Speech and communication for children 3 years old autumn. Develop your child's fine motor skills

The speech development of 3-4 year old children within normal limits presupposes that parents can easily understand their child, while strangers may not be able to understand his speech. According to children's specialists, a child at this age is silent only when he sleeps. The rest of the day he talks incessantly.

Normally, a 3-4 year old child should already be actively communicating and in contact with his parents, even if strangers do not understand his speech very well

Standards for child speech development

Children's indicators are difficult to generalize; it is necessary to take into account the child's individuality. Nevertheless, indicative standards for assessing the speech development of children 3-4 years old exist - attention should be paid to them in order to avoid potential problems in the future.

A child’s speech at 3 years old is characterized by the following indicators:

  • he comprehends the basics of grammar, but so far without the past tense;
  • knows how to compose a story in 4-5 sentences, looking at a picture;
  • his vocabulary reaches 1200 words;
  • numerous questions became his norm;
  • swallows some syllables and replaces letters;
  • There are often no pauses between words.

At 4 years old, a child’s speech development includes:

  • he mastered almost the entire grammar of the Russian language;
  • when composing a story based on the proposed picture, he already produces at least 10 sentences;
  • his vocabulary reaches one and a half thousand words;
  • his “questionnaire” has expanded significantly and now includes special questions (why, what, when, where);
  • knows how to “read” a story from sequential pictures;
  • pronounces all sounds well, having difficulty only with “r”, “l”, “sh” and “sch” (we recommend reading:);
  • The baby's speech is characterized by coherence.

If you find a discrepancy in more than three positions, there is reason to think about a possible delay in your child’s speech development. Pay attention to what and how he says: based on the specifics of speech development of children 3-4 years old, analyze and evaluate your child’s personal successes. In some cases, it would be useful to consult a specialist.

Articulation gymnastics will serve the child excellently in his speech practice. Thanks to special exercises, the speech apparatus is developed, making it easier for the baby to speak.

How to teach a child to speak correctly?

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Think and act positively - then all problems will be solved. The speech development of a 3-year-old child is dynamic: be gradual in learning, do not rush to complicate tasks, very soon the difficulties of the child’s speech development will be overcome. Perhaps you will involve a speech therapist in your child’s speech production, who can offer an individual program. Speech therapy training brings tangible benefits. Children's specialists strongly encourage and welcome parents' independent activities at home and give some very valuable advice:

  • Try to gesture less when communicating with a 3-4 year old child. Encourage your baby to also express his thoughts in words, but do not take away his sign language completely. Gestures are very appropriate when reading books together - for example, to show how big a turnip has grown. Body language relieves tension (see also:). In other situations, offer him a choice: “What toy do you take with you? Little soldier or little car? Operate with objects familiar to the child so that he can think and give an answer.
  • Voice all actions: “Antosha takes a spoon and eats.” Or: “We’re going to the store. It’s sunny outside, let’s put on a yellow cap.”
  • Add variety to your speech. There is no point in saying the same thing several times and asking the baby to repeat it. Don't rush him. One day he will respond the way you expect. An incomprehensible sound or shaking his head in response makes it clear that he hears you and reacts to your words.
  • Do facial massage and articulation exercises daily (see also:). Use an educational video for children that will help you in this matter. Actively include tongue twisters and sound exercises, just space them out throughout the day and don’t oversaturate your classes.
  • Encourage communication. Ask more basic questions, let the child answer by naming objects. Prompt him if he finds it difficult to answer.

Didactic materials in classes with children 3-4 years old are highly desirable. They contain valuable hints and can be of great help. Here are some examples:

Important Additions

It will be great if you decide to keep a diary in which you will record both the successes achieved and the difficulties you encountered during classes. Your notes will help you see the dynamics of development, evaluate achievements and see progress with your own eyes. In addition to speech activities, develop children's skills in painstaking work with small objects - this has a beneficial effect on thinking and communication abilities. Please note the following recommendations:

  • An unconditional “yes” to fine motor skills. Let your child unscrew the lid and pour water from the jar into a glass. Modeling classes have undeniable benefits. Teach him to hold a spoon and pencil correctly. Let the objects be round or ribbed, rough or smooth. Summarize objects by shape, purpose, color, etc. “A glass and a mug - they drink from them” or “A spoon and fork - they eat with them.”
  • A decisive “no” to TV. Some 15-20 minutes to watch cartoons is enough for children of this age. Find an alternative! Engage him with educational games and toys that promote the child's speech development. Let blocks and construction toys come into his life. Baby doesn't need electronic games either.

The development of the baby and its pace depend 90% on the efforts made by the parents. It is better not to leave the baby alone with toys for a long time, but to get involved in the process and come up with new games together with the child.

Educational descriptive games

Game “Describe the object: what is it?”, the goal is to teach the child to describe the characteristic features of an object. Mom takes an object out of the box. The child describes it according to parameters known to him (what?): “This is an apple. It’s red, round, juicy, crispy.”

Items from the “Magic Box” will help your child enrich his vocabulary and make his speech more correct and precise. According to the idea, the child should not describe the object in one word, he also gives it a characteristic

Game "Who Says So?", the goal is to distinguish by sound and imitate the voices of animals, to compare the voices and names of adult animals and cubs. To play, you need figures of animals and their babies: a goat and a kid, a cat and a kitten, a dog and a puppy, etc. Guests arrived at the baby's house by bus or car. They all want to play with him. Who says woof-woof? - Dog. – Who barks in a thin voice? - Puppy. – The mother dog has a baby. How does he speak? - Bow-wow.

Game “Who is this and what is this? What can it do?, the goal is to name objects, their features and possible actions. First of all, the baby must correctly answer “What is this?” or “Who is this?” The next question is “which one?” - suggests an answer about the characteristics of the object. Questions “what is he doing?” and “what are they doing with it?” describes the actions it can perform and what a person can do with it. All these actions should involve possible movements of the toys.

Game "Guess the object", the goal is to teach the child to identify an object by its signs and actions. Show the child several toys, name them and give a description. “It's a duck. She says "quack-quack." The duck is swimming." Then describe the toy, and the child must guess who he is talking about.

Educational "guest" games with several objects

Game "Hide and Seek". The goal is to understand and actively use in speech the prepositions of place “on”, “in”, “under”, “above”, “at/about”. Place children's furniture on the table. “Here we have a room where the girl Lisa lives. Name all the objects in Lisa's room. What word can be used to name all these objects? - Furniture. – Her friends came to visit Lisa - frogs, ducklings, bear cubs. They started playing hide and seek. The little frogs jumped onto the table. The cubs crawled under the bed. The ducklings hid behind the chair. Lisa went to look for animals. Not on the sofa, not under the chair. Who will help Lisa find her little friends? Where are the cubs? Where are the ducklings? The game can be repeated several times. Animal toys may change.

Game “Requests and Instructions”. The goal is to develop skills in constructing the imperative mood. Cat and Bunny are visiting Lisa. If you want the Bunny to do something, ask him about it. “Bunny, jump!”, “Cat, dance!”, “Cat, lie down on the sofa!”, “Bunny, hide!” Encourage your baby to use prefixes to form verbs denoting different actions: jump - jump - jump - jump over; move away - leave - come in - come.

Classes should be daily. Start with 15 minutes and gradually work your way up to a normal school lesson of 40 minutes. Make sure your child understands what is being said and does not automatically repeat what he hears. It would be great if the child would practice such games not only at home, but also with his peers. The task of teaching a 3-year-old child to speak well is quite feasible if you do not retreat, do not give in to difficulties and believe in what you are doing (we recommend reading:).

"Features of speech development of children 3-4 years old."

The issues of speech development in preschoolers were dealt with by such domestic teachers as K.D. Ushinsky, A.P. Usova, E.I. Tikheeva, O.S. Ushakova, E.N. Vodovozova. Modern methods are based on the research of domestic scientists D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets, Yu.K. Babansky, N.S. Rozhdestvensky, L.P. Fedoreenko and others. At the origins of self-development, pedagogy of children's creativity, word creation stood amazing scientists, children's scientists and teachers: A.V. Zaporozhets, F.A. Sokhin, N.A. Vetlugina, M.M. Konina. Games and exercises were developed by O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina and other teachers.

Problems of speech development.

The timely development of speech depends not only on the physical condition of the child, but also on his mental development. When there is a lag in general mental development, speech function most often suffers in children. And insufficient speech development, in turn, affects mental development, slowing it down even more. That is why it is so important to promptly notice violations in the development of a child’s speech and, if in doubt, seek advice from a speech therapist.
Many parents believe that there is no need to sound the alarm before the child’s 5th birthday, and all problems will disappear by themselves by this age. Some disorders, primarily physiological tongue-tiedness, indeed completely cease to bother the child and his parents, but significant delays in speech function can be corrected only by combining home exercises and a special correction program offered by a speech pathologist, and at 5 years old this will be much more difficult than at 3 or 4.

There are four main problems of speech development:
First of all, this problem of articulation of individual sounds .

For the speech of a 3-year-old child, replacing some sounds with similar sounds. Some of the sounds that are difficult for preschoolers include hissing sounds - “Ch”, “Shch”, “Zh” and “Sh”; whistling ones - “Z”, “S” and “C” and sonorous ones - “R” and “L”. Until the age of five, such changes are acceptable, but if even after reaching this age your baby cannot pronounce all sounds clearly, then you need to contact a speech therapist. In most cases, such a speech disorder occurs due to insufficient mobility of the tongue. Violation of sound pronunciation is treated with the help of a special complex of articulatory gymnastics. Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the speech apparatus must be performed daily. Similar exercises can be performed at an earlier age at home - invite the baby to click his tongue like a horse, then pretend to be a clock, swinging his tongue from side to side, then stick it out and lick his lips like a cat, etc. Those sounds that are most difficult for the baby can be practiced speaking in isolation, and then select special poems and tongue twisters that will help the child practice his pronunciation in speech.

Another serious speech problem is general underdevelopment speeches , it is characterized by a poor vocabulary, the use of incorrect grammatical forms in speech, and a lack of coherence of speech. Preschoolers with a similar speech problem often experience difficulty if they are asked to describe a picture or retell a well-known fairy tale; they confuse prepositions and endings. Typically, general underdevelopment of speech is accompanied by problems with the pronunciation of sounds. Also, such children have less developed phonemic hearing; it is more difficult for them to isolate individual sounds from a word.
This speech disorder can have several causes. Perhaps the delay in speech development is influenced by disruption of the areas of the brain that respond to speech. To overcome such disorders, speech therapists suggest using finger exercises and various tasks and exercises that train fine motor skills of the hands.

But underdevelopment of speech can also develop due to the fact that parents, trying to provide the child with the best toys, monitoring his diet and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, missed the importance of communication. In other words, if you talk little to your baby, if a communicative environment of stimulating communication is not created for him, his speech may remain poor for a long time without practice. In addition to special speech therapy programs, speech underdevelopment can be prevented by basic attention to the child: ask the baby about his news or mood, ask him to talk about his favorite fairy tale or cartoon characters, and while walking, discuss everything you see around him. Underdevelopment of speech can be provoked not only by very busy, but also by overly caring parents, who in every possible way strive to predict any desire or request of their child, thereby depriving him of the need to formulate his own desires and opinions.

Logoneuro or stuttering - one of the speech problems that are diagnosed at an early age and require specialized correction by a speech pathologist. It is impossible to solve the problem of stuttering on your own, so if you notice that your child is stuttering, immediately go to a specialist. Logoneurosis can be diagnosed as early as 3 years of age, sometimes a little earlier. With early consultation with a doctor, stable remission of this speech disorder can be achieved. The causes of stuttering in children are still not fully understood; the prevailing myth that its appearance is provoked by severe fear is not supported by scientific theories, since many children at different ages experience stressful situations, but only some begin to stutter after this.
When deep disturbances occur in the areas of the cerebral cortex responsible for the development of speech, one of the most serious speech problems can occur - alalia or speech delay . If at three years old the child’s vocabulary is limited to 5-10 words or he has not started speaking at all, then you cannot delay visiting a speech therapist.

With early intervention, this speech disorder can be successfully overcome. Parents can reinforce classes with a speech pathologist with regular developmental and educational games.
It is extremely important to overcome all speech problems a child has before going to school, because uncorrected disorders can not only negatively affect academic performance in general, but also lead to the development of dysgraphia and dyslexia in a first-grader.

Features of speech of young children.

In early preschool age, the child’s speech develops intensively. At the same time, understanding the meaning of what was heard still prevails over speech capabilities. A child at this age speaks mainly in short phrases consisting of several words. However, the child does not always regulate speech breathing: he does not pause between words and phrases, swallows the endings of words, and does not always correctly place the emphasis on words. At this stage, the child’s sphere of communication expands, which means his vocabulary increases. However, many letters or sounds are still difficult to remember and pronounce.

Diction (distinct and clear pronunciation of words, syllables and sounds) is practiced using special speech material. These are jokes - pure sayings, nursery rhymes, sayings, phrases containing a certain group of sounds (“Sanya’s sleigh itself is moving”), exercises for finishing syllables, naming syllables that sound similar.

It is necessary to show children that every object, its properties and actions have names. To do this, you need to teach them to distinguish objects by characteristics, name them correctly, answering the questions what is this?, Who is this?, see the features of objects, highlight characteristic features and qualities, as well as actions associated with the movement of toys, animals with their condition, possible human actions.

It is very important to create the conditions in which speech development occurs in a 4-5 year old child. To do this, you need to pay attention to hissing sounds, whistling, hard and soft. As a rule, it is with them that many children have problems.

It is necessary not only to pay attention to the pronunciation of letters, but also to speech hearing. To do this, try to speak in different ways: loudly, quietly, quickly or slowly. When dramatizing a fairy tale, pay attention to expressiveness, voice and appropriate intonation.

To work on developing the sound culture of speech, it is necessary to pay attention to:

  • sound pronunciation;
  • speech breathing;
  • development of phonemic awareness;
  • voice apparatus;
  • moderate rate of speech;
  • intonation.

In general, the speech development program for children 3-4 years old is complex. The child has difficulty pronouncing sounds. Try not to scold him, but only praise him.

When using the above methods, speech development in a 3-4 year old child becomes more active. Children begin to surprise adults with their knowledge and skills.

In early preschool age, children become more independent and active in the family and kindergarten. The circle of communication expands, children interact with peers and adults. They take a strong part in household work, show interest in physical exercise, drawing, modeling, appliqué and other activities. Game becomes the leading activity.

The plots of the games are simple - with one or two roles. Teachers and parents organize games for children with mosaics, puzzles, cubes, construction sets, as well as outdoor and musical games. Children's participation in various games requires fairly developed speech, the ability to establish simple connections between objects and phenomena, and make basic generalizations. Games enrich a child’s vocabulary, activate his speech, and form visual, figurative and conceptual thinking.

At the age of 3-4 years, children are especially sensitive to the sound envelope of the language. A remarkable expert on children's language, K.I. Chukovsky, in his book “From Two to Five,” collected extensive materials on children’s speech creation. He especially notes rhyme-making. Indeed, children love poetry very much and memorize them with pleasure.

According to most scientists, preschool age is the most favorable for the final formation of all sounds of the native language. Imperfections in pronunciation in older preschool age are atypical: with proper work, children by this time can master the pronunciation of all sounds. Sound pronunciation is improving, but some children have not yet fully formed sounds that are difficult to articulate (hissing and r). The process of formation of these sounds, even with targeted systematic training, is slower, since the skill of incorrect pronunciation becomes more durable. However, by older preschool age, children develop the ability to self-control, awareness of the imperfections of their speech and, accordingly, the need to acquire knowledge and the need for training. Therefore, educational activities become more serious.

Psychologists emphasize that in coherent speech the close connection between the speech and mental education of children is clearly evident. A child learns to think by learning to speak, but he also improves speech by learning to think.

The development of coherent speech occurs gradually along with the development of thinking and is associated with the complication of children's activities and forms of communication with people around them.

development of children 3 - 4 years old" width="585 height=34" height="34""/>

In early preschool age (3–4 years), the child’s speech develops intensively. At the same time, understanding the meaning of what was heard still prevails over speech capabilities. A child at this age speaks mainly in short phrases consisting of several words (usually 3-4). However, he does not always regulate speech breathing: he does not pause between words and phrases, swallows the endings of words, does not always put the emphasis in words correctly, and makes mistakes when coordinating words, for example: “They bought me a lot of toys.” A child aged 4-5 years uses more complicated and common phrases, expresses his judgments about everything that surrounds him, and makes his own conclusions. He tries to generalize by combining similar objects or phenomena into one group. At this time, the ability to use case endings and verb forms is actively being developed. Pronouns, numerals, adverbs, possessive adjectives appear in the child’s speech. However, despite all the achievements, children's speech at this age is far from ideal. The child does not always manage to compose a coherent story that is understandable to adults; there are many grammatical errors and inaccuracies in the use of prepositions. By the age of five, speech becomes most coherent and consistent, the child is able to begin retelling a fairy tale (“Ryaba Hen,” “Kolobok,” “Turnip”), can answer questions about the content of literary works, tell stories based on a picture, and convey personal impressions in his own words.

In the fourth year of life, children are constantly in the process of increasing their vocabulary - both active and passive. By the age of three, the vocabulary, as a rule, increases to 800-1000, words acquire a more precise meaning. The baby talks a lot himself, loves to listen to short poems, stories, fairy tales, remembers and tells them. By the age of 5, a child’s active vocabulary reaches 1 word. In children's speech, the number of abbreviations, rearrangements, and omissions decreases, and words formed by analogy (“scraped” - scratched) appear.

A child aged 3–4 years is very sensitive to the sound of language: creates new words or forms of words, tries to rhyme, pronounces sounds and syllables more clearly. However, during this period, many consonant sounds are pronounced softly (“lezetska” - spoon), and some (whistles “s”, “z”, “ts”, hissing sounds “sh”, “zh”, “ch”, “sch”, sonorant sounds “l” and “r”) are not pronounced clearly enough, are skipped, or are replaced, for example: “abaka” - dog, “phobaka” - dog, “fyplenok” - chicken, “tvetok” - flower, “apka” - hat , "uk" - beetle, "sapka", "fapka" - hat, "otski", "otki" - glasses, "mesh", "aunt" - brush, "ampa" - lamp, "uka" - hand, " lyampa" - lamp, "luka" - hand, etc. In difficult-to-pronounce words, the baby can omit and rearrange not only individual sounds, but also entire syllables (oranges - lepesiny), come up with his own designations (cucumber - pekha), new grammatical forms (eat macaroni - to macaron). Difficulties and errors in sound pronunciation arise in children due to unformed phonemic hearing and an underdeveloped speech apparatus. However, don't be alarmed. All the “roughness” of speech at this age is not a pathology, they will gradually go away, and the attention of adults will play a large role in this process.

What actions of parents will help to quickly correct children's speech deficiencies?

· First of all, adults should correct the child correctly and unobtrusively if he uses a word or its grammatical form incorrectly. Repeat the child’s phrase correctly and give a speech sample.

· Talk out loud about what you are doing and feeling. Speak clearly, clearly, without babying your lips. Ask about what the child is doing and thinking, find out his attitude to what he saw or heard (a fairy tale, a story).

· The use of diminutive suffixes also does not benefit the child. They are much more difficult to pronounce, and your baby will most likely begin to speak in an unintelligible, slurred manner. It is better to use the word as it really is. For example, say elephant, not elephant, eye, not little eye, mouth, not little mouth. Otherwise, in the future your child will call these words that way.

· If you are not sure that you yourself are an example of literary speech, read more books, poems, folk and original fairy tales to your child, think more often about folklore: nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales, riddles, etc.

· The development of speech in 3-year-old children is directly dependent on the development of fine motor skills (i.e. stimulation of the fingertips). A child's mind will develop faster if the child does crafts or plays with small objects. Therefore, instill in your child a love of creativity:

1. make toys with him from plasticine, dough or clay,

3. weave beads from beads or stones,

4. Play with small toys, etc.

· Play finger games with him. Remember how, as a child, your dad and mom showed you a shadow theater using only their hands, making animal faces out of their fingers. Let your little one try to make a cat or a dog. See how much delight there will be!

· Another important point in the development of speech of a 3-year-old child is competent and interested communication from parents with him. You can’t just listen to the baby, assent to him, while thinking about your own. Ask your child questions that stimulate logical and imaginative thinking. For example, “what color is this leaf?”, “What does it look like?”, “What color are the leaves on trees?”, “What does a leaf feel like?” If you read a fairy tale or poem to your child, ask him to retell the content. At the same time, make sure that the words are pronounced as clearly and distinctly as possible, pay attention to this. You can play role-playing games with your child. Invite your child to imagine himself as a salesman in a store, a kindergarten teacher, or some fairy-tale character (a bear, a bunny). Such exercises stimulate control of the strength and pitch of the voice. The most important thing in classes is to try not to yell at the child or get annoyed when something doesn’t work out.

Remember: your child is just learning to speak. The speech of a 3-4 year old child is still very far from the speech of an adult, and this must be accepted. It is important not only to teach a child to speak correctly, but also to “listen” to the language. The more you talk with your baby, study with him, play, focus his attention on the peculiarities of stress or pronunciation of words, the faster you will achieve results.

Ekaterina Mikhailovna Pashkina

Chief physician of the Central Clinical Hospital of Omsk

Reading time: 6 minutes


Article last updated: 05/16/2019

At the age of 3-4 years, children are very inquisitive and actively explore everything that surrounds them. By this time, they have accumulated enough knowledge about various objects and phenomena, they can make simple judgments about them and draw their own conclusions. The ability to generalize is actively developing - children begin to combine several objects that are similar in some way or purpose into one group. Speech skills improve - speech becomes more complex and more understandable.

Features of speech development of children 3-4 years old

At the 4th year of life, children’s ability to regulate speech breathing is not yet well developed - they often miss pauses between words and phrases, sometimes put the emphasis incorrectly and do not pronounce the endings of words. At this age, it is not easy for children to immediately master the ability to coherently express their thoughts, grammatically correct construction of sentences, and clear pronunciation of sounds.

As for active speech, most children aged 3-4 years have the following skills:

  • use approximately 1500 words (at 3 years old) and about 2000 words at 4 years old;
  • begin to speak in complex sentences;
  • use sentences consisting of 4-5 words;
  • ask a lot of questions;
  • use some prepositions and conjunctions;
  • they try to pronounce words clearly and correctly, like adults;
  • they try to come up with poems and rhymes for words, actively create their own word forms;
  • listen carefully to new words and sounds and try to reproduce them;
  • use verbs in the past tense correctly.

Speech understanding:

  1. listen to long tales and stories;
  2. understand complex sentences;
  3. are able to fulfill a request, for example, to bring something, even if the item is out of sight.

Children 3 years old most often experience difficulties in pronouncing hissing sounds ([Ш], [Ш], [Ч]) and sonorant sounds ([Л], [Р]). Hissing sounds are often replaced with whistling sounds, and sonorant sounds are completely skipped. Such problems are normal for children of this age.

By the 4th year of life, a child’s vocabulary is about 2000 words. In speech, in addition to verbs and nouns, numerals, pronouns and adverbs appear. If previously only qualitative adjectives were present in the baby’s speech - light, soft, tasty, now possessive adjectives also appear - aunt’s hat, uncle’s shoes, etc. Speech becomes grammatically correct and more understandable. The pronunciation of individual sounds is improved. A child can answer an adult’s question with a detailed sentence of 3 or more words.

Norms of speech development

The rate of development of coherent speech in children aged 3-4 years is very individual, however, there are generally accepted standards that parents can rely on in order to understand how well their child’s speech development is progressing.

It is desirable that at 4 years old a child can:

  1. pronounce your first name, last name and patronymic;
  2. name the names of close relatives and friends;
  3. retell a fairy tale or cartoon;
  4. repeat exactly what you heard;
  5. name actions - a bird flies, a dog runs, a car drives;
  6. lower and raise the tone while speaking.

In the speech of 3-4 year old children, deficiencies in the pronunciation of some words, especially long and unfamiliar ones, may persist, as well as unclear pronunciation of a number of sounds.

The following cases require increased attention:

  • the child’s speech is difficult to understand and resembles babbling;
  • poor active vocabulary - the baby cannot name objects and phenomena that he encounters every day;
  • poor passive vocabulary - the child can hardly understand what is required of him and cannot even answer simple questions;
  • poorly developed sound pronunciation;
  • expressions are monosyllabic, and composing sentences is difficult.

The development of a child’s speech is influenced by both physiological and social factors. Lack of attention or its excess can hinder the full development of communication skills.

Speech development techniques

Experts have developed various techniques to promote speech development at 3-4 years of age. As a rule, classes for children of this age are conducted in a playful way. In addition, you can develop your baby’s speech while walking, at home, while traveling, etc.

  • Expand your child’s social circle – communicate as much as possible with people of different ages.
  • Enrich his vocabulary - reinforce each new word by repetition for several days.
  • Watch how the child pronounces hissing sounds (Shch, Ch, Sh) and whistling sounds (Z, S, Ts), hard and soft. If he does it wrong, correct it.
  • Use different speech - soft and loud, fast and slow.
  • Try to read fairy tales and stories expressively, watch the timbre and intonation.
  • While walking, talk more about everything you see around you.
  • Ask your child about a cartoon he watched, a story he heard, etc.
  • Learn to answer in detail and give answers to the questions asked.
  • Read fairy tales, poems and tongue twisters as often as possible.
  • Play various word games, for example, “Edible - inedible”, “What is where”.

The child’s speech development program should be comprehensive and include various activities aimed, among other things, at developing fine motor skills, since speech is closely related to it.

Games for speech development

The learning and development of children aged 3-4 years occurs, as a rule, in a playful way.

« The Tale of the Tongue"
The goal of the game is to introduce the child to the organs involved in creating speech - the palate, lips, larynx, tongue. For practice you will need a mirror. Tell your child a story about the tongue. He lives in the mouth and is very inquisitive, loves to stick out and look in different directions (while moving his tongue up, then down, in a circle, left - right).

The tongue also likes to hide and tease - stick out, and then run behind the teeth, lower and upper, becoming narrow or wide. Play with your baby in front of the mirror - make different faces and writhe. The development of motor muscles of the face will allow the child to quickly learn how to correctly reproduce sounds.

Such classes can be done every day. Ask your child to click his tongue like a horse. This exercise will help the child in the future avoid difficulties in pronouncing the sounds Zh, Sh, L, R.

The game teaches the child to pronounce words correctly. For classes you will need different pictures. Show pictures and say words with a specific sound, for example “ Sh" or "F":
  • scarf, fur coat, cherry, wardrobe, bear, hat
  • acorn, toad, scissors, beetle, puddle

It is important that the child pronounces these sounds clearly; speed does not matter. Next, select words with paired consonants in terms of hardness and softness:

  • chalk, honey, bear, sword, ball
  • milk, butter, soap, sea

A game that promotes the development of visual and figurative thinking. For the lesson you will need cards with images of various dishes, clothes, fruits or vegetables. Lay out several cards on the table, for example, with drawings of items of clothing, ask the child to name them individually, and then in one word. You can play the other way around - ask your child to name what vegetables, fruits, etc. he knows.

The game teaches the child to use prepositions and words correctly. Any subject is suitable for classes - a toy, a book, etc. Move the object under the table, on the table, above the table and ask the child to say where the toy is. Tell me if the baby can't cope.

"Air cotton wool"
This game is aimed at development of speech breathing and teaches the child to control his power. For classes you will need cosmetic cotton balls. Place them on the table and blow on them together with the baby. Whose ball ends up further wins. Later, closer to 5 years, strong speech breathing will help the child.

The program of activities for the development of speech in children 3-4 years old must necessarily include creative activities - modeling, drawing and handicrafts, as they contribute to the development of fine motor skills, perseverance and concentration. Outdoor games are also very useful - children remember the names of objects more easily and learn to count.

Talk to your baby more, come up with different stories and fairy tales - this will not only develop speech, but also develop a rich imagination and logic. All this will help the child’s development and prepare him for school.