Independent assessment of the quality of education: modern challenges and best practices. Independent assessment of the quality of education: why it is needed, how it is carried out

(introduced by Federal Law dated July 21, 2014 N 256-FZ)

1. An independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by organizations carrying out educational activities (hereinafter referred to as organizations) is carried out in order to provide participants in relations in the field of education with information about the level of organization of work on the implementation of educational programs on the basis of publicly available information.

(Part 1 as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

2. In order to create conditions for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by organizations:

1) The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, upon an appeal from the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, no later than one month from the date of receipt of the said appeal, forms from among representatives of all-Russian public organizations created for the purpose of protection of the rights and legitimate interests of students and (or) parents (legal representatives) of minor students, all-Russian public associations of disabled people, public council for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by federal state educational organizations, as well as other organizations carrying out educational activities at the expense of budgetary allocations federal budget, and approves its composition. The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation informs the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, about the composition of the public council created under this body to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations;

2) public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, at the request of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, exercising public administration in the field of education, no later than one month from the date of receipt of the specified appeal are formed from among representatives of public organizations created to protect the rights and legitimate interests of students and (or) parents (legal representatives) of minor students, public associations of disabled people, public councils for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by state educational organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as municipal educational organizations, with the exception of municipal educational organizations in respect of which an independent assessment is carried out by public councils created under local governments, and other organizations located on the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and carrying out educational activities at the expense of budgetary allocations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and their composition is approved. The public chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation inform the government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that carry out public administration in the field of education about the composition of the public councils created under these bodies to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations;

3) public chambers (councils) of municipalities, at the request of local governments of municipal districts and city districts, have the right to form from among representatives of public organizations created to protect the rights and legitimate interests of students and (or) parents (legal representatives) of minor students, public associations disabled people public councils to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for educational activities carried out by municipal educational organizations, and approve their composition. Public chambers (councils) of municipalities inform local government bodies of municipal districts and city districts about the composition of public councils created under these bodies to conduct an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations.

(Part 2 as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

2.1. The composition of the public council for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations (hereinafter referred to as the public council for independent assessment of quality) is approved for a period of three years. When forming a public council for independent quality assessment for a new term, at least a third of its composition is changed. The public council for independent quality assessment cannot include representatives of state authorities and local governments, representatives of public associations operating in the field of education, managers (their deputies) and employees of organizations operating in this area. At the same time, the public council for independent quality assessment can involve in its work representatives of public associations operating in the field of education, the public chamber to discuss and formulate the results of such assessment. The number of members of the public council for independent quality assessment cannot be less than five people. Members of the public council for independent quality assessment carry out their activities on a voluntary basis. Information on the activities of the relevant public council for independent quality assessment is subject to posting on the Internet on the official website of the corresponding federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out state management in the field of education, local government of a municipal district or urban district. The regulations on the public council for independent quality assessment are approved by the state authority or local government body under which the said public council was created.

(Part 2.1 introduced by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

3. An independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations is not carried out in relation to educational organizations created in the penitentiary system, as well as in relation to federal state organizations carrying out educational activities, specified in Part 1 of Article 81 of this Federal Law.

(Part 3 as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

4. An independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations is carried out according to such general criteria as openness and accessibility of information about organizations carrying out educational activities; comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are carried out; friendliness and politeness of employees; satisfaction with the conditions for conducting educational activities of organizations, as well as accessibility of services for people with disabilities.

(Part 4 as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

5. Indicators characterizing the general criteria for assessing the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations are established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, with preliminary discussion at the public council for independent quality assessment.

(Part 5 as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

6. An independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by organizations is carried out by public councils for independent quality assessment no more than once a year and no less than once every three years in relation to the same organization.

(Part 6 as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

7. Public councils for independent quality assessment:

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

1) determine the lists of organizations carrying out educational activities in respect of which an independent assessment is carried out as provided for in this article;

2) take part in the consideration of draft documentation on the procurement of works, services, as well as draft state and municipal contracts concluded by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, those carrying out public administration in the field of education, local government bodies with an organization that collects and summarizes information on the quality of conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations (hereinafter referred to as the operator);

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

3) has become invalid. - Federal Law of December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ;

4) conduct an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by organizations, taking into account the information provided by the operator;

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

5) submit, respectively, to the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, local government bodies, the results of an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities organizations, as well as proposals for improving their activities.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

8. The conclusion of state and municipal contracts for the performance of work, the provision of services for the collection and synthesis of information on the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs. The federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, local government bodies, based on the results of concluding state and municipal contracts, formalize a decision on determining the operator, responsible for collecting and summarizing information about the quality of conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations, and also, if necessary, provide the operator with publicly available information about the activities of these organizations, generated in accordance with state and departmental statistical reporting (if it is not posted on the official website of the organization).

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

9. Lost power. - Federal Law of December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ.

10. Information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by organizations is posted accordingly:

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

1) by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, on the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions on the Internet;

2) executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, and local governments on their official websites and the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions on the Internet.

11. The composition of information on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations, including uniform requirements for such information, and the procedure for its placement on the official website for posting information about state and municipal institutions on the Internet are determined by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation authorities.

(Part 11 as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

12. The federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising public administration in the field of education, local government bodies provide technical information on their official websites on the Internet the opportunity for citizens to express opinions on the quality of conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

13. Monitoring compliance with the procedures for conducting an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by organizations is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Part 13 as amended by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

14. Heads of state and municipal organizations carrying out educational activities are responsible for failure to take measures to eliminate deficiencies identified during an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by organizations, in accordance with labor legislation. In employment contracts with the heads of these organizations, the performance indicators of managers include the results of an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for carrying out educational activities by organizations and the implementation of a plan to eliminate deficiencies identified during such an assessment.

(Part 14 introduced by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

15. The results of an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the implementation of educational activities by organizations are taken into account when assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the head of the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, senior officials (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power) of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation Federation and heads of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, heads of local governments of municipal districts and urban districts.

(Part 15 introduced by Federal Law dated December 5, 2017 N 392-FZ)

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”- N 273-FZ - regulates social relations that arise in the field of education due to the exercise by the population of the right to education. Provides state guarantees of freedoms and rights of people in the field of education and appropriate conditions for the realization of the right to education. Determines the legal status of participants in relationships within the framework of educational activities. Establishes the economic, legal, organizational framework of education in our country, the principles of state policy in the field of education, the rules of operation of the educational system and the implementation of educational activities.

The importance of the sphere of vocational education for the economy of any country is extremely great. The development of trade, economic, investment and scientific and technical potential of the country is impossible without the main resource component - highly professional personnel. In this regard, one of the key activities of the Russian Register is an independent assessment of guarantees of the quality of education, carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and taking into account international experience.

Many universities and colleges in the country have a long history, decades of developing culture, traditions and educational technologies that allow them today to offer the labor market graduates whose competence surpasses foreign specialists. Modern trends in the development of education and the labor market dictate requirements for educational organizations to improve the quality and accessibility of vocational education. In conditions of increasing levels of control and requirements for educational organizations from the state, the labor market and consumers, and demographic decline, educational organizations constantly have to prove their advantages.

The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education predetermines trends in assessing the quality of education - professional and public accreditation of educational programs and public accreditation of educational organizations.

On the basis of the Russian Register, there is an agency for assessing the quality of education, which offers services for assessing the conformity of the quality of education both at the institutional and program levels, with the requirements of international standards for management systems, European standards and recommendations for guarantees of quality of education ENQA, legislative requirements in the field guarantees of the quality of education.

The Russian Register offers educational organizations services in the field of independent examination of the quality of education:

  • certification of compliance of the quality management system with ISO 9001 requirements with international accreditation by RvA, a member of the International Accreditation Forum IAF, the International Network of Certification Bodies IQNet,
  • professional and public accreditation of educational programs in accordance with the requirements of Art. 96 Federal Law-273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”,
  • independent examination of the quality of education in accordance with the requirements of the standard of the Russian Register Certification Association, comparable with the European standards for guaranteeing the quality of education ENQA, the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001, national and international professional standards, associations of employers, the customer,
  • assessment of the compliance of information security management, management of IT services required during research and development work,
  • certification of the integrated management system for compliance with the requirements of 2 or more standards, incl. ENQA, professional standards,
  • personnel certification (qualifications),
  • integration of the above procedures – the opportunity to receive a comprehensive service, incl. using the transfer procedure,
  • training of employees of educational organizations.

Due to the fact that the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard for quality management systems are correlated with the requirements of European standards and recommendations for internal quality assurance of education ENQA, the Russian Register can carry out a combined procedure for assessing the quality of education.

The combined procedure for certification of the quality management system and professional and public accreditation of educational programs in the Russian Register will allow educational organizations to reduce costs (human, time, financial) for conducting the examination and obtain documents:

  • certificate of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard;
  • certificate of professional and public accreditation of the declared basic professional educational programs.

Goals and operating principles

In our work to assess the quality of education, we are guided by generally accepted goals and principles formulated by the professional community and the principles of quality assurance in the European educational space.

You can learn more about the main goals and principles of the Russian Register for assessing the quality of education in the section of the website “Goals and principles for assessing the quality of education.”

Basic documents

Institutional level of education quality assessment

Assessment of the quality of education at the institutional level in the Russian Register assumes:

  • independent examination of the quality of education in accordance with the requirements of the standard of the Russian Register Certification Association comparable with the European standards for guaranteeing the quality of education ENQA, the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001, national and international professional standards, associations of employers, the customer,
  • certification of compliance of the quality management system with the requirements of ISO 9001 with international accreditation by RvA, a member of the International Accreditation Forum IAF, the International Network of Certification Bodies IQNet,
  • certification of compliance of the management system with the requirements of various international standards
  • certification of the integrated management system for compliance with the requirements of 2 or more standards, incl. ENQA standards and recommendations.

Criteria for evaluation

  • The criteria for assessing compliance with management system standards are reflected in the requirements of the relevant standards.
  • The criteria for assessing compliance with the requirements for internal systems of quality assurance in education are reflected in the ENQA standards and recommendations, part 1.
  • The criteria for examining the quality of education (education quality assurance systems) are reflected in the requirements of the standard of the Russian Register Certification Association, comparable to the European standards for quality assurance of education ENQA, the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001, national requirements for education quality assurance systems, and require an assessment of the level of maturity education quality assurance systems.

Program level for assessing the quality of education (professional and public accreditation of educational programs)

Assessing the quality of education at the program level in the Russian Register involves conducting an accreditation examination of educational programs for the purpose of professional and public accreditation in accordance with the requirements of Art. 96 FZ-273 “On education in the Russian Federation”.

Criteria for evaluation

The criteria for evaluating educational programs are reflected in the requirements of the standard of the Russian Register Certification Association, comparable to the European standards for quality assurance of education ENQA, the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001, national requirements for the quality of educational programs, and involve an assessment of the level of maturity of the educational program.

Register of educational organizations that have successfully passed the assessment of the quality of education at the institutional level

The Russian Register has many years of experience in assessing the quality of education at the institutional level, i.e. assessment of intra-university quality management systems of educational organizations.

The register of certified organizations of the Russian Register contains more than 250 entries for educational and scientific organizations of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, including: National Research Technological University "MISiS", St. Petersburg State University of Transport, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI", Southern Federal University, South-Western State University, Kursk State Medical University, Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogareva and others.

Register of educational programs that have successfully passed professional and public accreditation

The register of educational organizations that have successfully passed professional and public accreditation of educational programs includes more than 50 educational programs, including educational programs of Kursk State Medical University, Mordovian State University named after. N.P. Ogareva, Vologda State University.

Benefits of the service for educational organizations

  • Strengthening the image of an educational organization in the market of educational and research services.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of the educational organization and the implemented basic educational programs in the educational services market.
  • Strengthening quality assurance and improving the quality of learning outcomes.
  • Certification by the professional community and employers of the compliance of the level of training of graduates and the conditions for the implementation of educational programs with modern demands of the labor market.

Advantages of cooperation with the Russian Register

  • Many years of experience in assessing intra-university quality management systems of educational organizations. The register of certified organizations of the Russian Register contains more than 250 entries for educational and scientific organizations of the Russian Federation and CIS countries, including: National Research Technological University "MISiS", St. Petersburg State University of Transport, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI", Southern Federal University, Southwestern State University, etc.
  • The Russian Register is included in the register of accrediting organizations and organizations carrying out accreditation examination of educational programs for the purposes of professional and public accreditation. The register was formed within the framework of the automated information system “Monitoring of Professional and Public Accreditation”, created by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in order to provide effective information support for the process of implementing procedures for professional and public accreditation of educational programs implemented in the Russian Federation.
  • The Russian Register is a full member of the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE - International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education) and the Asia Pacific Quality Network (APQN - Asia Pacific QualityNetwork), and also has affiliated status in the European Association for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education. Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) - global associations actively involved in theoretical and practical solutions in the field of quality assurance in higher education.
  • The Russian Register is included in APQR - the Register of Agencies of the Asia-Pacific Education Quality Network (APQN). The APQR Agencies Register is established by the Asia-Pacific Education Quality Network (APQN) and is a register of external quality assurance agencies that demonstrate their activities as meeting a certain level of maturity according to the APQR criteria, as confirmed through independent external peer review of the agencies.
  • The Russian Register has bilateral agreements with the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating of Kazakhstan (IAAR - Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating), the German agency FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation), the Agency for Science and Higher Education of Croatia (ASHE - Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education), which are full members of ENQA, and the ABMS Open University of Switzerland, which is accredited by foreign organizations that have affiliate status in ENQA.
  • Authority from the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs in the field of assessing the quality of education.
  • The opportunity to receive a comprehensive service by combining procedures for an independent examination of the quality of education, which will allow educational organizations to reduce the costs (human, time, financial) of conducting the examination.
  • The only certification body (among national and foreign ones) offering on the Russian market a unique set of international, national and industry accreditations and notifications, and providing clients with full recognition, both in Russia and throughout the world. Today, the clients of the Russian Register are more than 4,000 organizations located in Russia, the CIS, the Baltic countries and abroad.
  • The independence and objectivity of the Russian Register, as well as the competence of the staff, are confirmed by numerous national and foreign accreditations and recognitions, and the positive practice of many years of activity. More than 100 experts have been trained on the basis of the Russian Register to assess the quality of education and professional and public accreditation of educational programs.
  • An extensive network of officially registered representative offices of the Russian Register allows educational organizations to minimize the costs of travel expenses for experts, quickly coordinate work issues, provide methodological and information support, and attract qualified auditors from the nearest branches or representative offices located not only in the Russian Federation and the CIS, but also abroad .
  • The certification association “Russian Register” cooperates with the All-Russian industry associations of employers “SoyuzMash of Russia” and “ZHELDORTRANS” on the procedure for professional and public accreditation of educational programs.


National partners:

  • All-Russian industry association of railway transport employers "Zheldortrans";
  • All-Russian industry association of employers “SoyuzMash of Russia”;
  • Regional association of employers “Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the Leningrad Region”;
  • Association of Culinary Artists and Restaurateurs of the Sverdlovsk Region;
  • Regional association of employers “Union of Employers of the Rostov Region”;
  • Union "Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry";
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kronstadt;
  • All-Russian public organization "Russian Medical Association";
  • All-Russian public organization “For Quality Education”;
  • Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State Law University named after. O.E. Kutafina";
  • Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics";
  • ANOO VO "Interregional Institute of Economics and Law under the IPA EurAsEC".

International partners:

  • International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE – International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education);
  • Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN);
  • European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA – European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education);
  • Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating of Kazakhstan (IAAR – Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating, Kazakhstan);
  • German agency FIBAA (FIBAA – Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation, Germany;
  • Agency for Science and Higher Education of Croatia (ASHE - Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education, Croatia);
  • ABMS Open University of Switzerland.

Examinations and tests of students are an integral part of the educational process, which shows the student’s level of preparation in various subjects. For a child, any assessment of knowledge is almost always stressful. For a teacher, this is an indicator of his professionalism. One of the features of the modern educational process is that the quality of a student’s preparation is assessed as part of an independent assessment. This means that students write final papers in special conditions with observers.

The specifics of passing an independent assessment of the quality of student training are regulated by Article 95 and Article 95.1 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law).

“Independent assessment of the quality of education

1. An independent assessment of the quality of education is aimed at obtaining information about educational activities, the quality of training of students and the implementation of educational programs.

2. An independent assessment of the quality of education includes:

1) independent assessment of the quality of students’ training;

2) independent assessment of the quality of educational activities of organizations carrying out educational activities (Article 95 of the Law).”

“Independent assessment of the quality of student training

1. An independent assessment of the quality of students’ training is carried out at the initiative of participants in relations in the field of education in order to prepare information on the level of students’ mastery of the educational program or its parts, and to provide participants in relations in the field of education with information about the quality of training of students.

2. Organizations carrying out an independent assessment of the quality of training of students establish types of education, groups of students and (or) educational programs or parts thereof, in relation to which an independent assessment of the quality of training of students is carried out, as well as the conditions, forms and methods of conducting an independent assessment of the quality of training of students .

3. An independent assessment of the quality of students’ training is also carried out within the framework of international comparative studies in the field of education in accordance with the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations (Article 95.1 of the Law).”

In accordance with Article 28 of the Law, an educational organization must ensure the functioning of an internal system for assessing the quality of education, which allows obtaining objective data on the level of training of students. Diagnostics in school today is one of the main components of the educational process.

Such an assessment is carried out at the initiative of participants in educational relations in the field of education. Organizations that conduct such an assessment determine and specify the forms, methods of its implementation, etc. The issues of conducting student diagnostics are explained in detail by the Methodological Recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 04/03/2015 No. AP-512/02 (hereinafter referred to as the Methodological Recommendations recommendations).

The results of an independent assessment of the quality of education do not entail the suspension or cancellation of state accreditation or a license to carry out educational activities in relation to an educational organization. But based on the results of an independent assessment of the quality of student training, school ratings can be formed. On the Internet you can find information about the procedure and results of an independent assessment of the quality of student training.

The law established a provision according to which schools and students undergo independent assessment. Such an assessment makes it possible to improve the content and methods of organizing the educational process and the compliance of students’ achievements with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Based on the results of such an assessment, parents can choose the best place to educate their children and understand how well the child has mastered the educational program.

An independent assessment of the quality of student training is carried out in order to:

  • determining the conformity of the quality of student training;
  • identification of factors influencing the quality of children’s preparation at school, which includes features of teaching methods and techniques.
  • identifying the level of educational achievements of various groups of students;
  • identifying the dynamics of changes in the quality of training of students;
  • determining the degree of effectiveness of management decisions made (for example, when conducting a competitive selection of the best educational organizations, when distributing grants, personnel changes, developing a program for the development of the education system, etc.) at various levels of the education system (including the level of the educational organization);
  • creation of the necessary base of information and analytical materials for making management decisions at various levels of the education system (including the level of educational organization), aimed at improving the quality of training of students (Methodological recommendations).

Such an assessment is carried out by an organization subordinate to the education management body. Most often, such organizations are centers for assessing the quality of education in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Non-profit organizations whose activities have a social orientation and specialists with appropriate qualifications may also be involved.

It is the organizations that assess the quality of student training that develop methods and tools for conducting such an examination, developing examination materials, collecting and summarizing the data obtained, processing and analyzing information, testing tools for assessing the quality of student training. This organization also prepares reports and recommendations for teachers and parents of students.

The school, in turn, creates all the necessary conditions for carrying out such assessment activities, ensures openness and accessibility of information for all participants in the examination.

Diagnostics of the quality of training of students based on the results of the All-Russian verification work (based on the Letter of Rosobrnadzor dated 02.02.2017 No. 05-41 “All-Russian verification work”).

Last year, many schoolchildren participated in the All-Russian Test Work (hereinafter referred to as VPR) for the first time. At the end of this school year, students in grades 4, 5, and 11 will also be able to try their hand at this event in testing mode. These works are not final certification and are carried out by the school independently. VPR are developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and reflect the individual achievements of students. Parents can use the results of VPR to determine the development trajectory of their child. VLPs can become a parameter for assessing the student’s level of knowledge at the main stages of training.

The school takes part in the VPR of a particular student.

As an example of organizing an independent assessment of a student’s level of preparedness, one can cite the organization of such an examination in Moscow, as a subject of the Russian Federation.

The organization of city diagnostics of the quality of student training is carried out by the Moscow Center for Quality Education (MCQE). A single city-wide center that collects diagnostic data from students makes it possible to analyze the training results of all students in the city of Moscow, students of a particular school, class, and the dynamics of learning of an individual student. As a result, the teacher can build individual work with the student and find an individual approach to the student’s problems.

We should not forget that when building an internal system for assessing the quality of education, the school must take into account the standards and requirements of SanPiN (“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions”), according to which during the school day there is no More than one test should be carried out. Participation of schools in diagnostics for grades 1-3 is carried out only on a voluntary basis. All diagnostics in grades 1-3 are carried out by the school independently at a time convenient for it and without the involvement of external observers (as part of internal monitoring of the quality of education) using materials offered by the Moscow Center for Education.

Features of meta-subject diagnostics

It is very important for students to master during training those skills that are necessary for further successful training. For example, the ability to work with unfamiliar text, the ability to understand information presented in the form of diagrams, tables, the ability to solve problems in practice-oriented situations. the ability to perform certain logical actions. The education quality assessment system should include assessment of the level of development of both subject and meta-subject results. The tasks offered in meta-subject diagnostics are based on the context of different subjects studied in parallel. There cannot be a special subject for the formation of universal educational actions; these actions are therefore universal because they are formed and applied in the study of each field of knowledge.

The Fourth Annual International Conference of the Eurasian Association for Educational Quality Assessment (EAQA) “Independent assessment of the quality of education: modern challenges and best practices” was held (29-30, October, 2015, Kazan). Over 100 specialists in the field of assessing the quality of education from 28 regions of Russia and 5 CIS countries, representatives of regional education authorities, educational development institutions and agencies for assessing the quality of education took part in the work.

INDEPENDENT Assessment is one of the most discussed topics today in the field of assessing the quality of education. Various methods of independent (external) assessment of the quality of education - monitoring, ratings, surveys - are actively developing in Russia and other CIS countries. The importance of this topic in Russia is also determined by the fact that a year ago (July 21, 2014) Federal Law No. 256 on independent assessment of the quality of service provision by organizations in the field of culture, social services, health care and education came into force. The need to provide society with high-quality information about the results of educational organizations and the achievements of students is recognized in most CIS countries at the state level. In recent years, many projects and programs have been adopted for the development of independent assessment - both at the regional and state levels.

However, the problem of developing an independent assessment system remains relevant. The concept itself still causes a lot of debate: independent from whom? From educational authorities, educational organizations, professional associations? But today, methodological recommendations have been developed for organizing and conducting independent assessments of educational institutions, and assessment criteria have been approved. They were developed and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Whose interests should such a system serve? Who can and should conduct an independent assessment? The current law provides for the creation of public councils that should coordinate this work. But public councils are created under the ministry and their personnel are approved by the first person of the ministry.

And finally, how to treat the results of an independent quality assessment already obtained, who can use them and how? It is obvious that the structures created by state authorities conduct an “independent” assessment according to criteria also approved by state authorities, and use the results to make management decisions.

CONFERENCE was held with the support of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. At the opening, the head of the Department of Supervision and Control over the Activities of Executive Bodies of the Subjects of the Federation of Rosobrnadzor E.E. Semchenko noted:

We are faced with the task of creating a unified, optimally structured, logically complementary system of assessment procedures at both the federal and regional levels.

This task is justified by the fact that various forms of independent assessment have already been developed: monitoring, ratings, public surveys, public and professional-public accreditation. But the inconsistency of these procedures and lack of understanding of their goals and objectives leads to negative consequences on the ground. The correct use and interpretation of the results of an independent assessment, including the results of the Unified State Examination (given that this exam is conducted independently of schools and regional education authorities), is an issue that has been raised for the past fifteen years.

We still see terrible school ratings in the regions based on the average Unified State Exam score, without taking into account contextual information and socio-economic conditions. Until now, schools are compared, the innocent are punished, the innocent are rewarded. The second problem is the inconsistency in the actions of regional ministries of education, control and supervision departments and quality assessment centers. As a result, resources are ground up, to no avail.

Addressing the conference participants, E.E. Semchenko proposed using a risk-oriented model in the system of state control. For example, if an educational organization operates normally and there are no complaints against it, no inspections are carried out in such an organization in the next five years, and the assessment of activities takes place in a monitoring mode. And for foreign partners from the CIS countries, a proposal was made within the association to conduct an international comparative study of the quality of training of schoolchildren - similar to PISA. Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation has set the task of developing and implementing new tools for assessing the quality of education that are competitive in the international market. Within the framework of the FCPRO, according to the official, there are resources for this. And since it is not entirely correct to compare Russia with Singapore or Finland, comparative studies of the quality of training of schoolchildren in the CIS countries would be much more useful for improving the quality of education.

WITH EXPERT President of EAOKO V.A. reviewed existing approaches to the development of systems for independent assessment of the quality of education. Bolotov, starting with the fact that the term “independent assessment” is not yet established and can be defined as “the lack of connection between the assessing organization and the subject of the assessment.” The current Russian legislation stipulates the transfer of powers for independent assessment to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection: for culture, health care, and education. That is, evaluating the service from the consumer's point of view. And based on the results of such an assessment, ratings can be built. But can a linear assessment, such as a rating, be sufficiently objective? Obviously, objectivity can be achieved by a large number of measurements and evaluation criteria, as is done in monitoring. In addition, there should be a lot of monitoring and ratings themselves. And can an assessment carried out by (or commissioned by) government authorities be objective? Obviously, this ultimately leads to data distortion for the purpose of self-preservation of both the current situation and the managers themselves. It is also difficult to avoid the temptation to use the results of ratings to make management decisions: reward the first on the list, and punish the last.

Currently, the legislation provides for taking into account the results of professional and public accreditation during state accreditation: indeed, there is no need to check the same thing twice if the public can verify the fulfillment of state requirements. The creation of public councils for independent quality assessment is also prescribed, but their composition is approved by the first person of the ministry. How can independence of assessment be ensured in this case?

The president of the association proposed clear principles for creating an independent assessment system. The first is the voluntariness of undergoing procedures: if only such procedures are carried out by order or the results are supposed to be transferred to the hands of the ministry, we will not receive an independent objective assessment. The second principle is complete openness of information.

Open public databases are a substrate for the formation of an independent assessment. Let them be interpreted by whoever wants and how they want, but without taking this step, we will never receive an objective independent assessment,” emphasized V.A. Bolotov.

The third principle is the independence of experts, references in the professional community, who must be involved in cases where it is not so much about the analysis of statistical information, but about expert assessment. Propaedeutics of independent assessment will also be the inclusion of public representatives in all state assessment procedures. But only if these representatives are nominated by the public itself, and not by government agencies. And finally, to combat the imitation and profanation of the next campaign to create an independent system for assessing the quality of education, careful verification and verification of the data obtained as a result of such an assessment is necessary.

DISCUSSION strategic and methodological problems were continued by T.A. Mertsalova, leading expert at the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Her proposal is that it is necessary to consider the current law not as mandatory and restrictive, but as a designation of a field of possibilities, that is, a mandatory minimum is prescribed and there is a space of freedom, movement and development. If we strictly follow the letter of the law, then all educational organizations must be subjected to independent assessment.

In the law on independent assessment in the field of health, culture, social sphere and education, the object of assessment is the organizations providing such services. But in the case of assessing healthcare and cultural organizations, the subject of assessment is services, and for educational organizations - the quality of their activities. Education is more complex and multifaceted; it cannot be integrated into a standardized assessment system. The law prescribes two approaches: assessing the quality of students’ training, that is, educational achievements, and the quality of educational activities. But in both cases, the goal is to improve the quality of education. Not the quality of the service, but the quality of training of students and the quality of the organization’s activities. It is also important to think about who initiates, who carries out, and who pays for quality assessment procedures. What to do when the customer of an independent assessment, represented by the public, does not have the resources to conduct assessment procedures. It is good if the state supports public initiatives.

The problems of creating independent assessment systems and unbiased public councils, according to expert T.A. Mertsalova, are associated with the public’s unwillingness to become a full-fledged subject of independent assessment, the lack of open, reliable data and mechanisms for obtaining them (in many regions large volumes of both primary and analytical information have been accumulated, but access to them is limited), with inadequate use of quality assessment results and with on the part of managers, and on the part of consumers, primarily parents (for example, the outflow of students from schools that are not among the top leaders in the region).

N.V. drew the attention of the conference participants to important aspects of the topic under discussion. Tyurina, Deputy Head of the Department of Commercial Projects in the Field of Education and Social Sphere of the Rossiya Segodnya MIA. First of all, the term “independent assessment” itself, according to electronic and print media, as well as search engines, is used only in Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. Doesn't this mean that we ourselves create alternatives where they should not exist? Indeed, the legislation itself 1 distinguishes between the procedure carried out by public bodies and organizations and the procedures carried out by state governing bodies.

In the last twenty years, not only state, but also public assessment systems have been actively developing in Russia (and Kazakhstan). In the coming years, we can expect the emergence of an even larger number of independent non-state startups in the field of education and assessment of the quality of education, the intensification of public initiatives to assess the quality of the activities of institutions: like, say, regional and municipal projects already being implemented in the healthcare system to select the best clinic through popular voting.

Several reports were presented at the conference as examples of the development of effective startups in the field of assessing the quality of education. For example, the General Director of the Research Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Education (Yoshkar-Ola) V.G. Navodnova about a new tool for assessing learning outcomes - the Federal Internet exam for bachelor's degree graduates, or the director of the Open School educational center (Ufa) R.R. Abzalimov on conducting trial exams for school graduates and training seminars on adjusting the results obtained. A system for assessing the level of language education based on the example of using special tests in English was presented by A.A. Emakaeva (Education First company). An interesting experience in presenting the results obtained during the state final certification to the widest range of the public through an interactive system was proposed by the director of the Center for Information Technologies and Education Quality Assessment (Republic of Mari El) E.V. Komelina. The experience of creating regional systems for assessing the quality of education was presented by V.E. Fradkin (Regional Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education and Information Technologies of St. Petersburg), G.V. Golovicher (Regional Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug), B.V. Ilyukhin (Tomsk Regional Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers), V.A. Gutman (Ministry of Education and Science of the Astrakhan Region).

OPPORTUNITY self-assessment of potential, success and achievements is another prospect for the near future.

Having mobile devices, noted N.V. Tyurin, - anyone can get access to testing systems. No forms, no scanning tools, no special rooms or security systems are needed for this - you can complete this assessment yourself. Organizations will need methods for interpreting results, recommendations and applied solutions for adjusting self-learning.

Thus, the person himself should be interested in obtaining an objective independent assessment of his knowledge and experience. And not only at the school or university level, but also in employment and professional development. Representative of the country's largest employer, Rusnano, I.A. Waldman raised the question of a clear distinction between the initiators, as well as the principles, goals, methods and use of the results of two procedures - an independent assessment of the quality of education and the assessment of qualifications.

If you are a good doctor and come abroad, no one will allow you to practice medicine without passing a special professional exam, during which you must demonstrate what you can do in a real professional situation.

When assessing the quality of education, the quality of formal education is recorded for compliance with educational standards, and when assessing qualifications, knowledge, skills, but above all professional experience and the ability to perform professional tasks are recorded. Both the employees themselves are often interested in such an assessment - since this makes it possible to get significantly more paid work, and employers - since for large companies the presence of certified specialists is a necessary condition for participation in tenders.

These procedures should have one thing in common - non-departmentalism: independence from both the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Labor, except for the framework regulatory requirements. And society must evaluate the social services that the state provides, noted I.A. Waldman, concluding his speech.

ESSENTIAL It is important that the topic of the conference has gone beyond Russian practice and is of keen interest to specialists from neighboring countries. The fact that we have many common tasks and problems in assessing the quality of education was evidenced by the speeches of B.S. Shamshidinova (National Testing Center of the Kyrgyz Republic), L.A. Khudenko (National Institute of Education of the Republic of Belarus), K.S. Abdieva (National Testing Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan), S.F. Jafarova (National Testing Center of the Republic of Tajikistan). According to all conference participants, the work of the Eurasian Association for Educational Quality Assessment is in great demand, as it allows one to find constructive solutions to emerging issues and promotes the exchange of information and best practices.

Federal Law No. 256 on independent assessment and the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Art. 95 “Independent assessment of the quality of education.”