Monday you leave. Monday, hard day: a selection of statuses and quotes about Monday

On Monday you always want to sleep, Wednesday is a small Friday, real Friday is a short day, and on Sunday it is better not to start business. “The Secret” tells why we feel depressed on some days of the week and can’t concentrate on others, and how to find time to work if something is wrong with almost every day of the week.

Why don't you work and don't rest?

If you believe psychological research, most days of the week are invented only to traumatize and disorganize people. For example, it is believed that Monday is the hardest day. Psychologists explain this by saying that people experience stress when returning to work after the weekend. The psyche and physical health. Monday syndrome affects not only those who work from Monday to Friday, but also people with irregular work weeks and those who do not work at all. Several different studies conducted in the 90s showed that the highest number of suicides occurs on Mondays, and the number of strokes and heart attacks also increases on Mondays. Moreover, even among pensioners, heart problems most often occur on Mondays - the old attitudes are so strong that, even after retiring, many people feel nervous at the beginning of the week.

In 2015, psychologists from the Universities of Lincoln, York and Hertfordshire gathered a group of volunteers to find out how the days of the week differ in people's perceptions. When talking about Monday, most respondents used the words “boredom” and “tiredness,” while they associated Friday with fun and freedom. Moreover, every day the experiment participants were asked what day of the week it was - it turned out that 40% of people could answer this question without hesitation only on Monday and Friday. In the middle of the week they were confused and could not decide whether it was Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. But one thing was clear: no one likes Monday, and everyone likes Friday. True, no one likes to work on Fridays either. As a rule, on this day people make plans for the weekend, come to the office in jeans and go home early. According to psychologists, at the end of the week people feel happier, freer and more relaxed, but this does not motivate them to work.

Sunday isn't all right either. IN English language There is a concept called Sunday night blues - these are anxiety attacks that happen on the eve of a new work week. According to statistics, approximately 81% of Americans experience anxiety states on Sunday evening. At such moments, some people simply cannot find a place for themselves, cannot fall asleep quickly, or try to get to work without waiting for the morning. Happens to some panic attacks, and then on Monday morning these people feel even more overwhelmed and depressed.

In addition to Sunday night blues, there is also the “syndrome school diary" - describes him Russian psychologist Andrey Karelin in the book “Psychology of Change”. He believes that from childhood a person gets used to imagining a week as two pages from a school diary - everything begins on Monday and ends on Saturday. On one sheet of paper is a difficult and boring beginning of the week, where all three days are school days. On the other - the second half of the week, where Saturday is a day off or a shortened day. There is no Sunday in this scheme, and many, having become adults, out of habit “miss” Sunday, do not consider it a full-fledged day on which they can do at least something important. Because of this, on Monday morning many do not feel rested and refreshed, and Sunday flies by somehow unnoticed and blurred. For those who suffer from “school diary syndrome,” the psychologist advises to imagine those same two pages from school times with Sunday pasted into them, painted in bright colors.

Wednesday is also not humanity’s favorite day. Scientists from the University of Sydney, trying to find out how our mood changes depending on the days of the week, surveyed a group of 200 and then 350 people every day and came to the conclusion that volunteers have the worst time on Wednesdays - last weekend is behind us, and before the next ones are still far away, and not only office employees, who hate their jobs, but are also motivated workaholics. Firstly, even fans of their work after several days of work want a change of scenery, and secondly, the “school diary syndrome” subconsciously overcomes everyone, regardless of motivation.

Progress for the unfortunate

So we have very good reasons do not work on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and do not start the work week on Sunday. On Saturday, most of us want to relax, sleep and take a walk, and some even have Shabbat. It turns out that for active work Only Tuesday and Thursday remain.

Indeed, according to psychologists, Tuesday is the best day for work, when the fears and doubts of Monday are already behind you, and a depressive environment has not yet arrived. Letters and messages that have accumulated since the end of the week have already been sorted out, and people are moving on to the most difficult tasks before they get tired and think about the weekend.

In 2012, Professor Todd Thrash from Williamsburg, who has spent his entire life studying the phenomenon of inspiration, gathered a group of volunteers and, using a questionnaire, tried to find out how happy and inspired they felt in life. different days weeks. It turned out that most people experience bursts of inspiration on Tuesdays. It is believed that it was on Tuesday that Thomas Jefferson came up with his Declaration of Independence. At this time he was away from home, having just learned that his wife was terminally ill, and a few days before his child had died.

The experiment participants experienced bouts of happiness on Fridays, precisely on those days when they were least inclined to work and did not experience any inspiration. That is, with Tuesday, “the best day for work,” everything is also not so simple.

The famous American psychologist Nick Tusler in his column reflects on how the feelings of happiness and inspiration relate to each other, and comes to the conclusion that they almost contradict each other: a person works most productively in those moments when a lot of problems fall on him and he tries to do everything at once, that is, in the middle of the week. The psychologist believes that there is nothing wrong with this, and in general, happy and stupid Fridays are greatly overrated.

“I have nothing against happiness,” says Tasler. - But often, when we strive for happiness, we neglect inspiration. In thinking about the coming Friday, you may miss the benefits of Tuesday.” According to Tasler, Tuesday is the day we most often forget about later. On Tuesdays there are no noisy parties and romantic meetings; something important is rarely planned for this day. But it is on Tuesday, buried in a routine and solving a bunch of problems at the same time, that we unnoticeably make breakthroughs. So, according to the psychologist, maybe it's better to look forward every week not to Friday, when people are cheerful and unproductive, but to Tuesday - the day when we will be unhappy, but maybe we will do something truly important. But whether progress is worth happiness - each of us decides for himself. By the way, according to statistics, on Tuesday people are least likely to have sex - this also says a lot. The only more or less decent day of the week is Thursday, and, according to research, no one takes it seriously, because everyone confuses this day with Wednesday.

The power of stereotypes

There are other statistics: scientists from the University of Toulouse in 2001 found that the Irish, who often spend weekends in bars and pubs, are much more likely to suffer from high blood pressure on Monday than the French - they usually do not drink too much on weekends and at the beginning of the week feel the same as on all other days. Here the question arises: is Monday really an unconditional evil that drives us into stress, or is the syndrome at the beginning of the week the result of habits and a consequence of stereotypes, like all other syndromes associated with the days of the week?

In 2008, scientists from the University of Sydney conducted a study: 202 volunteers for a week, morning and evening, told how they felt and what their mood was. When the week was over, participants were asked to take stock of which day of the study they liked most and which day they liked least. It turned out that most people remembered Monday as the worst day of the study: 65% of volunteers said that Monday morning was the worst morning for them, and Monday evening was the worst for 35% of participants (it turned out that about Friday and Saturday many, on the contrary, had pleasant memories - 43% felt good on Friday morning and evening, and 45% felt good on Saturday). But at the same time, while the participants were surveyed every day, such a pattern was not observed - on Monday everyone felt completely differently, as on the other days of the week, and only in the memories of most of the volunteers it was remembered as a “bad day.”

In a world with a seven-day work week, according to researcher Richard M. Ryan of the University of Rochester, Monday is a social construct, much like gender stereotypes. At school we go through "War and Peace", where a childless and unmarried girl They call it a “barren flower,” and we get used to the fact that a woman’s purpose is to get married and have children. Same with Monday. Everyone around says that “Monday is a hard day,” and bars and restaurants are named after other, “entertainment” days - for example, T.G.I. Friday's. As a result, even those who have an irregular work week begin to perceive the weekend as a break, and Monday as a punishment.

Trying to answer the question of what is wrong with all the days of the week, we end up coming to another question - what is wrong with us? Over the years, we are getting rid of stereotypes about the people around us, progressive humanity no longer tells women that the “biological clock is ticking,” and gays are no longer subjected to forced psychiatric treatment. But the perception of the days of the week remained at the level of Henry Ford's times. Although many people hold work meetings on weekends and allow themselves to sleep longer on Monday, people still repeat that “Wednesday is a little Friday”, “Monday is a hard day”, “Friday is a slut” and many more platitudes that get in the way concentrate on work and make all weeks the same, exactly like in school times when we measured our lives according to a diary and there was no Sunday in it.

Cover photo: EPA

Cool statuses about Monday

P about statistics, 60% of people don’t think well on Monday... Fortunately, I’m one of the remaining 20%

AND Sometimes on Monday morning it is enough to open your eyes to understand that this should not have been done.


WITH part of it is waking up on Monday, grabbing the alarm clock and realizing that there are still two hours before getting up.


IN Monday start new life impossible, and on Tuesday it’s too late.


IN Monday I want to go to work on Tuesday..


H eating well Monday morning? There won't be a second time like this this week.


D in order to increase the number happy people on the planet, it is enough to shorten the working day on Monday to 4 hours.


N and nothing ruins a Sunday party like a gloomy Monday morning.


U Monday has one undeniable advantage - it ends at midnight.


N or even Monday is included in the week so that a person does not lose fear.


WITH it turns out weird! My biological clock accurately detects Friday, but is completely stuck on Monday!?


U I have such a highly developed intuition that I try not to go to work on Mondays.


P Weekly - World Masochists Day.


X A good Monday should begin somewhere in the afternoon - late afternoon.


TO When your boss sets a task for you on Monday morning, it smells a lot like fumes.


P realized - Monday morning can be happy! Don't drink on Friday night!

P In fact, Monday happens once every seven days. But it feels like much more often.


D For many people, there are only two days of the week: it’s not yet Friday and it’s already Monday...


P To be afraid of weekdays, don’t look at the calendar.


N Some people grumble demonstratively on Mondays. But this is only to hide his ardent love for work. Otherwise they will be suspected of rabid careerism.


L A good Monday is better than a bad Friday.


IN We are all Friday-philes and Monday-phobes.


M You can rest assured that Monday will come for you...


A On Mondays I like my head to buzz a little: it helps me remember what day of the week it is.


IN Sundays are to blame for everything; if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays!


P sucker is that Monday that falls on a holiday.


E If the fork falls, it means a woman will come. If the knife is a man. And if your mood drops, it means Monday will come soon.

P A weekday is a convenient excuse to do something...

P Weekly is an egg from which Saturday will eventually hatch. You just need to sit it out.

M Many people don't stay in the same job for more than a couple of years - they just run out good reasons so as not to go out on Monday.

T As soon as you meet Monday morning, you begin to realize that investing in alcohol-containing liquids has not brought any dividends, except for a hangover.

U Tomorrow on Monday you understand why in English Monday is manday...

E If you are upset by the onset of Monday, work seven days a week.

R Let's brighten up Monday with not sober colors.

E If you try to close a square container with a round lid, it's Monday. If it happens to be Friday...

TO I drank the book - How to put makeup on your eyes on Monday morning if they don’t open?

D ocha! We all start a new life on Monday! I'll quit, dad will quit smoking. And you? - And I? And I can quit...

N There is no need to blame the mirror if the morning falls on Monday.

P schedule for Monday:
1. Wait for Friday.

P weekday... God's punishment to us for what we did on weekends...

P This is why the weekly is set at the beginning of the week, to knock out all the crap that accumulated over the weekend at once.

AND It's Monday again, and we have a special guest in our studio, aspirin...

P Weekly is the kind of day when instead of a badge you want to hang a sign: “Beware, evil dog!”

U Monday morning, before school, all sorts of illnesses get worse.

ABOUT I’m organizing a collection of signatures for the abolition of Mondays...

P Weekday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once...

C The habitat on Monday is especially aggressive.

N Is it really possible to start a new life on Monday after my Sundays?

E If Monday had a face, I would punch him in the face.

IN Monday at work everything is not so scary: we just have to stand until the smoke break and hold out until lunch.

N It was a stupid Monday morning.

N There is no need to blame the mirror if the morning falls on Monday.

B There are such Mondays that you can even find a horseradish status for them.

P oh I think it's Mondays Lately come too often and suddenly.

WITH The bed has the greatest gravitational force on Monday morning.

D A home phone is only needed to find a mobile phone in the apartment on Monday morning!

E If after two cold and rainy days it has warmed up and it is shining bright sun- Most likely, Monday has come.

R I wanted to somehow start a new life on Monday. I liked it and got hooked on it. Now every Monday I start a new life and have never regretted it.

N The arcologist sent me to a psychiatrist after I stated that I would stop drinking not on Monday, but on Friday evening...

P It's easy to wake up on Monday morning, but it's hard to not fall asleep again.

WITH The shortest day is Monday, I didn’t even have time to wake up and it was already time to leave work.

P In fact, Monday happens once every seven days. But it feels like much more often.

P Monday - mental trauma against the backdrop of waiting...

1/7 part of life is Monday.

G Friday evening lurks deep at the bottom of every Monday.

N Happy Monday - no one likes it!

IN The whole week was Monday.

IN Your bed is never as soft as it is on Monday morning.

U Monday morning began, as always, unexpectedly - after Friday evening.

TO Every Monday I am tormented by the question: was there even a weekend?

P Weekly is the day of judgment on which we pay for sinful weekends.

IN The long-awaited Monday has arrived.
Signature. Club "Depression"

X It's good to be a guy, what fell out of the closet on Monday morning - so he put it on!

Z The basic rule for Monday: “Cover yourself with a blanket and wait it out”

AND Why didn’t Nekrasov write a poem: “Who can live well on Monday morning?”

E The only time when pensioners feel better than young people is Monday morning.

IN You don’t want to go to work on Monday in two cases: if you didn’t have time to rest well over the weekend, and if you managed to rest well over the weekend...

B British scientists have found that lying in a warm bed on Monday morning and not going anywhere is awesome.

P Weekly is the time to pay the bills presented by an exhausted body.

IN Everything unexpected happens “one day.” Everything expected is on Monday.

L The best thing you can know when you wake up on Monday morning is that today is Sunday.

E It looks like I don’t do anything on Monday, but at the molecular level, believe me, my brain is very busy - it’s trying to understand what’s happening!

IN sir, I’m starting a new life on Monday... Updated on Tuesday.

I- “Friday-phile” and “Monday-phobe”.

U morning of Monday... He just whispers: “kill it!”

To promote career ladder you need to give 100% at work: 10 on Monday, 30 on Tuesday and 70 on all other days!

- Well, let's meet at the station at 7 am on Monday? - And what will you look like? - Not good…

And just as I have time to plunge into the weekend, to feel all the thrill of freedom, when suddenly... the alarm clock rings on Monday morning!

Every Monday is a new life.

Best status:
It's not like anything particularly disgusting happened. And today is not even Monday. But I just don’t know how to enjoy life – that’s all!!!

People who write statuses: “I hate Monday morning” are kind of strange. For example, I hate any morning when I have to get up... And I even hate Saturday morning, if Friday is especially successful.

A true Christian will repent at confession on Sunday about the past sinful Friday and the upcoming sinful Monday...

This Monday is only five minutes old and I already sincerely hate it!

And only now I suddenly realized that my work week consists of three Mondays and two Fridays...

Mondays are never good.

The scribe comes unnoticed - on the night from Friday to Monday...

Monday... all sins are left behind)))

By the way, Monday is an official day off for astronauts! That's why I wanted to be an astronaut as a child!

Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off page 3 of the calendar right away...

If Monday had a face, I would hit him.

On Monday it is better to come to work on Tuesday.

Monday – time to pay bills presented by an exhausted body

Happiness is waking up on Monday, grabbing the alarm clock and realizing that there are still two hours before getting up.

Monday is not a lot of fun for you.

Waking up on Monday morning for work, after a hectic weekend, this is victory. pure reason over the pitiful frailty of the body.

I go to the schedule for Monday, look - 6 pairs (there were always 4), and at the bottom it is signed “Are you fucking crazy!?!”

If you wake up on Monday and don't have a headache, it's already Tuesday.

So Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday we pass, we pass as quickly as possible, don’t delay Friday!!!

When you work seven days a week, Monday is no longer scary, Friday is not fun, but Wednesday is still fucked

Welcome to Monday! All.

I am becoming more and more convinced that Monday is not the best day to start the work week.

If I see someone at work smiling on Monday morning, I subconsciously understand that it’s probably Tuesday already, but I can’t understand where Monday went.

I go to the schedule for Monday, look - 6 pairs (there were always 4), and at the bottom it is signed “Are you fucking crazy!?!”

Ignoring the alarm clock on Monday morning is a carefully planned act of sabotage of the body in protest against another working week

Welcome to Monday! See you on Friday!

If you wake up and find that Monday morning has quietly crept up, then this is very Bad sign, you will probably have to work for at least five endless days.

Two strangers make an appointment: - I propose to meet at the Park Kultury metro station at 8 am on Monday. What will you look like? - Badly…

Monday is when the sounds of the alarm clock are somewhat reminiscent of an invitation to execution

“Your status should have attracted attention... but it was not noticed? Try to make three mistakes in it. Nothing inspires people to talk more than other people’s mistakes!”

Let's brighten up Monday with bright colors)))

The shortest day is Monday, I haven’t had time to wake up, and it’s already time to leave work.

On Fridays and Thursdays my religion prohibits me from working. And from Monday to Wednesday, convictions do not allow.

On Monday I always feel like Robinson Crusoe. I really miss Friday.

Monday morning... He just whispers: “kill it!”

A toast at work should be as short as a lunch break.

on Monday morning, before school, what diseases just don’t get worse)))

If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that the alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is a prophetic dream.

When I finally plunged into this weekend atmosphere, the alarm clock reminded me that it was already Monday!

Damn, Monday has already begun, and I haven’t had time to start a new life..

calm down, tomorrow is just an ordinary Monday.

If you have a headache on Monday morning and don’t want to work, take a pill from your boss, and your headache will go away.

And it’s Monday again... Has anyone ever felt like a squirrel in a wheel?

Don't be too angry about unfortunate Monday, because it's not his fault that he takes over the shift right after the weekend. In its place it could have been any other day.

Sometimes you wake up in the morning in anticipation of a wonderful Sunday, but it turns out that the sneaky Monday again jumped in line.

On Monday, the thought of the weekend almost never leaves us!

Everyone who has already studied at least 9 years at school counts the days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, in their minds they skip one day and again Monday...

The average person needs sleep... 10 minutes more, and on Monday an hour.

Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once...

Cool statuses about Monday:

Monday is a hard day... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off page 3 of the calendar right away...

Damn, Monday has already started, and I haven’t had time to start a new life..

Only on Monday morning do you notice how soft, warm and comfortable your bed is...

When will that Monday come when I’ll go on a diet and quit smoking and start running in the morning?

If a competitor cannot be bought, it must be sold at a high price.

If you don't have a headache on Monday morning, it's already Tuesday.

You can't work on Friday: Muslims have a holy day. You cannot work on Saturday: it is a holy day for the Jews. You cannot work on Sunday: Christians have a holy day. You can't work on Monday: Russians have a hard day.

- How was the weekend? – Dark, light, dark, light, Monday.

Monday differs from Sunday only in that on Monday there is three times more spam.

Monday: Oh my.. still a whole week. Although tomorrow is already Tuesday, and consider it already Wednesday. Wednesday is the middle of the week, so it's already Thursday. And Thursday is almost Friday. Friday is soon Saturday and the end of the week.

Every Monday it starts all over again - it’s picked up, carried away, and wrapped up for a week!

The whole week was Monday.

Winter, like Monday, is a good reason to start all over again...

– If on Monday morning angry, sleep-deprived people come towards you, and you are relatively fresh and very happy with life, it means your night shift It's finally over!

But I only smoke on Mondays and Sundays...

– Don’t fool me, today is Monday even without you!

And why are there so many Mondays in nature that they come with such unbearable regularity?

My head is cracking like Monday morning...

I still don't know which day is the longest - Monday because it starts so early or Friday because sometimes it seems to drag on until Monday.

If I say that Monday can be very easy and positive, are there those who will believe it? And probably those who will laugh! =)

Today is Monday - this is enough for me to hate him, and the same for you.

“Beauty can interfere with success in life - but not in business!”

Rough Monday morning? Finding a new status for a contact best start working week...

There are such Mondays that you can even find a status for them.

Monday mornings are the longest.

On Saturday I'm shit, on Monday I'm cucumber)

Winter is like Monday! And it’s terribly annoying, and there’s nothing you can do about it!

Monday - I recovered, Tuesday - warm-up mode, on Wednesday - I’m gaining momentum...

When will that Monday come when I quit smoking, go on a diet and start running in the morning?

This is why Monday was placed at the beginning of the week, to knock out all the crap that had accumulated over the weekend at once.

This is why Monday was placed at the beginning of the week, to knock out all the crap that had accumulated over the weekend at once.

Paradise…. this is a place where there are no Mondays, alarm clocks... bosses... .

I’ll pull myself together, lose 3 kg, learn English, go to bed normally - at 12 o’clock. Well, today is Wednesday, I’ll start on Monday.

Let's brighten up Monday with some bright colors!

Better a good Monday than a bad Friday.

If you try to close a square container with a round lid, it's Monday. If it turns out it's Friday)

If I see someone at work smiling on Monday morning, I subconsciously understand that it’s probably Tuesday already, but I can’t understand where Monday went.

Monday is the day of judgment on which we pay for the sinful weekend.

Just a normal Monday...

I like to remember on Monday morning what I really didn’t want to do at work on Friday.

Why is Monday called a hard day? Many psychologists explain this by saying that it is simply difficult for a person to adjust from a carefree weekend to the start of a new work week. By the way, the same psychologists assure that if you have a favorite job that you go to with pleasure, then Monday is no different from other days of the week.

Why is Monday called that way? Here psychologists will no longer help; you need to turn to linguists. It turns out that our ancestors called Sunday a “week”. That is, a day when you can do nothing. And the word “Monday” means “after the week.”

The famous football player Michael Kojo Essien, who played for clubs such as Chelsea, Real Madrid and Milan, was born in the African state of Ghana. And he was born on Monday. And in Ghana they give it great importance, often adding the name of the day of the week to the child's name. In the language of one of the peoples of Ghana, the word “kojo” is Monday. Until 1957, Ghana was called the Gold Coast and was a British colony. In 1938, the future was born there Secretary General UN Kofi Annan. True, he was born not on Monday, but on Friday. Therefore, he received the name Kofi (Friday).

In 1960, the USSR national football team became the European champion. Footballer Viktor Ponedelnik played on our team. After completing his football career, he became a famous football journalist, for several years he was the editor-in-chief of the weekly Football - Hockey.

The name of the city of Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, also means “Monday” in Persian. Why did the city get this name? Everything is very simple - many centuries ago there was a village here called Dushanbe-Bozor. That is, locality, where there was a market on Mondays.

There is such a sign - than more money in your wallet on Monday, the more successful, in a financial sense, the whole week will be. That is why it is not customary to lend money on Monday, so as not to damage your own wallet.

British scientists say that Monday is the best day to buy a car. The peak of sales occurs on weekends, and on Mondays there are much fewer buyers, therefore, sellers are more willing to offer discounts.

If it is better to buy a car on Monday, then it is not recommended to go on a long journey on this day. It is believed that such a journey will clearly not bring good luck. The sailors also did not like to go to sea on Monday and Friday, trying in any way to postpone the day of departure.

Columbus Day is celebrated annually on the second Monday of October in the United States. For a long time the event was unofficial, but since 1937 this event has been celebrated as a public holiday. Until 1971, holiday celebrations took place on October 12, then the holiday became moving - the second Monday of the month.

September 3, 1919 at Soviet Russia A decree was issued according to which the day off for employees of “entertainment enterprises” was moved from Sunday to Monday. This made it possible to hold spectacular events on Sundays, when most of workers were resting.