Organization of literary evenings in kindergarten. Scenario of the literary evening “Poets for Children” (preparatory group)

Literary evening “Tale after tale”

Senior group

Preliminary work : the group has organized an exhibition of children's works based on fairy tales, artists' illustrations for fairy tales, and an exhibition of books.

Educator: Do you like listening to fairy tales? Fairy tales appeared many years ago and were passed down from elders to younger ones. All nations have fairy tales - Russian, Ukrainian, Eskimo, Even and others. Almost all fairy tales have good and evil. Name evil heroes fairy tales Of course, this is Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, etc. What about the good ones? Vasilisa, Ivanushka, Zhikharka, Emelya, etc. In almost all fairy tales, good defeats evil. Fairy tales teach us to be kind, honest, smart. Let us also visit fairy tales today. What does it take to get into a fairy tale? Of course, say magic words:


Children are divided into two teams: “Kolobok” and “Turnip”. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

1 task. Quiz “Name the fairy tale” (Task for each team in turn).

“But the road is long, and the basket is not easy,

I wish I could sit on a tree stump and eat a pie” (Masha and the Bear)

“Oh, Petya, simplicity, you blundered a little,

You didn’t listen to the cat and looked out the window” (Cat, Rooster and Fox).

"The pretty maiden is sad, she doesn't like spring

It’s hard for her in the sun, the poor thing is shedding tears” (Snegurochka)

“There is neither a river nor a pond where you can drink water

Very tasty water in the hole, from the hoof" (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

“The little goats opened the door

And everyone disappeared somewhere” (Wolf and seven kids).

“I pounded and pounded on the plate with my nose

He didn’t swallow anything and was left with his nose” (The Fox and the Crane).

Task 2. I have a lot of items in my basket. Help me find out what fairy tales they are from and to whom they need to be returned.

Wolf tail, rolling pin, gilded spoon, poured apple, three spoons, egg.

3 task. The postman brought telegrams. Guess which fairy-tale characters sent them to us?

“He left his grandfather and left his grandmother”

“Save us, he wants to eat us Gray wolf»

“Layed a simple egg”

“Help me find Masha”

4 task. For captains. Compose a fairy tale and name it. In the meantime, the captains are completing the task, let's look at the illustrations for fairy tales and try to guess which fairy tales we are visiting.

Task 5. The teacher invites the children to dramatize a fragment of a fairy tale for both teams. (Prepared in advance).

6 task. Now I just have to see how you listen carefully to fairy tales and remember them.

What did Zhikharka say when he was laying out the spoons?

What was the name of the little goat Alyonushka near the pond?

Who can call Sivka-Burka?

What words did Emelya say to fulfill his desire?

What did the fox call the cockerel when the cat was not at home?

What song did the goat sing?

Our journey through fairy tales is over. Let's summarize. The winning team receives incentive prizes.

Marina Kolesnikova
Scenario of the literary evening “Poets for Children” ( preparatory group)

Scenario for a literary evening of poetry"poets for children" preparatory group


Deepen and expand knowledge about children's creativity poets.

Cultivate a love for the artistic word.

Preliminary work:

Reading and memorizing poems by A. S. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, K. I. Chukovsky, S. V. Mikhalkov, S. Ya. Marshak, A. L. Barto, E. A. Blaginina, looking at illustrations, drawing favorites plots for these works.

Progress of the event

Presenter: Hello Dear friends! Today we have gathered in our literary living room to talk about poetry. What is poetry (children's answers). That's right, poetry is poetry. Who writes poetry? (children's answers). Poets. What are poems - they are works written in rhyme. Today we will get acquainted with children's poets different years , learn a lot of interesting things about them, read poetry. Oh, guys, do you hear someone rustling? I'll go see who it is.

A cricket appears

Cricket: Hello guys! I am a cricket - the keeper of the most interesting, most ancient books. Now we will go back to the last century, when ladies wore long, fluffy dresses, and gentlemen wore wigs and tailcoats (they show balls of the 18th - 19th centuries on the screen). During these times the great Russian was born and lived poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. He was born on May 26, 1799 in Moscow. He spent a lot of time with his nanny Arina Rodionovna. It was she who instilled in him a love for literature, singing songs, telling fairy tales, legends, sayings and jokes. Many plots and motives fairy tales narrated by her poet used in his work. What works of A. S. Pushkin do you know? (children's answers). And these days people have not forgotten poet, they erect monuments to him, bring flowers, there is a Pushkin Museum, Pushkin streets, his works are studied in schools. And we will read his poems (children read poetry).

Next poet - Sergei Yesenin(portrait on the screen, who was born in 1895 in the Ryazan province in peasant family. He was an expert vernacular and the Russian soul. His poetry is imbued with love for the Motherland and Russian nature. He didn't write specifically for children, but children liked his poems. And they still read them with pleasure. Let's listen to his poems (children read poetry).


And now I invite you to the dance of those times “polonaise” in order to feel the era in which the great A.S. Pushkin worked.

Dance "Polonaise"

Cricket: Let's continue our journey. And let's meet Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (portrait on screen).He was born in St. Petersburg. He spent his childhood in Odessa and Nikolaev. I was self-educated and studied English language. Chukovsky began to be interested in poetry from early years, wrote poems and even poems. He wrote a lot of works for children. Which ones do you know (children's answers). Let's honor them (children read)

Next poet- Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (portrait on screen). Born in Moscow into the family of an employee. His father instilled in him a love of Russian literature, he read to him a lot different books, helped to understand their meaning. Mikhalkov fought at the front. During the war he also wrote for children. Poet wrote not only for children, but also for adults, He wrote the anthem of Russia. What works do you know (children read poetry).

Next poet- Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (portrait on screen) born in Voronezh. I started writing poetry while still in school, then graduated from university and continued writing for children. Marshak understood children and their problems well. He created living, recognizable images of adults and children, animals and birds, and even things that fell into different situations, causing laughter, sympathy, empathy. What works of Marshak do you know? (children answer). Now let's read his poems.

Presenter: Guys, we've been sitting too long. It's time to get some exercise

Dance "Charging"

Agnia Lvovna Barto (portrait on screen) was born in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. Got a good one home education which my father was engaged in. Then she studied at the gymnasium where she began to write poetry and at the same time practiced dancing. First, she wrote a cycle of poems for little ones, “Toys.” Then the poems “Roaring Girl” and “Dirty Girl” were written. Barto's poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Elena Aleksandrovna Blaginina (portrait on screen) born in the Oryol village. At first she studied at a pedagogical institute and wanted to become a teacher, but she realized that she wanted to write poetry and graduated literary institute. The children loved her and loved her poems. Poems about what is near and dear children: about the rain and the rainbow, about the wind and birch trees, about the garden and of course about the children themselves. Let's listen to her poems (children read poetry).

Cricket: Guys! Well done! You have learned and read the poems perfectly. Met famous children's poets. I hope that you will read books, join the library and maybe start writing poetry yourself. And now I would like to give you gifts. Gives gifts.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for February 23 preparatory group Defender of the Fatherland Day (preparatory group) Progress of the holiday Children enter the hall with balloons, flags, fireworks, and perform exercises.

Children enter the hall with balloons right hand, to the music, they do formation changes and exercises, give the balls to the mothers and stand in a semicircle. 1-Happy holiday.

Scenario of a literary evening dedicated to N. Nosov Goal: Continue to introduce children to the works of Nikolai Nosov. Encourage children to become interested in books and reading. Preliminary work: Listening.

Scenario of a literary evening dedicated to S. V. Mikhalkov “Now we know exactly who he is - Mikhalkov!” Goal: Consolidating children’s knowledge about the work of S. V. Mikhalkov. Tasks: -continue to teach children to recite poems by heart; -develop.

Scenario of the event within the framework of the literary club “Sweet Tale” (senior group) SWEET TALE. Children go to music hall. Presenter: The huge face of the moon looks sternly from heaven to earth. And drowns in silver Into space.

(Preparatory activities:

Previously, students were given the task of preparing to read by heart a poem about the nature of a 19th century poet (to choose from) (As you go, write down the titles of the poems and the names of their authors).

Teacher's opening speech.

Russian nature has long inspired poets, writers, and landscape painters with its beauty. By drawing nature, they expressed their attitude towards it, conveyed undisguised love for native land. Let us also try to learn to truly see, hear and understand what is happening around us, and then nature will reveal its secrets to us. To do this, we will get acquainted with the works of Russian artists, composers and poets, and see their skill in creating the image of the Motherland.

(Music plays. Her Majesty Nature appears)

Nature: Hello guys! I am Nature.

The world around us is beautiful. What makes up this beauty? This is the dense taiga, and the vastness of the sea, and the endless expanses of fields, and our curly hills, and the rivers and lakes in which you so love to splash in the summer. The simplicity of the surrounding places hides a sweet beauty. A lot of beautiful scenery poets of the 19th century depicted them in their works. By the way, remind me what a landscape is? (children's answer). And with the help of what artistic and expressive means were the pictures of nature created? Let's call Professor Literary Knowledge for help.

(Professor Literary Knowledge comes out and talks about epithets, metaphors, personifications, comparisons with examples. The guys check their definitions in their notebooks)

Nature: I have four seasons - Seasons. And in each of them I become new and more beautiful than before. Many talented people dedicated their works to me. Among them are artists and composers, writers and poets. Thus, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi wrote works called “The Seasons”, today we will get to know him. I will also be glad to hear how 19th century poets portrayed my four seasons in poetry.

Teacher: So, guys, let's start with the time of year, which is also compared to the awakening of nature. This is... spring - joyful, cheerful sun rays and ringing with babbling streams. Spring is fragrant with smells and blossoms, noisy and mischievous, and also spring is beautiful, because everything around is blooming, blooming and birds are making nests.

Listen to how spring is imagined by Vivaldi and (attention to the screen) artists

(display of paintings and music)

Did the ideas match?

Teacher: The next time of year, which children love very much. This summer. It is wonderful not only because of the holidays, but also because it is, perhaps, the most colorful. Summer is friendly, warming with hot sun and refreshing with warm rains. Summer is full of greenery, flowers and plants, when insects swarm in the field, animals are busy with their business and birds are singing, and it’s also a good summer.

Listen and see.

(slide show and music)

(reading by heart)

Teacher: Now let’s turn to the time of year, which is often called sad sometimes. Autumn is sad and thoughtful, tearful with drizzling rains and beautiful with colorful leaves. In autumn, trees shed their leaves, covering paths, benches and lawns with a colorful carpet of leaf fall, and autumn is also tender and beautiful. Whether it’s rightful or not, now we’ll see.

(music and paintings)

Teacher: Guys, what time of year is it now? That's right, winter. Do you like winter? Why?

(because in winter everything changes around, nature transforms)

Russian poets also loved this wonderful time of year and dedicated many of their poems to winter.

Now close your eyes (music is playing) and imagine that you have been waiting for so long for “real winter” to come and snow to fall, but it still hasn’t happened. And so you went to bed. And in the morning, when we woke up, we looked out the window. Oh miracle! The first snow has fallen! Describe the snow seen from your window. What is he like?

(white, fluffy, light, silvery and sparkles in the sun, a little blue...)

What feelings, what mood do the changes that happened at night cause you?

(My heart is happy, I want to run out into the street, play, run, tumble in the snow. I want to do something good, say something kind to my mother, grandmother, friends.)

— Now look at the reproduction of the painting by the artist Plastov, which is called “The First Snow.”

What is shown in the picture?

What kind of snow? Is it similar to the one you described?

How does the artist convey the feeling of joy and delight from the first snow?

So, we see that the children depicted in Plastov’s painting experience the same feelings of joy as you do when meeting the first snow.

(music sounds. Zimushka-winter appears)

“I miss you very much all year and I rejoice when my time comes.” And I won’t lie, many people like me. Are there those among you who love the beautiful winter?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Thank you, Zimushka, for coming! We really like you very much. What patterns do you draw on the windows, and what intricate snowflakes do you weave! In gratitude for this beauty, many poets of the 19th century dedicated their poems to you. Listen to me.

(reading by heart)

Winter: Thank you guys, I’m very pleased! Tell me, what do they call me in poems? And what magic words helped the poet paint winter pictures?

(The guys list the poetic “nicknames” of winter, as well as the paths with which poets of the 18th century depicted winter landscapes)

(sorceress, sorceress, old woman)

Teacher: Let's answer the question: how does nature appear in the poems of different poets?

(children's answers)

(Nature and Winter come out)

Teacher: In the noise of birches, in the light of the sun, in the singing of birds, we will listen to the melody of the works of Russian poets, their lyrics will always live. Admire native nature and take care of her! Our literary evening has come to an end. Thanks guys.

Homework. Compile a dictionary of epithets based on the poem you read.


What colors is the painting painted in?
What words are they conveyed in?
How is this or that time of year shown?
Do you know the proverbs about this time of year?


Scenario for literary entertainment in the senior group “What a delight these fairy tales are!”

Target: preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of children through summarizing children’s knowledge about fairy tales and the Year of Literature.


Continue to develop interest in greatest wealth Russian folk culture– fairy tales; improve children's recognition skills individual tales By characteristic features.
Develop speech, observation, mental activity, the ability to express and justify your judgments.

Develop thinking skills.

Promote the development of thinking, visual and auditory attention, general fine motor skills, the ability to listen carefully to the speaker, not interrupt, and listen to the end.
Improve children's motor skills and abilities.
Bring up positive traits personality: self-confidence, ability to help each other, work in a team.
Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the characters of fairy tales and each other, and a sense of humor.

Preliminary work:

Reading and discussion of fairy tales, preparing a costume, choosing necessary equipment and attributes

Didactic games: “Guess which fairy tale”, “Miracle Tree”, “Fairytale Salad”;
Depiction of fairy tale characters in modeling, appliqué, origami, drawing;
Exhibition of drawings on the theme: My favorite fairy tale";
Crafts competition based on Russian folk tales “Visiting a fairy tale”;
Dramatization of fairy tales “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Kolobok”;
To the soundtrack of N. Koroleva’s song “Confetti,” the Fairy Tale Fairy enters the hall.

Equipment: multimedia installation, snowflakes, book, Fairy Tale costume, broom, 2 fish on sticks, 2 horses on a stick, Baba Yaga mask.

Song of Fairy Tales:
The fairy tale fairy came to visit you, and you recognized me
Fairy tales are loved by children, you have always been waiting for me.
I'll wave my magic wand and the doors will open,
Once again you find yourself in a fairy tale and immediately believe in a miracle.
Fairy Fairy tales - sorceress and a sorcerer.
The fairy tale fairy always surrounds children.
We visited different fairy tales and distinguished good from evil.
Miracles happen only in fairy tales!

Fairy Tales. Hello guys! I am Fairy Tale Fairy. It's so good that we met again. Do you know why we have gathered? The Year of Literature is coming to an end. The Year of Literature was announced in our country at the beginning of 2015. Let's look at the emblem of the Year of Literature.

The official emblem of the Year of Literature depicts the profiles of great Russian writers and poets:
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. They are painted in the colors of the Russian flag: white, blue, red.
I know that throughout this year you have been learning poetry, reading different fairy tales, met interesting fairy-tale characters. And today I invite you to take a journey along the roads of fairy tales you know. Do you love fairy tales? Now let's check if you know them well.

1 task. "Guess the Fairy Tale"

Fairy Tales
. Guess which fairy tales the following lines are from:
The owners came to the house and found it in disarray. (Three Bears)
The mouse came to their aid; together they pulled out the vegetable. (Turnip)
He treats different kids, treats birds and animals. (Dr. Aibolit)
The apple tree helped us, the stove helped us. (Swan geese)
We are not afraid of the gray wolf. (Three piglets)
Don't sit on a stump - don't eat the pie. (Masha and the Bear)
Come, cockroaches, I’ll treat you to tea. (Fly Tsokotukha)
DO NOT drink from the hoof - you will become a little goat. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)
The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away, and the pillow jumped away from me like a frog. (Moidodyr)
I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother. (Kolobok)
What was the name of the sister of the seven dwarf brothers? (Snow White)
And the dishes answered:
“It was bad for us at the woman’s place,
She didn't love us
She beat us, she beat us,
Got dusty, smoky,
She ruined us!” (Fedorino’s grief)

Game "Broom"

The players stand in a circle. In the middle of the fairy tale is a fairy tale with a broom. She begins to spin, moving the broom in a circle above the floor, trying to hit the players' legs, and says:
And the broom, the broom is cheerful,
She danced, played, swept.
She didn’t leave a speck of dust behind Fedora.
The players' task is to jump over the broom. Whoever gets hit by the broom is out of the game.

2. “Get to know the hero of the fairy tale”

He's still lying on the stove
And he stubbornly says:
"By pike command,
According to my desire..."
The grandmother loved the girl very much,
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name
Oh, well, tell me her name.
My father had a strange boy,
Unusual - wooden.
But the father loved his son.
What a weird one
Wooden man?
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key.
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?

The hero lives in a fairy tale:
He is not a hedgehog or a cat,
It's from grandma from the window
Jumped straight onto the path
Rolled, ran,
Got it on the fox's tongue! Who is this? Kolobok

The beautiful maiden is sad,
She doesn't like spring.
It's hard for her in the sun,
The poor thing is shedding tears.
Snow Maiden

At Alyonushka's sister's
The birds took my brother away.
High they fly
They look far away
Swan geese

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who said goodbye to green skin.
Have you become cute, beautiful, pretty?
Princess Frog
Her grandfather planted her in the field
The whole summer grew.
The whole family pulled her
It was very large.
Grits his teeth, moves his nose
And I can’t stand the Russian spirit.
Old woman with a bone leg
It's called... Baba Yaga.

Game with Baba Yaga.
Children stand in a circle. In the middle, the driver is Baba Yaga, blindfolded. Children say the words:
Grandmother - Hedgehog - bone leg,
She fell from the stove and broke her leg.
I went into the garden, scared the people,
She ran to the bathhouse and scared Vanka.
Baba Yaga catches children.

Task 3 “Who sent the message?”

1) “Save us, we were eaten by a gray wolf” (kids)
2) “Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg” (mouse)
3) “Everything ended well, only my tail remained in the hole” (wolf)
4) “Help, our house is broken, but we ourselves are safe” (animals)
5) “Dear grandparents, don’t worry. I figured out how to trick the bear. I’ll be home soon” (Masha)
6) “Help, my brother has turned into a little goat” (Alyonushka)
7) “It’s a disgrace, someone ate my porridge and broke my chair” (bear cub)
8)“ Dad, my arrow is in the swamp. I’ll marry a frog” (Ivan Tsarevich)
9) You, elder, let me go to sea!
Dear, I will give a ransom for myself:
I’ll pay you back with whatever you want.”

Game "catch the goldfish"
2 participants are invited. Everyone has a stick with a ribbon in their hands. At the end of the ribbon is a goldfish. At the signal, the participant winds the ribbon around the stick, thereby bringing the silhouette of the fish closer to him. The one who picks up the fish the fastest wins.

Task 4 “Find out the fairy tale from the picture.”
On the slides there are illustrations for fairy tales: “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “The Three Bears”, “Teremok”, “Sivka the Burka”, “The Golden Scallop Cockerel”, “The Fox with a Rolling Pin”.
outdoor game “Who is faster on Sivka-burka”

Task 5 “correct the mistake”
1) princess - turkey
2) at the dog's command
3) Ivan Tsarevich and the green wolf
4) sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka
5) Cockerel - golden shepherdess
6) Boy - with a fist
7) Fear has big ears
8) Ax noodles

Task 6 “The 4th odd one”

Fairy tale.
Look, children, at the screen. Guess which fairy tale is the odd one out here.
On the slide there are 3 pictures from one fairy tale, and the 4th from another.

Fairy tale. Well done guys, you completed all the tasks. And now I will tell you a fairy tale.
‘ Fairy Tale “Good Fairy”
Many, many years ago, once a year, in winter, the Fairy of Goodness flew to earth. She always had a bag over her shoulders, in which she carried magic snowflakes. The Fairy of Good was so tiny and unnoticeable that many did not pay any attention to her. But she was not offended by anyone and by everyone, even the most evil people, gave magical snowflakes.
When there was not a single snowflake left in her bag, spring came, and the Fairy of Goodness quietly disappeared, only to return again a year later in winter.
Everyone who received a magic snowflake as a gift became awe Ma happy person on earth, because he became cheerful, caring, and responsive. People became kind, they had good thoughts, they learned to speak good words and do good.

Fairy Tales. Today I will give you magical snowflakes to make you the happiest and kindest.
The Fairy Tale Fairy gives snowflakes to children and guests.

Fairy Tales
. There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny.
And we cannot live in the world without them.
Aladdin's lamp, lead us into a fairy tale.
Crystal slipper help on the way.
Boy Cipollino, Winnie the Pooh bear.....
Everyone is on our way a true friend.
Let the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth,
May good triumph over evil forever!

Name: Scenario literary entertainment V senior group“What a delight these fairy tales are!”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Holidays, entertainment, scenarios, themed holidays

Position: teacher first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 “Firefly”
Location: Zherdevka, Tambov region

Literary evening script

“Journey through the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin”

for older preschoolers

Goal: to create interest in the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin; create conditions for interaction between teachers, students and their parents.

Tasks: 1. Continue introducing children to the works of A.S. Pushkin;2.B game form repeat and consolidate children’s knowledge about the contentfairy tales by A.S. Pushkin;3.Develop speech creative thinking, memory;

4. Develop the ability to perform small theatrical productions;5. To cultivate the spiritual and moral qualities of a preschooler through fairy tales, love for Russian writers, and teach to take care of books.


Presentations on Pushkin's fairy tales;-exhibition of books by A.S. Pushkin;-exhibition of children's drawings;-items from fairy tales (mirror, apple, arrow, seine, nuts, etc.);-disc with music by N. Rimsky-Korsakov, M.I. Glinka;-children's musical instruments.

Preliminary work:

View the presentation “Biography of A.S. Pushkin”;
- reading fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin;- examining illustrations and drawing scenes from fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin;- listening to fragments from operas by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, M.I. Glinka “Ruslan and Lyudmila”;

Watching the films “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, etc.;

Learning poems, songs, dances, dramatizations.

Progress of the evening:

Images from A.S. Pushkin’s childhood appear on the screen

Educator: ...and do you like fairy tales? (Yes). Do you know who comes up with these fairy tales? It’s clear who they are – storytellers. Listen to what I'm going to tell you guys now. It was a long time ago, 200 years have already passed. A boy, Sasha, was born in Russia. He was smart, curious, black and curly. As a child, he really loved listening to Russian folk tales, which the kind old nanny, Arina Rodionovna, told him. When Sashenka grew up and learned to read and write, he began to write beautiful poems and fairy tales. And his fairy tales turned out so good and wonderful that he became a great storyteller in Rus'. Who becomes a wizard in fairy tales? And I was in that country. Yes, my dears, it was like that in the old days...

Today our holiday will be dedicated not to all storytellers, but to the poet A.S. Pushkin.

An image of a portrait of A.S. Pushkin appears on the screen

Child: Today is not an easy day at all, we will talk about Pushkin here,About the poet whose poems we glorify these days.He was a brilliant poet, we remember him for many years.And that’s why now we invite you to a fairy tale.(Music sounds)

On the screen of the video “Lukomorye”, children read poetry to the video.

1 child. There is a green oak near the Lukomorye;Golden chain on the oak tree:

2nd child. And day and night the cat is a scientist,Everything goes round and round in a chain;He goes to the right - the song starts,To the left - he tells a fairy tale.

3 child. There are miracles there: a goblin wanders there,

4child. The mermaid sits on the branches;

5 child. There on unknown pathsTraces of unseen beasts;The hut is there, on chicken legs,It stands without windows, without doors;

6 child. There the forest and valley are full of visions;There the waves will rush in at dawn,The beach is sandy and empty,And thirty beautiful knightsFrom time to time clear waters emerge,And their sea uncle is with them;

7 child. The prince is there in passing,Captivates the formidable king;

8 child. There in the clouds in front of the people,Through the forests, across the seasThe sorcerer carries the hero;

9 child. In the dungeon there the princess is grieving,And the brown wolf probably serves her;

10 child. There is a stupa with Baba Yaga,She walks and wanders by herself,

11 child. There, Tsar Koschey is wasting away over gold;

In chorus. There's a Russian spirit... it smells like Russia!

Educator: Now an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” was read. But he wrote not only poems, but also poems. Most of all I liked to write about the seasons. Children read poems: “It’s not for nothing that winter is angry...”, “The sky was breathing in autumn...”, “Frost and sun, a wonderful day...” and others.

Meowing is heard behind the door. Educator: I think someone is meowing. Admit it, who brought the cat?A cat appears from behind the door accompanied by music.

Educator: How did you get here?

Cat: Hello my friends!The scientist cat is me.I'm friends with fairy talesYou are welcome to visit!I am a scientist cat, a magical cat,I live in a fairyland.And everyone here recognizes meAnd everyone here is known to me.By the way, I can sneak anywhere.Here is my magic book.I open the magic book,I find myself in a fairy tale with you...

Screensaver "Pushkin's Tales"

Cat: But first, for the sake of order,I'll tell you riddles.Agree without fear!Let's remember Pushkin's fairy tales,Both heroes and names.Are you ready? Attention!

Mystery: He lived in a dugout for 33 years,

And I went fishing in any weather.

Yes, his old wife openly scolded him

For a broken, worthless trough.

Call me quickly with a smile!

This is a fairy tale about... (a fisherman and a fish)

The page “turns” on the screen and the title of the fairy tale opens,
(further also after each riddle)

Educator: (Staging of an excerpt from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” dialogue between the old man and the fish)

Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore.The old man will go out to the sea, he will cast a net,He will catch someone and ask for something.

First presenter :

An old man lived with his old woman

By the bluest sea.

They lived in a dilapidated dugout.

The old man was catching fish with a net,

The old woman was spinning yarn for him.

An old man appears, sits down in front of the net and sorts it out. The old woman kneels in front of the washtub and washes.

Old woman: (throws away the rag)

You fool, you simpleton!

The simpleton begged for a trough, a hut!

Turn back, bow to the fish:

I don't want to be a black peasant girl,

I want to be a pillar noblewoman!

Second presenter:

So the old man went to blue sea

He sees that the sea is playing up a little.

He began to click on the goldfish.

The song of the sea sounds. Girls run out - waves and goldfish. Execute dance improvisation

gold fish:

What do you need, old man?

Old man:

Have mercy, lady fish!

The old woman became more foolish than ever,

The old man gives me no peace:

She doesn't want to be a peasant

She wants to be a high-ranking noblewoman.

Gold fish:

Don't be sad, go with God!

Old woman:

Why are you sitting sad?

Don't you amuse the lady?

Come on, start singing a song

Quick dance start!

Dance "Russian side"

Girl - storyteller, looking out of the window

And it all ended in the same trough,But not new, but old, broken.

Cat: (addresses the children): And now you are the waves from “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.” We will try to revive our waves. Show how they move.

Game "The Sea Is Troubled" (musical accompaniment)

Cat: And here is the next riddle:A little danger is visible.

Faithful watchman as if from a dream

Will move, perk up,

Turns to the other side

And shouts: “Kiri - ku - ku!

Reign lying on your side!("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

Game “Where the cockerel is looking” Children follow the teacher’s commands: left, right, etc.

Cat :

Guys, tell me, what fairy tale is this item from?(mirror) (The cat takes the mirror) "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights" - What did the queen do when the mirror told her that she was not the cutest of all?

Game: “Repeat after me” Shows movements, children along with him. And the queen laughs,And shrug your shouldersAnd wink your eyes,And click your fingers,And spin around, arms akimbo,Looking proudly in the mirror.



IN blue sky the stars are shining.The waves are lashing in the blue sea.At the shores of Okiyanthe kingdom of the glorious... Saltan!

Educator: Now we will watch a dramatization of an excerpt from this fairy tale.(Staging of an excerpt from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”)

Girl - storyteller, looking out of the window

In this fairy tale the girls

They dreamed of becoming queens.

Look what happened

It actually worked.


Three maidens by the window,
We spun late in the evening.

1 girl:

“If only I were a queen,”
Storyteller : One girl says, -
1 girl:

Then for the whole baptized world
I would prepare a feast."
2 girl : “If only I were a queen,”
Storyteller : Her sister says, -
2 girl :Then there would be one for the whole world
I wove fabrics.”
3rd girl: “If only I were a queen,”
Storyteller : The third sister said, -
3 girl : I would for the father-king,
She gave birth to a hero."

Storyteller: I just managed to say,
The door quietly creaked,
And the king enters the room,
The sides of that sovereign.
During the entire conversation
He stood behind the fence;
Speech last on everything
He fell in love with it.

Tsar: “Hello, red maiden,”

Storyteller: He says, “be a queen,
And give birth to a hero
I'm at the end of September.
You, my dear sisters,
Get out of the bright room,
Follow me
Following me and my sister:
Be one of you a weaver,
And the other one is the cook.”

Girl - storyteller looking out of the window

But greed, guys, does not lead to good.
And the fairy tale will show how life will punish them.

Cat: Tell me, which fairy-tale hero from Pushkin is the owner of a wonderful beard, in which “strength lurks”? (Chernomor)

Riddle: It’s a miracle here on Lukomorye

The sea will swell violently,

Will spill in a noisy run

And they will find themselves on the shore

In scales, like the heat of grief... (33 heroes)

Dance "Russian heroes"

Cat: Well done! Thank you, you were real artists. But I have another task for you. Answer my questions about Pushkin's fairy tales.

Cat: 1. How long did the old man live with his old woman? (thirty years and three years).

2. Who and from which fairy tale says the following words: “Light, my little mirror, tell me and report the whole truth. Am I the sweetest, the most rosy and the whitest in the world?” (the queen from the fairy tale “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes").

3. Tsarevich Guidon in the fairy tale turns into insects 3 times. Name them! (mosquito, fly, bumblebee).

4. In what fairy tale did the old woman throw an apple to the princess? (“The Tale of the Princess and the Seven Knights”).

5. The fish is not simple, its scales sparkle. Swims, dives, fulfills wishes. ("Gold fish")

6. In which fairy tale is there a magical squirrel? ("The Tale of Tsar Saltan…")

7. In which fairy tale is a cockerel standing guard? ("The Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

Cat: Now I know for sure that you know and love the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. It’s time for me to say goodbye to you and go to A.S. Pushkin’s favorite poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.The cat leaves. Educator: Our journey is over. Did you like it?Child : This is Pushkin. It's a miracle. It's a delight without end.There will always be voices from these fairy tales in our lives.How many fairy tales does the poet have? There are not many and not few,
But everything about Pushkin is our eternal beginning.

Educator: Let's lay flowers at the portrait of the great poet and sing the song “Kindness” in memory of him.