Red fire rooster characteristic of the year. What will the Year of the Rooster be like? Positive qualities of the sign

Years of birth of a person according to the sign of the Rooster: 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

People born in the year of the Rooster are by nature dreamers and lovers of truth. They always express their thoughts, but sometimes they behave aggressively and selfishly.

General characteristics of the sign of the year of the Rooster

The Chinese and Japanese call this tenth sign of the Zodiac the Rooster, and the Vietnamese often call it “chicken”. And this is not without reason.

There are two different types of people born in the year of the Rooster. Some are quick in their movements, easy-going, impetuous, talkative. And others are solemn and leisurely contemplatives, quite insightful at the same time.

The rooster harbors many outstanding, but unrealized qualities, and if he fails to realize them, he will become like a crow.

People born in the year of the Rooster love to dream and hear praise addressed to them, even flattering ones. They can behave quite aggressively and sometimes do not mince words. The Rooster always says what he thinks. He is not interested in the feelings of others, and in communication he is tactless, aggressive and even merciless. The Rooster always expresses to a person’s eyes everything that is boiling in his soul, and thereby naturally provokes resentment and quarrels. The Rooster is insensitive and he simply does not understand how painfully a careless word can hurt him. But there is a good side to this: those around him are always sure that he “holds no stone in his bosom.” It is also worth noting that under the mask of strength, composure and indifference, the Rooster tries to hide his experiences and worries. He has a rare ability to sympathize with others and will always help those in need. Brave and noble, talented and honest, the Rooster, like Don Quixote, always stands up for the weak.

The rooster is the personification of courage, self-confidence, straightforwardness, and thriftiness. Dresses to stand out from the crowd and lives mainly on appearance. He strives for everything in his clothes and work to be impeccable, and no one around him could doubt his infallibility. In company, the Rooster knows how to present himself effectively. He is sociable, quite talkative, dresses fashionably and carries himself very confidently. In a conversation, he is not averse to boasting and exaggerating, including his many merits, but he does this not out of arrogance, but rather for the sake of a “cunning word.”

Public opinion is very important to the Rooster and he is constantly afraid: what if he goes unnoticed or makes an unfavorable impression. The Rooster especially loves to be in the company of the opposite sex. This is explained by his irresistible desire to attract attention. It would seem that the Rooster was created for social life, but they can never completely relax, as if they are afraid of losing control over themselves and the situation.

People born in the year of the Rooster show a lively, genuine interest in everything new. They love to make plans and draw projects. True, alas, they are unsuitable for life. Most dreamers and visionaries were born in the year of the Rooster.

Roosters are hardworking and endowed with a sense of duty. They are not afraid of even the most difficult and thankless work. They are stubborn, stubborn and petty in both the good and bad sense of the word. The Rooster is always confident that he is right and is not averse to giving advice. People born in the year of the Rooster are simple-minded, so they often become victims of deception. But they find it difficult to laugh at themselves wholeheartedly, and this can result in arrogance and selfishness.

The Rooster has to achieve everything through hard work; they have to work hard to achieve their plans. In their life, the white stripe alternates with black. Moreover, Roosters are not able to analyze their mistakes, draw conclusions, and everyone starts from scratch. People born in the year of the Rooster do not trust anyone and are accustomed to relying only on their own strength. They are simply bursting with absurd and unrealistic projects, which, of course, are just dreams.

The Year of the Rooster corresponds to Western classical astrology.

Metal Rooster: 1921, 1981

The Metal Rooster is a very responsible and hard-working specialist. Whatever he undertakes, he does calmly, confidently and persistently. He knows exactly what he wants in life and goes towards his goal. Succeeds in business and financial activities. Often harsh. You need to learn to find compromises. He devotes a lot of time to social work. Loyal to friends and family.

Water Rooster: 1933, 1993

People born in the year of the Water Rooster have the gift of eloquence. They easily find a common language with strangers, love to take part in various debates and discussions, and can speak convincingly. To achieve this goal they are able to work days and nights. The simply inexhaustible supply of their energy helps them in this. They get very worried about little things, which results in wasted time. They have a good sense of humor and are respected by others.

Wooden Rooster: 1945

People born in the year of the Wood Rooster are honest, reliable and full of good intentions. They prefer to work in a close-knit team rather than alone. Despite the fact that he often sets simply impossible tasks, he succeeds in life. Has many diverse interests, loves to travel and learn new things. He is very caring and sensitive towards his family and friends.

Fire Rooster 1897, 1957

People born in the year of the Fire Rooster have the makings of a good leader and organizer. These are people with exceptional willpower. The Fire Rooster is a person with a straightforward character, strong and purposeful. As a rule, he always achieves his goal. Compared to other Roosters, the Fire Rooster is tactful and able to understand others.

Earth Rooster: 1909, 1969

People born in the year of the Earth Rooster are very hardworking and have a deep, insightful mind. Thanks to these qualities, the Rooster easily moves up the career ladder and is very successful in matters of business and finance. Accustomed to achieving goals. He is very persistent and will not leave the intended path until he achieves his goal.

Year of the Rooster - advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the Rooster's personality

The Rooster can make a good soldier. He is very brave and knows how to risk his life with a smile on his lips. Despite the fact that he has to work hard all his life, he is able to get money even in the most unfavorable conditions.

The Rooster's most striking quality is innovation and the desire to look beyond his horizon and expand his knowledge through reading, conversations, and research.

Negative aspects of the Rooster personality

People born in the year of the Rooster tend to show off. They always say more than they can actually do. He likes to spend time contemplating something, so sometimes he can be considered a slacker. But at the same time, he is a great worker. True, he often takes on a task that is beyond his strength, and, of course, does not complete it.

Also, the negative aspects of the Rooster’s personality include: arrogance, aggressiveness, whims, sarcasm.

Career and money of the Rooster sign

The Rooster always chooses an activity that will be in everyone's sight. He is a public person, even if his audience is his work colleagues. It is vital for him to demonstrate all his abilities and numerous talents. The Rooster has a knack for agriculture and other professions related to working in nature. To achieve something in life, the Rooster needs to be active. Nothing is given to him just like that. But, as the Vietnamese say, as a result of the fact that the Rooster has to “scrape with his beak and paws,” he will always find a worm even in the desert.

The Rooster loves to show himself in all his glory. At the same time, he is very wasteful, and can instantly spend everything that he got through hard work. When it comes to spending, he is capable of broad and not always thoughtful gestures. For example, out of nowhere, a newly made relative can buy a suit from the new collection with his last money. A little later, of course, he will regret it, but in the process he will not listen to anyone’s advice. He constantly exposes himself to financial risk, so it is not surprising that ruin and bankruptcy often await him. When the Rooster is broke, no one ever knows about it. He does not advertise his financial difficulties and solves problems on his own.

Life periods of the Rooster

Fate has prepared many different surprises for a person born in the year of the Rooster. There may be many ups and downs in his life, however, even when circumstances are not in his favor, he has unlimited faith in himself and in his strength.

Throughout their lives, people born in the year of the Rooster will experience ups and downs, both in the financial sphere and in the area of ​​feelings. The Rooster will go all the way from poverty to wealth, and from ideal unearthly love to its most disgusting manifestations. His old age will be happy.

Stones: aquamarine, emerald, lapis lazuli, topaz.

Plants: gentian, orange, sunflower, hawthorn.

Time of day: from 5 to 7 pm.

Time of year: autumn.

Chinese horoscope signs:

Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit (Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.
According to Eastern legend, it was in this order that these animals came to say goodbye to Buddha when he left the Earth. And as a reward they received the right to control time and human destinies once every twelve years.

On January 28, 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster according to the eastern calendar will come into its own..
This year will be very important for the history of human civilization; it will be full of colorful, bright, loud, global and memorable events. The main color of the year is red, which represents beauty, energy and power.
Therefore, the forces of good will be given additional fuel for victory over evil in all its manifestations.
The element of the Year of the Rooster 2017 is fire, therefore, many of our troubles will burn out and, like a phoenix bird, we will be reborn for a new happy life.
Especially generously in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be rewarded for those who do not look for easy ways and crooked paths, do not violate moral and legal laws, speak little and work hard, and persistently, grain by grain, create the foundation for their success and well-being.

Features and characteristics of the Fire Rooster

The rooster is a bird that has a clear voice, bright plumage and exudes cheerfulness.
This symbol marks the beginning of something new, because the rooster is one of the first to wake up at dawn and notify people that a new day has arrived.
People born in the year of the Fire Rooster are distinguished by their indestructible willpower. This type of rooster has all the makings of a leader and often uses all these qualities. They make excellent leaders and managers. Nature has endowed such people with a strong, proactive character, thanks to which they do not give up on their plans halfway, but always achieve their goals.
Another characteristic characteristic of Roosters is straightforwardness. They tell a person to his face everything they think about him. Of course, some people don’t like this behavior and stop being friends with the Rooster. That is why representatives of this sign do not have many friends.
Due to the fact that the element of the 2017 symbol is Fire, they are extremely energetic and purposeful. Their temperament will be the envy of many; it is rare to see a Rooster exhausted or tired. They literally emit waves of energy that are transmitted to those around them.
This sign is valued for hard work, assertiveness and ambition. There is an opinion that such people are not afraid of problems - they are ready to endure and overcome everything. Roosters are excellent competitors, they are passionate and ready to win at any cost. It is worth noting that the love of victory manifests itself not only in the professional sphere, but also in love! Although in love, representatives of this bird show too much selfishness, which prevents them from building normal long-term relationships.

Knowing your year of birth, you can easily find the eastern horoscope sign you are interested in and read in the appropriate section about yourself and your loved ones.
The Chinese horoscope by year will help you better know yourself and recognize the character traits of your friends. Also, using the Chinese horoscope, you can find out your compatibility with other people and learn how to smooth out negative aspects in communication and enhance positive ones.

Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Bull: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Cat: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Dragon: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Goat: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Soon the Fire Monkey will transfer its rights to control the Fire Rooster, and given that next year we will have to live under a fire sign, you and I can hardly count on a quiet life.

So what will the upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster be like, what can the signs of the eastern calendar expect from it, what will it be like, will it bring good news, what to prepare for - that’s what we’ll tell you about in this article.

Prepare yourself in a serious and responsible manner in advance, do not take rash and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts, because the Rooster is a known provocateur and bully, and there will be plenty of situations in which you can get yourself into trouble.

Therefore, be careful, vigilant and reasonable, behave wisely, and do not make hasty decisions!

In the coming 2017, the Fire Rooster is expected to experience dramatic changes in social life throughout our planet.

The struggle for leadership will continue; conflicts started earlier are unlikely to end—the Rooster will not allow it. Let's hope that you and I will be able to avoid trouble, cope with ourselves and our problems, and not make unnecessary mistakes.

What will the Year of the Rooster 2017 be like?

The symbol of 2017 will be the Rooster, the ruling element of the year is fire, so the Rooster will be Fiery. The main color is red and all shades close to it, including fiery tones - gold, orange, yellow.

As noted in the East, the Rooster is the head of the family, he gets up early, keeps order and keeps everything under control. That is why in the coming year you should try not to fall out of rhythm, keep your finger on the pulse, keep up with everything, and then luck will definitely be on your side.

For many zodiac signs, 2017 can be a fateful year of the fiery Rooster. This may concern the business sphere, money or love - anyone, each of us will feel the influence of the difficult character of the patron of 2017.

If we talk about what the year of the Fire Rooster will be like in 2017, then we can say for sure that this period will be as bright as a rooster’s tail, stormy and unpredictable as the character of the symbol of the year.

One event will rapidly change another, so it is important to keep up with what is happening in order to make the right decision in time.

Changes will occur both in the social life of people and in the world as a whole. Some astrologers predict an extremely unstable situation in the world, but given the position of the planets, there is no reason for serious concern yet.

The year will be fruitful and successful for those who try to prove themselves, show off their talents, and an extraordinary approach to the situation. If such a chance presents itself, and it will certainly present itself, then you should not miss it under any circumstances.

The Rooster does not tolerate inaction, values ​​neatness and order in everything, many will have to put their thoughts in order, draw up an action plan and systematically move towards their goal without unnecessary fuss.

If to implement it you have to reconsider your principles, attitude to life, worldview, then it’s better to work on it.

The Rooster is a careerist, and the Fire Rooster is a leader, organizer, responsible manager and the brain center of many operations. If there is such a person in your environment, then the New Year 2017 will favor his career growth, and you should listen to his opinion - he can help you too.

If you yourself feel confident and firm in solving business issues, have experience, and know how best to do this or that job - this year is completely yours. You can achieve a lot if you devote yourself to your work.

The stars advise in the year of the Fire Rooster to learn to be responsible by taking on certain obligations, and do not neglect them.

Characteristics of the Year of the Rooster

What will 2017 be like for the Year of the Fire Rooster?


The financial characteristics of 2017 will be as follows - in terms of money, the first half of the year will be especially tense. This is due to the unstable economic situation in the world.

The Fire Rooster is very passionate about money - for him it is an excellent indicator of success.

If you want to become more financially independent, then do not set yourself this exact goal.

You should not wish for money itself, but for success in your affairs, then all other components will simply follow.


In terms of health, 2017 will be very dangerous for those who have completely neglected themselves and are not taking care of their body.

You should think about the fact that all the diseases suppressed by temporary solutions will sooner or later take their toll, and this can become a real problem.

If you have chronic diseases, then do not hesitate to improve your health, and seek medical help at the first symptoms.

Don't neglect vitamins, healthy foods and outdoor activities. Physical activity is completely mandatory for all zodiac signs.

The Fire Rooster does not like lazy people. Only those who work on themselves, on their career and personal growth, will earn the Rooster’s favor and help in all their endeavors.


The characteristics of the coming year tell us that the best time to change the field of activity will be precisely the year of the Fire Rooster.

Don't be afraid to try yourself in an unknown area, learn and develop. This applies not only to mental abilities, but also to physical ones.

If you have been planning to get in shape for a long time, then this is the right time.

If you have any illness, then the determination and assertiveness of the patron of 2017, the Fire Rooster, will help you cope with it.

Born in the year of the Rooster

The life of people born in the year of the Fire Rooster is always filled with bright colors and all kinds of events. The main task of parents in raising their child, like the Rooster himself, is to cope with emerging problems and life challenges, to correctly calculate their strength in mastering new goals and opportunities.

Both men and women born in the year of the Rooster are quite eloquent and fully possess the gift of persuasion. These people can achieve success in almost any professional field, reaching unprecedented heights in any profession, especially in creative and financial areas.

Men and women born under this sign of the eastern calendar strive to get the maximum benefit in almost everything, they always try to get the highest paid and most honorable job, they make every effort to do this, often even to the detriment of the people around them and their work colleagues.

The Rooster treats the daily routine, as well as submission, with reluctance and hostility. The life of this person will never be boring, monotonous and ordinary. With him you will live a rich life, full of bright adventures, unexpected turns, although sometimes dangerous and unpleasant.

The Rooster's childhood and youth, as well as his mature years, are oversaturated with events, full of all sorts of necessary and far-fetched problems, but in old age he calms down, it is cloudless and joyful for him.

People born this year are charming and pleasant to talk to, especially women. They are more ready to start a family in adulthood, although most often they tie the knot in early youth.

They are friendly and easy to talk to, but you just shouldn’t trust them. Not everyone succeeds in getting along with the Rooster “under one roof,” because these people really value and protect their freedom and are unlikely to tolerate being commanded over themselves or interference in their lives.

What will the year of the Rooster be like for the signs of the Eastern horoscope?

Born in the year of the Rat- forecast for 2017 (born in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008...) - For people of this sign of the eastern calendar, everything should go pretty well, and the changes happening around in society will have little impact on this person.

Born in the year of the Ox- forecast for 2017 (born in 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009...) - This person will regain self-confidence, which means you can take on new things - everything will work out for you. Do not trust the “first people you meet”, evenly calculate your strengths and capabilities.

Born in the year of the Tiger- forecast for 2017 (born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010...) - For him, the coming year is a difficult period of problems, struggle, rebellion and disappointment. The Tiger will achieve little, although he will make a lot of efforts to achieve success.

Born in the year of the Rabbit/Cat- forecast for 2017 (born in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999...) - These people are not expected to have a very good period in their lives. They will be irritated by the surrounding useless fuss and endless far-fetched problems, which, nevertheless, will have to be solved.

Born in the year of the Dragon- forecast for 2017 (born in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000...) - The Dragon is lucky, he will have another opportunity to shine this year, in which the Rooster will help him... But whether he wants to prove himself is a big question question.

Born in the year of the Snake- forecast for 2017 (born in 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar it is simply a harsh and dangerous year. The rooster can peck you, bombard you with problems, and drive you to despair.

Born in the year of the Horse- forecast for 2017 (born in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002...) - Everything is fine with these people, the created margin of safety will allow them to live peacefully for the year. If the Rooster begins to harm this person, he risks being trampled by the Horse.

Born in the year of the Goat/Sheep- forecast for 2017 (born in 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003...) - The entire coming year will pass on a positive note, these people will strive for a bohemian, measured life, refusing to make extra efforts to ensure their well-being.

Born in the year of the Monkey- forecast for 2017 (born in 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004...) - Although her year has just ended, everything will become less funny, it’s time for everyday life. Although the reign of the Rooster will entertain the Monkey and will not let her get bored.

Born in the year of the Rooster- forecast for 2017 (born in 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005...) - A wonderful year for the Rooster and no wonder! After all, everything around sparkles, he is the center of attention, everything works out for him. However, you should not expect that everything will work out on its own - you will have to work if you hope for success.

Born in the year of the Dog- forecast for 2017 (born in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar, a year of experiences, overcoming obstacles and the struggle for a better life. Set yourself up for the positive and don’t be distracted by little things from your goal.

Born in the year of the Boar/Pig- forecast for 2017 (born in 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007...) - Painstaking work will definitely bear fruit. Life will be successful for representatives of the eastern calendar in the person of the Boar/Pig if they do not harm themselves with their rash steps. Don't be distracted by unimportant things, focus on the main thing.

According to the Chinese calendar, each year of the 12-year cycle has its own patron - an animal (which follows meet in a special way) transferring part of its character to this year and protecting those who try to appease it.

Element and color of 2017

2017 will pass under the sign of the Rooster, the color of which is determined by the element that rules the year along with its patron. In 2017, such a governing element will be fire, personifying red color, strength, power, energy, movement, renewal and leadership, which, combined with the ambitious nature of the representative of the sign himself, will fill the year with great prospects and many life-defining moments (see).

In what colors to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster?

The Fiery Rooster favors red, ruby, carmine, scarlet, red, gold, crimson, crimson colors, with which you can combine black (deep soot color), brilliant white, mother-of-pearl, so it is in these clothing colors and should be met. In addition, these colors will be appropriate in the New Year's interior and when choosing clothes and outfit for New Year's Eve. For those who do not want to warm up the official, classic and prim Rooster, he should refrain from earthy and marshy shades; he will also not like mustard, flesh, gray or pale blue, as well as yellowish-green shades. When choosing a color, avoid passive or, conversely, very eccentric mixtures. Let your image (or interior) be filled with noble fiery shades of red, which in combination with rich gold, New Year's white and official black will create the perfect option for celebrating the New Year 2017.

Characteristics of the year of the fiery Rooster

The Fire Rooster is able to provide the coming 365 days with a large number of events that will help unleash human potential, demonstrate their leadership qualities and gain the opportunity to build a career based on their own positive traits. Rooster under control fire element and red in color, not as loyal as other representatives of the same sign, but controlled by other elements - water, air, earth or metal. Fire gives him the strength to resist any vital passivity, which is interrupted at the origins by special circumstances, which the Fire Rooster has in reserve for all people. Therefore, you should not anger such a strong leader from the very first day of the year: prepare the appropriate colors of clothes, think over your image and tune in to the fact that the next year will not be very simple, but the most suitable time to realize your dreams.

Year of the Rooster 2017: The coming new year promises us a good and prosperous year, which will help in all endeavors and be favorable to innovations and changes. This year passes under the symbol of the Red Fire Rooster - this symbol is a family bird, so the year is ideal for celebrating weddings and the birth of children, children born in the year of the rooster have greater abilities compared to others, and they also discover talents in their own at a young age. This year is also ideal for starting your own business or investing capital. In the coming year, changes await all people without exception, and to what extent will be decided by the majestic Fire symbol.

Already the Fire Monkey transfers its rights to control to the Fire Rooster, and given that next year we will have to live under a fire sign, you and I can hardly count on a quiet life. So what will the upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster be like, what can the signs of the eastern calendar expect from it, what will it be like, will it bring good news, what to prepare for.

Year of the Rooster 2017 characteristics

Before we give a detailed description of the upcoming 2017, let’s look at the meaning of the symbol of the coming year. In 2017, the Rooster will be in charge, and not just an ordinary Rooster, but a Fiery Rooster. Since ancient times, it was believed that fire is forward movement, that it is an unshakable desire for self-realization and self-improvement. Fire symbolizes activity and energy. Fire is the source of light. The color of fire itself speaks of saturation and harmony. The color red and all its derivatives are associated with fire. And such colors symbolize love, passion, devotion, as well as confidence. The Rooster himself appears before us as passionate, emotional and unshakable. This bird loves to be the center of attention and demands respect for its person. The Rooster sets goals for himself and achieves them by any means, nothing is impossible for him, and if something doesn’t work out for him, he feverishly looks for other ways to accomplish his plans.

In the year of the Fire Rooster 2017, the characteristics of the symbol will help to understand the intended goals and strategies of behavior, we will consider parting words based on the future sign of the year for the coming year in the areas of our life.

The financial characteristics of 2017 will be as follows: in terms of money, the first half of the year will be especially tense. This is due to the unstable economic situation in the world. The Fire Rooster is very passionate about money - for him it is an excellent indicator of success. If you want to become more financially independent, then do not set yourself this exact goal. You should not wish for money itself, but for success in your affairs, then all other components will simply follow.

Career The characteristics of the coming year tell us that the best time to change the field of activity will be precisely the year of the Fire Rooster. Don't be afraid to try yourself in an unknown area, learn and develop. This applies not only to mental abilities, but also to physical ones. If you have been planning to get in shape for a long time, then this is the right time. If you have any illness, then the determination and assertiveness of the patron of 2017 - the Fire Rooster - will help you cope with it.

Love and family relationships.

The Rooster promises a lot of love and family harmony in 2017. For those who do not yet have their soulmate, this year will be successful in romantic terms. Single people will meet their betrothed, and for dating people in love, this year is the most favorable for legitimizing relationships (more details at the end of the article). But we should not forget about the other side of the coin. Despite the fact that the Rooster in 2017 is Fiery, which speaks of love and passion, he is also very emotional and quick-tempered. Therefore, many couples have to fight with a rush of emotions, and in order to save the relationship, it is worth taking control of your inner state.

Color and element of the coming year

The next year will be under the symbol of the Fire or Red Rooster. Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, new beginnings, and undying passion. This is worth taking note of for purposeful people who are not used to sitting still. This year also promises success in love affairs. It's a great time to start a family and have children. People who are unlucky in their personal lives have every chance of saying goodbye to loneliness. Because it is fire, like nothing else, that accompanies good luck on the love front. The main thing is not to be afraid to change your life, sometimes even to take risks, because now is that time.

Fire serves as a symbol of continuous forward movement, symbolizing energy and activity. People who strive for self-realization and are ready to constantly improve themselves will enjoy success. The constant companion of fire is the color red, symbolizing certain qualities:

  • devotion;
  • passion;
  • Love;
  • confidence.

The Rooster is highly emotional and unwavering in making decisions and implementing plans. The bird strives to attract increased attention to itself, and is inclined to set ambitious goals, making every effort to achieve them. If the rooster fails to cope with the task, then he persistently looks for other ways.

Where does luck lie in 2017?

The fire element of the Rooster, in 2017, patronizes workers and people persistently moving towards their goal. They will have good luck on the stock exchange, when selling/purchasing real estate and other financial transactions. 2017 is also an excellent year for starting a small business.

The luckiest people in 2017 will be people of creative professions, artists, architects, private entrepreneurs and builders. It is possible to rise in other professions, but here you will have to put in much more effort.

What will 2017 be like for the Roosters?

For individuals born under the auspices of the rooster according to the eastern horoscope, 2017 will be a truly happy year. An atmosphere of ideal harmony, love and respect will come to the family, positive changes and increased financial profits are expected in your career, and the list of personal hobbies will expand significantly. Also, in 2017, Roosters will receive the long-awaited attention and admiration of others.

Rooster women, in 2017, will find happiness in their personal lives. Singles will find a worthy soul mate, and married ones will feel like the most beautiful and beloved women in the whole world. Also, the year of the Fire Rooster 2017, with its characteristics, promises acquaintance with new friends and strong patrons who will accompany the girls of this sign for a very long time.


For those born in the year of the Rat - forecast for 2017 (born in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008...) - For people of this sign of the eastern calendar, everything should go pretty well, and the changes happening around them in society will have little impact on this person.

For those born in the year of the Ox - forecast for 2017 (born in 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009...) - This person will regain confidence in their abilities, which means you can take on new things - everything will work out for you. Do not trust the “first people you meet”, evenly calculate your strengths and capabilities.

For those born in the year of the Tiger - forecast for 2017 (born in 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010...) - For him, the coming year is a difficult period of problems, struggle, rebellion and disappointment. The Tiger will achieve little, although he will make a lot of efforts to achieve success.

For those born in the year of the Rabbit/Cat - forecast for 2017 (born in 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999...) - These people are not expected to have a very good period in their life. They will be irritated by the surrounding useless fuss and endless far-fetched problems, which, nevertheless, will have to be solved.

For those born in the year of the Dragon - forecast for 2017 (born in 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000...) - The Dragon can be said to be lucky, he will have another opportunity to shine this year, in which the Rooster will help him... But will he himself want to proving yourself is a big question.

For those born in the year of the Snake - forecast for 2017 (born in 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar, it is simply a harsh and dangerous year. The rooster can peck you, bombard you with problems, and drive you to despair.

For those born in the year of the Horse - forecast for 2017 (born in 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002...) - Everything is fine with these people, the created margin of safety will allow them to live the year in peace. If the Rooster begins to harm this person, he risks being trampled by the Horse.

For those born in the year of the Goat/Sheep - forecast for 2017 (born in 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003...) - The entire coming year will pass on a positive note, these people will strive for a bohemian, measured life, refusing to make extra efforts to ensure your well-being.

For those born in the year of the Monkey - forecast for 2017 (born in 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004...) - Although her year has just ended, everything will become less funny, the time of everyday life is coming. Although the reign of the Rooster will entertain the Monkey and will not let her get bored.

For those born in the year of the Rooster - forecast for 2017 (born in 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005...) - A wonderful year for the Rooster and no wonder! After all, everything around sparkles, he is the center of attention, everything works out for him. However, you should not expect that everything will work out on its own - you will have to work if you hope for success.

For those born in the year of the Dog - forecast for 2017 (born in 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006...) - For representatives of this sign of the eastern calendar, a year of experiences, overcoming obstacles and the fight for a better life. Set yourself up for the positive and don’t be distracted by little things from your goal.

For those born in the year of the Boar/Pig - forecast for 2017 (born in 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007...) - Painstaking work will definitely bear fruit. Life will be successful for representatives of the eastern calendar in the person of the Boar/Pig if they do not harm themselves with their rash steps. Don't be distracted by unimportant things, focus on the main thing.