose for the first time can be intimidating. The reasons for this are purely psychological. As a rule, a person is afraid of what is unusual for him. Very often, the brain sends a “danger!” signal for no obvious reason when a person encounters something unusual, be it a snake, people of a different race, a strange window on the home computer screen, etc. You just need to realize that it is impossible to get injured in this asana, and the head is certainly able to withstand the weight of the neck and shoulders. Execute with eyes closed often helps beginners quickly get used to fish pose.

There are certain nuances in performing this asana that can frighten beginners when trying to perform a lunge incorrectly. The fact is that the leg located behind, the knee of which is on the floor, SHOULD BE MAXIMUM REMOTE FROM THE LEG LOCATED IN FRONT. If the knee is placed on the floor at an angle of only slightly more than 90 degrees, the exercise will cause pain, discomfort and will not achieve muscle posture. But if you slide your knee as far back as possible on the floor, the execution will seem simple.

The exercise has several levels of difficulty. The simplest one is with your hands on your hips. This position relieves stress from the core muscles. If you want to get an athletic waist, you should raise your arms up. You can also do a slight backbend. And further interesting point: if you do practically nothing visible to the eye movement of the coccyx forward, towards the lunging leg, then the work in the lower part of the body will be doubled.


Malasana is a very important asana for women: it not only helps to relax, feel a sense of harmony, but also stimulates lymph flow, and is also a prevention of fibroids, benign nodes and inflammation of the ovaries. Its implementation can vary in complexity - over time, the hip girdle will begin to open wider and wider, and the lever elbows will begin to push the knees back further and further. The end result can be anything, this will not make the exercise any less effective. You will feel the work in the muscles of the thighs, abs, and waist. Malasana can be performed with different distances between the feet, depending on the sensations of the practitioner.

Bakasana (crow pose)

Crow pose is a very easy balance pose. Weight various parts The person’s torso in this position is distributed in such a way that the arms easily support the weight of the entire body. First you need to take the previous pose (malasana), then, without changing the position of your hands, bring them forward and place them on the floor. Next you need to move forward. There is a good chance that your feet will leave the floor on the first try. Often, on the first try, only one foot can be lifted off the floor. They can be alternated. And after several persistent attempts, the balance will definitely be achieved.

Yoga is not only a tool that allows you to keep fit, but also helps.

Yoga exercises for the waist

For many women, folds on the sides and waist are a sore point, but you really want to look slim and have a “wasp” waist. Getting your waist and sides in order is not so difficult, the main thing is to tune in to gradualism, put aside uncertainty - and then everything will work out.

Yoga allows you to calmly, without shock physical activity, strengthen your abdominal muscles and at the same time relax and unwind. In order to work on your waist, it is not at all necessary to go to the nearest fitness club, because not every woman has such an opportunity and time.

Yoga exercises in general are very beneficial for women and give good results, because when they are performed, the whole body works. Having taken a certain starting position, you need to relax and concentrate on breathing with your stomach.

To perform the following exercises (asanas), you need a mat and pleasant music, which will help you relax and get unnecessary thoughts out of your head.

Sit on the mat, back straight, body relaxed, legs together, extended in front of you and pressed firmly to the floor (during the exercise) (Fig. 42 a). With the palms of your straightened arms, rest on the floor next to you, as if stretching the spine and chest (Fig. 42 b). While in this position, inhale and exhale several times.

Figure 42 a, b. "Staff"

Triangle pose

Stand straight, legs wide apart (80 cm), feet parallel to each other. Raise your arms to the sides at shoulder level, do not bend your elbows (Fig. 43 a). Turn your left leg outward, without making sudden movements, bend to the left with your back straight and try to touch your foot with your left hand, and stretch up with your right hand (Fig. 43 b). Turn your head slightly to the right, look up and take a deep breath and exhale.

Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise in the other direction.

Figure 43 a, b. Triangle pose

Twisting at the waist

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, spread your straight arms to the sides at shoulder level (Fig. 44 a) and perform a twist: turn your body to the right, grab your waist from behind with your right hand, and left hand place it on your right shoulder. Turn your head to the right too, looking back (Fig. 44 b).

Figure 44 a, b. Twisting at the waist

Parighasana (barrel pose)

Kneel down, straighten your right leg, move it to the right and place your foot in line with the knee of your left leg. Raise your arms across your sides to shoulder level and bend toward your right leg.

Turn your head slightly to the left, look up, turn your right leg outward (Fig. 45).

Figure 45. Parighasana (bolt pose)

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A little yoga In old age, it is not always possible to perform labor-intensive physical exercise Moreover, they do not benefit everyone. The following several yoga asanas (fixed poses) will help to generally strengthen the body and nervous system in

Before you start doing it again or plan to freeze for a long time in the “plank”, we want to warn you: a perfectly flat stomach is rarely an achievable goal. “The correct goal is beautiful toned stomach. A flat stomach is a given. For kapha and pitta, this is a painful condition. Pitta is characterized by relief, well-defined muscles, and for kapha it is possible to create a beautiful, toned tummy, explains Tatiana Illarionova, leading instructor of the Yoga Federation network of centers. “In addition, we should not forget that the relief and shape of the female abdomen are closely related to the characteristics of the body: we tend to accumulate fat in its lower third and swell somewhat on the eve of menstruation, which can also add volume in this area.”

However, all this does not mean that there is no need to strengthen muscles: a well-developed muscle corset protects internal organs. In the meantime, we pump up the abs, for example, by doing twisting or bending, blood circulation in them improves, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive and excretory systems. “Strong abdominal muscles are also insurance against prolapse of internal organs, which can disrupt their normal functioning,” adds Tatyana Illarionova.

If your goal is a toned stomach, include not only static asanas in your yoga practice, but also dynamic kriyas. “I recommend agnisara kriya: this manipulation has a positive effect on the functioning of the abdominal organs, the condition of the muscles and, in general, helps us feel the stomach better and find contact with our body,” says Tatyana Illarionova.

And, of course, do not forget about, which will be a good addition to the practice of yoga.

  • Recommended reading: Exercises for losing belly fat

How to build a lesson

* Perform Agnisara Kriya in the morning on an empty stomach, and the sequence of asanas - together with it or separately at any convenient time of the day. “But not late in the evening, it’s better to finish the practice no later than 3 hours before bedtime,” advises Tatyana Illarionova.

* Follow the sequence 3-4 times per week, leaving days for muscle recovery, without this it is impossible to achieve progress.

*For each pose, do 10 reps, in which they alternate 20 seconds hold asanas and 10 seconds rest .

* If you have back problems, stop doing bhujangasana (Cobra) and replace it with purvottanasana.

To complete the complex you only need rug .

Agnisara Kriya

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and place your palms on your thighs above them and lean your body forward. Relax your stomach, take several deep breaths, and on the last breath, forcefully inflate your stomach. Then lower your body even lower, placing your stomach between your thighs, and with a sharp exhalation, release all the air from your lungs. Then, holding your breath, pull your stomach under your ribs and lift your body to the starting position. Now begin to “chatter” your stomach, either protruding your navel as much as possible, or pulling it under the ribs as close to the spine as possible. Perform the movements until you want to inhale. Then relax your stomach and take a slow breath through your nose. Then repeat all over again until total number abdominal movements will not reach 40. It’s okay if at first you need 5-6 approaches for this - over time their number will decrease.

Navasana (variation)

Lie down on the mat, bend your knees and place your heels on the floor. Grasp your hips with your hands, resting your elbows on the mat. Press your lower back into the floor, round your shoulders and neck, lifting your shoulder blades off the mat. Then extend your legs above the floor and raise your arms, straightening them behind your head. After completing the pose, return to the starting position and repeat the required number of times.

Jathara parivartanasana

Take a plank position with emphasis on your forearms, elbows under your shoulders. Lower your knees to the floor and press your toes into the floor. Keep your back straight, without arching your lower back or sinking your pelvis. From this starting position, return to the plank position. Then lift your forearms off the floor and bring your palms together just below your chin. Make sure your lower back remains flat. Perform the required number of repetitions.


Sit on the mat on your left thigh (assuming a mermaid pose), rest your left hand on the floor, bend your knees slightly and bring them together. Place the foot of the right foot above the left, connecting thumbs. As you inhale, lift your pelvis off the floor, distributing your body weight between your left palm and foot, right hand pull it behind your head. Stretch your right side up, straightening your legs and left arm, and extending your right arm behind your head. Direct your gaze to the floor. Make sure that the body is located in the same plane, as if there is a wall behind you. Return to the starting position and repeat as many times as necessary.