Stylist Vasiliev biography. The secret personal life of fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev: wife, children, sexual orientation

The widespread use of fast food and poor quality food, including genetically modified foods and the use of steroids in meat production, leads to fat deposition and the appearance of unwanted folds on the body. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity exacerbate this process. The lower abdominal muscles are the first to lose elasticity.

The lower abdomen is a problem area for many women, because it is much more difficult to tighten the muscles of the lower abs than the upper ones. Yes and in ordinary life the upper abs are involved much more often, so the fat folds in the lower abdomen form first. For a woman, it is much more important to remove the lower abdomen, since it is this that can spoil appearance in a tight dress even with a slender figure.

How to quickly remove lower belly fat?

You can remove the lower abdomen with both regular exercise and diet. The diet should be based on consuming as much protein as possible and minimizing carbohydrate intake. Protein is necessary for the growth and strengthening of muscles and for skin elasticity, and the beauty and tightness of the abdomen depends on this. It is also necessary to completely eliminate carbonated drinks and. Sugar is also not allowed during the diet. The basis of the diet should be fiber and low-fat protein. Fiber will help cleanse the intestines, and protein promotes the growth of muscle tissue, in the mitochondria of which fat is converted into energy. Therefore, the more muscle mass body, the more and easier fat is burned


In order to remove and tighten the lower abdomen as quickly as possible, exercises need to be supplemented with a diet. You don’t have to rack your brains over which exercises to remove the lower abdomen; the set of exercises given below is aimed at working specifically the lower abs and takes only 10 minutes to complete. must be performed regularly, preferably daily.

Exercises to remove lower belly

In order to remove the lower abdomen as effectively as possible, during exercises, do not just monitor the tension of the abdominal muscles, but pull them inward.

Exercise 1

Lie on the floor, press your lower back to the floor, arms along your body. Raise your legs straight and point your toes out. Lower and raise your legs alternately. Try to perform the exercise at a fairly fast pace and do not touch the floor with your feet.

Exercise 2

Lying on the floor, bend your knees, left hand press it to the back of your head. Right hand reach toward your left hip, lifting your right shoulder off the floor. Squeeze your stomach in during the exercise. Then repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercise 3

Lie on your side, place your hand on the floor, legs bent. Raise your hips as high as possible off the floor and then lower. Try to maintain balance and pace of the exercise. Don't forget to tighten your abdominal muscles.

Exercise 4

Sit down, bend your knees. Slightly tilt your back back until you feel the tension in your abdominal muscles, and twist your body left and right.

Exercise 5

Lie on the floor, lift your legs straight up. Raise your body and perform springy movements up and down, reaching for your feet with your hands.

Exercise 6

Sit on the floor, place your hands on the floor and lift your hips. The body is straight, emphasis is placed on the hands and heels. Perform leg swings. During the exercise, pull your stomach in as much as possible.

Exercise 7

Lie on the floor, raise your knees bent. Lower your legs one at a time, touching the floor with your toes. Watch your abs.

Exercise 8

Sit on the floor, pull your legs towards your chest. Lean your back back and stretch your legs at the same time. Try to get as low as possible. Retract your abdominal muscles as much as possible.

Fat that surrounds the lower abdomen ruins the lives of many people. It appears quickly, and not everyone can get rid of it. This part of the body is difficult to influence and does not work at all when performing habitual actions and movements. To remove the “apron”, a specially developed approach is required, which will combine several methods.

To achieve a flat tummy, you need to start by reviewing your daily menu. Nobody forces you to eat dry buckwheat or live on kefir. Diet dishes, prepared at home, are in no way inferior to the usual delicacies. Adverse consequences cause preponderance in the direction of at least one of the components of the BJU. What it is? It is a combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in foods.

A large amount of fat inhibits the process of processing incoming food and contributes to the formation of excess deposits on the waist, sides and thighs.

You can check whether there is an excess in a simple way– drink some water and monitor your body’s reaction. Fat cells contribute to bloating and swelling. Warn these unpleasant consequences Diet and drinking plenty of fluids will help.

So, to get rid of an unsightly lower belly, you need to add to your life physical exercise for weight loss and develop the right diet. Make it a rule to eat after 6 pm and forget about snacks. An important meal of the day is breakfast. It should be satisfying and tasty in order to overcome the desire for something to drown out hunger between main meals. Plus, it makes the body wake up and starts metabolic processes. Don’t be afraid to eat more, since everything that enters the stomach at this time is burned without a trace within days. Absolutely nothing goes into reserves.

If you feel a pang of hunger after breakfast, don’t tolerate it. For a snack, use vegetable or fruit salad, yogurt, kefir. No flour products! They invariably go into fat on the sides and lower abdomen.

For lunch, eat dishes based on vegetables, fish, chicken breast or other dietary meat, pasta, buckwheat and rice. As a cooking method, choose steaming, baking in the oven or grilling, or simply boiling.

Make dinner light so that it has time to digest before bed. You can have salads or low-fat dairy products, stewed vegetables, etc. Avoid carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Eat 3-4 hours before going to bed at night. If you starve, instead of losing weight below, you will slow down your metabolism and gain extra pounds.

Sports to combat abdominal problem areas

To reduce the lower part and remove the “apron” you need to choose the right type physical activity, which will effectively load this area and burn fat. Best in this issue Yoga, swimming pool, bodyflex, water aerobics are considered. Bodyflex breathing exercises for weight loss specifically target the problem area. You can do it in the gym with a trainer or on your own at home. There are some difficulties in the technique, but they are quickly learned. The first results of daily exercises are noticeable after a week - the area below the navel is tightened and noticeably reduced.

Quickly remove excess fat An amazing projectile called a hula hoop will help with the lower abdomen and sides. This is an analogue of a hoop, but with additional load or massage elements. Just 10 minutes of twisting exercises a day will significantly improve your figure in a short time. During the first few sessions, there may be some bruising on the skin. It is not dangerous to health.

Exercises for losing weight in the lower abdomen:

To perform them, you need to master the breathing technique:

  1. Inhale oxygen through your nose, filling the entire volume of your lungs.
  2. Now exhale sharply through your mouth, every last drop.
  3. Pull your abdominal wall under your ribs and hold this position without breathing for 8-10 seconds.

#1 Take a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and rest your hands on them. Exhale all the air from your lungs and tighten your abs. Place your right lower limb to the side, and extend your arms above your head and tilt them to the left. You should feel a strong tension below. We count to 8 and change sides. Perform 3-4 times on the bottom for each side.

#2 Lie on your back. Inhale, exhale, tighten your stomach. Raise your legs a short distance from the floor, with your toes pulled up. Begin to separate and contract your limbs by performing the scissors exercise. A total of 10 crossings, 3-4 circles.

#3 Effectively get rid of tight bottoms and achieve general weight loss Partial lifts will help at the waist. Lie on your back and bend your knees. Raise your arms straight up. We retract the abdominal wall through breathing exercise and tear the body to the maximum height from the floor. Hold your breath for 8 counts and slowly return back.

To work your oblique muscles, do bent-over exercises on the left and right sides.

No. 4 You can achieve a rejuvenating effect and quickly remove skin and fat from the lower abdomen using a simple “Cat” task. Get on your knees, rest your elbows on the floor. Gently draw in and inflate the abdominal wall.

Perform this complex for half an hour every day and in a week you will see the amazing results of your work in the mirror. Remember that after each workout you need to drink warm green tea or water. The volume of clean liquid per day should reach 1.5-2 liters.

Additional ways to accelerate fat burning

To quickly burn deposits on your waist at home, remove sides and loose skin, perform exercises together with wraps and massage.

This will require cling film, warm cloth, blanket or towel and several mask recipes.

No. 1 Pour 300 ml into a container. still mineral water and verbena essential oil in the amount of 3 pcs. Rub the resulting elixir thoroughly down the abdomen using massage movements.

No. 2 Dilute blue or red clay with hot or cold water until it becomes a paste and apply to the skin. By performing exercises with mud wraps, you will lose weight in your waist, remove your sides and burn excess fat.

No. 3 Nettle mask helps to quickly get rid of the pressing problem. Place 20 grams in a glass. dry herbs and pour boiling water over it. Let the tincture stand for 10 minutes, and then moisten the gauze generously in it. Fold the fabric in several layers and wrap the bottom. It is more convenient to do this in a lying position.

No. 4 Mix low-fat heated cream in the required volume with 20 g. honey and the same amount of dry yeast. After 20 minutes, add 5-7 drops of verbena and geranium oils to this mass.

All recipes should be used strictly under film. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to do a scrub of sea salt or coffee grounds and a warming pinch massage before the procedure.

Physical exercises at home in combination with proper nutrition and masks will help remove fat from the lower waist, reduce the sides and get rid of problems with clothing.

Those who are losing weight are often faced with such an intractable problem as fat in the lower abdomen. This problem is difficult to correct and requires a lot of effort. In addition, a woman’s body is designed in such a way that the accumulation of fat in the lower abdomen is a physiological necessity and the norm.

How to remove lower belly: nutrition

How to remove the lower belly? First of all, you need to review your diet. We need to watch what we eat and drink. The balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be established. An overweight towards one of the substances is fraught with adverse consequences.

If there is an excess of fat in the body, the digestion process is inhibited. If you overdo it with carbohydrates, then due to excess fluid retention in the body, you will have swelling. Excess protein can cause bloating. If the body experiences an acute lack of fiber, then waste substances cannot leave it.

How to quickly remove lower belly fat? People often confuse the simple feeling of thirst with hunger. To check this, just drink some water. Even slight dehydration of the body leads to moisture retention and bloating. Regular and abundant drinking acts as a flushing agent, preventing constipation and gas formation. To avoid gas formation, avoid carbonated drinks, which increase carbon dioxide levels in the body.

Women who fight overweight, often fall for this trick: they purchase products that say “no added sugar.” But it contains sugar in the form of artificial sweeteners. They are quite difficult to remove from the body, causing gas formation.

The cause of an enlarged abdomen may also be excess incoming air. To avoid this, you need to stop swallowing large pieces, drinking quickly and greedily, talking during meals, drinking drinks through a straw.

To remove the lower abdomen and sides, use the following methods:

  • eating foods with probiotics. This beneficial bacteria which strengthen the immune system and help digestion;
  • adding ginger to food;
  • drinking herbal tea with chamomile, fennel, mint, hot water with lemon.

How to remove lower belly: sports

How to remove the lower belly? To do this, you must play sports. The workout below takes half an hour, but must be done daily. First you need to bend your torso forward twenty times until your back is parallel to the floor. The arms can be fixed on the sides or allowed to hang freely along the body. Then make twenty circular movements with your hips. Remember to pull your stomach in during the exercise. Then perform 90 jumps.

How to quickly remove lower belly fat? Below we give you the main complex.

The first exercise is called vertical scissors. You need to lie down on the floor. We press our lower back to the floor, and place our palms under our buttocks. We raise both legs up, while maintaining a right angle. Then we lower our right leg into at a slow pace down, while the left leg remains unchanged. We return the right leg up and make the same movement with the left leg. We perform twenty repetitions for each leg. Once completed, stand up and perform ten jumps.

Next, we perform an exercise called rock climbers. We take an emphasis as if we are going to do push-ups. We tear off the right leg and bend it at the knee joint. We quickly pull the knee to the chest and return to the starting position. We do the same with the left leg. We try not to bend the lower back, and not to stretch the buttocks upward. We repeat the exercise twenty times and perform jumps again.

The next exercise is the fold. We sit on the floor, put our hands behind our backs and rest on the floor. We quickly move our knees to our chest, twisting using muscle strength. We move at the same time: body - to the legs, knees - to the chest. We return to the starting position, straighten our legs, but do not place them on the floor. We do twenty repetitions and jump.

Next we perform leg lifts. We sit on a chair, straighten up and draw in our stomach. We rest our hands on the edge of the seat. We bend our legs in knee joints and pull it to the chest. We do not tilt the body, we work only with the force of the abdominal muscles. We make twenty climbs and jump again.

How to remove the lower abdomen: a complex for men

How to remove a man's lower belly? To do this, you need to perform lower abdominal exercises. However, during such training, the entire rectus muscle is included in the work. Below we present a complex, the exercises in which are arranged in order of execution. So, how to remove a man’s lower belly? You need to train four times a week.

Reverse crunches - you need to lie on the mat, place your palms on the floor and raise your legs straight. We bend them at the knee joints and curl up. In this case, the abs should be pulled in and tense. We perform fifteen repetitions in four approaches.

Next is the bike. We lie on the floor, clasping our hands behind our heads. At the same time, we raise our left leg, bent at the knee joint, and stretch our right elbow towards the knee. The abs are tense and drawn in. We return to the starting position. For each side we perform twelve times in four approaches.

The next exercise is V-shaped crunches. We lie down on the mat, raise our legs a little, and stretch out our arms. At the same time we raise our legs, arms, and torso. We try to reach our feet with our hands. We try to perform the exercise at a slow pace. We perform ten repetitions in four approaches.

Next come simple twists. The exercise is similar to the previous one, but the legs are bent at the knee joints. We try to touch our legs with our hands, keeping our abs tense all the time. We perform ten repetitions in four sets.

How to remove the lower abdomen: other methods

To remove the lower abdomen and sides, try to avoid as much as possible stressful situations. After all, stress provokes weight gain, since in this emotional state I want to eat more than is necessary for the body.

How to remove the lower belly? Try to always be in good location spirit, motivate yourself. To this end, reward yourself with purchases and prizes for every kilogram you lose. How will you be more enthusiastic and diligent about taking care of yourself and doing own body, the faster the result will appear. Firm belief, training and nutrition will quickly lead to your goal.

How to quickly remove lower belly fat? Give yourself body wraps, take a shower with a scrub, use cosmetics with salts and seaweed. Everything together will give an excellent result. And remember that if you have a motivated and clear goal, then you will definitely achieve it!

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Alexander Vasiliev - world famous theater artist, interior designer, as well as art and fashion historian.

Alexander Vasiliev was born on December 8, 1958 in Moscow in the famous theater family. His father, folk artist Russia, Alexander Vasiliev Sr. (1911 - 1990), corresponding member of the Academy of Arts, creator of sets and costumes for more than 300 productions in Russian and foreign stage. Mother, Tatyana Vasilyeva - Gulevich (1924 - 2003), dramatic actress, professor, one of the first graduates of the Moscow Art Theater School.

Since childhood, Alexander Vasiliev was brought up in theatrical environment. At the age of five, Alexander created his first costumes and sets for puppet theater, at the same time he took part in the filming of children's programs on Soviet television "Theater Bell" and "Alarm Clock". His first fairy tale performance "The Wizard" Emerald City" designed at the age of 12, showing extraordinary abilities for theatrical design and costume creation.

Particular influence on young artist He set the example of his father, not only a classical decorator, but also the creator of stage costumes for Lyubov Orlova, Faina Ranevskaya, Igor Ilyinsky. At the age of 22, A. Vasiliev graduated from the Production Department of the Moscow Art Theater School. Then he worked as a costume designer at the Moscow Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. In 1982 he moved to Paris, where he immediately began working for French theater Ronde Pointe on Champs Elysees, at the Bastille Opera Studio, Lucerner, Cartoucherie, Avignon Festival, Bale du Nord, Young Ballet of France and Royal Opera Versailles.

Alexander Vasiliev - creator of sets for operas, theatrical productions, films and ballets for many famous theaters and troupes For example, they collaborated with him National Theater in London, Scottish Ballet in Glasgow, Royal Ballet of Flanders, Oya Masako Ballet in Osaka and Asami Maki Ballet in Tokyo, Nevada Ballet, Santiago Opera and Ballet Theater and many others. More information about this facet of A. Vasiliev’s work can be found in the “Performances” section ".

Alexander Vasiliev lectures in 4 languages ​​at many colleges and universities around the world as a visiting professor on the history of fashion and stage design. Alexander Vasiliev is the owner of one of the largest private collections of costumes from the Russian period. Alexander showed this collection in many countries of the world - in Australia, Chile, Turkey, Hong Kong, Belgium, Great Britain, France and other countries. Awarded for the promotion of Russian art with the S.P. medal. Diaghilev, the V. Nijinsky medal, the Order of Patron and the Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts. Twice winner of the Tobab Prize in Turkey.

Alexander Vasiliev is the author of the book “Beauty in Exile”, which went through six editions - in 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005. - and translated into English language in New York in 2000. In 1998, Beauty in Exile was named best picture book of the year. He is the author of the book "Russian Fashion. 150 Years in Photographs", which contains more than 2000 photographs dedicated to the history of Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet fashion, starting from the 50s of the 19th century and ending beginning of the XXI century. The book contains texts from fashion magazines different eras, fragments of interviews with fashion models, famous people, film actresses, fashion designers. How social, political and economic reasons influenced the nature of the clothes of the Russian people, how the silhouette and fabrics were modified, how the canons of beauty were formed, posture, facial expression and sparkle in the eyes changed - this is the range of issues discussed in the book. According to the author, he intends to later publish this work in New York, “since they know nothing about Russian fashion not only in Russia, but also abroad.”

Alexander Vasiliev is co-author of the book "Lyudmila Lopato. The Magic Mirror of Memories." Zakharov, Moscow, 2003. Alexander Vasiliev worked for the Russian editions of Vogue and Harper's Bazaar magazines as a special correspondent in Paris.

Since 2002, Alexander Vasiliev has been on the Kultura TV channel as the author and host of the program “Blow of the Century”. This series is based on the book "Beauty in Exile". In 2005, the Kultura TV channel will begin broadcasting a new 10-episode television series, “Blow of the Century - 22,” based on the book “Russian Fashion. 150 Years in Photographs.” Since 1994, Alexander Vasiliev has devoted a lot of time to master classes and lecture courses at Russian universities and colleges. Since 2000, under the leadership of Alexander Vasiliev, the fashion festival “Volga Region Seasons of Alexander Vasiliev” has been held in Samara.

In October 2003, the design studio “Interiors of Alexander Vasiliev” opened in Moscow. The goal of the new project is to present the rich Russian tradition in Parisian gloss. In Russia, Alexander Vasiliev lectures at the faculty of "Management and Fashion Theory" in Moscow state university, in lecture halls in Samara, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Vladivostok, Ufa, Perm, Barnaul, Murmansk and many other cities.

In February 2004, the exhibition “Russian Interior in Photographs” was held, at which Alexander Vasiliev presented 55 rare photographs, never previously published or exhibited, dedicated to the theme of Russian interior design of the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. This prolific author plans to create a book about Russian interior design.