Greek dance sirtaki. Greek dance sirtaki: the history of its appearance

I would like to return to the topic of folk dance, which I touched on in the story about which I visited.
I then looked with envy at the Greeks, who know how to dance their folk dances and learn this from childhood.

Is it true Lately even in ancient Greek folk dances, the movements became very similar: as a rule, the performance slow dancing the Greeks gradually combine with fast ones, when all the dancers put their hands on each other’s shoulders and move in a circle, doing rhythmic movements with jumping legs.

Dance performed by festival organizers and spectators.

But the most famous Greek dance is rightfully considered sirtaki. This dance has become business card Greece, it is eagerly danced by adults, children and all tourists vacationing in Greece.

Reflecting national characteristics and organically fitting into Greek culture, sirtaki became a unique symbol of this country. The mayor of Athens even once said that the Greeks live according to the sirtaki principle: a slow start, then faster and faster until they reach incredible speed.))

But not everyone knows that sirtaki is quite modern dance, which does not have deep folk roots at all.
Sirtaki was created in 1964 for the film “Zorba the Greek”. The music for it was written by Mikis Theodorakis, and the film's choreographer was Yorgos Provias. But the main credit for creating the famous Greek dance belongs to the American actor Anthony Quinn.

During the filming of the 1964 film Zorba the Greek, actor Anthony Quinn was required to perform a traditional Greek dance on the seashore. During filming, he broke his leg, and when the cast was removed, he could not perform fast and jumping movements.
The resourceful Quinn replaced the movements with slow and sliding ones, thanks to which the foot could be “dragged” along the sand. When asked by the director of the film, Michalis Kakoyannis, what this dance is called, Quinn, without blinking an eye, answered:

This is sirtaki. Folk dance. One of the locals taught it to me.

To make it more convincing, the name was also coined in consonance with the existing Cretan dance sirtos. Sirtaki is “little sirtos”.

Sirtaki means “touch” in Greek and has similar features to the traditional Greek dance Hasapiko - the dance of butchers (warriors).
Hasapiko are just as slow, fairly monosyllabic and simple moves. Sirtaki gradually accelerates in the second part, where the nature of the movements changes significantly.
There is an explanation for this too. After all, the film "Zorbo" was filmed over a long period of time, so by the end of filming, Anthony Quinn could move without any restrictions. And he already performed the second part of the dance in the traditions of pidichtos - a Greek dance with jumps and jumps.

During the existence of sirtaki, a lot of variations of the dance have appeared, but its main features - a slow start, acceleration of the tempo from the beginning to the end of the dance - remain unchanged.

Sirtaki - group dance. Dancers stand in one line, less often in a circle. If there are many dancers, there may be several lines. Hands are extended and placed on the shoulders of neighbors, the bodies of the dancers touch at the top. The main movements are carried out with the legs.
The hands play a connecting role and should not be separated during the dance so that the line of dancers does not fall apart. Leg movements are synchronous and simultaneous.

The main movements are divided into 3 groups: side steps, half-squats and lunges, and zigzag. The last movement is most impressive when the dancers perform crossed movements with their legs and quickly, almost running, zigzag in a circle.

In many countries, Sirtaki really began to be perceived as Greek. national dance. The Greeks themselves also loved it and often call it “Zorba’s dance” - in honor of the main character.
And the American Queen, who played the role of Zorba, was even awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Greece.

Sometimes you can see sirtaki performed in Greek national costumes, but this is only as a tribute to Greek culture as a whole.

Sirtaki is a wonderful example of the fact that even today it is possible to create a dance that will become a symbol of the unity of the nation.
So that it is not troubles and wars that contribute to the unity of the people, but dancing together in an embrace in the squares of cities and towns.))

The fiery dance of sirtaki is easily recognizable with its mesmerizing melody and graceful movements. We may forget the name, but the music can immediately transport us to Greece. Many consider the origin of sirtaki to be folk, but it has authors, one of whom is Anthony Quinn - American actor, who has Mexican roots, the other is the Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis.

Features of Sirtaki dance

Today the dance called “sirtaki” is associated with the national Greek culture. They perform it standing in one row, placing their hands on each other's shoulders. The melody sounds slowly at first, gradually picking up the tempo. The community of dancers and the clear rhythm are reminiscent of a ritual dance performed by warriors before battle. But is it a traditional folk dance?

First time on screen

The first time the sirtaki dance with amazing music appeared in the movie “Zorba the Greek” (1964). Main role– The Zorbas – performed by Anthony Quinn, who was nominated for an Oscar for this role.

The hero of the film meets the Englishman Basil, who is of Greek origin, who needs to take over the inheritance left to him in Crete. He arrives in Greece, where he meets Zorba, a smiling, cheerful and impulsive Greek, who immediately after meeting a foreigner offers to go to the island together.

Young guys have to get acquainted with the customs of the inhabitants of Crete - friendly and cruel. To complete the understanding of Greek culture, the sirtaki dance, taught by Zorba Basil, was introduced into the picture.

Movement and music

The heroes dance in the finale. Anthony came to the shoot with an injured leg, so he couldn’t make any sudden movements. Improvised movements had to be introduced into the dance choreography. The outstretched arms were drawn from national traditions, but I had to “shuffle” my feet along the sand, demonstrating a sliding-pulling step. Quinn “spotted” something similar from the Greeks in a dance he called “sirtaki”. It was taken from the ancient Cretan word for a special rhythm - “sirtos”.

The music was composed by Mikis Theodorakis.

Thus, the date of birth of sirtaki can be considered 1964, and its authors are Anthony Quinn and Mikis Theodorakis. But today no one bothers themselves with its history and appearance, taking sirtaki as a national cultural heritage of Greece.

Sirtaki - popular dance Greek origin, created in 1964 for the film Zorba the Greek. It is not a Greek folk dance, but is a combination of slow and fast versions of Hasapiko, an ancient butcher's dance. The Sirtaki dance, as well as its music written by the Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis, is sometimes called the “Dance of Zorba”. After the release of the film, sirtaki became the most popular Greek dance in the world and one of the symbols of Greece.

History of creation

In his memoirs, American Anthony Quinn, who played the title role in the film “Zorba the Greek,” recalls that the final scene, in which Alexis Zorba teaches Basil to dance on the beach, was supposed to be filmed on the very last day. However, the day before, Quinn broke his leg. When filming resumed a few days later, Quinn was able to do without the cast, but he was unable to dance as required by the script. The film's director, Michael Cacoyannis, was upset, but Quinn reassured him. “And I danced. I couldn't lift my leg up or down - the pain was unbearable - but I realized that I could drag it without much discomfort. Thus, I came up with a dance with an unusual sliding-pulling step. I extended my arms like in traditional Greek dances and shuffled across the sand.” Cacoyannis subsequently asked him what the name of this dance was. Quinn replied: “It’s sirtaki. Folk dance. One of the locals taught it to me.”

origin of name

According to Quinn's recollections, he came up with the name of the dance; perhaps in consonance with the name of an existing Cretan dance. "Sirtaki" - diminutive form Greek word"syrtos" which is common name for several Cretan folk dances. Syrtos is often contrasted with another Cretan dance style- pidichthos, which includes elements with jumps and leaps. Sirtaki contains elements of sirtos in the slow part and pidichthos in the fast part.


Sirtaki dance standing in a line or, less commonly, standing in a circle and placing their hands on the shoulders of their neighbors. The meter is 4/4, the tempo increases, and often in the fast part of the dance the meter changes to 2/4. Sirtaki begins with slow, smooth movements, gradually turning into faster and more abrupt ones, often including jumps and leaps.

Interesting Facts

In Peru, the sirtaki melody evokes negative emotions, since it is associated with a video recording of a meeting of the leaders of the terrorist organization “Shining Path”. In this recording, terrorist leader Abimael Guzman dances sirtaki with his clique.

Sirtaki's dance appeared in 1964 on the set of Hollywood movie"Zorba the Greek" The dance music was written by Mikis Theodorakis specifically for the film. The name was invented by Anthony Quinn, and the style of movements was changed by him to suit the character of his hero and the injury received on the eve of filming.

Thus, in acting and creativity, thanks to the professionalism and dedication of the film team, a miracle happened - a sunny, inspiring dance, full of joy and love for life.

historical roots

The movements of sirtaki are based on those of hasapiko, an authentic Greek folk dance. In it, 2000 years ago, warriors imitated (and trained) how to stealthily approach an enemy and defeat him in a fight. They achieved coordinated and silent movement, guiding each other only by touch.

This male character, decorated with harmony and naturalness of movements, hasapiko still retains.

an example of craftsmanship and style

Suite of Greek dances.
Ensemble of Igor Moiseev. Music by Mikis Theodorakis.

  • Male Zorba dance
  • Girls dance
  • General round dance
  • Men's dance in fours
  • General final dance

sirtaki on the island

We dance a circular version of the dance, which Gleb learned from Valery Stepanovich Tsapko-Sapko and which he later taught to everyone he met at Ostrov classes and parties.

During this time for different cases and different reasons for sirtaki appeared - to warm up, to exercise and just for fun. But the most fascinating impression occurs when sirtaki is performed in several concentric circles moving towards each other - just like sea ​​waves meet, break up and play with each other.


Dance music consists of two parts - slow and fast. But the tempo of the composition increases continuously, and the intrigue and jubilation of the dance also continuously increase.

No matter how many times we repeat this dance, it does not lose its power to fascinate with its movement and never ceases to please the participants with a pleasant, well-deserved victory in the final.

(mp3, 128 kbit, 44100 Hz, 3.84 Mb)

You may not remember its name, but the melody to which sirtaki is performed, as well as the dance moves, probably everyone knows. Sirtaki seems like something originally Greek, ancient, ancient. However, the dance, like the music for it, has very real authors - including an American Mexican descent Anthony Quinn.

"Zorba the Greek"

Sirtaki first appeared in final scene the film "Zorba the Greek", released in 1964. The film was based on the book of the same name by Nikos Kazantzakis and was directed by Michalis Cacoyannis.

According to the plot of the film, Basil, an Englishman of Greek origin, comes to Greece, his goal is to receive the inheritance that was left to him in Crete. He meets Zorba, a cheerful and cavalier local who convinces Basil to go to the island together. And then the heroes have to face the mores of the Cretans, who are both hospitable and cruel, and all this is accompanied by Zorba’s infectious smile and his eccentric, impulsive actions.
The main role in the film was played by Anthony Quinn, who was nominated for an Oscar for it. Quinn taught his on-screen friend, and with him the whole world, to perform sirtaki.

Leg injury and choreography

At the end of the film, Zorba shows Basil how to dance the Greek dance. The movements were predetermined by chance: on the eve of filming the scene, Anthony Quinn severely injured his leg - so that he could not make any sudden movements, as well as jumping and swinging his legs.

“And I danced. I couldn't lift my leg up or down - the pain was unbearable - but I realized that I could drag it without much discomfort. Thus, I came up with a dance with an unusual sliding-pulling step. I extended my arms like in traditional Greek dances and shuffled across the sand.”
Quinn later said that he learned the dance from the Greeks, and it is called sirtaki. "Sirtaki" is a diminutive form of "sirtos", and this is the name of the ancient dance rhythm in Crete.
The music for the dance was written by composer Mikis Theodorakis.

National dance?

Now, half a century later, sirtaki is already so strongly associated with Greek culture that its history fades into the background. The dance is also performed in ancient Greek costumes, like a similar one old dance"hasapiko" - which was performed by warriors before the battle. Sirtaki dance standing in a line or in a circle, placing their straightened arms on the shoulders of their neighbors. The tempo of the dance gradually increases - from very slow and smooth movements to sharp jumps.

Interest in sirtaki does not fade. In 2012, a record was set - at a special event organized in Greek Thessaly, 5,164 participants danced sirtaki simultaneously. Therefore, the brainchild of Anthony Quinn and Mikis Theodorakis has fully earned the right to be considered a national one.