How long does it take to make pine cone jam? In Siberia, pine cones for jam can be collected until the end of June. When to collect green pine cones for jam.

Do you want to try unusual jam? Then go to the forest for pine cones. Even those with a sweet tooth will find it difficult to explain that this is not just jam, but real medicine. Find out from this article, when to collect pine cones for jam and how to cook it. It is also worth understanding the benefits and harms of such jam, so as not to harm the body.

When is the right time to collect cones for jam?

In order for the jam to be tasty, it is important to collect the cones in a timely manner. They should be green, undamaged, soft and no more than 4 cm long. If you live in Russia, then the optimal time for collection is the end of June. In the south of Russia and Ukraine, you can start collecting already in the second half of May. Remember that the cones contain resin, which stains your hands and is difficult to wash off, so it is best to pick them with gloves.

Do not forget about the place where you found the cones, because the jam must be environmentally friendly. The best way is to go to the forest for pine cones and collect the required amount for jam. Pine is an amazing tree, and picking its cones is quite convenient, because they are at the height of a person.

The medicinal properties of cones are due to the fact that they contain phytoncides, which have good bactericidal properties. There are much fewer harmful microorganisms in a coniferous forest than in a deciduous forest.

Which cones are suitable for jam?

  • Pay attention to the color of the buds, which should be green.
  • For a pine cone to be soft in jam, it must also be soft when raw.
  • Try to learn to distinguish between male and female bumps. You need to collect the female ones, which have visible scales and a sticky surface.
  • You can make jam not only from pine, but also from spruce cones or young shoots.

What are the benefits and harms of pine cone jam?

Despite the fact that jam has many positive properties, you should not abuse it. Treatment of diseases with traditional methods is not suitable for every person, as it has contraindications. For example, if you have kidney disease, then do not rush to try pine jam. It is not recommended to take homemade mixtures containing cones for people with acute hepatitis. In large quantities, pine cone jam can cause side symptoms such as headache and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnant women and the elderly over the age of 60 should also be wary of prevention or treatment with pine cones.

For preventive purposes, as well as for colds, you can take 2-4 tablespoons of jam, if you have no symptoms for contraindications.

A simple pine jam recipe

First prepare all ingredients for 3 kg of jam:

— cones – 1 kg, approximately 40 pcs;

– sugar – 2.5 kg;

– water – 3 l.

Try making unusual jam from pine cones. A little effort will help you prepare healing jam, which will become a real lifesaver in the winter season. It is easy to increase immunity in simple ways; the main thing is to take into account contraindications and not abuse alternative medicine.

Externally, cone jam resembles liquid honey. But its taste is different - sweet, but with a resinous note and a slight bitterness. Boiled cones can also be eaten. They turn out very soft, juicy and resemble candies. The cones retain a pleasant pine aroma.

No one will remain indifferent to this original delicacy. Especially children:

What to make jam from

  • 1 kg of young cones (pine cones are best, but spruce or larch are also suitable);
  • water;
  • 1 kg sugar.

From the specified amount of ingredients you will get about 2 liters of jam.

Where and when to collect pine cones

For jam you need green soft cones that can be easily pierced with a fingernail or cut with a knife. They should be no longer than 3–4 cm.

Do not collect pine cones in the city, near roads or industrial establishments. and try to look for young trees.

The second half of June is the optimal time to collect cones, but it may vary depending on the region. In warm regions, cones can be collected already at the end of spring, and in cold regions - until mid-July. It also depends on how late the summer was.

Sometimes the cones are sold at the market. If you have no doubt about their origin, buy it. But first, carefully inspect the product.

How to make jam from pine cones

Some people prefer to boil the cones once, but for a long time. Still, it is better to prepare the dessert in several stages. This will make the jam richer and more aromatic, and the pine cones will be saturated with syrup and become tastier.

Rinse the buds thoroughly to remove dust and any contaminants. If they have stalks left, cut them off with scissors. Fill the cones with clean water so that it covers them by 1.5–2 cm.

Place the pan with the pine cones over medium heat and bring to a boil. Then remove it from the heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for 12–15 hours.

Drain the water from the pine cones. You should have about 1 liter of liquid, but it could be less or more. You need to know this amount to determine the exact weight of sugar. For 100 ml of infusion take 100 g of sugar. Pour the infusion back into the pan with the pine cones and cover them with sugar.

Place over moderate heat, bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes, skimming off the foam from time to time.

After this, remove the pan from the heat and leave the jam covered for 10 hours. Then bring to a boil again, boil for 5 minutes and cool for another 10 hours.

Repeat cooking again, but do not let the jam cool.

Thus, after infusion, the cones must be boiled three times. It is convenient to do this, for example, according to this scheme:

  • first cooking - in the morning;
  • second cooking - in the evening;
  • the third brew is the next morning.

If you do 2-3 more approaches, the jam will become even richer.

Place the pine cones at the bottom of the jars and fill with syrup. It will thicken after it cools completely. Jars of jam can be closed with nylon lids and stored in the refrigerator. Or roll it up and put it in a cool, dark place.

What are the benefits of pine cone jam?

Contained in cones Chemical composition of essential oils from needles, branches and cones of Pinus pinea, P. halepensis, P. pinaster and P. nigra from central ltaly essential oils have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties PINE.

Therefore, many people use cone jam to relieve fever, bronchitis, cough and runny nose.

On forums, people share the following tips for taking sweet medicine:

  • For prevention, adults are recommended to eat no more than 2 tablespoons of jam per day, and children over 3 years old - no more than 2 teaspoons.
  • For treatment, adults are advised to consume 1 tablespoon of jam three times a day, and children over 3 years old - 1 teaspoon.

Things to remember before eating jam

Jam can cause allergies, especially in. So try just a little bit at first. If after 24 hours no signs of allergy appear, you can safely continue to eat dessert.

Nursing women, as well as people suffering from kidney disease, should consult a doctor before use. Those who have diabetes should also not indulge in the delicacy.

Pine cone jam - Tasty and healthy

One of the most common coniferous trees in our country is pine. You arrive in a pine forest, breathe in the fresh air deeply, and feel yourself filled with energy and sunshine. Those who live in the city and sometimes go out into nature know very well what “sweet pine air” is. It is very useful for everyone, and especially for those who suffer from respiratory diseases. Pine gives us the most valuable thing that can be used to treat a person. This includes resin, buds, pine needles, and pine cones, which are widely used in folk medicine. In addition, pine needles are widely used in perfumery and the production of healing essential oils.
This article will focus on green pine cones, which are hard and sticky. It was as if the inexhaustible warmth of the sun and the power of the earth had gathered in them. Each of us can prepare healing “gum” honey from pine cones for the cold autumn and long winter. However, in order for the jam from green cones to be truly healing and beneficial for the body, the cones should be properly collected and prepared.
Collecting pine cones
So, when should you collect pine cones? Young pine cones are harvested at different times in different climate zones. In Ukraine this is mid-May - early June, in central Russia - June 21-25. Jam can be made from those pine cones that can be easily cut with a knife or pierced with a fingernail. Cones that reach 1-4 cm in length are suitable for collection.
When collecting pine cones, pay attention to their appearance. It happens that a pine tree can be affected by insects: you should not collect cones from such a tree.
"Honey" from pine cones and jam have preventive and healing properties. In traditional and folk medicine, cones are used for the following diseases: acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections
flu and colds
bronchitis and bronchial asthma
vitamin deficiency
diseases of the throat and gums
pneumonia and pleurisy
pulmonary tuberculosis
low hemoglobin
Pine cones are often used as an effective cough remedy. In addition, treatment with healing cones is so pleasant for children, who will happily drink the sweet medicine.
In medicine, pine buds and needles (branches and cones) are also used for medicinal purposes. The needles contain essential oil (turpentine), which is used to treat putrefactive bronchitis, rheumatism, gout, and a number of other diseases.
Pine cones, needles and pollen contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins.
Thus, buds are rich in essential oils, resin, tannins and panipicrin, pine resin contains resin acids and essential oil, needles are a storehouse of resins, carotene and ascorbic acid.
Pine cones are used in folk medicine as an expectorant, diaphoretic, immunomodulatory and cleansing agent. Various tinctures are made from pine cones for both internal and external use.
Pine cone extract is a powerful antioxidant, thanks to which it is able to remove free radicals from the human body. Pine cones are also an effective antitumor and blood-restoring agent.
Pine cone jam.

Pine cone jam: contraindications
Despite all the “usefulness” of coniferous products, pine cone jam has contraindications for use. Traditional medicine warns that, like any therapy, treatment with pine cones has contraindications.
First of all, people who suffer from kidney disease should be careful when treating with pine cones. "Honey" from pine cones is contraindicated in acute hepatitis. It is allowed to use tinctures and jam from pine cones with great caution to pregnant women and people who are 60 years of age or older.
In addition, pine cone jam can cause allergic reactions in children (especially those aged 3 to 7 years). Therefore, before “treating” your child with jam or tincture of pine cones “with all your heart,” let him try just a little bit. If after the first dose the jam does not cause an allergy in the child, then you can gradually increase the daily dose to several teaspoons per day.
Remember that pine preparations in large doses can cause headaches and even stomach inflammation. The main thing is to stick to the measure.
And be healthy!

Review: Pine cone jam - Tasty and healthy

tasty, healthy, original

There are so many varieties of jam now! Cucumbers, roses, zucchini, and everything you can imagine are used. You won’t surprise anyone with strawberry and apple jams - the taste is familiar, and you want something new, unexpected, I would even say, piquant.
This jam was brought as a gift for tea, and to say that I was skeptical at first would be an understatement. Well, imagine large cones in syrup. Eventually the jar was opened and I couldn’t resist.

The jam itself is quite liquid, the first thing I decided was that if no one would eat it, I would add it to fruit drinks. It turned out that I had hoped too early. The taste is sweet, tart with a slight bitterness. The aroma is simply indescribable. This jam is especially good for tea without additives; the pine aroma will still overwhelm any strawberry or citrus flavor.

Gnawing cones is a pleasure. They are soft, soaked in jam, their core has a honey-golden color and is flaky. It's like it's falling apart into pieces. Tasty.
I still tried fruit drinks, but they were much nicer and tastier with hot tea. In general, as a medicine, it did not suit anyone: sweet lovers cannot be explained that they should drink it for colds or osteochondrosis. It is good for strengthening gums and immunity. You can write long and tediously about the benefits, but then the review will not be about the dessert, but about the benefits of the pine cones as such.

Do you want to try unusual jam? Then go to the forest for pine cones. Even those with a sweet tooth will find it difficult to explain that this is not just jam, but real medicine. Find out from this article, when to collect pine cones for jam and how to cook it. It is also worth understanding the benefits and harms of such jam, so as not to harm the body.

When is the right time to collect cones for jam?

In order for the jam to be tasty, it is important to collect the cones in a timely manner. They should be green, undamaged, soft and no more than 4 cm long. If you live in Russia, then the optimal time for collection is the end of June. In the south of Russia and Ukraine, you can start collecting already in the second half of May. Remember that the cones contain resin, which stains your hands and is difficult to wash off, so it is best to pick them with gloves.

Do not forget about the place where you found the cones, because the jam must be environmentally friendly. The best way is to go to the forest for pine cones and collect the required amount for jam. Pine is an amazing tree, and picking its cones is quite convenient, because they are at the height of a person.

The medicinal properties of cones are due to the fact that they contain phytoncides, which have good bactericidal properties. There are much fewer harmful microorganisms in a coniferous forest than in a deciduous forest.

Which cones are suitable for jam?

  • Pay attention to the color of the buds, which should be green.
  • For a pine cone to be soft in jam, it must also be soft when raw.
  • Try to learn to distinguish between male and female bumps. You need to collect the female ones, which have visible scales and a sticky surface.
  • You can make jam not only from pine, but also from spruce cones or young shoots.

What are the benefits and harms of pine cone jam?

Despite the fact that jam has many positive properties, you should not abuse it. Treatment of diseases with traditional methods is not suitable for every person, as it has contraindications. For example, if you have kidney disease, then do not rush to try pine jam. It is not recommended to take homemade mixtures containing cones for people with acute hepatitis. In large quantities, pine cone jam can cause side symptoms such as headache and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Pregnant women and the elderly over the age of 60 should also be wary of prevention or treatment with pine cones.

For preventive purposes, as well as for colds, you can take 2-4 tablespoons of jam, if you have no symptoms for contraindications.

A simple pine jam recipe

First, prepare all the ingredients for 3 kg of jam:

— cones – 1 kg, approximately 40 pcs;

– sugar – 2.5 kg;

– water – 3 l.

First, wash the pine cones well to remove dirt and pine needles. Pour water into a container and pour out all the cones. Place on the fire and wait until it boils. The buds should be simmered for 4 hours after they come to a boil.

Now you need to find a cool place and place a container with cones in it. Do not drain the water. After the decoction has been infused on the cones for about 12 hours, it will need to be poured into a measuring vessel or jar.

Add sugar to the solution in a 1:1 ratio and put it on fire. Pour all the pine cones back into the sweet syrup and cook for 2 hours.

Separately sterilize the jars and pour hot jam into them. You can roll up the jam or simply close it with a nylon lid. You don’t have to cook it in one go; you can do it in several batches, just like regular jam.

Also read: Stocking up for the winter: unique grape jam

Try making unusual jam from pine cones with your own hands. A little effort will help you prepare healing jam, which will become a real lifesaver in the winter season. It is easy to increase immunity in simple ways; the main thing is to take into account contraindications and not abuse alternative medicine.

Pine cones are a storehouse of vitamins, essential oils and other useful substances. It is important to know when to collect pine cones and how to properly prepare them in order to get maximum benefits for the body. They are used to treat ARVI, influenza, lung diseases and strengthen the immune system.

When to collect pine cones

Young pine cones are collected for medicinal purposes. They are used to prepare jams, tinctures and balms, which are effective for colds, vitamin deficiency, joint diseases, and low hemoglobin.

When is the best time to collect pine cones depends on the region where you collect them.

The time for collecting cones may differ in different regions depending on climatic conditions, most often it is June–August. When collecting you need to consider:

  • the cones should be small, green, without visible defects;
  • the cones should not be open;
  • the average size of the cone is about 4 cm;
  • the pine tree should not show signs of rotting or pest damage;
  • You can store cones for a year and a half in a well-ventilated area, no more;
  • It is better to choose female fruits - they are resinous, dense and with small ribbed scales.

The end of June is the optimal period to collect pine cones for jam in Russia. This jam is indispensable during infectious and viral diseases; it has a positive effect on the immune system and speeds up recovery.

How to make jam from pine cones

Despite the large number of beneficial properties, pine cone jam has some contraindications. It should not be used for kidney disease, hepatitis, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people over 60 years of age.

Making jam is easy. For this you will need:

  • 1 kg of pine cones;
  • 2.5 kg of sugar;
  • 3 liters of water.

Step by step guide:

  • sort out and wash the cones;
  • Pour water into a saucepan, add pine cones and bring to a boil;
  • reduce heat and simmer for another 4 hours;
  • put the pan in a cool place for 12 hours;
  • pour the resulting broth into another container, add sugar in proportions 1:1;
  • add cones and cook over low heat for 2 hours;
  • Sterilize the jars and fill them with hot jam.

To prevent colds, it is recommended to eat 1 tbsp. l. jam per day with tea, for treatment - 2 tbsp. l. in a day. This medicine should be given to children with caution, reducing the dosage by half. If you follow all the recommendations, pine cone jam will help improve your well-being and strengthen your immune system in the midst of viral diseases.