Watch the music show Big Change on NTV online.

Purpose: to show using the material of the event whether appearance and social status are important in friendship; what role do books play in life situations; Is it possible to find answers in classical literature and in literature recommended for teenagers?

  • to attract high school students to reading works of Russian classical literature And modern literature for teenagers;
  • introduce students to beauty through acquaintance with classical works and literature for teenagers;
  • increase motivation for self-improvement, both aesthetically and intellectually;
  • teach to listen to each other, conduct dialogue;
  • teach to see the face, the individuality of the writer through artistic features works;
  • moral education.

Preparatory stage

  • The life situation of current eighth-graders.
  • Selecting literature from a catalog compiled by schoolgirls from the Myskamen boarding school
  • Getting to know the work of Galina Gordienko.
  • Reading Galina Gordienko’s book “Rival from 8 “A”.

Stage and hall decoration

  • Posters with sayings about love.
  • Stage backdrop – “ starry sky”, symbolizing the infinity of feelings. With the help of lighting equipment, the stars will “flare up”, and two scarlet hearts will shine through them.
  • One part of the hall is the literature room.
  • The other part of the hall is a corridor, TV, chairs

Progress of the event

Leading. Today we have gathered for a talk show “ Big change

Presenter: And the conversation will be about love - an eternal topic that has no age, borders, or nationality. It is always interesting, always relevant, always complex. Love is a powerful force, capable of creating and destroying, making discoveries and even stopping the degradation of morality.

Host: Today's talk show is an occasion for reflection, a challenge to dialogue and understanding of love as a deep human existence.

Presenter: Recently best friends there was a quarrel over a newcomer. Karina (names have been changed) is a dreamer who suffers from confidence: she is a simpleton and is not interesting to anyone. Venus is the school's first beauty, the confident daughter of wealthy parents. Anna is forced to help her mother raise her two younger brothers. The girls became interested in the new student at the school. Everything is the same as in Galina Gordienko’s book “Rival from 8 “A”. We already know how this unexpected rivalry ended in the book. Today we will have to find out how our peers solved their problem.

(The bell rang. A big break has begun. Among the high school students there is a discussion about a quarrel that occurred between best friends. Someone said that a similar situation was described in a story by some writer Galina Gordienko)

The guys in the corridor turn on the TV. There is a program “Meeting with interesting people”
Everyone froze in shock. The credits are rolling “What Taisiya Udaltsova writes about. She is Galina Gordienko”

Presenter: New recipe from Taisiya Udaltsova: a light touch of mysticism + lots and lots of humor + some horror stories = enjoyable reading and a lot of fun.

Galina Gordienko: Writers write little about Cherepovets, it’s even offensive. So, sometimes they will touch the edge, but we are glad. “There is fame for you, oh scoundrel, in Cherepovets,” is practically the only mention of the city in great literature, made by the pen of Leonid Filatov in the unforgettable “The Tale of Fedot the Archer.” For this alone, we are ready to forgive Filatov and the rhyme with the scoundrel, and this ironic “as much.”

However, God bless it, the classic, when it was created, Cherepovets was still made of wood. The northerner rhymed it with an even more offensive thing. A modern writers where are they looking? It's finished. The appearance of the metallurgical giant was reflected on the paper of the popular series of the Omega Press publishing house.

Program presenter: The action of the novel “Life in Stripes” takes place in a glorious city. The heroes wander along Stalevarov Street, swim in Sheksna and have a dacha in Gorodishche. The attention to the city is explained by the fact that Galina Gordienko, a resident of Cherepovsk, the author of numerous books for children and adults, is hiding under a pseudonym.

Galina Gordienko: It’s easier for me to write about the city in which I live. I get used to the images of my heroines, wandering with them through our streets. Hence the accuracy of the local topography. When I write, I don’t even think about it. In all the novels in this series I describe Cherepovets. The publishing house was very surprised at first; other authors usually use capital cities.

Program presenter: For the first time, the name of a city, equipped with the epithet “gassed,” appears on page 14 as an alternative to a rural holiday with clean air. The main character's handbag is cut on the Cherepovets bus. In the casino where she comes to get even, the villainous fate takes the form of a shaven security guard, and the heroine is already counting the number of steps at the entrance with her nose. Kill-town, basically. Five thousand copies. By the sixtieth page the perception changes: polluted - because rich. One of the characters has an idea to make some money from his “gold mines”. Candidates for Ostap Bendery, take note, the twelfth chair is coming into your hands.

Galina Gordienko: “Soon a construction boom will begin in Cherepovets. Prices have skyrocketed, and virtually no new housing is being built. At the same time, the city produces very little building materials. But if you close the factories to yourself...” These are my thoughts about the rising cost of the roofs above our heads.

Program presenter: One day the mayor of Cherepovets also comes into the view of ordinary townspeople - the writer Gordienko and her heroine Tamara. And his salary. “In Cherepovets, in addition to buses, there are also trams. Very good, by the way. You don’t have to wait long for transport, the mayor doesn’t receive his salary in vain” - a quote even now in the prospectus for the next anniversary of local government.

Galina Gordienko: I love Cherepovets, I consider it one of the most favorable cities in the country for living. Of the other episodes of the novel that touched the patriotic gland of my body, I would like to note the description of a creepy abandoned house in Gorodishche. In my opinion, there is nothing more terrible in the world. And also an attempted murder on Lomonosov beach - I won’t set foot there anymore.

Program host: List of call entertainment market offices - not a single one invented by Udaltsova, all - borrowed from local newspapers, the fruit of the convolutions of Cherepovets pimping. “Nuns on the Run”, “Mischief”, “Queen of the Night”... But that’s night. Here's a description of the morning. “Leshka unexpectedly liked the pre-dawn Cherepovets. The silence of the large industrial center seemed unusual and a little strange. Only occasionally did a completely empty tram move clanking along the avenue, breaking through the sleepy stupor of the city.” What else are you writing about, Galina?

Galina Gordienko: In the book “The Smell of Wormwood,” I told readers how her parents wanted to marry Saule to a “respected” man, and he kept her with him until she became pregnant. But Saule did not submit and left her beloved steppes. A random fellow traveler took part in the fate of an unfortunate pregnant girl. She brought me to my hometown, helped me get settled, and even organized a fictitious marriage with my cousin. Saule never thought about her new “husband” and was ready to give him a divorce at the first request. But by a whimsical coincidence, they met one day, not knowing who they were to each other...

Program presenter: I read “The Forest Witch”. Vasilisa, the daughter of a forester, was considered a witch: thin, dazzlingly red-haired, wild - the forest was dearer to her than all her friends. She masterfully mastered hand-to-hand combat, collected medicinal herbs and tamed a wise owl. The city relatives were dumbfounded when, instead of a broken village girl, this forest miracle appeared to them in St. Petersburg. The girl alone dealt with three bandits who decided to steal her uncle's car, and an old family secret, but Vasilisa is unlikely to be able to control her own heart...

Galina Gordienko: But the book “Polka and Apollinaria” describes the independent life of a seventeen-year-old girl. Seventeen-year-old Polya had to run away from her parents' house after graduating from school, and even had her younger sister in her arms. She was lucky: she found a roof over her head and a job. But the work turned out to be very strange, the person dearest to her believed in evil slander, and it is no longer possible to understand...

(The bell rang for class. The guys reluctantly went to their classes. There is a literature lesson in the 8th grade)

Teacher: Guys! Today we'll talk about the great feeling. Love is not only the most ancient human feeling, but also the most noble, creative and most humane. Suffering, humiliation, envy, selfishness, ambition, greed will pale before the cleansing power of love. Sometimes it is so huge that it can only find a way out tragically. Love has given us countless tales, songs, ballads, sonnets, odes, poems, dramas, tragedies, legends, and of course, names: Elena the Beautiful, Beatrice, Laura, Tatyana Larina, Gudala Tamara, Anna Snegina, Shagane. We would not know them if not for the wonderful poems created in their honor.

I fell in love with you, I just saw you for the first time,
I remember there was an insignificant conversation going on,
Only you were silent, and your speeches were fiery,
Your gaze sent silent words to me.
Day after day the days faded, a year has passed since then.
And again spring sends its living rays.
The flowers again put on a fancy dress,
And I? I love everything as before, as for the first time.
And you are still silent and sad,
Only your gaze sparkles and speaks at times.
Isn't that right sometimes, Lady Luna?
Your radiant face hides behind the mountain.
But even beyond the rocks, bowing his forehead,
From the cramped darkness it burns brightly.
(K. Balmont)

Student: Sometimes love lifts a person from the very depths of life, accepting him with all his shortcomings and imperfections, and leads him to the snow-white heights of the spirit.

Love is strong like a god
And equal to the deity,
I praise her because
What life gives.
I have never met God anywhere
Love is visible everywhere.
Our life without its beginnings
Barren and meager.
What to pray to - the deity
Or earthly love?
Love me I'll call you God,
And I pray to her alone.
A. Zako-Chayupi (from Albanian)

Guys from the class: Nonsense! All nonsense and nonsense!

Teacher: What do you mean?

Guys from the class: I mean all your lofty talk about love.

Teacher: But you cannot deny the greatness of love, its enormous power. After all, it's a classic.

Guys from the class: Exactly, this is a classic, and all this is long in the past. Open your eyes, look around. Do young people really need love today?! No, love is for old people, and young people today need parties, entertainment, thrills, and love is not necessary here. And carnal desires are an instinct, not love and feelings.

Teacher: But it seems to me that you will not get any joy from such relationships, because they do not inspire you, do not make your soul sing and your eyes smile. In general, it seems to me that they bore you, embitter you, and somewhere in the soul, literally every one of you is damn tired of this and wants something bright.

Guys from the class: But you don’t need to get into our souls. We'll figure it out ourselves. We are bored by your lofty phrases and praises of love.

Teacher: We are not trying to educate you, we are simply inviting you to take part in a conversation about love. After all, love is the desire for the highest.

Guys from the class: You write poems about sublime love, but if you look into it. Since ancient times, it has been customary to get married and marry for convenience. Let us remember the parents of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, let us remember the works of A.P. Chekhova, L.N. Tolstoy. Nowadays, there is no need to get married or marry for love, so it is better to have a comfortable existence, a beautiful life: mansions, restaurants, holidays abroad, cars, etc. Look at our pop and movie stars.

Guys from the class: Yes, take the same Alla Pugacheva. Therefore, we believe that already in adolescence you need to determine your place in the sun.

Excellent student: What about the classics? What a long way to go. Let’s take Galina Gordienko’s book “Rival from 8 “A”...

Guys from class ( interrupts):If the heroine of a book has everything to charm with her appearance, financial situation etc. boys, men, then everything will work out for her in the future. She will bask in luxury. What about friendship? Today one friend, tomorrow another? Is school friendship really that important? And if we talk about girls and women, then there is no real female friendship. Therefore, there is nothing to value it.

Teacher: What do you say to This?

They say here that he loves,
And very much, they say, he pampers, pampers, is jealous, and melts.
And, I remember, the old woman neighbor, in short
That's what she used to say: she regrets,
And often the scarf, pulled tighter,
And in the evening, sitting down in the kitchen to warm up,
She remembered her shoemaker husband,
For the longest time he could not look at her enough.
He will go from a young age, I remember, to the city,
Look, he’s already flying, and with such a short shawl!
And you ask, why did you manage so quickly?
He won’t say... But I know: he feels sorry for me...
In winter, my master used to grind
And I’ll go to bed, I’m an expert at sleeping.
He will get up, adjust the blanket on me,
So much so that the floorboard doesn’t creak under it.
And he sits by the fire in his close corner,
The shoe will not knock, the nail will not jingle...
May God grant him rest in the kingdom of heaven! –
And she sighed quietly - she felt sorry for me very much.
At that time it all seemed funny to me,
It seemed that the stronger the love, the angrier it was, -
Tragedies, storms, what a pity!
But youth is gone, why should we quarrel with it?
Recently suffering from insomnia and chilly?
I met your gaze - the anxiety in it froze.
And suddenly I remembered that old grandmother -
How truly she spoke about love.
I. Snegovaya “Love”.

(There is silence in the class. The guys look at each other. The bell rings. The lesson is over. The guys go out for recess. They are heatedly discussing the topic of love. Their conversation is being overheard classroom teacher 9th grade. She approaches the guys with Galina Gordienko’s book “Rival from 8 “A”” in her hand and says):

I don’t know if the feelings I experience can be called love, but I’m sure that many, many, many... experience something similar... The fact is that the delight of falling in love always passes, especially if the person you are interested in not nearby and cannot be nearby.

- I love you, I don’t love you...
This is not what became important.
I'm always waiting for you
But I don’t see many of them.
And not to comprehend with a glance,
What's in the lonely mouth
Came together by the will of fate
Two bright tender feelings.
T. Mazur (translated from Belarusian)

I, like our heroines, suffered from an inferiority complex. I didn’t like looking at myself in the mirror and experienced the same feelings as the heroine of the story:

“Mila had a complex. To be honest, she simply did not want to live at these moments. The girl had never seemed so clumsy and ugly as she did today. Even the black elastic trousers that she had recently bought, tight-fitting to her figure, and the beautiful lavender blouse that her mother had given her just for that evening, she was sure, did not make her look slimmer. Mila simply felt her extra pounds with every cell, they prevented her from breathing, smiling, and prevented her from simply forgetting and diving headlong into the same music. And when the girl caught sight of the cheerful Nina, she took her breath away. From envy and bitter hopelessness.

Ninka was wonderful. The so-called Parisian “ensemble” turned out to be just a dark green dress made of translucent fabric. It was long, probably like a ballroom one. There was a cut on one side from the very thigh, and Ninka’s slender leg looked unusually seductive...”

There were many young people in my life who valued, above all, beauty. But I met a man who appreciated me. Saw mine inner beauty, made me forget about my complexes and turn them into advantages. And I am grateful to him. I have a family that I adore, a husband that I love. And I am happy that there are people in my life who inspire me. I am becoming more tolerant, gentler and kinder to my family... Is this bad? Does anyone suffer from this? And I want to wish the girls never to betray friendship. The young man will make his choice, but you will lose your best friends and true friendship.

Eighth grader: Yes, love is not a mirror pond into which you can stare forever. It has ebbs and flows, and wrecks and sunken cities.

Eighth-grader: And we have the confession of a former “moth” who was able to mentally get out of the routine of baseness and filth of life that had dragged her down. (Is reading). “I wandered around the park for a long time. Chilled. I went to church. The evening service was ending. My gaze focused on the dark icon of the Mother of God and Child. I was dumbfounded. The eyes of a woman-mother, full of such inexpressible melancholy, looked at me. They looked at him point-blank, gut-wrenchingly. And I, who did not believe in God, who did not know a single prayer, who had never gone to church, a fallen prostitute mired in sins, began to frantically ask for health for my baby, my lips whispered some words, my legs gave way. I knelt down in front of the icon, tears of purification flowed in streams for all the pain, for all the nightmare in which I was. I was completely filled with this simple truth. I am a woman, I am the Mother of all life on this earth, and my saving star is love.”

(The bell rang for class again. The guys discussed this topic for a long time. The friends made up)

Leading: In conclusion, we would like to offer you one literary confession one of Remarque’s heroes from the novel “Arc de Triomphe”

Presenter ( is reading): “We are not dying. Time is dying. Damn time. It dies wrong. And we live, we always live. When you wake up, it’s spring outside, when you fall asleep, it’s autumn, and between them winter and summer flash a thousand times, and if we love each other, we are eternal and immortal. We gain days, my love, and lose years. But who cares, who cares? Moments of joy - this is life! Only the closest to eternity - your eyes twinkle, star dust is erased through infinity, and your lips are young. A mystery trembles between us - you and me.

The call and response born of the evening twilight, the delights of all who love... It's like the juice of a rose. The endless path leads to love, leads to you and me.” Remarque

Host: What can be added to these letters: God grant the woman who has gone through the difficulties of life's hell, patience and wisdom, so that her suffering heart does not become embittered. May God grant you all the wisdom of Remarque. Take care of your feelings. We wish you to be loved and to love.

Presenter: Our talk show “Big Change” has come to an end. Let's take away a sense of purification from this event. And we wish our peers sublime love, true friendship and mutual understanding.

Oh, how I want to love
And remove the shackles from your soul,
The heart is free to let go,
Breathe in more than freedom.
How I want to love,
To plunge into the ocean out of love,
Just forget about everything for a moment,
Wake up again in a new life!

Host: I would like to thank all of you for your sincerity and interesting dialogue. But if we sum up our little conversation and try to briefly define love in one or two words, then love is... (A quick survey of the audience. Possible options the presenter's answers: loyalty, mutual understanding, mutual respect, or maybe a habit, etc.)

The guys disperse. Conversations are heard:

Well, you give! This is her very first detective story, terribly funny, but it’s the first! And her language changes with each subsequent book, this happens quite rarely. If you compare her “Milk Shores” and “Curtain Surprise” or the latest detective story “Grand Prix for the best joke” ...
- And my aunt reads her books, so she says - her detective stories are no longer available at any price. They used to be on the shelves! Whoever took one, then looked for others. But the circulations are small.
– She writes for teenagers and in the “Girl with Character” series. These hardback books, darlings!
- Why buy if they are in the library.
– And the librarian told us that her books are on the list of recommended ones for teenagers, and girls sign up for them in advance, because they never stand on the shelves - everything is from hand to hand...


You won’t immediately understand what the name of the project “Big Change” means. Perhaps it's like a school break - a short break between other shows broadcast on the NTV channel? Oh no. Here we will talk about big changes in the lives of program participants. Not much is required of them: just to have outstanding vocal abilities and an interesting, attractive appearance.

They are strict about this here, and even just to participate you will have to go through a fairly strict competitive selection process. And if the participant also resembles one of the pop celebrities, then he holds all the cards. In that new project echoes the show “One to One”, previously aired on Channel One. The main difference between the NTV project is that the show does not involve celebrities, but simple people who can sing their favorite songs well and beautifully.

Of course, no one hides the fact that the requirements for participants are quite strict. They must sing beautifully, feel good on stage, and have an attractive, so to speak, stage appearance. Well, as noted above, look like one of the celebrities. As you can see, the idea is not the newest, but very interesting and unusual. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to doubt that the new NTV television project “The Big Break” watch online for free at good quality it will be very interesting.

Original name: Big change
A country: Russia
Premiere in Russia: January 1, 2014
Genre: musical show

Watch Big Break show on NTV online

Original name:
Released: 2014
A country: Russia
Genre: musical show
Premiere in Russia January 1, 2014


“Big Change”... This is not the good old black and white movie, known throughout the country! No! This is a completely new project that promises to gain unprecedented momentum in a few months! So, the main one story line this project - unusual people and everything that happens to them. And such extraordinary people, who are distinguished by their amazing vocal abilities, were specially chosen for the project. Here it is, the future elite who will burst onto the scene! You just need to get a little attention, a little fame, and then... And then everything will unfold! The castings where they were looking for the very same ones have already taken place. Participated in great amount people from the very different corners countries. They filled out forms, put on a variety of outfits, tried to be the best and most professional, sang, danced... In general, there was fire, water and copper pipes.

And not everyone made it to the project. Only the most responsible and most talented will be presented to your attention. In addition to vocal abilities and the degree of stress resistance, it is worth mentioning one more thing: important characteristic, without which it is impossible to become a participant in the project. This external resemblance(well, almost to the point of confusion) with one or another star. In general, almost a clone.

Ordinary people and the unusual appearance of a star. This is how we can briefly describe this project. And, most importantly, you will need not just to copy your hero, but to reveal to the viewer his secrets, unknown corners of the soul. Our contestants will have to be in shape always and everywhere, because an audience of millions across the country is watching them. Why multi-million dollar? The creators have no doubt about the success of the project, because it has everything necessary to become famous

On our website you can New NTV musical television project Big Break 2014 watch online for free all episodes in good quality.

Watch the music show Big Change on NTV online