Yana Churikova: biography, personal life, photo of the TV presenter. Due to the external similarity, many believe that TV presenter Yana Churikova is the daughter or at least a relative of actress Inna Churikova Personal life of Yana Churikova

(1978) Russian journalist, TV presenter


Yana Churikova's first childhood memories are associated with Hungary. It was there in the town of Tekhel that her father served in the military. Here the girl went to first grade and studied until returning to the Soviet Union.

The family returned to Moscow just before the collapse of the USSR. Twelve-year-old Yana, who grew up abroad, had a hard time finding friends. Already at this age she began to think about her future profession. Among Yana Churikova's serious hobbies were music, vocals, paleontology, biology and much more. At the age of 13, the girl makes her final decision and enters the School of Young Journalists. A year later she had the opportunity to try herself as a correspondent for the Glagol newspaper.

Working for the newspaper captivated Yana Churikova. After just two years of work, she managed to take second place at the Literary Olympiad. After receiving the certificate, the girl, without much hesitation, submits documents to the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Having received a diploma of higher education, Yana Churikova continued her studies in graduate school.


Yana Churikova has a famous namesake - theater and film actress Inna Churikova. In addition to the same surnames, one can also note some external similarity between the two women. This is probably why, since childhood, many considered them relatives, without even wondering whether Yana Churikova was the daughter of Inna Churikova or not.

The well-known TV presenter had to prove that her real mother had nothing to do with cinema and the stage, and only worked as an economist.

The famous actress was probably also asked similar questions. One day, both celebrities even met and discussed their alleged relationship. Today, questions about whether Yana Churikova is the daughter of Inna Churikova or not no longer evoke such a reaction from them.

Carier start

The journalist started trying to film stories while still studying at the university. First, Yana Churikova gets a job at the ATV channel, then, slightly exaggerating her age and experience in journalism, she ends up working at the Biz TV television company. Here she immediately plunges headlong into work. After a while, the deception was discovered, but the diligent and hardworking girl already manages to earn the respect of her colleagues and management.

In 1998, Yana Churikova also became the editor of the television company. During this period, the girl literally lives at work, trying herself in various television professions.

The path to popularity

Yana Churikova gained wide fame at the beginning of 2000, and her participation in the program “12 Evil Spectators” played a decisive role in her biography. She was noticed and invited to the main channel of the country - First. Here the journalist first hosts a youth program, and soon receives an offer to become the host of the new project “Star Factory”. A promising and interesting project lasted on television for six seasons, and all this time the constant host of the show was Yana Churikova.

The continuation of the popular show was the project “Star Factory. Ukraine Russia". Yana Churikova and Dmitry Shepelev were asked to take the leading positions. The high professionalism of the presenters was noted both by the participants and organizers of the show, and by the audience.

Before the launch of the project, Yana Churikova and Dmitry Shepelev interviewed each other, and the questions were quite frank and sometimes provocative.

Not long ago, a famous journalist developed a serious interest in documentary films. One of her last works was a series of documentary programs about the history of the appearance of musical hits of Soviet times.

Personal life

Yana Churikova formalized her relationship twice. Her first choice was director Ivan Tsybin. After a short acquaintance, the couple met on the set of one of the TV shows. Here Yana Churikova was able to appreciate the skill and professionalism of her future chosen one. The office romance soon ended in marriage.

Family life lasted a little more than four years. The reason for the break in relations with her first husband was her acquaintance with businessman Denis Lazarev.

Yana Churikova still lives with her second husband. In 2009, the couple had a daughter.

As a young woman (TV presenter, 37 years old, born in 1978), she achieved significant success - she hosted popular shows on the main channels of Russia (“Star Factory”, “Universal Artist”, “Golden Gramophone”), counted votes at the most famous music competition “ Eurovision". Today she herself participates in programs as a contestant, which does not prevent her from occupying the chair of the general director of the MTV Russia channel and the editor of the celebrity magazine Viva! A beautiful girl with an inquisitive character is often called the child of the actress and screenwriter - Inna Churikova. But the young celebrity has nothing to do with the artist, except that she interviewed her before the unveiling of her star on the Walk of Fame.

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Yana Alekseevna was born in Moscow on November 6, in the family of an economist and a military man. The nomadic life of the officer father brought the young family to Hungary, where the little girl spent her childhood. But she went to the first grade of a general education gymnasium in her homeland, in 1985. At the same time, the girl studied at a music school. She mastered the piano “excellent”. The future multimedia personality had unusual dreams about professions. As a teenager, Yana Churikova wanted to study the remains of extinct animals. But the desire to become a paleontologist was replaced by the idea of ​​singing.

With the curiosity of a teenager, she tried to take in everything at once. The girl realized that this could become her profession. So, she joined the editorial office of the publication “Glagol” in 1992 and worked there for four years. At the same time, he received silver at the Literature Olympiad. Next, the future celebrity will receive professional education at Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Yana chooses journalism to be closer to television (1995). It is his influence on the consciousness of the masses that the journalist will choose as a topic for her thesis (2000). For example, let’s take the activities of the Russian music channel – MTV. To grow her professionalism, she takes up practice from the first days of training. At this time, Yana Churikova is working in a program on author’s television – “Vremechko”. Here the young correspondent begins to learn the basics of creating a talk show. Then on MTV Russia she becomes the face of the programs “12 Evil Spectators”, which brings her recognition, and “Big Cinema”. The girl got a job here, “embellishing” her age a little. The revelation was not followed by dismissal - Yana had a positive impact on the growth of TV ratings. She also combines her postgraduate studies with work in the media - this is cooperation with the ViD television company, programs on Channel One - Lens and Good Morning.

Since 2002, a program began to search for artistic musical performers in a project that combined daily living in a reality show format, as well as performances at weekly concerts. “Star Factory” needed a lively and educated presenter. Yana was invited to play this role. The producers appreciated her work, so she did it for all 6 seasons.

The project occupied all the free time of the journalist, who practically lived in the studio, but by force of will returned home to at least get a little rest. Fatigue does not have the best effect on her appearance. And for public figures this is important.

The role of the “all-time leading” celebrity was cemented after working in the “Universal Artist” project (where singers performed compositions of different musical genres). She also voiced and commentated for Russian TV viewers at Eurovision. The talk show star was then in the last trimester of pregnancy.

The list of events hosted by Yana Churikova includes such well-known projects as the “Golden Gramophone” (awarding performers for the best songs), the opening of the Anzhi Arena in Kaspiysk, the show before the opening and closing of the main sporting event of the beginning of the third millennium - the Olympics. 2014 in winter Sochi.

The flexibility and professional growth of the star lies in the fact that she is not afraid to participate in competitive programs as a participant - this is “Two Stars” (with Prokhor Chaliapin), the extreme show “Circus with the Stars”. At the end of 2015 - beginning of 2016, viewers saw the popular presenter in a swimsuit in the show “Together with Dolphins” and the dangerous television project “Without Insurance.”

Now Yana Churikova is the editor-in-chief of the “best magazine about stars” called “Viva!”, the director of “MTV Russia” and the head of the “Viacom” music channels in the Russian Federation. With such a busy family, the journalist has practically no time.

Personal life

The popular multimedia personality never has a free day. In March 2016, she divorced her official husband, businessman and director of a PR agency Denis Lazarev. In their marriage they had a daughter, who was given the name Taisiya, meaning “wise, late, fertile.” The girl was born in 2009.

Before this union, the celebrity had been in a relationship for three years with Ivan Tsybin, a talented director, as she says about him. Despite her full employment and being in demand, the journalist does not suffer from star fever. She adjusts her character and Scorpio inclinations (according to her horoscope) by listening to the classics. This is the only way, according to the journalist, that one can understand the true essence of a person - he is a small creature in the vast Universe, so you should not put yourself above others.

The famous TV presenter, in an exclusive interview with the site, spoke about the premiere of the program “12 Evil Spectators” and recalled the difficulties of motherhood she had to face.

We communicate with our daughter like adults

– Yana, many people notice that after the birth of a child, the world seems to turn upside down. Has your life changed in any way?

I went back to work almost immediately after Tasya was born. Nevertheless, I sat with her a lot myself. There were washing machines, cleaning rooms, sick rooms. I don’t have any superb memories of this period. Of course, if you want to appear good in the eyes of the public, you must say: “My world changed immediately, the maternal instinct took over me.” To be honest, my maternal instinct on a spiritual level manifested itself only when the child laughed for the first time. This happened at three months. All the previous time, Tasya was a gloomy baby; it was unpleasant for her to be in this world after a cozy tummy. She had such an unkind face that I wondered: “What’s wrong with the child?” At three months she laughed for the first time. I exhaled and thought: “Yes, this is still my baby!” Now I don’t perceive her as a child-child, with the exception of some moments that relate to school and the organization of her employment. We communicate like adults, and sometimes even Tasya gives me some advice. I don't want her to be overwhelmed with activities already in first grade because I want to make her a prodigy. No I do not want! I try to listen to her so that her childhood is normal and she has time to rest.

– Has your daughter also followed in your creative footsteps?

Yes! Sometimes something shows in my style, and sometimes I understand that in some ways it will even be cooler than me. Why else have children? So that they are cooler than you! But I don’t think she wants to be a presenter either, she’s a pretty versatile child. Let's see how it all turns out.

– Previously, you devoted all your time to work. Are your priorities different today?

– Of course, because work will never repay you in kind. Especially on television. Therefore, you need to balance all components of your personality.

– You are at the same time a leader, a successful TV presenter, and an ambassador of the World Cup. How do you manage to combine seemingly such different things?

“I’m a little shocked and I don’t really understand how this is happening.” As it turned out, Julius Caesar syndrome is a fiction, since people cannot do all the above-mentioned things at the same time. But you can switch between them and still be effective. All life hacks on time management are for me. I study various techniques in detail to best manage my time. But this happened to me only after I took the post of top manager, because previously the artistic part was supervised by the director, and the filming part was supervised by the producers of specific programs. And now you have to plan a huge number of different processes yourself.

Glad to be able to discuss music again

– When you graduated from the journalism department of Moscow State University, you wrote a thesis on a topic related to music television...

- Yes. "The influence of music television on the process of socialization of youth audiences."

– Could you imagine at that time that a little later you would become the head of one of the main music and entertainment TV channels?

I didn’t intend to think so deeply about the future then. You know, there are people who like tricky job titles, it’s important to them what is written in the resume or work book... I’m pleased, of course, that it’s all called that... If you put on one side of the scale the pleasantness of the fact that this position is mine, but on the second is the level of responsibility and range of responsibilities, then the duties and responsibilities outweigh, so I do not concentrate on pathos that could inspire someone. Everything here is democratic and simple.

– It was with MTV that your career began. You became the first host of the “12 Evil Spectators” program. The project is returning to television screens again, and you, as before, will host it. Are there any changes compared to the first release?

I now realize how much effort it takes to organize the filming process. Now I sat down in the presenter’s chair and took a break from my daily work - office structuring, budgeting. I just felt good. When you’re “little”, you don’t care how much effort other people put into making the filming process happen and you’re all excited: “Filming, hurray, it’s cool!” On the one hand, of course, it was exciting, because this was a return to some legendary roots. On the other hand, it’s quite simple, because the charm of the first time is missing. But I'm glad that we can discuss new music again. The first episode featured an exclusive preview of Vanya Dorn's album, which gave the whole thing a more powerful feel.

– On your Instagram, you wrote that a little later young people will take their place in the frame. What is this connected with?

– I still have quite a lot of other work of an organizational nature and my task is not to promote myself, but to show my young colleagues, Tata Mehrabyan and Alex Faure, by my own example (I will conduct the first few episodes) how to conduct a talk show, because that the guys don’t have that kind of experience yet. That's right, way to the young!

– What other surprises await the viewer?

- This is a different viewer. Now we don't need to watch TV to discuss something. All the clips can be watched and discussed on YouTube, only there it’s all anonymous, but here you can openly express your opinion and have a pillow fight. All the old tricks of “12 Evil Spectators”, of course, have been preserved. And the new... New time, songs, attitude towards them. The second issue is dedicated to bloggers. We invited them to the studio to show new heroes of the media space and see how they would feel on TV, in a talk show. We will experiment with content, but the form will remain the same.

Without the Star Factory, I was starting to experience withdrawal symptoms

– Behind you are seven seasons of the “Star Factory” project on Channel One. It was then that you became famous throughout the country. Has star fever affected you?

– Star fever happened earlier, when “12 Evil Spectators” began on the old MTV. It was scary when we, young people, were faced with the fact that we would be recognized. The fragile psyche is subjected to some kind of influence and you think, a sinful thing: “I’m so cool,” and you don’t understand that it’s not you who’s cool, but the producer and head of the channel, who created the conditions for you to open up. And when the “Star Factory” began, it was easier for me, since I was close to the popularity of the participants. My role was to highlight them favorably. If suddenly they stop me on the street and ask for an autograph, which doesn’t happen very often, then why not leave it for people?

– This year “Star Factory” turned fifteen years old. Do you keep in touch with any of the guys?

– We maintain relationships with those in the industry: the Factory group, the guys who stayed in Korny, Pasha Artemyev, Lenochka Temnikova. The first “Star Factory” was generally the most memorable. She maintained a warm relationship with the guys.

Churikova Yana Alekseevna (11/6/1978) – Russian TV presenter and journalist. She became famous thanks to the TV show “12 Evil Spectators”. But real popularity came after the release of the musical project “Star Factory,” in which Churikova was the host.

"I am a happy man. I have a unique opportunity to combine pleasure and work. Although a career on television is like a steeplechase for me. Every new project is a new challenge."


Yana Churikova was born in Moscow on November 6, 1978. For a very long time, viewers considered her the daughter of the famous actress Inna Churikova, although this is actually not the case. Her real mother, Elena Churikova, is an economist by profession. But father Alesey Churikov was a career military man.

Due to his duty, he was forced to go on a business trip to Hungary. And the family went with him. Yana spent almost her entire childhood abroad. I went to school there. She returned to her homeland only in 1991, during the collapse of the USSR. In the capital, Churikova received a school certificate and entered a music school to study piano.

Since childhood, Churikova dreamed of an unusual profession. For example, I wanted to become a paleontologist. But having matured a little, she realized that her future was in music. The girl took up vocals. True, she did not turn out to be the new Montserrat Caballe, as she called herself. And Yana turned her attention to journalism, since this profession, in her opinion, could allow her to do completely different things and explore the world to the fullest.

First steps in career

Pursuing the dream of a new profession, Yana Churikova entered the School of Young Journalists. While still studying, she began working as a freelance correspondent for the magazine “Verb”. It was there that she learned to write articles and short notes. Moreover, the girl did so well that in 1994 Churikova won a silver medal at the All-Russian Olympics.

Churikova’s studies continued at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism, and after Yana even entered graduate school and wrote a dissertation on a television topic. Even then, it became absolutely obvious to the girl that she needed to get on Russian TV by hook or by crook.

And it so happened that it was through deception that Churikova was destined to make her way onto television. When submitting her resume to the Biz TV company, she credited herself with an extra three years of work experience. True, after some time the deception was revealed, but Churikova’s talent was already appreciated by management, and the girl was not fired.

In 1998, the Biz TV channel changed its name and began to appear under the more well-known MTV brand. At that time, Churikova threw herself into her work. I tried myself in different positions - from correspondent to program director.

“When MTV first came out, I practically lived at work. I even spent the night there, since there was no point in going home. I tried different specialties. True, not everyone ended up on my work record.”

Path to glory

Yana Churikova became known to a wide circle of television viewers after the release of the program “12 Evil Spectators.” The management of Channel One also noticed the girl. She was invited to host the experimental show “Star Factory”. Back then, no one knew that the project would become super popular and would last for six whole years. And all these years Churikova was its constant leader. Moreover, as always, Yana devoted herself entirely to her work. And again, I often spent the night at work, carefully preparing for each release of the program.

After this, Yana Churikova became one of the faces of Channel One. She took part in various popular shows. For example, she sang a duet with Prokhor Chaliapin in the “Two Stars” project, and then performed in “Circus with the Stars”. Now Churikova is often busy with documentaries, making films for the same Channel One. And many of these films, one way or another, are dedicated to music, which the girl became well versed in over the years of her career.

Yana Churikova was the host of such television programs as “Cruel Intentions”, “Good Morning”, “Song History”, “Lensive”, “Big Cinema”, “Red Star”, “Universal Artist”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Together with dolphins”, music festivals “Heat”, “Christmas at Rosa Khutor” and many others.

Yana’s rise in popularity began when she, having passed the most severe selection process, began leading the “Star Factory” project. Talent and charisma allowed her not only to remain at the head of the project for nine seasons, but also to make it one of the most rated.

Yana Churikova worked as chief editor of many programs. In 2013, Yana headed the legendary MTV Russia television channel, and in 2014 she was appointed head of Viacom’s youth and music television channels in Russia.

Thanks to his incredible erudition, sense of humor and charm, he easily captivates audiences, both small chamber halls and concert venues with thousands of people. That is why the event, hosted by Yana Churikova, automatically acquires star status.

YANA CHURIKOVA – the brightest star on Russian television and one of the most popular TV presenters in the country.

Yana Churikova has been the host of many programs such as “Cruel Games”, Good Morning”, Song Story”, “Objective”, Big Cinema”, Red Star, “The Universal Actor”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Together with Dolphins ”, music festivals “Heats” and “Christmas on the Rosa Khutor” and many more.

Yana’s popularity peaked when she was cast for the “Star Factory” show. Her talent and charisma saw her lead the project for season 9 and make it one of the most popular shows on Russian TV at that time.

Russian viewers will associate Yana’s voice with the live broadcasts on Channel 1 of the “Eurovision Song Contest” where she is a commentator as well as with other famous music shows.

Yana’s career has seen her work as the chief editor of many programs, she also headed the Russian publication of “Viva!” magazine.

In 2013 she became the chief of the legendary channel “MTV Russia” and in 2014 Yana was appointed Head of Youth and Music Television Channels for Viacom in Russia.

Thanks to her incredible erudition, sense of humor and charm, Yana easily captivates the audience attention whether in a small chamber hall or huge concert venues. That is why an event which is hosted by Yana Churikova automatically acquires “star” status.