One sheep is the whole flock. One black sheep spoils the whole flock

"One lousy one... spoils the whole herd"

Alternative descriptions

Domestic ruminant


Ruminant mammal from the bovid family

Ruminant artiodactyl domestic animal of the bovid family with thick wavy hair

. "Baranessa"

. "Sheep"

. Ram's "wife"

. Shearer's "client"

. "Cloud on Legs"

. "Member" of the flock

. "Wool" on the legs

. "Wool" cattle

. "Wool" animal

. “a fur coat and a caftan walks over the mountains, over the valleys” (riddle)

Bleating beast

In whose skin the wolf sometimes dresses up

Head in the shed

Head in the flock


A pet that is not only eaten but also sheared


Ram Harem Unit

It is considered for insomnia

Ruminant animal of the bovid family

Ruminant mammal

Ruminant artiodactyl domestic mammal of the bovid family with thick wavy hair

Animal in a flock

The animal is like this

An animal that gives a person warm clothes and shoes

Animal that produces wool

The animal that glorified Georgia and brought wealth to England

Animal considered for insomnia

Animal status is bright


Lost Animal

Beast of the Romanov breed

Eastern horoscope sign

Both meek and fine-fleeced

What animal can bleat?

Which animal is mentioned most often in scripture?

What animal, other than the pig and the ox, was ordered to be sacrificed four times a year by imperial decree in honor of the great sage Confucius after his death

Who was the cloned Dolly?

Cloned Dolly

curly cattle

Mother of the lamb

Mama bright and lamb

Mother lamb

Milf is bright

Mother of the lamb

Ram mother

lamb mother

Small livestock


Sweater deposit

The real mistress of the golden fleece

The current owner of the future sweater

Inhabitant of the shed

Sheep breeder, shepherd, sheepskin, etc. see Aries

Individual in the flock

Artiodactyl symbol of submission

The brat who spoils the whole herd

A brat with nothing to take but a tuft of fur.

Lousy wool supplier

Passive member of the flock

The rooster crows and she bleats

Ram's girlfriend

Submissive animal

Bovid brat

Regularly groomed pet

Rune Animal

She, the lousy one, has at least a tuft of wool

Female ram

Collection of prose "Myself..." from Andrei Makarevich

Symbol of submission

Cattle that are regularly shorn

Considered for insomnia

Fine wool...

Her husband is a sheep

Walking sheepskin coat

Fur coat walking in the mountains

Bright, but big

. "fur" on the legs

. "baranessa"

Who was the cloned Dolly?

. “a fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains, across the valleys” (riddle)

Member of the flock

. "cloud on legs"

. "mutton"

. "wool" animal

. shearer's "client"

Collection of prose “Myself...” from Andrei Makarevich

. "wife" of the ram

Whose skin does the wolf sometimes dress up in?

. "wool" cattle

What animal can bleat?

Which animal is mentioned most often in scripture?

Regularly trimmed house. animal

. “I felt sorry for... the wolf” (proverb)

. “I felt sorry for... the wolf” (proverb)

. “one lousy one... spoils the whole herd”

What animal grazes in the flock?

One black sheep spoils the whole herd
From Latin: Unius pecudis scabies Shit communiculat gregem (unius pecu-dis scabies totum communiculat gregem).
It is first found in literature in the writings of the medieval theologian Jerome.
An analogue of the expression “One fly in the ointment spoils the ointment.”

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “One black sheep spoils the whole flock” is in other dictionaries:

    One black sheep spoils the whole flock. One greasy horse will afflict everyone. Wed. When someone is looking after one rebel and conspirator among his servants, then he must be sent away soon, because one black sheep can cause the whole flock to suffer.... ...

    One zapata horse will afflict everyone. Wed. When someone has his eye on one rebel and conspirator among his servants, he must soon be sent away, because one bad sheep can cause the whole flock to suffer. Leskov. House servants. 1. Wed. You are stingy... ...

    A tub of honey, a fly in the ointment: it will ruin everything. Wed. There is nothing perfect on earth, and no matter how small a person’s demands, fate never satisfies him, even ruining things, if possible... Fly in the ointment will end up in a barrel of ointment! Turgenev... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    Wed. There is nothing perfect on earth, and no matter how small a person’s demands, fate never satisfies him, even ruining things, if possible... A fly in the ointment will end up in the ointment! Turgenev. Petushkov. 4. Wed. Es giebt keinen Honig ohne Galle. Wed... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    See: One black sheep spoils the whole flock... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

Encyclopedic dictionary of popular words and expressions Vadim Vasilievich Serov

One black sheep spoils the whole flock

One black sheep spoils the whole flock

From Latin: Unius pecudis scabies totum communiculat gregem[unius pacudis scabies totum communicaculat graham].

First found in literature in the writings of a medieval theologian Jerome.

An analogue of the expression “One fly in the ointment spoils the ointment.”

From the book ABC of Safety in Emergency Situations. author Zhavoronkov V.

4. 12. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY OR WILDLIFE HUSBANDRY? COW, SHEEP, GOAT... PIG - ONLY IN THE ZOO? As for the second question in the title, the authors do not see any particular piquancy in it. The fact is that in Munich there has long been a kind of unusual zoo, where in the pens with

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(GU) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (OV) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PE) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (ST) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (TA) by the author TSB

From the book Woman. Textbook for Men [Second Edition] author Novoselov Oleg Olegovich

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

The Lost Sheep From the Bible. In the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 18, vv. 12-13) it is said: “What do you think? If someone had a hundred sheep, and one of them got lost, would he not leave the ninety-nine in the mountains and go looking for the lost one? And if you happen to find her, then,

From the book Oddities of our body - 2 by Juan Stephen

Panurgo's flock From the novel “Gargantua and Pantagruel” by the French humanist writer Francois Rabelais (1494-1553). The 4th book of the novel (chap. 6-8) talks about this. how Panurge sailed on the same ship with a certain merchant Dendeno, who was carrying with him a batch of sheep. Panurge quarreled with the merchant

From the book Encyclopedia Slavic culture, writing and mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

If parents immediately react to a baby's cry, does this spoil the child? (Asked by Lindy Williams, Croydon, New South Wales, Australia) Responding immediately to a baby's cries calms the baby. One study found that fast

From the book The Author's Encyclopedia of Films. Volume II by Lourcelle Jacques

From the book Woman. Guide for men author Novoselov Oleg Olegovich

Suru Herd 1978 - Türkiye (129 min) · Prod. G?ney Filmcilik · Dir. ZEKI OKTEN· Scene. Yilmaz Güney· Oper. Izzet Akay (color) · Music. Zultu Livaneli · Starring Milike Demirag, Tarik Acan, Tuncel Kurtiz. A nomad marries a girl from a hostile clan, which incurs the wrath of his father. When the wife

From the book Woman. A manual for men. author Novoselov Oleg Olegovich

From the book 500 objections with Evgeny Frantsev author Frantsev Evgeniy

6.1 Back to the Primitive Herd – Interesting thing before women found in men? - When before? - Well, when money had not yet been invented. Dialogue of modern women Balanced societies with a clear family, clan and class internal structure are characterized by

From the book of 100 objections. Man and woman author Frantsev Evgeniy

From the author's book

51. I won’t get a cat because he spoils the wallpaper Intention: if you want the pet not to spoil anything, then we will teach him. Redefinition: yes, he brings a little trouble, and this will not force him to give up. Separation : let's read how he can be raised,


A lot about black sheep
I have heard stories and parables, -
You can’t take meat or lard from them, -
Should I cut a piece of wool?

And spoils a good herd
Only one bad sheep -
There's a fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey,
Like a rotten porch step.

From one small infection
A severe pestilence may occur, -
Get rid of this one right away
It has been accepted so far...

If we face several evils,
You can choose one of two -
Will anyone be responsible?
What if the shepherd becomes lousy?

It just so happens that sheep live in the vast and lush meadows. Not by themselves, of course, they had an owner, but above the owner - another owner, and above that - another, the most important one. The owners sheared the sheep, and the fattest ones were used for meat. But the sheep did not notice this, because they were always busy discussing rumors and searching for “sweeter” meadows, and in the place of the “gone” ones, new ones appeared all the time.

In one of these meadows in the Golden Valley Southern Urals, and ours grazed main character. In general, he lived well, he always got tasty varieties of vegetation in a place convenient for devouring, and he considered himself an authority, even sometimes “bleated” on concepts, although he himself was never part of the “thieves’ herd.”

Over the past 20 years, the herd has had many shepherds, but for our hero this was unnoticed and not even important, since he believed that he was the most beloved and most authoritative sheep of the Owner. In fact, this was far from the case, but he thought so...

Time passed, the owner changed shepherds, some for theft, some for killing cows from a neighboring village, some for professional incompetence and mistrust, and some left of their own free will. At the same time, our hero continued to exist comfortably, but somehow quietly, without much publicity. Although he really wanted the Master of the herd to know about him and, characteristically, respect him as himself. Therefore, he often took part in changing the shepherds, exposing them to the Master.

But the Master, as life and law required, before approaching close quarters to his sheep, he always vaccinated them beforehand. There is such a special department federal Service safety for domestic and wild animals.

If this department resolved the issue with wild animals quite simply, then with domestic animals, to which our main character belongs, everything is much more complicated. Such a department has been conducting a long individual work in order to prevent the Master from being infected with some nasty thing, but it was always a pity to let such a sheep go under the knife.

So our hero underwent such vaccination several times. The result, however, was the same, he CANNOT be allowed close to the Master, well, not at all. A sheep should not be allowed near its Owner if it is lousy. Lousy in terms of vaccination results, but very necessary for the herd. In fact, the owner was not a stupid person and treated this issue philosophically: the sheep are safe and the wolves are well-fed.

Meanwhile, the Owner began to separate other sheep from the herd, creating competition in the herd, and they passed the vaccination test in the supervisory department with “excellent marks”. This, of course, did not suit the black sheep, especially in morally, she couldn’t come to terms with it. But as they say, trouble does not come alone. More global warming began to make itself known. The meadows began to become scarce, the rivers dried up - in a word, a crisis began.

The owner was not worried about this - he believed that he had enough food supplies, and so that the herd did not bleat and the food was not stolen, he decided to replace all the problem shepherds in his area. The shepherd in our main character’s flock also turned out to be problematic. Too many sheep bleated at him. And as soon as he thought about replacing the shepherd in this flock, the shepherd himself wrote a letter of resignation, stating that with such sheep the place was not in the meadow, but in the circus, and he was not a clown, but a professional certified shepherd.

The owner began to think about replacing the shepherd. If earlier he himself changed the shepherds, then here the sheep themselves had to choose the shepherd. While the Owner was thinking, our main character met a black raven, who was eating in the Owner’s farmstead, and was actually spreading all the rumors about the herd, but he did it so competently that none of the sheep even suspected him. Raven began to often hang out next to Black Sheep. It was rumored that they even built a small hut together in a meadow next to a pond and became great friends. The rest of the sheep were jealous of Black Sheep, because she was friends with the black raven, and from him one could expect all sorts of tricks.

A rumor spread through the herd that the Black Sheep would now decide for itself who their shepherd would be. Many believed this and began to grovel before her: there were 9 heads of these in the herd, and another 5 heads of doubters.

And so a new energetic shepherd came to the herd, with the desire to benefit the herd and the entire livestock complex. He had no experience of herding sheep, since he had previously been engaged in a completely different business, but he knew the topic of animal husbandry quite well.

At first, the sheep thought that since the shepherd was inexperienced, they would live a free life, without bearing any responsibility, enter the neighboring fields of others, eat someone else's food, trample other people's meadows. However, this did not happen, since the shepherd did not use the methods of his former predecessors, but began to herd the sheep strictly according to the instructions, the use of which many shepherds forgot, and at the same time brought a shepherd dog with him, which was able to put the sheep in their place and protect them from enemies .

Our Black Sheep became indignant, went into a rage, turned to the raven for help, the created herd scatters, they don’t know how to live any longer, they are torn. And they came up with a black curse, spread their rumor throughout the living complex that the Shepherd listens to the “ball” in everything, although the name (nickname) is quite good, but in fact the deeds are painfully impudent. They reported this to the province, but the owner was not touched; power must be protected by dogs, even if it is not purebred. For the Owner, the most important thing is that there is order in the complex and high rates of meat and wool collection, and the new shepherd guaranteed this.

Meanwhile, the grass became less and less, and the Owner began to take anti-crisis measures. He gathered all the shepherds, including ours. He thanked them for the fruitful year 2016 and said that now, in times of crisis, it is necessary to select only the most elite sheep in order to preserve the breed, and the rest should be used for meat in order to speed up this process.

Our shepherd was going to sort his sheep into who - where: who - for meat, who - for wool, it was clear with everyone except the Black Sheep, since neither wool nor meat could be taken from it. The meat was contagious, but the sheep did not want to be treated. And there was no way to come to an agreement with her about this.

The shepherd had to turn to the Master. He, without hesitation for a long time, ordered his department for catching domestic and wild animals to catch this ram-like individual, with her friend the black raven, and place him in a special institution, from which they almost never return...