Fun wedding competitions for guests. Contests for adults' birthdays at the festive table: it won't be boring

Birthday is perhaps the most favorite holiday not only for children, but also for adults. Relatives and friends gather around the table, toasts and congratulations are made, and gifts are presented.

It’s incredibly nice to see all the people who care about you and who mutually care about you. Every family member, friend or colleague who is invited to the celebration on this day tries to give the birthday person as many pleasant moments as possible.

In turn, the host of the holiday must make sure that the guests feel comfortable in the company and do not get bored during the feast. The easiest way to cheer up the adults gathered around the festive table at a birthday party is to hold table competitions. This will make the holiday special, will cheer up the guests, and most importantly, all invitees will be able to take part in comic competitions at once.

Table competitions for birthdays

A feast that does not stand out in any way will not be remembered by anyone. Don't let boring food and drinks become your holiday.

If you manage to cheer up your guests and make them laugh, then everyone will remember their birthday and everyone will like it. Next year they will come to you with even greater desire, remembering the previous holiday.


The guest sitting at the edge of the table is given a roll of toilet paper. He must tear off as many pieces for himself as he needs and pass the roll to the next one. Everyone does the same.

The competition is held to get to know the birthday person. After all, someone knows him more, and someone less, and most importantly, each from different sides. How many scraps a person has in his hands, so many facts about the birthday boy, or interesting stories together, he must tell.

Everything will be interesting to listen to. Perhaps we will remember those cases that were long forgotten.

Necessary attribute for the competition: toilet paper roll. Since everyone will still be sitting at the table, it is better to purchase a colored roll rather than a gray one. For example, pink.

“Like it - don’t like it”

The guests have already visually become acquainted with each other, even if they did not know each other before. Each participant in the feast is invited to tell what he likes and what he doesn’t like about the appearance of the neighbor on the right.

After everyone finishes their story, it is necessary to announce what the competition was about. Participants must kiss what they don't like about the neighbor on the left. You are guaranteed half an hour of laughter at your birthday party. Perhaps someone will say that he doesn’t like his neighbor’s mustache or his tie.

Warn everyone in advance that you shouldn’t be offended at each other, because it’s just a game.


There will be only one winner of this competition out of all participants. The last one is given a button, which is placed on the tip of the finger.

The person must pass this button to the guest sitting next to him so that it ends up on his finger and does not fall off. If the button is dropped, the participant is eliminated from the game.

So in the end there are only two participants left who will pass the button to each other until it falls. The winner is awarded a prize. This could be a set of sewing threads or a certificate for manual dexterity.

Required attribute- button.

It is best to choose a large one, with holes in the middle, and also bright, so that after a fall it will be easy to find. Just in case, keep a couple of spare buttons, exactly the same.

"Rumors about the birthday boy"

Participants in the feast are given a sheet of paper. The first participant writes on it what he knows about the birthday person, then folds the sheet so that only the last word remains visible on it. Passes a sheet of paper and a pen to a neighbor. He must continue the sentence on this word, adding his information.

So, after the last participant, a whole story of gossip about the birthday boy will remain on the sheet. By the way, this is approximately how they are born. One said it, the other didn’t hear enough and thought of it himself.

The resulting story can be given to the birthday boy as a souvenir.

Required Attributes: a piece of paper and a pen.

"Deaf Phone"

The famous children's game "Deaf Telephone" can be played as a table competition.

If the last person to name the word he heard pronounces it correctly, he deserves a prize. And if not, then a fine.
A fine can be considered to be fulfilling the wish of the birthday boy, drinking a glass of wine or something like that.

"Praise with adjectives"

Participants are asked the question: “Who is our birthday boy?” They must answer with an adjective. For example, handsome, smart, brave, desperate, purposeful, and so on. One after another, the guests praise the birthday boy. You can't repeat yourself.

The game continues until the participants begin to think about what to say and drop out of the game. The one who says the most compliments – adjectives – to the birthday boy wins.

"Remember all"

Every guest invited to a birthday party knows the birthday person well. Surely they have many interesting and funny stories. Why not remember them and laugh again.

Guests take turns telling funny stories related to the birthday boy. If someone cannot remember, they are out of the game. The one who tells the most funny stories wins.

The winner can be awarded a certificate for the best memory or given some small gift.


Each participant in the feast, except the birthday boy, is given a piece of paper and a pen. The task is to describe yourself. These can be qualities of a person, adjectives describing his appearance, or facts about his appearance.

After everyone has finished, the sheets are handed over to the birthday person. He reads out what is written and must guess which of the guests wrote it to himself.

It will be a lot of fun if guests describe themselves with humor. It is important that you only write the truth, but not lies. However, everyone can praise themselves.

Required Attributes: sheets of paper, it is better to take small pens, cut into squares.


Why not make a win-win lottery for guests in the form of a competition. After all, the birthday boy will receive his gifts in any case, and the guests will have nothing left as a keepsake.

As guests arrive, they need to be given tickets with numbers. As soon as the feast is in full swing and everyone has gathered in one place, you need to start holding a holiday lottery. This could be the moment when the birthday person blows out the candles on the cake. So each guest will receive their own small gift.

Attributes required: small low-budget gifts - prizes (mugs, plates, notepads, pens, photo frames, notebooks, towels, toys, mirrors, sweets), sheets of paper with numbers. Prepare lottery tickets in advance equal to the number of guests.


And while every competition should bring some fun to the gathering, don’t forget about the birthday boy, who makes sure everyone is at the same table and having a good time.

Buy a notebook with a thick cover in advance. It will be good if it has a festive look or an inscription suitable for a birthday. The person sitting at the edge of the table is given this notepad and pen. His task is to sincerely wish the birthday boy everything he wants. This is how each of the guests writes their sincere congratulations.

It’s good if the guests sign their words so that the host of the holiday knows who wrote what. The notebook remains with the birthday boy as a keepsake. He will be able to re-read whatever he wishes as many times as he wants, charging himself with this positive energy.

Required Attributes: a pre-purchased notebook, preferably with a thick cover that will last a long time, a pen for writing congratulations. Keep a few pens in case one of them stops writing.

Now you know that it is not necessary to have an extensive dance floor in order to hold competitions at a birthday party; it is enough to just gather your family and loved ones at one table and have fun. Spend your time not only usefully, but also with joy.

When a good company gathers around the table, the party promises to be fun!

But the guests drank and ate... talked about the latest news from the lives of their loved ones and the country as a whole... danced... and some prepared to be bored... But that was not the case!

Good hosts always have something in stock that will not only relieve boredom, but will also bring the guests of the holiday closer together, and will also be remembered by everyone for a long time with fun and humor - these are, of course, various competitions.

They are very different:

  • movable (with and without objects),
  • musical,
  • drawing,
  • verbal, etc.

Today I will introduce you to those that can be carried out without leaving the table.

NOTE! They can be performed in different versions, change the rules, add items, increase or decrease the number of participants - in a word, take a creative approach to drawing up a program of fun and amusing table competitions for an adult company sitting at the table.

Let's start with the simple - what's at hand (literally and figuratively!)

"The alphabet is near us"

The presenter names any letter of the alphabet, except for the four Y-Y-L-Ъ (you can agree to exclude the letter E).

Players playing in a circle name objects - products - things starting with this letter, which are located directly next to them and which can be reached with their hand or touched.

Option! - add adjectives to the list of nouns: B - incomparable salad, incomparable lipstick (from a neighbor), endless pasta, C - nice vinaigrette, sugar cake...

The game continues until the words are exhausted. The last one to call wins.

Here's another game with letters.

"Burim in order"

Starting with the first letter of the alphabet, the players come up with a mini-congratulation (depending on the occasion of those gathered) or simply sentences that are appropriate for this holiday.

The phrase should begin first with the letter A, the next one with B, then C, and so on. It is advisable to come up with funny phrases like:

- How great it is that we have gathered today!
- It happened that...
- That's …
- Gentlemen...

Attention! What is important here is the sequence of letters in the alphabet and the meaning of the invented sentences. It is clear that some letters (ь-ъ-ы) are skipped.

The winner is the one who came up with the funniest phrase. Decided by unanimous vote.

There was the ABC - it was up to the poetry!

“Tell me what’s in the package!”

If there are people at the table who can write poetry (the level of poetry, of course, will be taken into account, but the main thing here is different), then offer the next competition.

Several poetry masters are given an object, which is packed in an opaque fabric box-bag. They should quietly look at what they got and write a poem about the item. Guests listen and guess.

Important! You cannot name what is hidden, you can only poetically describe its purpose, appearance...

The writer of the longest and most original piece wins.

Everyone loves fairy tales!

"Modern fairy tale"

Equipment: sheets of paper, pens.

The players are divided into two teams. Usually they are divided according to the “we sit next to each other” principle. Each chooses (option: the driver assigns) a profession. For example, cooks and truck drivers.

After 5-7 minutes of preparation, the teams must voice any fairy tale they have chosen (option assigned by the leader) in a modern way, using professional vocabulary and terminology.

For example, the fairy tale of a brave cook begins with the words: “Once upon a time my grandmother had a piece of ham worth two and a half kilos...” We advise the program creator to come up with starting phrases in advance for the different professions of the participants.

Everyone has fun! The winning team receives a prize: sweets, a bottle of champagne for everyone...

Try this too! It is not teams who play, but individual participants. Then more time is given for preparation, and it will be easier for the guests to select the winner.

Everyone’s favorite since childhood, “Broken Phone”

Here, the more people, the better.

The driver (or the first person sitting) thinks of a word (phrase), writes it on a piece of paper (for the purity of the experiment!))) and passes it along the chain, whispering in each other’s ears.

Everyone remembers that you need to whisper quietly and as close as possible to what you heard. The latter speaks the word out loud.

The funny thing begins at the moment when, if there is a mismatch between the input and output, a “showdown” begins - at what stage, for whom what went wrong.

Robot YES-NO

The host prepares cards with the names of the animals in advance and announces that the guests will guess them by asking any questions that he can answer only with the words YES-NO (in extreme cases, “I can’t say”).

The game continues until the animal is guessed and the presenter shows a card with the correct answer.

Questions can be about hair (short or long), about legs, about whether there is a tail (fluffy or smooth), about claws, a neck, about what it eats, where it sleeps, and so on.

Game option! It is not the animal that is being riddled, but the object. Then the questions will be about size, color, appearance, purpose, presence in the house or on the street, ability to pick it up, presence of numbers, presence of electricity in it...

Another version of the game is frivolous. You can wish for items from men's or women's wardrobes, underwear, or for the most daring, from the assortment of adult stores.

Competitions with paper

And here’s another game where the funniest thing is the mismatch.

Chipmunk Speaker


  • nuts (or orange, or bread),
  • paper,
  • pen.

Those sitting at the table are divided into pairs: “speaker” and “stenographer”.

The “speaker” puts nuts (orange slices, a piece of bread) behind his cheeks so that it is difficult to speak. He is given a text (poetry or prose), which he needs to pronounce as clearly as possible (as far as the contents of the “cheek pouches” allow). The “stenographer” is trying to write down, as he understands, what he heard. Then they compare it with the “source”.

The winner is the couple whose “transcript” is the most correct.

Option! One “speaker” is selected, and everyone is recorded.

"Explain in 30 seconds"

  • pens/pencils according to the number of players,
  • small pieces of paper
  • box/bag/hat.

We play like this:

  1. Guests are divided into pairs. It can be by lot, it can be at will, it can be next door at the table. Each pair is a team.
  2. Players receive pens/pencils and pieces of paper (each has several of them - 15-20).
  3. Everyone writes 15-20 (discuss this in advance with the players) of any nouns that come to mind: on one piece of paper - one noun.
  4. Leaves with words are hidden in a box/bag/hat.
  5. First, the first pair-team plays: they take turns taking out sheets of words and must explain to each other the word that they came across, but in no case naming the noun itself.

For example, the word “cart” is a horse-drawn carriage, “frying pan” is a pancake maker.

After the first word is guessed, you can take out a piece of paper with another.

You have 30 seconds to do everything. You can agree on a minute - depending on the state of the company)))

The number of words a team guesses is how many points it will receive.

Then the turn passes to the other pair of players.

The time limit makes this competition spectacular, loud, noisy and fun!

The team that guesses the most words wins.

Fun table competitions with answers

Prepare: a box containing pieces of paper with various questions written on it.

Attention! In winter they can be made in the form of snowflakes, in summer in the form of apples, in autumn in the form of colored leaves, in spring they can be flowers.

We play like this:

Everyone takes turns pulling out paper pieces of paper with questions and answering them not only as truthfully as possible, but also funny.

Questions could be:

  • What was your favorite toy as a child?
  • What was your most memorable vacation?
  • Have your New Year's wishes ever come true?
  • What's the funniest thing that happened to you in childhood that you remember?
  • What's the funniest purchase you've ever made?
  • If you have an animal at home, what funny incident can you remember (what did it eat)?
  • What did you dream about as a child and did it come true?
  • What's the funniest prank you can remember?
  • Do you love your housemates and why?

Questions for the story can be very different, taking into account the degree of frankness of the company.

The winner is the one whose story pleases the most guests.

Are you asking? I answer!

Let's prepare:

  • cards with questions,
  • answer cards,
  • 2 boxes.

We play like this.

One box contains questions, the other contains answers.

The players sit down, if possible, alternating: man-woman-man-woman... This will make the answers more interesting!

The first player takes out a card with a question and reads it aloud to his neighbor at the table.

He takes, without looking into the box, the sheet with the answer and also reads it out.

Sometimes the question-answer coincidences are very funny)))

Questions could be like this (assuming that the company is close and everything is on a first-name basis):

— Do you like watching horror films?
— Can you say that you like shopping? (it doesn’t matter whether a man or a woman answers here)
—Are you often hungry?
-Can you look me in the eye and smile?
— What do you say when you step on people’s feet in public transport?
— How do you react to your friends’ clothing experiments?
- Tell me, do you like me?
— Do people often knock on your door at night?
— Is it true that your husband/wife likes to look at other people’s women/men?
— Do you like to swim under the moon?
- Why do you smile so mysteriously?
— Is it true that you preferred to go to the village rather than to the Maldives?
— Why do you sometimes travel on public transport without a ticket?
—Have you ever read thick books?
— In an unfamiliar company, do you easily find a common language with guests?
— Are you a fan of exotic cuisine?
— Does alcohol often appear on your table?
-Can you deceive me right now?
— Do you like to walk on the rooftops of your hometown?
— Why are you afraid of small dogs?
— When you were a child, did you sneak into your neighbors’ house to pick raspberries?
- If the phone rings now and they say that you have won a trip to the sea, will you believe it?
— Do others like your cooking?
— Why are you afraid to drink milk?
— Do you like receiving gifts?
— Do you like to give gifts?
- Would you like a drink right now?
— Do you rest a lot at work?
— Why did you ask for my photo?
— Do you like to eat meat products?
—Are you a very temperamental person?
— Why do you eat pickled bread crusts on Sundays?
-Can you lend me a thousand dollars right now?
— Do you often wink at strangers in public transport?
— Do you like to take a bath in your clothes?
- Do you really want to answer my question now?
— Do you like to dance with married men/married women?
— Why did you say that you have to eat a lot when visiting?
—Have you ever woken up in an unfamiliar bed?
— Why do you call throwing a pebble from a balcony at passers-by your favorite sport?
— Do you often delegate your work to others?
— Why do you love watching striptease so much?
— Do you like to eat delicious food when visiting?
— Do you often meet each other on the street?
— Do you fall asleep at work?
— Why do you hide your age?
— Do you snore at night?
— Do you like fried herring?
-Have you ever run away from a policeman?
— Are you afraid of taxi drivers?
— Do you often promise too much?
— Do you like to scare others?
- If I kiss you now, what will your reaction be?
— Do you like my smile?
- Can you tell me your secret?
— Do you like to draw?
— Why do you often take time off from work?

Sample answers:

“I can’t live a day without this.”
- How can I live without this?!
-Only on your birthday.
- When not at home, why not.
- I won’t tell you this now.
- Just not now.
“I’m embarrassed to answer anything now.”
— Ask my husband/wife.
- Only when I'm well rested.
— I can, but only on Mondays.
- Don't put me in an awkward position.
— I’ve loved this business since childhood.
- Well, yes... things happen to me...
- I can rarely afford it.
- Yes, I am capable of anything for your sake!
- If I rest, then yes.
- Who doesn’t it happen to?
— I’ll tell you about this a little later.
- Fortunately, yes.
- If they really ask me.
- Nowadays this is not a sin.
- Do you really think that I will tell the truth?
- As an exception.
— After a glass of champagne.
- So I told you the truth just now!
- This is my cherished dream.
- Let's dance better!
- Unfortunately no.
- This is my passion!
— I’ll tell you about it when you give me your phone number.
- With great pleasure!
- I blushed - this is the answer.
- And I'm proud of it.
— My years are my pride.
- I can’t stand it.
- How dare you ask me about this?!
- Only if they pay me.
- How can you miss such an opportunity?
- Only in the mornings.
- It's quite simple.
- If I get a salary.
- How could it be different?
- By itself!
“I’ll say this only face to face.”
- Exclusively on holidays.
- How great it is!
- They told me it was good.
- Only in good company.
— I consider this a political issue.
- Who do you take me for?!
- And you guessed it.
- Let me kiss you better.
- Only when no one is looking.
- You're embarrassing me.
- If there is no other way out.
“And you’ve been trying to ask me about this all evening?”
- And at least now I can tell you the same thing.

Two truths and a lie

This fun competition at the table for an adult company does not require any preparation. Best suited for a company where the participants do not know each other very well.

Each player must say three statements or facts about themselves. Two true, one false. Listeners vote to decide which one is false. If they guess correctly, the player (the liar) wins nothing. If you guess wrong, you receive a small prize.

Variant of this: everyone writes down their statements on pieces of paper, marking the false ones, give them to the presenter (the host of the party), and he reads them out in turn.

One more?

Several competitions for a drinking group that wants to become even more drunk.

Find the crocodile

This game can be played during other games, as an additional game. It essentially lasts the whole evening, but at the very beginning you need to tell the guests its rules.

At some point in the party, the host secretly gives one of the guests (the “hunter”) a clothespin (crocodile) and he must attach it discreetly to the clothes of a “victim” he has arbitrarily chosen (or put it in a lady’s purse or a man’s jacket pocket). Then he gives a sign to the leader that the task is completed.

As soon as the clothespin has found a new owner, the presenter says, “The crocodile has escaped!” Who did he get into? and starts counting out loud from 10 to one. Guests are looking to see if they are the target of a prank.

If, within 10 seconds of the countdown, the “victim” finds a lurking “crocodile hidden in a bag or clinging to his collar,” the “hunter” drinks the penalty glass. If he doesn’t find it, the “victim” must drink.

You can limit the search area (the crocodile only clings to clothing) or give it more time.

Drinking alphabet chain

To conduct the competition you need: glasses with your favorite drinks, memory for names and knowledge of the alphabet.

The game goes in circles. The first player names the celebrity's first and last name. The next person must also name a celebrity whose name begins with the first letter of the previous one.

To make it clearer, look at the example:

The first player makes a wish for Cameron Diaz. The second by Dmitry Kharatyan. Third Hugh Grant. The fourth is by Georgy Vitsin. And so on.

You can name any famous people, politicians, actors, athletes. A player who cannot find the correct name within 5 seconds (approximately) must drink his glass. Then the glass is filled, and the turn passes to the next player.

The longer the game lasts, the more difficult it is to select new names (you cannot repeat yourself), the fun and company are rapidly gaining degrees.

Insert your two cents

The organizer of the competition needs to prepare sheets with phrases that are far from the theme of the feast or birthday. Give each guest a card with a phrase at the very beginning of the party.

Phrases could be:

The task of each participant is to insert “their” phrase into the conversation so that others do not understand that this is a phrase from a piece of paper. After the player has said his phrase, he needs to wait a minute, after which he says “Win!!!” During this time, any other guest who, during the conversation, suspects that a phrase from the sheet was uttered can try to incriminate the player. He must repeat the phrase that he thinks was used. Of course, there is a chance that he will not guess correctly.

If the accuser makes a mistake, he drinks a “penalty glass.” If you guess correctly, then a penalty kick is awarded to the person who was caught using the phrase from the sheet.

Guess the brand

If the company name is included in the slogan, then you can shorten it. For example: Who goes where, and I (to Sberkassa). This slogan is included in the retro section of our list. In a young company, you can at least invite guests to guess whose advertising slogan it might be. You can come up with hints or several possible answers.

For example: Who goes where, and I... (at VDNKh, to Moskvoshway, to get married, to Sberbank).

Find your soul mate

If the company is about half women and men, then you can play this game. Although, it will fit, with some degree of conditionality, in other cases.

To do this, you need to prepare small cards in advance on which to write the names of famous couples. One name per card. For example:

  • Romeo and Juliet;
  • Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin;
  • Dolphin and mermaid;
  • Twix stick and Twix stick;
  • Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt...

Each guest receives a card with a name - this is his “image”.

Task: everyone must find their soul mate by asking the other guests in turn questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.” Direct questions like “Is your name Angelina?” or “are you Brad’s wife”? prohibited. Questions like “Do you have children with your significant other?” are allowed; “Are you and your significant other married?”; “Do you and your significant other live in...?”

Those who find their soul mate by asking the minimum number of questions win. The more cards of pairs you prepare, the better. Since only half of the guests will play in the first round (when they find their soul mate, they are deprived of the opportunity to look for theirs). Therefore, after the first round, new cards are dealt and the second round begins.

Option: in the first circle they are looking for a woman's soul mate, in the second - men.

Do you have..?

This game is suitable for a large company and for celebrating a variety of holidays.

The company is divided into two teams with an equal number of participants. We must try to have the same number of women in each.

The presenter, starting with the words “Do you have...?”, reads out the list of things you are looking for. Members of each team need to find this thing and show it to the leader.

Team members search in pockets and purses, those who find them show the item they are looking for, the team receives a point for each item found. For one named item, the team gets only one point (no matter how many five thousand dollar bills the team members have, the team can only get one point for the item with the bill).

So, do you have...?

  • 5000 ruble banknote;
  • Notebook;
  • photo of the child;
  • mint chewing gum;
  • candy;
  • pencil;
  • keychain with at least 7 keys;
  • penknife;
  • 7 (or 5) credit cards per person;
  • small change in the amount of at least 95 rubles (for one person);
  • hand cream;
  • flash drive;
  • nail polish;
  • shoe sponge...

The list of things can be supplemented at will.

Play and have fun with your guests at the festive table!

Don’t forget that each competition can be creatively reworked to suit your company.

Let your friends remember this day not only for the most delicious dishes, but also for the funniest and coolest competitions.

Eat! Drink! And don't be bored!

The presenter brings a bag into the hall, and in it are tokens with different letters. Guests sitting at the table take turns taking a “letter” out of the bag and, without hesitation, name any word starting with this letter. The effect of surprise and the high rate of responses give a comical result. Moreover, at the end of the competition the presenter says: “Now we know who is thinking about what now!”

Each number is unique

Each of the guests takes turns pulling out their own forfeit from the hat, which contains any number from 1 to 15, for example. As soon as all the guests have learned their numbers, each participant in turn names this “his” number and begins to list everything that exists and does not exist in the world associated with this number, for example, if a guest pulled out the number 1, he can list: the saying “Alone in the field not a warrior"; catchphrase “One to One”; name any player who plays number 1; name the first element in the periodic table - hydrogen; sing a song with the number 1 “Once a year the gardens bloom” and so on, if, for example, a guest comes across the number 7, he can also remember some athlete with number 7; remember that there are 7 wonders of the world in the world; catchphrase “On 7th heaven”; the saying “Seven do not wait for one” and so on. The main thing is to use your wits and rummage through your memory, and then you can find your own unique “stories” for all the numbers: movies, songs, sayings, numbers of players and elements, catch phrases, and so on. Whichever guest can name the most facts about their number will win.

A lot of words

Each of the guests takes turns pulling out their own forfeit from the hat, in which any letter of the alphabet is indicated. And at the “start” command, the presenter sets a time for the participant - a minute, and during this minute the participant must name as many words as possible starting with the letter he pulled out. At the end of the game, the title of winner and the prize will be taken by the participant who can name the most words starting with “their” letter.

Cinema on the table

You need to print out notes in advance with famous catch phrases from movies and preferably about food, for example, “What a disgusting thing this jellied fish of yours is,” “He who doesn’t work, eats,” “Sit down to eat, please,” and so on. The presenter announces the beginning of the competition and the guests look with their eyes for the notes on the table, read and guess the films from which the phrases are taken - “The Irony of Fate”, “The Adventures of Shurik” and so on. Whichever guest finds the most notes and guesses the most movies will win a prize.

Traveling by country

The presenter prepares “compromising evidence” on the countries for this competition - any two pictures characterizing a specific country. The presenter takes turns showing two pictures, and the guests at the table guess the country itself. Whoever has the most guessed countries is the winner. Examples of pictures:
1. Bear and balalaika (Russia);
2. Carnival and coffee (Brazil);
3. Sombreros and maracas (Mexico);
4. Pizza and gladiator fights (Italy);
5. Tulips and cheese (Holland);
6. Banks (institutions) and watches (Switzerland) and so on.

Full spoon

Each participant receives a tablespoon (the same). There is a bowl of grapes (olives) on the table. At the command “start”, each participant collects grapes in his spoon. Whichever guest fills his spoon with the most grapes in one minute is the winner.

In conjecture

For some time, all guests are transformed into certain heroes, and which ones will be determined by the forfeits. So, everyone in turn pulls out their phantom, which indicates the name of the hero (possibly from both a real story and a fictional one). Guests do not say anything to anyone about the name of their hero, but only for a while transform into a fantasy role, for example, Jack Sparrow, Julius Caesar, Stalin, Terminator and so on. Using phrases and behavior of celebrities, guests should show the characters as believably as possible. This will result in very interesting communication at the table, and whichever guest can guess the most characters among the guests will also receive a prize.

Ten minutes of transformation

The presenter announces that 10 minutes of transformation will now begin. Each guest in turn pulls out a forfeit from a bag in which some hero or status of a person is indicated, for example, a hussar, a drunken watchman, a cheerful clown, Ivan the Terrible, and so on. Guests become familiar with their new role and begin to communicate and have fun in the appropriate style. Well, when will so many different and so interesting heroes gather at one table? And the funniest guests who can prove themselves best will receive prizes.

Feed all your neighbors at once

Participation is accepted by guests who have neighbors both to the right and to the left, for example, the second at the table, the fourth, and so on. In front of the participants there are plates with the same contents, for example, mashed potatoes or sour cream, and each participant has two spoons in their hands: one in the left hand, the other in the right. At the “start” command, participants begin to feed their neighbors, simultaneously working with both their right and left hands. Whichever participant feeds the contents of his plate to his neighbors faster will win. A prize will also be given to the most patient and diligent “neighbor” who may have to eat from the hands of two participants at once.

A wedding is a happy and long-awaited event in the life of every lover. In order for the holiday to be joyful and relaxed and to remain in the memory of all those present, it requires special and careful preparation. It is important to think through the program of the special event in advance.

The main role in creating the atmosphere is played by correctly chosen fun wedding competitions for guests. In our case, at the table. By the way, if you have not yet selected suitable tests for redemption -.

What are they for?

Table games occupy a special place at wedding events. They are able to brighten up the holiday itself and make any audience laugh.

Competitions are held throughout the banquet. In addition to entertaining guests, games can also serve other purposes: at the beginning of the celebration, they are held to meet and warm up guests, lift their spirits, and later - for a light warm-up and a fun break.

There are a huge number of competitions that can be held at the table. Such games can involve all those present or a group of guests, they can be carried out using all kinds of attributes or without them, and be humorous or intellectual in nature.

The advantages of table competitions are that guests can participate in them without getting up from their seats. Such games will appeal to even the most modest guests and those...

Fun options

Let's look at the most interesting ones.

Funny predictions

The presenter distributes sheets of paper and pens to everyone. They are invited to draw any picture they wish. After the task is completed, the organizer collects the leaves.

Predictions are made as follows: the toastmaster asks questions related to the future life of the newlyweds, and the answers to them are drawings.

Examples of questions are below.

  1. How will the newlyweds' honeymoon go?
  2. How will the life of the newlyweds change after the wedding?
  3. What will the parents of the bride/groom give for their wedding anniversary?
  4. What income will the newlyweds have?
  5. What awaits newlyweds in 10 years?

“My light, mirror, tell me...”

The host hands the players a small mirror. Participants in the competition, taking turns, looking at it, must say at least 10 compliments addressed to themselves. The guests at this time try to make the player laugh and confuse him. The winner is the one who successfully completes the task and never smiles.

Heart fragments

For this fun competition at a wedding at the table, you need to prepare hearts from colored paper and cut them into several parts. The toastmaster distributes blanks to guests who wish to take part in the competition. Players need to quickly assemble a whole heart from scraps. The prize is given to the one who connects the figure first.

Missing Ingredient

A group of participants is given leaflets with recipes for preparing well-known dishes (for example, dumplings, borscht, pilaf, and so on). Each list must be missing one important component. Players need to identify which product is not listed as quickly as possible. The one who names the missing ingredient first wins.

Unusual toast

A funny table competition for a wedding day: the organizer divides the guests into two teams and gives them each a piece of paper and a pen. The conditions of the competition are as follows: groups should come up with an original congratulatory toast in honor of the newlyweds. Each participant writes only one word and passes the sheet to another. At the same time, it is prohibited to negotiate and consult. The team with the most unusual and funny text will win.

Guess the song

The toastmaster makes a selection of popular musical compositions in advance. The melodies should be known to both the older and younger generations. The rules of the competition are familiar to everyone: the presenter takes turns playing excerpts from songs, from which guests must guess their names and performers. More music competitions.

Continue the proverb

A table competition for all guests at a wedding takes place as follows: the organizer pronounces the beginning of a famous proverb or saying, and the participants need to name its ending. The one who guesses the most proverbs wins.

Kiss or hug

Cool competition at a wedding at the table. For it you need to inflate 10-20 pink and blue balloons. All balloons are randomly awarded to guests. The essence of the game: the toastmaster turns on rhythmic music, the participants quickly pass the balls to each other. When the melody stops, pairs of players holding balloons must complete certain tasks. Blue means a hug and pink means a kiss. Then the music starts again and the competition continues. It will be fun if you pause as often as possible.

Expert advice. For a wedding, it is best to choose table entertainment that is suitable for people of any age, gender, status and income; for example, golden wedding competitions at the table will be less energetic.


For this game, the presenter needs to prepare many small pieces of paper and write interesting tasks on them. All the notes are put into a beautiful bag, with which the toastmaster approaches the guests and offers to extract the forfeits themselves. All tasks must be completed. For those who find themselves, you can come up with unusual fines.

Examples of tasks:

  1. Tell a funny joke.
  2. Compliment the bride.
  3. Sing a wedding-themed song.
  4. Hug your neighbor.
  5. Make a toast in honor of the newlyweds.
  6. Write a poem about love.
  7. Give your guests a funny riddle.
  8. Impersonate the voice of a famous artist.

Interesting! The word “fant” was borrowed from the German language and translated into Russian means “pledge”.

Question answer

For the competition you need to prepare a lot of cards, some will have questions written on them, others will have answers. The cards are laid out in two piles.

Rules of the game: the host approaches each guest in turn. The first participant draws out and reads out a question, the next one takes a card with the answer, and then asks the question to another player, and so on. It turns out to be a very original and funny chain of questions and answers.

Examples of questions are below.

  1. Do you dream of becoming an astronaut?
  2. Do you often fly into space?
  3. Have you met Bigfoot?
  4. Do you have thoughts about taking over the world?
  5. Is it true that sometimes you forget your name?
  6. Do you often think about your soulmate?
  7. Do you often dream about the bride?
  8. Do you want to talk to your fiancé about politics?
  9. Do you often wake up in an unfamiliar place?
  10. Do you often eat at night?

Let's look at examples of answers.

  1. Never.
  2. Yes that's right.
  3. I can only dream about this.
  4. I do this every day.
  5. Yes, when I'm very drunk.
  6. I will answer this question without witnesses.
  7. No, I don't even think about it.
  8. This has never happened to me.
  9. This happens to me all the time.
  10. This was not enough yet!

Other cool table competitions for weddings are in the following list.

  1. The shortest toast. Conditions of the competition: participants need to make a funny, short but meaningful toast in honor of the bride and groom. The winner is the author who completes the task best: who writes the funniest and most succinct text.
  2. An original compliment. A competition at a wedding for guests at the table goes like this: guests take turns coming up with and calling out compliments for the newlyweds. You need to complete the task quickly, no more than 15 seconds are given for this. The game is very fun and reveals the vocabulary and reaction speed of the participants. The prize is given to the person who is the last to say a compliment that has not been mentioned before.
  3. Box of wishes. Everyone present is given pieces of paper and pens. Guests are invited to write their wishes to the newlyweds, and then put the leaves in a special box (jar, bag). The bride and groom read congratulations a year later on their wedding day.
  4. Continue the story. A competition at a wedding without a toastmaster at the table goes like this: participants in the competition are given cards with funny stories written on them. Each player needs to come up with a funny continuation of the story. Whose text seems the most fun and interesting to the newlyweds wins.
  5. Alphabet. Rules of the game: guests take turns saying their wishes to the newlyweds. Congratulations must begin with the corresponding letter of the alphabet. The first participant says a wish starting with the letter “a”, the next one with the letter “b”, and so on. The competition turns out to be very funny and exciting.

Interesting! Haven't chosen a toastmaster for your wedding yet? in our article.

  1. Games should not affect the political, religious and national views of guests, as they may provoke unnecessary conflicts.
  2. You should not hold competitions related to performing indecent tasks, for example, undressing.
  3. Entertainment should be funny, interesting, not complicated and understandable to everyone.
  4. It is important to calculate the number of games in advance, determine the order in which they are played and allocate the required time for each of them.
  5. For table competitions at weddings for adults, it is necessary to select suitable musical accompaniment.
  6. It is best to start a wedding banquet with competitions that will help guests meet and get to know each other better. By the way, guests also need to be comfortable.
  7. Table wedding competitions should be evenly distributed throughout the banquet.
  8. should be alternated with calm ones so that guests have time to rest.
  9. When holding competitions, do not forget about breaks for meals and communication, outdoor games, dancing and other entertainment.
  10. If a guest has no desire to take part in the game, he should not be forced to do so.
  11. The toastmaster must be chosen carefully.

Wedding table competitions and a rich program can fill any celebration with fun and create a warm festive atmosphere. Choosing original competitions and conducting them correctly will help you have the wedding of your dreams, which everyone will remember for many years!

Birthday is considered the most long-awaited and memorable holiday not only for children, but also for adults. You can gather your closest and dearest people and hold competitions at the birthday table.

On a birthday, all present guests and relatives deliver only bright and pleasant moments to the birthday person. And the hero of the occasion is simply obliged to make every effort to ensure that the guests do not get bored during the feast and feel as relaxed as possible and are in a good festive mood.

Select competitions from their list

If guests at such a grandiose holiday as a birthday sit without action, they will become bored and uninterested.

In order for this day to become memorable, it is necessary to amuse the guests as much as possible, to create some kind of sensation that will definitely be remembered by every guest. And they will remember this day with a smile for another year. To do this, you need to prepare competitions for the birthday parties of adults at the table.

Interesting stories about the birthday boy in the “Dating” competition

The competition starts with the first person seated. He needs to tear off as many scraps from a roll of toilet paper as he deems necessary, then the roll is passed on to the next one and he goes through a similar process.

The essence of the competition is that all guests present must tell as many stories about the birthday boy as there are pieces of paper torn off.

This is a very interesting and fun competition, since everyone knows the birthday boy from different sides and will tell the funniest stories.

Tell us about the neighbor on the right, or “Like it - don’t like it”

Throughout the evening, everyone present already has some idea about each other. And clearly everyone had already managed to fully examine each other. And in this competition it is necessary to talk about the neighbor who is sitting on the right side.

What you like about it and what you don’t. After all the guests have spoken, it is still necessary to say what the main point of conducting such a survey is. And all participants must kiss the part of the neighbor on the left that they did not like.

A very fun competition. Everyone starts laughing. Because they usually say that someone doesn’t like a tie, someone doesn’t like a mustache, someone doesn’t like ears, etc. It is necessary to warn everyone in advance so that no one is offended, this is just a game and nothing more.

Victory in the “Button” competition goes to only one

As a result, only one person can win this competition. The idea is that one player is given a button, which is placed on the tip of his finger, he needs to pass it to the neighbor sitting next to him so that it does not fall and ends up on his fingertip too.

If the button does fall, the player is removed from the game. In the end, there will only be two players left, who will play with each other until one of them drops a button.

Funny rumors about the birthday boy on one sheet

All guests are given one sheet of paper. The first participant writes information about the birthday person, wraps what was written so that only the last word remains visible, and passes the pen and paper to the next one.

He must continue the sentences, while writing his information - and so continue to pass the sheet around the table. After this, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the birthday person, and this is how gossip begins. Someone said something, someone misunderstood, didn’t hear enough, and thought it up themselves. As a result, the sheet with gossip can be given to the birthday boy.

Necessary things for the competition: pen and sheet of paper.

An interesting and old competition “Deaf Telephone”

The long-known game “Deaf Telephone” can be a wonderful competition at the holiday table.

The point of the game is that the last participant must correctly name the word he heard. At the same time, he receives an incentive prize.

If the spoken word is incorrect, he receives a penalty. The fine may be fulfilling some wish of the birthday boy or drinking a glass of alcohol and much more.

Praise with adjectives will please any birthday person

The point of this game is that all players are asked the question: “Who is our birthday boy?”

Their answer should consist only of adjective words. For example: thin, fat, generous, brave, etc.

The process of praising the birthday boy takes place one by one, and the words should not be the same. Those guests who, after saying a lot of words, begin to think for a long time before answering a question, leave the game. The winner is the player who can praise the birthday boy the most.

Try to remember everything about the hero of the occasion

All the guests who came to the celebration know the birthday boy well. And, of course, they have something to tell about the birthday boy.

This competition consists of each participant taking turns telling an interesting, funny life story related to the birthday person. This is a fun game that will make everyone present laugh. The person who can tell the most stories wins.

Describe yourself in an interesting competition “Charade”

All guests are given a piece of paper and a pen. The essence of the game is that everyone must describe themselves in writing. Write about appearance, character traits, etc.

Then all the sheets are given to the birthday person, and he must read what was written out loud and try to guess who this description refers to. A very fun game, especially when he starts guessing, everyone starts having fun.

The main thing is to write more believably. Necessary things for the competition: Pen and piece of paper.

We hold an entertaining lottery at the festive table

Everyone is very amused and happy by the presence of games at the festival, during which in any case you will receive some kind of prize.

This, firstly, will interest even more of all the guests, and secondly, after the holiday it will remain as a memory.

The game begins from the very beginning of the holiday. Everyone who comes is given a piece of paper indicating the arrival sequence number. After the guests all get together, eat and drink, you can start holding this lottery.

You need to prepare in advance a container in which small, folded leaves with the name of the gifts will lie. Each guest, in turn, takes out a piece of paper, reads it and receives a prize. Very interesting and entertaining.

Necessary things for the competition: the number of gifts, how many guests. Also, tickets with numbers and pieces of paper with the names of the prize must be prepared in advance.

Moreover, gifts do not have to be expensive; they can be: a notebook, a set of pens, pencils, soap bubbles, a spade bottle, a pack of wet wipes and much more that you can afford to buy.

Let's remember the hero of the occasion in the "Congratulatory" competition

Of course, all kinds of competitions at an adult’s birthday at the table will bring a lot of pleasure and fun to the guests.

But at the same time, of course, it is worth remembering the “hero” of the occasion, who tried and prepared it all.

This is no longer a competition, but simply the wishes of your family and friends who came to you today on such a significant day.

To do this, you need to buy in advance either a beautiful notebook or a notebook with a festive cover - and let everyone present leave a written wish as a keepsake.

In this case, of course, you need to sign your congratulations so that the birthday person knows who it is from. And after some time, after reading these notes, I was able to mentally return to this pleasant, friendly atmosphere.

Necessary things for the competition: A beautiful colorful notebook or notepad, the cover of which will also be beautiful and thick, for durability. It is better to take multi-colored pens or markers for the beauty of congratulations.

    • In order for guests to feel comfortable, it is necessary to seat them not too close to each other.
    • With a small area of ​​the festive table and a large number of invited guests, there is no need to organize competitions that cause numerous body movements.
    • There is also no need to create situations as a result of which they will need to hug and kiss each other - this will cause a lot of inconvenience.
    • When holding various table games and competitions, you also need to decorate the table accordingly.
    • Place only those utensils that are necessary for everyone who comes near the edge of the table. Set out the rest and place it closer to the middle of the table. This is necessary so that, during the excitement and fun, someone does not accidentally catch a dish or bottle with their hand and knock it over on themselves or on the table. There is no need to put everything on the table at once; it should be decorated with a small space.
    • Before holding competitions at the holiday, you need to think through everything carefully and prepare well. Buy all the prizes and necessary materials for the event in advance.
    • In order not to forget anything, you need to make a list, buy everything and put it in one place, but in different bags so that there is no confusion. It is better not to create unpleasant situations during the holiday.
    • You need to know the exact number of guests in advance in order to buy the same number of gifts for participating in competitions. It is also better to buy several more gifts so as not to make a mistake.
    • For an incentive prize, you can buy some small thing, for example, a keychain or something else, but for the main prize you can buy something weighty, for example, a chocolate bar, etc.

This article helped you decorate your birthday, make it more fun and interesting, even with a small room area. To do this, you just need to invite your family and friends. Your holiday will definitely remain in everyone’s memory and will lift everyone’s spirits for a long time.