There is no Russian name. What do Russian names mean: interpretation and history of origin

), as well as among Bulgarians, Greeks and Icelanders (the latter have practically no surnames). The adaptation by Russians of names of other peoples is usually accompanied by one or another phonetic changes, and often by the appearance of a patronymic.

First names, patronymics and nicknames have been known since ancient times. At the same time, ancient sources do not always help to clearly distinguish between pre-Christian names (given from birth) and nicknames (acquired at a later age). Surnames appeared in Rus' quite late and, as a rule, they were formed from the names and nicknames of their ancestors. The first in the XIV-XV centuries. Princes and boyars acquired surnames. However, even in the 16th century, the inheritance of non-princely boyar families was very unstable. Then merchants and clergy began to acquire surnames. In the middle of the 19th century, especially after the abolition of serfdom in the city, peasant surnames were formed. The process of acquiring surnames was basically completed by the 30s of the 20th century.

Nominal formula


There are the following traditionally used components of the Russian anthroponym, from which various models of naming a person can be formed:

  • Name- a personal name given at birth, usually one, but in ancient times several names could be given. Diminutive (hypocoristic) name - an unofficial form of a name, formed from a personal name using certain suffixes or truncation (Maria - Masha - Masha - Manya - Musya, etc., Alexander - Sasha - Sashka - Shura - Sanya - Shurik - Sanyok; Nikolai - Kolya - Kolyusik - Kolyan, etc.). In modern times, similar formations, bordering on nicknames, are also derived from surnames (Kislov - Kisly, Panov - Pan), which is a process historically reverse to the formation of surnames.
  • Surname- patronymic, an indication of the father's name. Has the ending -(v)ich, -(v)na; in ancient times also -ov, -in similarly modern surnames(this is preserved in the Bulgarian language).
  • Surname- inherited from generation to generation through the male line (or through the female line). Usually, the original Russian surname ends in -ov/-ev/-ev (from the bases of the second declension: Petrov, Konev, Zhuravlev) or -in/-yn (from the bases of the first declension: Fomin, Sinitsyn); -sky/-tsky (Rozhdestvensky, Vysotsky); -oh (Tolstoy, Yarovoy, Lanovoy); less often - them/-s (Russians, Petrovs); less typical for Russians (unlike other Eastern Slavs) surnames with a zero ending (Beaver, Sparrow, etc.).
  • Nickname- an individual name that is not given at birth and is associated with certain characteristic features or events. Ancient times are characterized by a very stable and almost official use of many nicknames (for example, Ivan Kalita, Vasily Esifovich Nos - Novgorod mayor), but even now nicknames are informally widely used, especially in youth social groups, where they can actually act as the main means of nominating a person.


In its most complete form (full name), the Russian name, like the full names of other peoples, is not used in oral speech, but is used in official documents. In Russia, for its citizens (not only ethnic Russians), these three elements of the anthroponym are required to be indicated in official documents. For residents, the patronymic name is not indicated (if there is none), but in the column Name both personal and middle names are indicated. In most cases, a two-component model is used. Different shapes show varying degrees respect when communicating:

The previous options refer to people you know (excluding pseudonyms, e.g. Dima Bilan, Natasha Koroleva). The following are more often used when talking about third parties:

  • first name + nickname + last name - American version, popularized by the Comedy Club show and the way of writing the nickname on VKontakte ( Timur Kashtan Batrudinov, Dmitry Goblin Puchkov)
  • first name + patronymic + last name- respectfully names a person who has not been mentioned before (for example, introduces him to the audience) ( Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, Sergei Yurievich Belyakov)
  • surname + first name + patronymic- similar to the previous version, but sounds more formal and is used mainly in official documents and alphabetical lists (for example, telephone directories or encyclopedias)

Personal name

The name given to a person at birth and by which he is known in society. IN ancient Rus' distinguished between canonical and non-canonical names.

In the pre-Christian era, that is, almost until the end of the 10th century, among the Eastern Slavs (the ancestors of modern Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians) only personal names were used, which were given to children at birth.

Correct naming was given great importance. Spelling "someone's name or nickname" incorrectly or in a derogatory manner could result in a charge of causing "dishonor." In 1675, a royal decree clarified that an error in the spelling of names due to ignorance of “the nature of those peoples in which one was born” is not a crime, and therefore “trials should not be given or sought for this,” but the offenders could not avoid punishment: for this they were subjected to “trade execution”.


The patronymic as part of the nominal formula fulfilled triple function: complemented the name, distinguishing its owner (in addition to the surname) from the namesake, clarified the relationship within the family (father - son) and expressed respect (a form of politeness).

The first name and patronymic arose as a sign of respect, veneration of the worthy; first in relation to princes (in chronicles from the 11th century), then to eminent boyars, nobles, and under Peter I - distinguished merchants. In the 19th century, representatives of the upper strata of society acquired uniforms -vich. Middle names with “ev”, “ov”, “in” were given to merchants, and “ets” was given to the youngest in the family. Along with this, there are entries like: “gunner Timoshka Kuzmin son Strelkin”, “sidekick Ivashka Grigoriev”, “walking Timoshka Ivanov”; where are the forms Grigoriev And Ivanov- not yet surnames (so-called half-patronymic).

Patronymics formed from both Russian and non-Russian names were found in the most ancient Russian written monuments- Wed Burchevich." During numerous population censuses, it was necessary to record everyone “by name, father, and nickname.”

Historically, patronymics were divided into several categories. The slaves did not have it at all. Simply, noble people received a semi-patronymic name: “Peter Osipov Vasiliev.” As for the patronymic name in -ich, it became, as it were, a sign that the person wearing it belonged to the class, aristocratic elite. Thus, -ich stood out from the patronymic, ceased to be a suffix in full and began to be used independently, turning into a special term of privilege, birth of persons or classes. -ich began to be perceived as a title, as indicating the birth of the words “de” (in French), "von" (in German), "van" (in Dutch). In accordance with this situation, it was possible to award -vich, which is what the Russian tsars did.

Starting from the reign of Peter I - Count, "Patronymic" becomes mandatory in all documents.

However, patronymic forms in -ov/-ev in the 19th century were used only in clerical speech and in official documents. In unofficial situations, in everyday life, Russian people called each other by first names and patronymics in a form that is familiar to us now: dignification with -ovich, -evich, -ovna, -evna, -ych, -ich, -inichna not limited. Sometimes it was even used instead of a name (as sometimes now), when the speaker wanted to emphasize special respect for a person, to show a shade of affection, love.

An archaic feature that persists to this day is patronymics formed by directly adding the suffix -ych/-ich ( Silych, Titych etc.). The same form is present in the colloquial simplified version ( Nikolaich, Mikhalych). Similarly, in a conversational version they can simplify female middle names: Nikolavna, And bath (Mary Ivanna).


Russian surnames are inherited official names indicating a person’s belonging to a certain clan.

The surname, undoubtedly, was the main component of the nominal formula, since it served, in particular, for a clearer awareness of clan affiliation and its expression. As a rule, Russian surnames were single and passed down only through the male line (although there were exceptions).

Surnames were usually formed using suffixes from proper and common names, with the majority from possessive adjectives with suffixes -ov (-ev, -ev), -in (Ivan - Ivanov, Sergey - Sergeev, Kuzma - Kuzmin and so on.).

In Rus', surnames were formed from the name of the ancestor and patronymic (Ivanov, Petrov); from a place or from an epithet at the place of residence of an ancestor ( Zadorozhny, Zarechny); from the name of the city or locality from which the person came ( Moskvitin, Tveritin, Permitin); from the occupation or position of the ancestor ( Sapozhnikov, Laptev, Clerks, Bondarev); from the birth order of the ancestor ( Druzhinin , Tretyakov, Shestakov); from ethnic origin ancestor ( Khokhlov, Litvinov, Polyakov, Tatarinov, Moskalev). Most often, surnames were based on the nickname or patronymic of some member of the clan who distinguished himself in some way, moved to another area, became the owner of an estate or the head of a particularly large family.

In different social strata, surnames appeared at different times. Princes and boyars were the first to acquire surnames in the 14th and 15th centuries. They were usually given by the names of their patrimonial possessions: Tverskaya, Zvenigorodsky, Vyazemsky. Among them there are many foreign names, especially eastern origin, since many nobles came to serve the king from foreign lands. Ways of education noble families(surnames of ancient noble families and clans that served the nobility with ranks after the introduction of the Table of Ranks) were diverse. A small group consisted of the names of ancient princely families, derived from the names of their reigns. Before late XIX century, of the number of such clans that traced their origins to Rurik, five have survived: Mosalsky, Eletsky, Zvenigorod, Rostov (the latter usually had double surnames) and Vyazemsky. From the name of the estates came the surnames of Baryatinsky, Beloselsky, Volkonsky, Obolensky, Prozorovsky, Ukhtomsky and some others.

IN XVIII-XIX centuries surnames began to appear among servicemen and merchants. They often reflected geographical concepts based on the fact of birth. The clergy began to acquire surnames only from the middle of the 18th century, usually derived from the names of parishes ( Preobrazhensky, Nikolsky, Pokrovsky and so on.).

However, in currently people can receive a semi-official nickname, or come up with one for themselves.

Sometimes the nickname is still used officially today, becoming a surname (for example, Alexander Pankratov-Bely and Alexander Pankratov-Cherny).

see also


  • Bondaletov V.D. Russian name book, its composition, statistical structure and features of change (male and female names) / V.D. Bondaletov // Onomastics and norm. - M.: Nauka, 1976. - P. 12-46.
  • Yu. A. Rylov. Roman and Russian anthroponymy
  • N. I. Sheiko. Russian names and surnames
  • V. P. Berkov. 2005. Russian names, patronymics and surnames. Rules of use.
  • N. I. Formanovskaya. Sociocultural space of the Russian personal name and modern means mass media.
  • N. M. Tupikov.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • N. M. Tupikov. Dictionary of Old Russian proper names. - St. Petersburg, 1903.
  • A. V. Superanskaya. Dictionary of Russian names.
  • M. Moroshkin. Slavic name book or a collection of Slavic personal names in alphabetical order. - St. Petersburg, 1867.
  • B. O. Unbegaun. Russian surnames / Transl. from English / General ed. B. A. Uspensky. - M., 1989; 2nd ed. 1995; the same: Unbegaun B. O. Russian surnames. Oxford, 1972.

IN modern society Slavs are considered to have familiar and widespread Russian names, such as Alexander, Nikolai, Sergei, Natalya, Olga, Anna, etc. Only a few know that the names of Russian origin are different, and those listed above are borrowed from other nations. The names of each nation reflect its culture and traditions of many generations. The loss of generic names and proper names results in the loss of independence of the ethnic group and national consciousness. A society that does not preserve its ethnic and nominal symbols has no roots.

Ancient Russian names

A person’s name is the key to the inner “I”; it influences a person’s destiny. In Rus', everyone had two names: the first was false for outsiders, and the second was secret, only for the person and his close circle. The names were household, communal, spiritual, secret, deceptive, amulets. The Slavs tried to protect themselves from the influence of evil spirits that took possession of embittered people, so they chose names that protected from “the gaze and nature, from things or parables.”

In order to scare away everything unclean, the original deceptive name-amulet could have an unattractive meaning, for example, Nekras, Nevzor, ​​Crooked, Scoundrel, Blockhead, Fool, Pockmarked, Oblique, Sloppy, Sold, Malice and other interpretations negative qualities or flaws in appearance. They changed with age; it was believed that a person “grew out” of them like short pants.

In adolescence, when the main personality traits were formed, re-naming was carried out. It fully corresponded to the character of the owner, so it was very easy, knowing the person’s name, to determine his essence and purpose in life. For this reason, it was customary not to talk about a secret name, so as not to reveal one’s individuality to strangers.

A person’s secret name not only served him as protection, but also loving father and the mother invested wishes for a prosperous future. It could reflect the parents’ dreams about who they want their child to be in life. The name is pronounced every day, which is why it has such a great influence on a person’s fate - it is a kind of program for life embedded in the image. The varied meaning of Russian names depends on their classification into groups:

  • two-basic: male (Mirolyub, Bogolyub, Bozhidar, Velimudr, Wenceslav, Gremislav, Dragomir, Yaroslav, etc.); women's (Lyubomir, Zvenislav, Zlatotsvet, Iskren, Milana, Radimir, Radosvet, etc.);
  • by birth order (Elder, Menshak, Pervusha, Second, Tretyak, Chetvertak, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Nine);
  • By moral qualities(Stoyan, Brave, Daring, Kind, Proud, Gorazd, Shout, etc.);
  • according to behavioral characteristics (Jumper, Joker, etc.);
  • on external distinctive features(Svetlana, Chernava, Chernysh, Kudryash, Mal, Bel, Sukhoi, Verzila and all that kind of stuff);
  • gods and goddesses (Yarilo, Lada);
  • in relation to the birth of a child of parents and relatives (Khoten, Lyubim, Zhdan, Drugan, Nezhdannaya and others);
  • by occupation (Blacksmith, Miller, Kozhemyaka, Villager, Mazai and other craft options);
  • from the animal world (Pike, Ruff, Hare, Wolf, Eagle, Raven, Lark, Swan, Bull, etc.).

Children in Rus' could be named by month or season, and also depending on the weather at the time of birth. Hence, in ancient chronicles you can find such words as May or Veshnyak, Frost (cold-blooded), Winter (harsh, merciless), etc. There were "half names" of a diminutive derogatory form, formed by adding suffixes to personal names. Examples of such abbreviations are Svyatoslav (Svyatosha), Yaropolk (Yarilka), Dobromir (Dobrynya), Vadimir (Vadim), Miloslav (Miloneg), Ratibor (Ratisha) and others.

Names carry an important part of the culture, heritage and traditions of a people. With the advent of Christianity in Rus' Slavic names began to be replaced by Greek, Roman or Jewish. Servants of the Old Testament cult even had lists of prohibited Russian names. The intention of the priests was to erase their gods and glorious ancestors from the memory of the people. Slavic wise men and heroes did everything possible to preserve Russian culture and their efforts bore fruit. Modern parents, obeying the hidden call of their hearts, are increasingly calling their children by their native euphonious names.


When baptizing both children and adults, clergy give new names. They are selected at the request of the parents of the baptized baby or the person himself, if the ceremony occurs in adulthood. The priest may recommend choosing a name in accordance with the saint's day from the month book or converting the secular one into a church form. So, Angela can become Angelina, and Oksana can be renamed Ksenia, there are many options.

Greek origin

Many names that the Slavs are accustomed to consider Russian came simultaneously with Christianity. The vast majority of them Greek origin. Christianity originated in Palestine at the turn of the century new era(1st century) during the prosperity of the Roman Empire. The functions of the official languages, due to geographical differentiation, were performed by Ancient Greek and Latin, which had an ancient written tradition. Hence some cult features, for example, the predominance of Greek names among the Russian Christianized population.


  • Agathon (blessed);
  • Alexey (protector);
  • Anatoly (eastern);
  • Andrey (brave);
  • Anton (entering the battle);
  • Arseny (courageous);
  • Artem (healthy, unharmed);
  • Gennady (noble origin);
  • Hercules (famous hero);
  • George (farmer);
  • Gregory (vigilant);
  • Denis ( greek god winemaking);
  • Hippolytus (liberator);
  • Kirill (Mr.);
  • Leonid (descendant);
  • Leonty (lion);
  • Macarius (blessed);
  • Myron (myrrh);
  • Nestor (traveler);
  • Nikita (winner);
  • Nikephoros (bringer of victory);
  • Nicodemus (who won the victory over the people);
  • Nicholas (conqueror of nations);
  • Nikon (winner);
  • Panteleimon (merciful);
  • Potap (wanderer);
  • Peter (stone);
  • Pythagoras (collection);
  • Plato (broad);
  • Prokop (successful);
  • Spiridon (reliable, gift of the soul);
  • Tikhon (lucky);
  • Timothy (who worships God);
  • Trifon (luxurious);
  • Fedor (God's gift);
  • Fedosey (given to God);
  • Fedot (God-given);
  • Philemon (beloved);
  • Philip (horse lover);
  • Christopher (carrying Christ).
  • Avdotya (having favor);
  • Agafya, Agata (kind);
  • Agnia (immaculate);
  • Aglaya (beautiful);
  • Adelaide (noble family);
  • Azalea (flowering shrub);
  • Alice (noble);
  • Angelina (messenger);
  • Anfisa (blooming);
  • Varvara (foreigner, cruel);
  • Veronica (bringer of victory);
  • Galina (calm);
  • Glafira (graceful);
  • Dorothea (gift of God);
  • Catherine (pure);
  • Elena (light);
  • Euphrosyne (joy);
  • Zoya (life);
  • Irina (peaceful);
  • Oia (violet);
  • Cleopatra (famous for her father);
  • Ksenia (hospitable);
  • Larisa (seagull);
  • Lydia (country of Asia Minor);
  • Maya (mother, nurse);
  • Melania (dark);
  • Nika (winner);
  • Paraskeva (Friday);
  • Pelagia (sea);
  • Sophia (wise);
  • Thekla (God's glory);
  • Photinia (light);
  • Fevronia (radiant).
  • Agapius, Agapia (love);
  • Alexander, Alexandra (defending);
  • Anastas, Anastasia (resurrection);
  • Apollinaris, Apollinaria, Polina (dedicated to Apollo);
  • Vasily, Vasilisa (tsar, queen);
  • Dmitry, Demeter ( Greek goddess fertility and agriculture);
  • Evgeny, Evgenia (noble origin);
  • Evdokim, Evdokia (glorious, favor);
  • Zinovy, Zinovia (living like a god);
  • Stefan, Stefania (crowned);
  • Phaeton, Faina (shining) and some others.

Roman origin

Since arriving at Kievan Rus In 988, the Mediterranean Old Testament cult became widespread among the people with Greek and Roman names. Trying to eradicate Slavic culture and introduce a new religious idea, the Old Testament priests, well aware of the importance of original Russian names, began to rename the local population at baptism.

Today, one can observe the large-scale fruits of this activity - many people consider Greek, Roman or Hebrew names to be truly theirs.


  • Albert (noble splendor);
  • Vincent (victorious);
  • Herman (half-blood);
  • Dementia (taming);
  • Demyan (conquering);
  • Ignat (fiery);
  • Innocent (innocent, immaculate);
  • Konstantin (permanent);
  • Klim (merciful);
  • Lawrence (crowned with laurels);
  • Luka, Lukyan (light);
  • Maxim (greatest);
  • Mark (hammer);
  • Pavel (small);
  • Roman (Roman, Roman);
  • Sergei (highly revered);
  • Silouan (forest, wild);
  • Terenty (tugging).
  • Aurora (goddess of the dawn);
  • Agata (good);
  • Agripina (sorrowful);
  • Akulina (eagle);
  • Alena (scarlet);
  • Alina (beautiful);
  • Albina (white);
  • Anastasia (restored);
  • Anna (merciful);
  • Antonina (invaluable);
  • Bella (beautiful);
  • Angela (messenger);
  • Violetta (small violet);
  • Veronica (light of victory);
  • Victoria (conqueror, winner);
  • Virinea (green);
  • Diana (divine);
  • Inna (stormy stream);
  • Karina (look-ahead);
  • Claudia (limping);
  • Christina (follower of Christ);
  • Clara (clear);
  • Lily ( White flower);
  • Marina (sea);
  • Marianna (beloved);
  • Margarita (pearl);
  • Natalia (natural, native);
  • Regina (queen);
  • Rimma (city of Rome);
  • Rita (pearl);
  • Rose (flower, queen of flowers);
  • Stele (star);
  • Tatiana (organizer);
  • Ulyana (owned by Julius);
  • Julia (courteous).
  • Benedikt, Benedicta (blessed);
  • Valery, Valeria (strong, cheerful);
  • Valentin, Valentina (healthy);
  • Victor, Victoria (winners);
  • Vitaly, Vitalina (life);
  • Renat, Renata (renewed, born again).

Jewish origin

Modern Christianity is based on the Jewish religion, dedicated to their Lord Yahweh. Since the time of the Roman Empire, Jews have followed the cult described in the Old Testament, a book that is the Jewish Tanakh (including the Torah). Religion is closely intertwined with the way of life of the people, so the confusion of past events affected the worldview of the Russians. Today’s Slavs are accustomed to considering foreign names as Russian; they have begun to forget the teachings and beliefs of their ancestors, and it’s time to return to their native roots.

Each era leaves its mark on the worldview of the people, but there are such turbulent periods that they are called turning points in history. So it was with the arrival Soviet power after the October Revolution in 1917, the leader of which was V.I. Lenin. The symbols of the USSR were present in everything, even children were named after the main events and leaders of that time. Here is a short list of Russian names of Soviet origin:

  • Aviation (revolutionary name);
  • Vilen (short for V.I. Lenin);
  • Vladlen (Vladimir Lenin);
  • Kim (chief);
  • Lenar (Leninist army);
  • Oktyabrina ( October Revolution);
  • Rem (world revolution);
  • Stalin (Stalinist).

Modern Russian names with Slavic roots

There is a well-known expression: “Whatever you call a yacht, that’s how it will sail.” This statement is fully applicable to a person’s name. Names with Slavic roots carry deep meaning intuitive and close to every Russian. You can distinguish a Slavic name from a foreign one if you find out whether there are parts of it in your native words. Most truly Russian names have “slav” (glorifying), “lyubo” (loving), “mir” (peaceful) in one of the roots, which eloquently characterizes high morality and peaceful spirit Slavic people.


For men and women

  • Aristarchus (Aryan from the clan of Tarkh, son of the god Perun);
  • Aristodene (hundred-light Aryan);
  • Branislav (who gains glory in battles);
  • Vyacheslav (great glory);
  • Vladimir (who owns the world);
  • Vlastislav (famous for fair power);
  • Gradislav (creator of glory);
  • Gradimir (creator of the world);
  • Damir (giver of peace);
  • Zhiznemir (living for the world);
  • Zhitomir (ensuring the prosperity of the world);
  • Zakhar (a warrior who owns the Khara energy center);
  • Zlatogor (full of virtues);
  • Zlatoyar (furious as the sun);
  • Igor (unifier, manager);
  • Krepimir (strengthening peace);
  • Ludoslav (famous by people);
  • Miromir (providing peaceful life);
  • Miroslav (famous for his love of peace);
  • Mstislav (gloriously avenging);
  • Orislav (very nice);
  • Pereyaslav (maintaining the glory of the ancestors);
  • Radimir (who cares about peace);
  • Ratibor (chosen warrior);
  • Sławomir (glorifying the world);
  • Slavs (glorious for courage);
  • Taras (descendant of Tarkh son of Perun);
  • Khvalimir (praising the world);
  • Yaropolk (fierce commander).
  • Snow White (pure, white);
  • Vlastelina (ruler);
  • Faith (belief, truth);
  • Veselina (cheerful, cheerful);
  • Vsemila (dear to everyone);
  • Galina (feminine);
  • Goluba (meek);
  • Daryana, Daria (strong Aryan);
  • Fun (cheerful, funny);
  • Goldenhair (fair-haired);
  • Spark (sincere);
  • Lana (fertile);
  • Hope (will, to act);
  • Svetlana (light, pure);
  • Siyana (beautiful);
  • Tsvetana (flower-like);
  • Yasna (clear).
  • Bazhen, Bazhena (desired child);
  • Bogdan, Bogdana (by God this child);
  • Borislav, Borislava (fighting for glory);
  • Vladislav, Vladislava (possessing glory);
  • Vsevolod, Vsevlad (all-powerful);
  • Yesislav, Yesislava (truly glorious);
  • Zvenislav, Zvenislava (calling for glory);
  • Casimir, Casimira (calling for a truce);
  • Krasnoslav, Krasnoslava (beautiful in glory);
  • Lel, Lelya (children of the Slavic goddess of love Lada);
  • Lyudmil, Lyudmila (dear to people);
  • Putimir, Putimira (following the path chosen by society);
  • Putislav, Putislava (famous for fulfilling their duty);
  • Rostislav, Rostislava (increasing glory);
  • Stanislav, Stanislava (constantly glorious) and others.


The spirit of the Slavic people is powerful. Despite foreign influence, Russian culture is constantly being revived. No matter how much the attention of the younger generation is diverted to Western values, with age every Slav begins to increasingly seek a connection with his true roots. This explains the desire to call children by their native names, invented by our glorious ancestors. Although time must pass before the currently popular Russian names of foreign origin, such as Artem, Alisa, Alexandra, Varvara, Veronica, Ivan, Mark, Eva, Gleb and others, cease to be used among the Slavs.


Russian name is complex formula, in the history of which not everything is clear. How were names given in Rus', what is the phenomenon of “half-name”, and what were the real names of the Russian tsars? We'll figure out.


The tradition of giving names in Rus' developed in pre-Christian times. Any word associated with custom, habits, appearance, environment, could “stick” to a person and become his name. There were several thousand such nicknames, but no more than a hundred were in wide use. Conventionally, they can be divided into ten groups.

Here are some of them. Numerical names – First, Second, Tretiak. Connected with external signs- Chernyava, Belyak, Malyuta. With character traits - Molchan, Smeyana, Istoma. With wildlife - Bull, Pike, Oak. Or with crafts - Spoon, Blacksmith, Fur Coat. However, with age, such names could be replaced by others - more suitable for the person.

As a special category of nicknames, it is worth highlighting protective names. To avoid the harmful influence of evil spirits or other people, a person was often given a second name that everyone knew - Nekras, Zloba, Kriv. Such an unsightly name, according to legend, protected its bearer from the evil eye or damage.

After the appearance of Christian names in Rus', nicknames did not disappear, but became an addition to the main name. They were used both among low class and high-born people. As an example, we can name Alexander Nevsky, Simeon of Polotsk or Ivan Kalita.
Nicknames in Russia were in use until the 18th century, until they were completely banned by Peter I. However, from the 15th century another process was actively gaining momentum, in which nicknames began to be transformed into surnames.

Direct name

In the XIV-XVI centuries in Russia, at birth, it was customary to give direct names in honor of the saint whose memory was celebrated on this day. Unlike the public Christian name, the direct name was usually used in narrow circle close and dear people. Thus, Vasily III bore the direct name Gabriel, and his son Ivan the Terrible - Titus.

Sometimes a paradoxical situation arose when siblings could be full namesakes - bear the same public and direct name. For example, senior and youngest sons Ivan the Terrible was publicly called Dmitry, and in a close circle - Uar.

The tradition of a direct name originates in the early genealogy of the Rurikovichs, when the Grand Dukes bore both pagan and christian name: Yaroslav-George (Wise) or Vladimir-Vasily (Monomakh).

Names of the Rurikovichs

In the Rurik dynasty there were two categories of names: Slavic two-basic ones - Yaropolk, Svyatoslav, Ostromir and Scandinavian ones - Olga, Gleb, Igor. Names were assigned a high status, and therefore they could belong exclusively to a grand ducal person. Only in the 14th century did such names come into general use.

It is interesting that the family name could not remain free: if the grandfather died, the newborn grandson was named after him, but the appearance of simultaneously living namesake brothers was not allowed in the pre-Mongol period.
Later, after the canonization of the bearers of both Slavic and Scandinavian names by the Russian Orthodox Church, such names began to be considered Christian, for example, Vladimir or Gleb.

Christianization of names

As Christianity strengthened in Rus', Slavic names gradually became a thing of the past. There were even special lists of prohibited names, in which a special ban was imposed on those that were associated with pagan religion, for example, Yarilo or Lada.

The Rurikovichs also had to gradually abandon dynastic preferences in favor of Christian names. Vladimir Svyatoslavovich was already given the name Vasily at baptism, and Princess Olga was given the name Elena. It is interesting that Vladimir’s sons Boris and Gleb, whose names were later canonized, were named Roman and David, respectively, at baptism.

With the spread of book printing in Russia, great importance began to be attached to the writing of names. A misspelled name could lead to charges of dishonor. However, by a royal decree of 1675 it was clarified that errors in the spelling of names due to ignorance of “the nature of those peoples in which one was born” are not a crime, and therefore “no judgment should be given or sought for this.”

Half names

The official use of half names in a diminutive and derogatory tone was common in Russia from the 16th to the 18th centuries. State criminals were often called this way - Stenka Razin or Emelka Pugachev. It was also mandatory to use a half name when contacting higher authorities. So, for example, Gregory had to call himself “Grishka, the royal servant.” It is known that during the “political masquerade” - the abdication of Ivan the Terrible from the throne - the “former” tsar appeared as “Ivanets Vasilyev”.

Romanov names

During the reign of the Romanov dynasty, there were quite large chronological discrepancies between birthdays and namesakes - up to two months. This is due to the careful selection of the name of the saint, which was determined by genealogical and dynastic preferences.

During the “naming” itself, the Romanovs were primarily guided by the customs of their ancestors. Related to this, for example, is the ban on the names of Peter and Paul after the murder Peter III and Paul I. It was completely natural to give names in honor of older relatives. Following this rule, Nicholas I named his four sons with the same names and in the same order as his father Paul I.
The renewal of the Romanov name book occurs under Catherine II. She introduces new names into the dynastic succession, naming her grandchildren Nicholas (in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker), Constantine (in honor of Constantine the Great) and Alexander (in honor of Alexander Nevsky). True, over time, as the Romanov tree grows, half-forgotten dynastic names appear - Nikita, Olga, and even those absent from the calendar - Rostislav.

"Ivan, who does not remember kinship"

The name Ivan has practically become a household name for Russian people, and for good reason: until 1917, every fourth peasant in the world bore this name. Russian Empire. Moreover, undocumented tramps who fell into the hands of the police often called themselves Ivans, which gave rise to stable expression"Ivan, who does not remember kinship."

For a long time, the name Ivan, which is of Jewish origin, did not apply to the ruling dynasty, but starting from Ivan I (Kalita), it was used to refer to four sovereigns from the Rurik family. The Romanovs also use this name, but after the death of Ivan VI in 1764, it was banned.

Paternal succession

The use of patronymics in Rus' as part of family name- This is a confirmation of a person’s connection with his father. Nobles and simple people They called themselves, for example, “Mikhail, Petrov’s son.” It was considered a special privilege to add the ending “-ich” to the patronymic, which was allowed to people of high origin. This is how the Rurikovichs were called, for example, Svyatopolk Izyaslavich.

In the “table of ranks” under Peter I, and then in the “official list” under Catherine II, various shapes endings of patronymics (for example, “-ovich” or “-ov”) depending on the person’s belonging to a certain class.

Since the 19th century, the nascent intelligentsia began to use the patronymic name, and after the abolition of serfdom, the peasantry was also allowed to use it. Life modern man is no longer conceivable without a patronymic, and this is not only the strength of tradition - an official respectful form of address, but also a practical necessity - distinguishing between people who have the same first and last name.

Female Russian names of Slavic origin are distinguished by the presence of two stems. These are like this wonderful names, like Miroslava, Svetlana, Yaroslava. A Russian female name always has good meaning, which can be seen even with the naked eye. Russian Orthodox names are still relevant.

The secret of the two foundations lies in the fact that the Slavs believed in the unity of the name and its owner. To a wide circle They gave a false name, and only close relatives knew the real one. The child was given a middle name already in adolescence, because it was associated with his character, habits and views. Were funny names and downright strong. The tradition has survived to this day, and many parents give their children other names at baptism in order to protect them from the evil eye and damage. Therefore, Russian female names have become popular far beyond the borders of the country.

Origin of female names

The most surprising thing is that most of the names are not Russian at all. The stream that brought new things to the Russian people in names was Christianity. After acceptance new faith culture was enriched by various Byzantine, Greek and Jewish names. It's hard to imagine that many of them that surround us today were once part of someone else's history.

The list of original Slavic names has characteristic meanings:

  • Bogdana.
  • Wanda.
  • Lada.
  • Hope.
  • Love.
  • Faith.
  • Mila.
  • Vlada.
  • Ruslana.
  • Svetlana.
  • Miroslava.
  • Oksana.
  • Lyudmila.

Among the Slavic options there are also unusual female names. These are Assol, Vanda, Zabava, Milana, Radmila, Tsvetana, Yesenia, Iskra, Veselina, Berislava, Radosveta.

Many species were borrowed from the Greeks. They predominate among foreign names that have taken root on Russian soil. You might be surprised to look at the list and find such familiar words.

Popular Russian names of Greek origin:

  • Vasilisa.
  • Zinaida.
  • Anfisa.
  • Nika.
  • Veronica.
  • Lydia.
  • Raisa.
  • Ilona.
  • Ksenia.
  • Larisa.
  • Nina.
  • Diana.
  • Taisiya.
  • Tamara.

Among the rare Greek names that the Slavs used are names such as Avdotya, Agnia, Alevtina, Vasilina, Glafira, Evdokia, Euphrosyne, Nellie, Praskovya, Stefania, Feodosia, Kira. They may seem funny, but in ancient times they were very popular.

Ancient Roman names spread throughout the world. It is not surprising that several of them were drawn to Russia. List of Latin options that Russian girls wear:

  • Karina.
  • Valeria.
  • Marina.
  • Regina.
  • Rose.
  • Lily.
  • Antonina.
  • Dina.

Amazing Latin names, but, unfortunately, rare: Venus, Vitalina, Carolina, Lana, Lolita, Nonna, Stella, Tina, Pavla.

There are also plenty of Jewish names in the ranks of supposedly Russian ones. These are well known to everyone:

  • Martha
  • Rimma
  • Evelina
  • Maryana

Among the rare Jewish variants are Ada, Leah, Seraphim, Susanna, Edita.

Traditional name choice

The Slavs, like other ancient peoples, carefully chose the names of their children. They believed that a name brings meaning to a person’s life, so they tried to name babies favorably. It was a whole ritual with its own characteristics and rules. Today, this ritual is neglected and sometimes given downright funny names. Girls are called whatever the parents want, without worrying about the fate of the child. People think that by naming a child after a celebrity or relative, they are giving him a good destiny.

Despite the fact that there are truly a lot of Russian names, it is sometimes difficult for parents to choose the right one for their beloved daughter. You can choose the first one you come across, but often it just doesn’t fit your tongue. It is worth remembering the nuance of the choice - the rougher it sounds, the more audacity and strength is put into it. Soft names with vowel sounds endow the girl with softness and tenderness.

IN last years there is a tendency to name girls old names, which many have already forgotten. These are such wonderful names as Yarina, Lyubomira, Milana, Zlata, Milena. These are mostly Orthodox names.

Russian female names and their meanings

Zlata is gold.

Larisa is a seagull.

Lesya is courageous.

Claudia is lame.

Love love.

Lyudmila is dear to people.

Kira is a mistress.

Margarita is a pearl.

Marina is sea.

Lily is a flower.

- fluffy.

Maya is the goddess of spring.

Maria is bitter.

Martha is a mistress.

Hope is hope.

Nellie is young.

Oksana is hospitable.

- founder.

Lydia is the first.

Miroslava - glory is sweet.

Snezhana is cold.

Olga is a saint.

Polina is a fortune teller.

Raisa is submissive.

Regina is a queen.

Rose is a flower.

Ruslana is a lioness.

Nina is the ruler.

Natalya is dear.

Svetlana is bright.

Tamara is a fig tree.

Glory is glory.

Sophia - wisdom.

Taisiya loves children.

Feodosia is a landowner.

Yana – Sun Goddess.

Yanina is light.

Yaroslav - burning for glory.

Russian name selection by birth month

January: Ulyana, Anastasia, Eva, Evgenia, Tatyana, Nina.