How can you bewitch a guy from a distance? How to bewitch a guy from a distance

Do you want to bewitch a guy at home, from a distance?

Everything is simple!

Well, for example, these:

“We evoke strong sympathy”

Take a small magnet and a piece of something iron. It is better to take several iron items. Now you will understand why this is needed. Project your image onto one of the objects, and the image of your loved one onto the other. Connect these little things and hide them by connecting them with a magnet. Wait for the things to work.

"The Power of Strong Wine"

Pour strong wine into a glass.

Whisper these words: “The powers of heaven! Angelic powers! Give, give me unearthly charms! With them I (the servant of God) want to forever bind my beloved (name). Let the wine, as soon as it pours into the glass, heat up all his blood and instill love in him for me!”. Shake the wine in the glass. Close your eyes. Drink wine without opening your eyes.

"Magic wrapped in a towel"

Remember what towel the guy you want to bewitch used to dry himself with. Tie this towel in a knot.

Say the following: “I washed my beloved little hands and put them in a towel. I’ll twist a towel and turn a mile’s head. The towel is still damp - my dear darling is aching for me. Let the towel dry - the little one sighs for me. No one will untie the towel, because my beloved will show me his love.”. There is no need to do anything further. Just wait!

"Milk Charm"

Drink milk before going to bed. Warm it up a little before drinking it. Pour milk only into the most beautiful glass.

Say this spell while bending over your glass: “God, help me, servant of God (proper name). Inspire, O God, my beloved to love me. Let him be as unable to live without me as a baby without milk! Amen!".

How to bewitch a guy from a photo?

“Photography, help!” Find a high-quality photo of your loved one. Find a high-quality photo of yourself. Place two photographs on the table. Wait until the sun goes down. Sit at the table. Place the photos face down. Sit for a few minutes, think about your loved one, relax. Now turn your photo over and write the name of your loved one. Write your name on the photo of your loved one. Place photos side by side. Take a thick needle and a bright red thread. Thread the thread through the needle carefully. Thread the thread through several photographs.

Whisper these words: “I knit the servant of God (say the male name) inextricably with the servant of God (say the female name) with strong and inextricable knots.” Break the thread. Take a clean white envelope and put photos in it. Take a brand new candle (wax). Use it to seal the envelope.

While sealing it, you must say the following words: “I seal the servant of God (my name) with the servant of God (his name) forever!”

"Search for clothes"

Find in your closet at least some old clothes of the person you are going to bewitch. It is very desirable, of course, to find some clothes, but if you don’t find them, you can get by with an ordinary photograph. Make one candle (from dark wax) and fashion a doll from any clay. Light the candle and wrap the doll in your loved one’s clothes. Take three small needles.

Read this “slander”: “Beloved (name of beloved)! Bewitch me, touch me! Don’t look at another girl even once, don’t hurt me with great dislike!” Heat the first needle and stick it into the doll's head. Stick the second needle into the heart area (very deep). The third - to any place on the doll’s body. Quickly remove the needles from the doll and wrap them in white paper. Hide the needles. No one should find them! And if possible, forget about them. Wait for everything to take effect.

How to bewitch your loved one from Thursday to Friday?

You can bewitch your beloved guy from a long distance. For this method you need something from a loved one. I also need a candle. You need to put the name of your chosen one on it (with a very sharp object). At home, place a candle in front of a large and clean mirror. Stand in front of the mirror and light a candle.

Copy the following text onto a piece of paper: “Fate’s fire, hear me! Let my love fly to him! Fire! Do no harm! You are my friend. Strengthen my union with my beloved!”.

Now turn your back to the candle and whisper three times: “If there is a wall between us, destroy it!”.

Again, face the candle flame and whisper: “I sacrifice myself to you. Will you make your wish come true? I'm leaving now!". Quickly blow out the candle and leave the room. Do not return to this room for about a day.

Signs that a guy is bewitched:


He complains about her even from a distance. If you contact him via ICQ or Skype, then you yourself notice that the guy’s strength has disappeared somewhere.

Craving for bad habits

Even if this guy had never seen anything like this before, it didn’t stop him. He either started smoking, started drinking alcohol, or became addicted to drugs.

Faith in everything and everyone

No matter what they say to this person, he will believe everything without problems and without difficulty. Even aliens. And many bad people will happily take advantage of this. Conscience? Such people don't have it!

The attraction of failure

The person who has been bewitched feels terribly unhappy because he is unlucky in everything he undertakes.

Complete absence of pronounced emotionality

It may seem that the person is completely at a loss for emotions. And the complexion resembles white snow. Pale frightens others and repels, accordingly.

Vocabulary lock

The guy is unable to express his thoughts verbally. There is a feeling that the guy had an attack of amnesia.


The boy was never like he was during the period of “bewitchment”. He himself notices this, but cannot control or adjust the degree of his thoughtfulness. “Withdrawal into oneself” is his usual state (throughout the entire “magical” period).

Additional charm for a guy:

How to bewitch a man, a guy? -

How to put a strong spell at home? -

Continuation. . .

How to bewitch a guy at home? -

Use carefully!

The most complete description in all details - how to bewitch a guy from a distance without a photo for free with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Love spell on a guy from a distance without a photo. Effective love spell on a guy at a distance without a photo


An effective love spell at a distance without a photo of a guy with which you can independently bewitch your beloved boy, you only need to read a strong love spell at home that works quickly at any distance from the person being bewitched. The effect of this love spell can bewitch the guy you love from the first day if you correctly perform a safe love spell ritual of white magic. Next the love spells will be told to everyone how to make a love spell on your own Bewitch a guy if you don't have his photo.

The power of thought is strong enough to influence the course of events; it is only important to use it skillfully. If you love a person, but he shows no interest in you, make this simple and safe white love spell for a guy without his photo and even being at a distance from him, the power of your thought will bewitch the guy and he will change his attitude towards you, showing love, care and attention. How to bewitch a guy and make him love you? It is not difficult.

Kneeling in front of the icon of the Mother of God, say a quick love spell for a guy who doesn’t need his photo:

My beloved is far away, it’s not easy for me without him.

A white dove flies in the sky,

The blue-winged dove attracts him.

Mother of God, help,

Push God's servant (name) towards me.

So that he loves me, coos with me,

Didn't pay attention to anyone else.

So be it, whoever I like loves me.

Very soon, maybe even on this day, the guy who was independently bewitched by this spell for eternal love will himself show his feelings or signs of attention, and every day the consequences of this love spell on the love of a guy without his photo will become stronger and stronger and the guy will not be able to resist the natural call of the heart and, sooner or later, succumbing to love spells, will greatly fall in love with the one who cast a love spell on him without a photo.

How to greatly bewitch a loved one knowing his name and having his photo - of course, independently read a love spell in the name of a loved one using his photo and church candles in a love spell, doing the ritual right at home. Love spells for everyone made from a photograph in which the name of the person being bewitched sounds begin to act very quickly precisely as a result of such love

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The best way to bewitch your husband for the New Year is to read a love spell on your husband on New Year's Eve yourself. This is one of the oldest New Year's customs - a husband's love spell for the New Year, which must be read on New Year's Eve from December 31 to the morning of January 1 - the time at which you need to read a love spell for the New Year begins from 8 pm to 6 am, only on this

All love spells for the New Year allow you to independently bewitch a person to yourself on New Year's Eve, and even before the onset of the New Year, your loved one will fall deeply in love with the one who was independently able to read a love spell from a photo on New Year's Day. You need to read love spells only on New Year's Eve from 20-00 on December 31 to 6 am on January 1, it is at this time that the love spell

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Love spells that need to be read at Christmas time are the most powerful love spells that are done once and for all. If you bewitch a loved one, a man or woman, a boy or a girl, during the holiday week (from the appearance of the first star on Christmas Eve (on Kolyada) until Epiphany (the baptismal blessing of water)), the bewitched person will live with you in love and harmony for the entire

A white love spell on a guy without a photo that you need to read at home on your own will definitely work. Look for a working way to bewitch a guy from a distance, this quick-acting love spell will be able to bewitch a boy to you forever from a distance, affecting him immediately after you finish reading the words of the love spell for the strong love of a young man

There is no need to search on Avito for how to get your husband back, use this surefire method. This quick plot to return your husband will help you quickly return your husband from your rival to your family with the help of magic. This is perhaps the fastest and surest method that works flawlessly and can definitely return an errant husband to his wife and children even after a divorce. The return plot against the husband should be read in

This is a 100% working and trouble-free way to make a married man living at a distance fall in love with you. With the help of magic, you can ignite a strong love connection between you and a man married to someone else will leave her and love only you all his life. If a man who is married has left you, this love spell will also help you make him fall in love with you again. To fall in love with

How to bewitch a man from a distance.

You have a life situation where you need to bewitch a certain person, but you don’t have the attributes necessary to carry out such a ritual (photos of your loved one, his personal belongings), what should you do in this case? There is no need to be upset and give up, because there are many magical love spells for a man who is at a distance from you. If you do not have the opportunity to meet, then naturally it is not possible to get the personal belongings of your loved one. In such cases, rituals help that do not require personal contact with your loved one, just your desire and a little magic. Such rituals are no different in their results from those carried out in direct contact with objects associated with your chosen one.

A strong love spell on a man from a distance.

To carry out this love spell, you need to visit a church and attend a service, and buy two church candles of the same size there. On the waxing moon, when midnight comes, take candles and write your name on one of them, and on the other the person you are bewitching. Twist them together with a tourniquet and light them. On a piece of blank paper, write the words of the love spell. Looking at the flame, read these words:

Read the love spell words three times, then burn the sheet with the love spell words over a candle flame and scatter the ashes to the wind. Extinguish the candles and put them away until the next ritual.

Perform the next ritual exactly seven days later. Again, exactly at midnight, light the remaining stubs from two candles and read the words of the same love spell over them until the candles burn out completely, collect the remaining wax and store it in a secluded place. After these two rituals, your loved one will definitely turn his attention to you.

Love spell on a married man from a distance.

You like a married man, and he also has certain feelings for you, but circumstances do not allow him to see you, don’t be lazy, go to the market and buy a piece of fresh meat. When you come home, say the following words to this piece:

After reading the love spell, feed the enchanted meat to any male dog. Soon the man will find time to meet with you.

Love spell on a man from a distance.

For this love spell you will need a small mirror and a church candle. At midnight from Friday to Saturday, place a mirror on the table next to it and place a candle. The ceremony is performed only in solitude. Light a candle and, looking at yourself in the mirror, begin to say the following words:

After reading, turn the mirror to the other side towards you and start reading these words

To secure the love spell you have made, turn the mirror back and read the words:

After the ritual, place the enchanted mirror on the windowsill, with the mirror side facing the direction where your chosen one lives.

A love spell cast on a man from a distance.

If for some reason you broke up with your loved one, but really want him to return, try to make such a love spell. This love spell is cast at dawn, when the sun is just beginning to rise. It must be read for seven days in a row near an open window. Read these words:

After some time, your loved one will definitely return to you.

Love spell on a guy from a distance.

You really like a certain guy. But he doesn’t show you any signs of attention and doesn’t seem to notice you. There is an easy and effective love spell on a guy from a distance. This love spell is cast on a ball of woolen thread. Take a ball of woolen thread (preferably red) in your right hand and begin to rewind it to your left with the following words:

After the threads are rewound, remove the enchanted ball away so that no one finds it. You don’t need to tell anyone about the ritual, not even your closest friend.

How to bewitch a guy at home (with and without photos)

The greatest feeling in our life is love. In the name of love, wars were committed, mountains were moved, and rash acts were done. But nowadays it often happens that our potential soul mate does not reciprocate our feelings.

Magic itself will help you attract attention to yourself and the person you love. If you agree with the statement that in war all means are fair (and love is a kind of “war”), we will tell you ways to bewitch a guy from a distance, which you can use at home (by the way, they are also suitable for bewitching girls).

Love spell - faith in victory, the mood for love!

Having resorted to such a serious step, you must give a serious account of your actions. You cannot cast love spells thoughtlessly.

A love spell on a guy is not only the sequential pronunciation of certain word forms and phrases, they are usually distinguished by the power of influence and consequences. The latter is inevitable, whether we are dealing with light or dark magic.

Differences between white and black bewitchment - which is safer?

In both cases, as they say - on the face! In the texts of a dark love spell, there are lines that say that the object of our desire, for whom the ritual is being performed, should dry up, suffer, experience some kind of discomfort and an irresistible craving for us (the customer).

As for the light methods of bewitchment, the word forms in them are aimed exclusively at evoking sympathy (a more “gentle” manifestation than in the case of dark magic). Therefore, the consequences for both people - the customer and the person on whom the ritual is imposed - are minimal. In any case, when magic is applied to a person, a process of destruction of the internal “I” of the representative occurs, manifestations of aggression, depression, and often alcoholism are inevitable.

But everything in our time has its own time, our feelings, like time, are fleeting, we change, our sympathies change, perhaps later we will meet exactly the person who will be close to our inner world.

In such cases, we need to completely immerse ourselves in feelings, but at the same time with our pleasure and peace of mind, somewhere out there, at a distance, another person will suffer (on whom we had previously frivolously cast a love spell). Therefore, by bewitching a guy, you are taking a serious step, in which frivolity is extremely dangerous!

There are several ways to bewitch a guy or a boy you like:

Love spell at the doorstep with a broom

A ritual performed at the threshold. A simple love spell on your beloved guy at home, in which you take a broom and pull out 2 twigs from it. We take the rods in our hands, looking at them, in every possible way we exclude thoughts about strangers and think only about our loved one, about the feelings that you want to awaken in him.

The emphasis here is on your thoughts, because the further development of events and the guy’s attitude towards you directly depend on them. Thoughts should be positive and bright.

Then we read any prayer in which the use of the name of our beloved guy is mandatory. When midnight comes, place the twigs crosswise at the threshold of the person on whom the love spell is being cast so that he will step over them when he leaves.

How to bewitch a guy with milk

Love spells cast on liquid. You need to turn to the forces of light, that is, black magic is excluded. Let's look at how to bewitch a guy with milk.

Offer the object of your desires warm milk, reciting the text of the conspiracy in advance. Transfer energy to the drink, putting all your love for your boyfriend and bright feelings into reading the prayer. Then pour the drink into a beautiful glass and give it to your loved one. The ritual must be performed once, but if in doubt, the love spell can be performed 3 days in a row.

Lovesickness spell (no photo)

Rituals that cause lovesickness. A simple event in which a girl, looking out the window, recites the following lines exactly 9 times:

“Servant of God (name), go to my threshold, my palace, to my threshold, following my steps. I won't give you to anyone. Word, castle, language. Amen".

Bewitchment on a string - without consequences

You can bewitch a guy using a thread. The process is kind of fortune-telling. Take a skein of thread and wrap it around your finger. The entire winding process is accompanied by the lines:

“As a thread winds, so you, servant of God (name), languish and spin around me, reach out to me. As if a person prays to an icon, so pray to me, yearn, without me, know no peace. From now on and forever. Amen.".

After saying the prayer, take it off and wrap it around the ball again. If the thread does not get tangled, you are doomed to success. If you get confused, there will be room for quarrels and other problems in your relationship with your lover.

It is also possible that the thread will break; in this case, fate makes you understand that this young man is not destined for you and you will not be happy. Resorting to other rituals of magic in this case will only aggravate the situation, troubles will fall on your shoulders.

Another very powerful way to love a guy on a string in one week:

At a distance from the photo

Magic ritual using photos. It is the most serious love spell, since only the image of a lover provides complete information about the personality. It is noteworthy that the older the photo, the weaker the effect on your future companion will be.

You won’t be able to bewitch the guy you like using a photo on the Internet or on your mobile phone. Just pre-print this photo.

In the ritual you need:

  • A photo of a person who will subsequently have the warmest feelings for you;
  • Ball pen;
  • Sewing needle;
  • Red thread;
  • Candle from the church;
  • Red matter.

With a photograph in hand, the lines are spoken:

“As a thread follows a needle, so does the servant of God (the name of your companion) follow me (your name).”

Before reading, you need to write your name and the name of your loved one on the back of the photo. Turning the picture towards you, sew it with red thread in the chest area of ​​the betrothed.

During the sewing process, the lines of the conspiracy are spoken. In this case, the first stitch should coincide with the last stitch, the needle turned in your direction. At the end of the ritual, the thread is not cut (a small tip remains, which is tied with a triple knot and filled with wax).

Words: “So be it!” - are final.

How to cast a love spell on your loved one yourself at home?

It is impossible to overestimate the role of love in the life of every person. But in response to their feelings, not everyone and not always find understanding and reciprocity. Sometimes a loved one simply does not pay any attention to you, or a situation arises that a husband or wife begins to look for entertainment outside the home - situations are quite real and common to the point of banality. People each try in their own way to find a solution to these problems, but if no solution is found, they independently use a love spell for their loved one at home.

Such actions can be approached in different ways. Some believe that with the help of a love spell you can really find a way out of a difficult situation, others are absolutely convinced that magical actions can bring nothing but misfortune, and still others do not believe in anything at all. But, despite all the doubts, denials and even prohibitions, people have been using various kinds of love spells for many centuries, having accumulated vast experience in this matter. Without any doubt, people will continue to resort to the services of magic in the future. However, everyone must decide for themselves whether to use a love spell on a loved one or not. The main thing is that any of your actions are aimed at love and are performed with love and do not carry even a hint of evil and hatred.

How does one perform a love spell on your own?

Many people who decide to resort to love magic strive to do everything on their own, without the help of sorcerers and psychics. Sometimes this approach justifies itself, because in our time, unfortunately, there is a very high probability that instead of a truly experienced and knowledgeable specialist, you can turn to yet another charlatan and crook for help, of which there are a huge number around us.

Nowadays, a very large number of relatively simple love spell rituals have become available, so almost anyone can bewitch a loved one at home. In addition, you perform these rituals absolutely free. But before taking action, it is necessary to study and evaluate not only the procedure for performing a love spell, but also the consequences that these actions can have, so that instead of joy and happiness you do not end up with disappointment and trouble in your life.

Love spells at a distance

In our turbulent times, casting a love spell on a loved one from a distance has become one of the most popular magical acts. This is explained primarily by the revolutionary development of communications and communications. For magic now there are no distances, state borders or language barriers. Another important point is the choice of ritual and how to bewitch a loved one from a distance. A very balanced and individual approach is required here. It should be understood that the power of a love spell on a loved one does not depend on the distance, but on the correctness of the ritual and the motivation of the customer. There are two main, most common and popular types of love spells at a distance:

Love spell from a photograph

Performing such love spells is available to both men and women. In order to cast a love spell on your loved one yourself, you need as recent a photo as possible. A photo taken no more than one year ago is best. There should be no strangers or animals in the photo. It is very important that the person's face (especially his eyes) is clearly visible. The best time to cast love spells is when the moon is in the first or second quarter (the moon is waxing).

The effectiveness of a love spell directly depends on the gender of the person and the day it is performed. In magic, the week is usually divided into men's and women's days:

  • Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are considered men's days.
  • Women's days are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Rituals in which you want to influence a man are recommended to be carried out on men's day. Magic aimed at women works best on women's days. The same applies to rituals such as weight loss spells. As an example of a love spell based on a photograph, the following option can be considered:

  • After sunset, you need to sit down at the table and put on it your photo and the photo of the person on whom the love spell will be cast. Photos should be placed face up;
  • For a few minutes you need to sit calmly and relaxed in complete silence, mentally imagining yourself next to your loved one;
  • Then you need to turn your photo over and write on its reverse side the name of the person for whom the love spell is being cast, as well as his date of birth. You should do the same with its image, but write your data on the back;
  • After this, the photographs are stacked with images facing each other. Now take a thick red thread, thread it through a needle and very carefully, so as not to touch the images of people, pierce the corner of the folded photographs, pull the thread through and tie a strong knot. At the same time it is pronounced: “I knit the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) with unbreakable bonds, amen”;
  • After reading the plot, the thread breaks. Similar actions must be carried out for the three remaining corners of the photographs, after which the enchanted photographs are placed in a white envelope without inscriptions. The envelope is sealed. A wax candle (new!) is lit and the envelope is sealed with its wax. At the same time it is said: “I seal the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) from the evil eye, from unkind intent, from the cold lapel.” The enchanted envelope must be safely hidden at home.

Love spell on personal items

A love spell on a loved one's thing is one of the most common and oldest types of love spell. A love spell on a loved one using his personal objects is the reading of a special text (spell) that charges the object with a certain energy. To carry out the ritual, an item can be chosen arbitrarily, it could be:

Ways to cast a love spell on a thing

There are three ways to cast a love spell on things:

  • In the first, a new item is bought, a ritual is performed with it, and then the charmed item is thrown or given to the person being bewitched. At the same time, it is important that this item is not thrown away and is constantly used.
  • In the second case, the necessary thing is selected from those that the desired person is already using. It is advisable that he use this item as often as possible. After the love spell is cast, this item is secretly or openly returned to the owner.
  • In the third option, the thing belonging to the object of the love spell is not returned to him after the ceremony, but is destroyed or stored in a specially selected place.

Features of performing a love spell on a thing

A love spell on a thing can be classified as a ritual that has a relatively short duration. This disadvantage of the ritual can be circumvented by performing it repeatedly, periodically. The duration of the love spell primarily depends on the energy potential of the person who performs it, but, as a rule, does not exceed two to three months.

It is important to remember that the more necessary and familiar the object on which the love spell ritual is performed, the higher the likelihood of success of the entire magical action. It is also important that the very fact of the ritual remains a secret for the person being bewitched. Before bewitching a loved one, you need to realize that the ritual must be performed with utmost precision, because any mistake in its implementation can turn the love spell into damage, which will fall on both the person being bewitched and the one who performed the ritual.

A simple and effective love spell on your beloved girl with a spell on her thing

The ritual must be performed on the night from Thursday to Friday. To carry out a love spell, you just need to know the girl’s name and have something that belongs to her (or at least part of the thing). How to bewitch your beloved girl using this ritual:

  • You need to put the name of the person being bewitched on the new candle with a sharp object. The candle must be placed opposite the mirror. The performer faces the mirror and lights a candle. After this, he reads the text of the spell three times: “Fire of fate, hear me. Let ... (the name of the bewitched) become mine. Fire, my friend, do no harm. Secure your union with your beloved forever.”

Turn your back to the candle and repeat three times:

“If there is an enemy, take him away. Turn your soul... (name of the one being bewitched) to me.”

Turn your face to the candle again and say three times:

“Fire, I make a sacrifice to you. Grant your wish, I’m leaving.”

The love spell ends with the girl's personal belongings being burned in the fire.

Effective love spells and conspiracies to bewitch your beloved guy yourself

This ritual is an excellent way to bewitch an unmarried man. It acts quickly and very effectively. You need to perform a love spell in absolute silence, during the day and only before sunset. The ritual consists of biting your tongue and pronouncing the text of the conspiracy:

“Just as I bite my tongue, I call my betrothed (name) to me and attach it to me. So that he would not know rest, he (his name) would yearn for me (his name), on a quiet night, on a moonlit night, on a bright day and early in the morning. So that everyone thinks about me, both in the sun and in the moon. Amen. Amen. Amen". The text of the love spell must be said 7 times within one day.

Casting a love spell on your loved one with water is done as follows:

You need to take half a glass of water in your left hand. With your right hand you need to move along the edge of the glass, pronouncing the name of your loved one. Love spell is performed at night. Then a glass of water is placed on the windowsill so that the water is charged with energy.

The next evening, invite your loved one to your place and treat him to tea, to which you discreetly add 2-3 drops of water from a glass. When a man drinks tea, you need to look at the bridge of his nose several times.

Love spell to make your loved one remember and call

The conspiracy is pronounced through an open window after 12 o'clock at night. It is also possible to carry it out on the balcony, but in any case you need to position yourself in such a way that the wind blows in your face. The ritual must be done for three days in a row.

Love spell with a lock

To perform the ritual you need to buy a small padlock. The lock needs to be unlocked and hidden under the doormat at your door. This must be done before your chosen one comes to visit you. After he enters the house, thus stepping through the lock, the lock must be locked with a key, while saying the following words:

After this, the key must be thrown into a river or lake, and the lock must be kept secret and inviolable.

Flower love spell

This love spell is performed as follows: on the full moon before noon, you need to go out into the field and collect a bouquet of flowers and herbs. Moreover, you need to collect only those flowers that your hand reaches for. Mint, sage, tansy are good for a bouquet.. While collecting flowers and herbs, you should continuously recite the following spell:

After collecting the bouquet, go home and brew the plants in a large saucepan. Continuously stirring the brew with a spoon, mentally imagine that your husband has already returned home. While stirring the broth, read the same spell over a boiling pan as when collecting a bouquet. All this must be done until you feel a slight tingling sensation in your fingers.

As soon as this happens, you should stop stirring and let the broth brew a little. Then you need to take a bath of warm water, pour the prepared broth into it and bathe in it. Before taking a bath, you must wash yourself thoroughly! Take a bath for 15-30 minutes. After completing the procedure, you need to collect some water from the bath in a glass container and place the container in a dark place. At the first opportunity you need to give your husband this water to drink. The result will not be long in coming.

The question of how to bewitch a guy from a distance, as a rule, arises if a girl cannot attract the attention of her chosen one to herself. Magic offers a huge number of different love spell rituals to solve this problem. But at the same time, choosing a ritual for specific conditions is not always simple.

It is believed that the easiest way to bewitch a guy from a distance is to use his photograph. The visual image allows you to more accurately fulfill the energy message. But, unfortunately, such an attribute is not always available. And in this case, you can use other rituals. To minimize the possible negative consequences of a love spell, preference should be given to simple rituals of white magic.

Ritual with knots

This ritual does not involve the use of a photo, so maximum concentration will be required when performing it. In order to provide a powerful energy message, it is necessary to fast for 24 hours before the ceremony. If there are no contraindications, then you should eat exclusively black bread and drink water. In addition, you need to avoid stressful situations and not waste energy on conflicts. All day you need to think only about the person you plan to bewitch, and communicate with other people as little as possible.

To carry out the ceremony you will need three church candles and a red thread about a meter long. This love spell ritual must begin immediately after midnight on one of the days of the waxing moon. In the room in which the ceremony is planned to be held, all communication devices must be removed and all windows tightly curtained. The only source of light in the room should be candles. They need to be placed on the floor in the form of a triangle, in the center of which the performer of the ritual should sit. After this, candles should be lit.

You need to take the prepared thread in your hands and, tying knots on it, you should pronounce the following magic words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), tie a magic knot on a thread and with this I bind the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) to me forever. You, my dear and beloved, must now be next to me. Your passion for me in your soul will not subside until these magical knots are untied. Amen".

This love spell is repeated three times, and each time you will need to turn to each installed candle. After this, the candles should be blown out and placed together with the thread in knots under your pillow. After the love spell ritual, you should not talk to anyone, it is advisable to immediately go to bed.

This love spell ritual, if performed correctly, gives the first results within a few days. But in the future, you need to carefully store the enchanted thread with knots. It is important to periodically tighten them so that they do not unravel.

It’s very good if you somehow ended up with a photograph or thing of a person who you like, but does not give you the attention you deserve. It is precisely these items that can be used in a powerful love spell ritual, which will allow you to bewitch your chosen one from a distance. In addition to them, the ritual will need church candles and an altar, which can be used, for example, as a nightstand. To create a special atmosphere in the room, it is recommended to use an aroma lamp to which special aromatic aphrodisiac oils are added: geranium, rose, jasmine.

This ritual must be performed during the waxing period of the moon. The best day for a love spell is Friday. Before the ceremony, it is very important to do a thorough cleaning of the room in which the magical action will take place. After this, you must definitely walk around the perimeter of the room with a lit candle. In those places where it will crackle, you should stand for a while. Before the ceremony, you need to hang all the mirrors and cover shiny surfaces with a cloth.

An improvised altar is installed on the eastern side of the room. A photograph is placed on it or a prepared item of the chosen one is placed, and several church candles are lit nearby. To bewitch a guy from a distance without consequences, you need to have the right mindset. To do this, you need to take a bath with soothing herbs immediately before the magical love spell. It is important to abandon all extraneous thoughts and focus only on your goal.

Having completed all the preliminary steps, you need to sit in front of the altar, light the candles and chant the following magical words:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), want to become the most desirable and beloved for my beloved, the Servant of God (the name of the person being bewitched). So that he cannot live without me, just as he cannot breathe without clean air. For me to become as necessary for him as for any earthly creature, a clear sun is necessary. Reach out to me, my beloved, as a small child reaches out to its mother. All my love strives with all its strength into your heart. Amen".

When casting such a spell, you need to think only about your loved one. It is important to mentally play out various scenes of a happy future life together, including moments of physical intimacy. Magic words must be spoken at least three times in a row. More is possible, but the spell must be cast an odd number of times.

After you decide to complete the love spell ritual, the candles used must be extinguished with your fingers. All attributes must be hidden so that no one will ever find them. If possible, it is better to bury them in a deserted place.

It is very important after the ritual not to live in anticipation of your loved one appearing on your doorstep. This can tire you and a negative flow of energy will come from you, which will push away the bewitched person. It is necessary to continue to live a normal rhythmic and eventful life. In addition, you should not forget to improve. And with this approach, you won’t even notice when your wish comes true. Everything will happen in a very timely and natural way.

Many girls not only suffer from unrequited love, but also live in different cities with someone who is after their heart. There is a way to bewitch a man, the one you like, from a distance. Love magic can travel kilometers. And there are a great many options for such rituals.

Rituals for love vary in strength of impact. There are harmonization of relationships, love spells, and sugar spells.

There are different ways to tune into the energy of an object. Some require a photo, others don't.

How to bewitch a man without consequences from a distance: tips for performing the ritual at home:

  • Avoid using black magic if you are new to witchcraft. An incorrectly performed ritual can cause you a lot of problems.
  • Check the lunar calendar. Love spells are cast on a full or waxing moon.
  • Follow the instructions strictly and do not change the ritual yourself, because even minor deviations can lead to unexpected and unpleasant consequences.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Most importantly, think about whether you really need the love of this particular guy and in this particular way. After all, by bewitching a man to you, you forcefully bind him to you, and violence makes few people happy.

Thanks to these rules, you can perform without resorting to the help of specialists.

If you are interested in how to bewitch a married man, someone you like, from a distance, know that all the rituals given in the article are relevant in this case as well.

Strong love spells at a distance collection of rituals

Love spell from a photo at a distance

If you are communicating with a guy via the Internet, casually ask him to send you a photo.

If you have a photo of your chosen one, then it would be logical to use it in a love spell ritual.

It is advisable that the man in the photo is alone or with you, but without strangers. Use scissors if necessary.

And now detailed instructions on how to bewitch a man, someone you like, from a distance using a photo.

Prepare a red wax candle for the ritual - it is the red color that is most often used in love divination. On the night of the full moon, light it in front of the window.

Pick up the photo and read the plot at least three times:

“As the moon illuminates everything visible and invisible, as a candle shines for a traveler in the darkness, so let the road from you to me be bright! Let it be so

Place red wax on the photo three times, put out the candle and go to bed, placing the photo under your pillow. Before you fall asleep, think about your lover. Imagine how you met, imagine your dialogues and actions. If you can imagine in detail how you make love, this will speed up the positive results.

Love spell without photo from a distance

If you don’t have a photo of the man you want, it doesn’t matter. In the ritual, you will need some thing that he previously touched, it could be a pen, a scarf, a note, a glass.

No more than a month should pass from the man’s touching the object to the ritual.

On the third day of the moon's growth, light a red candle, take the object in your hands and stand in front of the mirror. Look at the object in the reflection and say three times:

“Let my thoughts come true, let my feelings ascend, so that my dear one comes to see me and can no longer get lost! Let it be so!"

In this ritual, you also need visualization. In general, you can’t do without a mindset for the desired result in magic.

Love spell on your own blood

What makes this love spell most effective is the use of human blood. Excuse me, our world is structured in such a way that in the most powerful conspiracies there is nowhere without it.

But the ritual itself is simple. You will definitely need a photo of someone you like. Choose it according to the rules described above.

  • On the night of the full moon, light a red and black candle;
  • Place the photo between them.
  • Place your palms together, close your eyes;
  • Read the plot three times:

“The powers of heaven, the powers of earth and water, find me my servant (name), return him and leave him with me forever!”

  • Pierce the ring finger of your right hand with a needle;
  • Leave a fingerprint on the photo;
  • Place the wax of first a red, then a black candle on the blood trail and say:

“I seal my words, lock them, and the key is my tongue!”

  • Blow out two candles at the same time;
  • Carry the photo with you secretly from everyone.

However, if you are looking for how to bewitch a man, someone you like, from a distance without consequences at home, it is better not to undertake this ritual. If you are a beginner, you may make a mistake in the blood plot and the consequences will inevitably follow.

The most complete description in all details is a quick love spell on a guy at a distance with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Every woman, at least once in her life, has lost a loved one, but not everyone was ready to fight for her love to the end. A high-quality love spell at a distance can work wonders. Even inveterate skeptics argue that it is better to try the effects of love spells at least once than to regret your lost love all your life.

Love spell at a distance

Preparing for a love spell

Since ancient times, girls from different countries have used magical prayers and rituals to bring back their lost love. In the Middle Ages, because of the magical properties inherent in the weaker sex, a girl was called a witch and burned at the stake. Such reprisals lasted until 1860. According to historians, during the period of the 16th-17th centuries, more than 200 thousand innocent women were executed.

In the modern world, having magical abilities is even prestigious in some places. Many psychics successfully use their talent and make good money from it. But today we will talk about simple magical rituals that any woman can do. You can independently, for free and without the help of sorcerers, perform a simple love spell when your loved one is at a distance from you.

To find out how to bewitch a loved one from a distance, let’s turn to a proven method, a love spell from a photo. To do this, we need a photo of a man that meets the following characteristics:

  • fresh, made no more than 1 year;
  • Only the desired person is present in the photo, without unauthorized persons;
  • The frame must not be blurry;
  • The photo is whole, not cropped.

There are many options for how to bewitch a guy from a distance on your own using a photograph. Black and white magic is used for this. Black binding is very dangerous, and sometimes even fatal; only white magic can harmlessly influence the object of the love spell. But for yourself, you must choose for yourself which love spell on a guy at a distance will be more effective for your situation. The following list of love rituals has one thing in common:

  • you can perform rituals on your own, preferably alone;
  • all love spells, even over a long distance, can be performed at home;
  • for rituals we choose night time, ideally from 12:00 at night;
  • all rituals are performed by candlelight;
  • During the ritual, there should be silence without extraneous sounds, and we focus our thoughts on the object of desire and your love for it.

Also, the success of a love spell on a man at a distance will depend on the correctly chosen date and duration of the ceremony. There are two types: women's and men's days. With the intention of bewitching a man, it is better to choose the period from Monday to Tuesday or from Thursday to Friday. In order to bewitch a girl, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday work well.

Effective love spells based on photographs

They say that the effect of a love spell depends on a strong desire and belief in the magical effect. Therefore, at the beginning, concentrate on the person who interests you, mentally project this man or woman in front of you.

Love spell with red thread

For the magical ritual, we will need a photo of the guy you are going to bewitch yourself, your photo, a needle with red thread and candles. All love spells are performed after sunset, by candlelight. In complete silence, we sit down at the table, laying out photographs with your images on it. Then, using a black pen, write on the back of your photo, the initials and date of birth of your betrothed, and on the back of his photograph, write your details. Using a regular needle, thread a red thread and carefully sew the pictures together, tying knots along the edges. While stitching, you need to read the spell:

“I will bind you, servant of God (name), with me, servant of God (my name), with indestructible bonds, Amen.”

You can recite the spell until you finish sewing the corners, then the thread breaks. Then we take a clean envelope, put the photos in it and seal it. At the junction of the envelope, using hot wax on candles, we make dots and say:

“I have sealed you, servant of God (name), with me, together with servant of God (name), from any lapel, from the sinister evil eye.”

Enchanted photographs should be hidden and kept in a safe place.

Such a love spell at a distance can be done for a married lover in order to achieve mutual love from him. This powerful method works well to bring back an ex-husband who has left for someone else.

Hair plot

Using this method, you can learn how to bewitch your loved one from a distance using your hair. When you really like a person, but there is no way to communicate with him closer, by placing his photo on your hair, you will be able to quickly bewitch him to you forever. You will need to prepare in advance a photo of your loved one that meets all the parameters specified above. Then cut off a piece of your hair and place it in a glass container.

The ceremony must be carried out in complete silence. Light candles and place them around the photo. Next, proceed to the hair, you need to set it on fire and add black pepper and cinnamon to the burning fire. All this needs to be slowly crushed into powder and spoken during the process:

“I will tie you (name) to myself (name) forever, with my inextricable knot.”

The spell is recited while the hair powder is being prepared. Add water to the prepared mixture and stir. Using the resulting potion, we quickly paint over the mouth and eyes of the person in the photograph and hide it in a secret place.

Fortune telling on blood

Since ancient times, the most powerful magical ceremonies have required sacrificial blood, which has energetic powers. That is why, blood divination is the most powerful love spell for your loved one at a distance. And if you do such a powerful ritual for Christmas, the magic of love will double.

Love spell with blood

Before committing a love spell, place thick candles at a short distance in a circle, light them and sit in the circle. You need to put a photo of a man in the center and light one small candle, which will symbolize your desire and love for this person. After making a small puncture of your finger, you need to say:

“You drink my blood, you surrender to my power. You will listen only to me, do what I want. And from now on, I will be your mistress.”

Afterwards, the blood from the finger should fall into the photo. Repeating the spell, use a knife to draw a grid on the photo. At the end, the enchanted photograph is wrapped in a clean, white cloth. The best place to store it is under your pillow or under your bed.

But it should be remembered that no amount of lapels can save a man from such a blood plot. Therefore, before using this method, think carefully and make sure whether you need this person and whether you want to be with him all your life.

Love spell for periods

Among all long-distance love rituals, love spells in photos during the menstrual cycle are considered the most powerful. Using your own blood, a love spell at a distance allows you to make a person fall in love with you by casting a spell on a photograph. When your period begins, you need to draw your blood into a small container. In a circle of five candles, place a photo of your loved one and write your name on the photo in blood. If it turns out that there is no photo of the person you wanted to bewitch, you can make a love spell from a distance without a photo. To do this, use a blank sheet of paper, sign it with the desired name and draw a human figure on it. You must also put your name on such a portrait and read a magic spell:

“I conjure you (name), I conjure your heart, I conjure your soul, with my own blood. Love me always and be with me always. You will be happy, I will be happy.”

After reading the magic spell, you need to hide the photo under the pillow and think about your loved one. Before going to bed, call your beloved man into your dream. When you dream about it, it is important to remember what happened in the dream. A very good sign will be a pleasant dream where you will feel that this man belongs only to you. In this case, the love spell has worked, you need to wait for your loved one to come to you. If in a dream the man was far from you or was at a great distance, then it is better to repeat the ritual or bewitch the man during the next menstrual cycle, in a month.

Love spells for the holidays

At all times, it was believed that the best time for fortune telling and love spells were special days and holidays. The January holidays have magical powers, and in order to independently bewitch your loved one from a distance, love spells are cast at Christmas. The holy day of Easter also has magical properties. If you skillfully use magic on the eve of a holiday, then casting a love spell on your loved one from a distance will be very successful.

Love spell for Easter

During an Easter love spell, you can ask the holy angels to help you bewitch your beloved guy. Besides the fact that this method is the strongest love spell for a loved one at a distance, such a spell is great for both men and women.

The most powerful ritual is carried out on Easter, at dawn. You need to prepare a church candle and a photograph of your loved one in advance. They light a candle on the table in front of the photograph and address all the saints with these words:

“On this Easter and holy day, I ask the angels and all the saints. I ask for your help so that (name) loves me and loves me forever, until death do us part.”

You can recite this magic spell three times, then extinguish the candle; the remains and wax must be buried in the ground or thrown into water. If you call your loved one within a few hours and answer the call, then the love spell has worked and you have managed to attract his attention.

Christmas love spells

The Christmas love spell is the most effective and efficient. It is used to make even a stranger fall in love with you. Such strong magic can bewitch a married man or a married woman. Such a quick method can strongly bind your beloved guy or girl, even if you broke up a long time ago and there is no mutual love. Can bring a wife or husband who has left for another person back into the family.

Throughout the Christmas week, you can do fortune-telling, and on Christmas Day, you should start casting love spells. At home, a love spell can be done at a distance using wax. You will need a photo of any size, a clean handkerchief and two candles previously brought from the church. After midnight, place the photo on a scarf in the center of the table, while no one should be at home. Take two candles and warm the wax with your hands to soften it so that the two candles can be woven into one. Place the woven candles in front of the photo with your loved one and light them. In this case, you should read the plot:

“Power of Christmas magic, please help me. Love your beloved (name) to me. Let my beloved (name) knock on me, our love will unite forever.”

The spell is recited until the candles burn out. In this way, you can bewitch a guy from a great distance, even if he is in another country. A strong Christmas spirit helps with this.

Love spell for sweet love

Honey is used in this ritual. It has a very strong energetic ability to mend broken hearts. With the help of honey, the sexual energy and desire of a person who is dear to you, but has noticeably cooled down towards you, flares up. To remove the coolness and return the old passion, we will use one of the methods of white magic, a love spell on a guy at a distance with charmed honey.

When you are alone late at night, by candlelight, you need to put a photo with your loved one and light another candle next to it. Place a small container of honey nearby. This could be a small glass jar that will need to be presented as a gift to a loved one. Bend over the jar and speak the honey with these words:

“My honey, sweet glue, glue me together forever with my dear (name). Glue it forever, with sweet love, and now I will be with you all my life.”

During the spell, imagine the image of a guy in front of you. Repeat the words until the candle burns out, and say these words for the last time to a photo of your loved one.

This is a charmed sweet potion that your loved one should definitely try. You can give honey, or you can force him to eat honey while drinking tea. But it is important that only those who need it eat honey.

To use a honey love spell on a guy at a distance, you need to find white varieties of honey, flower or linden. In order to love a boy from a distance, such magic will only work on the new moon. At such a magical time, on the new moon, the love spell turns out strong and without consequences. In addition, the magic works until the next new moon, and you can repeat love spells for each new moon cycle.

How to make a love spell at a distance and at home

How to bewitch from a distance - love spell at a distance

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How to quickly bewitch a man, boyfriend, husband without leaving

Honey love spell without a photo

They make this strong love spell at a distance without a photo of the betrothed. First you need to light a candle and heat the honey on the fire, while speaking to it in words, reading the following text:

“My honey conceals and languishes, (name) must fall in love with me. As soon as the honey touches my body, (name)’s love for me will awaken. (name) will admire me, and passion will burn and flare up.”

After reading the magic spell, you need to undress to complete nudity and slowly pour the charmed honey onto yourself. Then say the words of the spell a couple more times, put out the candle, and quickly plunge into the water. Such love spells at a distance cannot be removed within a year, and then you can repeat the ritual.

When your loved one is at a great distance from you, and you have lost faith in returning your love, love spells can always help out. As they say: “In war, all means are fair.”

The secret of a quick love spell at a distance

The theme of love spells is eternal, like love itself. To achieve their goals, many women and men are not stopped even by an existing marriage. And the question of how to bewitch a married man at home remains relevant today more than ever. We will not consider the moral aspect of this modern phenomenon, because each person decides his own destiny. Whether a woman bewitches a single man or a married man - for magical energy the difference is small.

What to do if you fall in love with a married man? What to do if he doesn’t love his wife and doesn’t dare leave the family? What if he is bewitched by another woman? In order not to be tormented by unresolved questions and doubts, you need to quickly cast a love spell on your loved one. But before bewitching a married man, it is necessary to weaken his connection with his wife. In magic, the word “I want” is not enough. So you have weakened the existing bond between a man and his wife. Now you need to bewitch.

Ritual "7 coins"

For this ritual you need to prepare seven new coins of any denomination. They should be shiny. You also need to get any thing of your loved one in which you can wrap these coins. On Wednesday night, on the waxing moon, you will need to wrap these coins in a thing, but in a special way - so that they do not touch each other. Now this package must be hidden in a secluded place so that none of the family can find it.

Exactly 7 days later, at the same time, prepare clothes for yourself to perform a ritual that will bewitch your loved one. These clothes should contain as many pockets as possible. You will need to put on clothes, put a coin in your pockets and go to bed in it. And what do you want? To bewitch your loved one, you need to deny yourself a lot and go to some inconveniences.

If you do the ritual in the cold season, then you don’t have to go to bed in a fur coat or winter jacket - you can wear a dress with pockets and put coins in it. The main thing is that your clothes have pockets. There are coins in your pockets that you must spend the night with. After all, it doesn’t matter at all who and how to bewitch their loved one at home, what matters is the result.

Getting up in the morning, without saying a word, you must go around 7 churches (find out the addresses and how to get there in advance) and give alms to the poor. I would like to note that you also need to give alms silently, but at the same time say something like the following inside yourself: “For the love of God’s servant (his name) for me, God’s servant (his name). Amen x 3″.

You can make your own wish for each coin, it doesn’t matter. If you do everything correctly, then every coin you give will bewitch your loved one. This ritual cannot be removed, keep this in mind.

Ritual “Signs of Fate”

If you are thinking about how to bewitch a married man, then a ceremony with wine is perfect. It was indicated above that the word “I want” is not enough - there are laws of karma, there are guardians of human destiny. Going against karmic laws is a very brave act, but a reckless one. This ritual will allow you to find out whether you can bewitch a given man or not.

What to prepare for the ceremony:

  • Photos of a beloved man and his wife
  • 2 church candles and matches
  • 2 ceramic candle bowls
  • holy water

On the evening of the new moon (check the calendar), be alone, turn off the lights and light candles. Get ready to perform a magical ritual by turning off all communications - telephone, TV, Skype, etc. Place the photographs on a table covered with a clean tablecloth: first yours, then your loved one, then his wife.

Strengthen two church ones in ceramic bowls and place them between the photographs: one candle - between yours and his photo, and the second candle - between his and her photos. Fill ceramic bowls with holy water up to half (they already have candles in them) and say something like this:

I want to know the right path to follow!”

Then light the candles with a match. Let the candles burn out to the end. And at this time, just reflect on fateful paths and think about the question: “What do I want to receive from fate?”

After the candles burn out, remove the frozen wax from the water and look at the answer from higher powers. If the shape of the figure is round, it means that by fate they are destined to be together. Straight and angular lines on the poured form mean a denial of the favor of higher powers for this union. If the refusal was in the box between your photo and his, it means that you won’t be able to bewitch your loved one. Of course you can say

So it will be so!”

Well, try it! In order not to harm yourself, it is better to go to church and light candles for the health of yourself and your loved one.

If a round shape comes out in both bowls, then the answer is uncertain, and you should repeat the ritual after a while. Well, if the round shape comes from his and your photo, then don’t doubt anything. Quickly do any love spell at home, otherwise the man will be bewitched by another woman.

Love spell with candles:

  • Personal item of a beloved man
  • 2 red candles
  • Silk new fabric red
  • Rose oil

The time of the ceremony is Friday of the waxing moon. Stay home alone. Write your names on the candles with a needle or pin. Take a personal item of your loved one (definitely clothing!) and place it on a red cloth. Place candles in the corners of the fabric. Light candles and turn off electric lights. Now, filled with love and tenderness, stretch your hands over the thing and read any love spell that will bewitch your chosen one.

After reciting the spell, wrap the item in red cloth and place it under your pillow. She must stay with you for 7 nights. Quickly extinguish the candles with your fingers. In witchcraft rituals, candles are blown out only in exceptional cases when it is necessary to immediately stop the ritual. And you still need to continue this ritual. So, we extinguish the candles with our fingers. In due time, take the item out from under your pillow and give it to your chosen one. Now you will need to do the following.

Red candles should be lit for a short time before and after any date.

Before every date, say something like this: “I want to be with him!”. Each time, move the candles closer to each other. I would like to warn you that you cannot place candles right next to each other, you need to move them gradually. When they are very close to each other, leave them to burn until the end. Warn your family not to touch the candles!

This witchcraft at home will take a lot of time, but the result of the spell will be effective.

If distance separates you

What to do if your loved one is far away and hundreds of kilometers separate you? Is there a ritual that will bewitch a man from a distance? And how to bewitch a man from a distance? If you have his personal item or photograph, then it will be easy to bewitch him at home.

Ritual with a photo

On the waxing moon, stay alone in the evening. Tune in for witchcraft that will bewitch your sweetheart. Turn off the electric light, let your hair down. You can light incense - smoking sticks or aromatic resins. Place a photo of the person you want to bewitch on the table. Place 2 church candles on the sides of the photo, or even better - 2 red candles! The color red symbolizes the energy of love and transmits its vibrations.

Now you need to carefully look at the photo of your loved one and remember the time spent together, the happiest moments. Say kind words, say: “I want to be with you! I want us to be together!". You need to get into energetic contact with a person and feel a response. Talk to him, swim in the waves of love. Only such a feeling will bewitch you!

Just no tears needed! Everything should happen in a positive way! Witchcraft is the change of space and time.

What will bewitch a man? Filling space and time with your love! Carry out the ritual until you feel completely confident that the situation has changed. You must believe it yourself, otherwise you won’t be able to bewitch.

When you feel that the ceremony is complete, extinguish the candles with your fingers and put the photo with them in a secluded place. The next day, repeat all the steps again with the same candles and photographs. In ten sessions at home, this ritual will bewitch even the most stable person. But never tell anyone about your actions, keep the magic secret!

7 love spells for a man to love you for reading from a distance at home

As my practice shows, a love spell is the most common service that women ask for. There are love spells for a man’s love, which you can read at home on your own, while being at a distance from the object of your passion. I will tell you about them in this article.

If you decide to cast a love spell, remember that any magical effect has its consequences.

White love spell

There are many ways to bewitch the object of your love, even while being at a great distance with him. A white love spell for a man at a distance is otherwise called harmonization of relationships, since it is based on the call of light magical forces.

The main rule in love magic is strict adherence to recommendations and clear reading of prayer words; only after this a woman can get the man she desires.

At the energy level, distance is completely unimportant; some witches commit sabbaths in the astral plane, being hundreds of kilometers from each other

If you do not fulfill the conditions of the ritual, it may end disastrously for both parties.

If a woman really has warm feelings for a man, the white magic of a love spell at home will work at a distance on a man’s love.

The classic method is a conspiracy to love a man from a photo, which can be read from a distance at home.


  1. To carry out a ritual for love, the girl must be alone and prepare red candles, personifying the heat of the heart;
  2. The girl should sit comfortably with her hair down in front of the window closer to midnight;
  3. You need to place candles in front of you and place two mirrors opposite each other on the sides. It is forbidden to look into one of the mirrors during the ritual.
  4. You need to concentrate on the candle flame and watch it until it burns out completely.
  5. Candles can be placed at an angle for convenient drainage of wax, which you will need later.
  6. It is necessary to collect the wax after the candle has completely burned out.
  7. Next, with thoughts about your loved one, you need to rub it into the mirror. At this time, you can pronounce words of declaration of love in your own words.
  8. Next, you need to connect two mirrors with each other with glasses, put them together on the floor, cover them with your shirt and break the mirrors into many pieces, saying:

“I close (name) to life with me, God’s servant (name). Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

All the fragments need to be collected together, wrapped in a shirt and buried all together under a tree. You should return by a different route.

To my ex-husband

If you want to bewitch your ex-spouse, a strong white spell for a man’s love will help you, which you can read from a distance at home.

Before reading it, visit the bathhouse or take a bath. Focus on your thoughts, take a photo of your spouse and read the spell for a man’s love at home:

“With bright thoughts, loving thoughts, clean hands and a loving soul, I call on the Guardian Angel to help me.

You know and see everything, tell me what is going on in the soul of your beloved (name), convey his thoughts to me, slave (name).

Help me, Holy Archangel, as you help all those who love each other, let love enter the soul of the slave (name), let his every day begin with thoughts of me, God’s servant (name), only you are the only one who knows how hard it is for me without him.

Within a week, the love spell will overtake the man, a bright feeling of longing for you will awaken in his soul, and a desire to show love and care will appear.

A love spell is also effective in the event of a husband leaving the family due to the fault of another woman.

By photo

The fresher the photograph taken, the better the love spell will fall on your target.

The most effective is considered to be a love spell on a man using a photo from a distance. Such a magical effect is considered energetically strong, so before performing magical rituals a woman needs to think about the possible consequences, which do not always end positively.

If you decide to bewitch a man to you, choose the day of the waxing moon. You need to perform the ritual alone. To do this, all technical devices must be turned off; retire to one of the rooms. The photo should only show the man you love, without strangers.


  • Place two photos on the table in front of you: one is yours, the other is your goal;
  • In the first minutes of inactivity, imagine that you and your loved one are together, and your relationship is developing in the best possible way. You believe that his feelings for you are strong and constant.
  • Then, on the back of the photograph, write the man’s initials and his date of birth with a red marker;
  • Connect the photographs together and sew them together in the corners with red thread, without touching the portraits;
  • While fastening, repeat clearly an odd number of times:

“I conjure the Servant of God (name) to be forever in my power, as the thread is unbreakable, so may our love connection be strong and lasting from now on. My word is strong!”

If you are sincere in your feelings, the effect of the love spell will be quick - after a week you can notice changes in the man’s behavior. The spoken words will begin to take effect and make the man reach out to you. During this period, he will persistently remind you of himself in order to see or hear you.

For a candle and a photograph

  1. You will need a church candle and a blank envelope;
  2. Conduct the ritual in a dark room, alone;
  3. Take a photo and stare at the image for a few minutes;
  4. Imagine how this man confesses his love to you, you are together, your feelings are mutual;
  5. Next, hold the photo up to the candle flame and slowly, face down, move it clockwise in a circle. Continuing visualization, read the plot:

“What flies over your head will enter your thoughts.

Just as it flares up behind your back, so the heart for the slave (name) will flare up.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Next, you burn the photo and put the ashes in an envelope. It must be kept in a secret place so that no one knows about the magical actions performed. If the ritual is performed correctly, the man will make himself known after 3-5 days.

For a personal item

Never tell anyone about your intentions to make a love spell - this may cause failure.

If you don't have a photo of your lover, don't despair. You can cast a love spell on a man from a distance without a photo.

In this case, the ritual will be aimed at the man’s personal belongings. It could be something small in the form of a comb, a handkerchief, or a lighter.


  • The ritual consists of words spoken over a man’s thing to transfer love energy to him;
  • Take the object in your hands, clearly say the prayer “Our Father” in a half-whisper;
  • Next, thinking about your beloved, whisper the following conspiracy to his thing:

“Just as water does not flood the threshold, and does not come out from the corner of the house, so the beloved (name) will not meet another, will not love, will not caress, he only perceives me alone, God’s servant (name), loves me and misses me.

It will be mine forever as long as the thing serves him.

My work is strong, my word is molded. Amen".

The second way to cast a love spell on a man without using his photograph is based on water magic.

To do this, a woman must fill the bath with warm water and, putting her hands in it, say the following prayer an even number of times:

“Mother Water, drink from the energy of my body so that I can become the most beautiful and desirable for my dear (name).

Hear, voditsa, my request, help my dashing spirit.

May this blessed water give me the power of beauty and attractiveness.

He will look at me, and his thoughts will only be about me, day and night.

The prayer must be learned and said without hesitation, since it is better to turn to water with your eyes closed, imagining the image of your chosen one. After reading, take a bath with your head. After two days, your man should show you signs of his attention.

Through dolls

In professional language, a doll representing a person on whom a spell is cast is called a “volt.”

The most powerful love spell on a man at a distance, which is very difficult to remove, is the creation of dolls using the couple’s personal belongings.

To carry it out you will need: two thick candles, a woolen ball of red thread, a strand of a man’s hair and a strand of your curls.

Important: the main rule concerns the purchase of candles, which must be purchased strictly after midnight. To do this, look in advance at a 24-hour store where candles are available for sale. Alternatively, you can make your own candles.


  1. The candles should burn out slightly so that the wax becomes soft, like plasticine;
  2. Imprint your lock of hair into one candle, and the man’s hair into the second;
  3. After the candles burn out, create two dolls from the wax;
  4. After creating them, tie them together with a red thread and say the following words:

“Just as the white light is not dear to me without your eyes, so you will not have life without me.”

  • The plot is read nine times, then make sure that the dolls are tightly tied with thread;
  • Hide the figures in a box and place them in a safe place for storage.
  • This love spell is one of the most powerful, so before performing it, you should weigh all the possible consequences that will appear in the future. Do you really need this person?

    On a red thread

    A good way to arouse the love of a man from a distance is a love spell on knots. The day before magical actions, a woman should not take salty and smoked food, but it is better to pull herself together and eat only bread and water.


    • Wait until midnight, prepare in advance candles and a red thread made of wool or cotton, up to the middle of the elbow;
    • Curtain the windows, place candles on the floor in the form of a triangle;
    • Sit between the candles, concentrating your gaze on one of them;
    • Take the thread and slowly tie a knot, saying:

    “I’ll tie the thread tightly and bewitch dear (name) to me.

    He will belong to me, he will respect me alone!

    Until the thread is untied, his love will not subside!”

    • Turning your face to the other two candles, do the same manipulation. As a result, three knots should be tied on the thread;
    • Blow out the candles and go to bed, and put the thread under your pillow.

    After this love spell, the person must show his tender feelings for you. The main thing is that the knots should not come undone and the thread should not get lost, otherwise a strong love spell will lose its power. For greater effect, always carry the thread with you, close to your body.

    Instead of a conclusion

    When practicing love magic, you should not forget that any impact on a person and his psycho-emotional state is an energetic invasion, which will bring not only positive results, but also negative ones.