Download the presentation on the development of speech in older preschoolers. Speech development

Evgenia Fomicheva
Summary of a lesson on speech development with presentation “Fairy Tales”

Target: continue acquaintance with folk art using the example of Russian folk art fairy tales to introduce children to folklore


To cultivate interest and love for Russian folk fairy tale;

- develop emotional response to fairy tale;

Activate the dictionary on the topic.

Material: conventional graphic images, pictures with images fairy tales"Zayushkina's hut", , "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Progress of the lesson:

Today we will go on an interesting journey into the world fairy tales. We go to fairy tale at a brisk pace.

Now, be careful, step softly, it’s dangerous here.

Now the danger is over, go boldly.

-A fairy tale goes through the forest -

Leads the tale by the hand.

Coming out of the river fairy tale!

From the tram. Out of the gate!

What kind of round dance is this?

This round dance of fairy tales!

A fairy tale - clever and charming,

He lives next to us.

To, to, again

Good has defeated evil!

To good to evil

Convinced to become good!

So we came to fairyland. Here we will meet with you fairy-tale characters. With bad and good. Wait, how do we know if they are good or bad? Let's practice. (The teacher shows the children conventional graphic images)

What face is shown? Try it, make the same face too.

And what is this face? Really good? Not gloomy, not cunning, not evil?

Now you and I won’t confuse anything.

Children, together with the teacher, look at pictures depicting Russian folk fairy tales"Zayushkina's hut", "Sister Fox and Gray Wolf", "The wolf and the seven Young goats".

Fizminutka Pinocchio

Pinocchio stretched, raise his arms up and stretch on his toes

Once - he bent down, twice - he bent over. tilts left and right

Hands to the side divorced, spread your arms to the sides

Apparently I couldn't find the key. rotation of arms in front of chest

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes. raise your arms up and stretch on your toes

Which heroes are evil? (kind) V fairy tale?

Who is the wolf (fox, hare) afraid of?

What helps to defeat a fox (wolf?

Did you enjoy our trip? What about you? would like to go to a fairy tale?

Children's answers

Publications on the topic:

Children's presentation "Good Tales" The game-presentation “Good Tales” with sound is designed for preschool children Development program: Power Point Purpose of the presentation:.

“Visiting a fairy tale” Goal: to develop children’s creative imagination, improve the means of expressiveness in conveying images, and enrich.

Notes on the lesson “Speech development” Topic: Examination of the painting “Street. DD Rules." Educator: Makarenko I. Yu. Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road: signals.

Summary of a lesson on speech development on the topic “Russian fairy tales (dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”). Reading the fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed."

Outline for the lesson on speech formation “Autumn Time” in the preparatory group Objectives: Educational: Summarize children’s ideas about autumn as a season and its signs. Clarify children's ideas about seasonal changes.

Project “Development of speech in preschool children aged 6–7 years based on Kipling’s fairy tale “Mowgli” Project “Development of speech for preschool children aged 6-7 years based on Kipling’s fairy tale “Mowgli”. The project is designed for 3 months. The participants are:.

ECD for speech development “Reading V. Bianchi’s fairy tale “The Fox and the Mouse” (first junior group) Reading the fairy tale “The Fox and the Mouse” by V. Bianchi. Goal: To introduce children to the work of V. Bianchi “The Fox and the Mouse” Objectives: To enrich the vocabulary.

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“Development of speech of preschoolers in games and exercises”

Teacher Krutiy Inna Vitalievna UVK "Black Sea Education Center"

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Good speech is an important condition for the development of a child’s personality. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities for understanding the world around him, the more active his mental development is. But a child’s speech is not an innate function. It develops gradually, along with his growth and development. Speech must be formed and developed in conjunction with the general development of the child. It is much more successful to do this using games. Since at preschool age play activity is leading.

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The game method of teaching helps to create an interested, relaxed environment; increases speech motivation; encourages children to communicate with each other; the thinking process proceeds faster, new skills are acquired more firmly. A didactic game is an excellent learning and development tool used in mastering any program material. Specially selected games and exercises make it possible to have a beneficial effect on all components of speech. In the game, the child gets the opportunity to enrich and consolidate vocabulary, form grammatical categories, develop coherent speech, expand knowledge about the world around him, develop verbal creativity, and develop communication skills.

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Main tasks of speech development

Development of sound culture of speech; Formation of grammatical structure of speech; Enrichment of vocabulary; Development of coherent speech. A child’s speech is formed in stages and at each age stage its own tasks of the child’s speech development are solved.

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Games and exercises for speech development of younger preschoolers

The leading line of speech development for children 3-4 years old is the education of a sound culture of speech, teaching correct sound pronunciation, and the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

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The leading line of development for children of this age is the enrichment of vocabulary. Work continues to educate the sound culture of speech (formation of correct sound pronunciation, development of phonemic perception, vocal apparatus, speech breathing, ability to use a moderate rate of speech and intonation means of expressiveness). Children get acquainted with new terms “sound”, “word”.

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Games and exercises for speech development for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old)

The main task of working with children of senior preschool age is the development of coherent speech and the acquisition of the phonetic side of speech. Work is being carried out to further improve speech hearing and consolidate the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech. Children differentiate what a sound, a word, a sentence is.

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Using mnemonics for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers

Mnemonics is a system of methods and techniques that ensure effective memorization, storage and reproduction of information. The use of mnemonics reduces learning time and simultaneously solves the following speech tasks: enriching vocabulary, composing stories, retelling stories. literature, guessing and making riddles, memorizing poetry.

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Sequence of work:

1. Mnemonic squares 2. Mnemonic tracks 3. Mnemonic tables

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Theatrical activities as a means of developing speech in preschool children

Theatrical games promote the assimilation of elements of verbal communication (facial expressions, gestures, posture, intonation, voice modulation). Theatrical activities are not just a game, but also an excellent means for the intensive development of children’s speech, enrichment of vocabulary, as well as the development of thinking, imagination, attention and memory, which is the psychological basis of correct speech.

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Musical activities and speech development

Musical education in kindergarten is of great importance for the development of children's speech. The fundamental principle of conducting music classes is the relationship between speech, music and movement. Clear pronunciation of rhythmic text and poetry to music develops an ear for music, imagination, and sense of words. Every word, syllable, sound is pronounced meaningfully, with a sincere attitude.

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Artistic creativity and speech development

Artistic creativity is a unique means for the development of fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection. Children learn to analyze forms, observe, compare, and highlight similarities and differences between objects.

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The influence of origami on the development of speech in preschool children

Origami (“ori” - bend, “gami” - paper) is the Japanese art of paper folding, which is very popular due to its entertaining and educational capabilities. In the process of folding origami figures, children become familiar with basic geometric concepts, and at the same time the vocabulary is enriched with special terms. Origami promotes concentration and is of great importance in the development of children's constructive thinking and their creative imagination. Origami stimulates the development of speech, memory and activates thought processes.

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Main types of didactic games

Board and printed games Games with objects (toys, natural materials, etc.) Word games

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Finger games as a way to develop speech in preschool children

“A child’s mind is at his fingertips” V.A. Sukhomlinsky A child’s verbal speech begins when the movements of his fingers achieve sufficient accuracy. The child’s hands, as it were, prepare the ground for the subsequent development of speech. Finger games develop the child's brain, creativity, and imagination. This is not only an incentive for the development of speech and fine motor skills, but also one of the options for joyful communication.

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Role-playing play has a positive effect on speech development. During the game, the child talks aloud to the toy, speaks both for himself and for it, imitates the hum of an airplane, the voices of animals, etc. Dialogue speech develops.

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Outdoor games in speech development

During the game, the teacher strives to encourage children to imitate speech activity and expand their understanding of speech and vocabulary. This is achieved by reciting nursery rhymes, poems, and verbal accompaniment of outdoor games together with the teacher.

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Subject development environment in the group

“A child will not speak in empty walls...” E.I. Tikheyeva When saturating the group space, educators primarily ensure that children in the group can satisfy their important life needs in cognition, movement and communication. Groups should be equipped with modern gaming equipment, which includes visual, gaming and demonstration material that provides a higher level of cognitive development of children and provokes speech activity.

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Thank you for your attention!

Plan: 1. Coherent speech. 2. The meaning of coherent speech. 3. Indicators of a coherent statement. 4. Features of the development of coherent speech in preschool age. 5. Lines of development of coherent speech. 6. Means of developing coherent speech. 7. Compliance with the principle of integration of educational areas in the development of coherent speech. 8. Working with parents. 9. Individual work.

1 – children learn to think by learning to speak and improve speech by learning to think (F.A. Sokhin). 2 – a sense of the beauty of language develops (expressiveness, imagery). 3 – performs the most important social functions, helps to establish connections with people around, determines and regulates the norms of behavior in society, which is a decisive condition for the development of the child’s personality. 4 - Mastery of coherent oral speech is the most important condition for successful preparation for school.

Junior preschool age: 1 - Conversational speech, a simple form of dialogic speech 2 - Speech is structural, unformed, nouns are replaced by pronouns, verbs are used. 3 – Short sentences are used more often, inversions are typical (violation of the order of words in a sentence). 4 – Speech is situational, speech expresses more than it expresses. 5 – Speech is more emotional, emotionality is manifested in relation to the subject, and not to the content of the speech. The presentation is expressive, expressing not the content, but the impression.

1 – Speech is more monologue, children answer questions briefly or in detail. 2 – Different types of coherent statements can be structured. 3- Use all types of sentences. 4 – Contextual speech (understandable to everyone around, determined by the tasks and nature of the child’s communication with children). 5 – Speech is more expressive. Moves from the use of non-verbal means to speech, but is not yet developed enough to convey an emotional attitude to the described objects and phenomena.

Meaningfulness, i.e. full understanding of what they are talking about; - Completeness of transmission, i.e. absence of significant omissions that violate the logic of presentation; Subsequence; - Wide use of vocabulary, phrases, synonyms, antonyms, etc.; - Correct rhythm, no long pauses; - Culture of presentation in the broad sense of the word: - correct, calm posture when speaking, addressing listeners, - intonation expressiveness of speech, - sufficient volume, clarity of pronunciation.

Conversation (intentional and unintentional), - conversation (purposeful discussion of something, prepared dialogue), - storytelling lessons, - retelling of literary works, - storytelling from a toy, - storytelling from a picture, - storytelling from their experience, - creative storytelling, reasoning.

According to the Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, the content of the educational field “Communication” is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with people around them through solving the following tasks: developing free communication with adults and children; development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children's activities; practical mastery of speech norms by pupils.

Integration in the system of specially organized classes is very relevant, since: It contributes to the formation of an emotional and value-based aesthetic attitude to the world in preschoolers; Develops the child’s emotional and sensory sphere and his artistic and imaginative thinking as the basis for the development of a creative personality; Helps children develop their ability to perceive works of art. Advantages of integrated classes: help increase learning motivation, develop students’ cognitive interest, develop a holistic picture of the world and consider a phenomenon from several angles; To a greater extent than ordinary activities, they contribute to the development of speech and the formation of the ability to compare; such activities relieve stress and overload of the baby’s body. children’s understanding of various concepts and patterns deepens, their horizons expand;

The main forms of development of coherent speech:* 1. Organization of educational situations. 2. Communication situations. The development of speech in the process of organizing routine moments includes: telling children what they will do now (for example, getting dressed) - commenting on the children’s actions; inviting one of the pupils to talk about what he is doing (here the child’s commentary speech is formed); inviting the child to independently tell how he will carry out this or that routine moment; the use of literary words (rhymes, short poems) to discuss regime issues. 3. Classes.

The main form of work on the development of coherent speech is classes where knowledge on a topic is generalized and systematized, where the child is taught to reason and draw independent conclusions. In classes on retelling literary works, learning to talk about a toy and a picture, all speech tasks are solved in a complex. However, the main task is to teach storytelling. In implementing this task, already from the 2nd junior group in the classroom, teachers need to actively use various gaming methods and techniques. *(subgroups)

Individual work: Individual work with children plays a major role in the development of the prerequisites for coherent speech. Individual work with children includes describing toys, pictures, writing joint stories with an adult, and then independently. This work is carried out not only with children who have missed a number of classes on speech development and are lagging behind other children in the development of communication skills, but also with children who have a high level of speech development.

Work with parents: (in accordance with the education and training program in N.E. Veraks’ kindergarten) Studying the characteristics of communication between adults and children in the family. Recommendations for parents to use every opportunity to communicate with their child, the reason for which can be any events and emotional states associated with them. Show parents the value of dialogical communication with their child. Encourage parents to help their child establish relationships with peers. Involve parents in collaboration that is varied in content and forms.

The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities to understand reality, the more complete his future relationships with children and adults, his behavior, and, consequently, his personality as a whole. Conversely, a child’s unclear speech will greatly complicate his relationships with people and often leaves a heavy imprint on his character.

Child's speech

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We are drawing. My cat Vaska. I love my horse. We sculpt. My little farm. There goes the bull, swinging... We read. RELEVANCE OF THE PROJECT Speech development is becoming an increasingly pressing problem in our society. How much is the discovery of the mechanisms of violation. Directions: 1. Determination of the degree of formation of individual links of the speech production mechanism; -4-. The text is read twice, and before reading again, instructions are given for a complete retelling. After completing the first task, you are asked to retell it briefly. The second task directs children to compose a story using the found program. When assessing the result of this series, the degree to which the idea is translated into a whole speech message is taken into account. - Speech of a child.ppt

Baby's speech

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Development of coherent speech in preschool children. Advice for concerned parents. How to make communication entertaining? It is better to develop speech skills in free communication with the child and in creative games. Remember the incident. Choose an event with your child that you recently participated in together. We speak differently. If possible, try using a foreign accent. You never know what you can think of! Travel agency. What if you try to diversify your everyday life? Imagine that you are leaving on an exciting journey. Always at hand. Let there be two characters on one hand, and, say, three on the other. - Baby's speech.ppt

Speech development

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Speech development of younger schoolchildren at the initial stage of education. “Speech that is pleasing to the ear is a kind of music.” D. Webster. Secondly, speech development can be carried out during specially organized training. Speech development is an important task in language learning. Sound culture of speech. Clear articulation of sounds. Clear pronunciation. Ability to use voice. Speech technique. Breath. Voice. Diction. Articulation. Work on speech development in literary reading lessons. Diction – purity, correctness, clear pronunciation. Image of hooves clattering. I brush my teeth using the tip of my tongue to brush my upper and lower teeth. - Speech development.ppt

Speech skills

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Multimedia application for parent meetings. Speech therapy Readiness for school. Ready for school. our speech is a process of communication. Parents should first of all pay attention to: Correct pronunciation of all sounds. Ability to distinguish speech sounds by ear. Possession of basic sound analysis skills. Lexicon. Grammatical structure of speech Connected speech. Speech communication. Fine hand motor skills. Sound pronunciation. Possession of basic skills of sound analysis: Grammatical structure of speech Normally, by the age of 6–7 years, a child has formed: Coherent speech. Speech communication. - Speech skills.ppt

Speech and its development

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Speech development. Speech styles. Book conversational - scientific - journalistic - official business - artistic. Types of speech. Narration (what is happening?) Description (what?) Reasoning (why?). Narrative composition. Exposition Commencement Development of action Climax Resolution Conclusion. Description composition (object, landscape, portrait, interior, monument, animal). Signs of an object, phenomenon. III. General assessment of the subject, phenomenon. Description composition (action, sport). I. Preparation for work, action. II. Progress of work, actions. III. Result of work, actions. Composition of reasoning. - Speech and its development.ppt

Speech development in preschool educational institutions

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The structure of a unified educational space for children with speech impairments. Contents of a unified educational space. The structure of a unified speech mode. Results of implementation. Games and aids for developing fine motor skills of the fingers. Game modules for organizing role-playing games. Sets of subject and plot pictures for children to look at. Marker toys. Sets for theatrical activities. Consistently high level of mastery of the program by students of MADOU. Indicators of the formation of teachers’ speech culture. Problems. Low level of development of coherent speech in children of general development groups. - Speech development in preschool educational institutions.ppt

Development of children's speech

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Programs of speech therapy work to overcome speech disorders in children, used in the compensatory kindergarten "Rodnichok". Program of speech therapy work to overcome phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech Compiled by: T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina. Speech therapy program to overcome general speech underdevelopment Compiled by: T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova, G.V. Chirkina. Training program for children with underdevelopment of the phonetic structure of speech Compiled by: G.A. Kashe, T.B. Filicheva. Program for the education and training of preschool children with speech underdevelopment (from 3 to 5 years old) Compiled by: S.A. Mironov. - Development of children's speech.ppt

Development of speech and thinking

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Development of speech and thinking with the help of Russian classics. The grass is turning green. The sun is shining. Swallow with spring. In the canopy. With her the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter. Shout out hello to us from the road quickly. I'll give you some grains. Sing a song. Purpose of the lesson. Exercise on the formation of diminutive forms. Progress of the lesson. View the presentation. Reading text. What signs of late spring can be seen on this slide. Chirp. - Development of speech and thinking.pptx

Speech development in a child

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Children learn their native language by imitating the spoken speech of those around them. Inability to construct a common sentence grammatically correctly. Poverty of speech. Insufficient vocabulary. Speech development in preschool age: stages, typical problems, exercises. How to develop? Many parents rely on kindergarten to solve the problem of speech development. Let's see what exercises we can do with our child ourselves. Therefore, we accompanied each exercise game with a detailed commentary. Try to involve your child in a game of “questions and answers.” Ask DIFFERENT questions using a variety of question words: What? - Speech development in a child.ppt

Speech development of a child

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The child is given two flags. If the child makes a mistake, he guesses again. The game is repeated 4–5 times. "Guess who said it." The child is first introduced to the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. The child picks up the corresponding picture. It is recommended to break the sequence of characters' statements adopted in the fairy tale. The adult invites the child to arrange the pictures in two rows. Each row should contain pictures whose names sound similar. An adult names a series of vowel sounds. The child must pick up the corresponding symbol. Write down in the Dictionary the words in which the child rearranges or skips syllables. - Speech development of a child.ppt

Speech development in preschoolers

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Game as a means of speech development. Development of speech activity. Project objectives. Diverse speech, rich in additions, descriptions and synonyms. Typical problems of speech development in preschool children. Identification of the level of speech development. Lesson on speech development. Identification of the level of development of pupils' gaming skills. Approximate topics of didactic games. Month. Expected result of the project. - Speech development for preschoolers.pptx

Speech development of preschool children

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Formation of communicative competence in preschool children. Structure of the "Origins" program. Structure of age periodization. Educational field. Competence-based approach. Educational goals. Aspects of communication. Communication. Educational field "Communication". Preschool childhood. Tasks of speech development. Forms of training. Working from a closed picture. Kolobok. - Speech development of preschool children.pptx

Cognitive and speech development of children

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Cognitive and speech development of children in play activities. Clarification and enrichment of vocabulary. Types of cognitive activity. Adults organize excursions into nature and around the city. Observation, educational conversations, experimentation. Children enter kindergarten. Here are examples of games and exercises aimed at development. Recognition of objects by given characteristics. Preschoolers' thinking by nature. Nature and natural objects affect all human senses. Cut the pictures along the dotted lines. The presenter distributes 2-3 pictures to the children. The presenter describes a tree. - Cognitive and speech development of children.ppt

Speech development tools for preschool children

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Resource center for speech development of preschool children. Contents of the workshop. Basic methods for developing coherent speech in preschoolers. Techniques for developing coherent speech in preschoolers. Unconventional methods. Technology for teaching children how to make comparisons. Staging. Reception "Izoskazka". Organization of interaction between pre-school specialists. Methods and techniques in the context of children's speech development. Mnemonics. Statement of a problematic question. - Speech development tools for preschoolers.ppt

Speech development in preschool children

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Why does the child speak poorly? Causes. Complications during pregnancy. Speech development depends on many factors. Active and passive stock. Norms of speech development. Booming. Vocabulary range from 2-3 to 20-30. Understands actions and objects in pictures. Tries to pronounce three- and four-syllable words. The minimum vocabulary is 250. Begins to select rhymes for words. Advice from a speech therapist. Vocabulary reaches 2000 - 3000 words. Develop your baby's fine motor skills. Development of fine motor skills. Auditory attention. Sound objects for the development of auditory attention. Speech therapy screen. - Development of speech in preschool children.pptx

Development of coherent speech in preschool children

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Development of coherent speech in preschool children. Speech therapist. Presentation and dissemination of teaching experience. Theoretical part. Development of coherent speech. Innovative forms of work. Retelling training. Teaching storytelling. Stories based on a series of plot pictures. Innovative forms of work. Description of items. Retelling. Retelling the story. Moving storytelling. Writing a comic story. Using pie charts. Compilation of combined stories. Forms of greetings. Teachers. - Development of coherent speech in preschool children.ppt

Connected speech of preschoolers

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Formation of coherent speech in preschool children. Tasks. Introducing children to mushrooms. Introducing children to mushrooms using a mnemonic table. Work on word formation. Why are mushrooms called that? Chanterelles are red like a fox. The oil can has an oily cap, as if it was smeared with oil. Game exercise. Formation of lexical and grammatical categories. Didactic games and exercises. Constructing a simple sentence using diagrams. Mushroom soup. Extending a simple sentence using a diagram. Writing a short story using sentence diagrams. Compose a sentence with a negative element. - Coherent speech of preschoolers.ppt

Development of coherent speech in preschoolers

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Development of coherent speech in preschoolers using the method of visual modeling. Features of speech development in children. Using visual modeling techniques. Visual modeling technique. Model elements. Variety of types of work. Geometric figures. Silhouette images. Subject pictures. Story-description. Retelling. A story based on a plot picture. Description stories based on a landscape painting. Fragmentary storytelling based on a landscape painting. Speech therapy fairy tale. Comparative description of items. Creative story. Creative fairy tale. Approximate types of work. Shackled by one goal. - Development of coherent speech in preschoolers.ppt

Development of dialogic speech

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Development of dialogical speech in preschoolers. Artistic and aesthetic development. Communication. Methods for developing communication. Communication. Type of activity. Information exchange. Goals of communication. Types of communication. The influence of communication. Child. Holistic activity. Positive influence of communication. Communication of the child with peers. A game. Dialogue. Experience of verbal communication. Conversation between teacher and children. Teacher. Alternating one interlocutor's speaking with listening. Scientific style. The concept of speech culture. Skills in selecting and using linguistic means. The child masters contextual speech. - Development of dialogical speech.ppt

Speech development methods

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Pedagogical support of speech development. Intellectual development of the child. Internal speaking. Areas of activity for speech development. Speech development tools. The purpose of the developing speech environment. Principles of building a developmental environment. Developmental potential. Functions of speech. Actions of the teacher. Practical methods. Simulation method. Conversation method. Retelling method. Professional skills. Didactic requirements. Raising ZKR involves. Speech culture. Sound units of language. Stages of working on sound. Sound automation. Work organization. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. - Methods of speech development.ppt

Methods of speech development

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Methods of speech development. The gift of words. Formation of speech development methods. Native language. Enrichment of the dictionary. Pedagogical science. Effective means. Main questions. Connection of MRR with other sciences. Seven basic components of language and speech. Means of program implementation. Types of speech development classes. Methods and techniques for speech development. FGT for the speech development of preschool children. Speech development tasks in accordance with FGT. Development of free communication with adults and children. Development of all components of oral speech. Sound culture of speech. The grammatical structure of speech. Coherent speech. Preparing for literacy. - Methods of speech development.ppt

Speech development games

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Games for speech development. Speech development. A leap in speech development. Articulatory apparatus. Teach your child counting rhymes. A complex approach. Pipes and whistles. Who takes longer? Repeat after me. Show the bear out. Animal voices. Guess the animal. The doll is sleeping. Repeat after me. Apple. Telephone. Things to do. Riddles. Long words. Who is who. Tongue Twisters. A river flows. - Speech development games.ppt

Work on speech development

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Individual work on speech development. Formation of correct speech. Formation of sound culture of speech. Correct speech. Speech disorders. The need for speech correction work. Deviations in speech development. Corrective speech work. Diagnosis of speech development. Planning individual work. Violation of sound pronunciation. Formation of a dictionary. Formation of grammatical skills. Organization of individual work on speech development. Interaction with a speech therapist. Formation of sound pronunciation. Preparatory stage. Sound appearance stage. Stage of sound acquisition. - Work on speech development.pptx

Tongue twisters for speech development

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The use of tongue twisters in speech development. Combating speech defects. Small forms. Speech development of children. Speech gymnastics. Main results. Results of a survey of children's speech development. Patter. Contact. Results of speech therapy sessions. Suggestions for using the methodology. Tongue Twisters. - Tongue twisters for speech development.ppt

Connected speech

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Methods for developing coherent speech. The concept of coherent speech. Situational and contextual speech. Two main forms of coherent speech. Dialogue speech Monologue speech. Dialogue. Methods and techniques for teaching dialogue. Monologue. Types of monologue (by function). Description - a characteristic of an object in statics Narration - a coherent story about some events Reasoning - a logical presentation of the material in the form of evidence Contamination - a mixed type, with elements of other types. Storytelling based on toys and pictures - children convey a certain plot suggested by a picture, a ready-made play situation; Storytelling from experience - relies on the child’s ideas obtained in the process of observations and various activities; Creative storytelling - stories about fictional events. - Connected speech.ppt

Speech development classes

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“Forms of work on the development of coherent speech with preschool children.” Main areas of work: Dictionary development. Education of the ZKR. Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. Development of coherent speech. Cultivating interest and love for the artistic word. Principles of development of coherent speech: Interrelation of sensory, mental and speech development. Communicative-activity approach to speech development. Development of linguistic sense. Formation of elementary awareness of language phenomena. Enrichment of motivation for speech activity. Providing active language practice. - Speech development classes.ppt


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Speech development lesson. Topic: Reasoning. Types of speech: - Narration - description - reasoning. To the text of the argument, you can ask the question WHY? Composition of a complete argument. I. Thesis (what needs to be proven, explained or refuted). Evidence (arguments, reasons, justifications, explanations): 1. … 2. … 3. … III. Conclusion (what is proven, explained or refuted). Some arguments may lack a thesis or conclusion. Such reasoning is called abbreviated. Linguistic means of reasoning: Let's summarize. From all that has been said above, it follows that... 1) Flip through the book from the top corner. -

Connected speech

Coherent speech - semantically expanded
communication utterance
and mutual understanding
Connected speech - process, activity
Product, result of activity,
text, statement

Forms of connected speech

vocabulary and
simple and complex
one speaker

Development of dialogic speech

speech skills
Speech skills
Ability to communicate
for planning

Requirements for dialogical speech

understanding the speech of others and using children’s active speech
as a means of communication
express your requests in words, answer questions clearly
The younger one asks questions about the immediate environment (Who? What?
preschool Where? What is he doing? For what?)
engage in communication with adults and peers, respond to
questions and ask them
preschool talk about their observations, experiences
participate in the general conversation, listen carefully to the interlocutor
Senior formulating and asking questions
preschool formation of a culture of communication

Signs of a monologue statement

integrity (unity
topics, matching all
main microtheme
smoothness (lack
long pauses in
volume of utterance
design (beginning,
middle, end)
connectivity (logical
Communication between
suggestions and
parts of a monologue)

To achieve speech coherence, a number of skills are required:

understand and comprehend the topic, determine its boundaries
select the necessary material
arrange the material in the right place
use language tools in accordance with
literary norms and objectives of utterance
construct speech deliberately and arbitrarily

Connected statements

by function
(to destination)
by source
- for toys
- and objects
- according to the picture
- from experience
- creative
according to the leader
process, on
which rests
according to visual
tactile or
by memory
by imagination

At an early age - listen and repeat
imitation of individual lines and phrases. B 2 – 4
talk in phrases based on a picture or about what you saw
on a walk.
In the 2nd younger group - retell well
fairy tales and stories familiar to them, tell them
visual material.
In the middle group, children can be small
stories from personal experience, first based on
a picture or toy, and then without support for
visual material.
In the older group, children coherently, consistently
retell literary works expressively
conveying the dialogues of the characters, characteristics
In the school preparatory group, children are taught
build different types of texts (description,
narration, reasoning) in compliance with them

Techniques for teaching storytelling

A joint
story by

their children

Retelling of literary works

Retelling - meaningful reproduction
literary text in oral speech.
educational value;
accessibility in content - familiar heroes, characters
with pronounced character traits that are understandable
motives for actions
clear composition
dynamic plot
varied and precise definitions

or close
to text
short or
with creative

Requirements for retellings

existence and coherence
dictionary and
and phonetic
correctness of speech

Methodological techniques for teaching retelling, ensuring:

meaningful perception
pedagogical guidance ourselves
process of retelling
analysis and assessment of speech activity

Storytelling by toys


Types of toys

(matryoshka dolls, turrets,
pyramids, barrels)
plot (figurative):
dolls, cars,
animals, dishes,
furniture, transport
sets – boy,
girl, sleigh, dog;
girl, house, chicken,
cat; hare and dog

Types of activities on toys

"Toy store" (dishes,
clothes), “Wonderful
bag", "Who is this?",
"The postman brought a parcel"
guessing and composing
story about a set of toys
story separately

Storytelling from a picture

paintings by masters
Series or
set of paintings

Requirements for the selection of paintings

- the content of the picture should be interesting,
understandable, promoting positive
attitude towards the environment

- the picture must be highly artistic
- There should be no pictures with excessive
piling up details, otherwise children will get distracted
from main
- Strong contraction and obscuring of objects
makes them unrecognizable.

Stages of teaching children to tell stories from a picture

In early preschool age, enriching vocabulary, activating children’s speech,
looking at a picture and being able to answer questions
questions about their content.
In middle preschool age, children are taught
consider and describe subject and
story pictures first for questions
teacher, and then according to his example.
In older preschool age - children
describe subject and plot pictures,
compose plot stories based on a series of paintings,
come up with the beginning and end of the plot of the picture.

Storytelling from a picture (younger age)

Storytelling from a picture (middle age)

description and
by series

Storytelling from a picture (older age)

Storytelling from a picture (older age)

Sample (for development
one of two
offered for
telling pictures
in the form of a beginning (children
continue and finish
plan in the form of questions and

Constructing a story based on a series of plot paintings

Compiling stories and inventing fairy tales based on humorous pictures

“Why is the picture fun
look?" or “What are you
did the picture amuse you?

Creative story-narration

Storytelling using reproductions of landscape paintings and still lifes

I. Shishkin “Morning in a pine forest”, “Pine forest”, “Forest cutting”

Still life: K. Petrov-Vodkin “Birch cherry in a glass”, “Glass and apple branch”; I. Mashkov “Rowan”, “Still Life with Watermelon”; P. Konchalovsky “Ma

Still life: K. Petrov-Vodkin “Birch cherry in a glass”, “Glass”
and an apple tree branch"; I. Mashkov “Rowanka”, “Still life with
watermelon"; P. Konchalovsky “Poppies”, “Lilacs at the Window”

Examination and description of a still life

“Lilac” I. Levitan
“Flowers” ​​D. Nalbandyan

Storytelling from experience

Wed. gr. - how did you spend it?
New Year's holiday
Christmas trees; about home, oh
your cat or dog;
how they worked on
vegetable garden; how they changed it
water for the fish
aquarium; what did you see
in the kitchen
Art. and - how
had a holiday; What
seen during excursions
to the library, to school; about
how we relaxed in the summer;
our vegetable garden; how to sew
clothes; my best friend
(girlfriend); like us
we take care of the kids, oh

Stories from experience can be divided into two types:

children's experience
about events in
who were received
all children participate
(excursion to
"Tell me how are you
spent the day off
day"; "Tell about
your home"
children's experience

The type of storytelling determines the teaching method:

about words
will educate
will help
and I
th story
la and

Creative storytelling

fairy tales, descriptions
word creation

Stages of formation of children's artistic creativity

Gaining experience.
Works of art help a child
feel more keenly the beauty in life,
contribute to the emergence of artistic
images in his work.
an idea arises, a search begins
artistic means.
search for composition, selection
actions of the heroes, choice of words, epithets.
new products.
analysis of creative results

Themes of creative stories

With specific
"How did the boy find
puppy", "Like Tanya
I took care of my sister"
“Gift for Mom”, “Like Grandfather”
Frost came to the Christmas tree
kindergarten", "Why
the girl was crying", "How
Katya got lost in
On an abstract topic
"About a funny incident"
"About a terrible incident"
like “Fear has eyes
great", "About
interesting case".

Types of creative stories

fairy tales
stories on
analogies with

Techniques for Teaching Creative Storytelling

children telling stories together with the teacher
children inventing a continuation of the author's
auxiliary questions
Plan in the form of questions
story telling

Teaching storytelling using ready-made stories

reliance on image
Main character
when compiling

Coming up with a story on a topic of your own choosing

The teacher advises what you can talk about
come up with a story (about something interesting)
case that happened to the boy
or a girl, about the friendship of animals, about a hare
and wolf)
Invites the child to come up with a name
future story and make a plan
"First tell me how your story will be
be called, and briefly - what are you talking about
will you tell me first what it's about?
middle and about what at the end. After that
tell me everything.”

Development of children's verbal creativity under the influence of Russian folk tales

the stock of famous fairy tales is activated in order to
stage of assimilation of their content, images and plots.
Stage 2
Stage 3
analysis of the scheme for constructing a fairy tale narrative,
methods of joint creativity: chooses a topic, names
characters - heroes of a future fairy tale, advises the plan,
starts a fairy tale, helps with questions, suggests development
independent development of the fairy tale is activated
storytelling: children are invited to come up with a fairy tale
based on ready-made themes, plot, characters; on one's own
choose a theme, plot, characters.

Description of nature

1. Enriching children's ideas about nature in
process of observation, learning to see
the beauty of the surrounding nature.
2. Examination of artistic paintings and
comparing the beauty of the picture with the real thing
3. Teaching children to describe natural objects by
4. Learning the ability to describe nature and generalize
your knowledge, impressions gained during
observations, looking at pictures, listening
artistic works.

Coherent statements such as reasoning

- teaching them holistic, coherent reasoning,
consisting of a thesis, evidence and conclusions
- formation of skills to isolate significant
signs of objects to prove the put forward
- use different language means
to connect semantic parts (because, so
how, therefore, therefore, therefore)
- use the words firstly, secondly when proving
- include elements of reasoning in other types
statements (contamination).

1. Creating problematic
situations based on
visual material:
split children
pictures and
explanation of their
series of story
Games pictures
like “Spread it out and

Teaching statements such as reasoning

depicted on
picture, highlight
illogical situations
(game "Tall Tales"
identification of cause-and-effect
relations between
depicted on

Teaching statements such as reasoning

pictures by
genera and species in
games like
"Take it away
riddles with
based on
picture in
games "Find
the answer"

Teaching statements such as reasoning

2. Verbal tasks:
conversations on the content of works of art
literature with a discussion of positive and
negative actions of the heroes, their motives
speech logical tasks
explanation of proverbs, riddles and
guessing riddles without relying on
visual material
composing statements-reasonings on
suggested topic (example topics:
“Why do migratory birds fly away?”, “Who
Can you call me a good friend?").