Hashtag with question mark options. Hashtag - what is it and how to use it

I am writing an article in the hope that some of my readers do not yet know how to make a hashtag and where it can be used.

To explain it in simple words, a hashtag is keywords for searching for information on the topic you need. The hashtag is used and applied mainly on social networks. If you are interested in a specific topic, then using a hashtag it is much easier to find only those posts in the ocean that are related to your topic. Naturally, provided that the author of the text did not forget to highlight this hashtag in his post. Remember, hashtags serve to combine posts from many people into one feed.

If you've just started using social media, it's likely that the words highlighted in this way may irritate you at first. But this is only until you understand their meaning. Once you learn how to use it both as the author of a message and as a reader, hashtags will become a necessary and useful tool for you to work and communicate on social networks.

Making a hashtag is not at all difficult; just put a hash sign # in front of the keyword of the text. The keyword will look like this: #dacha or #internet. Still, there are several nuances that are useful to know about.

Rules and etiquette for using hashtags

# X The eshtag can be inserted anywhere in the text. Although most often hashtags can be seen at the beginning or end of a post.

#B More than three hashtags are considered spam. It is recommended to highlight no more than three keywords in the text, otherwise the message will look unreadable.

# X ashtags support numbers: #10_tools. No other special characters, spaces, punctuation, asterisks, exclamation or question marks are used.

# X Ashtags can be written in different languages.

# X Ashtags can consist of two or three words.

# N It is best to separate some words with an underscore. For example: #work_on_the Internet.

# AND Use the brand names of your company, product or service as a hashtag. If you watched the popular program “The Voice,” then you probably heard how the program’s host, Dmitry Nagiyev, constantly informed us that the program can be found on social networks using the hashtag #Voice.

# AND use trending hashtags, that is, those that have already become popular among millions of network users. This could be a message related to some holiday or event: #Sochi_2014. This method will allow your message to be seen among all messages that are related to the Olympics, but also imposes certain obligations to create unique and interesting content that users will notice.

# P If necessary, when searching for information, enter several hashtags until you find what you need.

# X The hashtag should be short, no more than 10-15 characters. If you use Twitter, you know that messages are only 140 characters long.

# WITH The most popular hashtags can be seen: (hashtags.org). With this service, you can analyze Twitter hashtags by activity and time of use.

# IN The system can add Google+ hashtags for you. If the hashtag is gray, it means the author added it; if the hashtag is blue, the system adds it.

#E If you manage to come up with your own original hashtag, you can immediately start promoting it.

# R By promoting your hashtag, you can see that others are using it, and even with malicious intent: by publishing information using your hashtag that is not related to it.

#E If you need to organize content on your page on Facebook, create unique titles for categories and add a category hashtag to a specific post. For example, every day you write a post about beauty and health and 10 more posts on other topics. To save the user from having to scroll the wall in search of posts about health, come up with a unique hashtag for the category.

# X The ashtag works if you yourself do not forget to put it in your posts on different social media, and do not forget to remind users of it.

A little more about hashtags...

To be fair, we must add that hashtags were invented by programmers long before the advent of social networks. It was a technical tool, and it was only thanks to Twitter that it became a recognizable and very useful tool.

Only thanks to a hashtag can you quickly pull information from the depths of a social network for a specific request. Yes, and even in this case, there is no complete confidence that you will receive all the necessary information. Since not everyone still knows about how to make a hashtag and what it is needed for. There is an interesting statistic: only every fourth tweet contains hashtags, and they receive half of the users’ attention.

The main value of hashtags: if you understand how to use them, they will help you structure a lot of information. At a time when a stream of uncontrollable information is pouring on our heads, this opportunity is difficult to overestimate.

As usual, here's a helpful video to help:

Probably everyone who is registered on at least one social network has already heard at least once about what hashtags are. For those for whom Instagram was the first social network or who have not used them before, we will explain.

Hashtags– these are certain words that describe, in the case of Instagram, a picture or video. On other social networks, they can describe a text, a tweet, or anything at all. Initially, tags were conceived in order to describe what is shown in the picture and other users who are interested could find this photo.

Although hashtags are not mandatory when adding a photo to Instagram (and not everyone inserts them when uploading pictures), users still prefer to describe what is happening in the photo with tags. Most often, this is done to get additional likes on your photos.

It works like this:

  1. The user adds a photo to Instagram and along with it several hashtags;
  2. Another person, at the same time viewing pictures using one of the specified tags, will see the photo of the first Instagrammer and, if he likes it, he will like it or even subscribe.

Remember that Instagram currently has over 500 million active users, which means that a lot of people can like your photo.

What determines the number of likes you get? Mainly on how popular the hashtags will be indicated and how many of them there will be in total.

Look hashtags on Instagram like words written after the hash sign #. That is, if in the picture you are adding you photographed a sea view, then in the hashtags you can indicate, for example, “#sea #sky #sun”. Tags containing more than one word are usually written together (#bolshoi_theater) or with an underscore (#bolshoi_theater). You can see what hashtags look like on Instagram in the picture below.

If you don't already know how to put a hashtag on Instagram, then the following guide should help you with this.

This is very easy to do; to do this, after adding a caption to the photo using the # sign, add a few words describing it, as is done in the figure below.

As you can see, when you add a hashtag after the hash sign, Instagram itself tells you what tags users like to enter. That is, how many photos in the captions already have one or another keyword.

After entering the description, the photo is added as usual, you don’t need to do anything special. And when it has already appeared in your feed, then all the hashtags that you entered automatically become active links that you can click on with your finger.

By clicking on any of them, you will be taken to the page of the selected hashtag, where all the photos in the description of which it was mentioned are presented.

By the way add hashtag You don’t have to, after you’ve entered a description for the photo, you can insert them directly into the text and even replace some words with them, as is sometimes done even on the official Instagram account in Russia.

You can also get to the hashtag page in another way by typing the desired tag in and going to the “Tags” tab.

Finally, I just want to advise you not to overuse hashtags, as a large pile of them looks ugly and completely inappropriate. The creators of the application themselves, in one of their articles, recommended using no more than 3-5 hashtags for one photo.

To attract more attention to your photos on Instagram, it is best to use popular hashtags. To make it easier for you to find them, we have compiled a list of the most popular ones in various categories below.

The most used general purpose tags are:

#amazing #photooftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #instagood #instacool #bestoftheday #instahub #instago #awesome #instalove

In order to get their first subscribers, many users are ready to subscribe in return. So, to find each other, people began to use hashtags that show what they are ready to do (for example, like for like). This is done completely free of charge and by posting these hashtags you will certainly receive a certain number of likes and subscribers, but keep in mind that people will expect from you the same action that they did.

#follow #followme #f4f #followback #followforfollow #follwme #likesforlikes #l4l #likes #like4like #liker

If you like to photograph nature, for example, the sky, the sun and the beach, then you simply need to use the following tags in the description of your photo.

#nature #sun #summer #sky #beach #sunrise #beautiful #sunset #pretty #blue #night #flowers #tree #clouds #love #green #day #mothernature

One of the most popular types of pictures on Instagram is a selfie, in other words, a photo of yourself. For these types of shots, you may find the following hashtags useful.

#selfie #me #selfination #cool #selfies #instaselfie #handsome #face #portrait #eyes #smile #fun #cute #instamood #igdaily

Lately, more and more people are starting to post their . The management of the social network contributes to this in every possible way, promoting this format in its official account and increasing the maximum duration of videos from 10 seconds to 1 minute. Therefore, if you want to attract more attention to your videos, you can use the following tags in the caption.

#video #instagramvideo #movie #videos #movies #film #clip #vine #films #videogram #videoinstagram #instavideo #videooftheday

In fact, to list everything popular hashtags on Instagram on all topics, even a huge article is not enough. Therefore, instead of giving you “fish”, we will give you a “fishing rod”, or rather, we will teach you how to independently find tags on any topic that you need. For these purposes, special applications for smartphones have already been created, which we will tell you about below.

Applications for selecting popular hashtags

According to statistics, the average user posts photos on Instagram once every 2-3 days. Photos usually have a variety of themes, so many people have to come up with new hashtags each time. To make this easier, there are already applications that we want to tell you about.

InstaTag and TagsForLikes - both applications have the same operating principle; they contain categories, each of which contains the most popular hashtags on a given topic. The categories look something like this:

Among the nuances, it is worth noting that both applications are in English, but the categories are named in fairly simple and well-known words. However, if you are really bad with this language, then Google Translator should help you in this matter.

Hashtags in these apps are presented in a list, which can also be easily copied and pasted into Instagram.

Both applications or their analogues can be easily found in both the App Store and Google Play.

And the last application that we want to recommend to you is MyTager. In it you only need to enter the first tag, for example, “summer” and the program itself will offer you similar relevant words on your topic. All that remains for you is to select them, thus building your own chain of hashtags, which can then be easily copied to Instagram.

As you've already learned from this article, and perhaps experienced from your own experience, hashtags can really draw extra attention to your photos. However, if you want to promote your Instagram even more effectively, then it is better to buy advertising in popular accounts; this is the most convenient way to do this.

If you still have any questions related to hashtags, ask them in the comments.

A hashtag or hashtag (English Hashtag from hash - the hash symbol) is a word or phrase preceded by the # symbol.

Hashtags are used to group similar messages.
For example, you are writing an article on the topic of hashtags on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and VKontakte.

At the end of the article, you can use hashtags to highlight key points. In our case it will look something like this:
#hashtag #instagram #twitter #facebook #vkontakte.

Currently, all popular social networks support hashtags, which means that at any time you can search for a hashtag that interests you and see what interesting things are happening.

On Instagram, hashtags are needed to tag photos and search for them. People usually put at least 3-4 hashtags so that their photo is accessible by them. Those. By increasing the number of hashtags, in theory, you can increase the reach of those who see your photo. However, you should not oversaturate your posts with hashtags, and even more so, use hashtags that do not reflect the essence of the photograph and the objects depicted in it.

There is a kind of Top Hashtags on Twitter - it reflects the most popular topics at the moment on the social network.

On Facebook and Vkontakte, hashtags are not so common.

(the name comes from the English: hash - lattice and tag - tag) - a label that is necessary to simplify the search for records on a given topic. Consists of the # sign and the word or phrase that follows it.

History of appearance

The tag was first used by Chris Messina, who became the father of hashtags. On August 23, 2007, he introduced them to facilitate navigation and communication on social networks. The first tags of this kind were used on Twitter. Not all users liked them, and they won their recognition only in 2010. Over time, users liked the convenience of hashtags, and today they are found more and more often on various social networks.

On May 16, 2011, the first hashtag appeared on VK, which was called “#vkontaktetestiruethashtagi”. At this time, it was possible to create marks only from letters. Today they can be written in any language, the main thing is that the rules for their creation are followed.

Rules for writing labels

Before you make a hashtag "VKontakte", you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for writing it, otherwise the tag will not work and will not bring the desired results.

Tag rules:

  1. A hashtag or, as it is also written, a hashtag begins with a # sign. Anything written next to a hash mark will be considered a tag and will automatically turn into a link to search for posts with the same word or phrase.
  2. Today you can write tags in any language.
  3. A hashtag can be located in any part of a post, and their number for one post is not limited, although it is recommended to use no more than 2-3 tags per post.
  4. If a hashtag consists of several words, they cannot be separated by spaces, otherwise it will only include one word. To visually separate a phrase, it is better to use an underscore or use it for the first letter of each word.
  5. Before you make a hashtag on VKontakte or any other social network, you need to select keywords for it. They should be simple, unique and relevant to the specific entry. This will improve their efficiency.

What are the VK hashtags?

"VK" represents 2 types of tags:

  1. They work throughout VK.
  2. They work within the community.

The entire social network uses common tags. They are very useful for promoting pages and groups, since users who have never heard of or even suspected the existence of this community can see a post with a common hashtag.

Before you make a general-purpose VKontakte hashtag, you need to choose its name. The keyword to be used must be general, spelled correctly, and suitable for the entry.

Tag within community

Creating unique tags that will only be used within your community will help attract more visitors to your community. By clicking on such a hashtag, users will see posts from only one community. The only exception will be if someone uses the same label in their post. To prevent this from happening, you need to spell the name correctly.

There are 2 ways to make a “VKontakte” hashtag for a group so that when clicked, only posts from a specific community are shown:

  1. Come up with a unique name for the tag that is not yet in VK. You can check it by entering it in the search bar on the site.
  2. Write a general tag, adding @ and the abbreviated name of the community. It will look something like this: “#Statuses_about_love@serdce_v_rejime_online”, where serdce_v_rejime_online is the short name of the group.

The first method is not very acceptable, since choosing a unique name can be difficult, and even if it works, it is not a fact that someone else will not use the same label in the future.

The most successful option for making a VKontakte hashtag within a group would be to use the short name of the community in the hashtag. Do not forget that when writing a tag, words cannot be separated by spaces, otherwise only the first word, which belongs to generalized tags, will act as a hashtag, and your entry may be lost among others.