The main characters are Eugene Onegin. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin": the main character

List of characters in the novel "Eugene Onegin" in order of mention, grouped by topic.


  • Eugene Onegin- one of its possible prototypes - named by Pushkin himself in the first chapter. An important influence on the image of Onegin was exerted by Lord Byron and his “Byronian heroes”, Don Juan and Childe Harold, who are also mentioned more than once by Pushkin himself. “In the image of Onegin one can find dozens of connections with various contemporaries of the poet - from empty social acquaintances to such significant persons for Pushkin as Chaadaev or. The same should be said about Tatyana." At the beginning of the novel (1819) he is 24 years old.
  • Author-narrator— He constantly interferes in the course of the narrative, reminds of himself (“But the north is harmful for me”), makes friends with Onegin (“Having cast aside the burden of the conditions of the world, how he, having fallen behind the bustle, I became friends with him at that time, I liked his traits"), in their lyrical digressions shares with readers his thoughts on a variety of life issues, expresses his ideological position. The author in some places disrupts the flow of the narrative and introduces metatextual elements into the text (“The reader is already waiting for the “rose” rhyme - here, take it quickly”).
  • Vladimir Lensky- “the energetic rapprochement between Lensky and Kuchelbecker, carried out by Yu. N. Tynyanov, best convinces us that attempts to give the romantic poet in the EO some single and unambiguous prototype do not lead to convincing results.”
  • Olga Larina- a generalized image of a typical heroine of popular novels; beautiful in appearance, but lacking too deep content. Simple, sincere and cheerful girl, passionately loves Lensky. One year younger than Tatiana.
  • Tatiana's mother
  • Princess Alina, mother's Moscow cousin
  • Andryushka, coachman
  • nanny Tatiana - Filipevna
  • maids picking berries
  • Agathon, passerby
  • name day guests:
    • fat Pustyakov with his portly wife
    • Gvozdin, owner of poor men
    • The Skotinins, a gray-haired couple, with children of all ages— an allusion to the characters of Fonvizin’s “The Minor”
    • District dandy Petushkov, Ivan Petushkov
    • My cousin Buyanov- a character in Vasily Lvovich Pushkin's poem "". Being the work of the poet’s uncle, that is, practically a “son,” Alexander Sergeevich is a “cousin.”
    • Retired adviser Flyanov
    • Panfil Kharlikov with his family, including Kharlikova - the bride of overripe years
    • Monsieur Triquet
    • company commander
  • Zaretsky
  • Frenchman Guillot (monsieur Guillot)- Onegin's servant
  • young city woman
  • Ulan
  • Anisya, Onegin's housekeeper and the yard boys
  • neighbor-advisor to Tanya's mother
  • Unnamed in the novel husband of Tatiana Larina, "important general".


Fictional characters

  • Onegin's old uncle, deceased
  • Onegin's father, deceased. Bankrupt
  • Madame(“madam”) - Onegin’s teacher
  • Monsieur l'Abbé, a wretched Frenchman(“Monsieur Abbot”) - Onegin’s teacher
  • my friend Elvina
  • uncle's steward
  • uncle's housekeeper
  • Dunya- Lensky’s young neighbor
  • Lensky's father, deceased
  • Dmitry Larin- Tatyana's father, deceased. Brigadier
  • "Grandison", player and guard sergeant- beloved mother of Larina
  • Shark (Selina)- apparently, the yard girl of Larina’s mother
  • Lensky's mother, deceased
  • deceased mother-in-law nannies
  • Vania, nanny's husband
  • matchmaker
  • nanny's father
  • nanny's grandson
  • Annette
  • dream characters:
    • bear, monsters: in horns with a dog's muzzle, with a rooster's head, a witch with a goat's beard, a prim and proud skeleton, a dwarf with a ponytail, a half-crane and half-cat, a crab riding on a spider, a skull on a goose neck, a mill squat dancing
  • Colonel
  • Hussar Pykhtin - wooed Tanya

Real faces

  • Talon- famous St. Petersburg restaurateur
  • Kaverin- (1794-1855) - member of the Union of Welfare, friend of A. S. Pushkin.
  • Ozerov- actor
  • Young Semyonova- actress
  • ballet dancer and choreographer
  • Istomina- famous ballerina
  • Chadayev
  • , cast iron doll
  • Tolstoy— Fedor
  • Zizi- Eupraxia Wulf, a young lady from the Osipov family, who lived in Trigorskoye next door to Mikhailovsky.
  • Alban(Albani) - Italian artist 17th century, valued for the grace and careful finishing of his paintings
  • Believe- Parisian restaurateur
  • Lepage- gunsmith.


Writers mentioned

  • , Omir
  • Nazon— (Publius Ovid Naso), author of “The Art of Love.”
  • Fonvizin, friend of freedom
  • overbearing Knyazhnin
  • - translated “The Cid” by P. Corneille, and in this translation the tragedy was staged on the St. Petersburg stage in 1822.
  • Corneille
  • caustic Shakhovskoy
  • Rousseau
  • important Grimm
  • Bentham
  • peeit(“as the piit described himself”) - Muravyov, “Goddess of the Neva”
  • Torquat
    • Proud lyre
    • Gulnara singer— Byron. In 1810 he swam across the Dardanelles Strait (Hellespont) to check real opportunity the myth of Leander and Hero. Byron reported this in the notes to “The Bride of Abydos” and to the 2nd song of “Don Juan”.
    • singer of Gyaur and Juan — Byron
  • Kant
  • Richardson
  • Bogdanovich
  • Guys
  • E. A. Baratynsky (Boratynky)
  • Languages
  • “A strict critic” - who published in the almanac “Mnemosyne” (Part 2, 1824) the article “On the direction of our poetry, especially lyrical, in last decade" Küchelbecker sharply attacked the fashionable genre of sad elegy, attributing the spread of the elegiac style to the influence of Zhukovsky, and called on poets to abandon elegies and write odes.
  • Pradt was a popular liberal French publicist in his time. He published separate brochures reviewing European political events.
  • Another poet painted the first snow for us in a luxurious style - Vyazemsky
  • Virgil
  • Racine
  • Seneca
  • Martin Zadeka
  • Delvig
  • Levshin
  • Shishkov

Works mentioned

  • Lyudmila and Ruslan- Pushkin's poem ""
  • "" - poem by Virgil
  • "Dnieper Mermaid" - Russian adaptation German opera composer Kauer to the words of Gensler "The Danube Nymph". To the three parts in Krasnopolsky's adaptation, staged in St. Petersburg in 1803-1805, Shakhovskoy added a fourth part, with music by Davydov, in 1807. The aria “Come to my golden palace” is sung by the mermaid Lesta to Prince Vidostan.
  • " " - magazine
  • Freischitz - Weber's opera Magic shooter"(Freischütz) (1821).
  • "The Corsair" - Byron's poem
  • Sbogar (Jean Sbogar) is a novel by Karl Nodier.
  • Ladies Fashion Magazine
  • Malvina - sentimental novel Cotten (1801)
  • Collection of area fables
  • Grammar
  • Petriada - poem by Gruzintsev (1812)
  • Marmontel's third volume is apparently Moral Narratives.
  • "Philosophical Tables". Judging by the manuscript, Pushkin had in mind the book of the French statistician Charles Dupin “The Productive and Commercial Forces of France” (1827), which contains comparative statistical tables showing the economies of European countries, including Russia.

Heroes mentioned

  • Foblas- the hero of a series of novels by Louvet de Couvray, which appeared in 1787-1790, a type of depraved French nobleman of the 18th century.
  • Phaedra- from tragedy of the same name Racine (performed on the Russian stage in M. Lobanov’s translation from 1823)
  • Moina— from Ozerov’s tragedy “Fingal” (1805)
  • Cleopatra- queen, character in an unspecified play
  • Child-Harold, Child Harold—, Byron's character
  • maiden of the mountains, my ideal- a character in Pushkin’s poem “Prisoner of the Caucasus”
  • captives of the shores of Salgir- characters from Pushkin’s poem “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai”
  • Grandison- hero English novel S. Richardson's History of Charles Grandison (1753); the author endowed Grandison with all the virtues.
  • - the hero of the novel by the same author “The History of Clarice Garlow” (1748) - a type of depraved seducer.
  • Poor Yorick
  • Phyllida
  • Svetlana- character in Zhukovsky's ballad
  • Vandikova Madonna- due to a misreading of the name of the famous Flemish artist.
  • Julia Volmar— “The New Heloise” by Rousseau
  • Malek-Adel- hero of the novel M-me Cottin.
  • Gustav de Linard- the hero of the story by Baroness Krüdner.
  • Werther
  • Clarissa- character in the novel Clarice Garlow.
  • Julia
  • Delphine- character in the novel "Delphine" by Madame de Staël
  • A vampire -
  • Melmoth is a work by Mathurin.

The novel “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is one of central works Russian classical literature. The main characters of "Eugene Onegin" embodied the characters people XIX centuries. But this work is incredibly relevant even now.

Eugene Onegin - main character novel. The narrative begins with Onegin learning about the serious illness of his uncle, the owner of a huge fortune. Evgeniy goes to St. Petersburg, knowing in advance that he will be bored in the capital...

The main character Evgeny Onegin leads a very eccentric social life. Constant receptions, dinners and balls; women who are trying to win his heart; wine, cards and constant carousing... But one morning Onegin realizes that such a lifestyle does not suit him, that entertainment and a sybaritic lifestyle are boring. He tries to read, write, philosophize, but nothing comes of it... Having completely lost hope that life will sparkle with new colors, the main character begins to feel blue.

Sale of the estate

Suddenly the main character Eugene Onegin learns about the death of his father. He goes to the village where there is a house and land that his father left him as an inheritance. Upon arrival, he finds out that daddy long years I lived on money that I constantly borrowed from someone. In order to somehow sort out his father’s debts, Evgeniy decides to sell the estate, secretly hoping that his terminally ill uncle will leave him his estate as an inheritance.


Returning to St. Petersburg, the main character Eugene Onegin learns that his uncle has died and left him all his funds and lands.

Arriving in former estate uncle, Onegin decided that moving here would change his life. This is exactly what he does when he decides to move to the village.

Evgeny Onegin, the main character of the novel, likes country life. Having gotten bored out of town for a long time, Onegin understands that life here is just as dreary as in the capital.

Seeing how difficult it is for the peasants to cope with financial difficulties, he abandons the corvée system and introduces quitrent for the peasants. Because of such changes, neighbors begin to call Evgeniy a most dangerous eccentric.

New friend

At this time, Onegin’s neighbor, with whom the protagonist is still unfamiliar, returns to his native village. Vladimir Lensky, who is only seventeen years old, lived in Germany for several years and decided to return to his native lands.

Onegin and Lensky are two opposite characters, but this does not prevent them from starting to communicate; they spend almost all their free time together. Opening up more and more to each other, Lensky tells his new friend about his childhood friend, Olga. Vladimir says how pure and beautiful his love for her is.

Olga has elder sister, who is not at all like her: Tatyana, unlike her spontaneous and cheerful sister, does not like noisy companies, preferring silence and peace to social fun.

Larina's sisters

The girls' mother, while still very young, was forced into marriage, according to her parents' calculations. She worried for a long time about her departure from her native lands, but as time passed, the girl became more and more accustomed to the new estate, and soon began to manage both the household and the will of her husband. The husband, Dmitry Larin, sincerely loved his wife and trusted her in everything. The young family lived simply, respecting old traditions. The life of the couple proceeded peacefully until one day the owner of the estate died...

One evening, Vladimir decided to visit Olga’s family and invited the main character of our story, Eugene Onegin, with him. At first, Onegin doubts whether he should accept the invitation - he no longer hoped for fun. However, Evgeny decides to go to see Olga, whom Lensky spoke about with such awe and admiration. After staying as a guest for several hours and meeting Olga and Tatiana, Onegin expresses his opinion about the sisters. He tells Lensky that Olga is a complete charm, but he would choose Tatyana as his life partner.

Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin": the main character

Since the novel is quite voluminous, it contains both main characters and secondary ones. Pushkin chose those characters who were prominent representatives Petersburg society of those years. Let us pay attention to the main characters of the work “Eugene Onegin”.

What more can be said about them? The author's attitude towards the hero of the novel, Eugene Onegin, is quite reverent. He describes his image with tenderness, forgives mistakes, puts him in the face of difficult situations. The way Pushkin treats Evgeniy, without reproaching him for anything, suggests that the main character is a prototype of the author himself.

Image of Onegin

Throughout the novel, you can see how the main character, Eugene Onegin, changes.

This is a young man of twenty-six years old, born in St. Petersburg. Onegin leads a secular lifestyle, carefully monitors his appearance, dresses according to latest fashion. Onegin - a man with good manners, educated, with diverse knowledge and interests. Despite the fact that the main character spends all his free time in noisy companies, he is lonely, suffers from blues and melancholy. Onegin cannot find himself in anything, because he does not know what he wants from life.

Tormenting himself with uncertainty for a long time, Onegin tries to understand the depth of his feelings for the eldest of the Larin sisters. When Tatyana realizes how strong her love for Evgeniy is, she tries to create a relationship with him. But after he rejects her feelings, she retreats and begins to live her own life.

Years later, when Onegin had already decided on his life priorities, he sees Tatyana and realizes that he rejected her in vain then. Trying to return her, he receives a sharp refusal from Tatyana, who by this time had already married a military officer, a general, and a relative and friend of Evgeniy.

At this moment, Evgeniy realizes how much he made a mistake in his youth, and, not finding a place for himself, again loses himself in the routine and dullness of days.

Tatiana's image

Tatyana is a calm, reserved, well-mannered girl. She is very different from her younger sister: she doesn’t like noisy companies; she prefers to spend her free time reading, finding peace of mind in this.

Having met Onegin, Tatyana realizes that she is falling in love with him. Modesty does not prevent the heroine from taking the first step towards Eugene, but he rejects her... Girls of the 19th century did not take the first step, his refusal was a blow to the girl’s pride. However, this strong young woman gathered her courage and began life anew, as if Onegin had never been in her...

Time passes, Tatyana marries worthy man, a wealthy general N. However, her heart still belongs to Evgeniy... When he comes to Tatiana, wanting to correct the mistake of his youth and offer her his hand and heart, she refuses. Tatyana says that she loves Onegin, but she is married to another man. It is impossible for her to cheat even on an unloved man.

At this point, Tatyana says goodbye to Onegin, wishing him to find happiness.

Image of Lensky

Vladimir is a rich young nobleman, an eligible bachelor. He is well-mannered, handsome, educated, and in good condition. Despite the fact that many girls dream of marrying Vladimir, he does not even think about marriage.

For many years, he has been in love with a girl who grew up with him in the village - Olga. It was the youngest of the Larin sisters who for many years was prophesied as Vladimir’s wife.

Olga's image

Olga is the complete opposite of Tatyana. She is flighty and frivolous. Olga, too flirtatious, frisky, and incredibly cheerful, showed herself in the novel as a person who does not have any serious plans for the future.

It is because of this that a conflict occurs between Onegin and Lensky, which develops into a duel that ends Lensky’s life. Olga knew about Vladimir’s love, but after his death she was not sad for long and a few months later she married a handsome and rich young officer.

Portrait of Evgeny Onegin
I liked his features, his involuntary devotion to dreams, his inimitable strangeness, and his sharp, chilled mind.

A.I. Herzen about Eugene Onegin

"...Onegin is Russian, he is possible only in Russia; he is needed there, and he is met at every step. Onegin is a slacker, because he has never done anything, a superfluous person in the sphere in which he is, and not having sufficient strength of character to get out of it... He did not start and did not bring anything to the end, he thought the more the less he did; at twenty years old he is already old, and, starting to grow old, he becomes younger through love. always expected something, like all of us, because a person is not so crazy as to believe in the duration of the current situation in Russia... Nothing came, but life was leaving...

The young man does not meet any lively interest in this world of servility and petty ambition. And yet, in this society he is condemned to live, since the people are even more distant from him..."

Two views on the character and personality of Onegin in the “Workbook” by V.V. Golubkova

Belinsky's view Pisarev's view
1. Onegin is an outstanding, remarkable nature:
a) he is capable of sensitivity, sympathy for people, friendship, love and poetry;
b) he has a “devotion to dreams” (admittedly vague ones) about another, better life;
c) “he is not fit to be a genius, he does not want to be a great person, but inactivity and the vulgarity of life are strangling him”;
d) he is very demanding of himself and people: that is why he is dissatisfied with himself and disappointed in life; his melancholy is “true suffering, without phrases and drapery”;
e) he is an intelligent person who understands others and himself.

2. What some critics accuse Onegin of does not speak of his callousness and selfishness, but only that he is not a hero:
a) he feels “strong and deep passion” for Tatyana...
b) Onegin is to blame for the murder of Lensky, he was afraid of “public” opinion, but “the despotism of prejudice requires heroes to fight itself”;
c) the pretense with his sick uncle is explained not by Onegin’s callousness, but by his secular delicacy.

3. Onegin does not engage in fruitful, useful activity not because he is not capable of it, but because such activity is impossible in the society of his time. Fate itself condemned him to personal life and boredom. He is a “reluctant egoist, a suffering egoist.”

1. Onegin is an ordinary empty socialite, an ordinary person:
a) he is incapable of any feelings...
b) he dreams not of a better life, but of female beauty;
c) bored in the world..., his boredom is “a simple physiological consequence of his chaotic life...”
d) disappointment in life is feigned...
d) his mental abilities are not very brilliant...

2. What Belinsky justifies Onegin cannot be justified...
a) Onegin, declaring his love for Tatyana, “is only seeking an affair”...
b) by agreeing to a duel with Lensky, he showed “lack of character”...
c) pretense in front of his sick uncle proves Onegin’s ability to “become mean for profit...”

3. Onegin is an egoist by nature - a secular Tunisian.

The image of Evgeny Onegin in Belinsky’s assessment

“Most of the public completely denied the soul and heart in Onegin, saw in him a cold, dry and selfish person by nature. It is impossible to understand a person more erroneously and crookedly!.. Social life did not kill feelings in Onegin, but only cooled him to fruitless passions and petty entertainments ... Onegin did not like to get lost in dreams, he felt more than he spoke, and did not open up to everyone. An embittered mind is also a sign of a higher nature, because a person with an embittered mind is dissatisfied not only with people, but also with himself."

"Onegin is not Melmoth, not Childe Harold, not a demon, not a parody, not a fashionable fad, not great person, but simply - “a kind fellow, like you and me, like the whole world”... Onegin is a kind fellow, but at the same time a remarkable person. He is not fit to be a genius, he does not want to be a great person, but the inactivity and vulgarity of life choke him; he doesn’t even know what he needs, that he doesn’t want what self-loving mediocrity is so happy with, so happy.”

“We have proven that Onegin is not a cold, dry, or soulless person, but we have so far avoided the word egoist - since an excess of feeling, the need for the elegant do not exclude egoism, we will now say that Onegin is a suffering egoist... He can be called an egoist against his will; in his egoism one must see what the ancients called “fatum” (fate, fate).

Portrait of Tatyana Larina
So, she was called Tatyana, Neither her sister’s beauty, nor the freshness of her rosy cheeks would have attracted her eyes. Wild, sad, silent, Like a forest deer, fearful, She seemed like a stranger in her own family. She did not know how to caress herself towards her father or her mother; The child herself, in a crowd of children, did not want to play and jump, and often, all day long, alone, she sat silently by the window. *** Wild, sad, silent, Like a forest deer, fearful, She seemed like a stranger in her own family. By nature she is gifted with a rebellious Imagination, a living mind and will, and a wayward head, and a fiery and tender heart. *** The coquette judges in cold blood, Tatyana loves in earnest and unconditionally indulges in Love, like a sweet child.

The image of Tatyana in Belinsky's assessment

"...Among this world of morally crippled phenomena, truly colossal exceptions occasionally emerge, which always pay dearly for their exclusivity and become victims of their own superiority... Such is Tatyana Pushkina. You are briefly familiar with respectable family Larins. The father is not exactly very stupid, and not entirely smart either; not exactly a man, and not even a beast, but something like a polyp, belonging at the same time to two kingdoms of nature - plant and living..."

Noble life and borrowed western culture determined the romantic mood of Lensky’s thoughts and feelings, far from real Russian life. Onegin's "half-Russian neighbor", a "fan of Kant and a poet" does not have any clear idea of ​​real life.

As Pushkin jokingly remarked, “his poems are full of love nonsense.” Lensky is young. He is "nearly...eighteen years old." Lensky could retain his heat and heart, but he could also turn into an ordinary landowner who, like Dmitry Larin, “would wear a quilted robe” and would end his life in a very ordinary way:

He drank, he ate, he got bored, he grew fat, he grew weaker, and finally in his bed he would die among the children, whiny women and lackeys...

Lensky is 18 years old in the novel. He is 8 years younger than Onegin. Lensky is partly a young Onegin, not yet matured, not having had time to experience pleasure and not having experienced deceit, but having already heard about the world and read about it:

I hate your fashionable world, I prefer the home circle.

Main artistic role Lensky - to highlight the character of Onegin. They mutually explain each other. Lensky is a friend worthy of Onegin. He, like Onegin, is one of the best people then Russia. A poet, an enthusiast, he is full of childlike faith in people, roiantic friendship to the grave and in eternal love. Lensky is noble, educated, his feelings and thoughts are pure, his enthusiasm is sincere. He loves life. Many of these qualities distinguish Lensky from Onegin. Lensky believes in ideals, Onegin is idealless. Lensky's soul is filled with feelings, thoughts, poems, and creative fire. Like Onegin, Lensky encounters the hostility of his landowner neighbors and is subjected to “strict analysis.” And he did not like the feasts of the gentlemen of the neighboring villages.

A.I. Herzen about Vladimir Lensky

"Next to Onegin, Pushkin placed Vladimir Lensky - another victim of Russian life..."

“Pushkin portrayed the character of Lensky with the tenderness that a person has for the dreams of his youth, for the memories of that time when a person is full of hope, purity and ignorance.”

From the article "On the development revolutionary ideas in Russia"

"Pushkin in Onegin presented a gratifying phenomenon in Vladimir Lensky, and he shot him, and for good reason. What could he do but die in order to remain a noble, wonderful phenomenon? In ten years he would have grown fat, would have become smarter, but it would be Manilov."

From "Diary"

V.G. Belinsky about Vladimir Lensky

“Onegin is a real character, in the sense that there is nothing dreamy or fantastic in him... In Lensky, Pushkin portrayed a character... completely abstract, completely alien to reality...

Lensky was a romantic both by nature and by the spirit of the times. There is no need to say that this was a creature accessible to everything beautiful and lofty, a pure and noble soul. But at the same time, “he was an ignoramus at heart,” always talking about life, but never knew it. Reality had no influence on him; his joys and sorrows were the creation of his imagination... In simple desire Onegin played a trick on him, he saw betrayal, seduction, and bloody insult. The result of all this was his death, which he had previously sung in vaguely romantic verses... The poet loved his ideal, which he realized in Lenskoye, and in beautiful verses mourned its fall...

There were many good things about him, but the best thing was that he was young and died at the right time for his reputation. This was not one of those natures for which living means developing and moving forward. This - we repeat - was a romantic, and nothing more."

Portrait of Olga Larina
Always modest, always obedient, Always as cheerful as the morning, As simple-minded as the life of a poet, Sweet as the kiss of love; Eyes like the sky, blue, Smile, flaxen curls, Movements, voice, light figure, Everything about Olga... but take any novel and you will find the right portrait of her: he is very sweet, I used to love him myself, But he bores me immensely .

In the novel “Eugene Onegin”, next to the main character, the author depicts other characters who help to better understand the character of Eugene Onegin. Among such heroes, first of all, Vladimir Lensky should be named.

According to Pushkin himself, these two people are absolutely opposite: “ice and fire,” as the author writes about them. And yet they become inseparable friends, although Pushkin notes that they become such because “there is nothing to do.”

Let's try to compare Onegin and Lensky. Are they that different from each other?

Why did they get together? It is better to present the comparison of heroes in the form of a table:

Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Education and upbringing
Traditional noble upbringing and education - in childhood he is looked after by a mamzel, then by a monsieur, then he receives a good education. Pushkin writes: “We all learned a little something and somehow,” but the poet, as we know, received an excellent education at the elite Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Studied in Germany. About who was involved in his upbringing in more early age, the author says nothing. The result of such education is a romantic worldview; it is no coincidence that Lensky is a poet.
State of mind, attitude to human values
Onegin feels tired of life, disappointed in it, for him there are no values ​​- he does not value love, friendship, or rather, does not believe in the sincerity and strength of these feelings.
>No: his feelings cooled down early
He was tired of the noise of the light.
And then the author “makes a ‘diagnosis’ of his hero’s condition - in short: the Russian melancholy has taken possession of him little by little...”
Having returned to his homeland, Lensky expects happiness and miracles from life - therefore his soul and heart are open to love, friendship and creativity:
The purpose of our life is for him
Was a tempting mystery
He puzzled over her
And he suspected miracles.
Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Life in the village, relationships with neighbors
Arriving in the village, Onegin is looking for an application to his strengths, a way out of his aimless existence - he is trying to replace corvée with an “easy quitrent”, and strives to find people close to him in outlook and spirit. But not finding anyone, Onegin himself separated himself with a sharp line from the surrounding landowners.
And they, in turn, considered him an “eccentric,” a “farmazon,” and “they stopped their friendship with him.” Soon boredom and disappointment take hold of him again.
Lensky is distinguished by an enthusiastic and dreamy attitude towards life, spiritual simplicity and naivety.
He had not yet had time to fade “from the cold depravity of the world,” he “was an ignoramus at heart.”
Idea of ​​purpose and meaning of life
Doesn't believe in any lofty goal. I am sure that there is some higher purpose in life, he just doesn’t know it yet.
Poetic creativity and the attitude of the heroes towards him
Onegin “could not... distinguish iambic from trochee...,” had neither the ability to compose nor the desire to read poetry; Lensky, like A.S. Pushkin, treats Lensky’s works with slight irony. Lensky is a poet. He wandered through the world with a lyre Under the skies of Schiller and Goethe With their poetic fire, the Soul ignited in him. Lensky is inspired by the work of German romantic poets and also considers himself a romantic. In some ways he is similar to Pushkin’s friend Kuchelbecker. Lensky's poems are sentimental, and their content is love, “separation and sadness, and something, and the foggy distance, and romantic roses...”
Love story
Onegin does not believe in sincerity female love. Tatyana Larina, upon first meeting, does not evoke any feelings in Onegin’s soul, except perhaps pity and sympathy. Only after several years has passed, the changed Onegin understands what happiness he gave up by rejecting Tatyana’s love. Onegin's life has no meaning, since there was no place for love in it. Lensky, as a romantic poet, falls in love with Olga. Ideal for him female beauty, loyalty - everything is in it. He not only loves her, he is passionately jealous of Olga for Onegin. He suspects her of treason, but as soon as Onegin leaves the evening dedicated to Tatiana’s name day, Olga again sincerely shows her affection and love for Lensky.


With all the differences in characters, temperaments and psychological type One cannot help but notice a number of similarities between Onegin and Lensky:

They are opposed to the nobility, both in the city and in the countryside;

They strive to find the meaning of life, not limited to the “joys” of the circle of secular youth;

Wide mental interests- history, philosophy, moral issues, and reading literary works.


The duel becomes a particularly tragic page in the relationship between Onegin and Lensky. Both heroes perfectly understand the meaninglessness and uselessness of this fight, but neither was able to step over the convention - public opinion. It was the fear of judgment from others that forced the two friends to stand at the barrier and aim the muzzle of a gun at the chest of their recent friend.

Onegin becomes a murderer, although according to the rules he does not commit murder, but only defends his honor. And Lensky goes to a duel in order to punish universal evil, which at that moment, in his opinion, was concentrated in Onegin.

After the duel, Onegin leaves, he goes to travel around Russia. He is no longer able to remain in a society whose laws force him to commit acts that are contrary to his conscience. It can be assumed that it was this duel that became the starting point from which serious changes in Onegin’s character began.

Tatyana Larina

The novel is named after Eugene Onegin, but in the text of the novel there is another heroine who can fully be called the main one - this is Tatyana. This is Pushkin's favorite heroine. The author does not hide his sympathy: “forgive me... I love my dear Tatyana so much...”, and, on the contrary, at every opportunity he emphasizes his affection for the heroine.

This is how you can imagine the heroine:
What distinguishes Tatyana from representatives of her circle Tatiana in comparison with Onegin
. She is not like all the secular girls. There is no coquetry, affectation, insincerity, or unnaturalness in her.
. She prefers solitude to noisy games, does not like to play with dolls, she prefers to read books or listen to her nanny's stories about antiquity. And she also amazingly feels and understands nature, this spiritual sensitivity makes Tatyana closer to to the common people than to secular society.
. The basis of Tatiana's world - folk culture.
. Pushkin emphasizes the spiritual connection of a girl who grew up in a “village” with beliefs folklore traditions. It is no coincidence that the novel included an episode in which Tatyana’s fortune-telling and dream are told.
. There is a lot of intuitive and instinctive in Tatyana.
. This is a discreet and deep, sad and pure, believing and faithful nature. Pushkin endowed his heroine with wealth inner world and spiritual purity:
What is gifted from heaven
With a rebellious imagination,
Alive in mind and will,
And wayward head,
And with a fiery and tender heart...
Believes in ideal happiness, in love, creates in his imagination under the influence of what he reads French novels perfect image beloved.
Tatyana is somewhat similar to Onegin:
. The desire for loneliness, the desire to understand oneself and understand life.
. Intuition, insight, natural intelligence.
. The author's good disposition towards both heroes.

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" is one of the most significant works Pushkin, a pearl of classical Russian literature. Despite the fact that the difficult relationship between Tatyana Larina and Onegin is at the center of the poem, the writer paid a lot of attention to the secondary characters. It is noteworthy that in the book “Eugene Onegin” the heroes are not divided into negative or positive, since all the images are very ambiguous and do not lend themselves to harsh criticism. This work is timeless: it was incredibly popular in XIX century, remains relevant today.

Characteristics of the heroes “Eugene Onegin”

Main characters

Eugene Onegin

One of the main characters of “Eugene Onegin” is a young wealthy nobleman originally from St. Petersburg. At the time of the story, Evgeniy is about 26 years old, and he is used to spending all his time in idleness: in theaters, at balls and receptions. Despite an exciting social life, the young man does not feel satisfied: he is constantly bored, moping, and it is difficult to surprise or delight him with anything. Onegin has the reputation of an experienced heartthrob with an impressive list of conquered women's hearts.

Tatyana Larina

A reserved, calm, well-mannered girl. Free time she would be much more happy to spend time with an interesting book than in a noisy company. The girl does not have a striking appearance and does not strive to seduce men. Peace of mind Tatyana is upset when she meets Onegin, and her unrequited feelings for the young rake become ordeal. But, possessing an inner core, the girl opens new chapter her life and marries a worthy man.


Despite the fact that the name of the narrator does not appear in the novel, during the course of the narrative it becomes clear that this role belongs to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself. He often reminds himself, intervenes in the course of events, and shares his views on life with readers in lyrical digressions. This is Onegin’s good friend, who does not hide his sincere sympathy for the main character, does not reproach him for anything and forgives him for any mistakes.

Minor characters

Vladimir Lensky

A close friend of Onegin and his bright opposite. This is an ardent, enthusiastic young man who did not know life and did not know betrayal. A monogamous man and a homebody who sincerely believes in friendship, love, and justice. He is passionately in love with Olga Larina, to whom he dedicates his poems. He dies at the hands of Onegin in a duel.

Olga Larina

Tatiana's younger sister. An incredibly cheerful, carefree, cheerful girl, whose image, however, is not distinguished by depth. The light blue eyes and flaxen hair of the young coquette captivate Lensky's heart. Olga's flighty behavior becomes the reason for a duel between Onegin and Lensky. She doesn't grieve for long after tragic death lover and soon successfully marries a rich officer.

Mother of Tatiana and Olga

A kind, caring woman who directs all her strength to raising children and running a household. In her youth, she dreamed of sublime love, and her beautiful head was full of romantic illusions. However, with the birth of her daughters, the young woman’s enthusiastic fantasies and daydreaming came to naught. She was able to adapt to realities married life and learned to deftly manage her husband.


Neighbor and close friend of Onegin and Lensky. His youth was very stormy and cheerful. Despite his status as a bachelor, Zaretsky has illegitimate children from serf peasant women. This is a smart, sharp-tongued person, but at the same time cruel, cold and indifferent. During the duel he acts as a second for Vladimir Lensky.

Prince N

Husband of Tatyana Larina, a rich and noble general, a respected nobleman. His whole life is connected with serving the Fatherland. During the war, he was seriously wounded, but this did not become a reason for him to retire to his well-deserved retirement. He is very kind to Tatyana, and for the sake of her happiness he is ready to do a lot. And, although Larina does not love her husband, she remains faithful to him and does not succumb to Onegin’s temptations.

Princess Alina

Cousin of the eldest Larina, that is, cousin of Tatyana and Olga. Princess Alina lives in Moscow, alone - she has no children of her own, she has never been married. When Tatyana and her mother come to the capital for the “bride fair,” they stay at the house of their relative.

Nanny Tatyana Larina

Filipyevna is a kind old woman with a sensitive heart, who served in the Larins’ house for a long time. She often tells her pupil fascinating stories from life, takes care of her in every possible way and gently instructs her.

In the table of characteristics of the heroes of “Eugene Onegin” it is given short description main and minor characters. This material will be useful when writing an essay in this topic, and also when detailed analysis novel in verse.

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