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Cranberry translated from Latin language: “a ball with a sour taste.” The fruits of the plant were familiar to our distant ancestors. It was thanks to cranberries that residents of the far northern regions compensated for the lack of vitamins and microelements, especially ascorbic acid, preventing the development of scurvy. Today we want to tell you about this miracle of nature.

Swamp cranberry is a small evergreen plant from the heather family with a thin, “creeping” stem. Its length reaches from 30 to 80 centimeters in length.

The shoots rise low above the soil surface, intertwining the area and giving it a special decorative appearance. The leaves are dense, dark green, ovoid in shape, with a waxy sheen. They are distributed alternately on the stem.

The flowers are small, with a delicate pinkish-purple hue, with heads hanging down. It blooms in early June, and the berries ripen from September to November inclusive. The fruits of the plant are dark red berries, also with a characteristic shine. They can be spherical, oblong or pear-shaped. Their diameter varies from 8 millimeters to 2 centimeters (for those bred artificially

The berry is valued for its taste and healing properties. Its pulp is rich in pectins and organic acids, including quinic, citric, malic, and acetic acids. The fruits contain a lot of glucose, fructose, pectin and essential oils.

Despite the carbohydrates and other nutrients it contains, cranberries are a low-calorie product: 100 grams of fresh berries contain only 26 kilocalories, fat - 0.2 g, proteins - 0.5 g. In dried form, the ratio is slightly higher - 308 kilocalories per 100 grams.

A lover of the original northern regions with a rather harsh climate, cranberries are truly a storehouse of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Among them are B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), Vitamins E, PP.

It contains macro- and microelements in the required quantities: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, manganese, iodine.

When consuming berries, the deficiency of these components is compensated and the normal functioning of organs and systems is restored. Flavonoids and tannins add a special flavor and healthfulness.

For treatment, along with the fruits, the leaves of the plant are used, which are rich in vitamin C. They are dried and brewed in standard ratios. The seeds are also used in folk medicine: they contain up to 28% fatty oils.

Where it grows and collection features

Its distribution area was previously limited to northern latitudes and the forest-tundra belt. Does very well in wetlands and wooded areas. But its main habitat is tundra, peat or sphagnum bogs, as well as places abundantly overgrown with moss.

Now cranberries can be found throughout Russia, not excluding Far East. It grows in significant quantities in Ukraine, the vast majority of Europe, the northern regions of America, Canada, and Alaska.

This is interesting. Native Americans consider the North American continent to be the birthplace of cranberries. According to the legends that came to us from the distant ancestors of the Delaware Indians, once upon a time in those lands there were incessant battles with mysterious giants. Where the blood of warriors was shed, healing plants grew with scarlet berries that had miraculous powers. Their fruits helped overcome illnesses and heal wounds.

The ripening of berries continues from September until the end of autumn. Due to the peculiarities of their composition and structure, the berries are preserved until spring.

This small and cute berry has great benefits for the body. Despite its miniature size, it contains a whole storehouse of vitamins! Today we’ll talk about cranberries - how much should you eat per day, can it be given to children, what are its contraindications and much more.

Benefits of cranberries

Cranberries contain a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, benefits can be obtained not only from fresh, but also from dry and frozen berries. So, what exactly is this product useful for?

Regular consumption of berries helps improve bowel function. In general, cranberries are rightfully considered one of the most useful wild berries. It also affects other ailments of an infectious nature. It contains a lot of vitamin C, thanks to which it gives a quick and lasting effect. Even medical experts admit the fact that it is much easier to list what the berry does not cure than what it helps with. This gift of nature prevents the development and proliferation of cancer cells, especially in cases where the tumor is localized in the prostate, breast and colon.

For those who didn’t know, the second name for cranberries is a rejuvenating berry. In it great amount antioxidants that prevent skin aging, prolonging youth. For this property it is very loved in cosmetology, however internal reception will allow you to “freeze” your age.

Chewing cranberries thoroughly can prevent this. Berry kills everything harmful bacteria and prevents their reproduction. But you will have to rinse your mouth every time, since its juice with prolonged exposure can corrode the enamel, making your teeth sensitive.

Cranberry can suppress headaches, relieve coughs, and lower fever. In men, the berry helps increase potency and helps the stronger half of humanity avoid diseases of the reproductive system. To feel the full power of nature, they only need to drink 300 ml of nectar daily.

By the way, with the help of cranberries you can bring your weight back to normal. It helps control appetite and normalizes metabolism.

The berry promotes high-quality formation of muscles and bones, normalizes appetite and has a positive effect on the skin. These qualities will be very useful not only for adults, but also for children, whose immunity often leaves much to be desired.

By the way, it is already known for certain positive influence cranberries for diabetics. The experiments showed that in patients with the first type, when consuming the berry, the sugar level stopped increasing, and in patients with the second type, a significant decrease in blood sugar was observed. This effect is due to the fact that the berry stimulates the pancreas, which in turn begins to independently produce insulin. To treat diabetes, you need to drink 240 ml of freshly squeezed berry juice every day for three months.

Cranberry is an excellent prevention of the appearance of plaques and blood clots. Regular consumption of the berry helps prevent stomach cancer and prevent the occurrence of ulcers (just under no circumstances should you eat the berry on an empty stomach). Normalizes blood clotting. Has a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin.

Harm of cranberries

The harm of this berry can only appear in cases where it was taken by a person with contraindications. We will talk about who should not take it orally, as well as about precautions a little later. Otherwise, it can only bring benefits. However, you can’t overeat it either. In this matter, the main thing is regularity.

Uses of cranberries

Cranberries are used in many areas, from medicine to cosmetology. With its help, they organize the prevention of many diseases, since it contains a lot of antioxidants. Lovers of natural cosmetics add berries to masks and lotions. Cranberries have also found their calling in cooking; delicious pies, compotes and healthy fruit drinks are prepared with them.

Below we will look at different healthy recipes, in which this berry is applicable.

Where do cranberries grow?

Cranberries have three main types: large, small and ordinary. By the way, the first one is sometimes also called the American variety. In Russia, for the most part, ordinary and medium-sized berries grow. The habitat of small-fruited plants is usually tundra, forest-tundra, northern swamps and areas near the Arctic Circle. Common cranberries grow throughout Russia where there are swamps and wet hollows, with the exception of the Caucasus, Kuban and Volga region. The berry is very fond of places with high humidity, served from humans.

Cranberry contraindications

As is already clear, cranberries are a very useful product, but even with them you need to handle them very carefully and keep in mind the contraindications. Firstly, everything needs moderation - don’t overeat. It is always better to have too few vitamins than too many. In the first case, it is easier for the body to cope, but in the second, medical intervention will be needed.

It is better to replace cranberries with another healthy berry for people with a diseased liver and high stomach acidity. You should use berries with extreme caution if you have problems at work. gastrointestinal tract, avoid dried, frozen and raw cranberries. It is much better to cook compotes from it, and consume the berry itself boiled. This is due to the fact that if it enters the stomach and intestines in its original form, it can cause irritation of these organs.

During the period of a cold, do not under any circumstances consume cranberries and products made from them in tandem with sulfa drugs, this can lead to the formation of kidney stones. For the same reason, those suffering from gout and those who already have urolithiasis should not eat the berry.

Cranberry is also contraindicated for people with hypotension, as it greatly reduces blood pressure. Be careful if you have sensitive teeth, as this is an indicator of weakened enamel, and sour cranberries can make the situation worse. It’s stupid, of course, to say that in this case the berry is contraindicated, but only after consuming it you must rinse your mouth to reduce acidity.

To prevent cranberries from causing harm, you must follow some rules when eating them:

  • never eat cranberries on an empty stomach;
  • even if dental problems do not bother you, always try to rinse your mouth after taking it;
  • To preserve the full vitamin complex, there is no need to boil the berries; it is better to simply pour them hot water.

Can children have cranberries?

Just imagine, just 100 g of the product can nourish a child’s body with the daily norm of vitamins K, A, C and E, a third of the norm with B vitamins. The berry contains a lot of vitamin PP, which takes an active part in the absorption of vitamin C. Considering its rich vitamin composition the question is brewing, is it possible for her children? Of course it is possible, provided that the child has no contraindications and is not allergic to the berry.

It is highly advisable to adhere to the following standards.

  • For children from 0 to one year. If you follow the instructions of the World Health Organization, then newborn babies should not introduce brightly colored foods into their diet earlier than the main food. Those. no earlier than six months. If the child is on breastfeeding, then cranberries can be given no earlier than 7.5 months. Babies under one year old can eat cranberries only after processing. For example, pre-steam the berries for about three minutes. You can grind cranberries and add them to porridge or other purees. It is also acceptable to give juice or make a fruit drink after diluting it with water in a 1:1 ratio. Frequency of administration - no more than twice a week. The risk, due to which it is undesirable to give cranberries to babies under one year of age, is the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  • From one to three years. You can introduce crumbs of berries into the diet in the amount of 10-20 g per day (this is about a couple of tablespoons). However, there is also a restriction on the intake of fresh berries. It is better if you give it in the form of prepared fruit drink, jelly or compote, after scalding the berries with boiling water. During the period of colds, it is permissible to increase the dosage four times.
  • Children over three years old. Starting at this age, you can give cranberries raw. Here you can eat it as an independent dish, as well as in compotes, purees and other forms. It is worth understanding that all vitamins are preserved in the berry in its pure form, without heat treatment; unfortunately, not all children are passionate about its specific taste. If the child resists it, then you can resort to compotes and fruit drinks.

Cranberries during pregnancy

Cranberries during pregnancy are a real boon for expectant mother. In addition to its general strengthening properties, which is very important not only for the woman, but also for the fetus, the berry helps, it dulls it very well. Regular consumption of the berry will help avoid swelling, maintain the level of immunity at the proper level, and protect against many other ailments that can arise out of nowhere in a weakened body. We can talk endlessly about the benefits of cranberries during pregnancy; they affect absolutely the entire body. But it is at this moment that ladies are susceptible to allergic reactions, so you need to eat it carefully and after consulting with your supervising doctor.

What can you make from cranberries?

You can make a lot of delicious things out of cranberries, both fresh and frozen. At the same time, in addition to satisfying taste, it becomes possible to saturate your body with useful substances. We bring to your attention several cooking options with this berry.

  • Cranberry jelly. You will need 400 g of berries, the same amount of sugar, 150 g of potato starch and about three liters of water. The berries need to be sorted and thoroughly mashed with a masher. After this, the juice is squeezed out from the resulting mass. The squeezed berries are poured with water (hot) and placed on the fire for about five minutes. Next, you need to add sugar and add squeezed juice with starch previously diluted in it. Without stopping stirring, bring the jelly to a boil, then remove from the stove.
  • Cranberry cobbler. You will need a couple of tablespoons of cranberry juice, a third of a glass of lingonberry juice, about 50 g of creamy ice cream, ice and fruit to taste. A glass with an expansion upward is filled halfway with crushed ice, then all the ingredients are poured in, chopped pieces of fruit are thrown in and everything is mixed. The drink should be served with a straw and a small spoon.
  • Cranberry kvass. Sort out a kilogram of berries, rinse thoroughly and crush. Pour in four liters of water and cook for ten minutes. After this, strain the mixture and cool. Dissolve the yeast and add to the mixture. Mix, pour into previously prepared bottles, seal and place in a cool place for three days.
  • For this delicious drink you will need: a couple of glasses of milk, a glass of cranberries, half a glass applesauce, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Bring the milk to a boil, add sugar and cinnamon and wait for a while. Remove the mixture from the heat and cool. Rinse the cranberries thoroughly and rub through a sieve. Mix prepared cranberry puree with applesauce. Carefully pour in the milk and quickly beat the drink with a mixer so that the milk does not have time to curdle.

Recipes with cranberries

  • For hypertension and atherosclerosis, you can prepare and use the following infusion. You will need 10 g of berries and a glass of boiling water. Fill the berry with water and place it in a thermos, then let it brew for at least four hours. Strain the finished infusion thoroughly and drink throughout the day, dividing the mixture three times before meals.
  • You can use your own prepared ointment against skin sores. Take a couple of tablespoons of fresh berries (you can also use frozen ones if you can’t get fresh ones) and squeeze the juice out of them, passing the berries through cheesecloth. Combine “nectar” with 50 g of petroleum jelly and 50 g of lanolin. Mix everything thoroughly and place in a clean jar. Store the finished composition exclusively in the refrigerator. This drug is used as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
  • With the help of cranberries, you can quickly and effectively cure periodontal disease. To do this, just take one berry and start rubbing its juice into your gums with your fingertips. You need to massage for about a minute and a half. This product not only restores gums, but also relieves inflammation and kills all germs.
  • Long-lasting cough, hypertension, kidney problems, tuberculosis, cystitis, ascites - all this can be cured with regular cranberry juice. To prepare it, you just need to squeeze the juice of the berry and mix it with honey. Despite the fact that it is not advisable to drink cranberry juice if you have kidney stones, it is an excellent preventative against them. The same juice can be consumed to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  • You can cook delicious and very useful workpiece from cranberries. To do this, take berries and sugar in a 1:1 ratio, grind everything, heat it to 90°C and put it in a jar. Next, the finished mixture can be used at your discretion. You can make a fruit drink from it by taking a couple of spoons of puree and pouring warm boiled water, or use it as a filling in pies.
  • A delicious delicacy in the form of marshmallows can also be prepared from this wonderful berry. Rinse half a kilo of berries thoroughly and place in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour a glass clean water and place on low heat. The berry should simmer until it becomes soft. After this, grind the composition to a puree and add 800 g of sugar (you can take a kilogram if you want it sweeter). Boil the mixture until most of the liquid comes out. After that, transfer it to parchment paper and put it in the oven to dry.

An evergreen creeping shrub that grows primarily in marshy areas, the cranberry produces dark red fruit.

Cranberries ripen in April-October.

The berries are quite difficult to pick.

Ruby balls scatter abundantly in the place where the plant grows.

The beneficial properties of cranberries allow them to be used year-round as jelly, jam, compotes, etc.

Composition, calorie content and use of cranberries

The spherical berry is rich in fiber, pectin, and organic acids. Cranberries are beneficial for the body due to their vitamin composition. It contains vitamins A, B, C, K.

In addition, cranberries contain microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the human body: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, etc.

The calorie content of cranberries is low and amounts to 27 kcal per 100 G product.

Cranberry is a tasty and healthy berry., which has found its use not only in cooking, but also as a remedy.

1. For mental or severe physical work They drink cranberry drink, which is prepared from berries, rose hips and honey.

2. Cranberry is beneficial for the body due to its ability to cleanse toxins, normalize intestinal function.

For this they use mixture of cranberry and beet juices(in equal proportions). Drink the drink three times a day, several sips.

The juice mixture is used for persistent constipation, hypertension, and cerebral vascular spasms.

3. Helps cure colds or inflammation of the upper respiratory tract cranberry juice with aloe juice.

In addition to this composition, they use healing balm, consisting of cranberries, lemon juice, onions, aloe, beets with the addition of sugar, honey, alcohol (all in equal quantities).

The medicinal mixture is stored in the refrigerator. Use it three times a day, just a couple of large spoons.

4. Athletes use cranberry juice after intense training. However, they do not drink it in its pure form, but dilute it with water. Compound enriches the brain with oxygen, relieves vascular spasms, restores strength.

5. Cranberries are good for health and are an excellent means of preventing diseases of the genitourinary system. Daily consumption of small amounts of cranberry juice (100 ml three times a day) normalizes metabolism and protects the body from infections.

6. Cranberry widely used by diabetics. To maintain a stable state, you need to prepare a drink every day from 2-3 tablespoons of berries crushed into puree, poured with a glass of hot water (not boiling water!). The composition is taken several times a day, 2 large spoons.

7. Daily consumption (2-3 times a day) of cranberry juice, a quarter glass, helps effectively for some inflammatory gynecological processes.

8. Thanks to the beneficial properties of cranberries, they are used for tuberculosis. The disease is treated with cranberry juice with the addition of honey. In addition, you can use berries ground with liquid honey, adding a little flaxseed oil to the composition.

9. For problems with blood pressure, vascular diseases, as well as for gastritis, colitis, metabolic disorders, use a healing composition, which is prepared as follows: pour boiling water in a thermos (1 glass) over a spoonful of plant leaves and berries (10 g). The composition is infused for 4 hours, filtered, diluted with boiled water and drunk during the day in three doses.

10. Cranberries are good for the body suffering from diarrhea. In this case, mix the berries and leaves of the plant (in equal proportions). Then 2 large spoons of the mixture are poured with water (2 cups). It is important that it is not boiling water. Easy to use hot water. The composition is placed on the stove for cooking. After 10 minutes, remove the container with the healing decoction, cool, and filter. Drink half a glass at least 4 times a day.

11. Cranberries are also used as an antiseptic. An infusion of 1 spoon of berries and a glass of boiling water is used for gargling and washing open wounds.

12. The berry is indispensable for shortness of breath. The disease can be easily treated if you drink cranberry infusion (1 spoon of berries per glass of boiling water) with the addition of honey.

13. A drink that can be prepared simply can help get rid of high blood pressure: mash the berries (2 cups), add sugar (half a cup) and water (1 cup).

The composition is placed on the stove and is not cooked, but only brought to a boil. Then filter and dilute with water. Drink as a tasty and healthy drink.

14. Cranberries are good for your health during colds. In this case, drink hot cranberry tea. First, the berries are lightly crushed with a spoon, then they are covered with sugar and hot tea (green or black) is poured. The drink saturates the body with vitamins, quenches thirst, relieves fatigue, and gives vital energy.

15. For radiation sickness and some inflammatory diseases, cranberry juice with the addition of honey is used as an additional therapy. The medicine is taken in courses 1 or 2 times a year. The first week they drink the healing composition half a glass 3 times a day, the second - the same amount, but 2 times a day, the third - half a glass only 1 time a day.

16. Cranberry juice is used as a natural mild antipyretic for fever.

17. A composition of cranberry and beet juices with the addition of honey and vodka (in equal proportions) helps to get rid of sore throat and other inflammatory diseases of the throat. The mixture is infused in a dark place for 3 days, after which you drink a large spoon before meals.

18. The beneficial properties of cranberries make them irreplaceable for bedsores. The composition, which has an antiseptic and drying effect, is prepared from freshly squeezed cranberry juice (20 ml), lanolin (40 g), petroleum jelly (40 g).

19. Cranberries are widely used in cosmetology. It is used to make therapeutic masks. The berries are crushed into a paste and applied to the skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then wash off with water.

20. Cranberries are also used for preparing dishes and confectionery. It is added to sauerkraut, sauces, used as a seasoning meat dishes.

Extremely tasty and healthy cranberry kvass. It is prepared from cranberries (1 kg), sugar (1 kg), yeast (25 g), water (9 l). To begin with, wash the berries, then grind them through a colander, add water and sugar. Everything is put on fire and boiled, after which it is cooled and filtered. Yeast is diluted separately with warm water and combined with the drink.

The composition is mixed and placed in a warm place to infuse (for 24 hours). Then everything is poured into a clean container, raisins are added and stored in the refrigerator. In a couple of days, the healing kvass is ready!

Cranberries: what are the benefits for the body?

Cranberry is a useful berry for the prevention and treatment of colds. But not only. The list of its valuable properties is very long:

It is able to resist the creation and spread of cancer.

Cranberries contain antioxidants that fight signs of aging.

Cranberry is an excellent remedy for treating sore throat.

Due to the high content of flavonoids, cranberries help improve vascular elasticity.

Berry is the best multivitamin. Moreover, it is 100% natural.

Cranberry improves appetite, fights constipation, enhances the production of gastric juice, and has bactericidal and diuretic properties.

Cranberries are beneficial for health due to their ability to lower cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of plaques and blood clots in blood vessels.

It is indispensable for colds, fever, and upper respiratory tract diseases.

Cranberry relieves headaches and heartburn. It can enhance the effect of antibiotics.

Berries are a real storehouse of biologically active substances and mineral salts.

Cranberries: what are the health benefits?

Cranberry is certainly useful, but it also has its contraindications. Berries are prohibited for consumption in case of gastritis with high acidity, liver diseases (in acute form).

Cranberry undesirable for ulcers(especially juice in its pure form), as well as for weak tooth enamel.

If you eat cranberries thoughtlessly, they are more likely to do harm than good. Even the most valuable product should be used with caution.

If you have existing chronic diseases, you should consult a doctor about using the miracle berry.

Cranberries for children: good or bad?

Cranberries are good for children's bodies. It improves appetite and strengthens defenses. The berry helps get rid of a persistent dry cough. When combined with honey or sugar, cranberries are good for colds and flu. A healthy and tasty medicine fills the child’s body with vitamins and microelements, improves digestion, and relieves constipation.

Children are given cranberries in any form. You can sprinkle it on your usual dishes or make juice, fruit drink, infusion, or jelly from the berries.

It is best to give cranberries to very young children in the form of compote and jelly. In addition, cranberry candies are suitable for babies under one year old, which are prepared from 1 cup of powdered sugar, two egg whites, a kilogram of cranberries and half a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

To begin, wash the berries, dry them, then beat the powder with the whites, add lemon juice and mix. After this, a separate berry (it is first dipped in boiling water) is dipped in the composition, dried and placed in a jar for storage.

Cranberries are indispensable for children's colds and sore throats, itching and eczema. In the latter case, lubricate the sore spots with a mixture of berry juice and Vaseline.

Cranberries are allowed (in the absence of a tendency to allergies) for children from 6 months. Children under 2 years old are given only heat-treated berries, and older children can be given cranberries in any form.

The tasty and healthy berry has many beneficial properties. The low calorie content of cranberries makes it possible to use it in various diets.

Kissels and compotes, jams and mousses, an addition to ice cream and pie - cranberries are good in any quality for both adults and children.

Traditional medicine often refers to the beneficial properties of cranberries. It can be found in any form: fresh, frozen, dried or dried. We will take a detailed look at the benefits and harms of cranberries, and also learn recipes for creating medicines.

What kind of berry is this

Cranberry (from the Latin oxycoccos) means " sour berry" Another name is crane berry, because when opening, the flowers of the plant resemble the neck of this bird. Cranberries grow as an evergreen shrub on flexible stems. Its berries are small red fruits, spherical, ovoid or ellipsoidal in shape. The crop grows in a swamp and produces fruits with a diameter of 16 mm.

Reference! A shrub is a form of perennial low woody plant and is not a diminutive of the word “shrub.”

Just one bush can produce hundreds of useful berries. They can be collected even in November. The berry is rich in antioxidants and other beneficial substances. This is why cranberries are valued. Its beneficial properties are due to its unique composition.

Composition and calorie content of cranberries

Despite its sour taste, crane berry is very popular. This is a natural medicine that has a positive effect not only on the entire body, but can also affect an entire system or a specific organ. The berry benefits absolutely everyone.

Nutritional value (100 g):

  • proteins – 390 mg;
  • water – 8700 mg;
  • fats – 130 mg: saturated fats – 11 mg, monounsaturated fats – 18 mg, polyunsaturated fats – 55 mg;
  • carbohydrates – 12200 mg: sugars – 4040 mg, dietary fiber – 4600 mg.

The calorie content of the healthy berry is 46 kcal or 191 kJ per 100 g of product. Cranberries are rich in vitamins and other elements. They are shown in the table below:

The note! Cranberries can be consumed in any form. It is useful as jam or juice, and especially raw. Since the berry has a sour taste, it can be improved by adding sugar.

What are the benefits of cranberries?

As can be seen from the table, the crane berry is useful because it has a huge content of vitamin C. This is a powerful antioxidant that can treat cold symptoms, improves skin condition, heals wounds, and lowers cholesterol levels. It is even recommended to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The daily norm is from 60 to 100 mg per day. By eating just 100 grams of cranberries, you can get 25% of your daily vitamin C requirement.

It also contains a lot of potassium, which regulates water, water-salt and acid-base balance. It is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and is needed for protein synthesis and the processing of glucose into glycogen. Potassium has a positive effect on intestinal activity. But that's not all the health benefits of cranberries.

The list of useful properties could go on for a long time, but we will focus on the main ones:

  • prevention and treatment of urinary tract infections;
  • reduction of inflammation due to a large number of beneficial antioxidants;
  • cancer prevention;
  • strengthening the immune system due to vitamin C content;
  • positive effect on the digestive tract;
  • reducing the risk of heart disease;
  • treatment of dysentery;
  • skin cleansing;
  • elimination of boils, blackheads and pimples;
  • prevention of dental problems;
  • positive effect on the kidneys and bladder;
  • acceleration of weight loss during diets;
  • content of anthocyanins, quercetin, benzoic acid, epicatechins.

This alone suggests that crane berry is a universal product with beneficial properties. If you include it in your diet, you can reduce the risk of disease different types and improve the condition of the body.

For women

The benefits of cranberries for women's bodies are varied. Not only does it have the above positive effects, but it can also improve the condition of the skin, hair and enhance beauty. It's all about the content of useful vitamins that regulate the production female hormones, and also help to better absorb iodine.

If you eat crane berry, you can reduce menstrual pain and also soothe nervous system. Losing weight is an ongoing process that women follow. The healthy berry helps solve problems with overweight, removes toxins and cholesterol, as well as excess fluid from the body. Helps relieve swelling. The benefit is its ability to slow down the aging process. The skin remains healthy longer, wrinkles are smoothed out, and hair does not fall out and has a natural shine.

Important! Juice or berries in their pure form are used to prevent breast cancer.

For men

Vitamins C, E and the B group of vitamins improve the condition of blood vessels, making them more elastic. This is the prevention of stroke and heart attack. And the presence of organic acids in the healthy crane berry helps reduce inflammation of the genitourinary system. Eating berries will help prevent male diseases such as prostate adenoma.

Cranberry juice improves the quality of seminal fluid and also has a positive effect on potency. The juice cleanses the airways, restoring water balance.

Is it possible to give cranberries to a child?

Cranberries are not prohibited for children, but, on the contrary, are recommended due to their beneficial properties. Berry is allowed to be introduced into the diet after the child has started eating vegetables and cereals. Already at 8 months, a child can be given cranberry juice if he is eating breast milk, and at 6 months with artificial feeding.

Twice a week will be enough for the child. Fresh berries are best given at the age of three. You can make a puree by boiling them and grinding them through a sieve.

The norm for ages from one to three years is 15 g. The product is introduced into the diet gradually, 0.5 tsp. fruit drink or puree.

Cranberries during pregnancy and breastfeeding

List of beneficial properties that the berry has on pregnant women:

  • removes toxins, normalizes the balance of water and salt in the body, which improves the condition of toxicosis;
  • the juice eliminates swelling caused by fluid retention;
  • during pregnancy, the body consumes twice as much nutrients and vitamins, so a woman needs to consume more of them;
  • berries help prevent anemia;
  • maintains dental health;
  • it helps normalize the condition of the veins and improves blood flow, preventing the development of varicose veins;
  • It is a safe and natural cold remedy that lowers fever and relieves inflammation.

Medicinal properties of cranberries and folk recipes

The beneficial properties of the berry have made it indispensable in folk medicine. To fight common diseases, you need to know recipes and ways to take cranberries.

To boost immunity

To improve the body's defenses, you need to:

  • take a glass or a handful of cranberries;
  • pour boiling water over it, 0.5 liters will be enough;
  • insist in a thermos;
  • drink as tea after straining.

To enhance the effect, honey is added to the tea. It will sweeten the drink. Another way is cranberries pureed with sugar. It can be prepared in advance and put in the refrigerator. If necessary, pour a few spoons into a glass, add hot water and drink as tea.

For colds and flu

At the first symptoms (fever, runny nose), you should immediately take healthy cranberries. As an option, drink juices and infusions from the berries, or consume them in their pure form. Cranberry tincture is good for prevention:

  • take a glass of berries;
  • crush them;
  • transfer to a saucepan and pour in 1 liter of boiling water;
  • put on the stove and wait for it to boil.

All you have to do is infuse it a little and drink 1 glass 2-3 times a day during symptoms of the disease.

For hypertension

Do cranberries lower or increase blood pressure? It lowers it, so it is recommended for hypertension. If your blood pressure is high, it is recommended to drink cranberry juice or fruit drink.

Recipe for lowering blood pressure:

  • Grind 1 kg of healthy cranberries in a blender;
  • do the same with a glass of garlic;
  • mix and pour honey (0.5 l).

Take the resulting beneficial medicine from cranberries in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, 1 spoon.

For diabetes

Due to its beneficial properties, cranberries are recommended for diabetes. It does not cause an increase in blood glucose in type 1 disease. With type 2, cranberry not only does not harm, it becomes beneficial. It regulates the functioning of the pancreas, which is responsible for the production of insulin. It maintains optimal sugar levels.

You can consume the product regularly, in quantities of up to 100 g. A medicinal drink is also made:

  • Make a puree from 3 tablespoons of healthy berries;
  • fill everything with hot water, but not boiling water, approximately 60 ℃.

Take the medicine 4 times a day, 2 tbsp. l.

For cystitis

Since cranberry reduces inflammation of the genitourinary tract, it is simply irreplaceable for cystitis. It has a diuretic and antiseptic effect.

For joint diseases

The presence of quercetin in cranberries has made it an excellent remedy for joint pain. It reduces them and copes with diseases. Berries remove toxic substances, strengthen blood vessels, dissolve accumulated salts and accelerate tissue restoration.

  • Wash 1 kg of cranberries;
  • chop and add 200 g garlic (chopped);
  • stir and refrigerate for half a day;
  • at the end add honey, 0.5 l and mix.

Take twice a day, 30 g after meals.

For gout

Medicinal mixtures and cranberry juice will help fight this disease. To make fruit juice, you need:

  • rinse 150 g cranberries;
  • press through a fine sieve to obtain a puree;
  • strain the mixture;
  • pour the cake with 2-3 glasses of water and put on fire;
  • Gradually add sugar to taste while stirring.

Can be used throughout the day. The medicinal mixture against gout is made from garlic, honey and cranberries, as in the previous recipe.

For liver diseases

If you mince lemon, cranberries and garlic, and then mix with honey, you will get an excellent liver cleanser. Two teaspoons are eaten in the morning and evening for a month.

Cranberry face masks

The benefits of cranberries for the face are also invaluable. It is actively used in cosmetology. There are recipes for use at home.

Toning mask:

  • grind 2 tbsp. l. cranberries in puree;
  • mix with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • apply to clean skin and leave for 15 minutes;
  • Remove the mixture with massaging movements and wash with warm water.

It smooths out small wrinkles, makes the skin elastic and gives freshness. And to remove shine and oil from the skin, prepare the following mask:

  • chopped oatmeal is mixed with cranberry juice;
  • 65 g of sugar and olive oil are added to the composition;
  • mix and wipe your face.

To cleanse the skin, you need to apply the beak pulp to your face. It is better to steam and wash the berries. Soak a piece of cloth in warm water and cover your face. It is important that the juice does not penetrate into the eyes, otherwise there will be irritation. The mask lasts for 5 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Acne mask:

  • cranberry juice mixed with honey;
  • orange peel powder is added;
  • everything gets mixed up;
  • The useful composition is applied to the face and stays on for 20 minutes.

To enhance the effect on the skin, it is recommended to include cranberries in your diet.

What can you make from cranberries?

  • cranberries with oatmeal are a source of healthy antioxidants;
  • cranberry pies, muffins, cakes and other baked goods;
  • cranberry sauce - ideal for meat;
  • cranberry salad is a source of vitamins, besides, it is low-calorie and good for weight loss;
  • cranberries in sugar - a simple and quick dessert.

There can be even more of these dishes, since the berry adds its own flavor to each of them.

Cranberry juice

The most popular berry drink. We reviewed his recipe above, but what are the benefits and harms of cranberry juice? This is a tonic drink rich in vitamins and minerals. It is actively recommended by urologists, gastroenterologists and gynecologists.

Mors has a strong diuretic effect, relieves inflammation, improves the effect of antibiotics, improves sleep, does not remove potassium from the body, and stimulates appetite. Here is a list of only the main useful properties.

Cranberry jam

To make jam, you will have to boil the cranberries. Will it lose its properties? Yes, but not all of them. During cooking, the number of necessary elements decreases.

Therefore, it is better to consume it fresh, in the form of juice or fruit drink.

Cranberry jelly

If you prepare it correctly, all the beneficial properties of the berry will be preserved. And since jelly is a viscous jelly-like substance, it is very beneficial for the stomach. Kissel envelops the walls and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits of frozen and dried cranberries

When frozen, cranberries do not lose their properties, so this The best way store it. There is one caveat. It is recommended to defrost it at room temperature, then the beneficial properties will not be lost. Frozen cranberries:

  • helps improve memory;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract if acidity is low;
  • reduces fever, fights colds.

In dried form, the berry is practically no different from fresh and is also very useful. It can activate mental activity, strengthen the immune system, and has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. An excellent antioxidant. The berry makes blood vessels more elastic, can improve blood flow and removes cholesterol. In dried form, it is used for sleep disorders, playing the role of a sleeping pill.

It should be noted that there are also dried cranberries. It differs from dried by the cooking process. The benefits of dried cranberries are the same as those of fresh berries.

Beneficial properties of cranberry leaves

A decoction is made from the leaves for external use. These are lotions that help remove salts from the body. The decoction is good for gargling and rinsing the nose.

Tea made from crane berry leaves is very popular. It is tasty, has a strong aroma and has a positive effect. The drink saves you from headaches and heartburn. To make tea, you need to pour boiling water over a spoonful of leaves.

Collection and storage of cranberries

You only need to pick fresh berries. They have all the beneficial properties and will be stored for a long time. The color of the berries is dark red, rich. It is elastic to the touch, the fruits are round, without damage. You can buy dried cranberries at any store.

It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 20 days. Frozen as much as you like. Spread the cranberries on a flat piece of paper and place them in the freezer. After defrosting, the berries will be soft and should be eaten immediately.

Comment! It is not recommended to store berries at room temperature; they will quickly deteriorate and lose all their beneficial properties.

Harm of cranberries and contraindications

Since the berry is sour, it can cause stomach and liver problems. It should not be used for stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and some liver diseases. Also, do not overuse the product, as this will cause organ failure.

You should not take craneberry with Warfarin (Coumadin). It enhances its effect on the body, causing increased bleeding. In addition, if you eat berries in large quantities, kidney stones can form.


These are the benefits and harms of cranberries for the human body. It’s not for nothing that it is so valued; doctors and nutritionists recommend including the berry in your diet.

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