Celtic love knot amulet. Celtic love knot amulet Celtic knot in the shape of a heart

Celtic symbols have always been popular. Today you can quite often find intricate patterns on people’s bodies and clothes. There are many products on the world market with signs that carry a certain meaning. To understand how to choose an item with the symbolism of an ancient culture, you need to understand the meanings.

History of civilization

The ancient cultures of various peoples are surrounded by an aura of mystery. One of the most unusual and interesting secrets lies in the history of the Celts. Of course, the great civilization disappeared, but its legacy has survived to this day - a culture that later became part of the basis of modern European culture.

The heritage of the people is widely revered throughout the world, and Celtic symbols, patterns and magical runes have found great popularity.

During the active settlement of Europe, the warlike Celts occupied a huge part of the territory. Today civilization does not exist, but its heritage is of enormous importance, as evidenced by the repeated revival of culture.

At one time, the Scandinavian people were called Celts by the Greeks. People from another ancient civilization, Rome, called the northerners Gauls, which they translated as “roosters.” Unfortunately, there is no mention in history of how the Celts themselves called themselves.

Northern people distinguished by belligerence and courage. They went into battle with long sharp swords, completely naked. After the battle, the Celts cut off the heads of their opponents and hung them on carts, which horrified their more humane neighbors. During its existence, the northern civilization captured a lot of land and caused a huge amount of trouble to no less warlike neighbors.

However, war spares few people. Constant quarrels with the Roman Empire, alternating victories and defeats did their job: gradually the nation became extinct. You need to understand that the Celts are not only warriors. Among them were many skilled craftsmen and artists.

Today, thanks to the people of that time, who were determined to create rather than destroy, many famous patterns and weaves can be seen.

The Celts fervently believed that ornaments contained powerful power. It was precisely in such intricacies that the people invested hidden meaning, their faith and traditions.

It is very difficult for the modern world to restore the full meaning of Celtic symbols, their meaning. But researchers want to understand the mystery and are constantly working. Today it is possible to talk about specific values ​​only by considering several samples. They were deciphered thanks to the notes left by the most prudent authors. The activities of modern scientists actively continue, but almost all works are based on assumptions and hypotheses.

Mysterious Triskelion

The Celts borrowed the name of the symbol from the Greek language. It is translated as “three-legged”, that is visually the sign looks like three legs. This version of the triple symbol formed the basis of the coat of arms of the Isle of Man, which is located in the Irish Sea.

Triskelion among the ancient people had the meaning of struggle and human progress. Three bent legs, forming a wheel, seem to be in constant motion. There's a balance involved here.

This unique sign denotes the strength, autonomy and independence of a person. Among the Celts themselves, he spoke of readiness for constant struggle, the impossibility of surrender.

Famous Triquetra

The Celts took this name from the Latin language. It means "triangular". The symbol was especially revered among the ancient people, and today the “triquetra” tattoo is of great importance for the younger generation.

In ancient times, the figure had many meanings, and each interpretation depended on the intentions of a particular person or tribe.

The sign symbolizes the main aspects of life: spirit, everyday life and outer space. Triplicity reflects concepts such as:

  • soul, body, mind;
  • the underworld, physical life and existence after death;
  • god, homeland and tribe.

In fact, there are many more meanings of the symbol, but these are the main ones. Each individual village decided for itself what this sacred triangle meant. The void in the center of the sign's connection is a symbol of three influences. He is the basis of the inviolability of the tribal union, the reliability of each member.

Unusual Triskele

The triple spiral among the Celts also symbolized the trinity in the worldview. Such symbolism meant female power and personified the fusion of the forces of a girl, mother and old woman. This is a reflection strength of birth and fetal development, which the fair sex is endowed with.

But there are other interpretations of the sign. For example, a more religious definition: Father, Holy Spirit and Son. This meaning arose due to the gradual conversion of the descendants of the Celts to Christians.

The sign has a special meaning that is quite difficult to understand. Each element of the symbol plays a decisive role. A clear example is the firmament and celestial bodies: the Moon, Earth and Sun cannot exist when one component is missing.

Balanced Awen

The "three rays" are also among the Celtic symbols. Their meaning lies in the designation of rays of flame. The extreme ones symbolize feminine and masculine energy, the middle one symbolizes the balance between them.

The meaning of this sign also lies in constant triplicity. For example, it could also be the personification of three peoples who played a decisive role in the Celtic civilization.

Here again the idea is very clearly visible that there cannot be a healthy whole without balance or one side.

The sign shows the interaction of three energies. Perhaps it:

  • woman, man and child;
  • creation, maintenance and destruction;
  • past, future and present.

The ancient people used the sign of the flame as a symbol of the changes that could occur under the influence of fire. It's like another mythical creature - a phoenix that burned and was reborn from the ashes.

Labyrinths played an important role in the culture of various peoples. Spiral Celtic signs and their meaning indicate pure energy radiated from a person.

It can be directed both inward and outward. In addition, the intricate pattern is a symbol of the emergence of new life and expansion of knowledge.

Maze sign points to existence itself. He says that human life is not about walking in a straight line. The path of each living organism is represented in the form of a spiral, and movement along it leads closer and closer to the awareness of its own life - to the center of the pictogram. Each turn of the spiral is symbolic: these are a person’s beliefs, the origins of his thinking.

The spiral is like space, which is constantly expanding. Even then, the ancient people understood that human life is also endless. Each individual has a huge number of opportunities for growth and development throughout life.

Fivefold sign

The main idea of ​​this symbol is similar to other Celtic signs - balance. The four circles are the elements: Fire, Air, Earth and Water.

The circle in the middle connects all the elements, bringing meaning to their existence together and balancing them. Each component part of the pattern is important for the development of life. The large scale of the symbol speaks of the importance of balance and harmony in nature.

Circles in a sign can be looked at as having a direction. Each circle is a cardinal direction. The central circle is the person's current position. Here the ancient people saw a hidden meaning: mind, spirit and soul strive to interact with all aspects of life, and the center, the human essence remains untouched.

Druids performed special rituals that helped to achieve maximum internal concentration and understand one’s nature. In the ritual, an extremely clear thought should rush in one direction, and everything that happens around should move towards, passing “by” or “through,” permeating the mind, spirit and soul. The Druids believed that such a ritual was the path to expanding consciousness.

Epona - double helix

This sign is the personification of one of the most revered goddesses among the Celts. Epona is the patroness of the Earth. They called upon her only on special occasions, at certain times of the year, for a smoother change of seasons. The Goddess, according to legend, stood at the junction of two equinoxes, therefore she was able to facilitate the transition of Nature to the next stage of life.

The symbol also has another interpretation, not so large-scale, but more personal for each person. The two spirals are opposites:

  • day and night;
  • good and evil;
  • life and death;
  • left and right.

Like the rest of the Celtic signs, Epona denotes the balance that exists even between opposing phenomena and influences. The point is quite simple: there cannot be night without day, there cannot be good without bad.

Ancient cross

The symbol has a huge number of meanings, because the cross as a sign appeared even before the emergence of Christianity. A cross with absolutely equal components (more like the arithmetic sign “+”) very often appeared in ancient ornaments, runes and various relics.

It is noteworthy that the Celts, like Christians, used this figure to mark the burial places of their fellow tribesmen. At first, the cross meant “dot” among the people. Such an eloquent sign spoke of the end of physical life and the beginning of another, the afterlife.

The cross is the personification of the bridge along which the soul can travel from earth to heaven, and the center of the symbol is the place where all energy connects and the spirit finds itself. Sometimes on a Celts grave you could see a cross framed in a circle. This figure is a sign of infinity.

Gradually, the descendants of the ancient people began to become more and more interested in the Christian faith. Against this background, the crosses began to resemble Christian ones, and the original meaning was lost.

Important Quatrefoil

The Quaternary symbol among the Celts had a meaning similar to the cross. It is often found both in massive ornaments as a part of the whole, and individually in the form of protection (amulet). The sign also indicates the cardinal directions: north, east, south and west. The Celts gave meaning to directions and the balance between them.

People closely studied the passage of time and the changing seasons, which is why Quatrefoil contains the meaning of unifying nature in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

The Celts' attention to nature is understandable. Existence in the constant threat of attacks by invaders, cold and heat - everything left its mark on the quality of life of people. The study of processes helped the ancient people cope with many problems.

Other signs

The Celts are a unique people. He is warlike, but at the same time wise, sensitive and romantic. All the versatility of the soul is reflected in interesting forms:

Today, the theme of Celtic culture is more popular than ever. Folklore elven motifs are reflected in literature, music, fine arts, cinema, and computer games. Many young people make beautiful patterns on their bodies in the form of Celtic stars, various hieroglyphs, thorns and ligature.

Are you planning a romantic evening in honor of Valentine's Day? And you need to look the part. But the question arises: how to convey the festive mood to others? We suggest doing this with the help of accessories. The Celtic heart knot can become a bracelet or necklace, which will consist of one or more hearts.

thick rope or soft rope of the color you need;

How to weave a Celtic knot.

1. Take a rope of the required length. We stretch it in our hands.


2. Make a loop as shown in the figure.


3. Take the right side of the rope and thread it through the loop from below.


4. Pull the rope, but do not tighten it.


5. Using the same end of the rope, we return to the loop and drag the rope under the second end of the bundle, as shown in the figure. At the same time, we leave a small loop on top.


6. Again we work with the same end of the rope as in the previous steps. We bring the end under the loop, over the second rope, under the next one and pull it through the loop that was formed earlier.


7. We begin to carefully tighten the rope, and you get a heart. The thicker the tourniquet, the larger the heart.

Mandalas can also be made from magical knots - nauzs. This will be especially interesting for those who know how and love to weave. You can use these knots to make unique mandalas that will become your amulets.

Nauz passion

Material: two long cords, one of which will symbolize yourself, and the other - your loved one.

1. Make a loop as in Figure 1.

2. Take the second cord and place it under the loop of the first; place the lower end of the second cord over the first cord (number 1 in Figure 2).

3. Pass the lower end of the 2nd cord clockwise: 1st time under, 2nd time over, 3rd time under and 4th time above (Fig. 3).

4. Tighten the cords. The result will be a node like the one in Fig. 4.

Weave a knot with the thought that you are weaving the hearts and bodies of yours and your soul mate into strong love and burning passion.

To enhance the effect, the cord can be anointed with ginger essential oil, which attracts love and lust.

Created with your own hands, this amulet will not only preserve your feelings, but also support an emotional connection on a subtle energy level.

Celtic Heart Knot

A real Celtic knot is complex and has no loose ends - it is a closed loop, thus symbolizing the relationship between life and eternity.

The Celtic Heart Knot follows the example of the ancient Celtic knot and in order to create this closed loop, we also tie the ends of the cord in a double loop, uniting two loving souls.

Knitting pattern

The heart node will indicate exactly the chosen one with whom you can create an unbreakable alliance. In addition, this talisman helps you make the right choice and free yourself from annoying friends and unsuccessful sexual partners.

To activate the work of the amulet, you need to invest the mental power of your desire into it. To do this, you need to relax, close your eyes, accurately imagine your goal and mentally try to send it to the node being created. Then at first it is better not to part with the talisman at all, at least for the first seven days.

Heart Attachment Knot

The energy of the node helps in establishing cordial relationships between a man and a woman. It helps middle-aged women gain a second youth and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. In addition to love affairs, this is a node of active, active people. It brings happiness in married life (hanged in the house). Protects pregnant women. Small children are placed in a crib and sewn to their clothes.

Make a loose loop.

Thread the cord through it (into the main loop) again and pull out long loops, one to the left, one to the right. Leave the main loop loose.

Pass the free ends of the cord - those at the bottom - through the top loop. Take them “towards you”, pass them “away from you”.

Pass the lower ends again in the same way, this time also passing through the bottom of the main loop to secure.

Tree of Life node

The tree of life is a symbol of all life on Earth, protects and strengthens, rolls the “wheel of life”, helps to be wiser in any life situations, removes obstacles, helps with any diseases.

Material: green cord. It is desirable that the cord be thick (in the example, a cord with a diameter of 1.2 cm and a length of 2 m was used).

1. Fold the cord in half and cross the ends.

2. Place the left end of the cord on top of the resulting loop.

3. Thread the right end of the cord counterclockwise as follows: 1st time - under the cord, 2nd time - above, 3rd time - below.

4. Place the left end of the cord on top of the loop.

5. Knit the left end clockwise in the sequence: 1st time - under, 2nd time - over, 3rd time - under.

6. Take the right end of the cord and place it under the loop.

7. Pass the right end counterclockwise in the sequence: 1st time - over, 2nd time - under, 3rd time - over.

8. Pull the cords and secure the knot.

To enhance the effect, the cord can be anointed with essential oils of juniper, eucalyptus or cinnamon, whose magical properties promote healing.

Protective knot

This knot is considered a powerful amulet or guardian, helps reduce temperature during fever, relieves toothache, protects against sunstroke, has a beneficial effect on the heart, and helps recover from a stroke. Anyone who wears it in a suspended state (pendant, pendant, beads) can avoid violent death or an accident.

It protects against energy vampires, calms the nerves, sharpens intuition, and improves memory. Helps people suffering from nervous disorders and outbursts of unreasonable aggression. Protects property from fire and promotes enrichment.

Focus node

This node gives strength and ability to think, concentrate and make important decisions. All the everyday “unresolved issues” and “underthoughts” may one day appear before you in the form of a huge problem, the solution of which will become impossible to postpone. Otherwise, you risk losing your own life.

In such a situation, you need to muster all the courage and will, all the ability to concentrate. And this node will help you with this.

Process suspension node

The magical purpose is to freeze anything. In medicine, it is widely used when it is necessary to block inflammation and relieve pain. But remember that the energy of the node provides only a short-term respite, an opportunity to gather strength. Therefore, if you are caught by surprise by some negative process that is developing so rapidly that you do not have time to do anything or even just gather your thoughts, this node will provide the necessary respite.

And be sure to realize that you are addressing the node to events, and not to yourself - otherwise you can get the opposite result. Freezing yourself will make things worse.

Knot "Cross"

This knot is woven from two threads of different colors. Place the threads vertically on the pillow and pin their upper ends with pins. Then place the left thread on the right, make a turn around it, form a horizontal loop and place it under the right thread. Pull the right thread under all the loops of the left thread up, then go around the top loop of the left thread, pointing the thread down, and pass it through the bottom loop of the left thread. Tighten the knot by pulling all ends at once.

Clover Leaf Knot

The Chinese were and remain the greatest masters in weaving knots. The rope itself and the process of twisting and curling it are so sacred to them that they are denoted by the same hieroglyph as luck, happiness, and deity.

This knot can be an expression of good wishes, a talisman of good luck, or simply an unusual DIY decoration.

To enhance the magical properties, precious stones, coins, beads are woven into the knot, and bright, cheerful threads are chosen.

Knitting pattern

1. In addition to a suitable cord, prepare a small pillow and safety pins. With their help, the threads will be in a stationary position, which is convenient during weaving.

2. Fold the thread as shown in Fig. 1. The loose ends should hang down. Leave the petals 15 cm long.

3. Take both free ends of the rope (bottom petal) and place it on the right petal, lifting the threads up and leaving a loop at the bottom. Secure the position with needles.

5. Similarly, place the top petal on the adjacent left petal, and insert the threads of the right petal into the resulting loop from below, again securing with needles.

6. When it comes to the left petal, bring its ends into a loop from the bottom one.

7. Now gently pull all four threads, making a knot. The first step is completed.

8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 again. You will have a second knot on top of the first.

Align the threads of the petals. You can pull out threads for small petals from the first knot. The top and bottom will turn out a little differently, which is even more interesting.

Knowledge of acquiring wealth

Material: red and gold (yellow) cord with a thickness of at least 4 mm. The golden color of the cord represents money, and the red color represents the necessary energy to receive it.

Day: Friday or Monday.

Moon: waxing.

Weaving pattern

1. Take two cords at once (for ease of understanding, one cord is taken; the red one should be placed below the gold one) and make a loop by placing the leading end under the cord. Weaving is done clockwise.

2. Then place the leading end under the cord 2 times.

3. Now intertwine the cords, for which you pull the cord as follows: over the cord - 1 time, under - 2nd time, over - 3rd time, under - 4th time and pull the cord over the cord for the last time.

4. Tighten the cords and fix the beautiful shape of the bow.

Money Tree Node

The “Money Tree” node attracts money from any sources, you begin to find it, receive it as a gift, and win it. Improves the health of the business.

Knitting pattern

1. Tie a base knot. The knot consists of a weave of cord. The cord, crossing other parts of the knot, always follows the pattern: above the cord, below the cord, above, below, etc. The cord can cross several threads in a row at once from above or below only during the knitting process, when the structure is just being laid, but the final “firmware” of the knot occurs in exactly this order. And in a finished knot, two adjacent threads never go the same way, always one is above, the other is below.

2. Cross the ends: the one that came out of the knot from below goes over the second end (here the left is on top of the right).

3. Start tying the left knot. Pass it through the left ear from the bottom up, and bring it out down.

4. Place another loop under the previous loop and bring the end up.

5. Sew the resulting left knot.

6. Bring the ponytail under the central knot - to where the “tree trunk” will be.

7. Flip the knot from left to right. On top will be the side that was away from you before.

8. Repeat all steps.

The ornaments and knots of the ancient Celts in some way imitate the weaving of fabrics, baskets, and braids. This process still has some similarities with witchcraft work, because many witches manipulate energy flows, seeing them as an interweaving of threads. Celtic patterns can often include symbolic images of animals, plants, gods, birds, and people. So that they can be used in magical practice.

Celtic patterns impress with beautiful and endless lines, imbued with the deep meaning of ancient tribes

Secret symbols in Celtic style

The history of world civilization keeps many secrets and mysteries. One of these secrets behind seven seals is the history of the Celtic people. Having disappeared from the face of the earth, the Celts left a valuable legacy - their culture, which became one of the foundations of modern European culture. Celtic patterns are considered a unique art, still revered by many.

In the old days of military activity and redistribution of territories, the Celts occupied most of Europe. The Celtic civilization, which no longer exists in modern times, is of great importance, because the heritage of the people has been revived more than once.

Stonehenge is a megalith that the Celts considered to be the home of local deities

The people were once called Celts by the ancient Greeks. The ancient Romans called them Gauls, which translated meant “roosters.” What the Celts called themselves is still unknown today.

The Celts seemed to many historians to be perfect berserkers with rather unique ideas about military uniforms and weapons

The Celts were glorious warriors and during their existence they captured a lot of land, causing their no less powerful neighbors many problems.

The Celts had a reputation as headhunters. They were known for hanging the heads of their enemies on carts in front of their houses. Many Celts fought naked and were famous for their long iron sword

Time was merciless to the Celts: constant centuries-old feuds with Rome, victories and defeats led to the fact that the nation gradually disappeared. The Celts were not only fearless warriors, among them there were many skilled craftsmen and artists.

Celtic troops rushed into battle naked, but with weapons in their hands. This ancient Celtic tradition was based on the idea that in this way divine powers could be called upon for protection.

In memory of the once glorious and powerful people, we received mysterious intricacies - Celtic patterns.

The famous Book of Kells is a richly illustrated handwritten book created by Celtic monks around 800. This is one of the most lavishly decorated medieval manuscripts with graceful miniatures and ornaments.

The ancient Celts believed that their ornaments had powerful mystical powers. By enclosing it in patterned weaves and ornaments, the warriors reflected their worldview, beliefs, and traditions.

The mystery of patterns

Each Celtic pattern has its own special meaning. In the modern world, Celtic ornaments, as well as symbolism, are used in the manufacture of amulets, amulets and pendants.

According to the beliefs of the Celtic people, it was believed that every individual was part of the World Tree. A person had to reunite with him at the end of his journey through all death and rebirth.

Celtic amulets are amulets of exclusively goodness

Each Celt chose a special print for his amulet. It was believed that this was his destiny. Each pattern carried separate concepts of health, well-being, power, money, love. All lines of Celtic patterns are fantastically intertwined with each other, forming one or another ornament.

The Celtic pattern visually resembles a complex and cunning labyrinth. This is the main idea: a person wanders through life in search of truth and self-knowledge.

Celtic patterns in jewelry are a great way to express yourself

All Celtic patterns are distinguished by their artistry and filigree. It is their unimaginable aesthetics, mystery and symbolism that are extremely popular in the modern world.

Symbol meanings

The mysterious Celtic ornament invariably fascinates, be it a tattoo, an amulet or a pattern on clothing. All Celtic symbols are not ordinary drawings or banal abstraction; each has its own meaning.

The ornaments and knots of the ancient Celts in some way imitate the weaving of fabrics, baskets, braids

The basic Celtic symbols are as follows:

  • Celtic cross. The cross with a circle has a deep meaning. It symbolizes the harmony of the four elements or cardinal directions. The lower part of the cross always expands, this indicates growing human needs. Also, the Celtic cross connects the sign of Christianity and the symbol of paganism (the sun). It is believed that such a symbol will save you from the influence of dark forces and bestow wisdom.

The Celtic cross is a characteristic symbol of Celtic Christianity
  • Butterfly. The Celtic butterfly has long been considered the personification of the soul, rebirth and change.

Celtic butterfly - a symbol of the rebirth of life and change
  • The tree of Life. The Celts depicted a tree in the form of hands reaching to the sky, and below they looked like roots. The people have always believed in worldly life and in a parallel world. This symbol meant the unity of three worlds: the underworld, life on earth and in heaven.

The Celtic Tree of Life is a very popular motif in various myths and legends.
  • Heart. Despite their belligerence, the Celts are unusually romantic. The “heart” symbol is drawn in one continuous line and represents the union of two loving souls.

The Celtic heart unites soul and body, and love is born in the heart
  • Trefoil (trixel). One of the most popular symbols today. Its main meaning is the unity of Earth, Water and Fire. It is believed that the trixel has powerful protective properties and brings money and good luck. According to the beliefs of the Celts, all ornaments consist of the Thread of Life and the pattern cannot be modified, since it was bestowed by the gods.

The Celtic shamrock brings good luck in endeavors, protects from the evil eye, protects from unkind words and evil people

Spirals. The Celts always have a triple spiral. Its meaning was in eternity, constant spiritual growth, harmony between body, spirit and mind. The Celts carved their symbols on stone, engraved them on metal, and decorated their handwritten books with them. Each symbol had the meaning of a life path that turns into eternity.

Celtic spirals represent spiritual growth

Today, Celtic patterns are used in the manufacture of amulets and amulets, as well as in the art of tattooing. Before choosing one or another ornament in the Celtic style, you should understand what certain symbols mean. According to the Celts, a correctly chosen ornament or symbol can change one’s destiny.

The simplest Celtic braided ornament

Our ancestors believed that in the entire universe there is no force more powerful than love. The ancient Celts also agreed with this. It was they who created the unique amulet Celtic Love Knot, which unites within itself the unity and inseparability of two loving hearts. Love is multifaceted and endless in its “chaotic movement.” Such a message is hidden in this amulet. Despite everyday problems, the Celtic Love Knot will help you find among thousands of people the only one with whom fate is destined to create an unbreakable family union for the rest of your life. This talisman is universal - suitable for women and men.

Description and meaning

According to ancient ideas, it is in the human heart that the meeting and unity of two principles takes place - the bodily and the Divine. For this reason, true Love arises and “burns” with fire inside each of us. The Celtic Love Knot amulet will not teach you to love if there is emptiness in your soul - it will only strengthen the sincere feelings that you will experience for the chosen one of your hand and heart. The amulet indicates the spiritual union of two souls and helps lovers maintain passion and desire throughout their lives. The Celtic love knot carries the idea of ​​continuity. If both of a couple wear a silver talisman, no one will be able to separate them.

This ancient symbol harmoniously combines three important components of every person: mind, body and spirit. In essence, this ornament is a closed loop, symbolizing the connection between life and eternity. The Celtic love knot is associated with a journey through life through a series of changes and intricate labyrinths of events. The trefoil or trixel symbolizes the unity of three elements: Earth, Water and Fire. The ancient Celts believed that this sign was endowed with powerful protective properties and also attracted money and good luck. Wearing this amulet, a person will not only meet his soulmate, but will also be in an unbridled search for truth, learning the hidden facets of his own personality.

Scope of application

A person’s entire life is an interweaving of destinies, actions, thoughts and roads. Finding your happiness in this chaos is sometimes very difficult. This is why the Celtic Love Knot was created. It brings two lonely hearts into a single whole, protects love relationships, and gives protection from infidelity. If you are rushing between two partners, unable to decide who to give preference to, a silver amulet will help you make the right decision. The Celtic Love Knot is ideal as a wedding gift as it symbolizes everlasting and faithful love. The talisman will also help revive relationships that are on the verge of breaking (provided that the feelings between lovers are sincere). You can buy the Celtic Love Knot amulet in our online store.