Academic vacation for students. Grounds for academic leave

How to go on sabbatical leave while studying at a college or institute

Those students who want to go on vacation are wondering: how to go on sabbatical leave while studying at college or institute. Let's start with why they want to suspend their studies, there can be many reasons for this, but the most basic is the threat of expulsion, which appears after a large number of absences and debts. According to the law, it is possible to receive academic leave for three main reasons:

During the first semester, students can take academic leave only for health reasons, due to compulsory military service, or to care for a child under 3 years of age. From the second semester, students can also take academic leave at their own request. During an extended period of study, academic leave cannot be taken (with the exception of leave for child care and health reasons).

An application for academic leave should be submitted in free form addressed to the director of the college.

Is it possible to take part in academic work during academic leave?

During an academic leave, a student can take part in academic work, take exams and study as a guest student at universities in Estonia and abroad.

If a student is sent on academic leave, his registration for subjects and exams may be canceled upon application.

During an academic leave, a student is not transferred to the next year (course). The end of the student's nominal period of study is postponed to a later period according to the period of academic leave.

If a student studying at a non-budgetary educational place takes part in academic work during an academic leave, then he pays tuition based on the cost of a subject point or semester.

to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia

from 05.11.98 No. 2782

granting academic leave

1. Academic leave is a leave granted to students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education for medical reasons and in other exceptional cases (natural disasters, family circumstances, etc.).

2. If an academic leave is granted, its duration, as a rule, cannot exceed 12 calendar months.

3. Conclusion on the possibility of providing sabbatical from college academic leave for medical reasons is issued by a clinical expert commission of a state, municipal medical and preventive health care institution at the place of constant observation of the student, including the student clinic. In this case, the diagnosis of the disease is not indicated in the conclusion without the patient’s consent. In cases where medical care for students is provided by a health center, the conclusion can be issued by clinical expert commissions of state and municipal health care institutions, the structure of which includes this health center.

4. The decision to grant academic leave to students is made by the head of the educational institution. The basis for issuing an order is:

for medical reasons - the student’s personal statement and the conclusion of the clinical expert commission of the healthcare institution;

in other exceptional cases - a personal statement from the student and a corresponding document confirming the grounds for receiving academic leave, indicating the reason.

The basis for issuing an order for admission to the educational process of a student who is on academic leave for medical reasons is the student’s personal statement and the conclusion of a clinical expert commission of a health care institution.

5. Students on academic leave for medical reasons are assigned and paid monthly compensation payments in the amount of 50 percent. minimum wage in accordance with the Procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens (clause 1), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 3, 1994 N 1206 “On approval of the procedure for the appointment and payment of monthly compensation payments to certain categories of citizens” (Meeting Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995 N 29, Article 3035).

Educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education have the right to make additional payments to students on academic leave at their own expense.

The financial conditions for granting academic leave to students studying on a paid contractual basis are determined by the terms of the contract or additional agreement.

6. The provision of dormitories to students on academic leave is carried out in accordance with the housing legislation of the Russian Federation (Articles 109, 110 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation) and the Standard Regulations on student dormitories of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation, approved by a resolution of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated 05.31.95 No. 4 (clause 20) (Bulletin of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, 1995, No. 9, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on 07.13.95 No. 903).

7. The procedure and conditions for granting academic leave to foreign students studying at the expense of the federal budget are determined by the terms of intergovernmental and interdepartmental agreements concluded in accordance with paragraphs 71 and 72 of the Regulations on the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/05/97 No. 395 (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1997 No. 15, Art. 1796).

In other words, all students of these institutions (students, graduate students, adjuncts, residents, assistant trainees) can take advantage of this right if they have legitimate reasons. What should be the reasons for academic leave: a list As has already been said many times , the reasons for such leave must be compelling and legal. For example, you cannot take such a leave because of poor performance or simply because you need to take a break from studying. Moreover, all stated reasons must always have evidence, that is, they must be confirmed by authorized institutions. There may be different reasons for academic leave

  • For medical reasons. This reason is perhaps the most common.

Is it possible to take academic leave without a reason?

Academic leave is a solution to many problems.

On what grounds are academic leave granted to students?

Is academic leave paid? There is no specific payment for the academician, but at the same time, regardless of how long the academic leave is given, the accrual of required compensation and benefits will continue. Thus, a woman who gives birth to a child will receive a lump sum payment upon birth, and in the future she will receive a child care allowance for up to 1.5 years.

Upon receipt of a health academy, students are entitled to a monthly monetary compensation of 50 rubles for the entire duration of their stay at the academy. To receive the payment, an application must be submitted at the place of study.


Payment of compensation is made together with the payment of the scholarship. Is it possible to take an academic? with debts? Providing academic leave to students is the prerogative of the management of the educational institution.

Therefore, the question is how to get an academic degree. leave, having academic debts, remains open in each case.

The procedure for granting academic leave in the presence of debts


It is worth considering that if both parents, father and mother, are students, then both of them can apply to take AO.

  • Caring for sick relatives in a situation where there are no other family members nearby.
  • Unforeseen financial difficulties.

It is also worth noting the deferment from the army. If an academic leave from the university is taken for the first time, the student has the right to receive a temporary suspension from studies.

Documents for registration of academic leave for family reasons Providing academic leave to students is impossible without submitting the appropriate documents indicating the reason. The latter must be indicated in the application submitted to the dean's office by students for consideration by the rector.

In this case, it is necessary to attach documents confirming the difficult situation.

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Any Russian student in certain cases has the right to count on academic leave. This is a kind of support from the state, implying the availability of education to every citizen, regardless of his situation.
What is academic leave? Academic leave is a certain period of time free from study, which is provided to the student by an educational institution on an individual basis, while maintaining the place and conditions of study. To obtain it, you need a valid reason, documented, on the basis of which an application will be drawn up at the place of study.

How to get academic leave at the university?

To do this you need to present:

  • certificate 095у confirming the student’s temporary disability for 10 calendar days;
  • certificate 027у or an extract from the medical record extending 095у up to 30 calendar days.

Based on the information provided by the student, the medical commission will issue a medical report. The document will confirm the reason for temporary release from study and the period required for full recovery of health.
This is the most objective basis for academic leave for medical reasons. Typical cases and illnesses for academic leave are:

  • rehabilitation for any type of injury;
  • rehabilitation after a serious illness;
  • quarantine period;
  • pregnancy and childbirth.

It is possible to apply for health reasons not only of the student himself, but also of his close relative.

For what reasons are academic leave given?

The grounds for requesting administrative leave are:

  • medical indications (including pregnancy);
  • other exceptional cases.

The latter reasons include:

  • family circumstances;
  • trip abroad for educational purposes;
  • natural disasters (floods, hurricanes, war, etc.);
  • undergoing an internship that is not provided for by the university curriculum.

Family circumstances Family circumstances are the following situations:

  • Maternity leave (provided to care for a child whose age is not more than three years).

In this case, the management of the institution will independently decide whether the stated circumstance is valid. Application for academic leave: sample Many people, even knowing what an academic leave is and how to get it, do not know how to correctly fill out their application, without which no Of course, we won’t be talking about any kind of vacation. In fact, writing an application is very simple.

  1. On a standard sheet of paper at the top right, indicate the position, surname and initials of the person in whose name you are making the application (the head of the institution).
    You can also indicate the name of the institution itself.
  2. Next, you write your data. You must indicate the number of the group in which you study, the faculty, your last name and initials.
  3. Next, as usual, the word “Statement” is written in the center.
  4. Then the essence of the request is stated.

But in this case, you will have to confirm the need for leave with a number of documents, including medical ones.

  • During military service.
  • The application for academic leave in 2018 does not have a standard form. As a rule, special forms are developed by educational institutions.

    A request is submitted to the rector, indicating the following information:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the student, faculty of study, course, department, specialty;
  • reason for leave with supporting documents attached;
  • duration of the academy.

The management of the educational institution is not willing to grant academic leave with debts, but in some cases it can meet the wishes of students. The management of the educational institution is not willing to grant academic leave with debts. But in some cases it may meet the wishes of students.

For what reasons are they given academic leave and for how long?

Academic leave in the correspondence department. Part-time students are persons enrolled in higher education programs. Consequently, they are considered equal to full-time students and can take a break from their studies with the same rights.

Academic leave in the 1st year The law does not provide any restrictions regarding the stages of study. A break can be taken at any course, but the university administration pays special attention to first-year and fifth-year students and may refuse admission to the academy if there are insufficiently compelling reasons for a break. How many times can you take academic leave? How many times you can take academic leave is stated in paragraph 3 of Order No. 455 - an unlimited number of times. However, after the second time, the student may lose some privileges. Therefore, only the student must decide whether it is possible to take academic leave twice or whether one is sufficient.

For what reasons are academic leave given at the institute?

By order of the Ministry of Education, academic leave is granted to a student on the following grounds:

  • conclusion of a medical commission if there are medical indications;
  • summons to serve in the army;
  • other supporting documents.

To receive it, the student must be prepared to prove the occurrence of exceptional circumstances that do not currently allow him to continue his studies. Academic leave for health reasons The presence of medical indications implies the student’s incapacity for work, that is, the time when it is possible to take academic leave.

As a result, a special medical commission will be required, a referral for which can be obtained from the rector’s office.

For what reason are they given academic leave?

When studying at a higher educational institution, in exceptional cases, a student can take out an academic leave (AO). There are certain rules for its provision. They are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 2782 dated November 5, 1998. It provides not only the definition of the very concept of joint stock company, but also the grounds and procedure for obtaining it. Reasons for obtaining an AO The reasons why a student wants to obtain an AO must be sufficiently compelling. The decision is made by the rector of the educational institution, so there must be compelling justifications that are designed to convince management of the need for temporary suspension from studies.

Each of us experiences difficulties in life that are completely beyond our control. Any problems can occur in any person and there are no exceptions in this case. Students have the opportunity to wait out any negative events in their lives or get their health in order by receiving the required time off. This “respite” from studying and physical stress has its own name - academic leave. With the opportunity to take this necessary break due to justified circumstances, the guys seeking to get a profession are very lucky.

Academic leave can be taken by students studying at higher educational institutions or at institutions with a slightly lower level of accreditation. Usually, those students who have any obstacles in life ask to receive the above exemption from classes. Or those who need it for health problems. Most often, the reason for taking an academic leave can be pregnancy, some family circumstances, or a natural disaster.

Typically, this type of time off is given to students for a period of time from six calendar months to a year. But there are also exceptional cases in which academic leave can be extended to six years.

If a student applies for this type of exemption due to health problems, he will need a certain set of documents. It must contain the following documents:

  • a certificate, and its form is called “095/u”, which is given in connection with the student’s incapacity for work for a period of 10 days from the date of contacting specialists;
  • medical certificate form “027/u”. It confirms the presence of the disease specified in the certificate form 095/y, and also indicates the severity of the disease. The certificate indicates the time during which it lasts, as well as recommendations for exempting the sick person from attending classes and all kinds of physical activity;
  • The main document for temporary release is the conclusion of a special clinical expert commission. It draws its conclusion by considering all the tests the patient has undergone, contains information about the course of the disease, the course of treatment being carried out and whether it is advisable to grant academic leave to this person in this case.

The presence of all the above certificates and documents is a reason for the management of the educational institution to provide the student with the necessary and desired exemption. Of course, if the reason indicated by the student who applied is truly valid, and there is simply no other way out of the situation.

Of great importance for granting a student leave for the rector of the educational institution, of course, is the correct completion of all medical certificates provided to him by the student. As a rule, first the student submits the collected documents to the office of his educational institution, and this department, in turn, submits the received documents for consideration to the head of the educational institution, who, analyzing all the certificates received or the circumstances in the student’s life, satisfies the request to provide the student with the requested academic vacation. It can be a real life jacket in the life of any student. After all, situations are different, and it is a shame to interrupt studies due to current circumstances, because the student has already passed a certain stage of the educational process. That is why the rector usually treats such issues very carefully and with understanding.

Various situations happen in the lives of students. And sometimes there is nothing else left to do but take a sabbatical from the university. To whom and when can it be given and what is needed for this?

Grounds for academic leave and registration

You won’t be able to take an “academic vacation” just because you’re tired of studying. You need a good reason to go on vacation. This:

1. Medical indications. Injuries, exacerbation of chronic diseases, serious decrease in immunity, etc.

2. Family circumstances. Pregnancy, the need to care for a young child or a seriously ill or elderly family member, as well as a temporary inability to pay for education.

3. Conscription into the army. Full-time students receive a deferment for the period of study, but for part-time students this point is relevant.

To take an academic leave on one of the grounds, you must support the latter with documents: a certificate from a doctor, a commission’s conclusion about pregnancy and the inability to continue studying, a child’s birth certificate, a document confirming a difficult financial situation, etc. The documents are submitted to the university administration along with a statement describing the problem. The papers are then reviewed by the commission. The decision must be announced within 10 days from the date of submission.

When can you take a sabbatical from university?

The law provides for the opportunity to take academic leave at any stage of study. That is, both a freshman and a graduate can apply for it. The main thing is good reasons.

The maximum duration of leave is 2 years, but is usually given 12 months. Girls who give birth to a child can receive an additional 6 years - and this is the only exception to the general rules. The number of academic leaves for the entire period of study is not limited by law.

Some may think that taking a break is very easy. This is wrong. Even if there are good reasons, the commission will carefully study all the nuances, and it is far from certain that it will make a positive decision. In addition, you should remember that returning “to the mainstream” after an “academic” is always not easy, you will have to reconfigure. Therefore, training should not be interrupted unless absolutely necessary.