Choosing scarves, stoles and scarves for... spring and summer?! Women's scarves are the fashion trend of the season.

The spring-summer 2017 season pleased fashionistas not only with updated clothes and shoes, but also with accessories. Together with warm weather Bright and elegant neckerchiefs, stoles, and scarves appeared in the collections of famous designers. They will become the “highlight” of any image and the final part of it.

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Fashionable scarves, neckerchiefs and stoles spring-summer 2017 - SEASON TRENDS

Thin long scarves made of velvet, silk and other materials

Thin silk scarves with long tassels

Neckerchiefs tied like a collar

Scarves tied like a tie

Several thin scarves worn at the same time

Combining a neck decoration, such as a choker with a thin scarf

Thin ends of scarves hanging down

The hanging thin ends of scarves are an important touch to the image, enhancing the flair of relaxation and current carelessness of the outfit. Some designers, who wanted to spice up their collections with such an exquisite spice, abandoned scarves in their traditional sense, but added thin long ribbons or cords, which in one case seemed to accidentally come out of the drawstring of a dress, in another they secured the fastener of a jumper, etc.

It is fashionable to wear a thin long scarf, throwing one of the ribbons over the shoulder or tying it with a simple knot under the chin

Fashionable scarves, neckerchiefs and stoles spring-summer 2017


Such an element of a man's wardrobe as a tie has confidently entered women's fashion. Various laces, small decorations, all this gives the ties a femininity. Along with neat and miniature options, massive ties have firmly established themselves.


Such fur accessories are no longer just a winter attribute. Design decisions have made them part of even the summer season. Their color palette There is absolutely no limit, from subdued neutral tones to unusual and vibrant options. They perfectly complement a summer coat, a business suit and a light blouse. But they look truly gorgeous with evening dresses. In turn, stoles made of wool are not inferior in position. Drung slightly casually around the neck, they give freedom and confidence.


Spring is approaching, and designers are ready to meet it fully armed. Spring is a time of renewal, which is why you want to transform your appearance too. Instead of warm woolen products, light, airy scarves appear that will help create fashionable image spring 2017.


Vintage silk scarves and shawls are coming back into fashion. Give grandma's closet a good shake - chances are you'll find a silk scarf with some stunning print, for example, Olympic bear or Kremlin domes. Does your grandmother live far away or doesn’t give her favorite handkerchief to anyone? No problem - you can buy a very similar one at Topshop or H&M.


This spring and summer we wear thin and narrow fashionable scarves not only around the neck, tied in a lush knot, but also on the head, including under a hat, mimicking the style of cowboys - as, for example, in the funny spring collection of Moschino.


A fairly wide and very long snow-white scarf with tassels, inspired by a traditional Hasidic costume, is a must-have for the 2017 summer wardrobe. It is worn not only in imitation of a Hasidic belt with flowing ends, but also as a stole, on the shoulders. A narrow version of such a scarf is tied around the neck like a tie or simply thrown over the shoulder, enlivening the outfit and adding elegance to it.

Fashionable scarves, neckerchiefs and stoles spring-summer 2017 - FASHION MATERIALS


Creative director of an Italian brand Gucci Alessandro Michele offers silk and chiffon scarves, which either completely merge with the clothes (photo on the left), or contrast with it and become the main accent of the image. U Gucci chiffon or silk scarves tied with a bow


A scarf can become a key accent of a fashionable look, or it can play the role of a style-shaping highlight in an outfit. In the spring of 2017, designers do not skimp on decorating with all kinds of elements, so fashionable knitted scarves can be very diverse.

This spring, embroidery on woolen fabrics has become fashionable. The embroidery pattern is made not only with threads, but also with large details - beads and beads.


In the spring of 2017, there will be plenty to choose from - velvet, chiffon, silk and satin scarves with lace elements are created specifically for sunny, warm spring days.

Spring scarves allow you to interpret a fashionable look to your advantage; they can be tied in different ways to look truly stylish every day.

Fashionable scarves, neckerchiefs and stoles spring-summer 2017 - FASHIONABLE COLORS

All kinds of colors and shades are in fashion. Any combination of colors, transitions from one color to another, as well as geometric and floral prints are acceptable.

The most fashionable colors spring 2017 will be rich blue and provocative orange. Hot pink and purple spring scarves are the perfect complement outerwear cold shades.

Purple will also be at the peak of popularity. A violet scarf, according to designers, will help add fresh spring notes to the ensemble, but a burgundy scarf will be useful for lovers of elegant but daring outfits.

Fashionable scarves, neckerchiefs and stoles spring-summer 2017 - FASHION PRINT

Among the trendy colors: shapes (circle, triangle, oval, rhombus, etc.), floral motifs, mosaics, plot designs and appliqués.


Checkered scarves have been an unchanging classic for several seasons in a row. Stylish and daring, they will be a great addition to a casual outfit.


The new fashionable solution of the season is camouflage scarves. This print is unusual for women's scarves, which is why designers became interested in it and offered it as a stylish innovation.


Stylists and image makers advise choosing scarves not only according to individual preferences and fashion trends, but also the color scheme and style of the chosen outfit. The best option will be the purchase of two accessories at once, painted in different colors. So one will fit perfectly basic wardrobe, and the second will become the “final” part of the evening look.

When choosing a suitable color you should consider color scheme which is in the wardrobe. For example, if the clothes are cold in color, then the accessories should be selected in the same shades, and for warm ones - warm ones.

Spring-summer 2017 offers scarves, neckerchiefs and stoles made from natural silk and chiffon. They are thin, which is typical for the warm season, and most importantly - stylish.


Spring scarves perform exclusively decorative functions, because with the end of winter, the need to protect yourself from the cold disappears. This is why it is important to choose carefully fashionable scarf– it is able to complement and decorate the main costume.

Neckerchiefs, stoles and scarves do an excellent job of making an image stylish and effective without special effort and investments, and probably this main reason their popularity among not only fashion designers, but also street fashionistas of all ages.

Silk scarves have become an element that not only decorates the neck. Fashionistas have found other uses for it. Silk scarves tied around the wrist look stylish and fashionable. Also, handkerchiefs and scarves are used instead of a belt. And it would be a good idea to tie scarves with abstract prints on your head. At any moment it can be returned to its “rightful” place, on the neck.


Despite the fact that it’s cold and slushy outside, and it seems like it’s too late to wear a headscarf, we decided to tell you about the new products for 2017 that will be relevant in the spring. She will come anyway, although there is a long and Cold winter, dream bright spring colors you won't ban it.

How to choose a scarf in 2017

Even if it is too late to use them as a headdress (although this can easily be corrected if you choose warm models), scarves remain relevant throughout all seasons as a scarf.

Only its material, design, style and color change. All style trends current models and the most fashionable scarves presented in this material. Lots of photos and tips from stylists await ahead.

Scarves are always relevant, like any other accessories - no one denies that they play important role in any ensemble. They become the final detail that emphasizes the style features and adds zest to any, even the most boring outfit. The most fashion models include some of the style trends set by the latest designer runway shows.

Before choosing a scarf, you first need to decide on the material - personal preferences, the style in which you plan to use it, and of course modern tendencies. If fashion designers are happy to leave the first and second points to your taste, then with the material the task is more difficult - fashion, as you know, is a fickle girl.

This year, designers recommend silk and shiny fabrics, scarves made of organza, cotton, lawn and chiffon. Warmer ones - made of wool, knitted items are generally at the peak of fashion in 2017, and in the fall they also provide additional warmth.

In autumn we often lack colors - that’s why you can easily apply your summer silk and light models to your autumn wardrobe. Floral patterns and prints remain at the peak of fashion: carnations and roses, beloved by designers, are most often found, and tulips, cornflowers and daisies (a summer variation of autumn varieties) are also often found.

It's no secret that in spring you always don't want the brightness and drive of summer - they can be filled with a fashionable scarf in bright colors: stylists unanimously say “Yes!” this trend. Don't be afraid to experiment and don't be afraid bright colors- this is a secret for all times, which allows you to always remain stylish and remain yourself under any circumstances. You can even choose a fashion accessory with two or three colors in one bottle.

I would also like to highlight the voluminous scarves that were popular in the spring of 2017, which you can see in the photo. They must have additional decorations - prints, patterns, drawings or any other decorative details. But they don’t have to be left on the neck - you can alternate them as a scarf and turban in the first cool days of spring and warm days of autumn.

If you don’t know what to do with a boring monochromatic sweater, we advise you to diversify it with the help of a multi-layered oriental-style accessory: it is distinguished by gold embroidery, sketchy patterns, unusual ornaments and a large amount of fringe.

What is the difference between head and neck options?

These wardrobe items are a very multifunctional accessory; they can be used as just a cape on cool summer days, and in the fall they can be used to make a headdress or use them in the classic way - as a scarf to protect your neck (and yourself, of course) from possible colds .

You can take out your grandmother’s red shawl from the chest - black fabric with classic polka dots and bright colors still remains in the opinion of stylists one of the most popular models, and this trend is only intensifying with time.

If you prefer office and business style– You don’t have to give up scarves around your neck. Just choose a silk model dark shades, the only exceptions can be considered white, cream and beige - they are good under any circumstances, it’s not for nothing that they are considered classics.

If you mostly wear loose, everyday clothes, then it’s worth knowing that country-style scarves have returned to the world’s catwalks, usually a checkered piece of fabric with a lot of fringe on the sides. While watching your favorite Western, you will probably find a similar scarf there. Those of you who prefer animal and vegetable world– there are models with embossed drawings of various animals, and of course plants.

Or you can be faithful to the Russian classics - head scarves with ornaments and patterns are found on fashion shows no less than all the others. Such a model can become a highlight in any outfit - for example, a monotonous ensemble, or clothes in calmer and warmer shades. You can see examples in the photo.

What is the difference between head and neck scarves, and are there any significant differences in them in the spring of 2017? More likely no than yes. The only issue here may be the size of the accessory. A scarf on your head allows you to try out fashionable folk style- this is how our grandmothers walked, and now we have the opportunity to try and walk in their footsteps. Or do you prefer thin East– then wrap a turban around your head (this can even be done using knitted models). We recommend wearing it in early autumn or spring - it protects against the sun and gusts of wind, if necessary.

And if you tie a bow, you’ll get a ready-made fall headdress for a romantic date. Remember how much time we sometimes spend in the hairdresser or just in front of the mirror, choosing and arranging our hair in perfect order. Or you can simply tie it on your head and form a bow on the side or front - as you see fit. To complete the look of a stylish young lady, choose a dress or skirt to match the scarf, you can even choose one with the same pattern and print - you will have no equal in such an outfit.

A scarf can be tied around your neck in a thousand different ways - a tie for the office, a bow for a date, a simple knot for a walk, etc. The main thing is to choose the right outfit, and then the scarf, and you yourself, will sparkle with new and most incredible colors.

Fashionable scarves 2017

Regardless of the time of year, a scarf is one of the most popular accessories. And this is not surprising. In autumn and winter, a scarf can protect you from the cold. In the spring, a fashionable scarf will add some zest to the image, adding freshness and originality to it.

The choice of a fashionable scarf must be taken with full responsibility. This accessory can complement almost any look. His choice will largely depend on what items you already have in your wardrobe. Having made a successful purchase, you can purchase something that will not only please your eyes, but will also become an object of admiration for others. Therefore, the choice of a fashionable scarf must be taken with full responsibility. Many of the designers have already presented their collections, not forgetting about this accessory.

Fashionable scarves 2017 and their materials

What is typical for this season? Thanks to the designer's work, the scarf becomes a trendy accessory. It is presented in wide range colors and shades, textures and sizes. A wide variety of fashionable scarf models are at the peak of popularity. In winter, knitted fabrics and comfortable knitwear will be in fashion. In warmer times, fashionistas will be able to return to delicate silks or satins, and of course, lace. In the next seasons of 2017, designers are giving shawls and scarves a special place. All fashionable scarves are made from high-quality natural materials.

For the cool season, the designers released a real hit - a fur scarf-shawl. This scarf can be thrown over your shoulders, which will create a truly feminine and elegant look. The collections featured fashionable 2017 scarves made from natural fur. But the option of a fashionable scarf with faux fur will become more popular and affordable. Designers decorate each model differently. Bombons, buttons and other elements can be used for decoration.

In many collections, chiffon, silk, satin and lace scarves become dominant. In their design they take us back to the sixties. This will be the best accessory for the warm season. In winter, such a scarf will harmonize perfectly with almost any evening outfit.

One of the main trends of 2017 will be the creation of silk or chiffon scarves that will repeat the color combinations of clothing. Stylists constantly emphasize this feature. The highlight of this season will be the appearance of the longest scarves. By wrapping yourself in such fashionable scarves several times, you can leave the ends hanging almost to your waist. It is very important that the color of the model matches the clothes. This will give you a feminine and delicate look.

A feature of the next seasons will be the popularity of voluminous scarves, which are decorated with a variety of prints and textured colors. Such fashionable scarves for 2017 will not only be a great addition to your look, but also a stylish decoration for your neck.

Ethnic style in all its manifestations is coming back into fashion. Oriental motifs, which firmly occupy their positions, are present in all jewelry, dresses, and outerwear. And this does not exclude fashionable scarves in 2017. This trend has found itself on the catwalks of many fashion houses. Scarves can be decorated in different ways. It doesn’t matter what it will be - gold embroidery, beautiful ornaments or schematic patterns, fringe or tassels. In many cases, such scarves and shawls will be multi-layered. They go well with T-shirts and allow you to create an original blouse or jacket.

Wide scarves, which consist of a combination various colors. The most important thing is that the shades of fashionable scarves are bright, rich and vibrant. It can be red, green, yellow and orange colors.

It is important to note the fact that this season designers paid maximum attention to the design of scarves. Enough to say about the Hermes brand. Accessories from a fashion house are the dream of every fashionista. Their new 2017 collection introduced multi-layered and wide fashion scarves 2017, which were decorated with hand-painted and rich prints. They are characterized by a clear geometric cut.

Fashionable scarves: materials

It is also important to mention the materials that will be used in the collections of fashion scarves. Everything will depend on the season. In the cold season, scarves made of thin and soft wool are the best option. In summer and spring best choice There will be models made of silk and chiffon. The sizes of scarves will be very diverse. These can be huge shawls or small scarves. The scarves will not lose their positions in the summer season either. They will be transformed into pareos and used in the summer season. Scarves can be beautifully tied on the head, or gathered into an original belt, which looks very elegant and stylish.

How to choose a fashionable scarf?

Just buying a scarf won't be difficult. But buying fashionable scarves that will perfectly complement your style is already more difficult task. In order for the choice to be justified, you need to know and use some rules:

  1. One of the most important points- the chosen scarf should look harmonious on you. Match the model to your eye color and skin tone. It is very important that the scarf does not blend into the face, but refreshes it.
  2. Before you buy your favorite fashion scarf model, you should remember what you can wear it with at home.
  3. Much will depend on the season. In summer you should buy scarves made of chiffon, crepe de Chine, silk, and fine cotton. For winter, you should buy cashmere products, as well as angora scarves.
  4. Some colors have the ability to visually rejuvenate your appearance. It is apricot, as well as delicate yellow and pink colors.
  5. When buying designer scarves, don't expect them to be decorated various details. Modern models of scarves are as simple as possible. But at the same time, they are elegant and able to emphasize femininity and natural beauty women.

© Marina Semenova

Residents of Russia at all times used scarves and headscarves more often because of the cold climate, and not because of the influence of the fashion industry. Therefore, it is very important for them to follow the latest fashion trends in order to know what fashionable scarves will be in 2017 (photo below) and how to turn an everyday clothing attribute into a trendy accessory.

The style of wearing a jumper, draped over the shoulders and tied around the neck with the help of the sleeves, is often observed among lovers of evening walks. She inspired many designers to create unusual new items. Not only is using a sweater or cardigan, especially large knit, has become very relevant. It is worn this way not for the purpose of using it during cold weather, but to create a fashionable look.

But some are designer fashion houses They didn’t stop there and went further - they offered a scarf that imitated sleeves. What is most surprising is that such an accessory is offered specifically for the fair half of humanity.

On the other hand, in the trends of future seasons, the introduction of men's clothing into women's wardrobe. According to stylists, men's clothing gives fragility to the female figure.

A long scarf is also relevant. But if in the previous season it was supposed to be wrapped around the neck several times, then this season its ends should hang down to the ground. But since this is unsafe in the life of every active woman, then you should wrap your neck once, leave one end hanging on your back, and the other in front.

The trend is for voluminous and wide products made of fur. And also coarse knitted wool. They will be so warm and comfortable that autumn and winter will pass quickly and unnoticed.

Of course, not all clothes will be combined with this kind of accessories. Firstly, they are very voluminous, which is not suitable for business style clothing. Perhaps it won’t work yet, since the imagination of fashion designers is limitless. And the latest trend is to come up with more and more unexpected combinations of things and materials. And, perhaps, in a season or two this will be a trendy combination.

Secondly, the weather is not always that cold. This allows you to often use light silk scarves or scarves.

It is worth recalling that chokers are back in trend, but fashion designers have proposed a new version of this trend in the coming year. Namely, use thin, light scarves, wrapping them in a loop in the form of a collar around the neck, and the free end should flow down along the body.

Cervical scarves made of light and airy materials, which are useful in the warm season under a raincoat or coat, according to the latest trends, should be tied in the form of a bow. Recently came into fashion women's blouses with bows. This idea was liked by many, so the scope of use expanded to include use in accessories.

An appropriate addition to a trouser business suit or cocktail dress would be a small scarf, preferably in a solid color, tied around the neck with a regular knot. This accessory will be a great evening accent for the summer.

By the way, in the new season, a scarf should be worn not only around the neck. There were times when many women in our country wore headscarves. Their purpose was to protect the head and ears from wind and coolness. For Russian women, real spring began just when it was so warm outside that they could put a scarf on their heads instead of the hat they had gotten tired of during the winter.

Now they are more likely to fulfill the role fashion accessory. And since fashion designers offer head scarves with very bright prints, they can become a bright accent in the entire look.

According to designers, simply using scarves and shawls as a neck accessory is boring. Therefore, they suggest combining them with various jewelry. These can be either thin chains or large necklaces. A voluminous scarf will go very well with a massive necklace.

Many ladies prefer stoles because of their functionality: they can be used as a scarf for outerwear outdoors, or worn as a warm cape in a cool room. 2017 slightly changed their status. Now they serve as more than just scarves. They are recommended to replace outerwear, using them as a poncho.

In general, the tippet should not be underestimated. It can make the image more feminine. In addition, in a situation where there is no time to select clothes, it can become a real salvation by decorating the simplest dress or suit. It will look great with jeans too. In other words, this is simply a universal thing that every woman should have.

The catalogs of all fashion houses abundantly display fashionable scarves for 2017, photos of which will help you navigate the assortment and become a cheat sheet on which models are best to use for which look. So that it turns out not just successful, but stylish and very relevant.

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A catchy, beautiful scarf or a narrow, warm scarf is always a sign of good taste, style and elegance. This summer of 2017, scarves and scarves are quite diverse. Headscarves and scarves 2017 again took their respectable place among the most popular headdresses. With the help of a headscarf or scarf, you can create the image of a romantic girl, or a sophisticated lady, and, if you wish, a street rebel.

Headscarves summer 2017 are a fairly universal attribute. This summer they are recognized as simply a delightful candidate for fashionable belts and waistbands. This summer season 2017, scarves and headscarves are recognized as the most the best decoration for the neck - this summer they can be tied to the neck instead of scarves.

Floral print silk scarves from Dolce&Gabbana

Dolce&Gabbana decided to revive long-forgotten traditions. In fashion this summer 2017 are scarves made of natural silk in the brightest colors. It is better to wear such a scarf folded a couple of times and tied in a knot at the back of the head. Large ethnic style earrings will fit perfectly and add chic to your stylish look.


Checkered scarves topped with fringes on the sides, to which the name “arafatka” is “stuck”, are also coming back into fashion. But, if traditional arafatkas unite within themselves black and white colors, then this summer's trendy arafatkas are a combination of burgundy and blue flowers, this version of the arafatka was offered to us by Trend designer Marc by Marc Jacobs. In addition, Marc by Marc Jacobs invited us to wear this trendy device not only on our heads, but also on our hips or waist, instead of a belt or belt.

How to wear stylish scarves and headscarves in the summer of 2017?

This summer, designers are inviting us to wear a headscarf over loose hair, with a bow in the forehead; we saw this method of wearing at Luisa Beccaria. Duro Olowu suggested that we tie a Trendy scarf using the “peasant” method, in which the scarf must be folded into a triangle, placing the wide side near the forehead, and the ends disguised under the hair at the back of the head.

Luisa Beccaria, Duro Olowu

Devastee suggested that we wear a fashionable scarf or scarf over a cap or hat; the fabric of the scarf or scarf should be translucent and have a color that matches the color of the headdress.

Lorenzo Riva, Barbara Bui, Devastee

The highlight of your look can also be the huge colorful scarves that are fixed on the hips of Lorenza Riva, or “carelessly” thrown over the shoulders, or carelessly wrapped around the neck of Barbara Bui.